What's better movie: A Serbian Film or Major League?

What's better movie: A Serbian Film or Major League?

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I honestly want to murder you, dead serious

Major League dude. Shit is fucking hilarious. I saw it in the theater twice.

If I pull her bag, would she die?

It would be an extremely shitty thing to do.

that's a big bag of shit

And it's all for you :3

Lol triggered.

If I pull that horsecock out of her mouth will she die?

Unlike your pudding faced autist Marg doesn't fart or have a shitty ass to wipe. Stay jealous.



Sup (((Laura))) pls keep on topic this is a movie bread k thanx.

Is that real? (the post)
Loomer is such a butthurt jewess if true.

Oh snap! Laura brings the bantz.

Brings the samefagging and anchoring too.
But you're not BO huh.



Is that real? That must suck to deal with.

Yup just like jewtube, faggots like

and (((rebel media))) Marg triggers certain people. Embed related is what upset the horsefaced kikess: a thoughtful and politely presented criticism of sjw tier reactionaryism. They even had to scrub the sound on the fucking mirror.

Nice taste in men you got there, homo.

Lel. Stop leaving your own posts up when you delete the replies and it will be less obvious, dipshit.

That's rich coming from you.

wew tbh lads

This isn't the Lovecraftian horror thread.

oh, you

See IAs vid she's an opportunistic shill who only defended trump for victimshekels to spend on plastic surgery. Still looks like a horse anyway, jennay would be all over that.

Could you be any more of a salty faggot?


You're all fags.

Remember this thread?
where you called her a shitbag whore then deleted my reply (but left your own post up) then after I reposted a few times you got so salty you permab&?
Put your trip on faggot.

I like this e-celeb.