Somebody should kill this rap nigger

Someone should kill this rap nigger.

That's all I have to say about it.

Someone should definitely kill this rap nigger.

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the FBI kills niggers all the time Special Agent Goldsteinberg, just do it yourself

Need some attention, Jamal?

First post is always a kike. Never fails.

If Trump won't do it himself, why should anyone else bother? Seriously.

Goddamn I hate niggers, someone off this prick

Cmon FBI, shoot this nigger AND Snoop Dog please.

The same reason army generals don't go fight with grunts.

Daily reminder that Lil Bow Wow got cornholed by his limo driver.

no seriously FBI I'm not even meme'ing, you already killed MLK, I'm sure rapnigger is small potatoes for you

Fuck off kike.

Go back to reddit.

Well, doesn't JSOC report to the President? They don't seem to have much issue wasting Mohammed Mohammed bin al Durka Durka for potentially dubious motivations.

Will Snoop Lion be investigsted for pretending to shoot the POTUS?

What's wrong with telling the FBI to do it's fucking job and start killing niggers? FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING KIKE LOVER.

Will a couple JSOC guys in FBI jackets shoot Snoop Dog? Yes. Get on it.

JSOC should do extrajudicial murders more often tbh

See how fucked things are? An untalented, yet famous nigger can openly talk about making the first lady a sex slave and no one will say or do a fucking thing about it. Feminists will actually support him.

Fuck you, Kike. You'll never fit in. All niggers need to hang, this one especially.

Checked. And yeah it's becoming clearer ever day that there is going to be a war. I stupidly thought Trump winning would change things for the better at least a little bit.

What about based pastor manning?

Fuck off back to whatever alt-kike forum you crawled out of, you fucking anti-white faggot. All niggers are retarded, and need to hang.

You will be hanged right next to the coons you love so much

Isn't that the manlet who got caught with a tranny? I'm sure he did. Either ways, we should spread this and set people on him. Feminists will also go after him and rap music as a whole, which will set other rappers after him because anything that draws attention to their shit irritates them. Since the fucker tries to act, this will make people who employ him look like hypocrites and make it easier to get on their case as well.

absolute madman

I usually don't get actually angry when people talk shit about Trump, but this genuinely makes me want to murder this fucking nigger.

and thats a bad thing?

Is threatening to force the first lady into prostitution illegal?

So where is this nigger performing next? We could ambush him and kill him and his crew.

I doubt it.

I don't even care if you are an FBI agent. Something has to be done about all these assassination threats and uppity niggers.

Didn't Lil Bowow get raped by one of his bodyguards? Someone told me that shit a decade ago that's why he disappeared lol. Looks like the type that would get his shit pushed in.

Every rapper since the late 90's early 2000's is basically a fake hollywood gangster. They talk the talk but have never walked the walk.

i hate niggers but

You would seriously risk jail for a loud mouthed nigger that owes his entire fortune to jewish favor and spouts bullshit on jewish media? Go outside, I doubt you're capable of buying your own groceries.

Snoopdoggydogg broke the law. It's illegal to threaten the life of the POTUS. It is not protected speech to depict any attempt on Trump's life.

This would be applied to Snoop as baring him from appearing in music or TV/film for 5 years, since that was his medium of threat.

>Moreover, "an upward departure may be warranted due to the potential disruption of the governmental function." Further enhancements can apply… especially if he has a criminal history

Reminder that Mr "Snoop", aka Calvin Brodus has a lengthy criminal record:
so he will definitely qualify for an upward departure. I would not be surprised to see him thrown into federal prison.


studio gangster

Pastor Manning is only good for memes.

gtfo cernokike

Unfortunately there's not a fucking chance that nigger Snoop Dogg is going to jail. He'll hire the best kike lawyers in the business to argue that he was just performing art or some bullshit. Trump needs to personally do something about it and he probably won't.

Suck on a revolver faggot, thernovich happened to do something funny for once so I posted it. You mad he's making your little pet nigger rapper look like the weak faggot that he is?

Sure is FBI in here. CIAniggers taking the day off?

Sure is roleplaying in here. Your WoW subscription end and mommy wouldn't buy you more time?



Cernokike is not appreciated around here. He's a race-traitor, civic nationalist cuck supreme who arrogantly mocks racial awakening. Try r_thedonald, mega faggot.

We're obviously being raided by some flavor-of-the-month (((white nationalist))) board who just happens to be okay with "based Israel" and "based niggers." You don't hate all niggers, do you goy?

Thernobitch is a total faggot, but I'd love to see him beat the shit out of this uppity negro. Hopefully they live-stream it. That is if Bow Wow's man enough to step up to the plate. is the funniest account on twitter

To add on to my own comment, this has to be related to the Maddow fuckup. The Jews are trying a massive op to memory-hole all of that, as well as the fact that they are making shit up to destroy whites and white countries. The Maddow shit was a red-pill, not sure how massive though.

Yeah, he got poojabbed. Most rappers nowadays gotta suck some producer dick to make it on (((vevo))). Blacks are notoriously gay. Doctors have started asking nogs if they "have sex with men" when they donate blood, because they don't admit they're gay.

Kushner's group has been steadily trying to deescalate Holla Forums's extremism (i.e. nominal sanity) into civic nationalism for well over a year and a half. Fuck these shills to hell and stay strong.

REALLY? Has to be does it? Wants to 'memory hole' (it's trying to speak like a big boy) and yet today… We have Brock offering 5m for a new copy of Trump's taxes.

Trying again junior. Maybe in time you'll come to understand that they fuckers have no shame and as such, never admit fault and always double down. Oh and also aren't very creative.

Silly goy! You know this board is only for impotent rage while your country turns into noggerstain. Don't get any ideas about doing anything in real life goy or my chosen mods will shoah you!

I don't know all about ladyboys from experience you understand goy
i-i-i-i-it's a friend of mine
yes, that's it,
I've got a friend who is really into them
haha, no I'm not a degenerate kike