So now that the heat has died down...

So now that the heat has died down, can we all agree that this is easily one of the top ten television shows of all time?

Cuckime sure is popular here, eh

It's the most controversial and talked about subject on the board and there's ten or more anime threads up right now.

so is the joke here that the purple and blue haired girls are mentally retarded?


No, it's shit. Even by shit anime standards.

I wasn't talking about Lucky Star, which obviously isn't shit anyway.

It was so god damned long ago I have forgotten almost everything. The twins are shrinesluts, tiddie monster is an idiot who falls asleep and gets groped on trains. Blue is getting fucked by her dad.

2005 or 2006 I can't remember.

This and Haruhi caused the rise of weebcuckery which we still suffer from. They weren't even that great shows, just alright.

Weeabooism was driven by the likes of Naruto and Death Note, and has gone extinct by now. The definition of weeaboo just keeps changing so that there's always a convinient bogeyman to blame things on.

Hmm, I see. More specifically I should say then that Haruhi and Lucky star started the moe/kawaii crap which weebs also like. K-On! was the magnum opus of this which just shot the trend up beyond the stratosphere.

What weebs like or do not like is of little consequence seeing as how they've stopped existing, and even at their peak they may as well not have existed as far as anyone in Japan knew or care.

Moe and cuteness have always existed.

Weebs have always been weebs and always been cringy as fuck. Back when we used to call them wapenses, they were weebs. Back when they were western otaku, they were weebs. You never noticed because the commercial market exploded in the early 00's thanks to all the kids in middle school watching Toonami got the internet and jobs. I used to trade bootleg VHS copies of god damned Saber Marionette J at scifi cons and laugh at the nerds wearing ridiculous costumes and pointlessly using nip words randomly.

weebcucks, weebcucks never change

Saber Marionette J is from late 1996, so that would have been around the dawn of the weeb era. DBZ premiered in the US in 1996.

Western otaku aren't weebs, they are just otaku. Cosplay isn't specific to weebs, and trekkies were doing it before anyone even knew what anime was.

This is the only correct opinion. You cannot defeat this argument.

Raki☆Suta or Azumanga Daioh?


the latter ofc. it has the only acceptable anime waifu.

His main argument seems to be that it's bad because it appeals to otaku, and that this somehow makes Kyoto Animation malicious, cynical money-grubbers, a claim that he backs up with nothing at all. What really seems to be going on here is that he is upset because he is an outsider to anime and Lucky Star isn't one of those easily digestible, Western-friendly beginner anime like Cowboy Bebop that anyone can enjoy. Yet at the same time he preaches about "love for the medium" and complains about the "lowest common denominator" as if he himself isn't the most casual of casual anime viewers, demanding everything to be watered down for the (Western) masses so that he can process it with no effort. Unsurprisingly he also says that he normally watches anime dubbed. Of course he does. He also doesn't know what moe means, but that's hardly unusual.

Lucky Star. What are you faggots, stupid?

Lucky Star at least has original characters. What does Azumanga have? Oh yeah, shitty generic copycats…Of TMoHS no less. Considering Lucky Star is better than TMoHS, I think you can see my point.

Sakaki? Oh wow. She's quiet. Enjoy your fucking Yuki Nagato rip off.

Chiyo? ZOMG smart person. Another Yuki Nagato rip off. They couldn't even handle the cold blooded badassesness of Yuki and so they had to split her up into those two characters.

Tomo? Blatant Haruhi rip off. Wow, she acts spastic? Yeah, Haruhi did it ten times better.

Yomi? Fat chick. She's just a cop off of Mikuru.

Osaka? Mascot character. Spacy and contemplative, but she doesn't even measure up to the awesomeness that is Tsuruya. Tsuruya is the embodiment of intellectual stimulation. Nice try Osaka, can't touch that though.

Kagura? Athletic girl. Unfortunately for Azumanga Nooboh, TMoHS already had the athletic girl first. Her name is Asakura and she's fucking hot.

I thought this was obvious, but some idiots chose Azumanga. Nice going nooblets.


Hello anime autist. Have you seen the dub for that dragon maid show you love so much yet?

Lucky Star is not Dragon Maid.

Also, It aged like shit.

more like kyoanus amirite?




This reeks of a 16 year old trying too hard to be funny

This and Evangelion are the worst things that happened with anime.

t. goon

t. redditor

Lucky crap and Shitsumia have killed anime.
Fucking unbearable crap.

it wasnt pushed to the forefront though you fucking marxist perpetual revolution son of a bitch





I unironically think this is probably the best anime ever made


stopped reading there tbh, jews are gross and anyone who watches them is a scatlover


NGE was kino.

All I know about this show is that it inspired one of the worst tripfaggots that ever graced cuck/v/ back in the day and for that alone I fucking hate it.

unfunny with devaint-art teir art.
Anime is a stain on the entertainment business

Who would that be?


c'mon tell me

noooo! are you high?

tell me

don't be so tsundere user, tell us who it was



mimw maybe