Weekend webm thread boys, post your best/funniest

Other urls found in this thread:


break your links jidf newfag trs shillcuck christcuck kike

paperclip why

stormfag bot pls go






Somewhat on topic,

can someone explain why webm's and mp4's load so slow for me on Holla Forums and not on any other sites?






Holy shit, my sides.



Entire sites been slow for me lately.



Is this what people without electronic devices do for fun?







This never ceases to amaze me.

Why does the webm switch to black at 3:39?

Those dubs never cease to amaze me

It's goes to show just how incredibly out of touch they were with basically… everyone.


fekking lels mehmet

Ukrainian army rescues Brazilian special forces from advancing swedes.



Checking my own trips.


Shit didn't know i had two versions of that, sorry.

checking my own dubs

I'm on a roll



Good god man leave some for the rest of us!

You can have them brother, KEK is shining on me today.





Why do you have a video saved of a man shitting out of a train window?

Unless those are plastic that's actually pretty impressive.

Because it starts getting pozzed after that moment.




These are the people who get caught up in a war co- opted by intelligence communities, media and religion for the sake of whatever.




Very nice








Shit, don't know how that got in there. Sorry guys, i have a really unorganized webm folder.










unheard of levels of smug in this webm

this type of shit is literally the only reason I haven't unsubbed. he is a fucking clown and i need luls



















Sir, imma have to ask you to leave the property

My fucking sides!

Remeber what Uncle Miller thaught us

slightly improved

ok maybe not, the software i use sucks i guess


what game is that?



that's not a train user

One of my favorites.



get tha water nigga, it going down

yeah i agree wit:

It's definitely autistic, but still i bet it took a lot of practice

Original sign; do not steal

This was really good, someone should put an HD version of it up on youtube.

why do you not poorfag

shit does anyone know the name of the song the boat played? is it the white stripes?



very intriguing

Is Pewds really red-pilled or is it all satire?

yes, Seven Nation Army



Here's a version I like a lot




Pic semi related










First song in this post is called "Krummi" i think. Not sure. It's about ravens scavenging on the ice sheets.

(Shameless Self Heiling)



At least the Danes we white. The UK is cucked


What is it if not a train?

A movie called 'Guess Who's Back'. You should watch it. Yes it's worth it.





Praise Kek and strike down his foes.










that's actually pretty cool; totally would have joined in myself




i love that old man

It would be interesting to survey someone on a scale 1-10 on how much they want to vote for Trump before and after watching that video.




I really love this video because it's such a huge red-pill to leftists, etc.

But adding the imagery of isis and the twin towers destroys all the emotional and patriotic value the video brings in terms of Europeans. People are stupid, but they're not THAT stupid.

Isis, Twin towers, etc has nothing to do with shitskins and everything to do with kikes. Don't water down an argument by diluting it with other discussions. It only weakens the possibility of converting others to see what we see.

I don't believe that the man burning belonged to isis. In fact I believe it to be the other way around you jew.

Also, just for good measure. The jews will burn in excrement, mohammed was a pig.


All these webems are so fucking hopeless. Does anyone really believe we can win?

Great video. Thanks for sharing



i need sauce of this
i might use it someday in school to btfo lefty professors


What is this hilarious shit from?

Here you go my friend:


Read this as well:

>The keynote of the Congress was sounded by Paul Loebe, president of the German Reichstag, and Francis de Laisi, a Frenchman, Count Richard Coudenhove Kalergi, an Austro-Japanese, who launched the movement in 1923…


>Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi

>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. […]

>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.











Does someone have the source of the song that is playing? It seems quite familiar.

top kek




I know this is supposed to be fucked up, but it's honestly one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

Holy shit i hope he got re-elected. Absolutely btfo




Source is Floating Cloud Acoustic Band. They do Touhou covers in period instruments.

No matter how many times I watch, I'll just ever know what that fat bitch said to get her shit rektd so bad


lol, can you say FAKE NEWS ?
this is just some poorly video edited non-event

based spokesfrog


I found out it's called "Letterkenny" from Canada, I can't speak to quality or how pozzed it is.



Is that you, E;R?


You know something really bad happened. Man, if that happened in the UK or US, those cops would have been fired on the spot.

The male cop says "shush!" to him kek

That's horrific. I hope at least they ate it afterwards.

If anyone knows the source for this webm Id be grateful

This makes me angry, I should know more about politics and such but I had no idea it was such a shitshow



A match made in heaven.



Had to do some searching, the title is actually "Look Who's Back"

This way we can direct people to the right movie




Holy shit, this video is a must-see for all Holla Forumsacks. This political pincher strategy used by the left to move the nation leftward "in giant strides" in order to finally culminate in imposing communism itself. Also, the "pressure from above" and "pressure from below" on the "silent majority"…

It just happened and it appears we narrowly escaped.


Also, sauce on song?

I can't watch that smug cunt, she triggers me to no end.







(this one contains a naked dancing woman, NSFW)

It might have attacked one of them or eaten someones pet dog. Still a nasty way to go though.


Not sure what race she is, but yes the music is degenerate.


this isn't real is it?





Nice one, but mild error on the transcriber's part. He says "the symbol for Christmas a bauble."


Peterson is a fucking treasure. Go to his youtube and watch his Maps of Meaning and then Personality and its Transformations lectures (2016 is complete, 2017 are being uploaded weekly). They are fucking fantastic.

Maps of Meaning (2016) playlist
Personality and its Transformations (2016)

Obviously he is bluepilled on Fascism/National Socialism but he hits communism with the force of an angry sun, and its worth watching regardless of our ideological differences.

on freemasonry

Slav here, i'm no ruskie (Slovenian Masterrace) but what she's saying sounds very similar to the Croatian/Serbian "probaj" which means "try it"
I can only imagine he said something along the lines of his gonna smack her face in, she dared him, he delivered.

you please explain

Posting brother's OC

It's (((BBC))) so you need to replace ebil russians with kikes.

Best webm in this entire thread.

That's nigger-tier treatment of animals, fuck.

Meanwhile in America…

Is that bear /ourguy/?


What the fuck has to be wrong with you as a woman to want to be in a combat role. probably an extremely deep rape fetish Fucking phony-tough dykes.

First season is gold. Second season gets the shit pozzed out of it because the first season was a huge hit and leaned right.

Shit webm



Point taken. Let me redeem myself.

i done fucked up

Female logic. Video just proves why kids need fathers. No one listens to women. Not even bears.

Goddamnit why do I think her whining is so cute?

Cause it honestly sounds like she's sexually aroused. Listen to the tone of her voice and her breaths. It's like the bear is mind fucking her.



did he put barbwire or some shit on it?

It was electrified

He got Mike Pence to booby trap it.

IIRC he's running an electrical current along the wire frame of the sign.


I would have preferred a good thunk - thunk.



Holy fuck i hope she was mauled after this.



Yeah let's spend real money on cinematic FX instead of just shooting someone.


They are Siberian mongoloids, you can tell from their accent.

I don't think that's a European language, maybe Hungarian or some other kind of Turkspeak.

Did she actually get raped in that show?


Croatian maybe?



That was really interesting.

He sounds like Bane here.

Ok, I found it. She is singing in Mari, a Finnic language.




Poor RCB, he got the jail for this





Hahaha what the fuck am I watching. What'd the poor little nog break? The oven window?



damn that James Franco pedo line gets me everytime


tfw my hippy 2nd grade music teacher forced me to play that game

Every fucking time…goddammit that hits home.

Petersen is a brain on legs

I know, and the cuts they do to punctuate what he is saying like he's some kind of loon. It makes me mad on meta levels. That fucking based old man not having a family that will listen to him, and her mocking him, the cock suckers that watched that video and think "lol he's a racist nutjob, of course the holocaust happened, I would never question anything from the Soviet propaganda machine made from jews themselves! LOL!"
and to think I have to share space and a country with these pathetic faggots at work, where I buy my groceries, at my favorite bar, even some of my acquaintances. Think, these people didn't vote for Trump because they were afraid…afraid of what exactly? What are they grasping onto and trying to preserve? Being able to disgrace themselves?

I know the feeling. How much would it take to get a small sustainable farm going? Too much, probably.

Fresh OC incoming

a hell of a lot. Arable land costs a fortune. I own 10 acres of desert land near the mexican border. I've had it for years, (hopefully I can sell it to Trump or let the government pay me to store bricks there soon), it was pretty cheap, but it has zero road access, it's hard to get to and dry as a bone.
If you get a large loan and don't care if you'd ever repay it, you could buy a small lot with a few acres in the country though.

Good shite user


Fucking kike.

/r/ing 39 fags and 1 dune coon by moon man

i hope trump had that place fumigated



ty brother

you can hear him screaming in the background…Fuck man, that's grim.

life is suffering

are you me?


that guy needs to buy a pop filter







And that's why the left is losing their fucking minds right now. They thought they had won, that they were in charge now. We said FUCK NO.


I've seen this video a million times, but goddamn is it still funny as hell

Any idea what the guy who got crushed is saying? I wanna know which part of him got crushed.


Johnny Rebel is very underrated artist on Holla Forums

this thread cant be complete until I've reminded you

Finally finished my 8888888 GET video.

U.S. could learn a thing or two from Taliban training.


This is youtube, not a webm… but holy fuck, mind blown. The chinks have reached science fiction tier technology status, I saw japan with battle mech prototypes a few months back.. but look at this thing. Its beautiful. All I could think was "Id like to see niggers come up with that, not in a million years"

That's some top of the line oc. Well done, anons.

This feeling… I think I know what being a rapist must feel like now it feels good


I should probably stop drinking.

thank you.
have this funny webm in return.


Finally found an audio track for this nugget.

Saved. Your brother is good at making OC.


In light of the Muslim ban, time to share the contents of my Jihad folder with you all.















These get old very quickly. Please stop.


Hitler dubs confirm you should stop drinking.

Holy shit, didn't expect ol' kike Maher to be that uncucked on any aspect of the world.





that webm would be somewhat funny if that nigger's brains had been blown up right after he put the dog in there




Did anyone catch what he said his twitter was? I'm not a twitter fanatic or anything, but I'd love to see what he has to say on a platform like that. The kid is going places. Absolutely brilliant.

what a fucking dumbass

https:[email protected]/* */


My man. Thanks so much.








toppest kek




I would have loved to have a redpilled grandad like that guy, both mine died while I was really young.
That ungrateful cunt thinks she is better than him, but I guarantee he would never try to mock her for virtue points if the positions were reversed.
What a great guy.
What a cunt of a grandaughter.

gas the millenial, gas the boomer.

generation wars now


it was completely his fault


Fun fact. you can see on the left Andrzej Duda, current polish president, and he doesn't need those stupid earphones, like fuckin tusk, to understand what Farage is talking about.



This is fantastic.







I don't think I'm ready for his Twitter yet, that red-pill was certainly too big for anyone around him in that square to even comprehend, and I think it's even too big for me

It will all work out in the end, friend. I'll be with you every step of the way.

To have a good brother on your side is invaluable, as it says in the Icelandic sagas "ber er hver að baki, nema sér bróður eigi" - "Every man's back is bare (unprotected), unless he has a brother"

What's the source on the first WEBM vid?

This is exactly what we should be striving for:

A highly militant, exclusionary, technocratic meritocracy, built around the ideas of radical traditionalism. A society hellbent on expansion and the preservation of one's own kind and culture at the detriment of all others'. This is the only natural sane response to a world filled with subhuman filth and degenerate untermensch, whose only goal in life is the extermination of everything just and pure.

We tried to give the other its chance, we bent over backwards accommodating them, we shared our technology, our art, our literature, our accomplishments; we educated them, fed them, allowed entire broods of them to settle in our ancestral lands; we humbled ourselves, apologizing for imaginary slights, and grovelling at their feet for the perceived transgression of taming this planet and bringing the torch of civilization to the world. And for what? All our efforts were rewarded with scorn, hatred, jealousy, and outright malevolence.

We need a new system.

Something more noble than the petty mercantile aspirations of semites, something greater than the slave-like morality imposed upon us by alien religions. A society built on unshakeable, indelible foundations, woven from our own racial stock and governed by the light of Apotheosis, that driving, all-consuming framework of beliefs that the White man is his own God, that he IS God, the keeper of his own destiny. Noble by birth, master by choice, tyrant by need, and ruler by right!

We tamed this world once, and we can do it again. But first, we must burn the heretic, kill the mutant, and purge the unclean. And then, when we've freed ourselves of weakness, empathy, remorse, and guilt, when the last subhuman has been cleansed from Terra, and the last trace of their existence purged from this planet, then we'll ascend to the stars and make them our own. And the galaxy will tremble.

This, this is Our Destiny.

Yeah, it's like being hit by a bolt of lightning, i don't know how to handle it.

Man: …woman, you destroyed the life of my wife and want to destroy that of her children? I won't allow it.
Moderator: Alright, walk away from her, don't hit her, sit nearby
Woman: Try it, try it
Moderator: Get out of her. Leave, git!
Some woman: Get a doctor
Moderator: Be calm, where's the doctor?
[random concerned babble that's not relevant enough to translate]

get out of *here

The kikes will pay for this.



Whats the source video?




Thank you so much, user. It's been difficult for me to talk with anyone regarding this level of everything. Sadly, I haven't found anyone on Holla Forums. Though, that kind of information is privileged, and can be dangerous to acquire. For example, so many people believe they know what the Black Sun is or about, or why The Vril is associated with "Indigo Children" and other nicely-made disinfo. Some of the hardest redpills I've swallowed in the past were made from the nightmares of atheists.

Again, thank you user.

Are you cybernazi?

what is this from


what the mother fuck


Looked like it was @fart to me



Another dank af Triple-K mafia production

thanks a lot anons, these are our first OC posts. my brother and I are going to keep making videos. we're really glad you like them.

i literally fucking hate tv but my friend was watching this and I couldnt pull away, its bretty gud. it's the Young Pope btw


Odd request for some user with video skills.

Transformers 1, Shia LeBeouf the scene where his parents walk in on him spanking the monkey)

Add a rare Pepe




anybody got that fast-paced webm about the night Trump won?



Someone already posted it in another thread

youtube. com/watch?v=V9wGw1heisw

Gore of any kind doesnt phase me but that stuff triggers me so hard its unbelievable

Relax, it's all good, Anons. No animal was harmed making this video. It was actually their niglet son they put in there. I'm sure we can all agree that it was the right thing to do.

From the HBO show Young Pope. Seems interdasting. Almost wish I had cable.

I am not.

young pope is a great show and surprisingly redpilled



Oh, if anyone has the sauce on this, I'd greatly appreciate it. Wanna know who the BAMF who recorded this is. By far one of my favorite webms

anyone have no makeup gril from 1900s?

Checked and keked.

kek agrees

You might be able to restore it, see embed related for more info.

Go back to art school, cunt.


It's shit like this that makes me lose faith in women.

Here's a documentary segment explaining how Stalin BTFO feminism back in the USSR. Sorry about the low quality. Old school soviets used to distribute pussy as a resource. Literally the beta uprising.


Thanks, when was that filmed?
Was it the army?

Do you have link of the source, user?
If so friendly reminder to break the links

Wow that's terrifying. This complements Yuri so much.

What game is this?















If the left was one person.














Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Pretty much just a test of the engine used for MGSV.

















I fucking love that one







drunk or stroke?

gayer than aids

first joke was better



thank god for Europe and the UK or else I would forget how great the US still is.

that guy looks like edward furlong

Holy shit, the commies actually distributed women!



he's a handsome woman

Out of sync, bruh bruh.

Requesting leftists getting the shit kicked out of them or physically removed?

ayy lmao

Praise kek! My sides are in fucking orbit!

Story time


Here's the source.


Fresh OC

two brothers


Do you have any recommendations for enlightenment?

Nice digits, underrated post

I just watch Pinocchio on VHS awhile ago & this makes me love this film even more.


I haven't been following the whole webcam shit, but that 's fantastic. Got any more?


do they teach you this in the seals or something?

song about Bobby Fischer

Inauguration parade.
No, those guys are from a military school from Lexington, VA, i think.







Save as original filename.

This is excellent tbh

Bravo on the song choice.

porn is degenerate thnx friend.

Wrong version.

Mark is a mess.


Some fresh Live Leak Webms.


I was feeling pretty down untill I saw this, thx.

Their uniforms are cool as fuck.

Chink not a shitskin, they get eaten all the time in the Tiger reserves. They have no self awareness.

Now, I've been thinking A LOT about this particular video. Some guy comes in, tries to grab a Trump sign, get's electrocuted. Hilarious, right? Could obviously be 100% faked but still a funny thought.

Now, here's where I started thinking DEEPLY about it. Who's to say that the guy running up isn't the owner of the sign? Who's to say the sign is even electrified? Why would anyone fake all this? Because, it's very easy to injure or possibly kill someone innocent in the process when you booby-trap your lawn.

So, that brings me to the main question: was this video done by a false-flagging libshit to get Trump-supporters to booby trap their lawns and get in trouble? I mean, it's INCREDIBLY easy to fake this sort of thing so it is possible.

With that in mind, why not do something similar ourselves? Obviously, do a solo video of yourself as a "fascist Nazi Trump-supporter" trying to tear down a poster, and getting your hand torn up by a hidden blade or whatever.

How can you be this stupid?


on closer inspection I think they are firecrackers. Guess the tigers were hungry or they are just being thrown by dumb bystanders



Lena Kochman, I wonder what became of that crazy jewish bitch.

Where's the full version?





Where my hyper-intelligent aristocrats at?

Back to the Future predicts 911.







Source on that smooth criminal one? Is that dude paralyzed or something?

I wanted it to be the faggot doing the Michael Jackson dance tbh

sage for no webbum



Holy shit that is impressive as fuck.

Holy fucking shit, I am fucking fuming from that "Science Must Fall" webm. Not only does that idiot clearly not understand the scientific method and the iterative nature of it (Newtonian Physics isn't the be all end all for mechanics even before Relativity, see the reformulation of Newtonian Physics via Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Physics. Moreover she actually seems to believe that Newton's work and justification was limited to an epiphany under a tree) she seems to think that science can be used as a post-hoc hand wave ("how can we explain a tribe's supernatural views with science?"). Using the """"safe space"""" as an excuse to scold someone for dissenting to such garbage speaks volumes to the lack of logic used by these nut jobs.

Go back to bait-school, you stink

What's your problem, faggot?






Holla Forums trying hard to shill their shit webms.
To a normie this may be a feelgood speech. But for us Holla Forumsocks it's just proof for the janus faced jew. Talking about fraternity between people and behind their backs trying everything to incite hate and war. Talking about wealth and prosperity while plundering their nations and squeezing them out like lemons. Talking about the love of humanity and at the same time not even acknowledge non-jews as humans.
Never get fooled by their lies, there are no good jews.


This man speaks with the spirit of the Führer







who the fuck is moshiach and whats yahoo got to do with him?

Fucking outstanding user. If I were to make any criticism it would just be that I wanted to hear Trump talk about what were going to do to these rats, it seemed (somewhat) like a hurried end, 8/10 satisfaction. Still damn good.

Requesting two montages of Germany's army set to instrumental beats. Slightly degenerate but I need a 2 point morale supplement from the deduction taken from this anons post

here followyourdreams i and ii

fuck me

bonus webm and sage for faggotry

Pitbull going apeshit.

Truth about the Crusades.


Second webm is what Quebec user listened to before he removed kebab.

Some shitskins practicing their culture.


that's legit sad

The last one is pure kryptonite to liberal minds, tested it today, got massive rage and horror.

Appreciate the feedback. I have the full 'rats' interview, I'll see about extending my video to make it more satisfying. I can see what you mean about it being rushed.

As for the montage, the second video of three you linked I probably won't use because of all the flashing. I personally don't like that, and either way it'd be off sync.

thats what happens when you aim towards the sun fucktard

Mark is a waste

Fuck off satan.

What's the source for that last one?


Part 3?

Didn't mean "supplement" for your video kek, meant for my lack of that badass feeling that felt like your video was going to climax at is all. That's really as much as I can see missing, some law and order type material or something

"or something" as in white supremacy


That has to be the most perfect qt.
Gets me every time.

Anyone have that webm of the british soldiers talking about sending civilians to their deaths to the Soviets.

Bump out of interest.





They need to be held accountable in 2017







the moment the squirrel screams is when you know the movie will be absolute dogshit


At least it isn't about furries

Either troll or psychotic - I cant tell.





This lad is a god-damn INSPIRATION!

TOPKEK what is this from?

I want to learn more form this esoteric-master, but when I go to his Medium I see that his most recent article is titled "Shia Laboof and the Weltgeist of the Damned - Aesthetic Exorcism in the Age of Content" and suddenly I feel unworthy.



Its the word we get "messiah" from.
They mean the end of the world, where the Jews conquer all other races permenantly and establish as a physical empire, on Earth, dominion over all gentile races.

Fuck public transport plebs.

Nice. These go in my "justification for genocide" folder. It will probably come in handy soon.

fucking flaka hell of a drug

some user mentioned that she is schizophrenic

More James Woods.

Its a blackbear, why didnt she chase it off?

Gavin is a miscegenating piece of shit but goddamn does he have his moments

Mark is a big fat mistake.


Hitler dubs checking with more Voces Thule OC(badass viking music).


Please at least spell correctly…

This guy seems to be copying RLM's Star Wars reviews style, but I love the style so I can't really complain.


Impressive. I would not have clocked in a million years.

good kitty


Does anyone has that webm explaining money printing? Its fully animated and i remember that there is a lot of arrows to illustrate the progression.



interesting. video can be used as a good exercise in getting viewers to confess their internal derangements.

the woman who outburst was carrying out her instructions as a steward of the old guard. perhaps a slightly lost/deformed/orphaned form of an narrow/incomplete echo, but definitely of old. each one of her points. though, i'm sure none of the echos were for -her- to perform the outburst, or to perform outburst in that manner. this is her 'gender' confusion. but otherwise just too high strung or lonely. a sad affair, but closer to 'did nothing wrong' than not.

the second woman, with the ass, younger, willingly fulfilled her role to steward the younger man's instruction (the guy on the couch). the camera guy probably provided the necessary 'consensus impression' world view that the female needs to complete internal affirmation and being stewarding in the absence of actual men. sex roles, carried out on mis-form/hollowness. can't be helped. this is the greater wrong, however.

neither of the women likely know any better. nor are they charged with knowing, that's not their role, they won't be good at that. also, as plain as day for all to see, sexual attraction still convinces behavior (in this case, butt girl reacts to the situational only, the situation provides mimicry of the man's role, the man shares the role with other men in the room, the girl is attention-seeking. again: malformed, cuckholdry multiples, and community girl syndrome).

now, again, here's the fun part: the strange part is from the viewer's view. if viewer=beta, side with butt girl. separately, if viewer=lulz, if viewer=antichristian, if viewer=pro-migrants/sjw/antiwhite, side with butt girl. separately, if viewer=anti-migrants, side with the intensity and assault of the giggling beaner, but only at the near end. separately lastly, if viewer=anti-sjw, side with laughing at the old woman's over reaction attacking the camera (which looks the same as a sjw in form).

hitting the giggling beaner was nice. ineffectual and pointless is still ineffectual and pointless, however. and then there is the additional point of old-woman acting as a man and looking retarded. also, butt-girl joining degenerate malformation, is a sad example hint to the larger decay problem. butt-girl will probably be banged by the giggle beaner. both women should be thrown out. and the cafe burned down.

That's incredible. I have large amounts of respect for that man.


whats her name?

he was a predator in disguise.

Requesting every nigger is a star compilation







disgusting degenerate!




you got more like this?
making me hard


that guy in the second one dances like a gaylord
guess it makes sense since michael jackson was gay as fuck

Wut game

God damn i need this

underrated tbh

trying to find it right now, could be this one store.steampowered.com/app/433910/

Seems to be a game called Power Drive 2000

crashing threads with no survivors since 1971



yeah, it really is that game kickstarter.com/projects/1420158244/power-drive-2000
Nitronic Rush is a similar game, stumbled upon it while trying to find the source of that webm.

subhuman Holla Forums trash. Violence is cuckold tier shit.






fucking kek

what drug is that?

I sided with the old woman. Why didn't you include that as a possibility?

have an internet

The entire point of the show is that being redpilled is evil and drives people away and makes life difficult for you.
expect him to hook up with the media chick and legalize abortions in the second season

I just spit blueberries all over my fucking monitor, goddamn.

Why do jewesses all have the same fucking voice

Fresh OC, improved version of my other video.
Couldn't get the webm size down to 12mb.

user, I…

Surprised no one got this earlier. The man being burned by ISIS is a Jordanian pilot who got shot down and captured.

shadow warrior classic










I'm losing it over here


user, plz tell me what that background music is.

I had to fucking choke myself to avoid waking up my wife with bursts of laughter.





Holy shit I haven't heard or seen Alizee since the J'ai Pas Vingt Ans video was making its rounds around the internet back in the day.

Her voice gave me a headache. Like Laci Green with more screeching.

Probably because she sounds so sweet and innocent (gosh darn it!) but she also sounds like a spoiled bitch.

spineshank? that takes me back.

It's like they've learned nothing.

quality webbum

shit, take the car, pretend its GTA. Fuck it.


requesting the drunk rabbis who are explaining to the camera man how jews run the world or something

This is just a controlled demolition over there.

Is this the bitch that yelled at the USPS driver claiming he was stalking her?

Who is the guy narrarrating this? He did this one too



Thanks for making that, thought it was real good.

more 4u

Is this accurate and real?

Checked. I was about to make that comment.


Proving once again that pitbulls are the niggers of dogs.

people make the same kinds of excuses for their behavior

This cow calling qt is also great. I'd trade vidya games and all other POZertainment to live on a farm with a qt like that.

We were born in the wrong era, lads. But we will make it the right era through the power of our collective will.

source ?

He's pretending it's only some "secular" jews, when in reality the problem is ALL jews.

Dr. William Luther Pierce


whats the song used in this webm?

I saved it from Holla Forums.

i won't give any attention to whether i did or didn't. i will claim that doesn't matter, however.

she cannot be sided with in entirety. she was not told to do what she did. not all of it. she inserted adds, adds with her in the frame. selfies, by any other name. new actions into the ether – actions never assigned to her; additions that would never be instructed to her; pictures that insert and hold her in front/center. where she does not belong. which is of her confabulation.

yes, she is a steward, who is lost and/or lonely, but within which she has self-elevated her self, in violation of form and function and faith and practicality. a wayward steward violating validity is not unnoticed. nor can that ever be rewarded. is she going to start wearing a strap on? is she going to go all elsa-from-disneys-frozen? maybe "oh it's alright user she'll be the queen" elizabeth because the king is dead?

no matter how desperate or desolate, the old woman senses. women sense. and they do, in fact, sense that progenitor, that ball and sword, that sceptre and orb, that globus cruciger, that by any other name dick and balls, are not them nor theirs. that's ugly when they do that. and she, that old woman, knew it, yet did it anyway. sapphism, lezbo, dickgirls, dykism, feminism, female-elected female-centrism explicitly of and for misappropriation. decay.

any feels or feeling is thru the internet ten thousand leagues away. set them aside. whatever she may have done well, she still violated cardinal rule number one. both women. both of them. butt girl succubus. old hag harpy. while yes, there are echos that can be selected as correct, –none– are complete, and –none– are without confabulation. this is all that i am claiming.

do not grant credit, especially if you do not understand what is written here.

Why did you post this on Holla Forums? 100% off topic.
There is a board on this site for porn, you know.
Not mad, just trying to help since you're probably a newfag

So does Elsa have the Apple of eden or the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch?



neither. what's wrong with you?

for comedic relief, always the holy hand grenade. now count to three, but not to four. five is outright. and providence and prosperity that allowed all to even have the opportunity to ridicule in the first place, shall be thrown away by the python's king, at the killer rabbit, all to explode. of course, in spamalot, this kills the rabbit, allowing the king to continue his return, but i don't think i'll credit that to montypython knowing anything other than 'yep, shit's fucked, next joke.'

Jesus Christ did they actually send him gibs for that?

The clock kid? Yes.




truly one of the best webms ever created


It's made by "two steps from hell," but I can't remember the exact name, sorry friend.