So, I just got done watching NBC and I don't know how to tell you guys this but we need to kill Holla Forums

Apparently they're nazis and worse sexists. They're sexist nazis. Just punching them might not be enough anymore.

My trips confirm Drumpf will be impeached.


it's true. the nazi shilling on Holla Forums is ridiculous.

Nazi cucks need to leave, Holla Forums is for leftist boards like Holla Forums.

It's a reaction to sjw shit in games. Don't get upset at a few edgy jokes fam.

It's usually obviously retarded shit, like thinking the Heer had good logistics.

But Holla Forums is a NatSoc board!

This is why females should be raped out of the gaming industry.

Remember rule 4 of pic related.

Face it, television has become more embarrassing than videogames.

Holla Forumsgaf

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.
I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.
Gradually I began to hate them.


True. Gamers told sjw shit to fuck off out of their games. TV viewers just sit there eating salty snacks as every show turns into BLACKED.

Is that a parody of how SJWs & feminazis claim there is a wage gap, and they want to change society in their favour?

why are these two posts mirrored from pol?

Because Holla Forums is the new Holla Forums you retarded commie faggot.

What's that?

Sick of this nigger-tier posting. Adjust your shit or go back to reddit.

lol triggered the cumskin

"femme"? Why do trans-trenders use that word? It means "woman" in french.
Also "PhD candidate" does it mean that she doesn't have a PhD?


Nice to know that GooberGloblin still lives
