Tired of being demonized for being white, male, and straight...

Tired of being demonized for being white, male, and straight, tired of no one challenging the current cultural political hegemony that is killing my country, I want to start a political revolution here like we have seen in the united states and the UK, but I need assistance with forming a political movement for Canadians to rally behind, the current idea is bring like minded people IRL to discuss the formation of the Canadian Independence Party (Canips), and to do so by printing out flyers to get people to gather together. But I have no idea as to what to put on them.

Post your ideas for flyers and I will print 300 of them off and put them up TODAY, just remember that this is to actually recruit from the public, so ineffective or counter-effective designs will be ignored.

Will Holla Forums take the easy route of failing on purpose, or will they actually be able to help make the changes they want to see?

Remember that Canada is currently occupied by the enemy, and one of it's greatest strategic possessions, beginning a populist, nationalist movement here to put the pressure on the resident globalists, will be a new attack from a direction they haven't yet expected (right now we are the only foothold they have in the new world).

Whatever you may think of my country as it currently is, try to focus instead on what it still can be, please don't fail me now, Holla Forums, or I will have to just do it without you, and whatever my designs may be, they will surely not be as good as what you can come up with.

Other urls found in this thread:


Props for wanting to take action. I have a better idea though. Have a few different "spams" typed out and randomly send them to people who are selling things on kijiji / craigslist. You could explain why Islam is bad and how Muhammad fucked a 8 year old etc. It is almost 100% guaranteed it will get read.

Die leaf scum



just checked the internet, independant party doesn't work, the western Canadian independence party already exists already exists, and calls for western Canadian independence, ​which is retarded.

New name: the Canadian alternative party, or Canadian nationalist party.

Nationalist party taken, so it will have to be the Canadian alternative party.


You should really lurk more OP, but you found the right board for you. Try not to be offended by the shills or us calling you a shill or any other absurdities that may arise due to current year. We even get shilled by degenerate cultists now like d k m u

Says the fucking leaf

OP, forgot to mention, we also have leafposting shills for canadian d&c and leftypol trying to just call everyone who looks smart "shill!" and report them in an attempt to get oldfags banned.

You are retarded enough to hurt the expansion of your own cause for no reason, why should anyone care what you have to say?

All you can do is spam your meaningless gibberish all over this board, and derail productive discussion, I repeat you are worse than useless to Holla Forums, KYS.

Don't use the swastika or similar imagery unless you want to get arrested. There are plenty of flyers here:


Yep, been called a shill for pointing out kikes recently.

Fuck syrup niggers

I have a feeling whoever tries to end this thread will be a roleplaying DnC kike.

Good luck, OP. Be prepared to deal with a level of shilling and subversion never before seen. You'll need stalin levels of paranoia to keep the jews out.

Also make sure you read:


The flyers could be traced back to your printer. Be careful user.

You mean 0b0886?

You are aware that "Independence Party" almost always means a smaller faction or region trying to split from a larger entity, right? Quebec, Catalonia, Scotland, Tibet immediately come to mind. UKIP was to leave the EU, so if your name was inspired by that then it'd be a party to leave something like NAFTA, the UN, or even the Commonwealth.

Like I said before, Holla Forums lies to ignore the great strategic value of canada to it's enemies, that's why every thread that talks about fighting the canadian front has been derailed.


So we should be trying to reconquista Canadaland?

I can't believe you guys actually are taking my post seriously. How autistic are you to not realize they are tongue in cheek posts?

Oh yeah, OP, , use pic related. Original red ensign. Thats the real canadian flag and not the fucking leaf. Looks way better, this is coming from an American btw.

I'm genuinely wishing you good luck. I'm just telling you it won't be easy. Every nationalist that has won or is winning so far except maybe for trump is owned completely by the kikes. You'd better be a fucking genius if you're going to attempt this.

Using the library, and my flyers will only be for the formation of a meeting group to discuss political issues in canada openly, and possibly also promoting the formation of a political party in canada, it will not have anything about it saying negative things about minorities, there is nothing to charge here.

Shill, if you only knew.

I'm going to try, and by having enough balls to do it here, where they are strongest, I can make them shit the bed by just doing that.


Canada was 97% white as recently as 1971


Are you aware of the shitstorm that will result from posting anything remotely un-PC or pro-white? Recent example:



You don't seem to get the joke. Having any greivances against Canadians is considered to be comical; so when I say "Burn the Leaves, Rake war now" its an obvious joke. And to be some leaf canuck and view what I say as an actual attack and you retaliate with "D/C SHILL!" it makes you look as if you're literally autistic

see my post @

The Trump tax returns backfire where it's shown his attackers are the culprits of what they have been attacking him for, seems it could bear fruit elsewhere, basically audit the bad guys for everything, they keep coming up corrupt is an opportunity for it to boil over and being removed from office, opposition put in place and any opposition socialist canadacuck would do.

And we all know what happened in the 70s
current-year man's father

good, out here in winnipoeg manitoba, will be enough to really rustle their jimmies.

I wont associate my movement with the alt-right, or with any sort white nationalism movement, I want to go the direction of trump in the US or conservatives in the UK.


Is Holla Forums usually this politically inept?


Ah missed that. Alternative Party doesn't have a great ring to it to be honest.
You're made of the stuff of a Holla Forumsack but you might consider lurking awhile, soak in the customs and post style.

Seriously, Fuck this guy, he was the worst thing to ever happen to my country, now his son is giving me a reason to reconsider this assessment.

But if we just lynched this bastard before he could impregnate his bitch, we'd never have to deal with round 2.

Cancuckistan needs to take the accelerationism pill.

Let it get so bad your economy collapses, then get ready for the ensuing shitfest.

could you recommend a better name? I'm running out of ideas.

Most of us weren't even alive at that time

better to prevent damage than spend resources repair it.

royal we, Canadian we.

Damage is already done, nothing to prevent.

en.wikipedia. org/wiki/National_Unity_Party_(Canada)

mitigate what more can come, repair what already has.

Let's entertain that: How do you "repair" all the mud you've let in?

I think the "Ensign Party" has a nice, subtle nationalistic ring to it.


I find this flyer from american vanguard to be quite good. The tame language makes the left wing overreaction quite interesting and possibly red pilling.

Canada is a socialist hellhole….always has been.
The government runs everything or controls most businesses which led to…

Canadians don't want a change and will never fight for shit. Their country will go to shit and they will love it because they are being "progressive" and….oh hey did the hockey game start already….

This is why Soros is about to take his largest shit there.

this is what i see, Holla Forums likes to support political movements it favors, but will never help to start them, they like to provide support to trump or brexit, but whenever anyone from another country is thinking of reforming it the same way, they will only be good for derailing the thread, and talking shit about that same country, like it's going to do anything.


If a populist movement in ireland or canada DID start, you'd do what you could to help it along, but you also do whatever you can to stop those movements from starting in the first place.

Fuck you Holla Forums, you used to be better than this, you used to be proactive, not reactive, like normie leftist shills.

You've gone soft.

No idea m8. Have you looked into all of the already existing parties to see if any more or less match up with your ideas? Less parties expressing the same ideas is always better than needless fragmentation.

Pierre Trudeau had the RCMP set off false flag bombs decades ago, as if it was being done by a radical leftist/communist separatist Quebec group called the FLQ. They abducted the minister of labour, and a British diplomat, executing the prior and releasing the latter. These same terrorists, who were actually government agents, were the men who the Canadian military flew on one of their aircraft to Cuba, releasing them into Cuba as part of the event that started the meme about Trudeau being Castros son. People say Trudeau let Castro fuck his (well known slut) wife.
Anyways, Trudeau used this as an excuse to exercise the war powers act, which is the same act they used in the 40s to intern the Japanese, and Communists, and National Socialists, and really anyone who opposed the government.
Canada is not a free country, the moment you try to push for real peaceful political change, the government will toss you all in prison without a trial, possibly for decades or life.



we will be the only party advocating for these policies, we will have a monopoly on the populace who until now secretly supported them.

closest powerful party are the conservatives, its full of neocuckservatives. fuck them.

Looks kinda 1984ish.

how about we teach quantum mechanics to Canadians?


I don't really know enough about Canada to be a big help, I've heard it's a bit like Australia with all the Asians. Have they been buying your land and resources out too?

OP here, you know what? let's not try to focus on creating apolitical party for now: let's just focus on advertising for a meeting of people to discuss political issues openly and honestly without fear of being shamed into silence.

can you at least do that?

The options in short form are pretty much:

all out over vancouver.
those chinese bastards also like to fuck with the locals.

The Red Ensign is NOT the real Canadian flag you fucking nigger.

wow, your totally right! the way my text was composed totally means the content of my post was completely invalidated.

good job you shit-eating faggot ESAD.

be like burma.
but with the secrecy of the gestapo.

Who will burn who ?

In this debate from 1979 with Pierre Trudeau, who went on to win, Ed Broadbent, the NDP candidate, argues that Canada needs to Nationalize industry (seize the means to production).

leaf here..fucking right lets do this shit

I was just kidding m80 (hence the sage), I'd be glad to meet with canadian Holla Forumsacks


Yes, because A FUCKING LEAF is a far better representation of the country than a collection t of symbols showcasing the nations which built the country. The flag was obviously changed in part because it wasn't "inclusive" enough for the Elita's vision of a "multicultural" Canada.

poli-skeptic party
philosophers party
pragmatist party
populist party
and that's just the p's

*elite's vision

just go after bell, telus and rogers and you'd win

started a Facebook group

join the discussion (also, some asshole hacked my fb account a while back and added a bunch of stranger faggots, I never fixed it b/c I never used cuckbook anyway, so ignore that shit).


Only these two flags are acceptable for Canada after the cucks, kikes and mudskins have been removed.

Sounds rough, but that's something our nations have in common, many nationalists seem to think asians are a secondary threat because they have lower criminality, but they haven't seen the land buyouts and resource highway robbery they get away with, not to mention the countless Chinese that are flooding every major city, it is a literal takeover.

Are you looking to spread an agressive message right from the off, or to lead up to it?


You forget cuckchan people that came here take it seriously.

I'd say this is likely do to differences in cultures between the majority of people on Holla Forums and the smaller cultures. There's little to gain for many of them as the way to the hearts and minds of their people will be swayed through different means. Canada bro is going to have to figure out how to start on his own.
That said, I agree with not using any kind of Nazi imagery as it brings about a bad feel from most people. I suggest unapologetic usage of pro white imagery, particularly fliers in a specified location for at least a month or 2 until people get "used to it." It may take less or more time depending on the area. After that you might start up some Craigslist conversations about in the neighborhood or if you feel brave, strike up some conversations with people about it irl. You'll have to take it from there yourself. Be careful of outside interference as well.

Giving the french more then 1/256th of your flag


listen nigger, if you want any successful Canadian nationalist movement to work you have to accept the French as equal members or else they'll just up and leave. Do you want European unity or inter-ethnic white conflict? The French contribution to Canadian history and identity is indisputable whether you want to accept it or not, so we have no choice but to make do with what we've got.

You aren't Canadian you fucking Chink.

you mean kikes. Call a spade a fucking spade.

That meme was made by lefty/pol/ with the sole intention of D&C against Canadians and having all their valid posts dismissed without an argument needed. They created a tool to undermine objective truth based discussion when Canadians, who were a large part of the board, were involved. They werent taking it seriously just a few months ago, but since the election finished cuckchan is totally gone, its just Reddit with pictures and no upvotes.

You make that sound like a bad thing son, you're right their contribution as losers, Indian sympathisers, Anti-anglo terrorists and general safe harbors for communism and marxist thought is indisputable.

If you want a successful Canadian Nationalist movement you have to start with canada the nation, not canada the two and a half nations.

Post this OP.
It is taken from Jordan Peterson's video.
Even if you get caught putting this up, it is not illegal, and will make M-103 in the spotlight.
Islamophobia means a fear (not hatred) of Islam (not Muslims). Words matter. And propagandistic words are dangerous.
The liberals refuse to take this recently made up word out of the motion which raises huge concerns that they are protecting this ideologue.

Godspeed user

link to vid

Yes, nigger, it is a bad thing. The french are not our enemies anymore, especially not considering we're both being attacked collectively as whites. The kike overlords and shitskin replacements don't give a fuck what ethnicity you are. Also, the french are the most ethnically aware group in Canada, meaning we could use them to oppose non-white immigration. Lastly, Quebec is a vast territory full of untouched resources and much potentital. It also controls the mouth and majority of the St Laurence, which is strategic and valuable for shipping. You want Quebec gone? Well now our Easternmost provinces are entirely cut off from the rest of the country including much of our coastline and even more resources. Great going, retard.

Much of the Canadian identity stems from the contributions of early French settlers. I have no interest in your pointless inter-white conflict and d&c especially when we're an ever-decreasing minority. We don't have the luxury to bicker and fight amongst ourselves anymore. Quit being a fucking child and begin being pragmatic. I view the French as very potential and capable allies. Pushing them away is the last thing we want to do. Grow up.

Actually it means an irrational fear of Islam. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to fear Islam.


I would say you have to be more subtle than that when starting out. You have to lead people to form their own conclusions.


"If you extinguish the fire, it wins."
- Justine


You've got it backwards actually. English being the language of cultural Marxism due to its worldwide diffusion by American universities, we are relatively isolated from it. We are years behind the Anglosphere in terms of identitarian necrosis.

Montreal is the only cesspool of poz, and that's because of the 10% English speakers and 2 English-language universities fucking everything up. Quebec City is by far the most based major city in Canada.

Let's agree to hide and ignore retarded posts from now on and work on reclaiming our country from the grasp of browns.

i dont think you will have much success when start with handing out flyers.

Agreed. I am an ally to any and all White European brothers in arms who wish to push back the flow of non-white immigrants. No matter our differences, we are facing an existential crisis far more pressing than our past issues. I am a friend of the French if they are willing to be a friend of mine.

You'll be appealing to dissatisfied patriots, I don't know the extent of patriotism in Canada, but you'll find some success in language specifically designated to this demographic of those who know that something's wrong but can't see the cause. Terms like patriots, radical islamic terrorism, uncontrolled immigration, globalism, cuckservative failure, are all things normie patriots eat up. Try to push the idea of a "Canadian people" that's historical and has rights that are being infringed upon. Remember who your audience is to know what language to use.

Had to tag me twice…

But you never answered my main point, how can you have nationalism with two nations?.

So is most of Canada. You wont be able to touch those resources as long as you let indian and environment loving scum in your midsts and quite frankly your whole project sounds like ally building, which means chances are you ain't even a leaf (Aint a frenchie, aint out east by the way you talk about them, so whats left a goddamn somali from toronto? a francomuslim? A Chingchong vancoverite?.

But am I wrong you retard?

If you're french one question. Is Quebec a nation ? Does it deserve special cocsideration? Because one of the answers to these Y and N questions are not compatible with a Canadian Nationalism.

Trudeau backed out of his proportional voting system largely due to the fact that Francos would see much more representation on federal grounds. I heard this nearly word for word on CBC radio of all places; he knows damn well that they are one of the largest homogeneous voting demographics that could potentially oust him.

Try again, faggot. White as the pure, driven snow.

You're right. We should totally use a flag that literally proclaims cuckoldry.

I have no problems with the origins of my country. But we're a sovereign country now, separate from Britain and France and our national symbols should reflect that.

All whites have to unite together as one cohesive force the likes of which not even the kikes can compare to then throw out all the jews and shitskins and race mixer scum by force no matter how much they cry b-but but my rights,we are oppressed BS.If they resist then deadly force applied,same if they try crashing the stock markets,false flags or even setting of a nuke in Jew York.No distractions just outright expulsion or death.All brainwashed by marx sympathizers can leave or die as well.We have to be absolutely cold,surgical,utterly relentless and show no mercy especially to the crying of jews and the shabbos goy they have interbred with.Fuck Multiculturalism.Culture is now and always has been our WHITE RACE and our bloodlines.A jew or shitskins has no place in our world and should wield absolutely NO influence in it on our soil or abroad.White Unity is what they are all really terrified of happening because when that happens history shows we become our destiny as The Master Race Apex Predators that will destroy all in our path who resist or try to subvert us.The time for complacency is over..⚡ ⚡

Quebecs nationalism is in response to the rest of Canada being fully cucked.

now fuck off jew

It was obviously an accident
We can have White racialism with healthy regional autonomy and respect for our differences, while still maintaining a sense of shared identity rooted in the contributions of both the French and English in the forming of Canada.
This is a shitty non-argument and it doesn't even address the rest of my points. Yeah, so what if the rest of Canada has vast untouched resources? Why would you want to reduce them further? Quebec is full of precious and utility metals, lumber and fresh water. In terms of its natural potential, it is an invaluable jewel to have in our possession. This doesn't even begin to address the strategic value that Quebec offers.
That's why the remaining indians need to be exterminated through whatever means necessary. A non-white population evolutionary dead-ends have no place in the white Canada I envision.
I am an anglo Canadian who lives in Ontario. I don't even speak French. If you think Questioning my Canadianness somehow gives you the ability to dismiss my argument, then you're a clueless idiot.
Yes you are as I've demonstrated extensively. I call you one because you act like one. I call a spade a spade. You are thinking in terms of petty rivalries and spats like a child without viewing our entire predicament pragmatically or with any sense of perspective.

Here's one I made for March 4th.

Trudeau is nothing but a talking head. I can't believe anyone took him seriously. Then again, it is the [CURRENT YEAR], so anything's possible

Obviously, I am the problem here. But hey, keep name calling, keep ignoring the truth. It's easy to do on a chan, not so much in the real world.

Annex us now America, at least save me from this asshole

Here's one, you fucking leafnigger.


I don't think you know what that word means, unless you're not of French or British Isles ancestry. In which case you're acting just like a non white.

Oie chico why don't you lurk more?

FLQ were terrorists that were trying to kidnap an Israeli
Everyone can see what you are doing.

One simple question faggot

But hey it's okay. I've lived in onterrible before and let me tell you, you are living up the name.


LMAO a fucking LEAF


day of the rake soon

check em LEAFs lmao

waste of dubs


no you GTFO this board is ours now lol

we own halfchan.

Have my bump. I don't have any ideas for flyers as I never thought of making one, however if you want big crowds, don't expose too much information about who you are or what you believe since it may repel many people off the congregation. You should, however, make it perfectly clear what you oppose. Now, if many people come and discuss, you may have to expect a lot of conflicting opinions, out of which a leader will organically "arise" and guide the rest, for better or for worse. Consider this more as a warning than a prediction.

Pretty much what I was thinking while concieving


It is when the symbols are in dominant position and size. Just because we remember our roots doesn't mean we have to scream them out to the world at the top of our lungs.

I will literally outline paraphrase National Socialism and everyone will agree with me. As long as you use any word but National Socialism, you'll be fine. Hell go ahead and use that nobody knows what it means anyway. It's leafland they'll probably think you're a real socialist. Not that natsocs aren't, socialist in the way they're thinking.

Sup newfag.

Not trolling, but don't call them minorities anymore. On the global scale, it's not really true

I heard a negress call white people in the states where they are the minority the "majority minority". Expect to hear that term a lot in the future.

Well, your question is loaded. It implies that Canadian nationalism can exist, when it cannot. I always thought it ironic that people debate the idea of Quebec being a nation when it is undoubtedly one. It is rather Canada who isn't, at least not in the sense than Quebec is. To be precise, I mean that Anglo-Canadians are a nation, and Quebec another, not that Canada is a whole bunch of nothing except for Quebec.

Canada has no overarching identity, it has no common thread except for cheap marketing gimmicks. Canada is an alliance of convenience that went too far. Compared to the American experience where the 13 colonies peopled the whole country once it became America, Canada was more or less already formed when it became Canada, exception made, perhaps, of the Prairies. Each region had the time to develop its own separate identity in isolation, while in America, different regions may have different traditions, but it is bound by that common experience of the manifest destiny. They have one identity.

That's why Canadian nationalism, compared to American nationalism, will always feel plastic and artificial. But that doesn't mean Canada isn't worth saving. It is still, after all, an alliance of convenience that serves everybody. It simply went too far.

If you want to save Canada, you'll want to decentralize the federal government until all that is left is defence, interprovincial matters such as commerce and roads and such and foreign policy. That way, no one will be in anybody's hair and we'll all be able to regulate ourselves the way we see fit, while benefiting of the alliance of convenience. This was the Canada that was meant to be.

Let me reformulate. If you believe that Canadian nationalism excludes the idea of Quebec as a nation and even excludes the idea that it may govern itself differently than the other regions (those so-called "special considerations"), then something has to give. Either the likes of me must be given full satisfaction, or the likes of you. But then either you are very unhappy, or I am. That is not a functional country.

My solution is the best compromise you're ever going to get. Either that or we let the whole thing brown out (and you will brown out before we do, I guarantee it), or we could also leave and cleave your country in two and charge transit fees every time anything goes in or out of the Maritimes. Cooperation benefits everyone, but at the same time, I don't see why you should have any say on how I live my life. Surely you don't believe I should have one on yours either?

I think you need to create a balkanisation policy for the political party to gain every state the independence to become nations.

Nail on the head my friend. In fact, everything you said, hit the nail on the head. I just wish more anglo-Canadians could see it as clearly as you and I.

I say this is the most reasonable and realistic approach. There is no reason we can't have a political union while remaining respectful of our differences. An autonomous federation not dissimilar from Russia might work rather than the current centralised system.

Is there a reason you talk too much on your jewbook other than being an underage faggot? No wonder you can't find anyone. We live in a communist shithole and like every CSIS honeypot you jump up and down playing the well worn card
This thread is bait, you are bait. If you are legitimate, you have nothing but time to get over your adolescence and learn how nationalism works in this country.

I've heard Alberta is kind of like the Texas of Canada. Would that be a good place? What is alberta really like?

Annexing Canadaland into the American Empire would be easier if Quebec were independent or sold to France. Otherwise, it'll be part of Maine and that would give Maine too much representation in the union. There is no possibility of Quebec being American, culturally, within a hundred years. They have their own form of degenerated french culture and should be independent long enough to fix themselves or give in and REQUEST admittance to the union.

Being taken over by pajeets and flips, Lots of cuckservatives

I think this is the best I have ever seen the idea of Canadian nationalism laid out. It can't exist properly because of how the country was brought together, as well as the fact that separate parts of Canada developed their own identity in isolation. It doesn't mean that the alliance needs to cease to exist, but it needs to be decentralized; it can still serve everyone, it's just that as it is right now provinces tend to tangle themselves in the business of other provinces. We can even see this with our elections, where the governing body of the entire union was selected by only a handful of provinces.

I like your idea a lot; very, very elegantly stated. Capped.

OP I am a fellow Canadian who has seen your post and happen to find it intriguing. Also, I've read no further past this point as I see it's banter. Presumably the majority here aren't Canadian.

Yes that sort of forum should exist. That a public forum doesn't allow for that degree of discussion and speculation of controversial matter is actually somewhat baffling to me, especially these White Liberals who try so hard to champion globalization, deeming themselves freedom fighters.
Whatever the case, from early comments I saw the discussion of names for the party. That's premature.
No Nazi memorabilia though, that's sure to spook too many too soon.

The unfortunate thing is convincing people that multi-cultural societies to this proportion have never been experimented. And that they were done under the pretense of literal profit maximization is even worse, and although perhaps Canada might be able to argue that it wasn't at first, and perhaps now still doesn't (considering the handouts), however the other unfortunate thing is that this rise of conservatism is largely being driven by the U.S a country Canada has no problem thinking they're a part of when it's convenient.

A society isn't about financial gain in form of profit on capital, or atleast shouldn't, and like I've said the U.S witnessing, and Europe I shouldn't leave out, continued failure with immigration problems and tensions with police.

perhaps Canada might be able to argue that it wasn't at first, *it has taken advantage of it.

you ever visit anywhere outside of ontario quebec and bc? shit outside of the big cities?
alberta is the right place

a perhaps shadow redpill idea is to talk about native americans
canada is currently offering "refugees" beter social assistance than native americans, much more than even the USA

This angle doesn't solve a single damn thing because it still appeals to the exact same mentality that got us to where we are now in the first place. We need to work on stripping liberalism from the minds of the people, but redirect it in an equally negative direction.


London ON reporting in. Willing to organize, with caution of course.

I can do logos and shit. If anyone has any suggestions, I'll get to work.

Wouldn't be special if the other areas could do it, would it. So which is it

You spent 6 good little paragraphs and managed to not answer the question. You think its loaded, and it is. You admit that the antinomy of the matter is that Canadian Nationalism cannot exist (especially so within the framework of a quebec nation which at this point I can only presume you support, having refused every possible opportunity to refuse the idea).

You are right. But I dont want a compromise. I never asked for one and you taking the name of nationalism to prop up your jewish ally building, your french loving nature.

Cooperation Benefits everyone

You know, I just thought of a white population in ontario? Here's a hint rhymes with (You). You keep putting words in my mouth, but you gladly talk about special considerations and your love of the franco. I doubt your canadian, cause you would know that you just lost 2 coasts with thise nonsense.

Seems inevitable. It's that or faggotry of your stripe. If you cannot say that the great Scottish and English heritage of this country is the basis for your nationalism sorry pal you are not talking about anything people wants to hear.

I dont see why you should have any say on what I do but dont talk bad about them frenchies

Onterrible it is. Enjoy that pozz'd dyke of a premier indoctrinating your h'white children and your electricity bill.

Call it the White People's Party, or give it some other name that explicitly states that non-whites are excluded.




Our first Prime Minister John A McDonald refereed to Canadians as Aryans to exclude the chinks and gas huffing forest niggers.

Are you retarded? You are the one being pissy about one people being able to govern itself in a Canadian framework from your "nationalism", not me.

Yes, definitely retarded.

Here's your answer. First paragraph. Learn to read.

The stubborn nigger gets the whip. An inability to compromise when it is in both parties' indubitable interest is a sign of low IQ.

Faggot, I am French. Of course I love myself and my people. You are proposing that I drop 400 years of tradition and history in order to rally to what? An artificial construct whose claims to national identity include a pale copy of the First Transcontinental Railroad and participation in various Jewish wars?

I double dare you to cite a single sentence where I have put words in your mouth. I don't think you know what that idiom means.

I'm not really concerned with the opinion of the kind of idiotic leftist filth that inhabit either of Canada's coasts.

Yes, it's faggotry to seek a solution to an endless internecine conflict between two white peoples in order to rally and beat back the brown masses coming in at a rate of 350,000 per year. I hope you didn't have to Google that word, "internecine". I know English is hard for Anglos.

Oh yeah, the great Scottish and English heritages. You're forgetting another people there, buddy. You know, the one whose original name for their nation is the country's, whose symbol is on the flag, whose song is the anthem and whose culinary traditions are Canada's most important cultural exports. I wonder if perhaps these French you hate so much contributed more to national identity than the Scottish or the English did?

And they are 20% of the population, so I guess some people would like to read what I'm writing after all. But you can keep appealing to popularity, especially when you don't have it. It's funny, like the high school reject pretending he has friends.

Who's putting words in whose mouth?

What are you even talking about?

I'm sorry OP. I've derailed your thread long enough. I would sage for my impertinence, but you have a good idea and some drive so have a shameful bump. And now let us return to the notion of fixing Canada instead of spewing Jewish D&C bullshit.



Do you understand how empires work ?

Holla Forums is

Holla Forums IRL accomplishments: " "

Holla Forums claims credit for getting Trump elected. Because Holla Forums can influence 60 million people.

Smelling your own farts all the time is bad for you.

In a year 8pol will be like 4pol, but instead of being shilled into irrelevance and flooded with shitposts, it will become a stormfront circlejerk about phrenology, IQ tests, and ethnic ancestry and not realpolitik or current events.

Hitler was a self-made man.

You faggots are just stroking each other's dicks, doing absolutely FUCK ALL.

Worthless cocksuckers.

Canadian Original Party
"Make Canada Great Again Party!"
"Real Canadian Prosperity Party"
"Canadian People's Prosperity Party"
"United Provinces Party of Canada"

Being a legit ideas guy throwing out original real ideas for ya mate.

Love this flyer, this user is right, it causes complete overactions from cucks and kikes

Another good one is pic related:
"This is a fish, it's in an aquarium"

Along with, this is a Canadian, it's in Canada

Register now you apathetic faggots. We can't risk another lame duck cuckservative. Mad Max or Leitch, but not fucking O'Leary PLEASE

Whats so good about Max and Leitch?

ur gay

I just want to create a party for the annexation of Canada / merging with America.

That meme comes from cuckchan because shills used Canadian proxies all the time so it appears as if Canada is completely pozzed.

PRcucking and compromises don't work. Just say you want an immigration policy like Japan or Israel.

I understand where you're coming from, but

is right, it doesn't change anything.
That implies we're suggesting there is a problem with the way the system is functioning, not the actual system itself. It'll eventually lead us into circular mess of contradiction later on.

The Red Pill must manifest itself from the notion of lost space, lost time, a prey of noble, but ultimately futile and self destructive, thinking of how a modern government should be modeled.

Good idea user, but remember that "hate speech" is illegal in Canacuck so be careful.

Day of the Rake was made up by some Brit on Halfchan Holla Forums in response to Turdeau being a faggot, pic related

Max is very progun, wants to cut CBC funding. Reduced "family-reunification" immigration (shitskins) and increase economic immigration (whites and useful shitskins)

Leitch is pro-Trump and also wants to kill the CBC. Paying for leftist propaganda with taxpayer dollars is shitty.

You are obviously free to decide on your own candidate but the current leader in (((polls))) is O'leary and he is a cryptokike if I ever saw one.

OP here, this facebook group is the best I know how to do, it's just as place to co-ordinate canadaops, nothing else, and getting kicked off might work towards building publicity, especially if the government gets involved.

listen, one of the themes of both brexit and trump was the accusations of racism, but no evidence of it either, we need to be inclusive of all the groups in canada that might give us political support, native canadians (they love being called that), and french canadians (bring up solidarity with le pen), as well as the previous immigrants by bringing up who will suffer from the new arrivals first and worst (them).

stay away from racism, sexism, homophobia, white identarianism, and any other theme that could give the media's inevitable claims of nazism any grounding.

Brexit wrote the book here, Trump validated it, let's stick with the playbook, and we will look good, while the establishment looks deranged and delusional.

to all but especially to:


Better than nothing I guess.

To the Americans, the actual Americans- The Teutonic and WASPS.
The results of your actions with respect to the dire situation which is the literal Islamification of Western Culture, and quite frankly the years of disrespect received from immigrants and their descendants for opportunities which their ancestors would have dropped dead in disbelief, is largely influenced by you.

I'm no fool, I understand the nature of most States, and where they tend to stand politically. You are also divided, but know that you're influence is much greater than that in comparison to any other nation on Earth, and here in particular even more so then a conglomeration of European States (although their solidarity here would be largely appreciated).

What you do will have ripple effects globally. These effects will ultimately decide the fate of Canada ever becoming free of this "conglomeration" of "citizens" and the system which upholds its advocacy.
The problem is already too late, and we already know that if a state is to be created from the ashes of another, it should already be formed and ready to be implemented upon the former's death.

OP from
good, that is an angle we might be able to work very well here, now let's stop planning and make this an official operation.

I've given you a base, it's only a facebook group, that's the best I can do, but if anyone can find a better place to organize, we can move it there and do that instead.

as stated before, this won't be as easy as with the uk of america, canada has very strict laws on what is acceptable, and we have to work within those limits, also, we need to convert the minorities of the country in order to win this, without them, we are lost.

working within an existing political party is out of the question, there are no good candidates, and not enough support towards our goals, even from the cuckservatives, we need to found out own party, and run our own candidates.

taking cananda will be our greatest victory in the culture war of 2017, the cucks will ill themselves once they see the country that was their shining beacon of "progress" fall to the reasonable, it's going to be a challenge, but not one that is insurmountable.

remember that the public really resonated with how the trolls of HWNDU were more racially diverse than the cultists of Shia, if we can reproduce that here, it's going to be a sure victory.

especially if the establishment looks insane, calling us every form of bigot they can think, racist, sexist, homophobic, which is their only tactic, and the public seeing no evidence to any of these claims, this is one of the best things brexit and trump had going for them, turning their only tactic against them, this is how those anti hate speech laws work against them as well: if we never violate them, then it will look like the govt is trying to kill our party due to a lack of ability to defeat it in any other way, ten we call establishment canada tyrannical, comparing it to other authoritarian socialist shitholes.

Something that can't be forgotten is that Leafland has hate speech laws, as well as these creepy feminist tribunals with a 100% conviction rate. Be careful what you attach your name to up there.

race must go on the backburner, you can use memes along those lines, but they must never be tied to the official movement, or they will ill it, be careful.

with nationalism sweeping across europe, this is the globalist's last stronghold, and their favorite country, we take this, and morale is dead across the globe, the rest of the war will simply be picking off stragglers.

in the end, we can finger soros.

as I said at

we can win by working within those laws, when they start to lose, they will employ them anyway, and the public will turn on them for it, it will convince those last undecided voters that they are tyrannical, and be accustomed to greater changes then if their trap card was never activated against the rules of the game, those laws can work in our favor if we turn them into a liability.

user, some very good ideas here.

Working within the confines and with the existing systems of power is certainly going to be a tremendous battle.
Thus, you make a good point, one I too have thought of, the collaboration with existing minority groups.
Included will be the use of Leftist tactics, such as photographing our attending minorities, as the media does with whites, as proof of their collective support within our movement, and the like.

remember, cucks are idiots, go to my facebook group, and, if the discussion can't be held there, we can at least post where the discussion is going on there, b/c this thread will not last forever, and this is the best time for canops to begin.

It's worth noting that what you're proposing sounds suspiciously like civic nationalism. Something that's not in anyone's interest.

As for navigating Canadian law, it seems pretty hit or miss. A handful of prominent white nationalists (back in the 80's and 90's mainly) have been imprisoned over there on hate speech charges, and held for years before any kind of conviction even materialized. I've only got a shaky understanding of how the law works in the frigid north, but it seems they can easily get away with doing whatever they want.

OP here, good to see some discussion going, I am in winnipeg manitoba, I want to meet other winnipeggers in person to coordinate what can be done here, give me a time and place, and we can meet up in person.

we need a movement and a party, that can be the first point of discussion.

how about the toad in the hole on osbourne street? meeting at a bar in the center of the city reminds me of the beer hall putsch.

since this thread is way, way, way the fuck off topic, i second this one.

you put out the publicity of this when it happens, and you press, and press, and press it.

the more it becomes a constant in the public consciousness, the more they can be acquainted with our arguments, and the more support our movement will get.

I grew up in mental hospitals because I was the only sane person I knew, the favorite treatment of me was solitary isolation, prison for political reasons will be nothing to me.

what the hell are you talking about? it never went off topic, we talked about that particular flyer, and it failed our peer review, we want something that will actually accomplish anything other than getting us arrested.

the elections in europe are taking a lot of resources to spin from the globalist elites, canada will never be more vulnerable, now is the time to strike!

The problem is, it's mostly burgers who would care, canuks didn't make a fuss about it back then, and I doubt the media would give it any time now. It's not like norway where you can shitpost about in prison, so getting the word out at all is going to be a challenge.

And a decade later when, if, you get out it'll already be too late.

Shit, under other circumstances I'm all for direct action, and seeing this shit go somewhere but there is some seriously spooky shit going on in your country. Trudeau at the helm isn't going to make that any easier. Wish I had something constructive to offer. Befriend a cuckservitive lawyer, try to keep the momentum moving for as long as possible and make big waves when they shoot you down. Best of luck up there.

Can anyone create a meme warfare for me

Just a pic of PMJT with "uhhh" under him.

In OBEY style

A ton of white people, even some of my most left wing devoted friends are upset over things like white guilt and immigrants. They are facing redpills, and a few are taking a couple.

I feel that the majority of fliers if you were to post them - would be most beneficial in simply showing what's going on in the world.

You must understand the majority of the population does not like or is sick of the left extremist and globalist attitudes.

You don't need to so much convince them to join our side, as to simply put out "pro" extremist liberal agenda information. Things that have obvious faults to them, very poor material.

The population is already at that boiling point. Give them those few more reasons that will send them over the top.

When they finally break down and accept the facts and how they feel unbridled…far right won't be something we need to promote to them - it will be something they downright seek…and they will find it.

I repeat:

this thread will not last forever: my facebook group is here, if we are going to organize somewhere else, post it on my fb group page so that other anons will know where to go.

anons of winnipeg manitoba, I want to meet with you to discuss a plan of action, the toad in the hole is a bar on osbourne, we will meet on saturday the 18th, that is, we will meet at this bar next saturday to discuss tactics.

I will arrive there at 1:00 and stay as long as the talks continue, you can arrive anytime on saturday the 18th at the toad in the hole bar on osbourne, meeting live is necessary to ensure this doesn't just end when the thread 404's, and to show your dedication to actually doing some shit.

we will start a political party, we will form a political movement, they will call us racist, and look insane to the public, they will abuse hate speech laws to kill our party, despite us never violating the laws they are abusing, we will take canada, the beacon of hope for the globalist jews, the sjw's will cry ten times harder than they did at trumps inauguration, their only hope now will be to flee to mexico.

and when this happens, we will laugh like never before.

OP, I don't know how the hell we can turn the tide in Canada without directly addressing the issue of immigration. That being said, I suggest posting tidbits of extreme bullshit on the side of government.

Those responses are obviously referring to Trudeau he's saying day of the rake to stop the canadian government from doing shit like this.

Designated shitting streets are real, Sweden is pozzed as fuck, America is full of fat people and Canada needs a purge. It's all true. 100% organic meme.

Canada is so far gone that your only hope is to print out false-flag fliers. Stuff about butchering white people, genociding whites, torturing white children, etc.

It might be enough to snap some people out of the trance if they realize their genocide is soon at hand.

Any pro-white fliers will just be labeled as "hate speech" by the media. The media will ignore the false-flag fliers, but it'll anger people, put them on edge.

from >>9507264:

every other user in canada, this is what you need to do:
create your own fliers, make posters as well, put them up everywhere.

never put anything that can be objectively considered racist, or sexist, or anti-semetic, or homophobic, or islamophobic, etc. so that they will stay up, but make it as hard a redpill as possible within those limitations, so long as you aren't an autist, you will be able to figure out how to do this easily.

if you meet another user propagandist, join forces and organize.


Use the tactics of brexit and trump, and public support for the regime will plummet. WE CAN WIN THIS!

Balkanization here might actually be an option. Both the western territories and the frogs would be majority white and unlikely to follow the same path that led to the current hell. Unlike the burgers you don't really have to worry about an empire holding you to course, go your own way and get the hell off that train.

Since support for those movements already exist, it would make sense to utilise that.

False-flagging makes all the sense in the world, but if any user here is going to do any actual political party stuff, then they have to be completely separated from the false-flag group.


not pro-white fliers, but anti-establishment fliers.

End tax-funded media, Promote responsible immigration, end socialist healthcare, etc.

There is more we can do than stuff that will get us arrested, we do it all, HARD.


that can be a popular draw as well, why should we need the say of our governor-general to pass our own laws? why pay taxes to the queen?


we have so much more than fears of anti-white bigotry.

Balkanization makes sense, just expect the media to double down on the Russian manipulation narrative. I'd also expect it to be the world's wildest ride in Quebec. I'm betting on the RCMP to stage more FLQ-like groups to turn people off from nationalism

welcome to try, and welcome for us to use it against them.

this might actually be easier than we think it will be.

holy shit, we can actually take canada!

Create a Canadian Pol or something. Link to it every time someone starts a thread on Holla Forums and create a post on Holla Forums when things should be brought to broader audiences.

The advantages of having a dedicated board would be for a better filtering of the shills and it would make it easier to search for information.

Disadvantages, well less people would see the posts and if nothing happens here it'll wither and die.

But I'd lurk a CadPol

Fuck off, PRcuck

Try not to be such an obvious redditnigger transplant, will you? Jesus fucking christ. Just leave

are you unintentionally trying to make this movement fail, or are you just a shill?

also a shill.

Is it your fist day on Holla Forums, you aut-right redditnigger? At least try to fit in if you want anyone to take your bullshit drivel seriously

keep digging that hole, redditnigger

Pictured: the newfie fights off the meddling quebecois government employee

Sorry, I fucked up good time. Just wanted to give an idea.

There is the Allaince Du Nord

It's good to find somebody red-pilled about the Quebecois.

Two years. Then you'll know why fragmenting an already niche idea is bad move as well as how to not out yourself next time.

What gives, Anons.?

OP here, /canpol/ has been founded.
Looking forward to the first post.

Our greatest battle, Our greatest glory

couldn't think of a better tagline, suggestions?

you sound like a LARPer.

Never done LARP (maybe I should), but I did do tabletop RPG's when I was a kid (mostly D+D and MTG), stopped when my brother moved out was still in elementary then.

un trou d'eau

when this thread dies, go to /canpol/

Learn a bit more about how imageboards work before ever trying anything like this again.

Most of them weren't Canadian. Go look up force dispositions.

LoL, I Like that one.

changing it.

Kill yourself.


1 - Immigration: We affirm the integrity of the Canadian borders and the constitutional authority and obligation of the federal government, under the law of nations, to guard and protect those borders, including the regulation of the number and qualifications of immigrants. We will reduce immigration by fifty percent.This mean cutting the number of immigrants from 300,000 to 150,000 (per year). Block immigration from African countries (or others) with serious disease outbreaks. ++++++++++++++++++++

2 - Environment: Environmental protection with special teams dedicated to our rivers, lakes, and forests (and use of resources). Health: Public Health and nutritional self sufficiency would exist in Ottawa under an Alliance government.

3 - Abortion: The unborn child, whose life begins at conception, is from that moment fully a human being, created in God's image. The first duty of the law is to prevent killing innocent human life. It is, therefore, the duty of all civil governments to secure and safeguard the lives of the unborn. Cost of Big Government: The only legitimate purpose of civil government is to safeguard the God given rights of its citizens, namely: life, liberty, and property. We will work to reduce the size of Goverment.

4 - Defense: It is a primary obligation of the federal government to provide for the common defense of its citizens, and to be vigilant in dealing with significant potential threats (e.g., border security), as well as with present threats. We oppose unilateral disarmament and the dissolving of Canada's defense infrastructure. The world is still a very dangerous place.

5 - Gun Control: The right to bear arms is inherent in the right of self defense, defense of family and property, and defense against tyranny. It is part of the Creator's endowment to ensure the security of life, liberty, and property of the individual and his family, as well as to preserve the nation's independence. The only acceptable gun control is one's ability to hit the target with the first shot every time! A government that fears the guns of its citizens is a tyrant.

6 - Individual Rights: Human dignity is a basic right recognized by our founders. Each and every citizen shall be free to choose his friends and associates, and to expect honorable laws and justice from government. Money and Banking:

just seriously get the fuck out. Go back to Reddit where you belong.

remove the references to god, we need it to have secular appeal.

But I fucking love everything else about this, keep it coming!

Not good enough. Immigration rules need to be EXPLICITLY pro-white, citing the protection of Canada's unique European identity.
Citing religion is not going to gain any kind of sympathy from non-religious people. This is going to fly


I actually know the guy who founded the party and he straight up has posters of Adrien Arcand.

I understood that you used LARPer as an insult, but you seem to be too autistic to recognize how I responded to you.

This concept needs it's own board so it doesn't die with the thread.

I've never used reddit, you dumb cunt, god fucking damn, how can a cunt like you be so fucking dumb? you may not be the best case for eugenics this board has ever seen, but you are definitely a competitor for the top ten.

The next thing your going to say is something like this:

At first I thought this was just an over eager child, but it's really coming off as some new kind of shilling.
Kikes found something that would actually piss people off and attached it to an idea most would be on board with. Tell me that isn't what this is.

european and native canadian identity.

Moving to /canpol/, this thread has been infiltrated with the usual DnC kikes that show up in every canadian thread.

Let's hope they don't follow us there.

Personally I'd prefer if it said Anglo-Celtic-Franco

You're like some fucking caricature. Everything you write comes across as specifically designed to mimic what you think people on imageboards talk like, however it's plainly obvious to anyone that actually spends time around here that you're an outsider. If you don't actually come from reddit, which I highly doubt considering your mannerisms and typing style, then it's obviously somewhere entirely foreign to imageboards. Either way, you're a cancerous newfag immigrant who needs to either lurk moar or shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.

Your over-excitable typing style makes me think you're some child who thinks he can change the world if he makes some irrelevant board and LARPs hard enough as some kind of saviour. I can't quite put my finger on it, but everything you say seems so plastic and artificial that it sets off alarm bells and has me cringing hard.

And this right here is how I know you don't fucking belong. No. The worthless injun shitskins have no place in Canada's identity. Next time around if we get the chance we need to finish them off for good. No non-whites belong anywhere near a white nation. Take your repulsiove cuckery and fuck off back to whatever shitskin-loving urinal you crawled out of.

Have fun being alone on your worthless injun-loving board, cuckold.

the native Canadian identity is either French, scottish, Irish, English or a combination of a few of these. Injuns need not apply. Canada is a white nation.

I'm also from around Winnipeg. Anyone else interested?

and they don't track that shit? Hell, I'm rural and I can't even use the card catalog anymore without having an ID

projection dubs are a thing I guess

there was /leaf/ but nobody posts on there

Facebook will shut you down as soon as you start getting going. Make no mistake.
There is no hope in an alternative party. Even Trump wasn't able to escape his two-party system, he had to work within it. The idiots that we share a country with are so afraid of "wasting" their vote they would rather a choose a kosher-cock than "risk" it voting for their own interest.

sunday 18th, 1:00, toad in te hole, osbourne, be there.

If there's one thing you must do, it is to never stay in the playpen the liberals have created. Don't fight on their own ground, you must take the argument outside of their moral perspective where nativism is inherently bad, diversity is our strength etc, change the field of battle or you've lost before you began.

How hard would it be to just grab a few guys with rifles, walk straight to Ottawa and lynch Trudeau?




the Canadian Autistic Nationalist party
CAN party, fam
Taglines include


Yeah, it's a real alliance of convenience for you parasites. For us t. petroleum engineer we give everything and recieve less than nothing in return. Wildfires? Oh goody! Here's my chance to flood Alberta with more shitskins to virtue signal down in the capital while obviating an actual response to prevent its spread.
You are a commie espousing this communal kumbaya for to ensure your wealth taken from the backs of farmers and diggers out here doesn't suddenly evaporate and you might have to earn a goddamn living.
Fuck off you shill

Feel free to burn Toronto down again, it's nothing but Sikhs, chinks, pajeets, arabs, and other muds now.

We're not going to solve this issue democratically. We need to create our own version of the turkish civil war.

I saw a libshit faggot somewhere saying this poster was offensive

Wow, hey look, it's a petroleum engineer that doesn't know how equalization works. As usual.

I wonder who paid for all the infrastructure necessary to develop the barren wasteland that were the Prairies before you lucked out and found some oil? I wonder who paid for the financial ruin that was Upper Canada before unification, which made it possible to expand in the first place? Don't act like this is a one-way exploitative relationship.

We have absolutely zero lessons to take from Albertans. Enjoy your NDP, your unemployment and your street shitters. Fucking infested sub 80% white "muh based" province thinking its the saviour of Canada. You're the Saudi Arabia of Canada, blackmailing everybody else with oil money. You're the arrogant nouveau riche. It'll dry up eventually, and you weren't even smart enough to stash some of the wealth in a sovereign fund. You'll sing another tune once that happens, I guarantee you.

Stick to drilling soil and leave politics to the adults.



Up to your typical tricks, eh?
How does equalization work beyond taxing the average working "noveau riche" from a productive province and redistributing the wealth to the proletariat? Do tell, comrade.
And what? Early Canadians laid rail to the west and so all profits from the west unto eternity are by right property of the east? Absolutely nonsensical, (((fam))).
Beyond that, you're so goddamn selfish, so goddamn entitled that you take from me and mine, harm us beside, and then berate me and impute me arrogant for not thanking you for fucking me up the ass with your Marxist bullshit? kys my man
Even in 2001 when half of us were unemployed and living off of savings we were still paying exhorbitant sums to your ilk. How is this not a one-way exploitative relationship? What are we getting from you that we could not render unto ourselves, or from our great neighbour to the south?
And all of that wealth redistributed to you and yours serves only to buy us your contempt in perpetuity. I'm sure America knows well enough how it feels to be shafted so; we'd much better off with them Making Alberta Great Again than with you commie fucks.

Have you ever actually tried to create a party?

Pro-Tip: a few pro-white parties ALREADY have been made, some have been shutdown, and some are still up and I emailed ALL OF THEM months ago before Trump even won president. I've talked to them all.

This party politics shit won't work. We should instead try to create some kind of grassroots mass movement to annex Canada and become part of America. We need to make such a noise that the media can't ignore us, and sees that millions of people are marching to make Canada America.

Best thing would be a military coup. All Canadian Holla Forums anons should join the National Guard or otherwise get their hands on all of the tanks, missiles, guns, and so on and then overthrow the government and ask the Americans to help us.

Lesson #1 : everybody pays into the pot. It is not a direct transfer. Wouldn't you know, that means we're mostly paying ourselves with our own money, and the rest comes from everyone else.

I simply meant to illustrate that this is not a one-way. But I see that you are yet another sanctimonious dipshit high off his own main export's fumes.

Eat shit. Everybody's tired of hearing you fucks perpetually complain. All anyone wants from you is respect but you treat the whole country as underlings not fit to clean your shoes. Wow, you're sitting on oil. Congratulations? Should we thank you for decimating our export economies thanks to the 1.10 USD to CAD conversion rate while we're at it?

Also, nice Reddit meme and superb Reddit spacing. Go back there.

Read lesson #1, you politically illiterate fucktard. And even if that were true, suddenly I don't feel so bad about it.

Who the fuck is contemptuous? Here I am, engaging you in your own fucking language, exposing a valid compromise, and here you are, shitting on me for no reason but your blind hatred of the East. Not that you bothered to even read my original post, because you keep talking about how the poor West is exploited by the evil East…do you even know what a confederation is? Matters of defence, foreign policy and interprovincial commerce and infrastructure would be held in common…THAT'S IT. No equalization, no transfers, keep your fucking money, you North American Saudis. All we do is set up a strong army to defend all of us against any external threats that should arise, and trade within the confederation for the prosperity of us all since the infrastructure is already there. No more bilingualism, no more papa federal to make things equal.

But you'd rather shit on everything because you're too much of a low IQ moron to consider your best interest might also be ours. Do you know how much Alberta and Quebec could gain if we stopped fighting like idiots and forced the federal government to give power to the provinces - all the provinces? Controlled immigration for everybody, more tax points for everybody, culture being fully provincial instead of having the feds fuck in it trying to create some kind of unholy artificial "Canadian" beast. You are truly a dumbass of the worst kind. You must be one of the 23% non-whites inhabiting Alberta right now. This is truly unreal.

If you still don't understand after that, which you're not likely to given what you've displayed here, there truly is no hope for you. Must be the pajeet. Also, have some fucking class and sage if you're going to be off-topic, fucking dimwit.

National-Survivalist Darwininst Autistic Party

If we make a joke party with an Holla Forums-tier name we could drop redpills of all sorts and get away from it. Lets make a Kek party of Canada. We'll be represented by Pepe.

Yeah, and Alberta pays much more into it than any other province. Spin it however you might like, it is absolutely true that the equalization payments take wealth from the economy of industrious provinces and export it to what you call the evil east.
As does everyone else in Canada, fuckhead. It's but that Albertans have a basis for complaint that you obviously cannot fathom.
Yeah, I already said that, commie. Maybe actually learn the language before engaging in it, faggot.

And no, it is fully invalid to posit that we might coexist into the future. All through European history you have very similar populations genociding each other for either slight genetic differences or for happenstance alone. The nuke has stopped that for now, but it'll start up again when defences against the nuke have become commonplace, as they must. Trying to prop up a conglomerate of dissimilar populations will only weaken us. And as for working toward similar interests? Purely fictitious.
You are the nescient moron trying to invent some clusterfuck of a mutual defence contract after all the evidence we have indicating that such things are injurious to all involved, but doubly so to the wealthiest within the agreement.
Go celebrate Bastille day in Nice, cuck.

How about Canadian Sanity Party?

How about Canadian Shitposter's Party?

or Kek Party?

Canadian shitposting workers party, candidate John A. KekDonald
"Make Metis Hang Again"

Amerindians aren't really a priority target because there aren't that many of them and we can push them to self-segregate onto their reserves. That said, Metis are mongrels, and thus need to be hanged to preserve the purity both of the Amerindian race and the White race. Trudeau and various leftists absolutely hate the native Americans and are working hard to exterminate them, I know this, I've spent a lot of time on the reserve.

I can easily see many Native Americans being sincere allies in our struggle and that they would lend their young fighting men in military service to our cause.

Not all of them will be of course; and those that stand in the way shall be crushed. We'll see how the various tribes react to the rise of National Socialism in Canada.

The other thing to keep in mind, and this will seem so silly to you, but the First Nations will hate each other in a similar way to the Irish hating British. While the UK as a whole gets flooded with shitskins, the IRA and British are at each other's throats. So it is with Ojibway and Mohawks to this very day, they are STILL killing each other, and sometimes getting into fights with the FBI too but mostly they are just killing each other while we turn a blind eye to it. Nobody knows this who hasn't lived on the reserves and you're not going to find out about this by doing a search on the Internet or looking through news sources.

You may have heard of AIM; American Indian Movement. If you find their site, there is absolutely nothing informative there, and it just looks like some retarded communist "people of colour" bullshit similar to how niggers try to act as if chinks and spics were on the same team with them in fighting the white man. In actuality it is not like that, they are kind of retarded in a way similar to our neo-nazi skinhead groups are, and mostly prey on their own people (raiding homes for weapons and ammo and raping and beating their own people) they are pretty anarchic. These AIM guys hilariously kill far more natives than anyone else; similar to how ISIS kills far more Muslims than anyone else.

All things I know considered I suggest a policy of forming alliances with the nationalistically minded natives and forcing as many natives as possible to self-segregate and have their own nations. They will mostly collapse under the burden of a shitload of alcoholism and drugs on their own as has been happening to them already so far. There only chance of survival is to become a noble people again; and in that case they will then be like the Japanese to Germany, we will look at them and see a people who don't want to mix and who have great values and a love of their people, and we will know that at heart they are nationalists like us and fighting against the same globalist racemixing jew menace.

Of much greater concern is how do we defeat the orientals? I can not think of a good strategy for this. Many of them have embedded themselves into the nation now and they are reasonably intelligent and very wealthy. I don't know how to undermine them so that we can destroy them and take our country back for them.

It's fucking painful that all of those pistols were melted down. Goddamnit.

tfw an endless and pointless cycle of guns being melted down and remade because libtards have to keep disarming us all

Fuckin' aye. Don't get me started on the RCMP reclassifying shit on a whim. Sig rifles, 25rd mags for ruger .22's.

All the classification bullshit really grinds me. You either trust people to have guns and ammunition or you don't. It's fucking retarded to make these arbitrary distinctions.

If I was leader of Canada I'd draft absolutely everyone, forcing everybody into military training, while secretly enforcing an agenda to cull the weak in this way (they won't survive training and yes it's mandatory for EVERYONE). Then I'd make damned sure every last family in the whole country is heavily armed. If I can't trust a citizen to be armed; I certainly can't trust them to be in my nation.

There's a difference between PRcucking for Holla Forumss image, which we will never lose our essence over, and PRcucking in real life because you can literally be sent to jail for hate speech. Canada is in a much worse place than the US so they need to slowly push their Overton Window back right again. All while keeping Holla Forums the anonymous "extreme" right to set par for the course.

I forget the term but it's the classic strike at full force while also striking at medium force, so that people choose the option they think is more neutral.

Also, that 4th image is such a damn shame. What a waste of history.

This article is almost ten years old but it shows how fucked we've been for so long.

OP here, my phone has been getting all sorts of calls from people who liked my posters, I think we have a majority in Canada, and have had one for a long time, but our speech laws make them invisible, we just need to unite them, If the kids are united, we can never be divided (we should play a lot of Oi! at our rallies when we have them, I'll need to ask Gavin to recommend me some redpilled bands).

problem is, a lot of them are not white, some are african-canadians who escaped to the new world to get away from communists and islamists (only to wind up in canada), some native canadians and metis, who mostly had nothing but good things to say about white people, who they perceive as getting a bad rap, but hate the government and islam, as they both want to destroy their conservative family-oriented culture, and asian-canadians, who feel closer to whites than the other races, due to shared historical achievements and high IQs, in particular, japanese-canadians are redpilled as fuck, they despise the chinese invasion of vancouver, as well as the chinese in general. (all legal citizens BTW, as the -canadian suffix represents, and their ID's)


Apparently not all of them were disposed of: archive.is/LFGMr
We may be able to buy them; I know I will if it does happen.

Gas The Chinks, Rice War Now!