New Jim-kino




Stop making me defend Jim.
Also reimnder that at the end of Deviants hes supposed to reveal his own fetish. Take your bets.


He wouldn't reveal it if it was really bad, and I know he likes games and anime, so I'd say hentai/rule34 type stuff.

fake news

fuck off we were done with this 3 or 4 episodes in, he fucked it up. stop shilling.

jesus you have the mind of a 14 year old. this is the kind of faggot who religiously posts jim's videos.


i hope his fetish is committing suicide on camera for a lot of people so he can finally have sweet pleasurable release

I didn't post the video or this thread. The only threads I make are barely on topic like Terry threads.

Who the fuck wants this?

Why do people offer this as a thing? Does anyone actually want their name read off at the end of the video? Why?

I can easily understand other shit like early access to content, or access to drafts, but why do you want your shitty unfunny name read off, extending the runtime of the video?

Sage for off-topic

It was ok, but I thought he said he had a bombshell. This is just the Holla Forums caps from ages ago.

Just turn off the video

I don't watch it, but I don't understand why the people donating want it in the first place.

Well timed, I just found out Nintendo put Jew Wario in Mario Odyssey.

Why do people have gravestones

So that there's a place for their family to visit and pay respects to them after they die?



So patreon credit sequences are a sign of death then?

No thanks!

Linkara is definitely our guy, but Spoony?

i don't think it's a secret or anything

Release a sex tape, Jim. Thicc asians are too rare for you to hold out on us like this.

Her face is so fucking busted though.

Well yeah, she's asian.

no one care. fuck you,

If you know anything about Jim you already know what it is.

He did say he was going to stream a volcano dive at age 50 if he's still ill by that time. Maybe the illness is just a front.

What's there to know? He's a weeb with an oral fixation, a taste for sushi, and an unhealthy obsession with the internet.

Just throw a bag over it and do your business, put one over your head just to be safe.

Pissed pedro, pleaseā€¦

that potato nigger could've done better than humping a rice-nigger.

He's Irish?

Calling it now - it will be something dumb like 'BDSM' or 'facesitting' that very few people consider that kinky anymore. He will basically use it as an episode to humble brag about his sex life and act like 'it's really weird guys'. If it was something fucked up he wouldn't dare say because 90% of his audience are pearl clutching moralfag right wing sjws

She's hot as fuck but how do his fans square this in their heads? Isn't he supposed to be a WN?

That's dump. She'll always be just a whore.

Only for the retarded. It's pretty clear he never called himself WN.

This is not true.

This is also not true. You seem like a well informed person, user.


does he talk about abortion chick?


no. he's a "constitutionalist" (that's special snowflake for lolberg) cuck who enjoys edgy shock humor and thinks Holla Forums is just irony. He used to at least be funny, but every since he opened his paymetons account he's become one step removed from the Sargon crowd.

did you actually have expectations from a former goon?
you sound very disappointed for some reason

Nah i'm just amazed anyone can think he's "supposed to be a WN", especially when he did a video back in his Internet Aristocrat days about how UKIP and Front National were scary nazis.
for what it's worth the guy never left cuckchan and still browses there, so no I definitely never had high expectations for the guy other than to continue making me laugh on occasion.

I remember him saying he browsed a bit of 8/pol/ in the past aswell, although i don't have the vid

he used to browse here during the infinity next disaster when the site was next to unusable and would give errors when trying to post
he said he didn't really bother since

he's going to reveal that he has a poz my neghole fetish, then he will admit that he has AIDS.



Why doesn't jim do another lazy series of imageboard content and do a video on Tendie and r/hapas/? As a ricemixer jimbo has to be assblastes about Tendie laying down the truth.

Powerword: James Staley
His surname is English so I wouldn't doubt there is some bognigger genes mixed up there.

Watched it all, what a fucking disappointment, few Holla Forums screenshoot that everybody already seen.
Vid ended in 45 minutes and didnt really covered anything spicy
also i feel like Joe got bashed unlawfully, he has a good intentions, hes only dumbs


extortion, financial domination


It's just incredibly boring.

Reminder that there are faggots in this thread that give money to this scamster.

Call him what you will but he isn't a scammer. He releases content that people ask for and people pay him for it. He isn't a scammer like Scam Hyde, who doesn't deliver merchandise to his customers and also doesn't make promised content.

This chick keeps getting posted. I feel like I should care about this dumb bullshit but I really just can't be arsed.

From contextual clues I gather she's a member of guy with the glasses' crew. Why is Mekotur taking shots at her. Is she another nutty SJW?

Can someone explain to me what all this shit means. And what's the controversy with the rape rap video?

She was a big shot at TGWTG, called nostalgia chick, a female spin off of Nostalgia Critic. Was pretty normal back in the day, then she took the feminist pill and nothing ever was the same as before


Keep crying horsefucker

Someone that knows the cocksucker and wants his genesis controller back. I know you lurk here James. Fucking answer my emails or I start dropping info.

calm down Sam

gookslaying and chinese cartoons, obviously

Don't settle for anything less than a full recitation of the plane scene in a pig costume uploaded to his main channel in return for your silence.

I didn't take Jim for a sadist.

So who was the TGWTG insider that he quoted?

I've seen some speculation that it was JesuOtaku

I think I've seen more TGWTG shit in Holla Forums 4chan threads than that whole video series.

It's almost like it's a sacred cow to retards or something.


Actually watch Jim's older shit you newfag.

I don't get the appeal outside of the nigger
"thicc" meme.

Go be a contrarian fag somewhere else, like reddit or 4chan

t. low test faggot

There is a weebcuck on /cow/ who was bragging about being in the credit roll.
It's probably samefag

there who is most likely that fucking faggot who still hasn't returned my emails.

That's Common Filth fetish

I thought that was either white girks fucking dogs or white male auto-castration?

And here's a video speaking positively about them.

It's pretty obvious. It's yellow fever with a side of big ol' titty.

You clearly don't belong here.

CF is a good man, leave him alone

Spics aren't human.

Lmaoing at you, i bet you are a sodomite

Sodom never existed.

Like pottery

Just like your little evolution "theory" :^)

Commonspic is an anti-white degenerate who apparently has enough time on his hands to do hundreds of hours of podcasts, thousands of hours of watching gay porn for "research", and print out degenerate stickers promoting bestiality that his fans post in public where any young kid could see.
He rambles about how degenerate whites are while ignoring the fact that whites are the least degenerate in society today. Blacks and jews are far more likely to be sexual deviants, but calling them out would be racist so he attacks whitey just like every faggy cuck talkshow host he desperately emulates.

Looks hwhite to me


White people arent sacred, they commit sins too and this is what he tried to say
And his podcasts were pretty cool, im sad to see them go, 1 hour of a podcast a week isnt that much anyway, the hours of gay porn is a meme, he read headlines of mainstream newspapers in his podcast and shit in tumbrulistas was all found in tumbrl not some obscure gay porn site

Also just as Common Filth say: The jew sell but the white buy
Whites are not without a fault for maintaining and encouraging the degenerate way of life

If he was a true Christian, he would try to help the flock no matter the race. Why are his words only chastising whites while ignoring the rampant homosexuality in non-white communities?

Something he also did that was extremly autistic was take the Kek shit seriously. When it was pointed out to him that 99% of people take it as a joke, he said, "Today's irony is tomorow's sincerity".
Then he goes and says pic related while posting "white girls fuck dogs" stickers in public areas where kids could see.
He's not a true Christian. He's just a closeted spic with mommy issues.

Yeah sure, i bet that the 99% of the "kekistanis" are in on the joke and do it only "ironically"
Honestly i would rather have a NatSoc black man for my friend/ally than a sodomite white so i cant blame him for that
Honestly thats one of the few things i dislike about him, i think that this "white girls fuck dogs" shit was over the top and really without a purpose
But if i have to be honest i agree that since shutting down his podcast he has been going pretty insane on twitter, his rants were getting more and more unhinged

Reminder that CommonFaggot reeks of goon.

There are a few occultists who legitimately believe they've awoken an ancient Egyptian god through posting on an Azerbaijani Capoeira Discussion Forum, but most of us just treat it as a meme. The kekistanis are different than the occultist guys. They're just autist chanology retards who weren't raised properly.

You don't have to pick. Also, preaching to the niggers about how homosexuality is degenerate doesn't mean you have to befriend them or let them live next to you. I may hate niggers but I don't want them to burn in hell.

I used to like the guy, but his lack of balls and moral fortitude (imagine posting #AccelerateJewishGenocide on twitter as giddily as he does) and sketchy actions like points out made me sour on him a lot. It's a pity, because he had a good style of commentary that would have made Christianity cool again if only he didn't lose his shit over the most basic of trolls. I still have a "The Pope Is a Communist Faggot sticker

Don't get your doctrine from CF. Every show he's busting out heresy after heresy and all you have to do is read the Bible to realize it. What he really is though he doesn't realize it is a shock jock, showing you tons of depravity to satisfy your morbid curiosity, just like some exploitation flick or a Howard Stern show, then making you feel better about it by railing at it. The anti-white thing is only to try and get a reaction to bring him more publicity. The more hated he is the more audience that gathers. There's nothing righteous or Godly about it. It's gutter tier shit pretending to be Christian.

I dont want them to live next to me, honestly i want niggers to build their own National Socialist nations in africa and live happily just as i want to do in my european homeland.
Oh so we have a ex listener of him? Well i can relate, i feel the same way pretty much, CF was a big opportunity but wasted it, also i feel like his ego got to him "i wanted to make a difference with my podcasts but people dont listen to it" is what he said in his last podcast

kek, this meme is so fucking dumb. The jews have a complete monopoly on the modern education system as well as the mass media, your average person in the west white or otherwise has zero exposure to any alternatives besides the jewish narrative. The only people that phrase could accurately and fairly apply to are those who have been exposed to the truth and choose to remain blue pilled anyway, and that's probably less than 1% of the overall population.

Spoony is truly on his way to becoming no one.

Is Spoony part of the JUSTice League?

Why? Pedo Dan is an easy target thusly easily earned money.

Any good gossip in this?

Is Dan Olson a meme?




He won't do it because he knows he is right.