Why are films so unmemorable and forgettable these days...

Why are films so unmemorable and forgettable these days? I can practically play the entirety of classics like Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Dark Knight, Forrest Gump, The Matrix, Saving Private Ryan etc in my head…but I find it hard to remember even snippets of any movie I've watched in the last 10 years.

It was the shitty movies of that era, the fucking Cape-movies of the 90's early 00's. Let's face it faggot, you can do that because you watched the movies a bunch of times when you grew up. Especially Dark Knight is such a shitty fucking movie with directorial and storytelling problems up the wazoo add in a shitty fucking Christian Bale who try to sound tough but reminds you of Kermit the frog on steroids and plot-hole, the Deus Ex-machina character that is the ZOMG-Awesome Joker. Heath Ledger was a fag, a shitty fucking actor doing Romantic Comedy movies, then he overacted like hell, to the point of making Al Pacino fucking embarrassed but got away with it because of the cult of personality-shit around him dying and the media fucking pumping his dead, rotten corpse to hell with how "awesome" he was. It's a shit fucking movie, it was the first obvious example of how Hollywood controls the review-industry aswell, because anyone stepping out of the line got death threats, for real, look it up.

You're a fucking pleb who doesn't even watch films you watch flicks


Nice argument

The gimmick of teh Forrest Gump movie is two fold. Mr "Everyman" Forrest is pasted into every major historical event the audience of that time was likely to remember. That movie was some time ago so Gump had little to do with computers other then buying stock in Apple.
The other gimmick is that Gump is suppose to be just a humble simple everyman who had no idea the massive impact he is having on humanity around him.
Time and time again things happen in Gump because the people around him want it to happen, or via a kind of magic, with Gump himself utterly unaware of the social meaning.
So the speech about Vietnam, where he is faced with a mass of contradicting instincts and political agendas, has to be empty. Its just impossible for the American people to reconcile Vietnam, at that time before Iraq gave them fresh wounds to lick, and so Gump silence presents a magic resolution, everyone in the audience can imagine the statement they need about Vietnam has happened.
Frankly I found this very disturbing, the worship of mass media culture in to some 'meaningful' event, combined with a naive worship of the wisdom of idiots was a uniquely American hubris, one I think the US paid a very heavy price for in the years after this 1990s feel good film was released.

Someone get this hothead out of here

I could pull the "you were young and impressionable" excuse but kids even today don't give a shit about movies. They're aren't nearly as iconic simply because youtube and the like has inflated the value of a video into dirt.

my condolences

They love Nolan and Villenueve and cheap oscarbait and shit like MAd MAx Fury Road

Pulp Fiction is shit, same as Forest Gump and other shit like that from the 90s

I'm talking about actual kids not 20ish year olds who still wish they were kids.

white sun of the desert (1970) was the most kino film i have ever seen. based russians

There are still plenty good movies that have been done over the past few years, but it'll be a long time til we find what really stands the test of time.

Personally I feel like John Wick is one that will hold up fairly well.

opinion discarded

Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs were memorable because of the 70s pulp style. Dark Knight was the first edgy spin on capeshit. The Matrix had striking aesthetics. Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan aren't really memorable. You just think they are because comic hacks and your parents won't stop quoting them for no reason.


Because the style sticks out. Everytime I put on Saving Private Ryan I watch the opening scene thinking, "This is awesome. Why don't I watch this more often?" then play with my phone for two hours.

How does the human garbage Jenny and her abuse of a retarded man play into all this?

Burton's first film literally had batman running around murdering people, and Batman Returns was so grimdark and edgy people complained and it gave birth to the Schumacher films in response.

This feels like bait because of the shit taste but even so there have been plenty of memorable films recently


Hey man, nice shot.
