Pure Marxist Pushing Cancer


Literally Obama-tier.

Other urls found in this thread:


Drumpftards will defend this drivel. :P

you may have learned to hop ip's but you're still as obvious as ever. Are you somehow associated with cnet, or do you actually like them?


Very stupid. He better just be virtue signaling for his daughter Ivanka to shut up.

You would think he'd find the time to sign an EO to end the DREAMER program, before signing 2 EOs to push more men out of high paying jobs with more affirmative action.

I wouldn't be surprised if he personally supports it. When he says MAGA, he essentially means a return to the America of the 70's and 80's with a few improvements. There's no reason to think he'd be against encouraging women in the workforce when he has a history of supporting it. While he does a great job fighting the greatest absurdities of globalism here, it should never be forgotten that he has a different goal than us. One that is an improvement from the current situation, but ultimately not good enough.

If it's Trump, then I'm fine with it.

Unemployed A.E. here. I was furious until I read the actual legislation. They are useless K-12 outreach programs for H.R. 321.

if they wanted to be there, there'd be there
they have every opportunity

what's the alternative?
FORCE women into stem?


I wouldn't try either if I had your job.

an affordable experiment which will result in fun.

In order for women to have jobs in STEM we're going to have to stop importing bindis with degrees from Bombay Technical College of Physics and Street Shitting.
In other words, restrict legal immigration.
He's using "muh vagina" against his enemies.

And? Will they be any different than the lesbian, feminist coding outreach programs they have now?

Yay more newblood in my major for the kike dykes to molest and convert whoopie
trump pls no

This blatant attempt at consensus cracking is beyond pathetic. Did David Brock forget to include in the manual that this place doesn't work like reddit and we don't give a shit about anything you say without proper sources and facts?


Read it yourself.

Plenty of people here think Trump is just the best of a bad bunch, you are the one who is technically astroturfing with your "anybody who dislikes Trump is a shill" garbage. If Trump was ever going to make any serious changes you wouldn't have ever had the opportunity to vote for him.

Call me a shill all you want, in a few years you'll see that I am correct. Trump is a pressure valve to calm the pissed off white masses, just like Bush was after Clinton. You may not see that yet but I guarantee you that you will eventually.

I'm getting sick of the hero worship to be honest, the best case scenario is that he's a civic nationalist. Is that really something to get excited about?

Pure evil these kikes.

Trumps a mixed bag for the most part.

Yeah it's literally nothing. If anything it seems more like he's signalling THE IMPERIUM OF MAN since it specifically targets NASA/aerospace.

That's pretty bad but honestly those women will get fired quite soon because women are fucking incompetent at engineering, their brains just can't into logic.
t. Engineer

I guess Trump is trying to shut up feminist whiners by giving them something, or maybe Ivanka is demanding this because she's a stupid feminist whore and Trump spoils his daughter.

Third option I came up with: Maybe Trump is trying to sabotage the STEM giants like Jewgle, Microsoft and other globalist jew megacorporations by ensuring their workers are fucking stupid.

8D chess. Don't ever doubt the Don.

I don't think many here are noticing the fact it's just an advertisement for women who already have STEM degrees to go look for a STEM job. It's not trying to push high school girls to become engineers.

Women have their own role and although it is equal to mens role, it is different. Raising families is important for society, and without real families, we will have no society or race. It would be extremely selfish for women to abandon their roles in the name of being scientists and firefighters and police officers and soldiers, when the end result is white people disappear because they have no natural family structure because jews pushed feminism 100 years ago.

You haven't learned from last time then. Your hooked nose prevents you from longsighted strategies.



Equally important. Dont be a piece of shit, raising your kids is the difference between a race, and no race.

Maybe you should clarify what you mean.

This is rhetoric to expand his base for more substantial reforms. He needs support from the center and moderate left (and better, by getting these groups to support him, the left will call them Nazis and they will lose them forever).

I wouldn't worry about it, so long as shit like this doesn't keep happening all the time. I suspect that in a month no-one will remember this program and it will be silently gutted.

As a postgrad every dumb cunt I had the displeasure of working with was less capable and less intelligent than the men who's positions they stole thanks to retarded gender policies. Deal with it.

/r9k/ tier garbage. We don't hate women, and our desire for them to take up traditional womens roles are not out of hatred, or a desire to see them beneath us. We feel that way because families are important, and without real mothers (and fathers, and a normal family, and healthy society) children grow up to be.. millennials. They grow up and actually hate women, for example. We cherish women, to attack women is not National Socialist.

I'm a scientist irl and this is all virtue signalling garbage at best and unnecessary and unconstitutional discrimination at worse.

The problem is lumping science with tech, engineering, and math. Women are actually very much represented in science. They make up 65% of the social science, and 50% of biological, agricultural, and environmental life science jobs. They also make up about 35% of chemistry jobs, more so in certain aspects of chemistry (like biochem) and less so in synthetic chem.

In tech and math, women make up much less of the work force. It's not a discrimination issue, it's an interest issue. For instance, males enroll in AP computer science at a much higher rate than females (81% to 19%, respectively). There's no discrimination or bar for entry. You just need to be interested in computers and you can get into these high school classes. The females simply don't want to take those classes. That lack of interest is reflected in fewer applications for TEM degrees in the first place. Even then, among the females that do get TEM degrees, a bunch of them don't like it and get a job doing something else.

This whole conversation is fundamentally flawaed from the beginning.

Women are not interested in the things men are. No matter how much laws are being signed, it is a waste of money. However this chips away the argument that Trump is a muh sexist.

At least we "durmpftards" don't think we all are equal in everything, like you marxfags do.

You're new, it's literally 4d chess.

Social science isn't science. Biology and life sciences are flooded with non scientists in this country because everyone wants to be a doctor. Girls don't do science because they simply don't have the IQs for it.

Retards are like 5x more likely to be men than women. If we assume men and women have the same average IQ (they don't) then it only makes sense that the people with a high IQ are also 5x more likely to be men.

It's really not very complex math but everyone seems to have something against it.

Im definitely revoking my support of Trump over this. Women are trash

Can we just admit that Trumpcucks are delusional please? I guarantee you that these faggots would rather adopt Trumps civic nationalist views than admit that he isn't what they thought he was. This cancer was supposed to go away after the elections finished…

women entering the workplace was a bigger attack against whites than faggotry or diversity.
in a few generations we took women away from the home, doubling the workforce. over time this halved the value of labor and most jobs. we enticed them in with have a "double wage" turned into we need 2 wages to not live with roomates.
women in turn no longer raise kids or are taught how to cook/clean/raise kids. this eliminates our culture that took hundreds of years to develop and leaves only the upper class with the ability to have a functioning family system.
so many problems in our society can be traced back to women entering the workplace its absolutely horrifying.
and retards blame women exclusively for this as if it originally wasnt a smart move. think about it. back then 1 job was enough to support a family, having your wife work actually moved you to a different class. a construction worker's wife becomes a teacher, suddenly their family makes that of a doctor's family.
problem is, everyone started doing this. once it balanced out, now you NEED 2 people to make a living wage. its not worth it anymore, and women want out… unfortunately if they stop working, most families will lose too much.

Donald ! Women don't WANT to go in STEM, you dumbass

get the prez on the line and tell him to watch those docs asap

I should've voted for Hillary.

I didn't want to make a new thread for this, but SJWs are trying to edit Wikipedia and say that you're all just assuming Garfield's gender.


he's not pushing women into academics, those women are there regardless. and theyre likely to go into social sciences. trump is pushing those same women into stem fields… which also means he's pushing women away from social "sciences" and art degrees.
this is a good thing.

he's not making it easier for women to graduate through stem.
at its worst this will cause many women to fail out of stem, which will make a funny statistic.
at its best this will put women into the stem field and keep their knowledge on something concrete instead of learning about the gender identity spectrum.

NASA is heavily compromised as it is, they can't go a month without fucking science up further. Encouraging NASA to dig deeper into the diversity hire hole isn't a good way to fix this problem.

This is true, and why

Only with cars that aren't as cool and more non-whites. I agree with your second statement though. The only peofirst or who thought he was it were the redditors and cuckchanners.

He is a colour blind civic nationalist who fully supports isreal and has jewish grandchildren though. Why don't you adress those points instead? You are building a cult of personality around a family that is going to be Jewish I the next generation.

He's only a stepping stone if he effectively pushes White rights and addresses the racial issues plaguing America. So far he has only addressed illegal immigration and Muslim's he's not touched on racial issues at all.

I agreed with what you are saying a few months ago by in not so sure anymore. I'm not even sure if he's a better option than Hillary anymore, any fuck ups during his presidency are going to be blamed on the right as a whole.

The only people who thought**

If a race war happens, white men will be fighting, white women will have to continue researching and developing in the background. Sounds like trump is positioning his people to be primed for conflict if u ask me.

This story is, unsurprisingly, being misrepresented and spun in a way that makes it look like Trump just signed "Feminist Kool-Aid: The Law" but inr eality, he pretty much just told NASA to get their shit together and start doing more promotion of American STEM jobs to K-12 students. He's not telling academics to enforce enrollment quotas, insisting on STEM scholarships for vagina-havers, or creating women only PR events, like Google does.

He's saying, "take the lady scientists and astronauts we have right now and have them go talk to school kids, like we used to do, and tell them that they should pursue a real career that further advances their society and country" which is good because it's promoting the idea that women need to earn their place in society along with men, instead of hoping to all become rich and famous for youtube blogging, twitter politics, or gender studies.

However, a few things need to happen before we can ever expect more useful women in STEM

By this I mean he hasn't addressed the fact that race is the real cause of these issues.

I think a return to traditional gender roles would be preferable. Somewhere around the 1950s.

This is what a healthy family unit looks like. It might not be as viable now due to economic reasons but that's only because the economy is fucked up. If we got our heads out of our asses economically at least, this would be totally doable.

I agree social science isn't science, but it's counted as science in these statistics and that's worth taking into account. I'm not talking about science degrees, I'm talking about science jobs. Not "i'm a bio major because I want to be a doctor" - people who are currently employed as biologists or chemists, etc.

Women absolutely do science, don't project your retardation on others. I'm a neuroscientist and half of the researchers I work with are female. Some of our best programmers are female postdocs, and two females are heading up a research project using virtual reality to more effectively study and assist people with visual disabilities. Hell, my adviser in graduate school was a woman who pioneered an fMRI analysis method that dramatically improved our ability to map retinal responses in visual cortex - a project involving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

I'm not suggesting that in the aggregate, men don't trend towards higher IQs, but I'm telling you as a irl scientist who does real science (not social pseudoscience), there are tons of very intelligent and very capable women in the field. And, for the record, they are not underrepresented in biological science (which is the only science that matters anyways), so that blows your "girls don't do science" bullshit in the first place.


Oh, without a doubt, unfucking the economy so a basic nuclear family can be sustained on the income of a single worker would be absolutely necessary in order to get us out of this gender politics hellhole. And women would be happier too, as many have discovered that being fulltime wage slaves leaves them deeply unhappy, depressed, and unfulfilled.

Our current model leaves us with a generation of abusive sexual deviants who try to supplement their need for children with cats, tattoos, and early-age alcoholism.

Also, think about how much cheaper it was to run a household in 1955. No internet. No cable. No computers. No video games. No cell phones. No cheap chink garbage that breaks every year. If you lived like people lived in the 1950's you could support a nuclear family with one income.

When is he going to sort out the male barrier of not being able to show off your tits for a promotion?

B-but if you build things good enough you'll never need a new one and companies will go out of business ! Oy vey

Checking these dubs and those ID trips. Chinks BTFO

Women don't go into these fields by their own choice. Forcing them won't do a damn thing. For example, back in uni half if not the majority of my class was women in maths and engineering. By the beginning of second semester, only two women remained.

Nor will he, and that you'd even have expected such from him is rather silly.

He's a stepping stone if he continues to pish the overton window right, but as you imply, he hasnt been doing so very much of that.

I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, until the first 100 days are up.
He has until April 29th 2017 to eliminate sanctuary cities, by federal defunding if necessary.

If he fails in that campaign promise, I will no longer support him, can no longer support him - and I hope he realizes he needs the support of else he very likely will face serious consequences…
In 2018 we will have the midterm elections and if Trump has not made some real headway the republicans likely will lose several seats in congress and Trump will likely be a lame duck the rest of his term, assuming his enemies don't come for blood and try to impeach him on some trumped up (no pun intended) charges.
Instead of reaching out to women and muds, he had better start remembering who got him in office, and who it is that is standing between him and the raving hordes that want his head on a pike.
Protip: It was not inner city muds, nor women (including White women, whom he barely won), it was straight White oft-Christian men - thats who put him in power, and thats the only group who would or could act to keep him in power or otherwise protect him… He better remember that…


Yes and no. A lot of those things can be one-time purchases. Where a lot of these things become excessively expensive is in the hidden costs and superfluous services they offer for extra. A basic cellphone plan for making calls and a standard internet plan don't cost enough to run the basic household economy.

What happened was property kept getting more expensive, but wages did not scale with it. Additionally, fewer new homes are being built, so homeowners these days are getting saddled with tens of thousands in repairs, new roofs, sinking foundations, cracks and poor construction leading to higher energy costs (which also went up), so on and so forth. In the 50s, they were building new communities constantly. New developments, new neighborhoods, new factories…

But somewhere along the way, they factories started disappearing and the new neighborhoods stopped getting built. In their place, they built more apartment complexes in cities, and more highways to get people into those cities. Expanding outward into the countless acres of open land stopped, and instead, (((they))) focused on condensing populations into dehumanizing city-living.

…Also this. Planned obsolescence, but that's mostly an issue for people buying apple products who think that spend thousands on a new iphone and a fuck-me-in-the-ass data plan to go with it are absolute necessities.

A savvy shopper or a reasonable person can get their entertainment and vidya dirt cheap without much effort, as much digital platforms have constant sales and specials. Hell, a decent internet connection replaces the need for TV, movies, newspapers, and even phones, in most cases. Emulation means you can play 30 years of games off of a one-time purchase of a half-decent PC.

Life CAN be cheap, but the problem is that property costs and taxes are eating 80% of a person's income, after taxes, fees, SS, and insurance take their cut.

You're giving the jews too much credit. The way they went after him during the election and defended Hillary definitely wasn't faked. He's just a civic nationalist, but he's a real thorn in the jew's side as long as he sticks to the ideals he proclaimed during the election.

Yep, it's Agenda21 (now Agenda2030) in action. I hope these globalist scum pay for their crimes.

Start trolling him on twitter when he does bullshit like this.

It's ok goy. We'll figure it out when we're down to 2% of the population.

At this point, I'd settle for breaking away from society and forming our own town somewhere far away from the cities.

things would be far easier if there were a way to meet up that didn't guarantee we'd be infiltrated

No, we probably wont.

The pattern is thus:

ITT delusional trumpkins.

LBJ was so right about you white people.LMAO

Oh, look, a Jew.

Ain't that the fucking truth. Even amongst hardcore Holla Forumsacks, there's no guarantee that we'd even be able to pull it off without someone's autism getting in the way.

I mean in some cases the argument might be viable, but for the most part improvements can always be made to a product with new technology and cutting edge techniques. If you can't do that, it's your problem. The argument I usually see it:

Which is total BS. Expand your business horizons and/or make a better product or fuck off. It's just a excuse to make shekels.

This, but that doesn't mean we can't rip him when he does something cucky like this. Fuck what the shills say, we don't have to defend le ebin god emperor just because some CREW faggots will come on here saying "lol wut do naow drumpftards lelel". That would just be spinning our wheels, and redirecting our energies from trying to preserve the white race into simply defending what may very well become a Reaganite civnat-lite cuckshow.


Absolutely pathetic.

Ive always thought about buying a remote place off grid and trying to become self sustaining so that i wouldn't be putting any more money into the jewish system.

hope you enjoyed your high wages and productive work environment stemfags, because that's going to be gone now.

haha look at you stupid Trump supporters, you're so dumb you supported a man who supports one of our policies !

How could anyone be so stupid as to support one of our policies ?!

It me a warm feeling.

This is the hardest. Because of it even if we were all legit with no infiltration, we'd be so suspicious of one another that shots might be fired among ourselves. If we'd all be 100% sure about our allegiance to our community though, it would be hard to overtly attack short of having the army sent against us. I fucking hate Jewish spy networks that were made possible thanks to technology.

I hope a cunt gets promoted instead of you just because she has a cunt. Faggot.

I think a legitimate dedication of time and money would naturally filter out all but the most dedicated infiltrators, and in that scenario, I have to wonder how long anyone can be submerged in Holla Forums's mode of thought without coming to understand it.

At any rate, the first step is learning enough to build your own home, followed by finding a parcel of land that can be build on and which isn't zoned against multi-person occupancy, or some shit.

What I'm saying is that for every competent woman you meet there are 5-10 more competent men. It's a meme that women go into science.
The majority stay purely because they are given so much support all through their undergrad and graduate and postgraduate life. You cut out that support and go by actual merits and not muh cunt and the parity shifts entirely into the field of men. Not just any men either. White and east Asian men.

T. Graduate student in physics

honestly it's a good way to shut people up about him being muh soggy knee stick.

women do not take that career path often and you know it.

it won't make much difference and trump supporters will be able to use this to shut assholes up.

Well, guessing that the average B.A. in engineering, at the least, starts with at an IQ of 123 (see: industrial engineering) and the majorty of women being on the bell curve of average IQ, 100, I wouldn't be too worried about this due to their natural ability.

Source for IQ by major: statisticbrain com/iq-estimates-by-intended-college-major/

It's time for me to get out of this industry. Software is for communists and women.

What's the best way to learn how to weld? Should I take classes at community college?

They're just outreach programs. Not affrimative action or anything like that. It's just virtue signalling that will have no irl effect because no matter how much you tell women to become scientists it won't change nature.

Sage for shit consensus cracking thread

I took a few welding classes in community college. Wasn't bad. Depends on the quality of the metal shop they've got at your local place, though. Also a pretty good place to make some contacts, as some of the other students will be machinists or other trade workers, and your teacher might be able to throw some recommendations your way.

Interesting. I imagine the streetshitters coming in are much more male on average than an american tech workforce would be.. By getting rid of them, the tech industry will become more female automatically.

After a quick search, it looks like libs have been whining about H1-Bs being gender biased for a while.


So what exactly is the problem?

This. He needs to be held accountable.

could the shills have developed get-getting technology?

Except his son Barron…

To be fair this seems like a fairly inconsequential thing to do, not like more women are magically going to go for STEM if you look at similar programs in the past, and with this he can easily say he's not sexist and make the MSM look like even bigger idiots.

Why ?

In this speech I heard: a massive military build up(mic is dominated by jews), fealty to israel, massive money spending on infrastructure(tax payer paid for "jobs!" at least there will be something to show for it after though will probably get converted to toll after we paid for it like has happened where I'm at,) ass kissing of police thugs, love fest for the bestest of the bestest goons of the israeli foreign legion, money spent on spics & niggers, money spent on cunts aka tilt the field for the undeserving, put round pegs in square holes and pay for the privilege, the people paying for the largesse taxed less while doing so, with a majority in the house, senate, state governors, soon the supreme court such that there is exactly zero need to compromise on positions, compromise on positions.

Yah, NASA has replaced engineers with vaginas in mass.

How much do they pay you for this shit?

If you look at actual patriarchal societies (Pakistan, Iran, etc.) there is a much larger percentage of women in STEM than in the West. Norway experiences this with the so-called gender paradox, where, the more freedom is given to women, the more they default to traditional caretaking professions.

Once automation comes along a very large percentage of the workforce will become unnecessary. I imagine that would be the right moment to take a step back from where feminism has led us and kick women out of the workplace and back into the kitchen.

I think I've figured out what's going on here

Just look at the EO, it's nothing except some harmless feel good pandering.
Doesn't look like he's trying to do anything crazy.

He's making concessions to normies to gain the political capital he'll need when it becomes more clear to the public that "merit based immigration" means "shitskins stay in their own shitty country instead of shitting up ours". We are still ostensibly a democratic nation, so leaders have to do shit like this in order to get other things done. In 8 years we will hopefully be living in a nation where we can be more open about tearing down everything cultural marxism has created, but until then, Trump has to play the game by the rules that are currently in place.

And? The only reason this and the divorce explosion are real issues is the horde of shitskins allowed in and the horde of shitskins popping out of foodstamp fed monkeys.

Otherwise, it would actualky be great.

A painless way to wipe out un motherly and generally shitty women. A sharp drop in birthrate, followed by stagnation and then a slow rise. And bam, hyper feminist begin dying of old age.

And men of the future largely do not have to put up with them anymore.

Pretty much this, patience cunts.


This isn't fucking reddit.
We don't need to be told that its not a discrimination issue.

I actually wish it was a discrimination issue. Cunts need to stay in the kitchen, and out of work and politics. Cunts getting the vote has led to the current state of affairs. Cunts "working" has led to the pussification of society and the rise of PC culture.

I don't give a shit about the fucking whores, no matter how much government gibs they get, they are going to die lonely cat ladies.

yeah this. i think he's mostly just rewarding white women who mostly voted for him. women have had the choice to choose for decades i'm not sure forcing them is going to make them more happy and female happiness has only been going down since the whole liberation thing.

I hope he uses this bullshit E.O. as a casus belli to eliminate H1-B's. Might be able to convince some retarded bitches that the Pajeets are competing against the poor downtrodden STEM women. Any time a tech company blabbers about becoming more diverse they are telegraphing their intent to import street shitters.

I smell (((Ivanka)))
how do we separate this jew larping cunt and her cuck husband from Trump?

This shit is unjustifiable. Still feels good to be winning on most things now though.

He's just virtue signalling, fam. He's art of the dealing the lib-tards so they can't call him 'literally Hitler' without having this and other shit thrown back at them. He also literally announced VOICE so he can begin the program of a final solution to the Mexican problem.

What does it do exactly?

Quite the contrary, having the media go against him all the time just riles his supporters up even more. If they wanted to silence them, they'd not provide a voice for them in the first place, and run Rubio against Hillary.

lol thats brilliant

What is pure Marxism is (((Disney))) pushing the LGBTBBQ agenda

That's not even the worst of it. With the aid for nigger unis

The hilarity is how Trump is trying to cater to these liberal fucks, and look what they still do? They still are 100% on the attack against him.

They don't even recognize him as their President. It's probably as close to civil war conditions this country has been since.

no, you're assuming there are women who are smarter or more maternal or have some quality that allows them to resist the propaganda. In reality almost none do and the ones who have kids are just as likely to be some slut who got pregnant in high school and realise they like staying at home.

Of course the autistic schizophrenic fedora tipping mods had to ban your obvious jokepost because it hurt their wittwe fee fees in their echo chamber.

You mean there is a Kikeipedia article NOT overflowing with poz yet?

This is exactly how this cancer started in the West. Stop perpetuating it.