Le Pen polling at 45% record high


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MSM will now tell us she can't win to stop voters.

This woman is amazing tbh and her father has said legendary things

He still does

Viva Le Pen!


How likely is she to win? I heard France's electoral process makes it difficult. Can somebody fill me in?


Two round system.
Unless someone wins 50% in 1st round, the top 2 have to compete in another round.

Shitting dick nipples it is actually going to happen.

Her niece is the French version of Ivanka too wew lads even Marine Le Pen was quite the beauty in her youth

Say it with me Holla Forums

Madame President

I want to believe.

If her and Geert Wilders are elected, hell, if even one of them is- Europe still has a chance.

Marion is better all around tbh

Marine has pretty much cucked FN.

I wonder why politicians cuck so much when it's obvious that not-cucking gets them more votes.

There's a reason Jean-marie Le Pen never broke through… Hard ethnic nationalism is (currently) impossible to sell in Europe. Protectionism and civic nationalism are another matter. It's a process to get people back in to full-fash mode- one foot after the other.

Will it hit 88%?

Are you tired of winning yet, Holla Forums?

Reminder Soros is funding campaigns against Le Pen. Poll results cannot be trusted.

Only if Gilders only gets in by the better right wing party


Reading this made me sick. I really, really hate Marxist PC scumbags. How the fuck can anyone actually believe this kind of garbage?

Odds are 3.45 on betfair. Should I put down money or not, frenchanons?


Geert wilders is a Mossad agent.

Marine lepen is married to a jew and her niece Marichon is the daughter of a jew agent who cucked her father.

That might be one of the most powerful meme images Ive seen. Saved.


wew lad

france will probably go fash pretty quickly. cutting off the immigration doesnt get rid of the shitskins that already live there.

and with shitskins they always kick off

That's cool. And Trump shills for Israel. He's still the God-Emperor. Le Pen and Wilders are the best chance for Europe's survival… the AfD is good too I hear, but don't know much about them or their leader.

That just means she can be my gf

Hey look endchan shows up lmao. You forgot to mention drumpf is a kike too kek.

Seems pretty good. Odds for Trump in my country was 5:1, I won 1000 euro on him.

Isn't she catholic? Pretty sure Jesus frowns on that shit. Although the kike pope probably encourages it for western white women, as well as marrying mudslimes and aborting European children. I hope he dies soon.

I won 50K


What's the highest bet you can make?

fug that should read vulgarized

Didn't even notice the first time I read it. Resaving the correct version~

I got 10k from trump. I could risk it all, but it could also go towards a new car and some funz.

Any dirt on him?

I wouldn't mind betting the limit then.

I got a bumper sticker from Trump, I hope I don't put it on your new car.

i made 2k € on trump and will probably bet on le pen
when are the elections?



Every day, I'm further convinced that Le Pen is going to play out just like Brexit and Trump. And the thing is… they could easily turn it around. They just have to stop lying. If they stop lying, they could win. But they can't stop themselves from lying. And they're going to lose this too.

Can we keep the good aspects, like free trade and free travel within borders of Schengen
But lose the fucking faggots spewing globalist orders from Bruxelles?

What I am essentialy asking:
What happens if EU truely falls apart?
What is the next step? How to fill the void? How to continue?

Time to channel our magic.


Take my energy and make it happen. Don't let your memes be dreams

Seed the french with a meme of defiance I think. Said defiance was mocked in the UK during brexit vote. It backfired. We need to take the tone of defiance in order to get people to take note.

haha, good times :D

Very unlikely.

French presidential is a two turn majority vote.

Everyone run the first rounds, either someone earn over 50% of the vote or the two candidates that comes first go into a second round.
Now Le Pen is guaranteed to be first (because yes, the far right is the first party of France since at least 4 elections in vote number), the question is who will run against her.

The problem is that in France everyone always allies themselves against the FN, meaning that even if the FN earn like 30+% of the votes and everyone else 20-% you have an unholy alliance of the cukcservatives-centrists-socialists-greens-communists calling to vote for whoever came second (and proving they have all the same (((masters))) ).

So for Le Pen to win she needs to run against someone the regular right voters will not vote for (a socialist or a commie) even if the parties call for it.

Which is why Macron is a thing, he's a Rothschild plant whose only goal is to make sure the Socialists doesn't end up second (doesn't matter whether he's elected or not), because if they did, Le Pen would be elected.

Therefor, channel your magic.

cucking gets you a way better payed job after you are a politician.

a fuckton of politicians become some sort of lobby guy or get a high position at some private company.

we will just take the jobs, you dont want


Quick reminder to never trust polls, even if they look good for our side.

lol this person has never met a criminal in their entire life, yet talking like their the downtrodden lower class.
you only gotta burn out ya car if you fuckin shoot someone or some serious shit and you wouldnt do that in your own fuckin car, youd steal a shitbox.
i sold drugs as a teenager in an area with no jobs and alot of crime, not like i didn't have a choice but in highschool i didnt know even any adults who were living better then me and 2 of the friends i sold with, none of us ever hated the rich tho, thats just ridiculous we were hoping to get their one day, we had the skills and such maybe with real opportunities to get into business we would have made it instead of living in shared shitholes, but lifes not like that and we had chances and better life then many others. under 30 here i might still make it.



what a nice christian fellow

didn't jesus hang around a prostitute and not pass judgement?


>implying Le Penis, the incarnation of Kekette is a bad thing

personally i wouldn't make a bet on anything
i'd imagine you've already heard the arguments as to why you shouldn't gamble in the first place; i doubt i'd tell you anything new

She didn't actually have ANY chance at winning before her opponents started sabotaging each other and openly supporting criminals (like in the TheO case) and terrorists.
They probably did that because they don't see her as a threat now where did I see that happen already ? :^)

'Merica dropping heavy memes

Frog here, Marine has 0% chance to win. Our 2 pass electoral system was built to keep the country as close to the center as possible. Whoever tries to wrestle power from the 2 main parties, gets inevitably mobbed by their electorates combined in the 2nd turn.

That's French democracy for you.

Your solution is?

Wow it's almost as if you haven't been paying attention to her momentum and just regurgitated stale wisdom about the outcome

Trump only has a 1% chance of winning.

If I don't see solution provided after defeatist statements, they are automatically discarded.

If Le Pen loses, we meme Right Wing Anarchy and burn that mother fucker down.

Infact, we should already be memeing right wing anarchy as a threat. Get it done fellas.

He completely ignores Fillon's demise, the campaign to out Macron's obvious homosexuality, her increasing poll numbers, the mega popular refusal to wear the veil, that bank AI predicting her win (exactly what happened with Trump), and the fact that in the video editor thread last night an user promised to put together a French version of With Open Gates based on French media footage. All is not in fact lost.

Well, after all he's

You see how they have no solution after making defeatist statements. Toss it in the trashbin and continue forward. We will no longer standby.

We either win, or we go to war.

Good. We cuck and co-opt the jews nao.

Translate this into french for me:
This is an organized replacement of our population. This threatens our very survival. We don't have the means to integrate those who are already here. The result is endless cultural conflict."

Uhh, I don't think that's a word either. "Vulgar dilution" fits fine and is grammatically correct, don't let your memes be ridiculed.

Not Marine le Pen's Front National. If you were French, which you obviously aren't, you would have read her electoral programme and you'd know that she is pretty mellow on Islam and immigration (contrary to the wishes of all of us here).

You know why that is? It's because Marine's FN has been subverted by elitist faggot civic nationalists (literally) like Philippot and thus diluted for the last years.

Hate to say it but it's a military one. Again, if you were French you'd be aware of the bestselling books which have been published in the last months (like Laurent Obertone's) and you'd know that this is exactly the direction we're heading.

Not a frog. Try yandex.ru

better test placement here

Like I said, your alternative solution is nothing but kikery and wordplay. Have a good day. We're moving forward at rapid speed. Your end is near.

Loss = Right Wing Anarchy
We burn your shit down

Win or lose, we win.
Good day, sir.


il y a un remplacement organisé de nos peuples qui menace notre survival. nous n'avons pas les moyens d'intégrer ceux qui sont déjà ici. le resultat est un conflit culturel incessant.

C'est un réplacement organisé de notre population qui menace notre survie même. Nous n'avons pas les moyens d'intégrer ceux qui sont déjà ici. Le résultat est un conflit cultural permanent.

Typical empty bullshit.

For those who aren't shills and are interested in the truth: Marine le Pen does not propose to remove either non europeans nor Islam: marine2017.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/projet-presidentiel-marine-le-pen.pdf



I am no longer reading any of your post, sir. Your translation was thrown into the toilet and flushed into the sewer. Do not reply.

meant to write survie.

French isn't my first language

Nobody asks her to be Hitler's clone, nobody WANTS her to be Hitler's clone in France. But people want her to kick out kebab and niggers and make France white again.

And that is precisely what she does not propose to do. See for yourself: marine2017.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/projet-presidentiel-marine-le-pen.pdf

il y a un remplacement organisé de nos peuples qui menace notre survie-même. Nous n'avons pas les moyens d'intégrer ceux qui sont déjà ici. Le résultat est un conflit culturel incessant.

Best traduction that can be given for this dank propaganda.

Then don't read my posts and read Marine le Pen's program instead, you pathetic shill: marine2017.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/projet-presidentiel-marine-le-pen.pdf

You will burn in the holy fires of justice, either by Le Pen or Right Wing Anarchy. The dialog is now closed to you.

You got nothing as expected.

Filtered, shill.


I got options… unlike your faggotry. We push forward into the sun.

Show me where she proposes to remove kebab or niggers or Islam in her official program or shut up.

Filter this defeatist kike. Same kikery as Trump. DO NOT WASTE RESOURCES communicating back 'n forth with it.













































In the extreme offchance you aren't just some shill or endchan drone, Le Pen does not promise to do those things. What she does promise is to remove France from the EU, which is what you need to do first since French immigration policies are set in Brussels and not in Paris. Moving that power back to France will allow the French to start deporting muslims, and won't happen unless the EU is dismantled. Not supporting Le Pen because she isn't literally Hitler is a foolish play when there's no literally Hitler candidate up. Not to mention her daughter will instantly gain more notoriety and will likely become a more viable candidate for the presidency in the future, and she is ten times as extreme as Marine.

If you aren't able to make such a simple political calculus, I'll just revert back to ridiculing you


Me neither but have some corrections

This means "there is". For "this is", write
Then continue with "un remplacement…"

This doesn't translate like "peoples" does in english, instead write

Leave it as survie, or better yet

OK should be all set

real frog here, ignore and , they talk french like they learned it at school

C'est un remplacement organisé de notre peuple, qui menace notre survie même. Nous n'avons pas les moyens d'intégrer ceux qui sont déjà ici. Le resultat sera un conflit culturel permanent.

French is such an autistic and complex language. There are like 200 ways to write one phrase or word. It hardly translates into English. But it is a good descriptive language even though it's retarded.

Most of the English equivalents are archaic since our language is kiked whilst shit like "preggers" is in our dictionary.

french translation

In the extreme offchance you aren't just some shill or endchan drone,
It's quite funny how mentioning facts and sticking to primary sources gets one labeled a shill. That sounds exactly like something an actual shill would do.

An admission of the truth, thank you.

That is actually doubtful, as F. Asselineau has explained over and over and over again. There is not a single "profession de foie" (which has the status of a legal document btw so you can't just lie on it) of the Front National which mentions triggering Article 50 and getting out of the EU. In fact they all mention a different Europe or a Europe of nations. Watch the video.

Now as for Marines 2017 elecotral programme: it doesn't mention Article 50 either and talks of a "european project which is respectuous of France, national sovereignities and which serves the interests of people" aka literally "une autre Europe" as explained by Asselineau.

Doesn't talk about that either, sorry. That is just you projecting your wishes and hearing what you want to hear.

I'm not the one asking for Hitler. In France, very very very few people are asking for "literally Hitler" in the first place.

You mean Israel.

parfait et merci de me corriger.

Use the above for translation.

Meh, I think frog got it right, although I think mine is still passabke, he uses less words which is paramount for political memeing. Also it's impossible what to tell will "hit" right unless you are a native in the language. Just use his thing and meme it.

Also, did lepen not say this? Are we memeing her into this on her own? Because I like that.

Let me take a look through a translator.. if I find any manipulation, it goes into the toilet.

The translation is fine.

Seconded, just plug in already it passes my muster, and I used to be just about fluent.

Also wtf the machine translators give you the fucking worst, never take their word over a native speakers, they cannot and will not ever work, they are the self driving car of softwares.

When you are forced to build a wall around the Eiffel Tower out of fear that a large percentage of your population might try to destroy it. You have a serious problem that must be dealt with.

Don't speak frog, can't watch the vid. Anyway, she's said multiple times that she wants to let France have its own referendum on EU membership, which will likely go the way of Brexit given the current political clime and momentum. Article 50 is a scary buzzword in Europe at the moment as not even the UK has invoked it yet meanwhile you have agitators in Brussels saying it will cause the UK to go into Africa tier economic collapse.

Given how likely it is that Le Pen is taking loans by proxy from the Russians (not saying it as a bad thing), it's highly unlikely she wouldn't want to dissolve France's relationship with the EU. Any mentioning of national sovereignty makes the EU kikes kvetch so hard you could hear it from a light year away, so when she talks about national sovereignty there's no real way to read it other than her wanting to dissolve the EU.

Then again we could get fucked again as we did with Beppe Grillo, but I'm willing to throw the dice as the alternative is watching France fall completely. They have kebab removal in their blood, they just need to be reminded of that.

she's Jewish?

Yeh, I figured the translator would be shit. Good thing you came along.

notre = our ?

I never knew Le Pen had such delicous looking pair of legs.

Yeah, like Notre Dame (our lady)

Good stuff but the color on the left needs work. Maybe lighten the blue of her face because against black it washes out. Also the blue text is impossible to read, perhaps drop that aspect, or come up with a partial background for it? There are lots of ways to get there and you're close, just got to have e it where someone sees it and it grabs them, then takes them all the way through

Why do you comment then if you can't understand the subject matter in the first place?

Having a referendum ≠ "she promises to remove France from the EU" (as you claimed just in your previous post)

And never on her "profession de foie" which is the only legally binding thing.

Nonsense. There's a political party called Article 50 in the Netherlands which has existed for years and nobody has peed his pants over it.

Pure projection on your part.

Bullshit, I already it explained to you. There's this whole narrative of "une autre Europe" which has been pushed precisely by the FN for over ten years if not more.

Try this:

Red text for these words

"Remplacement organise"

"Notre survie meme"

"Conflit culturel permanent"

Make all the other text white.

Surely radicals could use a Le Pen victory to their advantage, no? The Nafris, niggers and communists will likely lose their shit and we'd see riots and social breakdown in major diverse cities. This would open the door for a stronger, more organized reaction from the right, as we've witnessed in the US, Spain, Germany throughout history.

What's the superior alternative for French ethnonationalists?




in french, it's VIVE LE PEN instead
viva is spanish or italian

now the lower band should read:
L'Election Présidentielle Française débutera le Dimanche 23 Avril 2017

In principle, yes. The problem here is that over the last I would say 15 years, the FN has been heavily subverted with jews (like Aliot) civic nationalists (like Philippot) and freemasons (like Collard) while being cleansed of the radicals some of which retired from politicsa and others who made their own party called "Parti de la France".


Politically there is none for ethnonationalists. But as I wrote above, civil war is coming to France (hence why so many books are being published currently on the subject and become bestsellers - everyone feels it's coming) and with any luck the military will take over.

I need to explain what I mean with the last bit otherwise it won't make sense. In France there are 3 stages of emergency (or 4 depending on how you count):

Etat d'urgence (state of emergency)
Etat de siège (state of siege)
Etat de guerre (state of war)

Normal is normal obviously. Etat d'urgence is where we are since the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015, authorities are given special powers but the elected government still calls the shots. Etat de siège is where things get interesting because that's when and where the military takes over security duties from the police, in essence: the military more or less runs things.

You all know this isn't going to happen. Europe's death is a slow one.

we really need to meme this, it would be such a great thing for europe as a whole not just france.

You do see how close she got to 50%, right? And that the polls are likely rigged to understate her real support (classic kike trick)? It might be that there will be no 2nd round.

She definitely won't win a majority first round, but in the second round she has a good shot.

Thanks for the insights. Godspeed Frenchanon, take your country back. I've lived and travelled across France so I have a strong connection to the land and her people, it grieves me to see it being ruined by traitors and cowards.

the more I work on it, the more it turns to shit. so, moving on to other memes now

France could help accelerate crashing the EU with no survivors a great deal.

also, I am targeting women and independent voters.

You don't get it.

War is already here, violence is already happening, terrorism is already happening, we are already in a state of emergency. All it takes is an escalation, and knowing kebabs they will escalate it sooner or later.

Thank you.

Jesus may not have "passed judgement" as we think of it today, but he was constantly calling people out. Like 24/7 no filter, speaking his mind, he would have been too triggering for most sensitive Christians today tbh.

I think he did it to make people pass judgement on themselves.

How many of your normalfag friends will try to acquire a gun and take to the streets to shoot Arabs and Niggers and maybe cops and military?
What do you think are the chances of such a conflict lasting long enough to bring about change? Judging from your posts, this is what you're hoping for. I happen to know France a little (due to living close to the border) and judging from the froggers I know in real life, the forementioned scenario seems absolutely unlikely.

I should add that weapons caches are being found more or less regularly in muslim areas and those caches are, logically, only the tip of the iceberg.

Add to that the fact that many muslims are involved in robberies (a preferred way of clandestine organizations to earn money) and the high level of sympathy for ISIS which muslims have in France and it's pretty obvious muslims are planning something big and just biding their time.

Wrong, completely wrong. I'm neither HOPING for it not am I counting on normies arming themselves and removing kebab.

Re-read my posts and if you still don't understand them ask and I'll explain.

That's a weak anarchist plan. If you want change, you go right to head of the gov and remove them, to take power in a coup. You can take care of the little fish after.

If you attack blacks and muslims first then you have a far bigger mountain to fight up.

cut pieces of anyone who wants 'em

ahh yeh, and this


It really is November 8th all over again.

it will go from complete shitskin libtard nightmare to race war and pogroms overnight, with nothing in-between. the levels of contained hatred are unheard of, right now

Profession de foie c'est une alcoolique ou quoi?

The CIA is going to try fuck her up.

Wouldn't have it any other way.


Trump won in the US by playing friendly with people like Carson, by courting Sanders supporters, and making a lukewarm alliance with Ted after getting the nomination.

Has Le Penn been courting any of the coalition factions? Is there one or two she can get to join her to get the win? Maybe guarantee the green party some animal rights (no muslims included) to leave the coalition?

Youre a fucking faggot. Vote against the EU to collapse it. First step to fixing Europe. If Le Pen is serious about leaving the EU then its imperative to vote for her regardless of anything else. Quit waiting for hitler

Interesting notion, repeated by every jewish counter-jihadist that ever lived, but because it's never been put into practice since the war is just another deceitful kikey claim.

So you suggest soft zionist jewish nationalism?
Which essentially means more of the same, with vague notions towards Conservative zionism and eternal warZ for isreal.
Like all democratic parties since the war.

Why doesn't any single user under 25 look up history of the 1980's when Front Nationale were actually elected and a force in French politics?
Because just as many Africoons and oy vey da moozlims were allowed into France under FN just as they were with BritBongs matriarchal heroine Thatcher.
Plus there wasn't the invented EU quotas being enforced at the time, strictly jewish long-game genocide which FN like Thatcher happily went along with.
Meanwhile the media in France and Britain were claiming both were right wing patriots, strict against asylum.
When they patently weren't.

Jewish conservatism is simply more jewish (((democracy))), it's precisely what got all our nations in a mess in the first place.

Without direct and clear resistance to international jewry, then you are doing nothing to combat and tackle international jewry, simply playing along with their jewish illusions of democracy.

Why has Holla Forums become unofficial cheerleaders for jewish zionist politicians and their parties?


The fuck you take one step at a time you clown, Le Pen will END the fucking EU, that is more radical at the moment than anything on offer.

You (>>9376773) read this (>>9376768)

No, Hitler must be waited on you damn shill. I repeat, the play is to wait for Hitler.

Obviously you made a typoi when posting but was it along the lines of

Voting jews and expecting them to aid or assist us in retaking back our lands is not only stupid but suicidal.

Civic nationalism is almost as bad as the alternative, because it puts a bandaid over the hole in the sinking ship, and calls the job done, but usually a new party comes along and tears that bandaid right off again.

You goofed user but checked anyway

This is true, but in practice all too often, a party or movement gets stuck on that first step and doesn't go to the next one.

Which is why I think the Hungarian political model is the right way to go, one civic nationalist party, but also a real straight up ethno-nationalist party to keep them in line, and so they can ally together and make a coalition of their own if need be.

Hungary has no power, nobody cares about it, that is why those parties were allowed to rise.

For France to elect Le Pen is worth almost all Eastern European countries going full NatSoc, such is the strategic importance of the EU and Le Pen pushing through Frexit.

It's not Hungary's relevance, it's just the model they have. Le Penn is a good start, but unless there's a French ethno-nationalist party also pushing her forward then there is no future security.

Yeah it is. Problem with 'vulgar' is it changes the connotation, it tends to be read as ugly/unrefined rather than populist.

Jesus she's actually going to win. What the fuck is this timeline and what did we do to deserve such a good one?

No, she's way more fascist. She's great. I'm going to wife her one day.

My point is the model worked because it was Hungary, it would be killed in the crib in Jewed out France. That is why Le Pen is so important, it's last chance saloon.

Nice, first one is best. Is there any way you could darken the red on the right just a hair, then do the red text I suggested here , and white the rest of the text? Also with the french translation of the bottom like suggested.

Damn #4 is just about perfect. Can we make the purple part red, and translate the bottom? That would be ready to ship out now.

since when does "vulgarized" read as "populist"? I'm an english major and a law student and I've never heard it used this way.

Which is exactly why there should be no allowance for a co-opting of the FN party if they win, and a founding of a new ethno-nationalist party as well. They can join FN in any future coalitions.

Even you acknowledged this, FN is just the first step. Ultimately there also needs to be an ethno-nationalist French party.

But until then, here's to victory for Le Penn and France!

ist Pic, Ivanka's face prior to plastic surgery


Marion's father is Roger Auque, who was a self-admitted Mossad spy and journalist who died in September 2014
He wrote about it in a book "In The Secret Service", in which he revealed that he had been a spy for Israel.
"The Israelis, Auque reveals in a sensational autobiography released after his death, had asked to be introduced to a French businessman of Lebanese descent Iskandar Safa known as "Sandy," and in return promised Auque an interview with Sheikh Obeid, the spiritual leader of the Amal militant group based in Lebanon.

Auque accepted the request and came to Israel, where Amos was waiting for him along with the Mossad agent "Tony" and Israeli diplomat Uri Lubrani.

The interview with Sheikh Obeid never took place, but Auque ended up with a different story in his lap. When he returned to Paris, Auque fulfilled his part of the deal and introduced Lubani to the French businessman.

"During that time I established very close ties with Israel," Auque wrote in his biography. "I would travel there a lot. I wasn't just a journalist.

"The Israeli intelligence services paid me to complete certain missions, such as secret missions in Syria under the cover of a reporter. These missions were at times very dangerous, and I risked the worst, including death in the case of failure. I traveled to Damascus a number of time in order to make contact with the local elite, doctors, researchers and others – all of whom wanted to emigrate to the United States. Every time I would get the equivalent to a month's wage."

Roger Auque passed away in early September as a journalist and France's Ambassador to Eritrea. He was 58 years old at the time of his death – he fought cancer, which stuck him at the beginning of his career as a diplomat in the service of the French Foreign Ministry, during the last two years of his life.

Auque, a veteran combat war reporter who survived 391 days in Hezbollah captivity, decided in the last days of his life to write up his secrets, his adventures and the mysterious missions that he took part in.

His services, he claimed, were not limited to the Mossad."
http:// www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4627312,00.html

I really doubt the French would bother to shill here, but you really reek one of. Look, defeatist, Le Pen might not be the best there is but the relevant questions are very clear:
1. Is there someone better to lend your support?
2. Is there anything to lose by giving her our support?

This is the only defense you should be making. Anything else is irrelevant defeatism. Perhaps you believe that putting Le Pen in office would only slow the cancer without curing it - instead we should accelerate into civil war. A plausible stance, except you don't believe she could win. Why shouldn't her very close and tough lose then be desirable optics to accelerate that war, proving mass support and a cheating system? Instead you shill for defeatism: just wait for war.

she doesn't, but nobody does anyway.
at least that's what the FN used to stand for.

I'm not going to marry her father you fucking fag.

In the context of diluting high-minded critical theory, does not it read as populist misinterpretation?

When you marry a traditional woman, you're marrying her father.

lol you buffoon trump won by steamrolling everyone. Votes won by smoothtalking commies were nothing compared to votes won by getting otherwise apathetic working class rural whites to vote. If he wooed anyone over from the Democrats it was the union laborers who normally voted Dem. Are you even a burger?

Trump is currently pushing the CIA's shit in as we speak. They could be dead in a few years, right now they are in full damage control / bunker mode, they are not confident enough to focus on Europe.

I doubt it but theres always hoping

Woooo, WINRAR. I should have read the thread before posting, this is it, translate the bottom text according to and we are GTG. Can anyone arrange to buy adspace in France? I would gladly donate bitcoin to see it happen, this would play well on a billboard space in Paris, would be a chimpout.


I swear, Hitler himself could rise from the fucking grave and start running for chancellor and you'd still get some people complaining that he's a Zionist puppet.

No, because that sort of misinterpretation is never populist, its Jewish, which is then shoved down throats through indoctrination, not voluntary misinterpretation. "Vulgarized" only reads into the popular interpretation of words as an attack on the common man's ability to understand language. On an related note, given how obfuscated the message is in the meme, just who the hell is it aimed at anyways?

I don't know how to feel about the French.
t. Amerifat

yes i am implying user lets be serious about this one, I want to see it on a Paris metro bus goddamit, will….send…bitcoin…

you don't get elect Hitler elected in a world where the entire political spectrum is far leftard/cucked/beyond degenerate. someone has to start cleaning the cultural mess firt.

We already know the narrative they'd be using, since (((people))) have had the audacity to try D+Cing us away from Hitler. They'd say that he was financed by the jews.

And many of those working class were considering Sanders, because they hated Hillary

This campaign was a massive deprogramming and awakening for the US, many more people were sympathetic to high welfare and "socialism" even just years ago.

I'm an American who was actually out talking to people from both sides

Also good job autistically focusing on one aspect, Trump won because of many reasons, not solely by steamrolling, or courting sanders supporters.

He also took it easy on Christie and let him campaign for him, letting him think he would get a position in the new gov even thought it was clearly never his plan to. Many such cases!

You're a political illiterate user

Now this is politics you're talking. Also prepare to be shilled.

Shit, noticed something else with this picture, you cut the bands of color too close in on
her nose, it cut here eyes in half and makes you focus on her nose and mouth. See where the white band of color down her face runs in ? All of those leave enough of the middle of her face for you to look at her eyes and make contact. This sends deep signals of empathy through the normie, lack of being able to quickly zero in on eyes leads to an autistic-detached view of the human face, which is more our speed but ineffective memeing.

Oh tralalala, les shillls sont ici la! Attender pour le Hitler goyim, vraiment! Donc, prenez un (you) et un filter.

No, they were considered Democrats because they voted down the line as their union bosses told them to. Trump sold them on something else and they bought it. Unions and factory owners would try and put up Sanders posters and thye would be torn down repeatedly, this happened ealry on into the campaign. Do you even burger?

NJ was never in play, Trump lost 2 mil to 1.5 because the state is spic'ed up to hell and back. Who's the political illiterate? Methinks you should go back to 4chan for a while until you get you big boy pants.

Send me some bitcoin and I'll make all the agitprop you want. Let me edit the text and up the resolution for print standards.

I approve of the comment on the color placement
separate a bit more the blue and red strips to enlighten the eye contact

Hillary was keeping Bernie around to have him work for her and leech off of his support. You don't know who tore those signs down, but we do know Hillary and the DNC didn't want Bernie to get the nomination. Likely agents of hers

There were plenty of Christie supporters not in NJ.

But still your problem again is you autistically focus on only one case. Christies supporters were negligible yes, but all the different cases add up. You think Trump took it easy on Bernie early on for no reason? He knew there was a bit of crossover between them, and he wanted those people.

yes all of my cases add up for Trump being a steamroller and not a kissass. Now shut the fuck up, I'm filtering you anyways.

Do the color placement with the eyes thing and the bottom text translation and ill match your bitcoin. Also where could we get this up in Paris?

I seriously doubt Hillary had agents in factories tearing down Bernie signs. Hillary neglected the working white man demographic in every other way, why would she care in this particular sort of case?

It's far more likely that those working white American men find the idea of overt socialism to be offensive, and tore the signs down themselves as a service to their country.

He's spamming to derail us into a pedantic argument about what won the Trump election. filter him we're trying to meme LePen ITT.

The shilling is real.

Hitler, calm your tits. It's obviously satire.

There are a number of situations where a marriage can be annulled within Catholicism.

Can't get complacent though. Brexit and Trump happened because the opposition spat on Leave and Trump voters and really showed their true colours. The same may not be happening to the same extent with the people of France.

French politics don't working that way.
Coalitions aren't a thing because one party always has a clear majority (and the parliamentary system of alliance is blamed, rightfully so, for two world war and the decolonization wars fiasco), people vote almost always for their party (abstention is the main variable, when people are unhappy with their party they just don't vote).

Basically the only alliance possible are the "left alliance" (socialist, green, communists) and the right alliance (center and conservatives) and "the republican alliance" (which dates back of the anti-monarchy alliance) the FN has since it's inception been branded as an anti-democratic party warranting the use of the "republican alliance" (which is the political nuclear option).
There is never a center/socialist alliance or a conservative/socialist or a green/center alliance, that's pure heresy to the french.
It doesn't matter how many people the FN poach from the cuckservatives (there has been a lot since those last 10 years).
So what need to be done is ground work, explain to everyone, as much as possible, that the only logical candidate for the defense of French interests, of their interest, is Le Pen.
Which is exactly what is getting done, hence the fact that the FN gets more votes each elections (and not more % of the vote), but it's a long and arduous process. If in a duel Le Pen does get 40% it's already amazing. Her father did 17% the last time.
It's amazing because the same voter loyalty works even more so for the FN if the FN does get to 50% it will win all elections with 50% for the next 20 years…
Unless Trump purge massively the republican party, the US will go back to it's cronies in 8 years (if they don't cheat, if not in 4).
If the FN wins, there will be no coming back and probably a VIth republic.

I hope Marine wins, but even if she doesn't we're still wining.

Good call, you're right.


France is a very socialist and leftist nation, by american standards. Believing that Marine can pass the 2nd turn with a >50% margin is like predicting that Trump will win California by the same degree. The demographics just aren't in place.

Don't act like we're in a magical world where the enemy's tactics are ineffective. 60 years of brainwashing and decolonization really do ruin countries. You can understand that for Sweden, why not France?

The solution can no longer be political, I'm afraid. But voters are afraid of violence and the US would crush any rebellion of the natives versus the brown.

wait in your bunker for hitler goyim (filtered)

Good. At least you've heard the situation from a local and you know that the game of pretend is on you.

You havent been paying attention.

You silly nigger, the whole point that topic was brought up was me asking how Le Penn is working to solve this coalition. You're the one who saw it as bait and started the pedantry

So do I, but what is it you mean by still winning? Just because of the current percentage of FN supporters? Because the overall situation doesn't seem like winning to me TBH, considering how many absolute numbers are coming into Europe now

Offer solutions then if you think he's peddling defeatism

He's been shilling neo-cohens, so yea hes been paying attention to the white board at CREW.

wew lad

Should probably get on with showing how socialism has fucked France over repeatedly then. There are still people deluded enough to think "this time, it will work". But it won't and can't because what the majority think socialism is, is nothing like what it is intended to be (pic sorta related).

The real question that should be answered, is: would the United States allow for a nationalist takeover in an European country, against its muslim colonizers? And the answer is no, because after Kosovo it's plain and clear that they actually prefer bombing the locals in favor of the shitskins.

People here are oblivious of their government's rensponsibility in the advance of progressivism in Europe. The same people who blame Germany for becoming brainwashed cucks. We were forced to eat your shit and these are the results. With the long hand of the US in place, Europe will never be free again.

They always do.

Daily remindsr that she is /ourgirl/
Le Pen wants to ban the kippah and force Jews to eat pork:
Le Pen targets halaal and kosher food: French National Front to stop Muslim and Jewish pupils having pork-free school dinners:
Marine Le Pen calls for establishment of Palestinian state
We must choose between Assad and Islamists in Syria – Marion Le Pen
Marine Le Pen's Worldview: Embrace Iran:
Le Pen Against (((Central Banking))):
(((French banks))) refuse loan to far-right leader Marine Le Pen to fund presidential campaign:
Marine Le Pen and Golden Dawn ‘flirting’:
France’s Marine Le Pen quietly pledges to end same-sex marriage


Good point. That's why I think there should always be a ethno-nationalist party in party in a country, especially if there's a civic nationalist one. Because while many average Trump supporters approve of Le Penn, they also still have bought into the anti-racism ebil Nazis shtick,and likely wouldn't support a purely ethnic deportation.

Well, if the US ever descends into a civil war, then that should be your time to make a move. Or unless this time you actually get multiple powerful Euro countries to go national, ally and remove kebab simultaneously.

Serbia was small, and stood almost completely alone against a liberal democratic US.

Real question to some of the people shitting on Le Pen here: who the fuck else do you think we should vote for? You're not giving any suggestions.
I'm actually French, and Le Pen is the best viable candidate we've had in maybe 15 years. I'm reminded of something I think Molyneux once said.

If you were French then you;d be speaking about the anti-zionist parties and organisations available, of which there are definitely some.

So come on fake Le Frog user, how about you tell us some, because you'd be the first actual Frenchman IRL o be politically illiterate in the same vain as an American pretending to be Frenchie would.

Looks like the shilling to discourage all attempts to support her is getting more intense. Such tactics failed previously on a number of occasions but when you get paid to do it I guess that's not important. Well it's nothing Holla Forums can't handle.

As expected, Macron is getting almost total support from the establishment (being a Rothschild puppet sure helps) and now Le Pen is going all in against the dishonest media. Since they have no argument to counter her on this point, all they can do is pretend everyone calling them out is crazy or against free speech. This should be exploited.

The FN base (most of it) is too busy working to give a fuck about social-media but if enough people get exposed to how the media operates it could provide a small boost to the FN. Yes, I know Silicon valley is doing almost everything they can to censor the pro-FN movement online but a Right-Wing Information Warfare Squad can't be stopped that easily.

I don't see the Trump admin intervening, just the jews would go all out in their media branches to incite public outrage.

Its just concentrated "oy vey wait in your bunker for hitler goyim", filter it.

Also, where did you hear Silicon Valley is singling out FN?

Last one is pretty dank.

i think demorrilization of the left will be important in the 2nd round.

Le Penn voters are motivated by survival, left voters in France, only motivated by virtue signalling.

If they feel demoralized from Muslim terror attacks, like why bother, she will win.

And we all know kabeb can't keep from terrorizing.

He asked a question, who should be vote for instead?
Just give him an answer if you dislike Le Pen, mate.

filter it

dub-trips confirm, demoralize the left

Despite the shitty electoral system, she should still win. All it takes is 6% of non FN voter to vote for her. Wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that some French cuckservatives would rather have FN than whatever faggot lefty party in charge? Let's not forget the polls are almost always rigged and she'll probably need less than 6%.

Stop being defeatist faggots. Odds are already looking better than they did for Trump or Brexit.

The kikes will carpet nuke Europe before they let any of these new right figures get elected. They may even order 'Murica to do it. What you think Trump won't ask how high when his kike masters tell him to jump?

I hope he doesn't as well, but that's exactly what I'm worried about, the media and public, (even some Trump supporters who bought the Holocaust) pushing him to intervene.

Or the CIA getting their slimy hands involved.

It would help if we could present the true French as the victims in this case, to at least justify some kind of ambivalence towards a kebab removal.

Pretty sure he's referring to Google and Facebook generally working to suppress and demonize nationalism in general

How about trying to bait another response from Muslims? Maybe start a contest of drawing Mohammed or something else?


Wew, you and that dick poster just now, wewewew lads. Make it harder to filter please.

He claimed he was french, he wasn't.

How about wait for French people to speak on the political climate, rather than crypto-kike hasbara cheering on kosher nationalists endlessly, as they have done for the past 2 years.

Baiting muslims is exactly what we need to be doing.

The kikes aren't all powerful, faggot. Stop with your defeatist nonsense.

Surely resistance to international jewry is precisely what we should all be doing.

Not (((you))) of course, but all honest anons that frequent here.


Just like they "carpet nuked" the UK after Brexit?

So how shall we go about this? I think they might be a bit desensitized to Mohammed drawings now, so we might need to step it up a bit, but it still has it be somewhat innocent seeming, so as not to justify a mudslime reaction.

Gay Pride parade in a muslim center?

I have no fucking clue if he is French or isn't, this board doesn't have flags, and frankly I don't care, but you still haven't answered the only question he asked.

We've gone through this for years indeed decades before Holla Forums came into existence, voting kosher nationalism is no resistance at all, none whatsoever.
You may as well cheer on social liberal democrats in that case.

There are a number of anti-zionist groups and parties, and I'd like to hear what a genuine French person has to say, rather than having this topic astroturfed by the countless yids that haven;t stopped thumping the tub for every hue of kosher conservative kike-alike over the past few years on here.


'Jew, France is Not Yours' Chant Anti Government Demonstrators in Paris

You're shit at shilling, kike.

Is this a meme in Europe, or is it something Europeans actually believe? Every European country and leader pays lip service to "free speech" but the reality is that, all throughout Europe, you can be imprisoned for denying the Holocaust, mocking Jews and Muslims or their religions, saying that you want immigration stopped and foreigners deported, etc. Maybe my standards for free speech are just different as a Burger. In my view, "hate speech" can be redefined to include literally fucking anything up to ridiculing the Prime Minister's tie.

someone make a "before Holla Forums and after Holla Forums" of this meme

Why wasn't the comparison apt?
She was feted as a hardline conservative that would put an end to immigration.
Both had the exact same record on immigration after their tenure, both allowed the jews to run roughshod over the nations (privatisation, industries, academia etc) and millions of wogs were allowed in with full citizenship and rights.

When you vote ZoG, you get ZoG, the same results with a different bit of scenary the lying jewish press move around them.

No, there is no free speech in Europe. Not even nominally. Certainly not in Western Europe and France.

it's a meme that politicians and the media spout when it's beneficial to them
plebs know better

You sound exactly like the anti Trump shills before the election. Who should we vote for user?

filter it and starve it user or ill filter you too

If you want it done do it yourself user. We all need to learn to become meme creators so that we may fight in future meme wars better

Feminists keep crying about wanting female presidents, well, here's a female president :^^^)

You sound like all those ceaseless counter-jihad pro-zionist neo-con hasbarat shills that flooded this board and all other so-called jew-wise nationalist sites astroturfing for ZoGs plan C


i would but i'm on a shitty phone somefag pls do it just this time

Well, time is running out. We have to free ourselves from the parasites or die trying.

Because of this:

No buzzwords, neo-con conservative kikery is what you've been promoting endlessly on here and even trying to meddle in European affairs that even big mouthed American kikes should know well to steer clear of.
Eventually the goy gets tired of what you tell them to do, then they fightback.

Kicked out of our nations 109 times for their sheer brass-necked kikery
Expello CX coming soon

Kek confirms!

This thread is now a discussion on how best to bait Muslims into revealing their barbarism

As another frog, I can confirm what he said.
Yes, the FN have been cucked recently BUT I still want to see Marine win. Same reason than when Trump was accused of being a semite shill, because she's the best we got, and even if she do nothing ,it will trigger the left and the "vibrant youth" for a solid 4 years, wich is enough social change for me. If she can sucker punch Juncker and shit occasionally on EU, I'm on. Anyway, she won't be worst than everyone we got since the only true savior of the nation.

But as user said, the unholy alliance of "everything the FN" will probably still win. Non-french can't fathom the brainwashing, the conditionning that have been going on for decades. For a majority of people, words like "FN" or "Le Pen" or "Patriotism" ar more than frowned upon, they are forbiden words, words of hate. Songs like "The youth shits on the FN" or "Son of France" (a sad song sing by a whiny jew about Le Pen getting on the second tour of the 2002 election) are common part of the culture.

Happily, more and more people, espcially the white youth, is getting above this and thanks to some controversial figures like Soral or Dieudonné or Zemour, more people are ready to regain national sovereignity. But as long as this part of the electorate is not a solid 51% of the voters, the FN will never win.

A lot of people actually think that the FN is a strawman made to keep the bi-party in power. Because it doens't matter against who the FN is in the 2nd turn, because this who will win thanks to an unanimous calling to barrage the FN.

We can only hope, meme and vote.

I'll hold my breath until she actually starts winning these polls.

Thatcher? She was just a free marketer like Reagan. Of course she would open the door for the sake of shekels.


Forgot the last great leader we got.

An old, rugged warrior, that did not wanted to rule, but that answered his calling. Many shit on him for having helped Hitler. Many shits on him because he wasn't fascist enough.

The poor man only had the people he have saved, years ago, at the battle of Verdun, in his heart.

Reposes en paix Maréchal.

Because straight ethnic nationalism is gonna be hard to get democratically elected in countries with many large minority groups.

Petain right? I always had respect for the guy. He should have the leader of France instead of De Gaulle.

Because Jean marine le pen is a literal nazi and FN was explicitly neo fascist and anti zionist you retarded kike shill while Margret tatcher was just a basic bitch cuckservetive kike puppet leader.
Also i've seen you shill against le pen using "ZoG in previous threads, kike.

Nice try kike.
Pic related is her at Trump Tower

there is no free speech, there is a "lively debate" in a "narrow authorised frame"
but this frame is probably easier to break in europe than in america, people have learned more historical political subtelties in school for instance, especially the 40yo+ who went to school before the liberal onslaught on education
so not everything is yet lost for free speech, but failing today would make evolution of mentalities harder over time, up to becoming impossible

the poor man was technically condemned to death at the end of the war by the great Kike trial, at the age of 89 yo.

He was gracied by De Gaulle, because that man wasn't that bad either, and lived his last 6y miserably on detention, on an little island. (We love to let our greatest leader die like dogs on little islands.)

i passed out copies of Le Camp des Saints so i hoped i had something to do with this

You're bad at this.

I think gay pride parade could work because it plays to the the Western freedom BLT while also making Muslims chimp out. But I'd rather not see a gay parade.

I still want to see another Mohammed drawing contest. Let's us get in touch with our creative side without encouraging fags, and getting muslim chimpouts to bolster Le Penn.

Plus it gives us the opportunity to make all sorts of memes with Le Penn and drawing mohammed


He did nothing wrong.

I dont see why to so that, it seems like useless zionist tactics. Focus on immigration and islam in europe, not in their own fucking countries. (At least for now)

kek, better version here.

*why to do that

It's part of the master plan.

Are you that MIDF from the koran burning thread trying to get everyone to not fuck with Muslims? Topkek, where do you think you are?

Point isnt to argue muslims you dumshit its to trigger their mongoloid amygdalas. Do whatever you have to. Also, fag parade should read "fag parade through muslim neighborhood

Everything adds up user, you did good work. Le Penn needs as many supporters as possible, France is crucial in jumpstarting the European revival. Especially from people who realize that this is a war of demographics, not just economics, and Camp of the Saints makes that very clear.

Neat version
The point would be to bait the mudslimes in France into a reaction, reminding the French who these guests really are, not in their countries. We WANT the world to see the true nature of Muslims behind Taqiyya or however it's spelled.

It will make the Muslims into the wild barbarian guests, and the French into the victims and lovers of art and free speech

On the one hand women shouldn't be allowed in politics, on the other hand baguette btfo


Oh i get it now. Sorry if it sounded kind of pro mudslime. I thought it was meant like charlie hebdo kike cancer.

Because the situation cannot continue, you can't have a nationalist party ending up first at all the elections with at least 1/3 of the adults agreeing with their ideas (while a shitload are just fence sitters) and having 0 representatives, that's literally the opposite of democracy…
So something will break.
And political change in France has NEVER occurred peacefully, get fit, buy guns, sign up in the military reserves, spend your time redpilling people, go vote and motivate people to go vote when it's election season but be ready for when the call come.

Society is changing and it's changing our way, maybe it won't change fast enough but it's either gonna end up with the FN taking a big role democratically and/or in a civil war.
So yeah we're wining no matter what.

I wonder if France will the Spain of the 21st century, where a fight between nationalism and globalism takes places in a civil war, drawing in mercenaries and idealists from all over to help fight.

I'm not French but this seems like solid advice for any frogs out there, even for any who may consider going to France to help out.

Syria was kinda like that, but it was muslim and middle-eastern.

And here's an MS paint OC, but plz no bully

Travail, famille, patrie

Travail, famille, patrie!

Travail, famille, patrie

Doesn't count tbqh fam.

Travail, famille, patrie!

I really need to learn more about Vichy France now

what id like to see is lepen drawn as kek/ queen of frogs, and mohammed as feelsguy. Lepen is shitting on mohammed head.

Travail, famille, patrie

Look how much I care about my neighborinos

I think shitting is too much for the frogs. Maybe a "you have to go back" meme would be ideal.

you're a good guy, user.


I crashed to get a few hours sleep. Excellent critiques and all true. Rez is now 300dpi as a print standard. Any further adjustments let me know. Will make additional sizes for web ads, banners, etc.


Is it wrong Le pen made me more erect than her daughter? Jesus christ what a well kept milf


Le Pen married some kike (crypto) I think, that worked for mossad. So her daughter is likely 50% kike.

Its either shills or complete schitzo retrds, ignore them and filter.

Good work, user.

Anyone shitting on Le Pen is going to be the same type of "Wait for Hitler" shills who don't understand anything about overton windows. Exact same shills who were/are against Trump.

Its not shills, its accelerationist and demoralized nazilarpers from endchan. Bunch of retards and murrican rednecks who think CIA-created WN and National Socialism are the same thing. I've met some in real life, very depressing and ignorant people.


Some propaganda for you guys

dear frogs
you better win

start accusing them of rigged polls and watch the voting places like a hawk.

The only people who won't cheat are French, everyone else absolutely will so you must stop those kikes and terrorists.

Ha, nice kosherization.

Too kosher

rise the banners frogs



Emmanuel Macron says that Europe “must get used to mass immigration” as it’s unstoppable.

He told the crowd: “We have entered a world of great migrations and we will have more and more of it.”

“In the coming decades we will have migrations from geopolitical conflicts that will continue to play, and we will have climate migrations because the planet is in a state of deep imbalance,” he said.


If the French elect him they deserve what they get.

There is a French trotskyite economist who's name escapes me. His power in growing rapidly among their circles. Paul Krugman, Rothschild's and Brit Tories praise him as the new economic savior for the cabal. He has a book… I need to find his name again. He's a major threat


French Trotskyist Economist: Thomas Piketty
Piketty was born on 7 May 1971, in the Parisian suburb of Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine. His parents had been involved with a Trotskyist group and the May 1968 protests in Paris

Why We’re in a New Gilded Age
Paul Krugman

Reinstate the Monarchy.

They were the last line of defense.

its still good to spread on twatter though.

This guy seems dugin tier dangerous by the sound of it.

Fuck. We have to win this or it'll be close to over.


If it goes to the second round every other party will side against her. To make things worse, people who fear her (literally Hitler) may vote en masse against her. Our best chance is a surprise victory in the first round, when most people won't bother to vote.

That might be possible in the UKistan, but not in France.

Wow stale ass wisdom yet again. Read the thread.


alright fine, you win. I just want Europe to unfuck itself so I can visit there before it's totally ruined

Because we have large territory. Europe is small and more noticeable. The american exterior was sounding alarms… wasn't until middle america felt the sting of obama's nigger somali replacement hordes that they understood there is a critical problem.

So do we all, we're working on it.

I don't want to discourage anyone, but Dr. Pierce made a broadcast about the French elections and why democracy does not work back when Jean-Marie Le Pen ran for PM (and lost, obviously). I think this was in 1998 or so.

10%? It's been "10%" since the 1980s, France (or what's left of it) is absolutely disturbing these days.

Came in here just to post this.

Don't let us down in April, froganons.

Could you white out that last bit of text "notre peuple"? The whole point of making anything other than white is to make it stand out, the blue "notr" washes out (its the old blue shade you can see) and also its too busy to repeat the flag colors in the middle of the line, it doesnt come through to you at a glance, too busy, let Lepens face carry off that effect.

So white that up, and if anything else is changed I would say even less red on the text. Redding it breaks up the textwall a bit but is also meant to highlight, I thought those were the most stick-out phrases, but you ought to always err on the side of highlighting less than you leave alone. Maybe one version with the red text as i asked and the "notre peuple" all in white, then another version with only "remplacement…survie meme… conflit culturel" redded, but with those words increased in size? (that may be harder but would give us a choice between two pretty much perfect alterantives).

Otherwise as i said looking gtg, lets blast it onto social media and then look into making it appear IRL somewhere in France where it would trigger people and spread virally.

wouldn't it be more efficient for (((them))) the other way at this point? boost her poll numbers to a sure victory so her supporters and people on the fence stay home?

If you would have asked me two months ago I'd say it was incredibly unlikely. But I never expected her to break 40%, at this rate she has a decent shot of winning the whole thing.

Space was rented for 5 days. [pic related]

So it's safe to assume she's at around 55-60% right?

Not trusting your media polls is anti-semitic

That's the first thing I thought too.

Oy Gevalt, I'm so sorry I'll be donating AIPAC immediately

(375375 repetition)
(((They're))) going down all around the West. We've got 'em beat. Spread the word.




That, and his message was hard to sell then. What with 99% white still a thing and shitskins still kinda behaving

If a shill offers you no solution of his own after making a defeatist statement. Just say, Right Wing Anarchy Squads. There's always an option.

And you are ignoring the blatantly rigged elections that have Antifa coutning the votes.


You have your own nuclear weapons.

Grow a fucking pair.

You have had your own independent nuclear weapons for decades. Grow a fucking pair.

Have no idea what the internet operation there is, but you need to have your news org fronts for the lemmings (kikebarit/drudge) and then places like this that frame a story and overload them with tips and let the good goys frame it as "civic nationalism." That's how Trump won. If she loses after what France has turned into in past year, France deserves to burn.

you realize a small group of drunken indians held up dakota pipeline for a year?

Wow. Figured.

Her father actually tortured communists with his own hands. Of course, she sued to kick him out of the party so not sure that says anything good. With that said, no one–neither here nor the most highly paid kike on TV– can predict what will happen or how she would act. Trump is actually trying to at least build wall and close borders. The same kikes pretending to screech are getting rich as the S&P 500 set a new record high for the 8th straight day.

Brexit, Cameron leaving as he did, Trump…the Jews have lost the control they had through the MSM. Whether they can regain it by censoring internet (they're sure trying) before they can be destroyed remains to be seen. The UK has had another series of "internet hate speech" crack downs.


Blimey Holla Forums has gone completely kosher conservative central.

Cheerleading for kikes, and calling anyone who points out all the neo-con kikery a shill.
Meanwhile jews run the resistance to international jewry.

Anyone see a problem with this escape plan?

What's your solution?

Anyone who is anti-zionist and not zionist.
Cheering on zionists while claiming you are advancing our cause is illogical and criminally disingenuous when it's political zionism that has brought the West to its knees.

You still have not said who we should vote for after 13 posts. This is word for word the exact shilling that went on during the Trump campaign

I already have several times and in the other threads you and the hasbara spam in overdrive to dictate the discourse. Yet every reply you make starts off wioth oy vey, then tell us who we should vote for.

Anyone that isn't advancing the interests of political zionism.
Do you understand this is Holla Forums, yet every day we have teams of kikes steamrollering through demanding we all vote for jewish conservative kosher nationalism, a movement that demands we permit jews to dictate all our progression, which means eternal stasis for the nationalist movement and eternal warz for isreal

Over the last few years there are several anti-zionist movements in France, Le Frog anons would post about their developments constantly, now the election is coming up once more the hasbara pack descend on all these threads demanding we vote their one single chosen Zog-puppet and for some inexplicable reason crying out "Oy Vey, wait for Hitler" when anyone points out that voting jew only gets you jewish control.

You still have not explained why Holla Forums is championing kikes and kosher nationalists over the past 2 years attacking anyone who points out that voting zionism gets you zionism.
It's anti-white and only leading us to fight isreals warz while our lands get further swamped with millions of 3rd world wogs all brought about by zionism.

Why do you a non French user feel that astroturfing these forums getting everyone to cheer on zionist stooges makes you in any way appear genuine or inconspicuous?

8ch.net is owned by watkins and

the entire site is being used as a masonic plot to put christcucks and muslisms agianst one another in a direct masonic plan for ww3

check outchristian has anti muslim threads every day and a huge general for them to discuss tactics

theres facebook groups and news reports fake ad otherwise every day making this shit up

that guy deserves a medal

That is exactly what you have been doing throughout this entire thread, Instead of even giving a single hint as to who you think the better candidate would be and your employer you constantly shill saying that this specific candidate should not be voted for. Meanwhile you won't link to a single source as to how the only French candidate that wants to leave the EU, and had the jewish banks attack her is the zog candidate. This is exactly what happened during the Trump presidency. One would think that when CTR changed names into CREW that your strategy would at least change somewhat
I have not advocated for any candidate in the French election. I have only simply inquired as to who you think the non zog candidate is, and you ronly response has been to tell anons not to vote. So tell me user, who is the non zog candidate that anons should vote for. This is not astoturfing, it is a basic question that any non shill user with as much resolve as you are pretending to have would easily be able to answer

meant for

You were asked a simple question. You have failed to answer. Therefore
My work continues with zero 'resources' wasted.

Any of the anti-zionist parties that are active in France.

There is literally no positive upside to voting for jewry, so why do you persist in solely promoting jewry?

I've repeatedly asked you kikes first, yet you refused to answer why voting zionist frauds is any solution to the jewish problem?

Explain why any one of us should devote even one second of our energy to promoting false kosher nationalism?

Then you reply with the same shit every post, astroturfing the boards with your pack of hasbara all saying the same thing trying to create a false consensus.
While you promote jewish controlled steam vents expect resistance to your jewish chicanery.

We control the status quo, we couldn't stop this if we wanted.

Ahh yes, the 'Perfect Hitler Syndrome' ™.

High probability of you being Arab Sunni Muslim. Either way, our work continues. Again, no resources wasted.

Yet you still can't name a single one
We have ID's on Holla Forums, show me where I promoted jewry
That was not a question, yet ended in a question mark. Are they outsourcing shills from other countries again? Either way I only wanted to know what candidate was the non zionist candidate so I could spread propaganda. You have convinced me so far that it is Le Pen
You mean asking an extremely simple question about who to vote for in the election, or what party is the non zionist party. If you believed any of the things you were saying then this would not have been a hard question

you are a either a shill or a muslim. "Nationalism is encouraged among all people at all times, unless it is hostile to our own." -Dr. Pierce. Le Pen could not possibly be worse than the alternative.
As for "worse before it gets better," we have Call of Duty: MW 3 IRL in Paris. How much worse does it get? Shooting at the Louvre? Check that too. Bomb outside Notre Dame? Check. How does it get worse?

Tick tock, tick tock
Suddenly the GIYUS driven hasbara[t] pack respond within seconds of each other

Did you know that promoting zionist entities makes you a kike or at best a kike-enabler

Oy vey, only an arab could possibly object to jews astroturfing Holla Forums cheering on zionist lackeys on every thread available.

First search on jewgle for "anti sioniste", Le Frog for anti-ZoG
Find a party called "Parti Anti Sioniste"
There you are, one of the many anti-zionist parties.
Anyone anti-Zog is better than Zog.
It's the simplest mathematics possible.

I'm not here tasked with the role of steamrollering Holla Forums into aligning with jewish false nationalist parties, that is your job it seems.
I'm simply pointing out that if the decision is between a jewish party and an anti-jewish party, then why do you kikes feel so emboldened to promote your jewish kosher nationalism.
Especially when clearly none of you are French but American/isrealis.

Jyust a reminder, it was me that asked the salient question first, and every response you kikes replied between your boilerplate standard of "oy vey wait for Hitler", is to repeatedly ask, if not our jewish candidate then who.
I always said the same thing, lets see what genuine French anons have to say, not American isreali shills demanding we all vote jew.

Jews are THE problem, everything else is a symptom of that jewish problem.
Voting for international jewry only furthers the interests and cause of international jewry.

Yet you snivelling kikes persist trying to present yourselves as defiant Nat/Soc while promoting jews.

Who did you vote for in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign?

LoL a fourth isreali kike within minutes.

While you all hang around in groups saying the same thing giving each other the false impression your jewish lies are in any way sincere.
While you're promoting kosher nationalism, you will always be /pols/ enemy and all of mankind.

While I'm not an American, you're not French.

Why isn;t this thread filled with French anons telling us the condition, instead its lying isreali hasbara demanding we all cheer on jews.

Why is it of such importance to you American isrealis that spam here we must all support your jewish candidates?
You can get away with this on your alt-right controlled opposition websites, why do you think it will stick on Holla Forums?


I just remembered some shit about political ads in France
you can't place political posters outside of official designated boards during the 6 months before the election → pic related are those boards
you can't put together blue-white-red stripes unless if it's in an official logo
this is the litteral interpretation of what I explained in

if you do that you will be a very bad goy and the front national will be fined if some liberal cunt complains that the law is not respected

I'm quite certain that the law could not apply to maymays images with a political poster photoshopped all over the lanscape and distributed over soshal media

Possibly Ukrainian living in the states as well. The identity is quick narrowing down based upon his views. Ukrainians are very out of the loop with this, and can only focus on Ukraine nothing else. Certainly not the larger issues impacting the West as a whole. Highly emotional people with a strong sense of "I just learn this stuff a few months ago" and my way of learning is to talk shit and disrupt anywhere I can.

Nothing new…. back to work now.



Good point, something like Hitler

incarnation of vishnu tier

only comes around once every ~1000 to ~2000 years

Way to out yourself newfag. You have been constantly fighting a strawman when any user can check my ID and see that the things you are fighting were never said by me or any other anons in this thread

oh, doing some maths now?

is it better to vote for of a minuscule amount of buffoons who are allowed to exist as designated joke and who will get 0.02% of the presidential election as always
or to vote for Marine Le Pen who stands a chance to be elected for real and who will make a serious effort to get us out of the EU and kick mudslimes out of France, despite the fact that you believe that some people around her are pro-jews?

Good thing these photos were taken in Algeria by a Le Pen support.

What did they mean by this?

Oh no! You're saying others will litterally not be legally able to compete with illegalshitposters?
I don't support breaking the law ofcourse, especially not when trying to save france.
If the media starts a shitstorm, that would be convinient for us. especially if they convey the message on the illegal poster too

The gun laws in france are not too bad. Blackpowder guns like old west cowboys used are available for those over 18. And shotguns can be bought on a sporting permit that is also fairly easily accesible.
No excuses frogs! War is coming! Prepare!

And repeating digits, too.


>not be legally able to compete with illegalshitposters
the porblem is that if (((they))) can show this happens (simply by taking notarized pictures), they can file a complaint with the adequate tribunal, and it's the National Front that will be fined for every instance of the illegal poster posting
various political parties don't do this shit to each other because the jewing of other parties money isn't worth the backlash when the affected party raises hell in the media about assholes cheating to make them look bad
now, private posting of such ads may well succeed, help redpill people more, and not even be prosecuted if there are not too much all over the place, but I'd recommend asking the office of MLP herself before doing it

a safer and still useful way would be photoshopping it in iconic french scenery and post it for social media distribution
I'll have time and access to photoshop later today or tomorrow, I'll do stuff


fuk, accidental sage



Doesn't she have the best rivals, people?


Is that seriously one of her biggest contenders?

Looks like he's ready to break.

Yes, this man will probably become France's new president if Le Pen doesn't win. A literal ex-rothschild banker jew that came OUT OF NOWHERE, served in Hollande's government for a few months and is now touted as being the voic eof change. You'd wonder who is funding this guy, but it's actually really obious since everything remotely establishment is backing him.

I think i understand why the establishment wants this guy. Traditional left and right in Europe is dead, so to avoid a takeover by a populist candidate, they're appealing to everyone with a centre candidate. The guy doesn't even have a plan it's just vague shit like 'we have to work together', and pandering to left and right when it suits him. The only thing he does seem to agree on is that there is no French culture and migration = good.

God help us if he wins.

this was probably a careful calculation on the part of this guy's bosses
they know that if he runs he will probably draw a part of the left's voices who would have otherwise concentrated on a single leftist candidate, who would then have had to win in the 2nd round
it's better for the globalists to have (((Fillon))) (right) battling Le Pen (far-right) because they can be sure the leftist voices will go to Fillon, thus concentrating the votes on their puppet
if the fight is between Le Pen and [random leftist stooge] then rhe right-side voters would be shared between them, and Le Pen would obtain a certain victory

Other armes à feu are easily available if you're a member of a shooting club too. Arm up.

Man, normally Kikebart is hyperbolic but no, that is exactly what he said. This is last chance saloon alright.

absolutely correct.
it is mandatory to get a fucking leftist against Le Pen on 2d round. or else we're so fucked

Good point, Fillon will likely lead into the same things that Macron was talking about. But Fillon doesn't say it outright like Macron, so it's better the French people see what their true options are between Macron and Le Penn.

So any memes should be attacking Fillon more then Macron, at least up until the second round.

Does Fillon still have a chance after him and his whorewife's scandal regarding abusing public money?

less and less, unless some shit happens that kills the chances of rothschild's banker and forces the media to drop him
yesterday's (((official numbers)))





wish you could delete post

She may be an old broad but she is gorgeous

Some normalfag memes, maybe they could be Frenchified.

It might be too far fetched but I'm pretty sure the leftists are not actually trying to win. If they did they would have already teamed up. The media are focusing all the votes on Macron since his propaganda group said they were aiming to get more votes than Le Pen on the 1st round to build up winning inertia for the 2nd round.

Fucking winrar. This is the combo I was asking for. It's got everything, plus the proportions are correct. That wide stretch only worked in like one of the photoshops.

Fuck it just put social media on blast.

could you also do a dark black poster of the celtic cross star and "RIGHT WING ANARCHY SQUADS" below with nazi font?
Good oc in this bread btw.

I hope she's got some proper security…

Is it time to put money on her win yet?

This post tickles me so much. Thank you user.

Either she wins or they invent a reason to put her in prison before the election.



Fuck off shill.

wew lad


Forget God, user, you will need to help yourselves

I don't even care that she's 48. I'd still do her.

Sorry if im tardy to the party but are there any english speaking fags helping frogs spreading info online? I really want to see her win but dont speak french.

Reposting from other bread:
OC Suggestion:
more animus like first pic related would be good.
I was also thinking we could have second pic (her campaign logo) aswell as the FN logo used as a hat too and use it like the last pic.

found the enternal anglo



send bitshekels 1BvQR5D54ASAfTXpMXCGpkmW1jsFhXboj9

Travail, famille, patrie!

I have a quick question: if the French Monarchy were reinstated today, who would be King?


By Frankish law it would be whoever can stake and hold shall remain King.
- Code of a Rachimburg

You're doing good work, but let's not go too far.

Travail, famille, patrie

France has always been a centre of revolution, from the Terror to the Paris Commune. France has already come to its Fifth republic since then. Interestingly enough, this all began from Frenchmen being inspired by America with Washington and now they are being inspired by America again with Trump.

Not demanding, only accepting donations from ppl who want to help me continue at maximum productivity.

Taking request as well

Good post.

Could you do this?

She doesn't wear a hat though, so it would be completely associated with Donald Trump. How would it play out in the nuances of french political atmosphere? I'd rather spend time targeting the demographics that don't not vote for her. Or, even better going after her opponents. Need some authentic french to help with the dialog for example with Fillon en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_Fillon.

The rebellious spirit has been strong in France for a long time.

Ms. President. I need to see you in bed.

The reason the trump campaign was so high energy is because we used those type of memes for ourselves. Its called "meme magic". Do you think that anime is propaganda for normalfags or something? Making some dank waifus like i suggested will help anons become more enthusiastic about le pen and She will only win if she has our full support of Kek.

It also triggers kikes on twatter.

We're playing to a french audience here, not American. But it could help with overall spam. So here you go.

8mb oops

Nice work user.


Sauce on the animu?

No surrender!




The hat's gotta be white or black otherwise the flames don't stand out as much

Haruhi Suzumiya



Put the flame symbol on the marriane-hat and then put the hat on the anime.
The american cap is not a frenh symbol and will make it look rehashed.

Exactly why I wanted to hold off. A waste of four hours.

You've been doing good work this thread user.


We could meme that she will bring the next incarnation of Vishnu,Lord Kalki, the remover of filth, as was foretold by hitler's coming. going to bed now, goodnight idea.


I won 50 million.


We're all gonna make it bra.

Thanks a lot. Could you do her presidential campaign logo on some white caps too?


Noice. What about using this logo?







This guy right here is an example of a terrible shill.
He was asked the same simple question four times in a row by several different people, and each time he completely ignored it and went for personal attacks.



Oh, some things that are very important to note about this poll are
This is not her total support, it's lower than that.

t.kike who can't stop kvetching


Pretty gud.

This one has no black line.
