remember how smug you were when Ghostbusters tanked?

gettin real sick of these jews

i was surprised how genuinely awful it was

i knew it would be bad, but not that ba

This is a feminist board, please leave.

When will it come out Paul Feig tried to grope a woman, but couldn’t perform, and just wound up crying awkwardly while she stepped around him?


How do you think Feig and the actresses feel when they see other films with female leads do well? Do you think they scream YASSSS or do you think it makes them butthurt?

Extremely smug at the complete fucking flop that was fembusters.
Hilarious, love that they couldn't save face with bullshit international ticket sales because China decided to ban it.


I bet he's asked them to do this before.

Looks more like a boy fucker to me

They're salty as fuck, my dude. A woman's worst enemy is always another woman.


Occult Academy (世紀末オカルト学院 Seikimatsu Okaruto Gakuin, "End of Century Occult Academy")

I think it has to depress all of them.

This was their big attempt at doing a blockbuster comedy after several of them had only done smaller films for years. Like Melissa McCarthy has done legitimately good comedies, not great, but at the very least good. And that's in movies with relatively small budgets which showed she could carry a movie largely on her own.

The fact that Paul Fag and McCarthy have worked together in the past makes the problems with Fembusters a bit clearer. As in most of the movies they did together you had bits where Paul was just letting them do their ad lib so there wasn't a need for him to come up with anything funny, he just had to set the people in front of the camera and let them do their own thing. Which for cheapo simply comedies isn't that bad. But this meant he's never had to write comedy before, just the situations that could seem vaguely funny.

It's actually a pic of a goth guy. The series is pretty damn entertaining though.

that gorilla still has to be the most unattractive woman ever to be put to celluloid

I wonder if Paul Feig raped anyone?

It will come out that he was brutally raped by pic related.

y'all haters missing out on a reasonably fun movie


what are the odds fag has jerked off to this picture

I thought he was gay?



yeah. it's not in my top 50, but I don't regret watching it

It's funny that you assume your shit taste is relevant to the conversation. Funnier than the movie, even.

yeah, fuck opinions! we should only discuss objective facts on this movie board

But your opinion is objectively wrong, it's a shit movie. Now go back to where you came from.

but this is where I came from…

holy shit did candlejack get y
