Homefront hilarious backstory trailer

Holla Forums I can't believe it! By trying to fix Homefront lore. They somehow made it dumber.

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If they don't care about following up the first game. Why didn't they just change the enemy to China?

The ultimate "I was just pretending to be retarded" meme. An entire country was in on it.

Not only that. According to the trailer. America companies like Apple were secretly North Korean fronts.

Because China is a huge market.

Amazingly, this is exactly what Kim Jong Unreal Engine thinks his country is. Are we sure that the dev didn't steal his diary?

Wasn't the point in the new game that Korea is now a unified Korea and China?

I didn't even mean to type that. I must be more tired than I think.

Do they shit themselves when they see modern soldiers?

They alernate history retcon it to North Korea conquered the south and China.

Why are Asian women so fucking ugly?

They gloriously vanquish them :^)

Some are qts

Nah the suits a qt they're ugly.


I think it's just the Nork girls, they all seem to have wide faces. Some south korean girls have wide faces but just in this thread I've seen more norks girls with wide faces than every other korean I've met.

Everyone's wrong once in a while. This is just one of those times for you, user.

Is she pointing a gun at the other woman's head?

Don't question grorious asian techniques of fighting, american fatman

Casuals deserve it.

Fuck off gook

fucka you

Enjoy your monkey looking kids fam.

In South Korea it is

You should see native North Korean girls

Bring whole family to see it will be fun time at our many waterparks and teahouses

I wouldn't be surprised, honestly speaking.

I can see the resemblance


China is already the enemy in real life anyway.

Yes, I can see how some of the North Korean peasants look similar to your American supermodels.

What a lovely showcase of Japanese girls you have.

Funny because that last image is all gooks.

Oh and nips, chinks and gooks all look the same even though you think you're all different from eachother.

Why are Chinese names so funny?

Tee hee.

I don't know about you, but trailer makes it look like America had it coming for over a decade by the time it happened.


Just like in the real world.

More like this

Why? The lore was fucked because something like that would never happen, they should just let it be what it is, or go full-on crazy with it, Red Alert-style. None of this realism shit.

Considering the droplets on her hair, user, I think that might just be rain or something…


All the pretty ones are likely members of the pleasure battalions (and yes, they are a thing).

They're increasingly running out of "bad guy" nations to use.



The country is starving to death

No way it would happen. Even if you ignore the whole N. Korea thing and replace it with China (who they're clearly drawing inspiration from), it still doesn't work. There's a reason why we haven't stepped into N. Korea, and why China hasn't done shit like step into S. Korea or try to take its disputed territories from Japan. The game implies the rest of the world doesn't exist. We have enough allies that even if we went poor for some unknown reason, people wouldn't just blindly watch our country get fucked over and invaded by a foreign force.
That shit happens to 3rd-world countries in Africa that no one cares about, not important countries. Or even formerly important countries.

Had Kim Jong Un look like an actor in a K-drama, though.

That's not what I mean, though. They're trying to draw inspo from China and make it seem 'realistic' like it's something that can happen. That shit's stupid.
If they wanted to 'fix' the lore, what they should have done was make it more ridiculous. Make it sound like a spiritual successor to Red Alert 3.

Looks better than 90% of modern vomit-camo trash.

Here's how I know you're a faggot.

You'd rather look fashionable than avoid getting shot.

bitch coward

Bullets have no concept of fear and courage. All they can do is smell the blood of niggers.

The majority of deaths are caused by artillery and bombing. If i'm gonna die, i want to die looking fabulous.

The point of camouflage isn't even to blend in with your surrounding, but to break up your shape. The human brain is trained to recognize human shapes even in things that aren't human.

Is the first Homefront even canon anymore?


the norks in homefront have always been china. its just that the chinese government has rediculous restrictions on portrayals of the chinese army, so homefront uses the norks as a euphanism for china.

IIRC, C&C generals could not be sold in china because it showed chinese soldiers being killed.

No, this one retcons the entire first game.

Watch the vid in the OP, it resets the history of the world to invalidate the first one. Silicon River and North Korea taking the place of China as the superpower that loans America all its money and more retarded shit.

The weirdest thing is, why go for USA? There's a reason why the last war yankees had on their own soil was Civil War: the logistics of a full-scale invasion across the ocean are absolutely ridiculous.

They did the same thing with the Red Dawn remake too, since the Chinese government bans any film or game where grorrious Middle Kingdom is depicted as the villain.

Ultimately resulting in bizarre scenarios where a unified Korea (under Nork control) manages to fuck America's shit up

A shit remake of a movie nobody asked to remake.

Git gud fagget

Is that why monstergirls are hot?


It was worth it to see Chris Hemsworth get shot in the head. Kinda.

War is hell.

you wouldn't say no if all four of them wanted to sit on your face and smother you with their soldier thighs

So don't sell it in China?

China is a big market. Too big to pass up for business men.

I'd say no

I'm gonna steal that.

Does China even play FPSes? I thought they were huge ASSFAGGOTs.

Even to this day the US has never pleased me with their camouflage choices. They do indeed look like vomit.

There's over a billion Chinese. I'm sure if even a small amount played FPS's it would still be a considerable amount.

Also it's not just China that prompts these changes. Pretty much any Asian country in mainland asia will censor if they feel like it, probably if they fall heavily into China's spheres of influence. South Korea censored the first Homefront out of fears that North Korea would get pissy, so, iirc, Canada was the one that ended up invading the USA in that game.


There better be Loss in there somewhere!

There we go, figured out the next camo pattern they can use:


There's no palatalization in ну you dumb piece of fuck

We kinda do

This game reminds me of that retarded movie

from the eighties.

Retcons are gay as fuck.

top kek
Next Homefront will probably be a world-wide Pinoy invasion

Well, CAD is a webcomic about copying patterns, so it might end up being extremely effective

Freedom Fighters did it better

The first game's story was claimed to have been written by the guy who did the script. Turned out that was a fake and used as a marketing ploy.

Canada occupying the US seems more likely than Norks, but still retarded.

Well the US has been beaten by Asians before.

The Korean war almost ended in disaster and Vietnam shook American society to the core.



(((North Korean.)))

Call it what it was: a soviet psyop.

I didn't know that.

In any case both Red dawn and Homefront ignore nuclear weapons. There are still a few hundred ICBMs sitting in silos waiting to go of.


Call it what it was: a Jewish plot.

Its what i don't get about their writing. US has always historically struck like a fucking truck in retaliation. The moment any sort of sizeable force were to even begin moving the Minute Men would be flying.


Never militarily though, usually due to moral, attrition and internal politics.

That the fuck are you trying to say you spaz?

iirc during the Cold War Russia said they would never use their nukes unless the USA did first, and the US's policy was that they would kill da urf if anyone nuked them. So the idea of there being no nuclear exchange is realistic for the 80s.

Yes user all the political turmoil and the economic crisis of the seventies was just a coincidence.

All this talk about nuclear exchange makes me want to play World in Conflict again.

He's implying Norks are a Jewish scheme or some shit
The ((( )))) is a google chrome extension that adds parenthesis over Jewish names and Holla Forums co-opted that.

What a tard he is then.

north korea didn't even steal shit, america just fucked up

Fucking educate yourself, you piece of shit.


It's just changed to "A certain country in the north" and all the nork symbolism is removed. Therefor, Canada.


Damn was hoping for a Canadian Moose invasion


You're an idiot. At least learn where a "meem" comes from before trying to explain it.
It comes from red ice radio or the daily shoah (some alt-right podcast anyway) in which the host would add echoes to jewish names as a way of not having to constantly point out they're jewish / a running gag.
That caught on in written form in their forums where they put the ((())) as a written echo around certain names.

Then someone made a browser extension that did that.

Also it's not "co-opted" bur "adopted" for what you're trying to say.

Polite sage for offtopic.

What this? What did valve do to Mountain Spade Warband modders in 2012?

Lol bump

Well the asians do own epic now

I just assumed it was from that browser extension because anons started using it on 8/pol/ suddenly.
I also assume it came from halfchan.


Gooks vs Stalkers

I like multicam

That's why Koreans are the shittiest of asians. Don't forget that they've no common sense.

Reminds me about the North Korea we got in the first Crysis

What the fuck was the world smoking back then to consider NK being a threat to anyone?

I guess because they were so secretive and there was nothing on them?

They were supposed to be chinese but got retconned so crysis could be sold in china.

Red Dawn backstory is far far far less retarded. It's still retarded, but it doesn't break any sense of reality.

The Soviet Union at the time had the means to pull of some invasion plans via it's extensive airborne troops (even today Russia still has a 40 000 strong full fledged light mech airborne, which is more than China) and marine troops (though how they would get past the US fleets and airforce is a mystery).

Assuming it's in winter they could have used their eastern forces to cross into Alaska via the Bering straight by making a reinforced ice bridge to move heavy gear (something the soviets did in WWII to break St Petersburg siege and most soviet vehicles were amphibious anyway).

Then you add they openly state that the EU states withdrew from NATO (as it's supposed UK didn't join the EU, so the soviet can fight America without worrying about the European front), most of central America is communist/socialist (the US did had to invade Granada and Panama, the whole Nicaragua thing) and finally overtook Mexico (which is not that far fetched either in 1988 it's fairly sure they actually won the election ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_general_election,_1988 )

So the attack is a mix of soviet shock forces (which existed and could have operated long distance) and Central American forces which aren't far from home.

Also the attack ultimately fails, because while the US army has withdrew, but is not defeated and still hold the east coast where most of the industries are.

It's kinda sad and funny at the same time that US was shitting on USSR with it's media at the time, but now everything must sold on the China's terms.

Yeah good luck on putting up a fight against a nation that you need to buy your stuff.

The original plot was even dumber. I will give you a quick rundown of it.

Second Oil Shock, motherfucker. You know, when the Saudis suddenly stopped selling their oil. I'm not even American and I know all this shit.

Read a fucking book instead of watching Olive Stone movies or whatever piece of shit you get your history from.

These NK girls turn me on as hell.

I'll praise the great lider just to have the chance of sticking my pee-pee on one of those commie cunnies


That's the thing in Red Dawn and lot of other media (the old Tom Clancy's for example) they don't shit on the USSR, despite openly painting them as the enemy.

They've got the whole "yeah they're commie and evil" but they're also just people worthy of fighting and honorable.

In Red Dawn the Russian character let go the US partisans, because he empathizes with them. In Tom Clancy Ryan has a Russian nemesis, which also let him go and is never presented as evil, just a patriot of his own country.

Meanwhile communists fighters, vietcongs, south-americans, are (rightfully) presented as scum, while soviet soldiers are only doing their duty towards their own country.

That's also what PC culture has done. You can't be mean to possibly powerful pressure groups, but there is no respect either…

Nobody is gonna make a new WiC were the soviets soldiers aren't bastards, just people…

How the hell did you unintentionally type that?

These retards could have asked North Korea for financing and made this game edgy as fuck

I hope there news of this game getting modded in best Korea.

In every game from now on, they should just change which country is the invader and see how long it takes people to catch on.

The character you're thinking of was an officer from the Cuban military, he wasn't Russian.