Seriously, the bullying against Titoist members of this community is getting way out of hand...

Seriously, the bullying against Titoist members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Titoists are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Titoist man who finds it hard to take pride in his own Ideology after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my ideology from insecure losers here. Why not bully Stalinists or socdems? Do they not have much more to be ashamed than our peaceful ideology? Mutualists get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest, most worker friendly ideology in Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a Titoist man a "capitalist"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Titoist man that they are a "capitalist"? Would you say those words to your fellow leftist brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
You are destroying worker pride, your dividing leftists against each other, you're doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behaviour. So I encourage you to stop now.

Welcome to Holla Forums.

stop titoist bullying now, call 1917 to donate

join the fucking club

In an attempt to make space for marginalized people in our Holla Forums subforum leftypol has an anti-oppression policy. We want to have a free and open exchange of ideas to better serve the goals of leftists, and oppressive ideologies stand in direct opposition to this goal.

This policy sets us apart from other boards and other online leftist communities. If you find these expectations too limiting you are free to associate with other communities.

Oppression is defined as any language or action that expresses, reinforces, upholds or sympathizes with any form of systemic social domination, including but not limited to: eugenics, patriarchy, cisnormativity, white supremacy, heteronormativity, capitalism, Titoismism etc…


Get on my level lol. Usually getting death threats here (I know you are just LARPing tho)

Yeah but you are actually retarded, less than Holla Forums, i will give you that.

nice blogposts newfriend

Titoism is so bad I guess. Much less oppressive than Stalinism and achieved almost as much as well i.e. "living standards" meme. Failed to defeat nationalism, the political structure allowed for an easy disintegration, and also you had a limited number of capitalists who now rule ex-Yu countries and that didn't help as well.
Basically, every single leftist ideology that was put into practice needs fixing because they all failed to achieve worker's emancipation because muh cult of personality and other excesses. We should start there - oppose every single trace of glorifying individuals. I think that's a start.

Isn't, damn that's what I meant

I know what you meant, but the phrasing of this is all wrong. It isn't the glorification of the individual that causes cult devotion to leader figures, it's the opposite. What we need is the emancipation of all individuals, and to oppose the dependence of collectivism on greater beings.

A union of egoists, to be precise.

How about you fuck off, maybe?

Tito purged just like Stalin did you nitwit, I live there.
get the fuck out, red bourgeois. you don't even have theory, it is laughable.

Quit playing the victim card, people were ranking ideologies in the meme thread and in 2/3 of them Titoism was in God Tier.



Tito purged much less and more efficiently


>he's getting bullied by tankies


dont overestimate your own little group

Titoists, like market 'socialists', are garbage.



I would give my dick to be treated with the respect Titoists get. Some niggas here don't even consider Hoxhaist (anti-revisionist marxism lenninism, proper) a legitimate and distinct ideology worthy of respectful consideration and debate.

What are you talking about?

Stalinists are already bullied 24/7. For over 60 years now. Even China dropped all pretence of being related to Stalinism.

Just identify as M-L, it's all you have to do.

What's the distinction between Stalinism and Hoxhaism anyways?

A bunker for every family of course.

Then he'll be accused of:
- betraying the Revolution (at least 5 times: Black Guard, trade unions, Kronstadt, Planned Economy, and Permanent Revolution)
- starting wars (at least 4: Finland, Poland, Japan, and WWII in general)
- creating artificial famines (at least 3 times: early 20s, early 30s, post-WWII)
- enthroning tyrants (at least 2: Lenin, Stalin)
- murdering … practically everyone, I guess.
(yes, I missed a lot of stuff; but that would've been wall of text otherwise)

I'm not particularly familiar with Hoxhaism, but this isolationism seems to be very iffy. Soviets were forced to adopt it, Albania - chose it.


nice to see some Holla Forumsfags on here

Lenin style bully boys

Is there a place for anime in market socialism?


Crafting safe spaces is necessary but isn't enough. We need persynal protection units composed of Titotist militants and allies to smash Titoismist bigotry wherever it rears its head.

Most Titotismists tend to be brocialist shitbirds so fuck 'em. I'm already developing a "Shit Titoismists Say" subreddit to call out these chucklefucks.

Death threats = threats of death + marginalization. National "Bolshevism" is an oppressive ideology so it cannot be the recipient of death threats.

I meant market socialism. And your theory amounts to nothing, its implementation was an IMF fueled proto NATO state.

I'm not on IRCancer, but from what I've seen you are probably one of if not the least bullied group on this board. Tankies, anarkiddies, wobblies, Maoists, Ancraps, anphlegms, Leninists, Trots, anarcho-transhumanists can we start calling them trannies or antrannies or something?, Bunkers, Mutualists, anprims, Stirners, socdems/demsocs, those two Christian Gommunisds, Pirate Flag Guy, Anarcho-Nihilist, Nazgulbols, poopsocs, trumpies and shillery shills are all shit on regularly, but I don't even have a subfolder in my shitposting folder for Titoists, and afaik the only thing I might fill it with from this board are those charts that rated you shit-tier.

gondola is the greatest

Agh, nigger. This was the perfect chance to say "USSR merely adopted the darkness, Albania was born in it!".

Titoists are okay.

Leftcoms are at least communists.