California Passes AIDS Law


Commiefornia has passed a law that legalizes spreading HIV without telling your sexual partner in an attempt to reduce stigma.

In other words, it has legalized bioterrorism.

Other urls found in this thread: 9:19-24 3&version=KJV


Can Trump just designate Commiefornia a biohazard zone already. Send in the CDC with flamethrowers and just exterminatus.


Jesus Christ…I wish commiefornia would sink into the ocean already.Wrangle up all the tards that don't already reside there and sink that POS.


jfc california

Post yfw Commifornian coalburners and fags get pozzed and die of AIDS

Well that's a plus I guess.
Charlie Sheen will have fun spreading his pozzed tiger blood.

This is truly madness, and it mist be put a stop to.

I am tired of this shit, I am tired of California's treasonous Jewry, and they need to be put in check and brought in line.



It's should be punishable by death for knowingly spreading the poz. Fags don't care and wouldn't press charges anyway. The only people this law effects is straight people who actually want a family and future at some point.
This is an attack on straight whites. Poz is just part of nigger culture the same as it is faggot culture.

Nurgle Approves.


Honestly this is a good thing. It lets the normies slowly kill them selves off.

There is going to be an Africa-scale AIDS epidemic within a decade and its going to be centered around Sodom Francisco.

Kill these Nurgle worshiping faggots. This shit's serious bio terrorism.

You know, if we just sent everyone who's positive for AIDS/HIV to a mandatory death, we could potentially eradicate the fucking disease.

Ah I see. Laws are racist as usual.

Good one. HIV is a jew psyop anyway.

This can't be real. I refuse to believe it. Liberals are actually saying that faggots and shitskins who intentionally spread deadly diseases to unsuspecting partners and medical donees are somehow the victims. They are even threatening to "re-educate" people who don't agree.

I think at this point it doesn't matter what the issue or policy being discussed is, they just read the same line from the same leftist manifesto like fucking zombies.


I and a faggot with AIDS are not equal.

This is also why i am a germ freak. But i didnt know whites here where 40% infected. Just shows how cucked whites are now. Just burn it all to the ground.

Here in SoCal they have been pushing HIV and STD's and a "Normal" thing to have now. People with it just say "Well its not bad having and its treatable. So its not a big deal anymore". But as soon as you cut off the drugs they have to take to keep the symptom in check, they are fucked.

Commiefornia is now on PAR with Sweden.


You got that backwards. It's not that 40% of white males are infected, it's that 40% of the infected are "white" males. Notice that includes Jews and possibly spics and mudslimes.

Pozzing is illegal in Sweden, for Christ's sake.

California über alles

I remember reading an article some faggot wrote about the "stigma" of being persecuted for being fat, ugly, brown, old and hiv positive on Grindr.
I can imagine the cucks steering the ship in California teary eyed passing this legislation so horrible disgusting genetic dead ends with poison in their balls can -freely- proudly spread it.
Fucking lol


Well, if you are willing to have casual sex, then you deserve to get aids. Maybe this is a good thing, It will kill more degenerates.

Talking about a STD I have fucked countless women, but I always make sure they look healthy, do not have any outward signs like pimples etc.

To this day I am fucking free of this shit, I feel disgusted knowing so many have mouth herpes, that shit you need to avoid like the plague.


Anderson's great, rails against kikes, calls for the homocaust. We need a religion as redpilled on race as Anderson is on faggotry.

You know what?
I'm fine with this. Let degenerates catch the disease.

So, Christianity? The actual kind, not the gay kind obviously.

Except it could be fucking spread to some unlucky bastard getting a blood bag in a hospital.

We unironically need to extend that wall around california.

That's what they did in Cuba.


It doesn't say it passed yet.

God dubs agrees.

The issue here is rape. Everyone knows the nigger AIDS prevalence, everyone knows the interracial rape stats. Those two factors combined with this move are going to result in innocent whites being infected by these subhumans.

HIV+ are dependent on expensive drugs to live a «normal life».
It's a dream for the government. Hook the goyim on mandatory, govt regulated drugs.

They sent a guy with AIDS to my class to talk. He got it by - guess what - having indiscriminate filthy buttsex in clubs. It was cautionary but the real point was to humanize him (this was explicit).

I hope Trump starts raiding these places as a public health threat.

Also, AIDS-infested fags will probably start donating blood and organs to unsuspecting victims as part of their Satanic fetish. God help us.

Any and all people HIV positive should be executed.

Dubs checked, but isn't STDs also on Slaanesh's domain?

They have fuck all else to live for other than hedonism and causing misery, so in all likelihood this will happen too.

HIV is actually a pretty shitty virus, it's ability to infect is extremely poor, normal sex between a man and a women where the women is a carrier does not automatically lead to infection

However Anal sex (very degenerate) has a higher chance of about 4% per encounter, that is also the reason why gays have such high numbers. The anus is not meant for penetration and more often than not bleeds during the procedure.

You mean it wasn't, before?

Doesn't that indicate less whites were intentionally fucking others into a death sentence? Can they really not understand statistics?

The only possible reason for that is oppression, so the law is wrong.

I'm disappoint.

HIV is made up by (((Drug Companies))) as another thing to sell. If you starve yourself or take shit recreational drugs, you get the same symptoms as AIDS.

"If your immune system is strong enough, it'll get rid of the HIV"

AIDS is a chronic illness of the immune system caused by prolonged bad life style and other bad environmental conditions, not an imaginary HIV virus. So of course this very special virus actually has extremely poor ability to infect.

Jewish take on HIV:
Willy Rozenbaum … is a French physician … a co-discoverer of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Non-Jewish take on HIV:

You know he's a kike right?

This is absolutely disgusting, but a blessing for us. How many of these AIDS-ridden faggots will even be able to get out of their hospital beds for the midterm elections or even 2020?

This. HIV does not cause AIDS. They often go together but not always. AIDS is only caused by repeatedly having sperm shot up your bum.

Are you fucktarded?

Does that mean the poz parades can finally spray bodily fluids into the crowds?

Fucking tinfoil bullshit. HIV is real. It does what it says on the tin. Stop spreading dumb shit to make us look dumb.

Come in my backdoor I cannot give you lead
Cum in my backdoor you may give me HIV

is there anyone living in commiefornia that DOESN'T have AIDS?

me, sadly my neghole isnt pozzed :^(

it would be either Tzeenth's invention to fuck over Slaneesh or Nurgle's doing

If you don't live in SoCal then you have no clue what its like here. White men that live in the city are pozzed, only men who live in the rural areas are fine.

Most in Cammieforina have an STD of some kind but AIDS are located in the large cities. You know if some one is infected because they take massive amounts of supplements and are all ways weak and feel like shit. Most people in CA have a chronic illness.

never stop doing you

Yup, LEts get rid of the stigma surrounding aids, Its not a death sentence any more you jsut have to take massive amounts of retro virals and pump gajabujilllions of dolalrs into the companies that make them. Commiefornia? You fucking wish. Corporatefornia you faggots. Think about it. What are their industries? Tech, Movies, drug manufacturing.

His grandma had kike blood as her top "deep ancestry" marker (

In unrelated news, Grindr Greggy is moving back to California.

Hmm I wonder how Communism and Pozzloads would sound like combined instead of just California. Commiepozia?


It's a little more than that.

I have oral herpes despite being a kissless virgin. My guess is that some piece of fucking shit relative kissed me on the cheek or something when I was a toddler when they had cold sores and I caught it.
Wish I knew who it was, this shit has been a nightmare to get rid of.

You still missed the entire point as to why he's calling you retarded..

Sorry to hear that, highly likely that a relative kissing you on the fore head etc

God almighty.

Thankfully it is almost impossible for a man to get AIDS from a woman.

Did I just hear someone say deus vult?

Fucking insanity…

Old people that don't realise how bad california is and those who don't have sex. We will be the last alive due to not being that degenerate, and hopefully we will be able to start anew after everyone dies.

Provided you don't get raped in gangs by the bugchasing community towards the end. Stay safe, user.

Just plain false.

Women can give men aids.

It figures. They basically worship AIDS like an evil counterpart to Ebola.
Is there an AIDS-chan yet? I imagine her looking like Trigglypuff.

STDs are punishment for the followers of Slaanesh.
STDs would be more in line with Nurgle, but they don't cause decay fast enough, so they would probably be written as a blight the sages created to fight the spread of chaos in the early days of man.

Toth roll

Re roll

It is EXCEPTIONALLY rare. Look up the CDC stats for transmission rates.

99.9999% of men with aids got it from needles, bad blood transfusions, or getting fucked up the ass.

Want it

Ok thanks

Denied for digits begging. Truly the gods are great.

Lol I knew I wouldn't get it.

This is audacious enough that I suspect Trump would respond directly if we made enough of a stink. The CDC is national, right?

A quick EO making it a federal crime would bypass the local state law and sort it out.

Thoth and I don't get along.

Kek loves me, this I know.

What do you think would be better, hashtag campaign or direct contact?

Yes, user, exactly. Bad blood transfusions. I hope californian doctors have enough humanity in them to mark HIV positive blood so that they don't contaminate random uninfected victims of all accidents with it.

I'd like it if California couldn't enact any state policy at all

t. Californian

Why not both

Is such a thing possible? I don't think EOs can make things federal crimes.

Also, what about blood donations in California? God I hope I never need blood here.

No clue, maybe not.


EOs don't work like that. An EO is not a magic wand, as we learned with the travel ban. Remember the 10th Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

That means anything not in the Constitution is left up to the States. There's nothing in the Constitution about AIDS or the spreading thereof, and that means the States get to decide for themselves.

I wonder if we could meme an interstate travel ban between California and its neighbors until this is repealed.

It could come to a matter of protecting the nation. Intentional virus spreaders could be considered a terrorist cell.

Could always declare California in a state of rebellion and send in the National Guard, putting California under federal mandate.

Would have been easier if CalExit happened, but it can still be done.


I see what you did there!


That's tough considering the right to freely travel among the various states is implicit. I like the idea of declaring "Gift Givers" (look up Bugchasers) terrorists.

They presented the bill, but hasn't passed at the moment. Still the notion of this even being written is oven worthy.


poz my neg ass

Underrated post.

Yeah, there's an AIDS-kun already,. This version came about back when Ebola-chan was still in her prime. Alongside Malaria-sama, who might I add was quite classy.

I imagine the hijacked faggot version to be a very sad and abused AIDS-kun :(

Shouldn't we spread shit things like this on twatter and other avenues?
Expose normies to this insanity.

Also, Trump should probably comment on that law.


His grandmother is a super-Jew, more Jewish than anyone at the analysis company has ever seen before and it immediately segues into how biological race don't real and don't matter.

How "based". Holla Forums's favorite Jew.


Not that I agree with it on a fundamental level, but you guys do know the NAZIs created HIV, right?
It's nearly identical both structurally and functionally to Lyme disease, which is 100% man-made by a NAZI working in a US biolab after WW2.


Good, kill each other off quicker

by Allah, you anglos are dogs

Common Filth pls go


Not even the most conservative of Christians will take a stand against miscegenation and multiculturalism, because they can't. Because Jesus said all humans are equal under god. He can hate on faggots and degenerates all day but in his world the entire population of the united states can become niggerjews and mestizos and we'll be fine so long as no one is gay and they all believe in yahweh.

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. Slit your wrists and when the hospital tries to give you blood, make sure you ask for blood from a gay black man.

Concise statement of the CQ. Good poast.

Thanks for telling me what I will and won't do, faggot.

Has it been confirmed that CommonCuck died in a car crash?

Read your Yuri Bezemnov, no major religion, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism at any point speaks about humans being equal, humans being equal is a progressive leftist idea.

Not saying Christianity is good, but christianity is only recently induced with "all humans are equal"-meme.

Cuckchan tier disinformation. Read a book nigger.

*tips crucifix*

Sadly, he lives.

It doesn't even say all people are equal in a biological sense, just that all humans are equal "before God", IE when being judged. It was talking shit about "Divine Mandate" types that attributed their authority to having some kind of hall pass from the divine. It wasn't multiculti bullshit, it was saying "no free lunches".

Where was the disinfo?

Well I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about Anderson. I can't find a single right wing Christian figure who is hard on miscegenation and multiculturalism. They can publicly state gays need to be killed (like Anderson) but will abet racemixing, and claim that race is unimportant in the eyes of the lord.
I can't trust chrisians to do and believe in the right thing. It's not enough nowadays for the average christian white to dislike racemixing and white genocide instinctual, they needs it to be routed out, it needs to be codified.
At best, all Christians can morally justify is moving away from diversity, but tolerate it for their white brothers and sisters.
We need something different for the west. The doctrines of christ are not enough to protect us from the rising tide of color, in fact, most christians are now subhumans.

I value my race over religion, which is why I left the faith. Something better needs to be done.

If a black christian marries a white christian, there's no problem, right?


Well… ya know what we do with this right?

Nope. Miscegenation is condemned in the new testament.

Right. He judges us equally. That doesn't mean we should judge each other as such, obviously.

Who is that? This is Filth.

*but I am actually having difficulty finding a line of Jesus saying anything of the sort….

The bible is explicitly anti-race-mixing. There is ONE VERSE that says all men are the same, which is all anyone focuses on, even though it is specifically talking about how God doesn't play favorites.

The fact that there are Christians of other races tells me that it is not good for the white race. We need something like the jews, honestly. Something that is tied to us through blood and not through faith.
The fact that Christianity is a religion of the semites and was adopted by every other race tells me it it not for whites, and it can't be used to defend ethnic interest.

It should be common sense anyway. God made us all different at Babel.

What I don't understand about nu/pol/ is that you guys can't seem to grasp how much the Bible understands what can screw things up. (But then again, a number of you are pro-abortion….) Remember that miscegenation can seriously mess a child up.

Biggest letdown of CY+2.

Race-mixing is condemned in the Bible. 9:19-24


Kek IS a chaos god….
Should anyone think I like CF; I only like his AFKs/tumblristas for obvious reasons. I don't hate the guy (because unlike nu/pol/ I actually spent the time to see if he would explain himself) but I don't like him either.

That religious blue pill hit you pretty hard. Get esoteric.

*also, 2017 is post-[Current Year]

And not just because of the lack of an identity. Mixed children are prone to diseases/ailments that otherwise dont exist, take blood transfusions less successfully, and organ transplants are almost always only successful if the organ came from someone with the same mix of races.

I've know a shitload of halves and I've yet to see an instance where it didn't mess the kid up.

I did that already. It wasn't fun and I ended up having to cross myself, which saved me.
I miss the old cautious Holla Forums, when it didn't feel like Holla Forums.

You intentionally misinterpreting a single passage to suit your D&C agenda.


We are in a new calendar. It is currently T-day +30

CF spends his free time watching faggot nigger pornography and insulting white women. Valhalla awaits whoever kills CF.

equal BEFORE god. As in "in the application of judgement". Meaning "all humans are held to the same high standards of 'goodness'".

The Current Year was 2015. That's when the tides turned.

*I meant, it WILL
I knew this one kid who had all kinds of problems.


Even when I was an atheist you Odin LARPers were always cringeworthy. Your religion is dead and is only known because of Christian scholars. The Vikings pillaged and burned Churches, which held knowledge now lost forever. Your religion is like the Neanderthal—natural selection deemed it unworthy.


yeah, you know me…

The problem as I see it is the following train of thought:

How should I break evangelicals from this?


In the same way antiracist christianity outcompeted muh based antimiscegenation churches?

I am not an Odinist and neither were any of my ancestors, I use Valhalla in a purely figurative sense.

are there some drugs or substances that increase the risks of a pozzed fag to develop AIDS?
and under this law, would it be a crime to give some of that to someone without his knowledge, or to drop it in a water supply?

I'm not a pagan but I respect the traditions, practices and gods of my ancestors. It doesn't fill me with joy that Europeans adopted a semetic religion over their own. You seem to enjoy it though, and that's pretty fucked up.
Race before religion.

What sort of conversation do you expect us to have about this? We're all on the same page here, we all agree that California is degenerate. The religious discussion isn't distracting us from any conclusions we should be drawing from the AIDS story because we have already arrived on those conclusions.

Whoa what? Then how is AIDS prevalent in Africa?


You answered your own question. Blacks are homosexual but they aren't "faggots" like you see here in the West.
They will fuck each other and rape boys and girls and women and babies. They're just like monkeys who fuck pretty much anything with a pulse and warm skin. But they won't throw parades about sticking their dick into an ass. They're just animals. There's not enough self reflection to even understand what low ant attraction is, so they can't define themselves as "same sex lovers".

Anything that knocks out your immune system I'd say.

Probably niggers fucking each other up the ass, and women infecting their babies.

thats not the only way you'd get AIDS
if you get seriously injured and need a blood transfusion, the blood might have AIDS in it, and it'd only be a misdemeanor to give it to you

Is it now homophobic and ablist for hospitals to check donor blood for aids now?

Who the fuck do they think the AIDS was being given to
How the fuck is this at all a good thing

Why do people lie so much about Anderson?


It's not even in his top 50. If you're calling him a kike then call him nigger as well.

He's alright.


Amazing how you Christkikes will resort to the same tactics as the race you worship.

He's jewish.

Can't quarantine Ebola hot zones either cause it raciss.
with luck there will be another outbreak & Trump will institute a ban .Imagine the salt!

I watched his documentary on jews and he was going on about how all of the world's people have jewish ancestry. Saying people all over the world mix and match and blah blah.
Things like that shouldn't be condoned.
If he wouldn't marry a gay couple, he shouldn't marry a mixed couple. That proves that being gay is more of a sin to him that miscegenation and multiculturalism.
He criticizes jews but lusts for their holy bloodline. It's pretty fucked up. This is what happens when you adopt semetic gods. You are obligated to tolerate the semetic people.

This seems ripe for the Supreme Court

It's not even in his top 50. He was just meming on the Jews who go about "being gods chosen people" and then made the argument that probably everyone has a Jew somewhere in their last ~2000 years of ancestry.

So, you're Jewish.

what's next, common spic?

I can't believe no one has mentioned this part:

you jew

It's literally a law by a Jew to single out white males. No matter that they're disgusting and should die anyway - they single out less repulsive white males next time if they're successful this time.

He was making the point that there is nothing special about those Jews who call themselves chosen, he doesn't lust for their bloodline since he's a pretty big fan of the teaching that "Jews will burn in hell".

But yeah, his view on race mixing isn't something I agree with, either. But it's not like he's trying to force/encourage people into race mixing.
Also he has a ton of white children and his church is pretty active in producing white children as well and blood is more important than ideological purity in my eyes, because being right on everything won't do as any good when we've died out.


Also, OP is a faggot who didn't post archives and I've scrolled this far down without seeing them.

*I can't believe I've scrolled this far down without seeing them.

Wonder who got this awesome palendrome get.

Nurgle cultists confirmed.

His grandmother is basically a full-blooded ashkenazi. He is at least a 2nd degree mischlinge. We only know his ancestry because it is included in his own documentary as evidence for why racemixing is okay and doesn't matter.

Like his grandmother? Oh, no wait. He's talking about the practitioners of another religion. He believes most Christians are going to burn in hell as well because they aren't the correct denomination. His views on "Jews" are worse than bluepilled. People who are totally unaware of the JQ are better on the JQ than his bullshit "Jews are just a religious group" propaganda.

Christkikes can't stand it when their messiahs turn out to be kikes.


He's not Jewish. His DNA isn't Jewish. I'll post it a 3rd time for you.
And your silly insults don't change anything, even if they're all you have.

So his DNA-test is wrong, but the one of hist Grandmother is 100% right?
Senate Bill No. 239
Here's the stuff that's been REMOVED:



Oh that's right. He's meming. :^)



but we don't have to pay for it

it they want to die of aids let them

Err, progressive I guess.


You don't understand how DNA tests actually fucking work is the problem. He's got at least 1 Jewish grandparent. A full 1 in 5 self-identifying Jews in the US will have similar DNA results as Anderson because of the possibility of genetic atavism in any given offspring.

You are literally making a "Muh based Jew" argument. So when we get our countries sorted out are all of these Orthodox Jews with print outs from some genomics company showing they aren't "real" Jews supposed to get a pass? Meanwhile they will have siblings who are predominantly genetically Jewish. Wow, how does racemixing work?

Anderson is basically no different than that Australian mulatto redhead whose twin sister is a typical frizzy haired mulatta.

Flat out if you've got a Jewish grandparent is that acceptable or not?

I hope with these dubs that Kek kills this state
t. califag

checked and heiled, high Sheen pozzcount confirmed

That documentary was about explaining to other Christians that Jews are not gods chosen people and that there is nothing special about their bloodline.
At then end he makes the point that over the generations chances are pretty high that everybody has a Jew somewhere in there (since you have 2 parents, 4 grandparents 8 grand-grandparents…. leading up to a theoretical number of over 1 trillion people in the 40th generation from you). You might not like that, but chances are pretty high that it's true.

He does quite a lot of work in reversing the Jewish propaganda that is telling Christians that they need to pay and die for Israels protection - which is pretty important in my eyes, since that false believe gives the Jews a lot of power.

If I were to judge if somebody is a Jew I would look at his genes, the way he was raised and his actions (e.g. is he Rabbi or not).
Anderson is pretty safe on all 3 of those in my eyes and as far as I know his grandmother should also be clean on not being raised as a Jew/not acting towards the furthering their causes - so I'm fine with him.

So yes, he's a "based Jew" and "based Jews" are a thing. Thanks for answering honestly.

There is no such thing as based kikes you nigger.

Go with Nuremberg Laws you fucking dingus.

Oh so to you a jew is someone who follows the religion and not a race. Christkikery in full swing.

Read the thread first.

The age of the bull ended at Sinai, the age of the ram ended with the Lamb being sacrificed at Golgotha, the age of the fish will end when Leviathan is dealt with in kind.

All HIV+ people should be mandatorily marked so that no one will be caught unaware.


any relation to Anthony?

My dubs have defeated you…

What I love is that you didn't even watch the documentary.

He interviews the scientist that discovered HIV!
He was the one that said your immune system can get rid of the virus naturally.


It's not even 5 o clock for me yet. I think that's enough of Holla Forums for me today.


Jesus fucking Christ.
Some poor sod could get AIDS from a faggot's organs. Fuck Commiefornia. Gas it all.

Did it work?


There is no ban long enough for you.

I figure if you're having sex with random strangers in a bathroom, then you probably deserve AIDS. Otherwise, any mark would have to be on the face. You don't want to wait until the pants are down.

Sure it did. Then (((globalist institutions))) put pressure on Cuba to remove it. It's a textbook example of the difference between the Old Left & the New Left.

Introduced by (((Senator Wiener)))
Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Gloria
Coauthors: Assembly Members Chiu and Eggman
February 06, 2017

Still kind of disappointed that the guy in the first panel was never edited to be a girl


We need a hero, Ordos Puritas reporting in.

He judges them equally, as in according to the same metrics. If "GOD" considers all men equal, and judges them as equal, then whats the point of living a good and moral life? The bible says it is abomination to lay with a man as you would a woman, are a bunch of homos equal to men living good and wholesome lives? etc etc. There are ways to expound on it to the cucks. But thats really for a separate thread

You pissed off some fast food worker.

I keep hand sanitizer on me when going places. Door handles, shopping carts, you never know what has herpes on it.

It'll definitely require some "education." Guys, HIV being a deadly disease is a social construct. It doesn't kill people. Racism kills people!

It was supposed to happen in 2012, but I guess that it just wasn't time for it yet. 2013 was kind of an off year, too. 13 is unlucky. 2014 was getting kind of crazy with GamerGate and all; that wasn't a good year, either. No one could focus in 2015 due to the SJW overload, and 2016 had too many Happenings with Trump! But now, it's finally time Kek. We don't have to wait any longer.

Shake it up, San Andreas!

What the actual fuck California?

Someone(s) who's infected with ebola should go to the mass sex parties and partake.

There's more possibilities to this than just killing off commiefornians who need blood transfusions (because checking for HIV infected blood is homophobic, you racist nazi bigot!). It also serves as potential for wiping out the blood sucking vampires who likely collect an amount of what's donated for their moloch rituals.

where is the actual legislation?

Sodom and Gomorrah-tier stuff right here.


How much longer til Calexit becomes real? I want that shithole of a state leave already.

Fortunately, the State doesn't determine what blood the Red Cross takes. The FDA is what stops homo blood from being donated.

Well, until Trump abolishes the FDA …


In what way is that against race-mixing? Seems like a huge stretch. Can't find any clear statement in the Gospel on it.

It hasn't passed yet.

Yet. C'mon, it's a blue state and on this side of 2015. It's inevitable.

Non-whites are disproportionately affected by HIV. This law would be one less reason to racemix.

I'm not really Christian, so correct me if I'm wrong… but I always interpreted the "All people are equal in the eyes of God" is more meant to distinguish how much higher God is than any human. God is so much greater than us that no person can compare to him, and so all of the great distinctions between people are arbitrary compared to the distinction between man and God.

It would be like me saying all ants are equal in the eyes of man. Sure, some ants may be stronger or better than other ants. But if you look at an ant colony the differences are arbitrary compared to the difference between you and the ant.

Good. California will self regulate itself, their leftism makes them do these stupid things and the rampant illnesses will purge the population that is not needed.

Maybe the Jehovas witnesses are right, just ahead of their time.

They memed this bill into existence.

I wonder if this will turn the pornography industry into more of a petri dish of STDs.

dont you think that those blood bags might uh, get mixed with other blood, which might find its way outside of commiefornia?


I don't understand how Holla Forums defends this dude when he is just as bad as the rest.

I meant the bible verses that:

linked to. They seem unrelated. As far as I can tell the New Testament does not weigh in definitively on race-mixing. Closest I recall is Revelations talking about multiple tribes/peoples (meaning there isn't a complete NWO yet).


I don't see it, tbh. The New Testament kind of promotes racemixing. Paul goes to great lengths to spell out that no differences between Jews and the Greeks. 3&version=KJV
There may well be some opinions against it in there. You have to keep in mind that it was written by multiple people.

All this talk of blood bags and whatever. I'm more worried about some pozfag jerking off in my hamburger and not getting arrested for it because it's legal now.

You misunderstand completely.
To shove it in the kikes’ ugly faces that they’re not the chosen people anymore. That’s it. Nowhere is racemixing promoted by any REAL Christian doctrine.

Time to extend the wall.

Goddamn, the link alone was enough to completely piss me off

Let's not forget (((Paul))) is Saul of Tarsus, uberjew who figured out a new angle to trick the goyim. As it is said, Christianity *might* have been possible without Jesus, but Paul is indispensable. Think of this: how much of the New Testament is actually Jesus' words vs Paul's (((enhancements))),

"Trust me, goyim, Jesus appeared to me! That's why I got sick of killing you and now want to be your Dear Leader instead!"

And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. John 10:16

After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands Revelations 7:9

It states that the transmission of this knowingly will not be a felony anymore, but a misdemeanor.

California deserves to be pozzed, at least the fags and niggers die sooner.

So it's a tranny?

Bah. meant for , not .

-kun can and is used for women quite often actually, its a more formal honorific than -chan. More common in a professional setting.

If this bill passes can we ban all and any medical contributions from commiefornia since it'd be incompatible with literally every single medical organisation the world over?

As in wouldn't it be realistic for the red cross and the like to refuse materials sourced from pozzland?


fire up those fake kikebook and twatter accts and let this jewfag (and the rest of the world) know how you feel

It's happening

Those are again said to counter kikes' chosen people narrative. Confer Matthew 21:43:

Remember also that goyim means nations in Hebrew.

But wouldn't it make more sense for AIDS to be a degenerate faggot?

Get this…

You might say I deserve it for being degenerate, and you're probably right, so let this be a warning and a lesson to the rest of you to be careful what you do.

Tested positive for Type 1 Herpes and after the initial symptoms, neither of us ever had an outbreak again… of course, we're still dormant carriers. And we'll have to deal with this again when we're older and our immune systems break down

No. What you say about the difference between God and man is true, but that's not what Paul meant by his "neither Jew nor Greek" statement. He meant that when God renders judgment, he will consider every individual according to their own hearts and deeds, so a Greek (or any gentile) and a Jew are judged by the same standard. Likewise, a Jew can't count himself righteous just on account of his lineage. One of the major controversies addressed in the New Testament

That has nothing to do with miscegenation.

Just waiting for Laci Green to start making vids about how AIDS is no big deal, and how it's narrow minded not to have sex with someone because of it, like she did with HPV & Herpes.

Are you guys comprehending? Making it a felony was wrong because white males get caught less. Equality of outcome justifies decriminalization. This implies equality of behavior across races and sexes, and does so into law.

…Setting a precedent for decriminalizing any act that displays inequality of outcome. Like any crime.


She'll probably make a video about the new AIDS weight loss regimen.


I just feel like punching smashing her childrenpozzing face

Eh, at least it wasn't HPV. That incurable shit causes cervical cancer and lately it's been giving a lot of men neck cancer. Approximately 40% of adults will have contracted HPV at some point, and the CDC estimates 79 million Americans are *currently* infected. Not all strains of HPV cause potentially lethal cancers. Some cause pics related instead.

California is doing the world a favor, why is everyone complaining?

What the fuck

Because faggots with GRID don't die in the US anymore. They just get "disabled" and suck up vast amounts of healthcare dollars from the taxpayers, all while deliberately lolpozzing each other. It's a (((drug company's))) dream: they need loads of different drugs that they must take daily for the rest of their lives and that will never cure them. It's the perfect disease, from big pharma's perspective.

The chaste virgins will rule the world. Creative energy which isn't wasted on shit like fapping will manifest that new world.

The cost of AIDs medication is just going to continue to soar so all the poor faggots still die. Even so they wont live as long as a normal person even with meds

Herpes, while incurable, doesn't cause cancer or disfiguring warts like HPV does. Also there are drugs for herpes, unlike HPV.

The gardasil vax for 9 of the worst strains of HPV may be produced by a jew company, but it's currently the only defense besides lifelong monogamy starting with virginity Remember: approximately 1 in 4 adult Americans is *currently infected* with HPV.

Because this shit can cross borders, and with a weakspot like this compromises pretty much the entire medical industry. Pray you don't need any blood until they iron out the artificial stuff.

You haven't lived until you listen to some faggot with hep c bitching about his $3 medicaid copay for 30 days of sofosbuvir daily pills that cost the taxpayers over $700 per pill.

Your point? It's about now much these faggots cost the rest of us.

Honestly torn between the sheer stupid insanity of "destigmatizing" a TRANSMISSIBLE disease that is still mostly a death sentence, and not giving a shit since it will result in fewer hedonistic degenerate worthless pieces of shit.

Like, this isn't something like cancer where you can live a perfectly healthy lifestyle and still get fucked by the RNG. You get it from being a scumsucking lowlife.

the medication's very good now, they live a long while with it

AIDS is cause by Drugs and Malnutrition.

Anons in CA,

Please be careful. This means that the "down low" nignogs who fuck each other are now off the hook to pollute coalburners pretending to be wholesome white women. I would hope you aren't sexually active until marraige but if not, use condoms and dental dams. And get tested regularly.

That being said, this is wonderful news. Cut research and health support for those who willingly contract the disease like bugchasers and let the population control take its course. At this rate, SF will be a ghost town in 5 years.

Yes, do that, but do it for herpes & HPV prevention, not so much for fear of HIV.

Catching GRID as a heterosexual male is basically "not a thing". If you bareback an HIV-infected female vaginally, you have a 1 in 2500 chance of contracting HIV yourself. Wearing a condom reduces that by about an order of magnitude. Now apply Bayesian statistics regarding the prevalence of HIV infected white women in your area. It's going to be way less than 1%. So now we're talking odds of, what, 1 in half a million?

Now, let's contrast what happens with faggots. That 1 in 2,500 odds for het males becomes about 1 in 100 encounters for a bottom getting fucked by a pozzed male. And faggots fuck random men about as regularly as shaking hands. Run those odds through the bayesian calculation and now you understand why GRID exists and it is a faggot problem.

But anyway, yeah, watch out for HPV my straight male brethren.

Oh, and most importantly, wear that condom to reduce the risk of catching incurable child support.

Something your missing is that if you or your partner has herpes the numbers skyrocket. You can get over 50% grids infection rate in some cases from one session of intercourse.

Also you cant always see what she's got because its inside.

no, they usually test blood for communicable diseases in countries that arent populated by 99% morons

Okay so then what about the US?

…and you could win powerball, user. Btw, there are even higher transmission rates if your sex partner stashes used IV drug hypodermic needles in her pussy that are pointed at your dick. Also, do you really need to be told not to fuck someone with open herpes lesions or with genital warts? You do know condoms won't protect areas that aren't covered right?

Here, check this out:

Pic related shows "Estimated Numbers of New HIV Infections in the United States for the Most Affected Subpopulations, 2010" See how white male heterosexuals… aren't there? That's because if you dig into the tables from the study data pdf available from the CDC there, you'll find that it's approximately 600 cases a year. In a country of over 330 million. It's not a thing.

I kek'd. Sex drive is a weird thing. Women are disgusted by cooch but don't mind sucking dick. Naturally it's the complete opposite for us.

Am I supposed to be freaked out by a yeast infection? You should spoiler that out of general courtesy to the board, though.

How can open degeneracy have so much support? This is subhuman behavior, they be aswell be flinging shit at each other. Gas the masses.

Its been around for a while longer than NSDAP

WTF, you stupid kike. Are you persisting with your retarded claim that a bacterial infection is "structurally and functionally'' the same as a retrovirus? Did you drop out of school in 4th grade? Anyway, I thought you ended up in >>>/oven/ after you were BTFO regarding this claim in your shill Lyme disease thread.

He'll just claim it was Nazi timetravelers.

Prove it: inject HIV and refuse any AIDS treatment that targets it. Go ahead an fix your lifestyle as much as you like, you'll still fucking die.

So y'all telling me that by this time next year most, if not all Comiefornians will have some form of STD?

Just ignore these kikes. HIV is real and it infects T-cells. Hell, they've used modified HIV to deliver payloads to a patient's T-cells to precisely reprogram them to fight stage 4 lymphoma:

inb4 "this was all part of some vast conspiracy to cure cancer patients at death's door, and they lied about using HIV because it's 'nonexistent'"

Because in Africa you go to a doctor and
et cetera. The doctors there are getting paid massive gibs for diagnosing AIDS, so that's what they're doing there. It doesn't fucking matter if those niggers indeed have AIDS or some lesser, simpler disease, if you say they got AIDS, that means you still have work to do there, and nobody's going to bother to check.

Follow the money, user. AIDS is one hella profitable disease, too big to dispute, too grand to ever go away. It prints money, just like the Holohoax.

Is a different sentence than "There is neither Jew nor Greek." We should therefore not leap to the conclusion that he was advocating a complete lack of distinction. The use of the word "here" implies that the equality he's speaking of is conditional and likely wholly spiritual in nature.

Why do people have such a hard on for this whiny fucker?

Pic related: HPV-Associated Oropharyngeal Cancer Rates by Race, Ethnicity, and Sex, United States, 2008–2012

Adding some additional perspective, gents… your risk of getting throat/neck cancer from HPV is *far* higher as a white male heterosexual than your risk of contracting HIV. Note that for some reason the risk of HPV cancer of the neck seems higher for those of us who eat pussy rather than for the deepthroating cocksucking faggots. You can also see from pic related that women (putatively sucking dick) also don't seem to get as much HPV neck cancer as we do. Oh, and HPV can also cause penile cancer, requiring penectomy (which is exactly what you are guessing it is).

For the younger brethren: just deal with the vax jew and take the Gardasil 9 vax. Remember that the vax only protects against infection – nothing can cure HPV once you've contracted it – so you need the vax before you're exposed to HPV for the first time. For those who are too old for the vax, use dental dams when eating out your lady (which is generally good advice regardless).

I am not going to read this thread but I will point out the obvious in case it hasn't been said in here already:

California also legalized under age child prostitution. What they are doing is making certain crimes (((they))) have done legal to avoid prosecution

This story tells us the (((elites))) know there is proof that (((they))) knowingly spread HIV to other people, most likely children.

so you're only certain to get it if you have sex 15 times a day with different partners each time every day from puberty until you die?

You read the chart backwards, user: it's 1.8/100,000 white *females*. Males are at over 4x the risk. You also misunderstand the chart: this is *per 100,000 population* not per 100,000 sex acts. And this chart is only referring to the risk of getting head/neck cancer. HPV can cause other cancers as well as freaky warts as depicted in .

Again, 1 out of 4 adults in the USA is currently infected with HPV. You decide your risk tolerance, but my point is that you should be far more concerned about contracting HPV than HIV if you are a white heterosexual male.

Not before our tax dollars fund expensive treatment.

This can't be real.

The "My Wife" part isn't real, it says the same as her shirt, but it is hilarious.


In the documentary he argues everyone has jewish dna, or at least ~99% of the world, and then uses him and another guy as a random test.. and they have like 0.01%, its less than the top 50 ethnicities in his makeup, so theres 50 other races that are more dominant than the jewish dna.
His argument is that everyone is entitled to the promise land, and the promise land is for anyone who has any shred of jewish dna in them, which is almost the entire world.
Not that I agree, just saying, thats what his marching to zion documentary ends in, as its argument.

(which is a way of denying jews their chosen status, were all "chosen" according to Anderson. A large number of white Christians in the US believe they are the true ones entitled to Israel, too)

Summed up.

Why not just make prostitution legal now?


Looking at some other stats:

In 2013:
• 17% Niggers,
• 34% Spics,
• 42% White.
were diagnosed with GRIDs.

Whites are 42% of the population, Spics are 38% and Niggers are 7.5%.

That tells us that Whites are perfectly represented, Spics are slightly underrepresented (I doubt this because too many Spics call themselves "white"), and Niggers are overrepresented by more than double.

Whites are not particularly cucked. Niggers, again, take the gold for spreading GRIDs.

They will become resistant to the aids/hiv medicines the the plague will come. Do not have sex with the people whom have the disease.

they always did

And faggots, at the same time.


These dipshits have always pushed for that talking point.

This is why the Bible is a reliable moral doctrine for the right in comparison to secularism, and it's because lawmakers redefine morality to kill your people in the long run because of ridiculous excuse like "homophobia". Sodomy is a larger issue since it's committed by non-whites and whites to reduce the number other whites.

just FYI, they did a long term study of many men with AIDS that never transferred it to their wives after 14 years of living together.
theres a documentary (house of numbers i think its called) about how aids isnt a normal virus like how they make it out to be, it seems that GRIDS was more accurate than HIV+AIDS.
people dismiss him as an "aids denier" but his case is pretty solid.

They won't leave it there. They will spread it to non-degenerates by romanticizing, promoting, and exporting their shit to everyone else around them until you take harsh action against them.

That isn't surprising. The baseline risk of a female contracting HIV from unprotected vaginal sex with an HIV+ male is 1 in 1500. Risk of contracting via receptive anal sex is about 1 in 100. The tough epithelium in the vagina is designed for mating friction and dispensing babies. It is very durable. The rectum, in contrast, is very delicate & is designed to absorb liquids. The relative transmission risks aren't surprising and do not require a "magic virus" explanation for HIV/GRID.