Why does everybody laugh? What's so funny about it?

Why does everybody laugh? What's so funny about it?

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What is the deal with the Benoit murders? Who had Chris so scared in his last phone call. Who drugged and murdered the family? What was Vince so desperate to cover up?

He killed his family or they were murdered and then killed himself or was murdered as well. Where is the joke?

her wife lost to him in a wrestling match lol
son got btfo too

There is no joke. He was drugged and his wife and child murdered before his unconscious body was hung. He was on the phone moments before it happwned terrified of something.



I am going to need a rooster, pound of salt, pound of bone meal, bible, crucifix, a razor, a bottle of rum(cheapest possible is best) a cigar, some honey cakes, and a young girl not yet married. You can bargin with the rude uncle and get an estimate.

Vince had it done?

No one knows. Vince definitely covered up a bunch of the facts. It's debatable as to whether he was trying to hide involvement, or if he was just carrying out his same coverup strategy he has been using since Jimmy "Super Fly" Snooka murdered his wife. Vince covered up that and many other things to protect the company and the business.

The difference here is how much, how thouroughly, and how consistently he has tried to cover up the Benoit murders. Vince has been way more sloppy in everything else he has done but this.

What happened on that cold Canuckistani night?

Fuck Kevin Sullivan.

Kevin Sullivan might be in bed with (((them))) and they killed Benoit to do him a favour and to also pacify WWE. Perhaps kill a masculine sport/show overnight with one tragedy. It was 2007 as well, the year a lot point to for when the cancer really ramped up,

I was at my parent's for cocktail hour a few weeks ago. Over some cigars and bourbon I suffered a very long and tedious analysis of the Asian commondities market and what that meant for international relations between India and China until the year 2007 was brought up. My mother proceeded to enumerate a list of socual, technological, and political trends that were birthed that year. We then discussed the dark gestation those trends were nutured under in that quasi-nihilistic joi de vivre that was the post 9/11 jingonistic fervor over some Leyden and Reisling.

Shari left Sullivan because Sullivan was beating her. The murders make no sense, but then Benoit had brain damage from doing the flying head butt too many times.

Benoit is still probably the best wrestler not named Hart. I don't know of anyone else who could or cna work matches like that.

be still

what did Our Lady Peace mean by this?

Is that one of the guys from the gay S&M porno the Japs think is so funny?

gonna need you to elaborate

Benoit was just another victim of Elliot Rodgers syndrome.

Dave Meltzer's opinion in wrestling is always questionable but how the fuck does his opinion matter in a murder? Fucking smarks.

He left also along with his other crusierweight friends who were stuck in the crusierweights and were unhappy of not being anything beyond that. Kevin Sullivan tried to appease them, even booking Benoit to beat Sid Vicious for the WCW World Heavyweight title against the protest of everyone else backstage. Benoit won but left the WCW the next day. This all happened when Chris and Nancy were together.

Defend this Benoit marks.

He is talking about gachimuchi wrestling

No that is Chris "The Canadian Crippler" Benoit "Balls". His home was broken into and he was drugged while his wife and son were murdered. He was then hung.

Niggers talk out of their ass constantly. Have you ever had the misfortune of knowing or working with niggers? Anything they think they can get away with lying about they will. Not even shit that matters just boring pointless lies.


He wasn't a murderer though and niggers are prone to confabulation.




Why does everybody boo? What's so dislikable about it?

What if we try memeing Chris Benoit sightings into happening? Like those sightings of Elvis, Kurt Cobain, or Tupac?

What not just trying exposing the truth? A murder plot and coverup by a multi million dollar internationally traded corporation would cause a lot more chaos than some weekly world news tier tabloud trash that serves to further reinforce the tinfoil narrative of the underside of society.


Get a load of this mark. Do you think Lita really miscarried too?

True, but I think that Chris actually still being alive would add further confusion and hysteria to the fire, especially if they were to spill the beans on the industry

Dude Chris totally murdered his family. Listen and believe to Vince Shekelberg. Also this is real.


Kane used to get all the best storylines: this, the one where he fucked a corpse, the one where his brother comes back from the dead and kicks his ass…

Member when wwe used to be fun?

it's pretty fun now. there's Breezango, the New Day, Drew Gulak, Miz and his cronies…

Yep and the only one with actual talent in that group was Eddie Guerrero who was bland as fuck at the time and took 3-4 years until he adopted the thieving-mexican gimmick.

The biggest mistake WCW ever did was trying to appease these midgets. Sacrificing a big monster like Sid Vicious to Benoit was just ridiculous. The WWE made the same mistake later on when they had Benoit beat Triple-H and HBK. Coincidentally both title-wins marked the declines of both companies.

Breezeango I will give you, fashion files is top tier wrastlino. Nigger Day is boring, obnoxious, and way overplayed their gimmick.
The Miz is obnoxious shit. Not fun heel obnoxious that you can't wait to see get busted up. Boring tedious nothing segments just like his boring tedious nothing matches. The only time his shit talking has ever been mildly entertaining was the worked shoot on talking smack where he called out DBry.

Also the Miz Ziggler KFC commercial was pretty damned good.

The whole roster consists of faggots though.

Yep, i remember the time Undertaker and Kane shot lighting and fire against each other. Good times.

Proof? Also maybe that was after he killed his family and he was "terrified" because he was psychotic.

Or Austin whipping McMahon's ass with a bedpan before caving him with some sorta medical device.

Attitude era was fun. Just good old fashion fun.

1) Chavo Guerrero – a close friend of Benoit- told WWE magazine that he talked to Chris for while on Friday night on his house phone. About 45 minutes into the conversation, Chris told him that there was somebody knocking at his door and he was going to see who it was. Shortly after Chris answered the door, there was a “scuffle” and then his house phone line went dead. Chris could only be reached on his cell phone about 3 hours later. This is very significant. This explains why there was no forced entry. Chris let the killer or killers in.

2) After Chavo reached Chis on his cell phone, he said that Chris sounded very odd, groggy and tired. He also said that Chris told him “I Love You Chavo” which sounded forced. The WWE also said that when Chris called in and told them that Nancy and Daniel were sick he did not sound like himself. He sounded groggy. Chris then said “I Love You” which they say was out of context because he usually didn’t say this.

3) Chris Benoit’s cell phone is missing. The police cannot find his cell phone or the needles they say Chris used to inject himself with steroids shortly before he died. The police have turned his cell phone off.
4) Chris was not hanging from the weight machine, he was laying on the floor underneath the machine. Another officer said that Benoit was “slumped” against the weight machine.

5) There was a white cloth wrapped around Chris’ neck. If he was so suicidal why would he care if his neck was bruised?

6) The medical examiner says that Chris Benoit died on Saturday. The text messages were sent on Sunday. Chris was already dead so who sent the text messages? It is noted that nobody talked to Chris on Sunday.

7) The steroids found in Chris’ house were not in his body.

8) If Chris’ had murdered his family then why did he need to text people? Think about it. Everybody was dead. Nobody would hear him talking so why text? Calling would have been easier. (I believe the killer text Benoit’s address to get somebody to come to the house to find the bodies)

9) Chris sent Chavo a text message telling him his address. Why would he do this? Chavo already knew were Chris lived. He spent the previous weekend with him.

10) Chris’ body was badly de- composed, about the same as Nancy’s. This shows he died sooner than Sunday.

11) Why would he tie up Nancy to kill her? He was a big guy. He could have just hit her one good time and she would have been out.

12) Ray also told me that the world press is reporting the manner of the deaths wrong. He says that Daniel was shot in his head and Nancy was shot in her chest.

13) Chavo said that the Chris Benoit seemed “worried” about something but he could not get Chris to open up and tell him why he was worried.

14) There was no Bible besides Chris’ body. Why would he place a bible beside Nancy and Daniel and not place one beside his own if he knew he was about to take his own life?

15) There were 10 empty beer cans and an empty body of wine besides Chris’ body. He tested negative for alcohol.

16) The toxicology confirmed that Chris had Hydrocodone (pain killer) Xanex (anti-anxiety drug). I have used both of these. These 2 drugs combined will sedate Chris and make him very sleepy. So he could not fight back.

17) The police originally said that Daniel died on Friday because his body was badly de-composing. This supports my belief that all 3 died on Friday night. The police changed the manner of Daniel’s death 3 times. 1st he died from a garbage bag, 2nd he died from a choke hold, 3rd he was smothered by a pillow. Why would they keep changing?

18) The police kept changing the location of where Nancy’s body was found. 1st she was found in the downstairs family room. 2nd she was found in the upstairs bedroom. 3rd she was found in the house office.

19) Chris’ father said that Chris called him on father’s day and told him that he wished he could spend more time with his family but he had to work. One of Nancy’s friend says that Nancy Loved Chris and she had no plans to leave him.

20) Retired Wrestler Bam Bam Bigalow died 1-19-07. Sherry Martel died 6-15-07. The Benoit family died 6-22-07. Since this family died, 2 other wrestlers have died. (Brian Adams and Johnny Crush in July and August 07) Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Brian Pillman all died the night before they were set to win title belts. Sherry Martel’s death is even more suspicious to me. Sherry Martel had ties to Nancy Benoit’s ex-husband Kevin Sullivan. The circumstances surrounding her death have not been released.

21) Kevin Sullivan told Chris Benoit that he would kill him. Kevin is currently a high ranking member of a satanic cult. Kevin is also on the WWE Board of Directors. Kevin Sullivan also had motive to kill Daniel Benoit because he was Chris and Nancy’s offspring. Retired wrestler Dusty Roads said that “he danced with the devil” when working with Kevin Sullivan who is known as being Cold-hearted and conniving. The Benoit family was murdered on the 10-year anniversary of Nancy’s divorce from Kevin Sullivan.

22) Nancy Benoit’s death was posted on the internet, 14 hours before her body was found.

23) Weeks before he died, Chris Benoit’s colleagues said that Chris began taking alternate routes to and from work and back to his house. Chris and Nancy believed that somebody was following them. Chris’ friends dismissed his worries as paranoia.

24) The Benoit family was murdered the same week that the WWE had a story line of “Who killed Vince McMahon.”


I wish there could be some big leaks about this or something. Maybe some new stuff might pop up around the time the Netflix Crossface documentary is released

I think once vince dies Steph and Haitch are going to bury everything and a lot of the old guard that were involved in shady shit are going to be retired.

I just hope they don't try to pull any of this shit with David

yeah, how dare they sacrifice a big monster like HBK

go away Vince


Chris Jericho is looking out for him. That whole mess with Chavo just seems like the Hart's pulling some greasy promoter shit on a kid too naive to know better and an old man thinking he is going to help his old friend's kid get over.


go home, Kevin

NJ fucking tried to kill a person in the ring he can fuck off

/wooo/ is making fun of us again :(

Jokes on them. Holla Forums was triggered so often by regular Holla Forums that they started their own.

to be fair, like one in twelve wrestlers has probably committed attempted murder or assault at some point

z man is the bst

big if true. that's fucking awesome. shame he's a nigger though.

The fat kid down there, Mass Transit said it was his dream to wrestle New Jack, so he lied about his age and that he had been trained by Killer Kowalski. He wanted to 'shine' in his match so he asked New Jack to do the blade job since he never did one before. You can see in the video that New Jack gave the kid everything he wished for, and more. The blade hit in too deep and his life was in danger. New Jack was taken to court where he pleaded no guilty and he came off not guilty.

For once, the nigga really dindu nuthin wrong.

I loved The Blue Meanie's retelling of the story.
He shits on the guy so hard.

Who cares /wooo/ is just as degerate and cucked as Dudeweedlmaochan /woo/

It's bad but far from as bad as the literal SJWs in dudeweedchan

They're fun to watch wrasslin with sometimes. There are some people who sit on the sidelines and laugh at everything, and pretty hold a similar Holla Forumsitical point of view with maybe a little bit of dude weed acceptance. They're not all bad.

Why am I supposed to hate SJWs other than it is the hip thing to do with the Holla Forums crowd?

Well then you must be anti-white and anti-hetero.

Internet keyboard warriors are powertripping scum without any ideological affiliation, many switch sides and their only motivation is the thrill of ruining lifes and being powerful on the internet. Anyone can hate that.

again, you must be anti-white and anti-hetero because they seek to create a world where such things do not exist or are criminalized.

just spend 5min on some sjw tumblr


I don't know what you intended with that link. All I am seeing is rightwing SJWs virtue signalling how much they hate people of color and 2slbgqta

Nobody said right wingers didn't exist on dumblr.

listen up, broflake, SJWs are not uncool unless they are pasty white supremecists playing vicitm.

Those aren't SJWs because pro-white politics cannot be social justice. Or are you saying white supremacy is social justice?

big compared to the average joe

Notch confirmed shitlord.

aint it a thing?

With Chris leaving for Japan I wouldn't be surprised if David pops up as a "going away present"

Because it was Benoit.

You're Benoit


Chris… he knew too much.

about what? hurting himself?


I guess pro-whiteness is social justice now. Might as well just go with it, no?

wasn't /wooo/ founded by a pedohpile who is best buds with Anita Sarkeesian? yeah, I'm pretty sure people like that get to accuse others of being leftists

That is /woo/
/wooo/ is 8ch's implicitely white version.

So white they worship japanese people in a jewish business based around conning people.

Yes, like I said.

there's only two jews in wrestling, fam

Raven and?…


Dean Melinko
Charlotte Flair


Also Randy Savage, he was a turbokike.

they say he's jewish but offer no proof

You sound like a jew




kikery is matrilinial

Kane isn't on that list, dummy


Ric looks pretty jewish

Ric is German.

The business in itself is inherintly jewish user. Or atleast have an origin in gypsy-culture of putting out shitty half-baked "festivales" called The Circus and "Fairs" where wrestling first started out as they would have the match fixed and they would pretend to be fighting and the goyim would place bets on who they thought would win.

It's trickery and inherintly wrong.

And to apply that to the modern wrestling era, wrestling has been affiliated with kike-networks for a long time. Without it they wouldn't been on television at all.

No it fucking isnt

Are you really sitting here trying to tell me USA Network and TNN aren't owned and run by jews?

Wrestling as you know it, North American Professional Wrestling has its origins in the oroginal carnies. They were gypsies who came to North American clinging to the sides of the Mayflower. They overdeveloped their upbodies over the long journey, so when they reached shore and let go they all walked around like they were holding invisible watermelons under their arms. The pilgrims were so frightened by this Miles Standish jumped off the prow with his pistol and saber at the ready. He screamed at them demanding that they tell him what they wanted.

The Gypsies talked amounts themselves and went with the old stand by and said,
Miles now believed he had truly reached Plymoth rock. To celebrate they decided to throw a party. The gypsies said they would join in.

And that is how Huggers are made

TBS and TNT were run by Ted Turner, a goy.
WWF isn't all there is was or will be.

fuk u wwe

Circuses weren't jewish you retard. The Ringling Bros. had German blood. P.T. Barnum's family immigrated from England. Go fuck yourself.


Jinder was by far the worst champ ever, and I say this as someone who lived through and watched all of Triple H's reign of terror

What do you think happened to WCW and Ted Turner company around the ((AOL)) merger then? Jews took over the network.

Wrestlingfags say 'X was the worst Y ever' way too much to take them seriously.

Haitch did nothing wrong there

He'll win it back at or before the India tour in December

funny you should mention Seth as a candidate for worst ever, since his reign's badness was almost entirely because Triple H had to push himself into the main focus of it

Ties right in with when they took WCW off the air, honestly. There was no winning the monday night war even if the product was good and well rated in 1999 - the early 2000s. I wish Heyman beat Vince though.
