Multinational banking fund uses ai model to predict election outcome, predicts Le Pen victory in French second round

Marine Le Pen is on course to be the next president of France, according to one banking fund manager's big-data analysis.

Arun Kant, chief executive and chief investment officer at Singapore-based investing firm Leonie Hill Capital which correctly predicted both the Brexit and Trump victories, told CNBC he expected the right-wing populist to prevail thanks to his firm's proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) system's analysis of troves of data.

His analysis — which he said incorporates inputs such as social and traditional media discussions, polling, economics and demographics — predicts that Le Pen will "walk over" her opponents in the first electoral test and then prove most forecasters wrong and steal the lead in the second ballot, Kant said.

The French vote is split into two phases, with the top two candidates from the April 23 round due to face each other in a second run-off on May 7. In the running alongside 48-year old Le Pen are former economy minister and independent candidate Emmanuel Macron, conservative ex-prime minister Francois Fillon and socialist Benoit Hamon.

Kant's AI program predicts that Le Pen would take 28 percent of the vote in the first round, he said, which would best 16.4 percent for Fillon, and 19 to 20 percent for Macron.

An IFOP poll published on Feb. 14 placed Le Pen in the lead for the April 23 ballot, with around 25.5 percent of the vote. Most election-watchers expect, however, that Le Pen would lose the second round of voting to Macron.

In fact, Kant said his AI analysis predicted that the only way Macron could win is if some unexpected factor were to pull undecided voters in his favor.

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Praise le Keque


(id duppels are checked kamerad)

The Old Gods are with us.

Wasn't there some AI that predicted Trump's victory as well?

If this happens the EU is kill.

(time dubs are checked)

Damn, I had not read the OP yet, my bad.

I generally don't believe predictions like this. But if anyone is going to get it right, it won't be the media polling. It will be a global banking institution. For as much as I despise the global finance system, I've seen what they can do with their predictive algorithms and they have a vested interest in getting their prediction right rather than decieving themselves into getting the outcome they want.

OP, you were almost a faggot.

And thank Kek OP is not a faggot


Uncuck yourself France or switch your flag color to the primary middle color.


American here, Could someone tell me when the French election is? And how exactly they work?

It is explained in the OP. Just try reading.


If the UK, US, Russia, Japan, and France are all aligned to nationalism and anti-globalist policies, globalism dies right? These are the most powerful economic/military powers and have political pull equal to the rest of the world combined could exert.

My country is too cucked to get out of the EU by itself. I can't wait to laugh in the face of all cucks while we sink with the boat.

China, Germany and some other shitholes will oppose it.





Mainly the middle east. Nuke Israel and turn it into a glass. Main contender would be China.

off by one



Who is the guy under Sam Hyde with the goatee? And whos eyes are at the bottom?

And it shall happen!

I fucking hope so, at this point we need a proper war to dispel globalism forever.

I think those eyes at the bottom belong to Elliot "Can't Dodge the Rodge" Rodger.

Yeah, those are definitely Elliot Rodger's eyes.


Don't forget


Don't do this.


hillary and ctr ruined this one permanently. come up with a new phrase you cuck.

It's wonderful to appropriate


I'm with her. :^)


At the rate things are going, it could be the people being too afraid to go outside to vote like in Afghanistan. I still haven't given up hope on Madame Guillotine yet.


(ID checked)
Beautiful job co-opting that retarded Holla Forums meme.

I can't wait to harvest the salt over this.

We need to kick this stuff into overdrive.


is there a way to make sure they aren't playing some n dimensional chess with boosting her in the polls artificially?

The Supreme Gentleman is immortalized in meme. In death he is stronger than he ever could dream of being in life.

Ann Coulter used bankers predictions on the actual number of illegal aliens in the US for her book Audios America.


The media already started a "Russia is messing with the French elections by hacking the polls" narrative, and they could use this as a way to boost that narrative. Of course, this is bullshit, because some French user explained how the French voting system works (check for more details) and how any real Frenchman will notice this as autistic screeching from the kike-owned media. But then again, this isn't something for the French people - it's to delegitimize Le Pen in the eyes of the world when she wins. The more insidious plan would be to start throwing shit out how Le Pen's totally got this in the bag, making the people who'd vote for her not come out and vote. Because hey, she's already got this in the bag, why bother even voting? Someone else's done it already for you. We'll most likely see both. Look at CNN, they aren't focusing on the actual election, but trying to get ahead of it and report on the results.

And, the part that's probably going to be the game-breaker, is that the French elections are two-part. Some user analyzed this shit in a previous thread - Le Pen will get the first round, easily. In the second round, she'll have to edge out a victory against Macron because the other parties will throw their support behind him. Combine that with the narrative that's taking shape above (muh Russians) and it's easy to see their gameplan: Le Pen gets in the first round, the media starts going apeshit how she's already the winner, her voters don't come out, the other parties unite (their voters have their morale bolstered because they're the obvious underdogs and losing according to the "polls") and eke out a win.

At least, that's my guess.

EU s raiding her headquarters and demanding shekels this 1930 goyim not even joking.


You read it right. FN headquarters are being raided for muh shekels. (((media))) have been looping this info for the whole day.


Rothschild nigs gonna nig.

I wonder if the official Ghostbusters account will re-purpose their "glass ceiling broken, there was a ghost behind it" tweets from last summer in support of Marine LePen?

Goddamn I still remember how bad they got BTFO over that tweet.

judo memed by Holla Forums-ops

How long have you been under the impression that Kek was not preparing us for Le Pen the whole time?


"Warm and Cozy With a Friend" by mizu
https ://

Happy fapping, you degenerate, you.

/ourgirl/ the one and only Tay.

Is the plan now to give us a little victory and then crash the entire world? Give us a little a nationalist revival, resurgence, then start WWIII and point the finger at us?

I do try to look at these things from every angle, but I also get a bit worked up over them as well.

It's france dude. Sweden's cousin.

You are a fucking idiot. Probably a burger who's never been to Europe. Hush.

I'm practically your neighbor. And it's not 'france'. This term is outdated for Baguettistan.

Don't you have something else to do like firefighting burning cars or smh instead of shitposting your frog sauce all over our cozy place of chosen non-cucked countries?

Ah a britkike. I think you'd feel more welcome on >>>/brit/

I said non-cucked country. I give you one more try.

Poland is probably the only non-cucked country in Western Europe. Possibly Switzerland and maybe Northern Italy if you bifurcate the country in your mind like I do. I'd go with Poland though.

switzerland. Our military is already holding drills to prepare for a scenario where rampaging shitskins and fleeing frogs and gercucks are trying to storm the border for our wealth. I'm gonna watch the european civil war in my cosy home in a mountain village while shitposting.

WTF, I'm with her now

Holy shit seriously? If that's true, Switzerland is based.

We need to make some FN-Chan and le pen anime maymays tbh.

Are you retarded?

Then again didn't the Swiss just get hit by a huge migrant wave? I'm going to go for my Swiss citizenship eventually, it helps that I speak english and Italian.

I'm still waiting for someone to draw ICE-chan.

It's right on the line for me. And he says non-cucked country in Europe so there's not exactly a smörgåsbord of choices

no one has made that yet? We really need to step up our OC game or we'll start to get fucked by the cuckchanners here posting their cancer.

Hungary is more western than poland.
Also finland.

Switzerland has been consistently based for a while. Their unemployment rate is low, and politically they're more right-wing than the rest of Western Europe. Also their citizens are REQUIRED to own automatic weapons AND train with them in the event of war.

IIRC there was this one vegan that was protesting a certain town's customs because it involved meat-eating. She moved away and when she tried to come back they rejected her visa because she was too annoying.

Why are they so sexist, fam? smh.


You'd think that since switzerland is fairly germanic and even german speaking they would be cucked as fuck but the opposite seems to be the case.also their neutrality hasn't made them pacifist faggots like in sweden.

Literally nazis!

found it

Also don't forget that Hitler was Austrian and Austria is just Switzerland with less gold.

Antifragile is such a great book

pretty much.

Dumping these based anti shitskin posters created by their ruling party. The last image is other far right parties copying the swiss.

I know, what the fuck, I want qt ICE-chan deporting mexicans.

I think Croat and Serb and Bulgarian and Macedonian are linguistically closer than Greek and Cypriot or Northern Italians to Sicilians.

Also are there really still Greek speaking minorities in turkey?

That map's from 1914, most ethnic minorities in a lot of the USSR and Turkey were "relocated"

i've also seen a sharp increase in cuckchan memes being posted by clueless new friends. if ice chan isn't memed then its pretty much confirmed cuckchanners have taken over.

I can definitely see that as a possibility, are there any plausible bunkers as of now should fagpocalypse come to fruition?

Would Switzerland accept a Murrican of 75% German blood with a basic understanding of conversational German?


Well to my knowledge, there is nothing promising, at least for now. We have masterchan which are pedos so that's a non option. There is endchan but a lot of the anti anime anti trump conspiritard fags are there. I heard about polchan but i don't know much about it. would be good but if this place gets cucked we should leave the 8ch brand for good. Also if you write Holla Forums on will be the first result

If you're not a fat retarded "stereotypical american" (other europoors words, not mine) then i see no reason why not.

Quite thin, and I have a bachelor's degree in Political Science (minor in History) with above-average IQ and test scores, at least in grade school. Do I still have a chance, or is my degree a deal-breaker?

We get to fight Krauts again?

I read that after WWI ended and the Ottoman Empire collapsed, the new Turkish state did a population swap with Greece where they traded all their Greeks for all of Greece's Turks. That's better than the Armenians got from Turkey.

You can go right the fuck back to where you came from.

Unless you have some skill to offer or will work off your ass i doubt they would accept just anybody. You're more likely to get in though considering you aren't a filthy shitskin.

OP also has ID dubs.
This is true if all of the above parties manage to solidify their gains. Demographics is destiny. LePen needs to Remove Kebab. Trump needs to Remove Spic. Russia and Japan are relatively ok, afaik.

I recently saw an article about lawmakers in Switzerland considering making immigration laws more lax. They were discussing making a path to citizenship slightly more convenient. For the grandchildren of immigrants. THE GRANDCHILDREN.
And I'm not talking like 1965 immigration act shit where "the third generation gets free citizenship," but something like removing one of the barriers (there are several, from what I understood). Oh, and by the way, the outlook for that bill in parliament looked poor anyway.
I have to admit, I'm jealous. Enjoy yourself swiss-user, you are one of a truly chosen few.


Kek mit uns




My impression is that despite their semi-communism, China is fundamentally nationalist. They may support globalism in OTHER countries but they seem pretty insular in their own politics.

Am I way off base?

Fuck china.


ive said this before and ill say it again, rothschild is backing the other candidate and soros crashed the pound after brexit and dollar after trump.

you are being good goys if you believe the alt kike too much.

nigel farage is a rothschild agent as was churchill.

these events will be used to make white people feel guilty for as long as chaim and co think they can get away with it.

just dont forget it hurts our people too and chaim is looking to capitalize either way.


Fuck off you shill faggot. You are completely obvious.

They're doing a good job of making it look like they want her lose.


It is. Have you read Black Swan as well?

rly makes u think

Really made me think its defeatist messages are perfect for stupid sandniggers.




Lets continue this





wew lad

What the fuck



This timeline keeps getting better

Can't win them all though

How dare these unchecked digits of checked digits go unhailed. KEK speaks.

If the Germans are too far gone to uncuck themselves, why contain it?

Germany and Sweden experiencing some kind of demographic and economic collapse/Fall of Rome scenario will simply serve as a warning to the rest of the world not to indulge liberal fools any further.

Tl;dr they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

Not everybody wants a world of squalor everywhere except in Israel. It should be squalor and jperpetual war between tribes in Israel, nuclear fallout in Africa, and futuristic, peaceful cities everywhere else.

They're the same fucking language.

Which side would Singapore be on?


You're asking the wrong question mate. Here's the questions you should be asking.

Answer: The US Navy (video related)

Answer: None that I know of and certainly not Trump who has said he wants to enlarge it

Thus, Globalism will not go away anytime soon.

don't conflate hegemony with globalism

all maritime powers sought to control the sea trade and impose pseudo-universal rules on it

what US defends is bretton woods and similar systems that lines it's pockets and prevents regional powers from leveraging their might into profit by subjugating their areas themselves. HOWEVER this doesn't have to translate into internal meddling into other countries affairs and cultural norms. This aspect of Western politics is something that requires scrutiny. It isn't fueled by profit or security seeking. Its not very rational or even helpful to the US, yet it is pursued.

You, obviously, haven't watched the video.

yeah, i dont watch youtube videos embedded into Holla Forums


whats next, sending a wn manifesto to google with my name on it?

If you haven't watched the video, why do you even comment?

Filtered, retard.

I'm Croatian and I don't understand a single fucking word of Bulgarian OR Macedonian.
On the other hand, Croatian and Serbian are similar.

Fuck off.

I have been shown the light, KeK wills LePen as queen of frogs

So many digits in this thread man it's fucking beautiful





kek approves and so do i

the only part I'm interested in

Isn't he that hwndu nuffin shitskin?



Isn't that hentai drawing faggot Shadman from Switzerland? I remember listening to a plebcast where he whined about how a Swiss art school threw him out of the school, and how the police almost jailed him for drawing child porn, etc.

Looks like its time to bet some money on her.

Why is it every day becomes like groundhog day on nationalist boards.

We had it with Gert Wilders the other day
We get it with Anders Breivik every other month
and again with FN

Ignoring how Marine has a kike boyfriend and attempted to kick out her own father for his antisemitism, despite the fact he was the founding father of the party.

Marion's father is Roger Auque, who was a self-admitted Mossad spy and journalist who died in September 2014
He wrote about it in a book "In The Secret Service", in which he revealed that he had been a spy for Israel.

"The Israelis, Auque reveals in a sensational autobiography released after his death, had asked to be introduced to a French businessman of Lebanese descent Iskandar Safa known as "Sandy," and in return promised Auque an interview with Sheikh Obeid, the spiritual leader of the Amal militant group based in Lebanon.

Auque accepted the request and came to Israel, where Amos was waiting for him along with the Mossad agent "Tony" and Israeli diplomat Uri Lubrani.

The interview with Sheikh Obeid never took place, but Auque ended up with a different story in his lap. When he returned to Paris, Auque fulfilled his part of the deal and introduced Lubani to the French businessman.

"During that time I established very close ties with Israel," Auque wrote in his biography. "I would travel there a lot. I wasn't just a journalist.

"The Israeli intelligence services paid me to complete certain missions, such as secret missions in Syria under the cover of a reporter. These missions were at times very dangerous, and I risked the worst, including death in the case of failure. I traveled to Damascus a number of time in order to make contact with the local elite, doctors, researchers and others – all of whom wanted to emigrate to the United States. Every time I would get the equivalent to a month's wage."

Roger Auque passed away in early September as a journalist and France's Ambassador to Eritrea. He was 58 years old at the time of his death – he fought cancer, which stuck him at the beginning of his career as a diplomat in the service of the French Foreign Ministry, during the last two years of his life.

Auque, a veteran combat war reporter who survived 391 days in Hezbollah captivity, decided in the last days of his life to write up his secrets, his adventures and the mysterious missions that he took part in.

His services, he claimed, were not limited to the Mossad."


This isn't some sudden new revelation, I'm not even trying to be edgy and laying down some explosive shocking detail, this is old and only a few years old.

So I must ask, why is everyone in this movement being overwhelmed by collective amnesia?

It's these shared hallucinations of the drones that has enabled this movement to be shifted over to the zionist friendly edge of the spectrum, this of course is ultimately a carefully calculated dead-end to misdirect the movement.
However it's too late, the majority of those who class themselves as Red-Pilled are convinced that aligning with isreali neo-con zionist ambitions is a step in the right direction.
It isn't, it's suicide for Europeans to align with any single aim of political zionism.
It's not 1488D chess, its subversion and misdirection.
Perhaps when all the nonsense has died down in 6 months or so we can have a serious discussion here about the way the secret services have steered the movement kikewards and against our own interests.
So I'll leave this comment on its own for now, before I get banned on Holla Forums for simply posting the truth.

Why would you think that? German cuckery comes mainly from post-war American influence.


There's a reason we call Swiss "Mountain Jews".

Her father was a self-confessed Mossad agent

Weird, nobody said that apart from (((you)))

Why is it whenever these threads pop up it is filled with a gaggle of hasbara kikes who insist that if you don;t champion their (((chosen))) selected zionist friendly candidate that you have no other options left but the narrow few shitty choices that the hasbara kikes tell you we have?

Here's a thought, how about explaining to the rest of the non-jewish anons in this thread why pretending that Mossad agents in the family isn;t important to matters as serious as these?


Nice dubs.

It's funny until I remember they're trying to do the same to our country.


you horribly retarded faggot nigger kike.

you use JewTube as fucking reaction images???

Just remember:

the Holla Forums approved tag line is #She'sWithUs

#ImWithHag has too much dark magic attached to it, we don't want to jinx it





Her fucking social media team (which politco claims are so great) are retarded. If Marion sent out one Engish language twaat with a pepe and mentioned here or cuck pol, she'd have an army of online.
CTR got their asses kicked because you can't buy autism or True Believers. You can but clockwatchers, who will do bare minimum and then leave. Not people who will meme and shill every spare moment because saving the West depends on it.

I completely believe that the one Trump Pepe twaat in Nov of '15 won him the internet. After that, cuck and here (already sold on him) were his personal army for next two years. A Cute French girl mentions this place once and she'd have people working for FN for free. Dumb people. Or arrogant and think they know better.

Its not AI. These people have to seriously stop calling everything AI, its getting on my nerves


let shit die cockguzzler