The Punisher

Netflix trailer came out
If you take away all the Punisher stuff, it looks like a generic action/revenge/Taken-esque movie

No shit dude, it's the fucking Punisher. It's never been mindblowing, just escapist fun about a rugged badass cathartically blowing away bad people.

Looks cool enough for what I would expect of a Punisher series. I had to look up that DD's second season only came out last year. It feels like it has been way longer. I've avoided Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Defenders. Is Iron Fist worth watching?

I would actually suggest watching Luke Cage, unless you're a person who actually genuinely hates niggers. The show is definitely made with a black audience in mind, but it's not insufferable for other races. And Luke Cage literally chews out the niggers in the show for acting like niggers instead of being good people.
Only in the sense that it's that terrible. And not in a "Haha finally this is the downfall of marvel" that anons try and meme into existence. It's just awful. Danny Rand is supposed to be the world's greatest martial artist, and it's clear the actor has no physical skill at all. And his entire personality is "That one college kids who like, really *found* himself while studying abroad."

Well anything can beat the fucking Punisher movies so there is that

I hope it makes up for how shitty everything that's not Daredevil has been. Will be nice to have a show where they don't spend episodes debating the morality and ethics of killing psychotic murders.

Smart choice. Jessica Jones doesn't amount to much and it's not watching the entire thing for a handful of nods to old fans. Luke Cage has some great moments, but a majority of the series is a shitty nigger family crime drama where you get excessive amounts of time dedicated to some uppity wannabe Kingpin and his politician sister who may as well be black Hillary Clinton. Defenders is an improvement in a few ways, but it's still not a great watch. Iron Fist is the worst of the bunch.

It doesn't look horrible, and with potential to actually be decent. Part where he is moving between those scaffolds with a rifle kind of looks like a lower budget Jonah Hex. Other than that, it seems to have the action TV show about cops feel, so it could go either way. It would also be nice if there would be some action in places that aren't abandoned warehouses.

And thank you for posting a webm, OP. You are a pretty cool guy.

Looks badass. Makes me wonder if it will solely focus on the military conspiracy or if there will be more crinimals like Jigsaw in it.

Hilariously edgy, which is good. Frank's actor has a fucked up face doe

kind of fits with some of the Punisher fanboys.

Well, it's the fucking Punisher alright.

I might just tune in to see Frank mow down gangsters and Homeland Security goons, but other than that, it doesn't appeal to me much.

I feel like we've passed the time where something like The Punisher can be successful outside comics. It's so generic. Like most Marvel shows seem to be, honestly. I don't know how people haven't burnt out on this capeshit craze. They're all the same other than a handful that try to bring something new to the genre- And those are never the shows. It's always the movies where they take risks, like Logan and GotG.

Blame his (((genetics)))


They better not fuck this government conspiracy thing up. A small change in origin story takes him from a guy that does what you're supposed to do with criminals to fighting the entire government. Maybe it'll be interesting not knowing where his line is but at this point I'd really rather just have classic family killed by gangsters Punisher.


You fucking what mate?

If you're gonna watch any of those, watch Jessica Jones. Jessica Jones is an insufferable cunt but the plot is solid. Her powers are lame but I hardly see the show as a super hero show. Luke Cage is boring as shit and Iron Fist is fucking trash. The defenders is okay.

Damn dad! I heard this song in Guitar Hero! You've got the greatest taste in music dad!

Who the fuck cares about that edgelord.

Thanks, son! Now, go ride bikes while I fuck your mother!

He's so edgy he doesn't pay his taxes. Nobody can stop this absolute madman.

Neither did Wesley Snipes, but you didn't call him edgy

Looks pretty boring. If you haven't got into his comics, I recommend the MAX series. That is all.

I'd be okay with his edge taken too seriously, if they show a downside to his edge.

Instead of slaughtering million people, how about confronting him with the grieving family of his victim or some crap.
How about him breaking apart at some point thinking too hard about the cruelties he commits?

But no, he's just a living genocide.
I liked that in Punisher Warzone because it didn't take itself too seriously and it had that "it's ethnic cleansing but noone seems to care" power fantasy. But this show takes itself way to seriously and that doesn't really work outside of the 90s.

I think of all the Marvel characters, The Punisher is the one that Jeph Loeb's 'let's not let everyone know it's a superhero show' approach works best for

Who the fuck cares about the families of criminal nigger scum. They're complicit in their criminality most of the time.
Oh no, he rids society of violent criminals and pederasts and drug dealers, how horrible.
Are you Swedish perchance?

I'm Swedish and don't compare me to this motherfucker.

Faggot detected

Maybe it's because he's a dirty kike.

He at least has an idea.
Better than the edgelord that DCfags keep wanking off to.
And the Punisher is the edgelord how exactly?

Batman being poorly written doesn't make The Punisher any less of an edgelord, retard.

Most people think of this site as the secret Nazi hangout that google banned because all the users talk about is lynching blacks and ovening Jews. If your worried about something being "edgy", you've made a poor choice in websites.

Hey Holla Forums

Not An Argumentâ„¢

Pantera's better, mister screamy mic.

Snipes is pretty edgy.

That album is fucking hilarious though. Buncha samey songs complaining about the government and society and shit, and it ends with "MOM AND DAD STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!"

I bet he'll shoot black cops too.

He is true ancap he doesn't pay taxes.

Probably will shoot a black cop and bunch of feds.

If they allow it.

Welcome to Metallica's entire discography.

Looks like fun, but why can't they just keep Frank's origin intact? Having his family killed randomly by stray bullets in a Mafia hit works much better than having them targeted by the CIA to get to Frank. It's the difference between a guy who punishes criminals and a guy seeking personal revenge.

Honestly I'm just sad they didn't go for the Warzone actor. Jesus fucking Christ he was fucking perfect.

Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill!

Frank's always been a super macho character. Even big burly dudes who'd call you a fag for liking Holla Forums stuff will happily admit to liking punisher, even before capes went Normie friendly. And he's always been super right wing.

Those two things alone made me know that he'd be fucked with from the start. Current year Disney doesn't want to make a punisher anything, but they want that fuckin money.

I see that so often, where the writers miss the point of the origin story event being a one-off tragedy rather than a conspiracy. Though doing that to Frank Castle is probably the absolute worst character to.

Screenwriters seem to have this weird tendency to tie otherwise unrelated elements together, either for thematic reasons or to seed plot points for future use. For example, The Joker murdering Batman's parents in the '89 film. Or the Amazing Spidey films having Peter get his powers from an spider modified and owned by Osborn, the employer of his dead dad, who also happened to encode the spider's modifications to his DNA so only he and his son could use it in the event Osborn tries to first.

Regarding Spiderman wasn't that stuff done in the Ultimate comics?

The similarities with Ultimate Spidey end with the spider being an Osborn experiment and Peter's dad being a scientist.

They ended up being involved in the origins of Venom, which came pretty late into the story.

I think they were trying to make the cartoon related to the Amazing movies

Wonder if they will do Punisher Born in this?

Hopefully not. I don't want to see such a good story tainted and marred by [CURRENT_YEAR] cancer.

Hey Reddit, memes dead try something new.


It was slow boring and nigger filled.

Hey Holla Forums

Gotta make it clear-cut black and white, man. "Frank good, gubment bad, dey executed muh fambly", not an already broken man completely snapping at senseless violence following him home.

Holla Forums

Does anybody really need to be told that the CIA are evil? Isn't that the one thing that all of America, indeed, the whole world, can come together and agree on?

Punisher is the last guy who should have black and white morality. That's the whole point of him. He's the super hero power fantasy taken to the logical (grounded in reality) extreme. The point is that the only reason he's not a straight up villain is who he targets.

Shut up, Holla Forums. There's nothing wrong with killing drug pushers and other nigger criminal scum.

Why would a family-man like Frank Castle teach his little girl a song about the horrors of war?

Exactly, he's just doing what we all want to do.

Punisher not some goody two shoes, he is psycho who really enjoyed killing people. He only feel bad if he accidentaly killed innocents.

Drug-pushing niggers aren't people.

The punisher is always popular because put in his situation, what would you do? Grieve over your family and die wondering if you could of catch the ones responsible for your misery, with not one person caring whatsoever about your plight? Or take matters into your hands to stop evil people from doing evil things? He's the definition of anti-hero, willing to do the things a moral person couldn't do. It also depends on who is currently writing him. In the deadpool vs punisher comic, it actually hints he was already psychotic but pretended to be a normie due to the horrors of war. With the murder of his family, his inhibitions died with them. He's just a monster that kills other monsters.

Is the world so fucked that people would find Frank butchering criminal scum to be bad that it has to be toned down to spooks?

It also fucks with his ideals since his war on crime was because his family got wasted in a random crime.

I much prefer watching Frank simply getting vengeance on people who think that nobody would dare touch them and come to the horrible realization that yes, there indeed is a person who would do more heinous things to them than what they do that they actively would prefer law enforcement to protect them from him.

They laugh at the law. The rich ones who buy it and twist it to their whims. The other ones, who have nothing to lose, who don't care about themselves, or other people. All the ones who think they're above the law, or outside it, or beyond it. They know all the law is good for is to keep good people in line. And they all laugh. They laugh at the law. But they don't laugh at me.



I think a small part of the character is the power fantasy appeal of simply doing something about the criminals that always seem to conveniently escape justice. Personally, I hate the cliche of the mob boss who has blood sopping off his hands, who goes to court, but just never has any real evidence to convict him, so he walks free. People get sent to jail for all the wrong reasons, and sometimes in blatant defiance of the evidence they do have, but some slimy fuck gets off on a technicality? Fuck that. If the police are going to be hopelessly corrupt and inept, at least have them kick down his door and "accidentally" empty a clip into his chest.

Punisher as a character, once you get past the "fed killed muh family!" origin story, is a character who is all about taking evil out of the world, and that's kind of enjoyable in a cheesy sort of way.

Is the standard issue sidearm in the Punisher universe a Mauser C96? :^)

I happen to be an expert on firearms and I know that all cops carry fully semi-automatic AR15s (the AR stans are auto-muRder) which are designed for shooting up schools.

Jokes aside I was the guy you were responding to before the mauser user showed up.

I was actually an idiot when it came to weapon magazines and clips before the army took me in. And an AR 15 sounds nice, since it's just a civilian version of the standard m4 carbine, disassembling and cleaning it shouldn't be hard.

T. Someone who had to sleep in the woods with facepaint and a carbine.


I thought that was from Punisher Born or does the deadpool vs punihser cover that as well.

So kinda like Garth Ennis' Punisher?

You're like that faggot reviewer who said Two-Face in Batman Begins was copying Anton Chigurgh in No Country for Old Men.

Nostalgia Critic?

There's no Two-Face in Batman Begins, you inbred retard.


Official Release date is November 17th

Two days now.


The fucking Nolan Batman trilogy then, asshole. You know what the fuck I was talking about.