"Canada Must Ban George Soros Foundations Now!"


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It is time for Canada to take action now against George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. Our liberal-left socialist government is aligned with both Soros and the mandates of the United Nations. The same agenda is attempting to take control and/or keep control of Canadian provinces through the same tactics as described above. Our media is in alliance with this agenda, just like the major news media in the United States are aligned against Trump.

Even our non-liberal political parties, such as the Progressive Conservatives, both federal and provincial, promote the mandates and propaganda of the Open Society Foundation. The Alberta PC Party is tripping over itself as it attempts to stop leadership candidate Jason Kenney from hijacking the party. Kenney’s campaign platform is positioned against the mandates of the liberal-left. The other leadership hopefuls, along with party insiders, are doing everything they can to delegitimize his campaign or find ways to remove him from the race. Even the liberal media is attacking him, as would be expected.

If our major political parties will not serve the people of Canada and protect our way of life from the liberal international agenda funded by George Soros then it is time for Canadians, like others around the world, to begin the process of taking back our political systems and removing this insidious disease from our countries and cultures. This may mean starting a new federal political party and completely redefining the structure of Canadian governance to reflect the ideals of a republic as opposed to maintaining a defunct, purposeless, and symbolic allegiance to a monarchy who sold us out long ago.



Why doesn't a national military simply kill him and his family? Oh, right. Then the dog and pony show of this mid-level manager getting "frozen out" while he'd be free to do whatever the fuck he wanted in other countries wouldn't be able to go on.

He will spend the last few years of his foreskin munching life watching his empire crumble.


There is always a bigger fish, and always a bigger Jew

I want proof of this. Sounds like pure bullshit to me (pic related).

Can anyone prove that Soros is fighting a progressive war against Israel?

I try to see where the deception happens but I cant

Mind = blown

the bar grows downward during its slide

the largest piece gets longer as it moves over. I think the second largest piece also changes but it's harder to tell. Without that part the middle row would look really short.

I don't think anybody here disagrees with that, but how exactly is it supposed to happen? That cuck Trudeau is King Faggot of Canada, so I'm certain Soros is nothing to be afraid of.

Thank you, oh Truth-Bringer of Dubsmanship.

It can be easily seen if you pause the action.

Do you mean to imply that there's no such thing as a free dessert?

Let's make this thread about Trump, guys. Fuck Canada. didn't Trump mention doing something about money in politics. What's going on with that? Fuck Canada.

The world is slowly but surely waking up to certain (((questions))).

This fucking post is such a redpill when you hate feminists.

inb4 Brad Pitt is arrested for hate speech.


I wish I could agree, but I believe Castreau is firmly in Uncle George's pocket. The only thing that might change his mind is if his beloved muslims start educating him on Soros… assuming they even know the first thing about it, the fucks. Even then it's iffy because Justin loves every Canadian except the white ones.

Speaking of Soros, does Holla Forums think he's the final boss or is he merely another puppet controlled from the darkness?

He's a huge threat, but without the Rothchilds, he probably wouldn't be where he is now.

Another puppet for sure, all the foreskins must go to some deep lair where the ancient jew lords slumber

trudeau is such a lightweight; he'd probably do whatever trump tells him to if the so much as threatens him with a 5% canadian import tax



MSM buried this story, but shit, they arent even hiding themselves anymore

The second biggest piece grows back during the slide to the right.


CBC's 'Trump Effect' video PROVEN TO BE FAKE NEWS.

