Hey Holla Forums

We wuz Holla Forums?

Now I get it.


is this the new LOL thread?

The thought that the original author of that comic might have made it unironically makes me laugh every fucking time

Ya know it's like, fuck it why not?

Can someone explain to me what the FUCK I am looking at here?

Mental illness. Plain and simple.


That thing is 100% unironic.





are fighting dreamers

You know what is sad? This show in particular is the shit that got a bunch of millenials to think niggers were anything more than savage barbaric niggers

Kangz have been around for a long time, it's just that the internet made their bullshit popular

Only you are.
fuck off to the ghetto, La'trine






top kek. I guess they did not like that Jamie fox spider man movie either.


Stupid nigger.

Nothing wrong with some peanut butter from time to time on toast or a pancake.


>as the US National Peanut Board confirms, "Contrary to popular belief, George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter.

All the lies you've been told
Baby, let me set you straight
What we did back then was great
You just don't know

Let me show you the past
So your future can look bright
If you walk into the light
If you see yourself

I've heard them say
That we wasn't even there
Baby, let me make it clear
We were the ones

If you pay attention
To what I'm about to show
There's no doubt that you will know
We were the ones

But peanut butter was invented by mesoamericans.it was used as a paste for toothaches or something.

…Does that work?

I don't know, I'm not an ancient Aztec Shaman man.
I did used to have an old guide the aztecs used to help with childbirth but that's long gone and I barley remember anything from it.

Why are there no Mormon (who invented far more than American blacks have) mad scientists in fiction?

What about Kang and Kodos?


The mesoamericans were also responsible for the culture and breeding of corn, chili peppers, pumpkins, and beans into their modern forms as well as a smattering of less well known crops. They also invented chewing gum and hot chocolate, actually pretty much chocolate in general. They also had some of the finest architecture in the Americas that in many ways rivaled the Old World and their art wasn't bad either. And a complex calendar and writing system too. As well as a nifty little ball game.
Also a catastrophic amount of human sacrifice both in quantity and in creativity every single month (all 18 of them) to prevent the sun from going out.

The mural in the picture you posted contradicts that.



Ancients were way better at sculpting than painting, so they were good artists just not good painters.

Ayo, hol' up.
So you be sayin'
So you be saying
Ayo, my mane.
So you be sayin'
That we finna be muthafuckin'
Kangs an shieet?

It's got a flying, fire-breathing snake and a dude in bling ready to club some nigger to death. What's not to like?

Like the Egyptians, their art was representative but not realistic. Compounding this fact is that their writing system was intensely pictographic. Many of their "murals" weren't simply paintings, they were also documents. It would be like drawing in ASCII art only instead of jumbles of random characters you wrote in full sentences describing the events in the painting, and also instead of using ASCII characters you used emojis.

The sacrificial rituals of each of the Mesoamerican civilizations get wrapped up in eachother too readily
The Aztecs sacrificed one person a month to bring rain for crops. The 10000 in one day event happened in desperate response to a drought
It was either the Mayans or Incas who did one a day to bring out the sun
It's often thought that the sacrifices happened in each city but the daily sacrifice was chosen from the whole empire

And if Quetzalcoatl was in power at the time, he just demanded a little blood so he could turn it into chulel (an odd term that defies translation. Something to do with life giving rain). Tezcatlipoca on the other hand demanded hearts


Mormons don't like fiction that can't reasonably fit in with LDS Canon. Tennis Shoes among the Nephites was pretty cool, but I've never seen a Mormon Villian.

Are we merely standing on top of a great wheel?

I am glad there are Aztec anons even on Holla Forums. You inspire me to get off my ass and continue my shitty cape comic that revolves around Aztec mythology, Necromancy, Proxy wars between gods and breaking free of destiny.

There's a book called Sky Knife that I read a long time ago that you might find interesting and useful for inspiration.

Yeah, Old World structures a thousand years plus older.
Don't forget that they killed off tall-height genes with their excessive rituals.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

user are you a Pedro by any chance?

No I'm an Ulster Scot with some Cherokee mixed in.

Reverse-eugenics, possibly the only idea worse than eugenic-eugenics, lol.

More interesting, I think, is the fact that they would mix between syllabary and logography entirely on a whim, sometimes even mixing the two in the same word.
Cacao could be rendered as "ka-ka-wa", or as a drawing of a cocoa bean, or as a cocoa bean with -ka-wa attached to it, in case you tried to pronounced it some other way, or thought it was a coffee bean.

need a Jimmy Neutron HD Blu-Ray remaster collection

Not a scientist per se, but In some continuities Obadiah Stane from Iron Man has a Mormon background.