Vote that muslims are bad in this bitches poll

Stupid celebrity bitch Lily Allen (who cares), has a dumb poll up on twatter asking 15-35 year olds who are you more marginalized by Pensioners or Muslims. Doesn't have a lot of time left, but it's close, if it finishes over 51% on Muslims, I'd say that's a victory.

not promoting celebrity bullshit just poll raiding

it's only got an hour left but fuck it, if anyone here votes it hurts her soul so do it if you can

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Wait, what? I understand the pension system is broken, but that's hardly the fault of retirees.

I think it's meant to be 'boomers'. The pension ponzi scheme is a large part of how immigration is sold to the idiot masses; so it's two sides of the same coin.

How are these two groups even remotely comparable? Those pensioners built the UK, whereas the vast majority of Muslims arrived within the past few decades. Stupid bitch.


Stop bringing shit from the outside world to this board you fucking kike shill.

A) Pensioners are parasites on the state and the backs of the young. Pensions were a mistake.
B) Muslims are parasites as well

Why would I like any of them?

Then its good that the vote is nearly even, making this stupid bitch look stupid.

Hey, the cunts beg for it. White sharia rape gangs NAO


hello endcuck

Sever your brachial artery subhuman.


==All mudslimes must be wiped out== but cunts want endless amounts of muzzies. They need to be bred with all the quality white seed that's out there on an industrial scale. Then they'll Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

hah she shut that down quick

I for one welcome the white sharia space marine rape gangs from the 88th dimension

Shit was deleted, typical tricks

i feel more threatened by the kikes at the federal reserve you stupid bitch

It's odd because pensioners shouldn't even come into it.
In England you're more likely to be mugged raped and or murdered by a nigger of any particular denomination, followed by any number of the muds and 3rd world filth the jews flooded into the country since the war.
Muslims are just another weapon among the rest of the 3rd world rabble the kikes use to kill of the white race.

If this is Bongland where are the indigenous Bongs?

Spam her with the Rotherham report.

No wonder she pulled it off.


with the pensioners thing she is referring to the fact that older people voted disproportionately in favour of brexit

Hopefully she gets raped to death by one her pet pakis. Praise kek.

oy get it got baleeted

Take a moment to soak in how sensitive our opposition is. Pretty soon it'll be time to move in for the kill.

Labour are traitorous bastards. Rub diversity in the Right's face? Their voters need to have Labour's shit rubbed in theirs for their tribalist idiocy putting Labour back into power twice while they were fucking up the country.

polite sage for sort of off topic

People are (or were) giving her a lot of shit for crapping all over the elderly like that. It was great, especially when she flounced because of mean tweets in response.

How would you improve things? Are we to have a society where you work all your life, paying into the system, and then magically disappear as soon as you're too old to work?
Pensioners are still subject to income tax too (at least in the UK they are). And when they kick the bucket, there's inheritance tax on anything that's left. That should be all going back into the same system that "the young" also benefit from. It's neither's falt the government are selfish and shit with money to the point that when the young are pensioners they'll have fuck all. Well, unless they stupidly voted for the people who've made the financial statemof the country what it is.

I'm guessing some Holla Forums cuck informed her, seems like there's always one of them ready to spoil the fun with anything related to twitter these days.

This fucking cunt, I swear to God.

I truly hate Brits. Maybe it's just in my genes as an American, but they are the only white people that I wouldn't mind being wiped out.

Yeah… I don't see a lot of interaction between those demographics. So that would be the more pertinent question.

The West needs to start killing the r-type Leftards. The gene pool needs some serious purging.