HWNDU Discussion ContinuedHWNDU Discussion Continued

Lowkey this guy roasting Sam Hyde is great but he seems to be there to add fuel to the fire

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf is this?


This is awesome. Cheers everybody.

fuck off Holla Forums

tv is the best board.

this is so /comfy/

Is this /mu/ now ?

fuck off we're far from over cunt

IF anyone has information on this man please contact the SVU

Kill yourself, hes not gonna divide us

I tried posting there and it was full so I decided to make a new thread

how is SV so mentally fucking ill?

Series finale

No idea


This user beat OP by a few posts

Someone them request the song Jesus Walks when jesus comes back. It would be funny.


What will this day go down as in hwndu history?

i was fine with Enoch being there just for the lulz but now hes talking shit about my waifu. fuck him

Whites gathering, having fun, and not causing any trouble, SHUT IT DOWN.


Khaled you done good.

I really want to hang paper


And so it ends



its over.

just like that.










We won, season 2 finale was high energy

Season 2 was pretty fucking great honestly. Great finale


Is it over for good?


That's it.

What a way to end Season 2



So this is the season finale?


Was that Kike Enoch's kike wife with him at the end?

What's the reason it was shut down? Too loud?

please I hope they let Jesus in for the epilogue

There's a periscope up

Not even Kom Susser Todd for the ending, because fucking paper.

we NYPD comfy now

Great fucking season finale. Season 2 had it's ups and downs but ended strong. Good shit.


thanks for the link

link faggot

link pls?

Yes. This is why the cucks decided to go forward, because they were told it would be shut down if it is too loud.

Mission Status:

Wall Build


The forces of good and evil had a climatic battle, the universe couldn't contain it


Nigger, who the fuck uses periscope on the computer? Look up @jamessmk you retards.



tfw they are all going back to Jesus' to sleep on the couch.


Oy vey we can't let Holla Forums congregate past midnight who knows how many murders and rapes they'd commit oyyyyyyyyy

Reminder who's been censoring the right-wing side since this joke of an "art performance" started:





Here is one

Does this mean you're all going back now kikes?

We divided it for a second time. I am not tired of winning yet. Season 2 Finale has a wall built again like Season 1 Finale.

Agreed I don't think I could deal with Paper atm.

-> tfw Paper couldn't even shill his instagram



I'm just glad I was here for Season 2 finale, I missed S1's

He just traveled an hour for 2mins dancing around.

So this is the end of season 2, with the wall being rebuilt, just like the first season. I love callbacks to previous entries in a series




did someone get a cap of Spike doing the space cowboy point?


wtf you just spoilered the ending



how do you know it's the ending

Paper must be so assmad right now.
He drove 1 hour and he didnt get camera time

I'm just fucking with you famalam


periscope just freezes on my computer…


Periscope is shit

Heiled. G-ddamn those shrieking harpies were irritating.

See you Space Cowboy

Post your victory face


alright i got it

Any good movie suggestions anons?

Paperboy is a yogamaster.




This season honestly had my favorite people, guys. Some good from last season, and the good from this season like Leaf and '90s. Best season.














Someone should remind him that Hitler aspired to be an artist before a politician.



i can go back to my shitty life now


can I fap now?

It fucking amazes me how they keep saying "it's not an anti-Trump rally" and pass it off as art… WHEN IT CLEARLY IS AN ANTI-TRUMP RALLY. Those fucking passive aggressive leftys, fuck them. Big thanks to Jackie4chan, narutobro, Holla Forumsblart, Jesus (we missed ya tonight), and everybody else who made this stream fun. Cheers.





You have to go back.


Get shit on you fuckin human chia pet






Sorry, it's the name he was given.

I know that feel

He didn't even get one "hahaha paper yeahhh" in. He got shooed away before he could shill a single word.

By 4chan. He's not from 4chan. He's from here. Please kill yourself.

You have to go back. Jackie is not from cuckchan


I don't always just can't but when I can't I can't.

It's his name, get over it bud.


dont namedrop Holla Forums in public. so he was called jackie4chan


I liked Jackie Chanon

Periscope seems to work fine with MPV and youtube-dl installed on linux.

Go back to cuckchan newfag

I liked Kojima

Fuck off.

Duh. Nobody ever suggested we call him Jackie8chan.


Now that the dust has settled, who was best girl and why was it Brittany?

Message from Baganon to Paperboyprince kek

Awwww somebody's upset :( . You gonna make me go back? lmao

Azuka best girl.

He will be imprisoned for hate speech and international racial terrorism by the Trudeau regime.

Good night sweet prince.


This cunt is putting Leaf's info on Twitter.

he has to go back, rules are rules

Here we have Rosefags vs Aurorafags

is this your first time here, he's been called "Jackie4Chan" since the first night he spent down there, we all know he was initially from here, but this is still the name he somehow got, but also "Tojo" and "gookanon" if that doesn't trigger you

You stick out like a sore thumb cuckchan. Lurk for 2 years minimum, when you migrate here you are a newfag again

Report it and counter-dox.

Paperboy already shilling


Reported, I can't wait until Monday when you have to go back to school.

Like I give a shit. You're just butthurt that some guy you and I both don't know is named something that you don't like. Tough shit boy.

We've gone over this already.






He was called Gookanon and Tojo by us. 4chan called him Jackie4chan.

Azuka ( Rose ) vs Rei ( Aurora )
Who and why ?


I was calling him Kojima

Are their any good protest to watch?


On what authority is the name given to him though?
By whom?


Jesus is finally there. A tad too late.

Filed for later.

What did the leaf mean by this?

obviously Azuka has that hair so Azuka best girl

Does anybody have a webm of the high-energy milk chugging?

I wouldn't know what 4chan called him, but people here started to use that name pretty quickly, frankly I don't give a fuck what he's called and I wouldn't care if the phrase "4chan" appeared in whatever names he's called

Will we see Stolen Valor's smug faggot face tomorrow or will he finally be in jail?

Good Shit

People on the ground, Youtube, the wiki. It's his name. People here can get upset all they want, it's the name he was given. I highly doubt Jackie gives a shit one way or another anyway. Cheers everybody, we won the war tonight.

Guys since it's over can we have some Aurora posting? I'll love you Holla Forums if you give me some Aurora.

Someone make a thread on /baph/

Make this bitch regret trying to fuck with /ourboy/

What happened to millhouse

Embrace Rose



Is this her?

I just want cuckchan to lurk moar and stop acting like nigger refugees

Jackie himself cared, and asked everyone stop calling him that. Being called from cuckchan was the only thing that offended jackie in this series


The voice of god :o


Oh shit is that Jesus?

Fuck Rose. Aurora is my favorite.




Disregard I didn't break the link
It's (((Specialist Records Management))) for Transport Canada.


Nice, I missed him saying that

No, she lives in WA.






I don't get it. Is this his job? People hire him for that? Or is he just a pimp/pizza delivery guy?

/comfy/ storytime.

Brittany is the only waifu…


Why are you faggot shitting up the board?

So are we going to do anything about this?

peace one love

I dont know about you, it's sleepy time.

Didn't we name him Gookanon, or am I thinking of another gook. Anyway, cuckchan is cancer, what a retarded reddit tier name.


You are thinking right , we indeed named him Gookanon at first and Tojo , and Kojima

there is an actual thread with a non fag OP


m.facebook.com. book.com/kare.schille.7?fref=nf

Found her lads

She's a centrist that likes having fun. She's cute and playful. Most physically attractive too.


Mobile fucked the link

Paperboy confirmed neutral? He just admitted ot shilling /for/ us to the director by saying /ourguys/ weren't being rude or harassing them, but it (((they))) shut it down anyway due to noise.

Why ?

He's just looking for any excuse because he got BTFO minutes after he arrived. He lost (and has been losing for several days now) and will not admit it.

That's a throwaway account

best girl

Right, but he could have just said "OY VEY NAZIS RUINED OUR FUN", but he didn't.

Much shame

I dunno man, Paper is just in another dimension (I know, goes without saying haha), and the more attention he gets the more he loves it.

Is Venti a hateable character now? I keep seeing people mentioning that she fucks everything up

she was annoying for past few days, hogging the camera and screaming like retard, calmed down today though.

Fuck off, faggot. Aurora is and always will be the best girl. True beauty. Just look at those dick sucking lips and those blue eyes.

I don't know who initially wrote "TRAPS R GAY" in the back (that got Jackie in shit) but I heard somebody say that Brittany wrote it. I hope that's not the case.

4e593c might not be white himself, there have been precedents of non-whites posting on Holla Forums
(like Argentinians that think they're white)

She's an attention whore and a sperg but so far there is no evidence she's a shill and memespouts Holla Forums memes, so whether she is serious about nationalism or not who knows.

Lies. Periscope is garbage anyway.

bet she sucks alot of paper cock

gina is pure

No thanks. I'll take my blue eyed beauty.

I feel like she's a alpine

Why so mean to Rose when she loves you?


looks fucking /comfy/


Brittany did nothing wrong

Possible paperboy redemption arc in Season 3?

Hear me out.

During the middle and end of Season 1 he was shilling the "they wuz nazis narrative".

This continued throughout Season 2, and he seems like just another libtard shill.

But a night or two ago, leaf and milkvarg absolutely destroy him and drop some serious redpills.

Tonight, he shows up, we completely block him from speaking and just flat out cuck him, and yet he STILL tells the museum director and ALL OF HIS FANS ON TWITTER that we were just "having a good time" on a saturday night - and unlike previous times, doesn't shill the whole "they're nazis" thing.

Is it possible that we actually got to him? He was never overly leftist and just seemed like a shill for his personal profit (like venti, but on the left). Maybe hearing leaf school him actually got to him?


Fuck man, I was really rooting for that guy. Steve King is the only guy in Congress that we can truly call /ourguy/.


naruto stream


season 2 MCs

90s kid


plaid, spike and milkvarg deserve a place

Plaid and spike were more like gag characters, but yeah I knew I was forgetting someone and it was milk

Leafbro, Milkvarg and 90's kid, rest were supporting.

I threw up. Spoiler that pedo.

Anyone else watching the periscope?

link it



To be honest, they shouldn't sperged like that. Now the stream ended. God damn.

What happened? Did the crowd get too rowdy and the cops shut them down for being too noisy?

Dude you really don't belong here. We don't think that way, you sound like a high schooler trying to be cool. I say this with the intent to educate. Lurk more.

They broke the no white men gathering law, so they got shut down.

What in the fuck.



t. low test

Pedo redemption? No.

You don't think what way? Sexually about women? I can guarantee you if you work construction or something you'll hear talk like that.

Oh fuck they are calling paper

shit, I didnt catch Papernigger's number

Paper surprisingly I would classify as chaotic neutral. He's obviously in it for himself, the le ebul nazis narrative is just for retweets. SV is a better example of evil.


Who's this faggot speaking?

Same. I also rooted for Megan Berry to lose in Nashville. Nashville is lost for now.

SV is closer to redemption. Paper is too much of a dishonest nigger ("nazis spat on a baby that day").

Both have improved, honestly. Paper nigger seems to be embracing the memes more. Maybe just out of anger, because he's a dumb nigger, or he's giving in. Stolen Valor seems to be lightening up on the chanting and being less of an intrusive schmuck.

Holla Forums and normies confirmed only watching HWNDU for us.



SVs handlers just gave him new instructions and better drugs. Paper is just a retarded pedo.

Please spread this around anons. I will be compiling all the footage, but I need as many people with saved content as possible to get in touch with me.


I'm impressed, showing us the dance of his people

Do this right you fucking retard. You can rip the MP4 files directly every x hours, keep that in 720p as the raw archive. Save memes and clips separately


Check this one out:

then he would have to admit they got to him

it's clear he knows this
and you need to record live to avoid them deleting stuff

That's what I am doing, but there are still gaps in the footage here and there and my own archive isn't complete. I want to get raw MP4 rips from anons, especially during the times when the stream was getting shoahed by the museum and the VODs weren't getting saved.

lawful good
90s kid

neutral good

chaotic good
plaidman crew
sam hyde

lawful neutral
old astoria crew

true neutral
malcolm /x/

chaotic neutral

lawful evil

neutral evil

chaotic evil

Agree or disagree?

Omg Jesus just gets better and better!


thank you

OK this guy asking them questions is pissing me off

Pretty good. I'd put 90's in chaotic, leaf in neutral and bogdanon in lawful.

jesus and jackie really compliment each other

not really a hero/sidekick thing but they're more like equals


Rose faggots blown the fuck out. She's dating a fucking Puerto Rican mud.


I bet, he just wanted a easy life with more clothing options. He doesn't seem like the kind of to have ever loathed his penis.

is this the thread now?

no, this isn't a thread

it should be #174 but OP is a faggot

someone make a proper thread pls

don't be autistic

Oooo some chick just got told by the cops not to go in the lot.

ourguys inbound for final shot

I hear cop radios

honey trap: female:"I just need a little more information…" in seductive voice. :^)


who is this strange woman?


Cops were just telling that lady that the curator (Jason) went home for the night and doesn't want anyone going in the lot, that's why the barricade is up yada yada yadaaaa. I THINK they said the barricade might be down tomorrow if anyone else can confirm?

what is this autism?

what's her endgame?

what did she mean by that?

s-sieg heil?

I believe you are correct. The barricade will come down tomorrow. We'll see what season 3 has in store for us.

For us?
There's literally no one allowed there at all now, unless you think normies want to watch an empty patch of dirt.


also checked.

By the way, one meaning of "divide" is:
"To share (something) by dividing it. "
Well, maybe that's what "he will not divide us" means - they won't share their public space.

The fuck is with this chick

she's my favourite reaterd character

Some faggot moved Plaid, Spike, and Water into Cancer Crew on the wiki.


what the hell is with this lady?



also checked

gas that cunt

Okay sweet. Thought I heard that correctly. So Leafbro and Jesus said they might stop by tomorrow morning, let's hope that happens.

The wiki is maintained by discordfags who keep renaming every single character. I hope the user who wanted to keep an archive of the entire stream creates a full/pol/ wiki on his site.

Just use mute =D

Gott will es.

The seasons can only end when the wall is up.


Yeah, based leaf is leaving tomorrow night for canuckistan again. So they have time tomorrow.

I was definitely considering setting that up user. It'd be part of the archive so we can really go full autist on each episode and have proper summaries of everything. The archive will also help anybody that wants to make edits of the series or anything like that.


Honestly, this camera thing is fun. It's a public forum. We need more of these in the US. It's like Speakers' Corner in the UK.

So a case of cancer calling others cancer.

this guy is kinda annoying

not an artfag, just wanted to make this





We should as Shia to do more. This experiment was clearly fruitful.

Anyone have a list of their twitter handles? at least the ones who have it? Only know Britney and Nurutos

Saturday night in its entirety

Well the three of them do have their own chan site called cancercult.club, so it's not the most unfair label / categorization.

You are right. The guy is starved for praise. He's mentally ill, but he could be showered with praise and convinced to spend money on more stupid things :^)

This is the type of thing that can only happen spontaneously.


Sorry for the annoying shit with the periscope. I tried to give the people the answers they wanted for the countless questions they had.

You know you can use Holla Forums for testing! ==========

what's narutos

Hey 1776 man. Epic get etc.

You did well. I enjoyed it.


It's not fair to categorize them with scarf.

he's already DEEP in debt and is going to work in fastfood soon
he just doesn't have any money anymore which means he's not a jewish person

wtf is he even sperging bout?

welcome to Holla Forums fellow channer! Feel free to test out all of the functions!

Thanks for the heads up you fucking stupid cunt, but since when has saying gas the kikes been leftypol shilling? I just forgot that you need to use bold instead of redtext formatting when spoilering. So fuck off cunt.

hahaha paper nooo

fuck you faggot

I imagine Shia made this "exhibit" as a public forum for shitlibs, banking on their narcissism to drag them in front of a camera. The focus of repeating HWNDU keeps them occupied if they don't have an opening for conversation. It's open from the sidewalk so people can walk right in without feeling like they're entering a new space.
It would've been a perfect plan if not for Holla Forums.

/comfy/ music

Oh shit, I didn't realize scarfjew was categorized with them. That's fucking retarded.

it was a great DVD bonus featurette man

Do they know /ourguys/ are coming back?

/r/ song?

scarfjew is easily the worst character and in a category of his own.

Paperboy makes a song about Kek comming next days!!

Swollen coming in 2nd

Holla ForumsBLART

Was great. Better than the actually stream.

Can you guys hear the music?

Hopefully Paperboy makes a song about life in prison with the Podesta/Shillary crowd.

Nvm, found it.



Where are the rest of them?

cheers bro



why do these idiots keep turning away from the fucking microphone?

it was a good slice of life OVA

yes, but its a little quiet

HAHAHA yeah 2 mins of chimping out

Aren't literally 2/3 of them /ourguys/? They should both be aware of that.

Also Orangeflagmaskman gave an excellent patriotic speech earlier but needs to acknowledge the reality of the Jewish question.

However he seems historically educated and generally knowledgeable enough that he is likely at the point in his life where he has made up his mind on matters such as this.


sounds great when you're there

Comfy season 3 teaser trailer

where is 174?

Paper is periscoping now

The last person should play related when it's time to get some sleep.

good shit

I wish Blart was at the last supper, the only thing that wouldve made that better

noone cares

I'd pay to never have top watch him again

just got home, how much did I miss?


trips checked! #MAGA

pls no

quick rundown

/ourguys/ have chant battle with fags
(((museum curator))) calls cops
cops build wall


That's all for now

you missed the season 2 finale. It was incredible, it had everything - drama, action, romance, fanservice - easily the best episode of season 2

Thanks user, skipping thought the stream right now. Currently on noshirts



literally a wall

It's just so funny.



Is it true the rumors that Adam Ant was sent by the Bogdanoffs?

It's almost like seeing the cast at the end of a play. brings a tear to my eye

holy shit they put up the wall early. I'm truly sad that I missed this live. I hope all of you enjoyed this to the fullest.

Anyone got a link to season finale ED?

don't forget tomorrow is another day and another play

one last reeeeeee

Reminder 90's kid thought he was a girl

that reee brought a genuine smile to my face

What about Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei?

"This is what Democracy looks like!"

One more final


I know there will be a season 3 of some kind, but god damn this whole thing is making me so sad.

It was a fun time Holla Forums.

So what? many of us were at one point leftists.

It's not like he chopped off his dick or took hormones. He was misguided. The same way "trannies" would be misguided and come to their senses if their idiocy was not actively encouraged.


Kek that was funny, at least he didn't have parents destroy his life


pardon the samefagging but yeah, I have an hour to catch up before the stream resets and I have too. Havn't fapped in 7 days and went to a wake tonight for my best friend. I'm drunk and i need this. I forgot the point of this post but i remember it involved

love all of you, Shadilay

Ourguys call paper now, he's saying Brittany is ugly and called him a nigger.

doesn't he realise she's black?

Now that the dust has settled, who was best OTP and why was it Jackie x Jesus?

It was a good show user, I hope there's some highlights for you to wake up to. Milkvarg went hard after the barrier went up, but it was all off camera (redpills galore). Sorry to hear about your best friend, cheers.

She called him a dindu nuffin not nigger

Leaf, Varg,

anti britt fags BTFO

They're so spergy tardy. Yet somehow lovable.

can there b a season 3? jackie, jesus, leaf, blart, and more have said this was gonna be it. maybe the best thing we can do is tune out and crash HWNDU's view count. Unless Shia returns, then we come back full force

A typical SoL then.



sry, they have to be gased in the fourth reich but I still love them

I'm kinda sad I'm not there.

Concentrated autism works.

This show needs to go nationwide. Holla Forumstv 24/7 from sea to shining sea.


How is it having no friends user?

Someone better make a documentary from all this footage

The only white kid in the group is a fag who thought he was a girl a few years ago.

I'd watch this reality TV program. I'd mute it a lot, but I'd watch it.


eh less stupid questions to answer

Is he gay?

90s kid is an awoken former liberal. Nothing wrong with that


You can't hold someones pre red pill life against them.

Make your mind up

Does someone has the roman salute screenshot?

That said, he said a lot of kids have weird feelings through puberty and parents letting them make drastic decisions at that age is bullshit.

HWNDU Illustrates that Holla Forums's will is stronger than our enemies to a point where we can outlast and shout them down IRL. And we're not even front line street soldiers, that would be the Identity Europa guys. Our specialty is psyops, information gathering and dissemination, and memetic propaganda. Our desk jockies can beat their men in the streets.

We also proved that our propaganda is so insanely powerful that we have a fuckton of non-whites agreeing with us and taking up the cause of white survival. And never even intentionally attempted to convert them.

top 5 best looking male characters (no homo)

Who isn't in this environment, if you were politically aware during GWB you were a liberal, Obama was the one that changed that because non retards could see what a hypocrite he was and the blue pill was fucked up.

i kinda got it.

You forget the best part we had to play by THEIR arbitrary rules. We weren't allowed to control shit, and had to adapt everyday to their new tactics. Imagine if you got to set the rules, or disregard them altogether?


jewfro is extremely attractive imo

raw, unshaped truth isn't really propaganda user


Welp, it was a good journey. I think the shows over. For me at least. Was here since the first episode, great ups and downs. All good things must come to an end. It was a stunning victory, god bless you all – soon we will all experience this fellowship. For now, the long mental war lives on.

Godspeed and goodnight.

I would settle with sterilization. They're pretty cool.

TRS, identity europa etc they were all pretty buff and arguably the shock troops of the right atm (veterans included). These guys going down just shitposting are pure psy-ops and propaganda and it is beautiful.

HWNDU has one of my favorite anime endings tbh.

Nein. Die Endlösung!

Beautiful considering how obvious the star of david is on that wall.

5. 90's kid
4. Stickers Bro
3. JIDF user
2. Spike
1. Jesus

any gems?

as long as there are fags like sv and paperpedo around, /ourguys/ will remain. the faces may change, but they all share an end goal:

shut it down

I will get shit for saying this, but it's possible we are growing to understand that it's our ideology that is most important, and people who genuinely share it will always be our friends. As much as we hate Kike Enoch for claiming to be white and pure and hating kikes, despite being one and being married to one, we can like people like Jesus and Based Leaf for being honest about themselves and still being pro-white and honest in their quest for the truth.

No user, it's the best and most powerful type of propaganda.

You better send me them noodz Leaf.

I feel bad for them, they're cucking out their own race to fight for the interest of another one. There is nothing more important than blood, otherwise you're no better than a civic nationalist.

Blood is the key element here. They're good people, but they don't fit into the world they want to create ironically. It's sad but it's true. They realize the truth we all know here, but that truth is not theirs.

Eh ehm, you mean total solution.

Since Redpill Ken is pretty much a lone wolf, at least we can guarantee him for Season 3.

anyone got a screen of the group hug?

5. Real Human Beanue
4. 90's kid
3. Varg Milkman
2. Volksgrenadier
1. Jesus

I thought it was "white countries for white people" user

In this battle for now, its necessary we all defend each other. Not civic nationally, but to argue for their right to their own nations etc. Only for now.

Nigger, if you want whites to be elevated to their prime, and support National Socialism, you support the domination of the white race. Until our population wakes up it's nice not to be genocided however. And I support that line of thought. Everyone should be able to live in their own countries, whites, asians, whatever.

That doesn't mean Whites can't dominate the world once more.

we just need to make a city state somewhere for redpilled anons only. so that we can chill, shitpost, and not have to gas them.

It's final solution and "Endlösung" in german.

the mexican kid said he got doxxed by antifa and someone on the stream said there's a warrant out for brittany arrest because of the chalk thing so thats why she looks angry/sad

also jesus is doxxed so tomorrow might be his last appearance

Chalk is illegal?


It's private property.

People gotta stop worrying about being doxxed. It's time to stand by your beliefs proudly.

I would be finished financially, my partner too.

I disagree. Is it wrong to want France to remain French? For Europe to stay European? For America and Canada to be majority white and Christian? Is it wrong to want Japan to remain true to their own traditions? No. They know who the enemy is, they know they will be used, they will be next. They are aware enough to know they don't want to be used as pawns, as slaves. They know what good white society has brought to the world. There is nothing wrong with non whites supporting our ideals. What is true for us is true for them and their kind as well.

Found the gay.

It's horseshit that Stolen Valor peed on the museum itself but /ourguys/ get in shit for some chalk.

someone said it but im sure the cops didnt care

Does ebaums even still exist?

It's funny, you can still see the chalk if you look closely enough.

cuckchan meme…bretty gud



I think you're thinking about this too much man, trying to divide a world made of water like it's made of blocks.

In a world with balance restored there's no need to fight tooth and nail to preserve the white race because it will already be preserved and fruitful, with white countries majority white. Race relations will be normal, as in tense and strict in some areas, and loose and relaxed in others.

The world is organic, if we're moving in the right direction these things will resolve themselves. This board and community, across both chans, is "contrarian" only in the sense of being against both evil things and literally wrong things.

For emphasis; once Trump fixes this country to a significant degree and a stronger more objective major political party emerges on the right, Holla Forums will move towards that direction.

We should always strive to be correct based on our core values, such as racial preservation, not fanatical and illogical like the modern left.

HAHAHA good eye. That's hilarious. Fuck you Jason Eppnik.

That's why this mentality is so addictive. Every day there's a new set of rules put out by shitlibs. Rather than a new thorn in our sides, it's another puzzle to be solved.
How do you exploit the rules?
How do you use the rules to boost your message?
How do you turn the rules against your enemies?

When Trump said we'd get tired of winning, he meant that we would control the establishment and have to start playing DM all the fucking time.

Amazingly enough, the answer is apparently yes.

I'm just waiting for daylight, it'll be REAAL visible by then.

Unless if the first thing Jason does when he arrives tomorrow is to wipe it up. God I hate that guy…

replace moonface and larbtard kevin smith with milkman and vampirebro

Same here.

Today was a great day. Also, Swollen Valor is a based kid. Broke out of his shell real quick. He even confronted Stolen Valor off camera and SV shook his hand.

I've been gone for a few days, I think Wednesday was the last day I watched the stream. Can anyone have a list of highlights?
I just started the stream and the area is completely fenced off now?

meant for this >

You don't think they should be trying to bring their own race up instead of relying of the good another race has brought to the world? They know fully well whites will dominate the globe if we wake up once more. I'm not saying I don't want to accept their help, I'm just questioning their motives. It's more than just x country for x people. They don't think that the things they support will inspire white people to some form of imperialism in the future?

I think it's more than that though. This is all more than just preserving the white race's birth rates. At least I'm in it for more than just that. I want to see 1930 again. I want the white race to be bigger, better, and stronger than ever before.

What do you expect from a ex-SA goon

I'm excited for this stream in the next few weeks, this winter is going to be warm.

Paperboy made a song called Praise Kek that he just played on his periscope and is now making a song called Milk is Racist.

He's confirmed neutral and also confirmed the biggest shill to date. He's literally only interested in the winning side for personal profit.

he also hates leafbro and said he was a "tiger woods with an afro"

ah shit nigga, tonight was the season finale.

Wait for archive-bro to setup his site, I think the address is going to be hwndu.xyz, but I'm not sure.

not possible, there's so much


Winter is almost over

Brit attached at the hip to 90's kid. He's slaying her.





Perhaps the role for redpilled non-whites in the US is to ally with whites in helping their respective racial communities to realize the same truth and become race realist themselves, and foster in them a desire of a nation for themselves.

Holy fuck I love it.

This shit is great with the pics, but I wanna see a drawfag recreate this. That'd be fucking awesome.

btw did we ever figure out Dr.'s endgame?
Did our guys save him from going full beta uprising at school?

It's already up. www.hwnduarchive.xyz

SSL isn't working yet but I'll work on that tomorrow. Just need footage for now, please e-mail if you have any raw rips from livestream.com or VOD files. I have a ton of stuff already but I'd rather have redundant content to filter through than potential gaps.

Someone went too deep into the gay roman shitposting.


sex tape, when?

Cheers fellas. Hope to see you guys back sometime soon.

you both will be forever remembered

Thanks for entertaining us.

No thank you for confronting Stolen Valor! You are the best character of this show!

Godspeed. It was a riveting finale.

Kek confirms.



"There's a D in there… like your ass" - JTB

Love you guys
hwndu exile reunion when?

That's something achievable if you strive for it, but exactly why should that affect then Men and Women who showed up to this event, irregardless of ethnic composure?

Imagine a world with a 100.00% white Europe with strong borders that leads the world militarily, intellectually, industriously, etc. Perfectly balanced ecosystems too, with 0.00% degeneracy through a solid propaganda system. This is the dream of some. So, exactly why should this get in the way of those that live outside of that system? All nature to take it's course.

Imagine if land and space could be generated; which might virtually be the case when we start colonizing outside the earth. Would you have an issue if say multiple ethnic groups created a civic nationalist nation, not affecting your continent or utopia in any way?

I'm not changing my mind on this one. Too many other merchant minorities to pretend it's just the Jews.

This is my position on Jews and why so many are elite. It's not just a "coincidence" like Enoch said. He's literally retarded. Anyway, you'll notice that most "elite" Jews are Ashkenazi, Eastern European/Central European. During the Middle Ages, Jews were often disallowed from owning property, and their position as Jews allowed them to serve as bankers and merchants and take advantage of usery, unlike Christians. This meant that there was a biological, evolutionary push towards being intelligent, calculating, good with numbers, etc. Because the Jews who were the best bankers and merchants could support the largest families. This meant that the Medieval/Renaissance legal system pushed Jews towards high IQ, study, etc. (Take a look at Asia's test-taking bureaucracy for similar evolutionary pushes). In a world no longer dominated by landowning warriors, but by number-crunchers, politicians, and academics, a tribalistic society which has literally been bred to be good at these kinds of things would succeed.

Jews are tribalistic. That's obvious. But take a look at the Chinese in Malaysia if you want to see a similar situation in a non-Western society.

Part of my experience forever, I love you guys.


The Chinese are not visibly in positions of clear unapologetic and untouchable influence in the United States.

These other minorities you mention aspire to the level of subversion that Jews enjoy now and have enjoyed throughout their entire existence dude.

It was an honor shitposting in the meatspace with you guys. I said twice on camera but I'll say it again anyway: Get out and networks anons. You don't need a fucking camera and a kike celebrity to meet up. Get out there. Change the fucking world.

naruto is best girl

See you on west my friend.

jesus dispensing pills

I feel as long as my race can be self-determinate and reach it's full potential, I don't care if non-white nations exist. But if we decide that civic nationalist nation needs to be invaded, so be it. They shouldn't take it up the ass from us, they should fight for their homelands with everything they have.

And of course you run into the issue, much, much later down the line of space. I won't talk about that really since the circumstances might be totally different by the time that rolls around.

Yes. But they ARE in Malaysia.

Western European culture dominates the globe and seeded the United States. Jews were the merchant culture of Europe.

read the fucking wiki that's way to long to recap

I'm done for the night. It's been fun so far.


Thanks to you, you magnificent bastards!

His mother is an American woman. She doesn't have to wear hijabs.

having problems turning this into a webm

Then our focus, especially for our European brothers, is pushing for a white domination of Europe, and pushing the shitskin hoardes out to their respective Nations, or even the sea if necessary.

The Truth at this point is that America is destined for civic nationalism, that's what rule under Trump is. That's his entire platform, and that's another big factor for why you see such a diverse crowd willing to show their face there.


p.s. can you shoutout mai waifu marion le pen, even though she's a single mom?

season one will forever be the best because it was suspenseful and we didnt know if our guys can defeat the shills and they did.

we didnt know if jackie was on our side and jackie had to make it clear he was one of us while green goblin was stalking him and interrogating him

the same thing with naruto where he was just an user who wanted to meet an eceleb and jackie had to tell him to stop being a pussy.

these characters developments were fascinating to watch and wasnt scripted.

its all downhill from here
season 3 is gonna be more of a remake and more people like scarfjew and trs trying too hard and making us look bad but hey, maybe milkman will become the main character and shitpost with the new characters.

I just woke up, the last thing i remember is the bg guy with the american scarf on cam. Did anything interesting happen after that? Why is the fence back?

Stream reset in a couple minutes.

America is really a chaotic force, yet where it goes, the world usually follows. America has the potential to swing very far-right, but it's type of National Socialism would definitely have strong trends towards more liberty and freedom than not.

According to one of our guys, Mike Enoch and Rochard Spencer are encouraging their guys to make a pilgrimage to the gravel pit so season 3 is going to be horrible.

to be fair scarfjew was high/drunk as shit apparently that night from asking. he was far more tolerable tonight.

it was also freezing cold, windy, and no one could stand staying out there as long


It got crowded, a bunch of people got shirtless and drank milk and did pushups, museum director called cops and asked them to shut it down due to noise. It wasn't really out of control or anything just dominated by our spergs

This happens every night at 4 AM

Welp, tolerant lefties have an opportunity to taste their own medecine now.

aaand we're back.

Honestly the Museum cunt must have no fucking life. I just don't understand how some dudes talking and night can twist your ass hair that much.


For a bunch of people that claim to appreciate heritage and culture, they sure seem dead set on stealing everything we do that is great, claiming it as their own, and then shit-talking us and trying to force us to adopt their cucked ideology.

I guarantee he was excluded to every high school party ever.


Your saging is annoying mr. compiler.

Considering his focus on the internet this is probably his idea and is some kind of study. He probably works with some other organizations and is looking to subvert internet culture because they see it falling out of their control


Hover over the link. Not saging. E-mail me if you have stream content.

The brb meme was a early interwebz meme

reminder we scared away the shills off, shills like ali dont go there anymore or as much as they used to. its almost an empty space with 3 people chanting he will not divide us

it made it easier for them

Have /ourguys/ said their final goodbyes? ;_;

we'll see user, we'll see

certainly thats the overt plan, but I'm sure that bannon and trump both know the impact of the 1965 INA, the anchor baby ruling, etc.

anyway, the stage is set for a civil race war, and the demographic noose is tightening. if war breaks out with the spics and/or the blacks, people will have to choose sides

tune into the stream.

dunno about malaysia, but in general, i trust macdonald's judgement on that

Both the Jews and the Overseas Chinese are highly intelligent
and entrepreneurial, but the Overseas Chinese have not formed a hostile
cultural elite in Southeast Asian countries, where they have chiefly settled,
and have not been concentrated in media ownership or in the construction
of culture. We do not read of Chinese cultural movements disseminated in
the major universities and media outlets that subject the traditional culture of
Southeast Asians and anti-Chinese sentiment to radical critique, or of Chinese
organizations campaigning for the removal of native cultural and religious
symbols from public places.

The following passage describing the political
attitudes of the Overseas Chinese in Thailand could never have applied to
Jews in Western societies since the Enlightenment:
But few seem to know or indeed to care about the restrictions on
citizenship, nationality rights, and political activities in general, nor
are these restrictions given much publicity in the Chinese press. This
merely points up the fact, recognized by all observers, that the overseas
Chinese are primarily concerned with making a living, or amassing a
fortune, and thus take only a passive interest in the formal political life
of the country in which they live.

After it was shut down they went to a restaurant for a few hours and streamed via periscope, which was cozy, several of them got doxed during that timeframe, then most of them came back to the main stream for awhile.

The wall will probably come down tomorrow.

might be new characters

spencer is ok, anyone who disses him can't claim to be pro-White

90's kid is balls deep inside Brittany right now.

Yeah, they sat next to each other at the restaurant too.

I hope so she needs a good dicking.

Fuck me, the stream is 404ing all over the place with youtube-dl. livestream.com worst streaming service

Same here

Does anyone else feel bad for the anons being doxxed, especially Jesus.

That's on purpose. You should use the bash script, it takes care of that for you

I'm not sure it matters really.

The problem is that they want to coopt our shitposting. It doesn't work for them since they draw in fucking violence while our shitposting generally gets people curious.

Wasn't Eppink. This was an older stuck up kike. Real douchebag.

Museum director must have been jewish, doesn't want the goyim improving themselves

cops just rolled in

I have a script for it, but youtube-dl itself just keeps 404 erroring out and then it has to start over, and it loses video during that time. It's annoying as fuck since I'm trying to save everything, gaps in the video make me autistically screech.

omfg I am a dumb shit I should have known.

gossiping like teenage girls, pathetic


oh yeah, there is always a bit lost even if you catch the stream as soon as it comes back up



To be honest I feel more bad about so many /ourguys/ being banned or otherwise out of the picture and that the fun times are essentially over in their current form.

don't pretend like you wouldn't want someone cute to sit next to as well

top kek, it's okay user.

yeah i wish there was a way to make youtube-dl rewind to the beginning of the vod and grab all the segments from there, but I can't figure out how to make that happen. It's using ffmpeg to do the actual decoding and ffmpeg by itself still won't rewind to the beginning properly. I fucking hate livestreaming shit for this very reason, it's all obfuscated with javascript bullshit and is in no way straightforward.

Motherfuckers on cuckchan fully doxed jesus, his first and last name are on there now. Hopefully he's realized that posting there is a fucking mistake.

This is how I've noticed it works with these guys:

so the dox is from discord right?


Is it right that the original guy just released photos or something, like that's fine? I guess others used that info to make the final step

So what can we expect from season 3? I predict a HWNDU sex tape and David Pakman doing a show like Crowder.

can't tell because you fucking retards never give out discord links because of le sekrit club but right now it's all over 4pol

youtubers like jontron or h3h3
more alt right fags
more alaska and chowder
more redditors
maybe antifa


waifufags doxxed rose for more pictures of her
fags doxxed jesus because hes so cool

like jared taylor, peter brimelow and kevin macdonald?

Is the current guy doing a my wife's son LARP? Or is he really a blacked.com normalfaggot?

Who knows how they found Jesus. It probably wasn't all that hard, he dropped a lot of hints while he was on cam which was kind of stupid. But it's still bullshit that cuckchan is going through everything and posting it on there.


always quality content on the wiki

did jesus/leaf/our /gook/ leave?

This speech is absolutely civic

What's this guy on about?

god this pozzed oildriller is fucking boring

I'm so fucking glad to see this TRS 1488 guy back among the "team". Glad he showed up again. Hope he drops some serious pills.

You mean the civic nationalist cuck that is speaking?

I would actually be ok with that. I don't really know what to expect of them and considering so many of /ourguys/ are out it might be fun in some way or the other. Even when it's just laughing at them if they turn out to be total retards.

I mean the ginger bearded guy in the cap with glasses who was full Heil Hitler on the previous Saturday stream. He's fucking legit, man. Different guys.

Yeah the guy in the black hat with the glasses on the left side, the one that isn't talking. He was doing pretty well on the season 1 finale.


He's right but he's wrong at the same time.

Is Jesus falling asleep hahah

He's speaking now, about America and your voice and whatnot. No matter how he presents his argument from a civic nationalist perspective to convince others he is 100% 1488 and Heil Hitler, he was one of the few people to go full NatSoc on stream last time, drunk or otherwise. He's legit. He's also an incredibly good debater and master of rhetoric, he was redpilling Aurora. I really respect this guy. I didn't when I first saw him, but now I know the game he's playing.

Fuck, that's right. I was trying to I.D. him, I remember him trying to talk to the cultists near the end of Civil War day.



I think he's more upset about getting doxxed.

End the end it's better to change many minds that reinforce the beliefs of a few.

The guy in the fur-hood with the NYY cap and glasses is not the guy who said he was married to an Afghani or whatever the fuck. This guy is from TRS or wherever along with the guy who said he was Polish and tired of being called a Nazi and who called Bjorn a faggot for 2 minutes. This guy is legit.

Why now though? The only people watching are Holla Forums users addicted to the stream, not open minded internet users

He must also be getting tired too. It's almost 5am there.

man i fucking love this guy, i hope he comes back for season 3

you lost, haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

One thing that often annoys me is that it's hard sometimes for /ourguys/ to go full 1488 on normalfags, but normalfags have no problem being as disgustingly civic and normal with their opinions and it's hard to tell them to shut the fuck up. I think it's because we know how uncommon and outlandish our opinions might seem even though we're right, but normalfags believe (and are somewhat correct) that their weak ideology is accepted by everybody. Their biggest risk is getting into a disagreement with a bernie supporter, ours is being completely doxed and outed as white supremacists.

Like the oil driller guy that was talking before. I really want Leaf and Jesus to call him out on his bullshit.

Didn't he already pull like 3 all-nighters?

He is capable of playing the civic nationalist game to drop covert easy to swallow redpills while also being full 1488. Don't doubt this guy's authenticity. I know I sound like a shill but he's legit.

He was literally on the frontline on the first Saturday redpilling random leftists standing at the front right to the right of the camera shaking hands with leftists convincing people. Then 10 hours later he was literally Sieg Heiling while guys like BakedAlaska shrunk away from what he was doing. He intimidated Urkel and that flower power white wigger who has the poofy hair.

I just now realized why he's being referred to as oil driller, i was thinking he had been exposed as an actual oil driller.

Wtf? Did Jesus get doxxed?

See you later friendo

I hope we see Jesus again one day. This is a bit of a sad end to his saga.

Yeah cuckchan did it.

Doxxed and thats why he's not high energy anymore.


Well done, halfags.

I bet the episode tomorrow will be somewhat slow due to Superb Owl. I don't even watch TV but I often have to watch that event due to social obligations.

Leaf on his way home.


sounds like tomorrow show is cancelled

discord fags are doxxing everyone antifa got into it

There's no way season 3 will live up to the first 2

Rest in peace sweet prince
He was too good for this world

Big surprise considering majority are 4cucks and 4cuck Holla Forums is almost entirely a literal leftist enclave with leftist janitors and moderators.

Price they pay as regrettable as it is.

Oh great, Jesus is gonna hide now cause he got doxxed. God damn it. Some people just have to ruin stuff for everybody.

exactly how do you know this?

he has

implying anyone can't post there or here

im pretty sure he doxxed himself on periscope talking about his wrestling clothes
blame discord tho

Police acting like they are looking for somebody

Can someone post that drawfag pic of the user reminiscing about his days on the boards? I can't find mine and it's exactly how I feel right now.

it's obvious from the viewing numbers, the time, and the fact that no-one else wants to see nazis shouting over a fence to a microphone 10ft away

Probably brittany, they have a warrant for her address.

hope someone is recording the john the baptist speech

oh, there is a label on the numbers showing they are all Holla Forums?

you don't have a fucking clue and neither do I. even if you had all the IPs you couldn't tll which were Holla Forums users and which not


God damn cops going crazy around there


He's doing a reading of stoicism, its good. Stoicism is a good practice

you made me kek

I'm about to cry

Jesus got doxed? Someone needs to tell kids. ==Never put your shit on the interwebz==

Who ever edits the season 2 finale, after John just said "Good night" there, you need to get a credit scroll going with sad music playing in the background.


It's true, 4chan taught me that valuable lesson when I was younger, never post your info, it can and will be found
A shame more kids nowadays don't get that and actually embrace putting their lives online for others to see

Yep, they probably ruined the chans for him too, fucking faggots attacking one of /ourguys/

Eh, sometimes it's better to be open for some people, depends on the person.

A portion of the reason I became a recluse for so many years was because I refused to adopt social media, if I had, I likely would've kept in contact with others and made more connections.

Jesus strikes me as the outgoing cool guy most people like to be around, an intelligent extrovert, not putting himself out there might be a bit unhealthy for him.

lefties all tune in at the exact time /ourguys/ show up? sure makes sense. you'll covert the world to nazism at 5am

Oh man, that silence…

how do you know it was one of /ourguys/ that doxed him, and not some smelly anti-White faggot?

some people just watch for the drama

you might be right, but you have no way of knowing, so it's just supposition

rip this series

jesus did a big fuck up by saying too much information and everyone found it easily



What? Why he was cool

Curator blamed the "Traps are gay" sign on him and banned him.

I'm conflicted about whether or not I want this to continue. On the one hand not having a lot of the guys would leave a bittersweet taste, but on the other hand I've become very attached to these anons that just decided to show up to Shia's stupid art project on a whim… Fuck me.


Yeah he took the heat for whoever wrote that on the museum concrete (it's rumored to be Brittany).

He should still be able to stand on sidewalk

Now he just has to come back in disguise, easy enough since all chinks look the same to nonchinks

Based asian taking the heat for his friends so they can continue, I respect that

Curator secretly wants to be the pretty girl.

I don't think he's going to cross half the city to stand on the sidewalk user
he probably got tired and decided to take an heroes way out

This is excellent work user.

Yeah, I wish I knew who really did it. I guess it doesn't matter now. I just remember the crowd was chanting "IT WASN'T JACKIE! IT WASN'T JACKIE!" What a bro.

Well, either way traps R gay

And I'm sure the museum wants to shut down any property damage no matter how minor but some chalk is literally nothing compared to when antifa show up to injure somebody which is practically guaranteed if this stream stays live

it's a fucking word salad

I'd also like to mention that Stolen Valor literally pissed on the museum on stream 2 days ago, but he gets a pass. It's such bullshit.

I kind of wonder why we got cop cars searching around right after /ourguys/ left tonight? I'm thinking possible ambush but of course could just be coincidence

Isn't that property damage?

and I don't mean cops ambushing them

was thinking the same tbh. they might have gotten bombs threats or some shit

Here's the pic I was looking for. This is how I feel right now.

This was some Gonzo-Style shit. Maybe people in our circles will talk about it for years to come
or probably forget about the essence of it pretty fast, like it is the case often enough. The sheer mass
of deep-rooted information is easily lost, most-likely not even understood by many who have witnessed
it as it happend.

Just another happening in the long history of modern life. Either way, I'm happy how it all turned out.


Hopefully they'll revisit at some point once the no fun allowed museum director forgets their faces

well, he's a bit of an attention whore anyway, no harm in some publicity for his wrassling and whatever other shit he wants to do

I dunno man, it's on camera, and has cops right there. pretty sure NY has plenty of cams too. they would be identified fairly quick if they did any violence

also, attacking a few weebs isn't good for their image

maybe they wont but they've commited violence on video many times recently. You can pretty much assume in any gathering in a city that you're on video but they still curbstomp people anyways

What's gonna happen now ;_;

some fag pickpocketed venti right in front of the camera and almost got away with it, but got caught because he's a fucking idiot
they literally don't care and will do anything violent

I don't think we know that

Pulled off the gravel. Same as before. Police were no longer /ourguys/ and sided with Museum.

Can Someone give thw full stream of what happened?

Police will always side with property owners when asked, it's the role they take most seriously. If you've ever worked in a business with a security system and accidentally the keypad and triggered it, and seen how fast they arrive, you'll realize they are there mainly to protect property tax payers

let's not forget that 60% white leaf has to go back to canada tomorrow


Beside that, this museum probably (hopefully) had to pay for extra police presence, regular cops are often also rentacops

It's still absolute bullshit because we've had cops that would be on our side before.

The museum pays property tax, although they do it with other tax and bullshit money that's beside the point


Yeah, they're still public police and are supposed to respect your rights. I'm just saying that when an owner of a piece of property tax paying real estate (especially if larger than a home) asks for police to do something, they are quick to respond.

What happened?
Why wall?


Did I forget anyone?

too much noise and rowdiness
stuff written in chalk - vandalism
the built the wall, kicked everyone off
now they're all getting doxxed

cops are cops, they have to do their jobs when law gets infringed
you can't just go around vandalizing private property because you suspect cops to be "on your side", should've used the chalk on the sidewalk instead

Cold /K/haled is probably not gonna come back much. But he might go out on our behalf if shit is happening on stream.

If you're reading this Cold Khaled, e-mail me at the address in my post. Looking for any video or images you might have taken and would be willing to contribute to the archive. I'll keep posting about this periodically.

So, wait, what happened with Jesus? I'm seeing a picture floating around the other thread where he talked about student film favors?

did Jesus say he isn't coming back?

He said he "was gonna lay low for a while" ;_;

dont worry, when shia labeouf returns, we will be back with good feeds

true, not saying it can't happen, but I just think there is something wrong with hwndus for antifa to go big. perhaps it's the division mesage. might even be the fact that /ourguys/ can't be cowed and are unapologetic. antifa prefers to bully the defenceless. people who aren't nazis/WNs but who they can claim are, not actual ones

maybe, but normally the antifa thugs target things they can protest against, a dozen multicultural pro-Whites might confuse them

On a moral stand point you definitely did the right thing, by not backing down, but I think you should have listened to
the Trump quote that 90's read an hour before: "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war."

When Valor said "Because I would kill you" you should have turned around and told the story to the cops.
How he threatened to beat you up and when you confronted him how he doubled down.

Of course that's easy for me to say, looking on it back.

So far we basically only got an egging but if it goes on for a long time I bet there's more. Think about how so far the BLM type protests have been muted since Trump took office (yeah, we got Berkely and some stuff right before he took office). If something large started in NYC like previous nationwide BLM protests, and the stream is still going with Holla Forumsacks there, how could it not go bad?

I don't think this is over unless the camera is turned off.

*looking back on it
fug I need sleep


vampirebro is out of ny but not sure hes gonna return to the stream after what happened

I'm gonna go have a smoke and head to bed anons. Curious to see where things go tomorrow.

I am assembling an archive of all the footage and trying to eliminate any gaps in the stream that we can. I need as much saved content that was ripped directly from livestream.com at 1280x720 resolution. I have most of the MP4 VODs from the site itself, but I'm missing all of the content that was removed when they were fucking with the stream. Any missing pieces will need to be found somehow.

Also, please keep recording the stream if you have been doing it, or consider starting to archive it yourself if you haven't yet. There are always small gaps when the stream fucks up, and youtube-dl or ffmpeg sometimes gets stuck and stops capturing. We need redundancy to make sure we don't lose any footage.

Any other content is welcome as well, whether it's ripped Periscope streams or just photos taken at the event (i.e. not photos of the stream, but pictures taken by anons on-site).

hwnduarchive.xyz is where it will end up. SSL is not working right now for some reason, I'll fix that tomorrow. Thanks for your help anons.

he got doxxed and student film projects he was in are getting posted
there are a bunch of shills on cuckchan trying to pass HWNDU off as a psyop or some bullshit and saying /ourguys/ are all paid actors, which is what he was addressing in his post

Was this battle archived? Can i watch it anywhere before the stream starts again*

be /comfy/

is in the archives

I feel like shit guys. I hope Jackie will come back at least, i know he lurks the threads.

some of it is here

I'll come back when you need me the most.
But for now, I must work.

post noodz

It's exactly what they want for their image.
They're easy targets, show the center and right that they're willing to beat your ass if you think of leaning right, and displays NatSocs as "losers". All on camera. They certainly aren't going to go after anyone that might push their shit in, that'd hurt their image.

Not talking about that. Dan the Douchebag Museum Curator said I was in his personal space and cops decided that I should move, rather than him.
Venti brought the chalk, btw.

I did file the report. It's only a harassment infraction and I was told it would most likely amount to nothing since he didn't physically attack me.

Britt and Adidasgirl betrayed everyone. Everyone is getting doxxed atm


In order to keep the show going for longevity purposes the people going oughta agree on set dates to go, and not get out there every night.

This works for two reasons:
1. People won't get tired of going
2. you can overrun the faggots some nights who are going to show up next season with legitimate channers.

I suggest twice on weekdays, and then on Saturdays.

pic: See email field