Other urls found in this thread:


im a kike shill first post!

Just wait for hitler.


This. These filthy goyim need to stop holding out and except us chosenites as their leaders.

G-d Emporer Geert will remove Amelek!

vote early and vote often

He won't win. Neither will Le Pen. The next significant event that will happen in Europe is when the U.S. is forced to invade only because ISIS has been duly elected to power in France and has control of their nuclear arsenal. Europeans want to die and there's nothing we can do to save them. I've abandoned all hope of Europe surviving and I'm focused on America. Europe is so fucking cucked they deserve it honestly.

Hurr durr muh ISIS gonna take whole continent of europe!!11one
[burgerposting loudly]
You need to fucking kill yourself.

They are. You're going to wave your little rainbow #RefugeesWelcome signs in the air until your heads are sawed off and you'll thank them for it as the knife hits your skin. You're begging for death as a continent and the Muslims are granting it. They won't even have to kill you because you're not going to breathe one breath of resistance. But they're going to kill you anyway.



Fuck off you worthless kike.

Fuckin A right man I'm voting green party!

No seriously wtf do you autistic faggots suggest? Should I have voted for Hillary?

showed up for work a half hour early today?

Fuck off roleplayer

come to >>>/polk/ if you hate imcoonfy


Bump for Geert. Most momentum and realistic chance of winning. Everyone jewposting is a faggot. He is not Hitler and we know that.

Don't dissapoint me

your spelling disappointed me

bump for interest




When will we know the results?

Oh wow, it's another dead board.

if you cant gas em, might as well send them back to their containment center

wtf is that?

he didn't win

Nah, Hitler was just a controlled opposition Zionist shill, like Wilders, LePen, and Trump. Voting is for sheep, goyim. If you were really redpilled, you'd just do nothing while we- uh, I mean they flood Europe with another 6 gorrillion Africans, hehehe.


don't do namefagging here. fuck off back to cuckchan.

Kill yourself, kike.



ITT: Autism.


This is now a Smuggie thread

A bong gave me this for the presidential election, shadilay brothers.


He might like kikes but at least he wants the best for the Netherlands and that's all that counts, he's the best we have.

Unlike Trump, he's a kike himself and wants what's best for his co-racialists, not the Netherlands.

6,000,000th jewish shilling thread for (((Geert Wilders))) today!
Must be a record.

Translation of linked image:

This legal statement is about the words spoken by mr. G. Wilders (GW) to the woman seated next to him Mevrouw M.B. Kwint-de Roos, after the traditional christmas diner of the VVD-fraction in the old building of the Second Chamber of 1991.
The revealed statements were made after alcohol usage, but are despite that, now in 2010 with the election coming, very notable and worrying.

A Dutch Politician as informant for a Foreign Intelligence agency should be addressed and should, to the opinion of the signing people of this document, have no access to sensitive information of strategic andor economic nature.
(Miss M.B. Kwint-de Roos served from 1983 to 1996 as (medewerkster) of the VVD-fraction in the Second Chamber)
With this document, M.B. Kwint-de Roos (MBK) and J.A.W.F. Kwint (JAK) state the following After music stopped playing there were a number of VVD Chambermembers, Personal Aides and Fraction personnel who remained after dinner to sing songs and eat snacks.
During that, GW found it suitable to sing in hushed tones in MBK's ear Israeli songs and to gave a number of announcements of private nature, that will now be listed below.

-Geert Wilders is the son of a Dutch-Indo father and a Dutch Jewish Mother
-Geert Wilders was recruited by Israeli Intelligence agency, received in Israel a harsh education and was even tortured as part of that education.
-Geert Wilder drove during a vacation, during christmas leave, in an old Volkswagen on his own, through Syria.
-Geert Wilders has both a Dutch and an Israeli Passport.
-Geert Wilder career is not decided by him but by others for him. This goes so far, according to his own words, that even the divorce between him and his first wife was engineered as well as the marriage to his second wife without his own decisions arranged. G
eert Wilders supported this with the following statement How do you think I got her I even became Chamber member. I am too young. First Hoogervorst and then me, I don't have to do anything for that!

When MBK noted that JAK, in an old past, also had contacts with an intelligence agency, GW immediately sobered up and uttered the following threat

If you ever make a report of this conversation, that will be very dangerous for you and your husband

Worst of Wilders - Part 2 of 14 - His True Loyalty

Geert Wilders embraces his Jewishness in America

Israeli-Zionist GEERT WILDERS EXPOSED! (Another Zionist Spreading Fear, Hate, and Lies)


Zionist interest groups finance the hatemongering against Muslims

Extremist Jews & Israelis Funding Racist Geert Wilders To Fight Muslims

Geert wilders ?n Israel 5 Dec. - 3/3

Ghoul hour drank water and ate food.
Stop drinking water and eating food.

are there any dutch people left who could vote for him?

To quote the isreali mossad operative Geert Wilders in his own words

Wilders told the Gatestone Institute. Mothers in the West can sleep safely because Israeli mothers at night worry about their sons in the army,Their fight is our fight. We should support it


the jews are not our friends but our eternal enemy as is anyone daring suggest we should ally with them in any fight against the infernal kike

Delenda est judaica!

Just arrived home. Any of you /netherland/ anons care to give me an update? what's the situation like on the ground and the general consensus? Is he winning?




FvD you nigger.

Like cockwerk

I'm expecting the VVD to win again, but I'm hoping for a miracle.

East coast USA user here, what time will we find out the results?

The "Russians hacking the election" narrative getting spun up already. Just in case.

6pm EDT faggot

nice dub dubs

I love the Russia narrative, it makes them seem like conspiracy theorists.

so how does it look. does our jew win?

Fuck this, no more elections then. Make the Netherlands a monarchy.

Its also good for us as they are far more likely to cheat than our side is. In fact I would not be surprised if it was some clever Holla Forumsack who started the Russia hacking rumours just so that the kike won't be able to commit election fraud as easily.

more likely the israelis are hacking it

no. he's going to struggle to even come in second. cuckservative candidate rutte has this thing wrapped up. no point in getting our hopes up tonight.

If you knew how we hold our elections you'd know that we need verifiable votes - so a recount can be done.
If you'd have a diebold engine, this process is fucked and you are scamming the nation.
yeah they were hacking us in 1827


3 1/2 hours left.
We need to send our meme magic his way.

pls no

What are your predictions Holla Forums ?

the fucking queen : "there's no such thing as an identifiable Dutch culture"

Not good. Wilders will probably come in second and get locked out of any coalition talks. The good thing is that a cuckservative-centrist coalition isn't bound to last very long, so we'll likely have elections again within 2 years.

I think he will win, look at the polls, they are so close and people always hesitate to say they support the politically incorrect candidate.

We will see another Trumpening

based on the media yesterday - VVD is winning
But, as you have seen with the Trump - it's not over until it's over.

if there is no identifiable dutch culture then why we're spending 40 million a year on our royalty? Obviously the king doesn't even get recognized when he walks down the street because he's part of our unidentifiable dutch culture.

or the queen is a fucking stupid 2nd world cunt (who can't into daddies flying lessons)

smuggies and echoes are the only good thing TRS ever did, no need to throw away good memes faggot.

Don't underestimate the effect that the Turks have had in the last few days. Wilders has a good chance.

What is going on with TRS anyway?

I was around for the Jew loving fucker Enoch, and them deciding to continue shilling, are they still up and running as before?

my fucking god I hate those fucking turks

Ach rot op man cuckservative, geen haar beter dan de CU betreft migratiepolitiek.

Heb gewoon Geert gestemd.

Netherlands new colonial empire when?

flikker op mongool en ga SGP stemmen als je geen buitenlanders wilt hier.
Je hebt dom en je hebt echt achterlijk dom.

when not?

I wouldn't eat food that Ghoul prepared, he'd probably get GRIDS blood in it. Same with his memes.

It'll be another rerun of the Austrian election, close but no cigar. Just another controlled opposition kike sucking up the nationalist vote and playing both sides. Move along kids.

Gib Brunei


Muslim holocaust NOW

kk op shill


How degenerate and out of control of your life do you have to be to fill in the underarm and pubic hair status of whores on a dedicated wiki. Every now and then little things on the net take you aback.

booslim gedetecteerd


So if Wilders doesnt make it and is forced to go into opposition (because he wont get a chance for coalition), what would be a good % that would really throw a wrench into the liberal gears?

That poor dog needs mouthrinse and a fresh round of shots after biting that filthy Göbekli.

In addition to them being suspect due to latent faggotry and libertarianism, constantly calling themselves goys and using the word "fashy", and creating an actual echo chamber where they regurgitate stolen memes (they added post numbers to their forum just so they could get dubs), we found out early this year that through doxing that.

Just forget they ever existed, they're practically dead now and anyone with a chance of redemption has already moved on.





March 13th

These roaches need to be gassed.

Good luck Netherlands.

Literal invasion. How can the Dutch not vote for Wilders with this shit on their streets?

Are they still voting?

Today marks the day Kebab gets removed

Voting a fake righty always leads to a left swing. Look at bush.
It creates a precedent where you voted a fake righty which was bad for both sides, so you get another decade of leftism because no one will risk voting right.

This has always been the case.
The opposite has never been the case.
Even recently:
90s = decade of fake righties in power, neocon garbage who fucked things up and didn't fix anything
00s = decade of leftists who took advantage of opposition being unable to offer anything good
10s = decade of more neocons
20s = remember when you blamed stupid boomers who voted neocons and ruined the right? welcome to their club

Really making your case.

Another 40 minutes of voting yes.

Any result?

Yes, about 40 minutes left.

Sanctimonious leftism must fuck up your DNA somehow. That, or Fidel Castro was one horny bastard. Pic related is not actually Justin Trudeau, but Jesse Klaver, maybe the smuggest Green in the Netherlands right now.

Money quote from this faggot: "[Wilders defeat] shows you can defeat populism."

**InB4 "Durr, Wilders is a Jew, so we should support internationalist kikes in Brussels!"

Probably because they are Dutch while he isn't, also the fact he's an isreali Mossad intelligence embedded agent whose role is to misdirect the awakening Dutch masses to jewish tyranny.

Wilders is an isreali Mossad intelligence asset, probably as good a reason for every single non-jew in the world to tar and feather him and send him back to you in Tel Aviv in flames

That'll do, Pig.


There are other people who want to get out of the EU though? Why do you people keep pretending Wilders is the only option?

Maybe because he's our best chance, polling wise, atm

K ik heb genoeg van deze draad gezien, overspoeld met shills.

So you're saying Geert is a "based nationalist jew"?

Actually, I think he's saying something along the lines of

No, he's a kike for sure. But what else is going on in the Netherlands that promises to show us how far to the right a formerly pozzed-as-fuck Euro cuckland is ready to go?

Okay, who's your preferred candidate?
Nobody running?
Okay then. . .

pretty sure polls have shown favorable for Wilders just to motivate the leftist cucks to go vote on left parties

fuck Wilders tho

Do we have any kind of recount yet?


Pic Related

Remind me why any country lets women vote?

fiddy fiddy, user

So how many of our enemies have you killed today?

Again, it seems you people do not understand how the Dutch government works. There's not some kind of winner who is the new leader of the Netherlands. For every 1/150th of the votes you get one seat in the government. You then have to work together with other parties to get a majority (coalition) while the remainder still remains part of the government as well (the opposition). The resulting government then votes who becomes minister of what, and who is prime minister.

Hiddema, you retard.
Holy shit, do you WANT to make it obvious you're not an actual regular Holla Forums user?

Do a google search for Wilders and then do a search for Rutte.

Wilders had millions of results whereas Rutte had under a million. As we have seen with Trump, I think whoever is being talked about most stands the most chance of winning.

Considering how many dozens of jewish hasbara shills I've taken on and held my own against, I did alright, you're still breathing though…

-1 against me for that

I wouldn't rule that out, this guy is some shitskin mutt so who knows who the real father is.


Indeed little hasbara jew, today I was indeed a mighty keyboard warrior,however in real life I am far more dashing and brave than my internet persona allows me to convey.

meanwhile every dirty kike promoting controlled opposition jews like Wilders continues to be a physically repulsive cowardly kike in both real life and online.

Translation: I am paid $0.01 per post to enable the extermination of European volk and project my own patheticness at others.

Remember everyone, this is a classic shill tactic. Just hide and report.






So how does it look so far?
I spent all day away from Holla Forums

Everyone knows wilder is a supreme gentleman(jew asian half breed) right?

Are any of those parties remotely close to winning as Wilders?




He's not actually Jewish, he's just really pro-Israel. Probably his absolute biggest flaw.

if only user would run for elections we'd never have this problem

For fuck's sake people, read.




It fucking pisses me off to hear shit like this. The "No such thing as X culture" is a kike meme that's spread by kike media in White countries to demoralize and depress the population. It's part of the process of brainwashing young whites into thinking their country is somehow improving by importing millions of shitskins and turning nigger rap into the main music genre - hence the false concept of "cultural enrichment."

So if Geert loses, how long until Holland is forced to convert to Islam?

None of the jews treat him as one of their own, only ever as a shabbos goy. They could be wrong, ofcourse, but I doubt it. What you posted is as just worthless as my opinion so deal with it.

4 years

Geert pretty much conceded. Doesn't look good for him.

biggest mistake ever, but the jews knew it would work



No, he said rutted is far away from him, as in he's leading. This is only exit polls, so nothing solid yet, but I have good feelings. This reminds me of brexit.


Has the second exit poll come out?

Any media streaming info in English?

BASED kikes amiright

Also forgot you are actually taking kike opinions as something to be trusted. Can't explain it other than being a shill if you think their views are credible.

Actual results here:

I'm simply stating that I'm not at all convinced he's an actual jew. Why would a real jew ever put himself in the uncomfortable position of having attention? Almost always they pay someone else to do their work and take the heat. Which is why I think they don't consider him jewish. which in turn is why I think he isn't


Actual results of 3/338 districts so far, not the full results yet. Might want to point that bit out.

Yes, of course.


The JDL does, but they're BASED kikes, right? I mean, Nadav "Reactionary Jew" Salomon is trying to start his own chapter, so they must be great.

So what are the odds of the Netherlands uncucking themselves?

Source? His wife's maiden name is Krisztina Marfai. I've never fucking met a kike that's named their child Christopher, Kristina, Kristen, Christian, or any other name derived from CHRIST

Interesting would be an analysis from a Dutchbro in which districts we can expect a good PVV showing and where we can expect a shitshow like in those which are already counted.

Already did.

No you didn't. The links you posted here show nothing to back up the claim of being married to a kike. The first one doesn't mention his wife, and the second calls Krisztina a jew and cites Geert's wikipedia page, which makes no reference to this.

Again, Krisztina is an explicitly christian name. it's very unlikely for a yid to be named that.

Yes I did.


You apparently have horrible reading comprehension.

if the exit polls are to be believed… pretty much none

please Frogs, don't let Europe down

if dubs geert wins


You shills really are getting worse by the second.

I've never filtered so many IDs in a single thread. All this shilling over the fucking Netherlands? Merchant be losing their shit or something

Based on Trump and Brexit, plus how badly they had to rig the Austrian election in order to get the NWO to win there, I'm betting on Wilders doing quite well. All the shilling here is another positive sign.

They think we still care what they have to say. Deluded kikes.

6 of the 388 districts counted
Voting results live (being counted as we speak):



It's the ADL, they are a global force.


Only 6 of 388 counted and yet winners were declared already (see drudgereport.com)? That [[still]] smells like shit to me. Utter shit.

Think of your heart user.
Breathe in Breathe out.
Kek bless you.

Then drudgereport is simply retarded and jumping to conclusions based on exit polls.

The problem is that plenty of Dutch people are fairly redpilled on immigration, but they just refuse to vote for a party that actually wants to solve the immigration issue.

If we had referendums on reducing immigration, we'd have much better results. Polls on leaving the EU have shown that majorities or near-majorities of people want to leave.

They're linking the info to a Daily Mail article talking about exit polls.

Should I go for it Holla Forums?

Drudge is just a news aggregator…he's clearly posting whatever is available for an audience unfamiliar w/ European news outlets

Counting chickens before they hatch. Until ALL votes are counted, the winner has not been announced (they may drag this out for as long as they can as they did with the US' election). Have faith and keep it strong that we will pull through

That is weird for Drudgereport to do that…something's amiss

I have 50 on PVV on Predictit, what site are you using?

Because there are also leftists that want to leave the EU but are also cucked enough to accept muslim immigration. Look at the SP for example.

Aussie sportsbet.

The only good thing I can think about Geert is that he rattled the roaches nest, and his Islamophobia

Post your Make Istanbul Constantinople Again pictures


You anons are making sense and helping clear this up for me, thanks.

Like Matt Drudge, I'm an Amerifat who knows nothing about foreign elections, I'm just finding this stuff out.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Rutte's party regain ground by trying to triangulate Wilders' positions? What I mean is, didn't they basically do what Clinton did in 1994-95 "Hey us liberals care about reforming welfare too! We're not afraid to swing right to get the job done!"

no, rutte is 99% certain to win. even if wilders gets more votes, he won't be PM.

The map is getting pretty blue

I dont have enough fate to have PVV swing to top position. I fullt expect them to gain some extra seats, especially since the high voting rate.

What a shit payout


I started listening to them when they interview that gawker dude, not seriously or anything but more just as background noise that wasn't NPR or Glenn Beck. I listened to them and FtN until the election was over, and then just tuned in once a week to see if I felt like listening to them. There were some entertaining segments and it was nice to hear a podcast complain about niggers and kikes.

Unfortunately it came out that basically it was all a sham. They were just libertarians making edgy jokes and hamfisting in memes awkwardly, which I had just chalked up to autism but apparently it was more sinister. I still check in every now and then out of morbid curiousity, and they're still putting out shows for some godforsaken reason. I tried listening to one or two but I just couldn't stomach it. It felt so disingenuous, not to mention they go through all the money they get each and every episode, and pick on easy targets like Milo or McInnes or sjws or trannies instead of talking about bill hicks, deep state, actually tackling the JQ instead of joking about it.

basically the only reason you should listen to it is if you recognize it as a libertarian show with edgy overtones. I still listen to some older shows if I go on a drive and need something to play, their interviews with gawker guy and vice girl were semi interesting even though they focused more on niggers and less than kikes, it's still mildly entertaining. that said you can find much better entertainment that isn't infested with kike wives

But the bet is for most seats, not for who will be PM

Holy shit, thank you Kek

Is Geert Wilder's party PVV or PvdA?




PvdA is labour.

PVV 3th wup wup
10 of the 388 districts counted

To all Dutch faggots here.

1. Get a solid VPN
2. Map your neighbourhood. Our country has especially high rates of public camera's. Be sure to mark them on your maps.
3. Redpill. This shouldnt be said but I wanted to note anyway.

Knowing your surroundings is key. Even if these results come out positive. I also sugguest keeping notes of your direct contacts. Ive made a list of people I know ranked on who I can trust the most.

Be prepared for the worst.

What the fuck did pvda do to piss off their voters so badly?

I'm not feeling it fam. but then, what do I know.


Be obnoxiously progressive and tolerant


Commies being commies.

Fucking hell, look at that drop in the labour party.

Aaaand 13/388 counted

Are the CDA basically bible thumpers or something?

We are now in a state of ACCELERATION.
Geert has lost and the Alpha plan must goto backup.

you fags over there might want to start building some firepower. Just sayin.

Americlap here, what's happening and who should I root for?

They went really far left and alienated 2/3rds of their entire voting base.
Apparently this is the lowest point they've ever been at since WW2.

Christian Democrats are cucks


Can't decide if it's worse here or on Twitter

FvD, anyone saying Geert is a ADL shit.

Anyone but pvda

Yea pretty much.

PVV and/or FvD to be as high as possible.

If dubs Geert wins the election and removes kebab

vote counting*

This isn't an election for the PM, it's an election for seats in the Cabinet.

One of the parties has to lose voters in order to show rigged polls without going over the %.

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to the Hague tomorrow.

apperantly the FvD is at 2 seats atm.

this. Geert is a joke that had it's chance to do shit last elections. he is content being in the opposition perpetually, so he doesn't have to lead. seriously, fuck him.

Ok Holla Forums, I know the odds aren't looking good right now but I threw some pocket change at PVV just in case.

No, just middle of the road social democrats with some christian ideas as decoration. not out and out muh bible. the CU (christenunie) is a bit more left leaning, the SGP is more muh bible.

Don't be an idiot and fuck this up.

You kill a dozen mudslimes, the Netherlands are bombarded with guilt about ebil racisms and they'll bring in 120.000 to replace the 12 you kill.

mate, we can't even legally own pepperspray, what fucking firepower are you talking about?

No giant changes yet but have a 14/388

Anyone else notice every kind of distraction being thrown in the thread at once?

why, Trump ofcourse.

I wouldnt say alienated, otherwise GroenLinks wouldnt have quadrupled. This means they radicalised.

This also means we have to too, as far as possible.



Germany mate, legally own doesnt mean anything. ;)

Been going on all day in multiple threads on this topic.

i can guarantee you Friesland will be the PvdA again. seriously, what's up with them always voting PvdA?

If you're serious you better not be one of those clueless chumps that gets himself captured.

Look at the filename you idiot.


This has Brexit feeling for me, I was bummed at first and then we won!

Kek, what do you mean? As long as anons dont meme our side losing all is good

i got dubs memeing new Constantinople and nobody noticed

it means that it's incredibly hard to get even the slightest hint of an effective weapon. unless you know a roach or some Moroccan who deals in that shit, it's pretty hard getting anything more powerful that a peashooter.

Not a clue, hopefully those stubborn farmers will learn one day

Wasnt that the joke? Its just poking FBI's jimmies.
dense motherf

You're going to need more than just dubs to meme on that level but you getting dubs again certainly helps

If we emerge victorious, Turkey will become a Dutch colony by tomorrow evening.

Dude, cant you drive? Its like 2 hours to the border at most. Doesnt cost much in gas either.

If I could strangle you autistic fucking retards to death with my own bare hands…

nice I'll check these for you

As for the election, we don't have a Holla Forums candidate. some people insist wilders is, but that is not really true. the closest we have is FvD, but they are at about 2% so nothing to get excited about.


Socialists Spotted on the map!
15 of the 388 districts counted.

Is DENK the Roach-Mudshit Refugee Party?

yes it was. Im so dense because these are our election. I was much more relaxed during the US elections.


What did kek mean by this?


Last week fucked around and got a triple double

Checked. And Brexit feeling? Try a fucking American elections feeling. Being screamed at from all corners that Hillary is guaranteed to win in a landslide, the little media on our side becoming defeatist, and the shitlibs smugly celebrating preemptively. Then Trump won.
I hope that happens here.




Makes me rather sad to see how badly cucked the dutch are that despite with massive riots by turkroaches they still won't do something so fucking basic as vote for their own survival.

At least you have media on your side

wew that would not surprise me after what happened this past week

Turks BTFO

is that dutch for danke?

More likely scenario in my mind? France takes its country back, Germany joins Ottoman Empire 2.0 & drags a ton of Europe with it… haven't thought it all out but I see Turkey making power moves soon

I grow so weary of idealists


Does this vote count proceeds or should I be wary of it ?

17 of the 388 districts counted.

What I mean is that there a shitton of individual counties/districts(?)
Brexit was like that, a lot of based countryside and pozzed cities.
But then PVV meets Roterrdam

Denk means think.

No its Dutch for think, as in thinking. Ironic,

mate, even our right wing parties are so left it hurts. the PVV has absolutely no one that even wants to touch his 'radical' party.

I highly fucking doubt i can acquire a weapon with no contacts, with no weapons licence, and with the meager loan money for my study. yurop=/=burgerstan. and on top of that, i'm not in the criminal circuit, so how do you guess a person would get a gun, huh?

I think the PPV has more support from foreign media than from Dutch media, from what I've been hearing. Still, support is support. Maintain hope. We will win in the end.

Sorry for not breaking the link, I'm travelling atm.

If PVV is the biggest in rotterdam i have hope

What did these guys do to piss you Tulips off so bad? They're getting wrecked.

oh fug that's obvious, I hate dutch. it's like retarded german

They're the labour party.

Its the one i use aswell, its good


Holy shit. I wasn't expecting that. Didn't they go to PvdA last time?

Classic labour basically

they went from the laborers party to the communist party. completely fucked over the laborers in favor of muh socialism.

So PVV is Geert and PVd is faggots?

PvdA and VVD were the biggest parties and leaders of the old coalition. They're being punished for the previous cabinet which sucked. VVD still has their core voters but PvdA went from being superfriendly to immigrants to being more critical and for that they've lost the immigrant vote (a significant part of their voters)

Really? They literally had turkroaches sperging out right outside their door. I actually expected a bigger effect from that but we will see

Stay safe, depending on the result.
You all know what I mean.

fucking spoiler that shit

is there still hope?

Whats a

PvdA is like UK labour, PVV is anti islam freedom party Geert.

Probably means the pvda

GL just won amsterdam.

Amsterdam GL kek, as expected.


Jewish liberal shithole.

Yes, the PvdA got like 32% of the vote last time.

Daily reminder that socialism is the opposite of workers' representation.

Socialists' first foothold is the reversal of words. Next comes the reversal of deeds (aka projection,) and finally the reversal of fates. The idle-ignorant would have everything; and the hardest working would work for nothing - then they are shot once they're no longer needed.

I have no idea what to expect but I have faith in our memes.

You dont have to tell brother,

i hate that fucking Obama clone, its not even funny. i'd rather have the socialist party than the mainstream media approved "hip" progressive guy. what a piece of garbage.

Oh we know brother. We're well aware of the way Bolshevism/Marxism is just institutionalized Judaism, right down to their Hegellian Dialectic.

Thanks anons, I'm not well versed in Dutch Politics.

Wait, if the race is being fought b/w Geert's & Rutte's party, doesn't Green taking Amsterdam make things interesting…?

If I had to scroll past this ugly ape in my folder you have to see it too.

What is GL? can't find it in the legend post

I hate socialist in general with every cell in my body. I know they are playing both sides, but atleast SP is against EU. Its a step.

Liberals' memes are weak. All they do is parrot the same projectile-negativity in every thread of every website; it only makes the rest of the world hate them even more.

The (((Exit-polls))) Suggest its not even a race between Geert and Rutte


I've seen him being called the Dutch Trudeau, he's fucking scum.


The people that were on that red ice stream were cancer. Abolsutely stupid shit like "we want a middle class intellectual movement"

at this point, i'm only hoping that a VVD and CDA coalition will be enough to keep that shitstain of the lefty greens out. anything but that.



Well bless their hearts

holy fuck that escaleted quickly kek.
25 of the 388 districts counted.

The Dutch is cucked. Who saw that coming?



At this point I would settle for a single unpozzed philosopher and intellectual.

Thanks, saved!

Student hellhole

well, yeah it's kinda like sweden.

we as in dutchland.
Holla Forums candidate as in someone who isn't a civicnationalist cuck.

Greens (groen links)

user, you'll want the webm.

And of course, the GroenLinks communists have to attack Trump at the end and say 'y-your evil nazi revolution isn't spreading here, j-just look at these results, ha ha ha'

Obviously the small crowd of GroenLinks paid fans were all typical numales and feminist dykes.

Reminder that the country's No.1 pastime today is euthanasia.

So yeah…

Kek bless you

I thought I was the only one listening to Initial D right now


Dammit Swampniggers, was hoping for a better showing. It's going to take mountains of dead Europeans at the hands of shitskins for this to change.

Thank you

No clue, some Dutch TV show I think.

the VVD, the 'right' party also had something similar in their speech, saying it gave halt on the "wrong kind of populism", after brexit and trump.

Well, if would be foolish to believe that every election after 'Murica's would be like Trump. The pendulum ain't going to swing that hard across the world.

So many small parties to spread votes that would possibly make a difference, that's so retarded.

Did you see the Denk paid crowd too?
Laughed my ass off

Seeing as it looks like they're going to win, the Dutch are hopelessly cucked, might as well be Sweden at this point.

what happened?

It's almost as if parliamentary systems exist strictly to prevent compromise among voters and split the vote just so that the candidate who only offers gibs wins.

When you ride with the dagumi, you are never alone.

Sweden's been in a process of retracting from its mess.

i sure as hell know that after my study is over, i'm moving to a right-wing country. i'm hoping there is interest in these countries for genetic microbiologists.

There will be.

Have some decency

Debating 'nationalisms' is scholastic after some point. It's like debating modernities

fuck, at this point, artikel 1 is going to have seats.
for anyone not familiar with A1, it's the pure sjw party at this point.


Did they just blatantly rig the votes by refusing to count the rest of the districts?

I can't wait for the American media to pick up on this and say that we need to follow the Dutch's example and fight back against bigotry.

I guess the Dutch just haven't had their share of Islamic attacks yet.

SJW's in second place, fuck this is going to be painful

So what's the chance the vote was rigged?

Wasn't Geert running 40% recently and then his poll numbers just dropped without explanation?

We really haven't.

The reason why the right didnt snowball this election is because the muds have been appeased enough so they dont commit open islamic terrorist attacks here. They instead use the Netherlands as a place to gather up and talk to eachother, sort of like a demilitarized zone for indirect actions. So because of this lack of direct terrorist attacks there isnt as much consciousness of islamic terror as in lets say the US that has suffered multiple Islamic terror attacks.


was thinking the exact same thing just now

But you will very soon at this rate

The russians forgot to hack the election

Sure, nothing at all.

He was 24% not 40%

You just described what Holland has been for the past 300 plus years, if I understand correctly

Checked, get ready for the mudslimes

The Denazification goes deep, very deep. It's tough to climb out of here, where it's easier to get jailed for speech and expressed thoughts than for the invaders to be arrested for physical crimes.

Don't count us out just yet though, might become a lot more interesting as the results trickle in.

My only chance of getting out of this liberal hellhole is if Trump makes it easy for whites to immigrate to America, otherwise I'm fucked.

Highly likely. Very highly likely. Looks very odd. Winners declared from the get-go pretty much, now refusing to count all the remaining districts…?


I'm having flashbacks here, about crying faces on CNN and niggers touching a screen looking for votes on a kanker candidate in the United States of America.
Don't lose hope faggots.

this is not an intentional black pill post

So what happens if Wilders doesn't win? Who's poised to take control, and what does that mean for the Netherlands?

Definitely a possibility. Look at what happened with Hofer. It's hard to fathom just how locked-down by ZOG the european governments are. After brexit happened, they absolutely started locking things down and rigging the outcomes.

I will never cease to be amazed by literal apes that look more human than niggers.

Can I get a source on them refusing to count votes please?

idk, but at least it isn't a KIKE HURR DURR

There were lots of rumors I heard last year about the Special Forces continually intervening and taking out potential threats before they could do anything, including straight up no-prisoners execution when caught. Once every few days there's military choppers flying past, sometimes three at once, though I might just live fairly near a base. Also that the Army was training with the German Army for internal war against muzzies.

Rumors though, not much more.

Wilders can't "win", this is not a presidential election.
Leftist coalition will be the result.

The current PM is poised to take control. That would mean more of the same.

Are we going to have to invade Europe to unfuck them and fix our mistake?

It's not as if america has its own set of problems to deal with.

Just take a look at this user:

Most of the votes have not even been counted. Winners declared already? Uhhhhh… that's called RIGGED.

Mostly germany

As always

i donno, i thing with current regulations, being electronically disposed is much higher on the 'need'-scale atm.

have you even seen the polls? PVV + FvD doesn't even come close to majority, and with literally every party vowing never to work with the PVV, we will never get out of this shit. our party system doesn't account for majority votes, only which parties can give up their ideals to fuck over the other ones and form a coalition. shit's hopelessly fucked, mate.

Could be part of the European Army that being talked about.

Nothing changes and the cogs keep on turning left.

This, its how our (((system))) is set up.

At least we'll be the good guys this time.

And we're actually going to liberate them.

Hopefully CDA (Christian Democrats) and PVV (Wilders) can form a large enough coalition to prevent the libs from doing everything they want.

CDA aren't doing great but both combined and some scare tactics might prevent other parties forming with Rutte.

Also Amsterdam voted DENK party above PVV, DENK is literally Muslims R US so maybe if they ally with Rutte (which they will if he lets them) we will have troubles.


My ancestry goes back to Prussia, then someone had the bright idea of moving to Rusland where their descendants got Holodomor'd for being intellectuals and now the jewish left wing is destroying our current aussie refuge.
You could say that we've become a rootless international clique :^). Only living blood matters, not the soil where old bones are buried.

Honestly i'm starting to think that the American system in superior where the 2 parties are de facto coalitions and whoever wins control of the party wins the whole coalition.

It prevented the cuckservives from just forming a coalition with the Democrats and denying Trump.

Every time I see the word christian in a party name, I just think of cuck party.
Or is the dutch christian party more right ring?

I just pulled this up, this is the only other excuse they have for these results coming out very very slowly:


Maybe since they are counting them by hand we won't really know the results till tonight…… unless they rig it by shutting down the rest of the counts.

Could be worse, there's 'german enclaves' in Hueland.

there was some dutch faggot talking shit about America's 2 party system too. In the meanwhile his country burns due to traitors and kikes

Ok it is done lads.
Now let's see what the ZOG will do for France Presidential Election.

The question is who's counting the ballots?

Wasn't antifa caught counting the votes in Austria?

CDA won't work with PVV. get real man, i want to win just as much as anyone else, but those cucks shouldn;t even be considered conservative/right.

jeah, no. they are more left wing than murrica's democrats. even the PVV has some extremely left-wing policies. the entire political spectrum here is screwed beyond belief.

Now you see the vanity of forming separate parties. Cultural Marxists didn't start their own universities or schools. They took over the ones in existence

Wait what? I don't recall hearing about that. Trips demand a source if anyone has one.

i'd rather have that, if it means those faggot small parties and coalition forming would be burned down.

America is going probably going to slide into a civil war before any European country does.


Thats why Austria had a re election.

Some notes for the Americans:

Highly unlikely at this point.

Unlike Euros we have guns and our right owns the vast majority.

Ok, so from what Im gathering, this election cycle was basically an attempt to shore up some kind of defense against the communists and muslims that are there? And if Wilders or the "Deus Vult" party don't get significantly more votes less than 10% of all districts are reporting in, right?, it'll just mean more spiraling down the proverbial drain?

It's not done till they count the rest of the votes. Look at all these areas that have not been counted (yet)!!


I hate this meme

Also remember all the stuff hidden in the attics from the 90s and world wars.

down to fourth

I've always wondered why nationalists in pro-fun countries don't smuggle guns to allies in cucked nations for funding. I doubt it would be that hard.

Nigger Americans literally own half of all guns in existence.

I am not shitting yo.

They're going to be acquainted with filtration, the "hand counting" is a justification to demolish votes from the righteous parties that they don't control. Why do you think they deployed this in the middle of the fucking counting?

Fucking commies

Fucking rigged.

(((French))) medias over here are already celebrating the Dutch Cuck Parties victory.

Sad. Remind me Hofer.

The game is rigged. Fucking ZOG.

You have like 130 million shitskins in the country. How the fuck are you going to get rid of them all without sheer use of force? Demographics have already changed so much that Democrats will probably be able to create a one-party state by 2024.

There is going to be a civil war, and it's for the best.

Thank you. Not the triumph we hoped you Dutch bros would experience, but not hell on earth.

We already have one, you're looking at it, knocking on the open door, so to speak

Also >61% of groenlinks voters are women
Told you fuckers, they only vote because they think he's hot.

fuck amsterdam en groningen

gelukkig is de kaart beter op dit moment

Real guns, not five round mag bolt action rifles and barely working war relics. Real military grade weapons.

Sounds like bullshit

seats wise, Wilders is third

or am I missing something?

32 vvd, 21 cda, 20 pvv, 17 d66

If it is rigged, get concrete evidence and spread it wherever and however you can.

Bravo user

Wait till South Holland :^)

what a weird system

I hope the Anti-geert shills are happy! Netherlands can continue down the path of multiculturalism, and stay bound to the (((EU)))
That was a close one guys, you almost elected a Nationalist who likes Israel. Good thing we stuck to globalism heh heh :^)

Im not sure. I just got here long story

they showed one of the counters, it was some Moroccan guy and the ballots were all scattered over the floor. it was very painful to watch and I don't trust this shit at all

Because "MUH FBI!!!" bullshit. You have to understand that everyone here is afraid of each other.

wait until rotterdam

Why did they call it so soon when more than half of the country has not even had their votes counted!?

Look at the map here: archive.is/Dxbl2

Europe has guns, I never said you didn't check ID. Europe's guns just suck.

CDA would rather work with PVV than DENK. Also don't be retarded, PVV has supported CDA going on 7years.

"The party suffered severe losses in the 2010 general election, losing half of its seats and falling to fourth place in the House of Representatives. From 2010 to 2012 consequently, the CDA was a junior coalition partner in a right-wing minority cabinet with the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), supported in parliament by the Party for Freedom (PVV). Subsequently, the CDA again lost a considerable number of seats in the 2012 general election, dropping to fifth place."

If Wilders won't go with those "cucks" then you can expect Rutte and DENK to run rampant with majority everywhere.

Cucked in comparison but given where they are geopolitically they aren't so bad.

Yeah. The best realistic hope was to guarantee a coalition and then try to block everything we don't like that Rutte tries to do, much like what we did to Obama (in general)

Looking like Wilders will either have to relax his stances to make himself consumable to the other party voters or ally himself with a cucked party for the good of his country.



The casual hatred Europeans have towards Americans - it's not just on Holla Forums but it's more blatant - baffles me. I don't give a shit about the countries my ancestors weren't from but I don't want anything bad to happen to you guys, I'd rather see good

imagine the american senate, but with multiple parties. a party's policy is basically fucked over as concessions to form a majority.


Based on an exit poll.

Counting still aint done, nice try Geert kike.

so dit the exit-polls predict that PVV would gain 4 seats?

It already passed that right?

not even that much, it's based on regions, the equivalent of the electoral college

the only difference here is that there are a shit ton of parties

I should also mention that these results look like prime re-election material. Pic related is the previous 12 results, and the coalition is never made up of more than 3 parties, while now they'd need the top 4 of them working together to get above 50%

Congratulations on still not understanding how our system works.

Yeah, that was their point against Geert–he likes israel
sounds a lot like trump
That was their excuse for supporting more of the same (slavery to the EU, multiculturalism, path to Netherlandistan)
Fucking kikes. We needed the meme magic.

Exit polls dont mean shit. Remember America.

Sorry, anti-Geert becoming the PM because his party obtained the majority
Fuckin swampkrauts

That is not an exit poll, that is the vote tally, and it is FAR from over!


He doesn't just "like Israel", he's a Mossad kike.

Maybe if you have taysachs.

Yeah, giving women the right to vote was one of the worst things Western men ever did. But once you've enfranchised a group of people, disenfranchising them is incredibly difficult. We're riding this out until the end, I'm afraid, unless there is a civil war and a mass reawakening of our people.

Democracy is such a fucking garbage system. Sure the 2 party republican system here is shit too but at least we exploited it to force Trump through

You're right. Bring in the muzzies! Bring in the globalism! Just cuck my shit the fuck up fam

this is the caliber of women's political arguments

wake up, they already will run majority. you can bet the VVD and CDA will work together, and possibly bend over for groenlinks as well if that's needed for the majority. that's it, it's over. we have bended our ass so far that it encircled the entire planet, just enough to shove our head in it.

thanks for the map

also given that noone is going to win, then it's better if Wilders stays out of coalitions

let's face it, a 4-5 members coalition not only will be largey ineffectual, but things will keep deteriorating

things have to get worse before they get better

Americans had to swallow 8 years of Obongo before Trump

And Wilders remains an Israel shill, FVD is the true hope for the Netherlands

Ipsos Exitpoll

Women in my country voted in an incompetent child to PM because they liked his hair.

Concerns shill, filtered.

I know man, I fucking know.

8/pol/ created the ((())) meme newfag. it was solidified after some kike was behind an (((xm))) logo.

user, don't be retarded. We spent nearly 18 months trying to meme Trump into the White House. Also, we don't hate you, it's your government that we hate.

Ignore and report D&C kikes.

The desperate mainstream media is spewing lies, already claiming the winners and losers, when in fact only ~40% of all votes have been tallied so far!



That's actually still not how our system works.

gas yourself

We seriously need to take away womens right to vote. That experiment has ended poorly for the entire fucking world.

Sounds about right. Actually it wouldn't surprise me if there was a roman republic era quote to the same effect.

I read "Nigger Americans" as meaning American niggers. It wasn't until just after posting that I realized a missing comma was the more likely meaning

Kikes are weak as fuck, try me.

I'm so sorry Canada..


It's pretty obvious he lost though, at this point in the American elections, the same thing was happening in favor of Donald Trump.

Yeah but Trump didn't mention Jews on Holocaust remembrance days, said that Israel should pay their fare share, that he's going to be neutral on Israel, and now the Palestinian president is saying that he's not in Bibi's pocket.

Trump and the Jews is quite complicated.

Fuck Canada.

So what would've happened if PVV had become majority? Could geert be PM with no majority? Its a curious system.

Let's just wait for literally hitler while muslims rape our women, the EU rapes our economy, and globalists rape our culture values identity jobs demographics and everything else we hold dear!
Good call, dude. I'll just wait, then.

It's to get people to lose faith and believe in the meme that the side that is for the true natives will win. Much like how we did in the US' election, we can't lose hope and have to have as much faith as possible to help.

For anyone that has social media or ways of spreading word to the public, tell them it's not over yet!

Not supporting a kike isn't the same thing as "waiting for Hitler". You can't just re-use old pro-Trump arguments and pretend they apply to "le good jew".

When will the winged hussars arrive?

No it isn't. Trump has a boner for Israel. He thinks they're our greatest ally. I'm sure he will learn the truth eventually.
Trump just isn't a pussy, bibi wont have him by the balls, ever.
Trump will realize the truth about israel and the jews before the end of his first term. That's a long shot prediction but I feel it.

I figured as much

It's not complicated, he's just a realistic & persuasive guy. He's got the leaders of Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, & the Saudis more or less dancing to his tune instead of the other way around

if he got majority, he could take a giant dump in the government chamber, and nobody could do shit about it. the problem is that since the conception of this system, no party has ever held absolute majority.

And men in our country voted for the same guy because they got bored of one and liked the other one less than the other two.

It's a convoluted mess, from I can tell similar to aussie system. Basically since the resurgence of One Nation here the Coalition that's holding power for now but not for long now had to make an alliance with One Nation to pass their policies. I imagine that it's going to be similar in Norway so at least PVV will be a major player.

Rhetoric and actions are quite different.

Not to mention he gets in subtle jabs that only Holla Forumsacks and Jews understand.

Fresh Varg post:

After four long years of antisemitism being shouted at him every time he does anything, he'll probably start to turn around. Hopefully the second term takes a more hardline stance. I guess that's the most pragmatic way to do it, pave the way with little concessions now, and go full hog once you've had time to restack the administration.

September 11th, just like in real life.

Actually, only 20% of the muncipalities have reported so far, and many of those are the ones with less population.

A true majority party is pretty much unheard of here, has not and will not ever happen. But he could have the largest amount of seats and still not be elected Prime Minister. He'd have to make a coalition with multiple parties that agree he should become Prime Minister, have them agree on all other ministers, and 'then the king has to actually agree to make him Prime Minister as well.

I'm not gonna go out and live in the woods, Varg.


The reason why blond women don't exist in Greece anymore is because of 300 years of Turkroach occupation.


Get back to work Steve King.

Interesting. How do you become PM there?

Jesus. Sounds like a fuckin headache.

This is true, though I really don't think trump is secretly a Holla Forumsack. I would LOVE to be wrong about that. He will be some day.
My point is that I prefer PVV to the other parties because the other parties will continue the netherlands down the path of multicultralism, islamification, globalism, and the EU. Geert and his party wouldn't. I couldn't imagine being in the netherlands and not voting for geert because he's a kikephile and then walking to the store in a swarm of muslims and their half dutch half mud little babies (my replacements) and have a clean conscience.

Don't forget, if Trump is to realize the truth, we are going to be a big part of that. We can meme it.
Seems like a shit show.

the only way to become PM is by having coalition parties allowing you to be the PM.

user, pretty sure that's not how numbers work unless they went intentionally out of their way to only count non-Wilders votes.

So, impossible without (((help))).

to clarify, the majority of the chamber has to allow it. if he had absolute majority, he could name the PM, the ministers, the policy, creation of laws (though not the approval of them), etc.

But they do. The surprising thing is how uncommon race mixing actually is.
Are You mad your puppet didn't win?

What an utterly retarded system

jeah, basically.
most of the time, the biggest party in the coalition gets the honor or PMship, but since pvv will neither have the biggest party or a coalition, it ain't happening


i'm so sick of the (((media))) i could vomit

Het wordt weer 4 jaar dezelfde koek eten.

So current prognosis is:
VVD a centralist socialist party often framed as right wing but is just part of the left wing block.
D66 a centralist left wing
CDA which are the christ democrats and is a party of left wing cucks.
These 3 will form a coalition with either the support of

Basicly this election result means more EU, more subhuman scum into our land and more self hatred.

So apperently the danger we see in islam cancer doesn't matter, the ppl who voted for the same idiots that have caused our last 40 years of problems see no problems. It's time to flood our country with more subhumans. It's going to have to take massive problems like in Sweden before these sheep can be convinced to vote anything other then progressive or liberal. We'll be having our terrorist attack(s) in our country after all.

The jihadist party of Erdogan, Denk (think) took home 3 seats which holds extremists views much like Wilders PVV but then the opposite.

It's become obvious we're gonna have to use force to course correct this cancer.

Is there any chance Shillary sold them the secret of her popular vote? How certain are we the results are untampered?

True, but as I said before the Prime Minister isn't all that special here. Any law they want to create has to be voted on by all 151 seats in the government, and technically those seats aren't bound to vote what the rest of their party wants. The PM is just a bit of a face figure for the country and has to smooth over problems between people in the government, and he gets a fancy room. The real power of the PM is the seat they get in the EU council.

pretty sure this is just exit polls anyways

Dead people and illegal immigrants?

Oh the results here are all tampered with which is just a fact since no vote can be traced back to a person. Welcome to socialist retardation where privacy suddenly matters more while our government has mass survailance drag net setups.

VVD 31 (-10)
PvdA 9 (-29!)
PVV 19 (+4)
SP 14 (-1)
CDA 19 (+6)
D66 19 (+7)
ChristenUnie 6 (+1)
GroenLinks 16 (+12)
SGP 3 (0)
PvdD 5 (+3)
50Plus 4 (+2)
Piratenpartij 0
FvD 2 (+2)
DENK 3 (+3)

I wouldnt expect any election result untampered with here in europe, remember we are ground zero of where (((they))) started their shit after the world wars.

europe is beyond cuckolded….

Hang in there friends, the fire rises and this will be that much more fuel.

Ah nice 3th again , 123 of the 388 districts counted.


It truly is a system where we are either demoralized into giving up or infuriated into electing a Literally Hitler.

In other words, (this form of) Democracy can only lead to Communism or 'Fascism'/NatSoc.



Denk (+3)

Ffs, is there anyway the dutch can recover?

I meant any way

The symbolic PM doesn't bother me but that level of coalition cuckery being required to form a government is insane

I wonder how many normies, legitimately angered and edging towards the Right Wing, got fooled by the VVD and Leugenachtige Pers into believing they were Right Wing.

Jesus christ, user, whats wrong with you?

The only real accomplishment we might make through democratic means is voting to leave the EU. Getting rid of Jewish influence and non-whites altogether will take bloodshed to accomplish.

I don't think the ditch media gives us the same kind of coverage the americans did. I mean we had already weekly stories about racist frogs, where as has anything we've done even been mentioned over there?

We do. See the IRA.

The better alternative would be smuggling in the means to manufacture ammo, and letting our brothers in arms make firearms for themselves.

I have considered a business concept in which I'd send off mass-produced black dirt(potassium nitrate), and have it so people use this in their own compost pits with a provided water/urine activated bacteria powder. If you can kickstart a colony this way, you can p.much harvest compost which is nitrate rich about every four to six months. Some people have stated that you can actually make it less then one month, but I have yet to any definitive guides explaining how this can be done.

Either way, once you got the nitrates, everything else is rather easy to obtain. Hardwood charcoal can be found anywhere, and sulfur is easily accessible.

Set up by jews in the early 18th to 19th century. Let's not forget we have two chambers. We just voted for the second chamber which makes legislation while the first chamber gets to vote over it.

Yeah, it sucks. Usually it's just two parties though, the more are required the more likely it is that we'll have re-elections instead of a government. I'm personally hoping the PVV gets just enough votes to mean the 4 biggest parties aside from the PVV still can't form a government, meaning they'd need 5 and become even less stable.

So are the VVD John McCain "Rightists" or are they worse?

I laughed a bit, noguns.



First chamber = Senate
Second chamber = House of Representatives

Remember when the house of representatives voted to ban ritual slaughter? The senate stopped it. This country is kiked through and through.

Everything that isn't against the EU and sandniggers, are left wingers, by definition, and controlled opposition.
All those parties, every 'complexity' you see there, is a façade.
This is how you judge, pretty much anything, everyone claiming other minor reasons is trully deluded.
There's the alt-kike definition for you.

Clearly you are.

Is he senile or something? what the fuck


I have an SKS right next to me.

Do you really need to ask that user?


Well, the Dutch have chosen destruction. They don't deserve to live. I hope every Dutch woman is raped to death and the men flayed and made into slaves. It's what they deserve.

He's a jew.

But what fucking choice does the dutch have?

Check out

low energy fags should be banned

Fuck off.

if we can manage to uncuck enough of our state legislatures we can activate an article 5 convention of states and propose/ratify amendments to the constitution. the states could cuck the feds if they want (((they))) just don't want to

If you want to go full blackpill then you could say we never had a choice thanks to great democratic system

Fuck it, time to pull an all nighter while listening to eurobeat. I don't like Geert but I'm rooting for him now anyway.

The simpler the mechanism
The more indestructible it is

In Finland we had this zionist "true finns" party which was opposed against the EU for like 10 years, right until they got enough votes to form a government coalition. After getting into the government they've been shilling FOR the EU like no party before.

No, I didn't trust them before and have never voted in (((democratic))) elections before, but even then it's pretty astonishing how shameless these liars are.

inshallah my brother. The netherlands is a nation of infidels who vote for that zionist pig wilders.

Ultimatepill, though somewhat "black," has always been that the whole system is against us, beyond save, and deserves to die thanks for Allies murdering Germany, and the best bet is to make racially aware enclaves as the kike experiment devours itself. Think long-term survival.

More exploitation of retarded policies to push the globalist objective.
This is becoming a pattern.

That is the opposite of any video of geert I've ever seen.

How bad is he doing? I saw bad news on BB.

Against in DEED, not in the sense that they are trying to gather sheep to vote for them.
See Farage and President Donald John Trump.

Party is in second now. Been looking a lot better than it was.

Non euro here asking for a spoonfeed but at what time will the results be fully set in stone?

Still a huge gap between them and VVD they have to make up.

Any dutchfag care to tell us what the most likely ruling coalition will look like?

Democracy is a divide and conquer subversion tactic. That much is clear now.

Because they remember him making "harsh" statements and that gets registered under shouting in their minds. Women are driving by emotion, thats how they remember things too.

So technically every party but the PVV is cucked, or are there a few other decent ones?

Fuck, I thought Rotterdam would go to PVV…

CDA seems pretty decent as well
en.wiki pedia.org/wiki/Christian_Democratic_Appeal

Holy shit, its actually gaining momentum

praise Kek

second party in the votes, 3rd in seats

earlier it was 5th in votes, 3rd in seats…


Uncle Adolf agrees with me. Can't help people who want their own annihilation. They won't even vote for a moderate kosher cuck, so what chance does a real nationalist have?

Is PvdA the Labour one?

Most likely: VVD+D66+GL+??? a progressive cabinet full of europhiles.
Still possible and would be the best option: VVD+PVV+CDA+??? a right-wing anti-immigration cabinet.

forgot image
Kek vult


If they see the problem on the root, Cultural Marxism, and are openly fighting against it, telling the truth even while they're being persecuted for it, their lives in danger, leaders trying to shut them up.
If you can't make yourself get elected or engage in politics with the knowledge you have, you might as well watch the back of someone that is willing to fight for you.
Persons that don't have freedom to talk what they want, doesn't matter how horrible it is, that can't debate and openly speak about problems, are as good as slaves.
After all, where do you have that freedom?
Think about that for a second.

That's the thing, even when all the votes are counted that's not necessarily clear. We'd just get a long while of discussions about who wants what and what compromises they'll make. The election just decided how much say a party has in what the coalition will look like.

You forgot it again. I applaud your fuckup.

do you think any of them want to be related with PVV? doesn't look like

here ya go

Hopefully CDA and PVV can stay up high

VVD "People Party for Freedom" or PVV "Party for Freedom". Why not a Holla Forumsitical dutch party called PpVV "Pepe Freedom Party People" or something like that. Is it possible to do so ?

Thank you.

probably since they have the animal rights one up there and pirate party

even dubs in the name

so looks like it's about done and exit polls turned out pretty much correct

GL cucks got cucked one seat by CU and Pvda each

To anyone familiar with both the Dutch and British systems, is this better than first past the post? Yes, PVV gets more seats than UKIP but absolutely majority has never been claimed by any one party, it always has to be a coalition.

Can't get my head around this.

can't get my head around (((denk))) is on its way to gain another seat.


Those are two of the saner niche parties. Last election there was a party that believed in a conspiracy to hide zero point energy from the public.

Who are the good guys?

Yeah, the characterization of the Netherlands as a DMZ makes sense. At some point though there will be some shitskin who strays off plan and ackbar's in Amsterdam or Rotterdam. It's inevitable.

i think most would say : PVV and FvD

Who does CDA have one seat more despite being behind PVV?

PVV is zionist nationalist.
VNL is zionist nationalist.
FVD is nationalistic but also slightly liberal, no proof he's a kike other then hinting towards a two state solution for Israel which is a tempered response.
50+ is a nationalistic old peoples party which mostly stole votes from wilders but would gladly work with wilders [so he says].
CDA has some nationalist points and anti-immigration but is pro EU.
VVD are euro crates in disquise and are in favor of open borders.

GCP dot went blue when the polls opened and it's coming back to blue as we gain momentum in the polls.



Parliamentary democracies are such an epic clusterfuck.

VVD isn't gonna have enough to form majority government like this. This is good. In parliament democracies you don't necessarily need the majority.

CDA seems alright

I second this question

Total percentage vs areas won.

That's like asking why Hillary lost despite having more votes.

I dont understand your post

they rank by percentage of votes, sits inside ()

sadly DENK the turkey party has got what…3 seats now?

They say Jesus left.
Maybe they believe in Rapture?

(((denk))) is getting closer and closer to gaining another seat.


What's the likely coalition?

CDA is pro cuck from what I have seen

Possibly centre-right or centre-left still unknown at this point

A pro-EU, pro-open borders one.

well as it is right now, compared to the exit polls, the results are basically the same

VVD was supposed to get 31, got 32,

Wilders 19

GL was supposed to get 16, is getting 14.

The rest are basically there

Wait, literally a Turkish party? Or just traitors?

I'm not familiar enough with Dutch politics, but Geert is walking into this as either 2nd or 3rd largest party. If he can find himself some allies he'll have enough clout that, even if the eurocrat cucks that won get to form government, they wont be able to do too much damage.

Literally deep ties to Erdogan's AKP.

btw this is VVD:

250-300k refugee a year

center right

fuck that shit

It's not Jesus Left, it's Jesus Lives. They've had a long (13+ years) spout with the government over some offending rooftiles, which were against the law.

Yes but are they ethnically Turkish or just traitors.

A pro-erdogan and diversity party not necessarily turkish party

Ethnically Turks, all of em have double passports.

They have both the dutch and the turkish passport if i'm not wrong

could be wrong though

they don't even try to hide it

Jesus fucking Christ. Literally an invasion

Yup, i'm inclined to take measures.

Most people believe the (((media))) in the netherlands and the dutch (((media))) is 99% leftist propaganda i think

Europeans live so close by each other, honestly, gather this exact same people that vote against these cunts and surround the house of those people and chant 24/7 until they grow some balls and change that bullshit or get out of the EU.

Yup and we even had a turkroach riot just days before.

So turks threaten the Netherlands and instead of supporting anti turk nationalist they cuck out and vote pro turk as appeasement. Truly the Canada of Europe.

Don't forget that those roaches also got told by the mosques to vote DENK

Oh dear. I'd bet it probably has something to do with advertising and disrupting the landscape/architecture with a sign as opposed to some objection to religion.

Nah. Every turk in the Netherlands probably voted for those guys, and most likely not a single white person.

If FvD is going to lose a seat from the 2 they have now i'm giving up hope for the Netherlands

We'll bring it around.
You'll see.

SGP got less votes than DENK

Are real christians less common than muslims?


Not even advertising, purely because of disrupting the beautiful landscape next to a highway. Even though similar messages on other buildings were fine. Wonder (((who))) complained.

Every time I see VVD I think of the VDV.

literally "DUDE WEED LMAO": The country

CDA and D66 now even big as PVV

I imagine a lot of real Christian men went for Wilders due to understanding that SGP stood little chance (sort of like Brits who voted UKIP instead of BNP - although appaprently BNP went zionist now, but that's a talk for another time…). A lot of Christian women probably went CDA.

*as big as

In case you havent noticed what it means to be a christian has been thoroughly subverted

Dat ass

People's Front of Judea vs. The Judean People's Front? lol

Yep, as expected. Thanks for the confirmation.

Europe is NOT being islamized, its merely a temporary EU communist sponsored muslim invasion to destroy existing christian western democratic values and cause enough trouble so europeans plead for a solution.

And the EU conveniently provides that solution. COMMUNISM. The EU army moves in and all of a sudden the EUSSR is born.

Anons, i don't think there's any room left for demoratic solutions anymore.

Are you planning for a customer base that uses muskets? Black powder isn't a replacement for nitrocellulose. Your business idea sounds like something that was derived from a bong hit while watching that one Star Trek episode.

That's not news, everyone knows about the Council Vatican II, it doesn't mean that honest religious obey it.

Why do woman get a right to vote? thats just depressing

From what i have seen they come closer to real christians than most other christian party's

*and forgot to add I meant the objection based on disrupting the landscape is obvious kikery to shit on Christians.

DENK went from %2,7 to %2,4

Praise kek

Jews at it again. rigged another one

I take back what i've said here

SGP now as big as DENK

Thanks, dutch. the Jews at CNN's fake news seem thrilled. Thanks for cucking Europe:
Dutch elections: Wilders' far-right party beaten, exit polls show
Lauren Said-MoorhouseBryony Jones is a journalist at CNN International in London.
By Lauren Said-Moorhouse and Bryony Jones, CNN
Updated 8:53 PM ET, Wed March 15, 2017
Geert Wilders said: "Rutte hasn't got rid of me yet."
Geert Wilders said: "Rutte hasn't got rid of me yet."
Story highlights
PM's party in the lead in Dutch broadcaster's exit poll
'This is a night for the Netherlands,' Rutte says
The Hague, Netherlands (CNN)Conservative Dutch Prime Minster Mark Rutte has staved off a challenge from his far-right rival in an election widely seen as an indicator of populist sentiment in Europe, exit polls indicated Wednesday.

The anti-immigrant firebrand Geert Wilders, who had promised to "de-Islamise" the Netherlands, was on course for a poorer than expected performance. In exit polls for the national broadcaster NOS, his Freedom Party tied for second place with two other parties.
The left-wing environmentalist GroenLinks (Green Left) party looked likely to make big gains, while the PVDA (Labour) party, Rutte's outgoing partners in a coalition, were on course for a historic defeat.
Turnout was 81%, NOS said, the highest for three decades.
Wilders tweeted: "PVV voters thanks. We won seats, first victory is in. Rutte hasn't got rid of me yet."

"This is a night for the Netherlands," Rutte told crowds of supporters after the exit polls were released. "After Brexit, after the US election, we said 'stop it, stop it' to the wrong kind of populism."

Honestly, without any joke, I'd take commies if they removed kebab. They wouldn't, because commies don't see things along ethnic lines, but I'd take it if they did it.

We can always remove commies latter. We can't fix demographic replacement.

There was a post on cuckchan Geert thread where a Finnish dude was describing how the "anti EU anti immigration" party battled for over 10 years to finally get seats in the house and once they got in they started shilling heavily to stay in the EU. Pretty much the only countries with no subverted elections are the ones in the crosshairs.

How naive you are, Communism was the real problem in Europe all along. The muslim sideshow was to deflect blame away from them.

It shows us that they need more redpills

Wait for the end of it or shut your dirty lying mouth.
Vote count not even at 80%.

Similar shit happened in germany, merkels party used to be anti immigration.

the fact that this type of party is even allowed to exist makes me physically ill

If the past 2 years haven't been enough of a "red pill" with Europe under invasion, not sure what will ever be…


my mouth..it's the Jews from CNN fuckhead and Wilders has already cucked. holland is already done, but I'm wondering if the Jews are wrong about what it means for France.

It's primarily the women who are impossible to redpill.

It's going to take a few thousand dead Europeans and they might get it. Maybe.

The vast majority of women will support the status quo because it provides them protection. Safety in numbers.

All we need to do is to control the media to control women. Better yet; get every woman married to an intelligent man and they'll vote the same way as their husband.

Fucking shit the Dutch are cucked as hell. That was even more pitiful than Norbert Hofer's performance in Austria. Now we'll have to meme Le Pen hard if we want to see the end of the EU.

Wait for the end of it or shut your dirty lying mouth.
Vote count not even at 80%.

Show them those italian youtube videos with the movement from ships of NGOs transporting people into Europe, and the headlines in the (((MSM))) saying that they are 'being saved' when in fact they are being transported on a regular basis for years.
If that's no an eye opener I don't know what the hell is.
Italian public television is even naming the 'Open Border' figures ones by one, you should get into contact with people fighting this garbage, not hiding.

You do know you've been having communist riots more or less every day for the last couple of months, right? No one likes a hypocrite; and the yanks are hardly in a position to talk.

american speaking kek

swamp jews

The good news is Baudet and Hiddema gained a seat each

I take no pleasure in seeing this.

at a certain point, you get what you ask for

2/3 in


I Whish for a chance to expose some kind of voter fraud, i refuse to believe it went like that simlply by votes, it just can't be.

Limburg independent when?!

Nigger we elected Trump, we're less cucked than any western Euro country.

I think it was just because Wilders is an unlikable faggot, and because we didn't meme for him much because he's also an actual jew puppet.

Merkel congratulated VVD just after the exit-polls came in.

something doesn't seem right

Are there Jews involved? Are the Jews in cahoots?

You're literally under INVASION with bombs now going off every fucking week in europe, and you won't even vote in a half-indoesian kike who might, might have started to remove kebab. you're cucks and will get what's coming for you in spades. Turks literally threatened you 2 days before election, it was sealed and you still blew it and stopped momentum. The entire shithole should never have left control of Spain. At least they have a waifu older queen to fap to. you're useless.

Iv'e heard that Merkel and Soros rigged Austria.

This is going to end in war.

Is today a day that ends with the letter Y?

well (((geert))) is a jew, so…

It's not Jesus Left, it's Jesus Lives(!)

The guy who heads it is some sort of ultrapositive superchristian who wants to remove some kebab but not all of it. He's alright, just not a serious contender.

No shit, they rigged it. It's easier to rig a small european democratic country than it is a superpower like America because they know the backlash would be minimal. They did it in Austria they did it here. Tried to in Britian but they're more relevant. These preparations confirm this. If there were any revolts in these nations, they would be trampled by NATO and the EU.

Wilders is a liberal. The only good thing about him is the hatred on islam.

Remember he was the head of a mainstream party and you have a different electoral system. A better comparison would be if trump ran as an independent candidate.

In western europe? Unlikely, whatever happens i'm sure it would be just pure coincidence.

Geert was controlled op.

Good to see that Holland came to its senses and is waiting for Hitler like they should've been doing in the first place.

Not anymore

Seems like Soros and Merkel want to keep controlling the germanic people

let's stop the roller coaster, because there's somethin else I wanna hit ya with.

If americans had a proper election Trump wouldn't have won.
that means about only a quarter of voters were so called "hard voters". The other voted for Trump because they didn't want a democrat in office.

In an normal democracy the Trump camp would be the minority and in the opposition at the moment. Hillary would have won. Democrats and never trumpers and the bernie sanders camp would form a coalition to kick you around.

what was that, faggot? I couldn't hear you. over all this winning

Like I said, no one likes a hypocrite. Europe is flooded with filth that is causing civil unrest. So is the USA. We should be in this together, at least for now.

There's no need to mock or demoralise anyone. The kikes are already pretty proficient at that. The battle is never over until the last man says it is.


Hopefully The Donald tramples on these infernal structures even more.

What website is this?

Let's hope they won't be able to rig it in France.

lfverkiezingen.appspot .com/nos/widget/main.html

Just stop with the fucking D&C!
We are both in the boat, and we have common enemy who'll love to see us going against each other.
Americans, Europeans, we are in this together and we must support each other instead of mocking one another like grade schoolers.

Thanks mate

France is much more relevant and anticipated, same with Germany. They'll have more tension imposed on them.

Here you are right, but when it comes it will be an actual battle that will make WW 2 look like sunday school. The thought of Erdogan rubbing his golem hands makes me want to vomit. The only good aspect is that the liberal scum who did it will certainly live to regret when it comes up and literally punches them.

Well we're not a "proper Democracy" and our system is superior.

New thread soon?

You're welcome

No I think everyone knows how ZOG'd the USA truly is. I'm American and I know we need to end out government - just like Europe must end the EU, we must end the republic.

Truly astonishing given the roaches protesting in the streets just days ago. They still think it's all just a joke.

It's sincere concern user. This is not good but we wish you the best.

Is it? How so.
All democries are shit but yours is properly set up to keep a two party system. You were lucky that Trump is a master mind and I doubt you'd be saying this if Hillary had to fight against Jeb!.

In your mind its only superior untill the next election (or in 8 years)

Except that the president is only part of their system.
Arguably congress and the senate are more important.

Might have to kill some of them. Remember all the great stories of old taught that there is nothing so reviled in all of existence as a traitor. If there's any doubt that they will stab us in the back - it's better not to take the risk.

Our parties are really just coalitions and it prevents the entire establishment from ganging up on insurgent movements.

fair point. But the congress is made up mostly of the same guys still. They just have an impressive talent of listening to a strongman president. Great sense of loyality in the republican party

From another thread:

Not a yank but it is, proportional representation kills any chance of a parliamentary majority.


2 party is not necessarily a bad thing. It divides the lines between the major issues and keeps minor, singular issues from being big factors in the election.

Yes, but correcting my ally, who's not necessarily my friend, who has a very wrong conception of how things work is the start. We certainly cannot be going into battle using his flawed strategy.

Doesn't a 2 party system promote in fighting?

I'm sure this is just a pure coincidence.

I wrote a new report:

Communists Defeat Wilders's Party in Blow to Populist Surge

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s Liberals beat off an election challenge by the anti-Islam Freedom Party of Geert Wilders, as communists turned out in huge numbers in a bid to destroy their nation.

The Liberal Party (VVD) was projected to take 32 seats in the 150-seat lower house of parliament compared with 19 seats for the Freedom Party (PVV), according to an official exit poll released after voting closed at 9 p.m. in Amsterdam on Wednesday.

With counting of ballots under way, Wilders’s party had to share second place with the Christian Democrats (CDA) and Soros' D66 (Demonic 666) party.


Shit… I should have figured.

Any n>1 party system arguably leads to infighting. One of the perks of a one Party state.

What are the chances that there's going to be any recounts, as opposed to just sweeping everything under the rug as "fascist delusions!"?

Any democratic system promotes infighting. Monarchy is generally going to be superior; but we've got democracy right now, and its not going to go away without a lot of blood being spilled - so we might as well try to do our best with it for now.


Like abortion?

Every democracy spirals down to the two party system after some time. Both will present the centre-left and centre-right and will fight over the 1- or 2% that are unaligned at any cycle.
The US is basically at the end stage of were all democracy devolve to. You have had the same development in germany untill the berlin wall fell (SPD and CDU being 90% of votes).

Well then.

Gotta recount those votes, goy.. whoops! Your party lost a seat.. those Russians! :^)

one party will block everything
in war genocide times
It's time or West Europa to enjoy what have lived Est Europa and Middle East, AFRICA, Amerindians cuz of a few crazy
and Europa waiting for saviors like in WW1&2 become annoying
Cucks are a subspecie who need to be eradicate and we are living this time
Hopefully we have Lepen

It's the same in Germany now, basically every party against the AfD (+NPD).

130% turnout in key districts is normal. If you actually want me to explain it to you and not scream kike, I actually know about this stuff since I am a member of the voting council.

What happens is that there are several districts within a municipality. Every voter is allowed to vote anywhere within their municipality but are advised to go to their district (to what is closest to them) on their voting pass. Most people simply go to the city hall though where expected voter turnout is ALWAYS lower than the actual results (for turnout expectation is foolishly calculated by amount of voters in the area until another voting district is closer). Especially with this high turnout 130% is very expected.

The Dutch voting rulebook is pretty airtight.

My dad is Dutch and a leftist cuck and he's so fucking mad about this right now. He doesn't want him to win.

On the one hand I'm somewhat dissapointed, but unsurpised, that Geert lost. On the other hand the Netherland's Labour party equivalent was absolutely decimated. It does show that the Center Left has no political ground. They ultimately have two choices:

1) Nationalist Welfare State
2) Globalist Immigration

They can survive with the former. They will face oblivion with the latter.

You should beat him up and take his money

fresh bread when?

Interesting. So does it not matter at all where someone votes? I'm too used to the regional system of the United States where the voting location is pretty set in stone and highly important.

Well, thank you kindly Anglo.

recently some CSU goys proposed a coalition with the AfD on the regional level though. But only a tiny minority

Not as long as it is within the municipality. Though you can obtain a special pass with which you can vote anywhere in the country. To do this you go to your municipality >1 day before the election, there you have your identification card checked with your voting pass and you become eligible for this national pass. When you go vote with them, the voting station member sorts these on a seperate pile and the volume of this pile also is counted seperate from the normal voting passes, eventually all ends up to the electoral council (through the relevant municipality).
Votes and voter passes and such are all counted at the actual voting station to prevent large scale voter fraud. Any counting must be observable by any member of the public.

Only reason the VVD still get so many votes is because they are so big on the municipality level as the only semi-right wing party to support entrepreneurs. FVD is going to break this stranglehold.

There's nothing wrong with second or third place at this point. It will establish the legitimacy of the party and next time it will only go up. How long have all these "alt left" parties been trying to gain support around the world? Fucking 50 years in some cases, and they never succeed. I can't even explain the amount of salt and butthurt One Nation have caused in australia and they won only a small handful of seats for the first time in a billion years, so whatever happens there are going to be a fuckload of lulz to be had.

You fags need to cheer up. If they are getting 2nd place and Netherlands in not even fully muslim yet.

Just wait till they start imposing Sharia, then you are going to start seeing some serious shit.

The west is too far gone, its going to take a war to get us out of this. You need to be in it for the long haul.

So what is even happening, did the Dutch vote for being boiled to death so slowly the frog doesn't jump out of the water, or did they vote to remove kebab from premises?

They're going to be the second Sweden in a few years.

Spoonfeed me!
Can anyone compare the current election map with this ?

use the lfverkiezingen dot appspot dot com map

They fell for the bullshit, i feel sorry for the swamp Germans.

Slow boil. I'm really fucking pissed off at these cucks I have to share a nationality with. I'm off to bed to salvage what little sleep I can so I have a chance of not looking like a complete zombie at work.
Thread's almost dead btw, there's not really a next one. Could move to I guess

I want the war now, the longer we wait the more tiresome and troublesome it will become. I might even have to concede and leave west europa to east in order.

The pan-european war just got sealed it's fate thank to EU not dying. Since Netherlands/Germoney are the two countries who fund it's existence.

To the bitcoin crowd, that currency is now sealed to hit 10.000 euro's per coin at the very least since the EMU policies will continue while we take on crippling debts for the US FED through the ECB.

So it's gonna be EU vs Russia/USA?

fuck I hope not, more white vs. white…
if it does I hope all whites mutiny and join together.



Trump has already openly helped Pissrael.

Do not think of the results at a loss.

Realize that the people of the Netherlands CHOSE to subjugate themselves, and they now DESERVE the end results of their vote.