The Foreigner

First and foremost, I'll admit I haven't read the book, but judging the film on its own, it instantly became one of my all-time favourites.
This is a revenge story done right. You won't see the lead actor roleplay some emo political horseshoe tool like in that one cringe-worthy Gerard Butler flick. Hell no. This is Jackie Chan, the best actor on Earth, just being himself and doing what he does best with no edge added.
Go see this movie. I guarantee you'll enjoy it as long as you're not a pleb.

Just stay far away from the trailers. They spoil too much.




Lol, no.

wew lad.

Fuck off nu/pol/

Irish user where
We don't give a shite if somebody takes the piss out of us and you shouldn't either, we can handle banter

you cant handle shit, thats why you drink to death

90's nostalgia ticket
I had this in my sights but was cautious, is it that good or it's just mindless old timey fun?

We're too strong for that, the only thing that can kill us are protestants and famine.


Why do that to yourself?

t. Eternal jew

We weren't killing you bog trotters we were civilizing you all.

Yeah, because not following the suicidal decrees of a shambling marxist wearing a yalmaca makes me a Jew. Sure thing, Patty. Not that Protestants are any better, bunch of disorganized rabble cucks. lol, could always go Anglican ;^DDD

Just like how the Muslims are civilizing you :^)

Presbyterianism or bust tbh.

Na a bit like Taigs they create swamp not civilization.

Why do you islanders hate each other so much?

There can only be one ye cunt.

Both your countries are abysmal
t. Leaf

I don't hate bongs, I'm having a laugh
Very few people hold hard feelings anymore, the rising was 101 years ago for Chrissake
The only people who still seriously feel strongly about all this are the Ulster Scots, they can't seem to let it go but nobody likes them anyway so it doesn't matter


Chinknadians don't get (you)'s

Because they ruined Liverpool and Glasgow.

58% what?

I have to ask mate in all seriousness what was the IRA even fighting for if they're now in the process of replacing the Irish with the rest of the world?

Speaking of Ulster Scots, could you please take them off our hands?
We kept them because we were petty, it was a mistake, just take the North back. We have to give these fuckers millions of pounds a year in aid because their economy is fucking shit and they can't support themselves.
All the DUP do is complain about the Troubles and beg for more money.

I think he's referring to the youth of Canada, they're only 58% European or something like that.

We'll just reintegrate all of Ireland into the UK once the EU collapses.

Is that before or after the UK finds its balls and boots out its Muslim invaders? Because I'm pretty sure the Caliphate is on and the Irish are going to end up being the only thing remotely British left.

Hard to ruin a county that's already bollocksed

You made this mess, you can keep them

Fuck if I know, the IRA started off as freedom fighters then turned into a bunch of Marxists during the 60's
Of the three main parties in Ireland the one that formed out of the Marxist IRA is the least popular, the funniest part about them is how they claim to be nationalists
The leader of the National Party has shit on them repeatedly, accusing them of being globalist Marxist-Leninists and only calling themselves nationalists to rural voters

They're just going to be a backwater province of a Caliphate or the Uk either way so they can help us or the mozzies. They probably have more in common with the muslims though so I wouldn't be surprised if they declared for the caliphate early.

>Hard to ruin a county that's already bollocksed
That's what you get for hiring Irish labourers I suppose.

Scots do the same thing, it has to be something in the celtic blood.

Fucking hell do I feel bad for the poor ol' Scots
Either they stay apart of the UK or they vote for SNP, who are a bunch of social-democrats and would start importing 6000000 Muslims "child refugees" from Syria.

Please the Jocks have the best deal in the Union no one else can vote on English affairs while the English having no say in theirs apart form those smug heroin addicts.

They're also highly socialist and love (((civic-nationalism)))
What the fuck happened to all these countries? What caused us all to become such leftie shits? The English are the worst by a long-shot but that's no excuse for everyone else

Tbh it's not loved anywhere, it's entirely been top down enforced. Everyone grumbles but when it the time comes to vote they want to protect their benefits first and foremost. Plus our two major parties are carbon copies of each other and the system is set up such that there is no third party option.

Marxists and Jews. The UK is starting to have some push back at least, don't know about Ireland except that the Ulster Scots are a bunch of pro-EU whiny fuckers who should have been booted out of the Union decades ago.

didnt read

Does Jackie fights?

I'm sure you're better at finding magnets than I am. It's not really my thing.

He has a few fight scenes, but it's not quite as action-packed as you might expect from a Jackie film. It's kind of a political story.