Why does Red Letter Media follow Sargon of Akkad on Twitter? Is this proof they are sympathizers to the Alt-Right?

Why does Red Letter Media follow Sargon of Akkad on Twitter? Is this proof they are sympathizers to the Alt-Right?

He is a liberal.

"Alt-right" is code for "closeted fag" so it's no surprise RLM follows that idiot

anybody who uses the phrase "SJW" is complicit in supporting white supremacy

Sargon even calls himself a leftist.

He's been banned since forever.

Nostalgia Chick is one too then since she unironically calls herself an SJW.

So THAT'S who the Timposter is. No wonder you never see him and the RLM defender in the same room together.

Wow you just made one shitty thread lad

Carl doesn't even have an active Twitter anymore. He's been permabanned.

All the gay shit they follow. CNN, Rick and Morty, Maddox, Jim Sterling, David Wong, Angry Joe, Fucking Opie from O&A, College Humor, Funny or Die, Eminem, Patton Oswalt, Tim Heidecker.

okay, anybody who uses it in a derogatory way, its basically like the new N word.

you never see them in the same room because this is an internet forum and not a building so there are no rooms.

I'd say it's worse. It trivializes people fighting for the rights of agendered and transexuals, Chosen Jews, Syrian refugee children, and others victimized by a cisgendered white-supremacist imperialism driven by elite whites who are systematically working to genocide everyone who's not a straight white man.
The N word is just insulting slang. While it is horrible and offensive, it isn't comparable to the hate and bigotry behind the S abbreviation.

You still aren't funny sperg.

lol SJW

"Sperg" wow, if that's the level of discussion here then it's no wonder this place is a wasteland.

I think you got lost on the way to Holla Forums, Tumblr.

Delet this.


Same reason peps follow Trump?

Isn't he the Gamergate guy who's Internet career is slowly dying?




Why would anyone listen to what he says?

because he is against feminists and SJWs. In order to be popular on youtube, you have to make anti-SJW videos. If you do so, it means you are cool and hip.


But he's a bong.

Bernie "lol white goys can't be poor" Sanders


I know that's not how you chosen vermin say it.

oy vey delete this


i think you're mistaking him for the amazing autist

Pakis are literally mass-raping their kids and he still shifts blame to poor brits because they are somewhat obnoxious.


This is internalized shitposting.


this is so disturbing

Jesus Christ. Why have I seen the ass of every goddamn atheist.

Fake but funny

Gulity pleasure?

Sargon is the leader of the Aut left.

He even admits to being a lefty. But he doesnt follow SJW stuff.

Why would any man do this?

It's where they talk out of

and you have that saved on your computer. Kill yourself.