Deep Sea Kino

Recommend me some good movie about the deep sea Holla Forums. I already watched that Blue Planet/Planet Earth episode about the deep (and yes I know Blue Planet 2 will have it too).

I want more of that; be it documentary, movies about sea exploration, sea monsters, underwater civilization, etc. So long as its deep sea related.

20,000 leagues under the sea

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou


There's a series called "life" that has a good episode on deep sea creatures and ecology. It's Attenborough though so there's a high probability it will reuse shots from the ones you've already seen.

Also the episodes on plants and insects in this series are 10/10 too.

If you okay with sometimes akward puppetry, there is the 1964 show "Stingray" which features said submarine exploring the worlds oceans and fending off threats from below. It has pretty much everything you listed to some extent.




Thanks Yify


Deep Star Six
Titanic (just the ending though)

Avatar 2

motherfucker aint never heard the bloop like lolololololol whitey

This one is good

Which one? There are several adaptation, live action and animated ones.

Haven't watched, but the troubled production story is pretty interesting.

Atlantis the lost empire. Pretty solid adventure movie, even though I feel like they don't spend enough time in Atlantis itself.

I think the movie goes to shit once they get to Atlantis. The submarine and all the exploring underground stuff was great.

Came to post these. There's also Deep Rising. Those three and The Abyss (Which is shit) all came out really close to each other.

Snyder did nothing wrong


isn't that movie basically star gate?

You might add Deep Blue Sea as well. Nowhere near as good as Jaws sure, but I think its probably the best man-eating shark movie next to it.

For a moment I almost forget which movie is that from. Now, if only someone post the 'always a bigger fish' scene.

If you’re serious tho go to goytube and look for deep sea or deep sea creature films. There’s a lot of good stuff you can cozy to

Not just any Jaws. Jaws 3-D

Also they resemble frogs as well.

Deep Star Six is good though the ending fake out was unnecessary.

Is that a still from the movie? I dont remember that

Yeah just replace Egypt with Atlantis and it's the same thing.