Trump freezes money sent to Paleistinian by Obongo

I saw a thread a while ago about Obongo sent 220mill to the muzzies. Well I guess Trump blocked it but is this a good thing or a bad thing? Because he helping out yids.

Other urls found in this thread:


Definitely good. Money spent overseas that doesn't help Americans is a waste, and that fits with the theme of Trump's administration. Now I just hope he applies the same to the Israeli foreign aid.


Fuck it. Mudslimes and Kikes all need to die.
Without any fucking mercy or fear of collateral damage.


tax payer money
never give tax monies to semites of any kind


At this point, sending any money to the ME is very very bad. Obama also gave 45 million dollars to Palestine for purchasing fuel from Israel. Think about the levels of kikery going on here. (This plus 200 million direct aid). All of this in 2016
Archive link:



Ah yes, another thread for JIDF to shill in because hating muslims means you automatically have to support Israel's expansion.

This money would go to israel not palestine you idiots, palestine is a strip of land controlled and run by jews, everything that comes in or out is controlled by israel. "palestine" doesn't exist as a state.

Wrong, one side is controlled by a group called Fatah, the other side by a group called Hamas.
Saging because nothing good ever comes from threads about Israel since the elections happened.

Was meant to be a reply for

Tel Aviv Steve my man what's up.

Islam is the sword of jewry, you hurt one it eventually comes back to the other.

Wow nice argument faggot, I was talking about the fact that everyone seems so pro-Israel because of Trump.

Welcome to 6million D chess user.

he's right you know…

if anything because kikes collect taxes from palis.

and if there is someone that is great at weaponizing money handling is them.

They actually are. Over 4/5s of American conservatives support Israel and we are in the middle of a r/the_donald invasion




Israel will be wiped from the face of the Earth and jews will pushed into sea.

Giving money to the Pallys just for the kikes to destroy whatever they build with it seems like a wasted effort. Much simpler to burn it here.

It's our fucking money. Fuck off.

oh well

He better put tariffs on Israel to get back all the billions of dollars kikes owe the US for 70 years of lies, plus interest and compound interest. Anything made in USA sold to Israel should cost cost triple until all interests are paid then double until the debt is cleared.

Kill yourself kike, you are not even using real arguments, you're just calling other shills like the filthy hebrew you are.


TBH this. Anyone who thinks behind the scenes that money wasn't going straight to tel ayid is retarded.

The Kikes have fucked themselves over anyway with that whole situation. It isn't worth spending money on from any angle.

This does not help the Yids. Trump is baiting Kikestan into a false sense of security. They do not understand the ramifications of moving he embassy is not in kike favor, and they do not understand that trump is baiting them into overaction. The kikes will push heir percieved advantage in the eyes of the world. They will commit warcrimes and genocide on dem poor mudslimes, and the lefties will blame trump, and then Trump says "Well the people decided, no more gibs to this terrorist state of Kikestan!" and the libshits think they have a victory while their owners shit on them, destroying the left.

This is incredible.

I'm going to pray to Kek to make this all come true.

leftist kikes already understand that annexing more pali territories would actually not be such a great thing, since giving citizenship to a few millions of arabs more would in fact put an end to the jewishness of the jewish state…

i really wonder how they are gonna solve that. because it's likely either genocide or the multiculturalism europe needs so much in order to survive and I think trump is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Trump is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Trump will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.


palestine has already been subverted by (((hamas))) you retard

Of course he did

I don't follow.

m8, they are literally israeli controlled opposition, the real opposition group is Hezbollah

Donald "Israel first" Trump
Donald "Protect the Chosen" Trump
Donald "Replace the swamp with kikes" Trump


A waste of money is still a waste of money. Spend it on America instead.

He did it to help America, that's 220 million of white tax payers money sent to some shitskins otherwise.

Man, I was REALLY hoping he'd do this.


How about you do that with the annual 38bn we give directly to Israel?

Nice quads.

It's $220 million that would be better spent on the wall. Freezing it is good. Semites were killing each other in the desert for thousands of years before the US ever gave them a cent, I'm sure they'll manage without it.

I don't see you complaining about him being okay with giving BILLIONS in aid to Tel Aviv.

Except the wall will be paid with Mexican money.

Palestine is pretty much a legit concentration camp even with the aid. It's literally kikes bombing their neighborhoods every time some vengeful kid stabs an IDF soldier.

Except the wall will be paid with Mexican money.

Palestine is pretty much a legit concentration camp even with the aid. It's literally kikes bombing their neighborhoods every time some vengeful kid stabs an IDF soldier.

Trump announced he's placing 20% import tariff on Mexico to pay for the wall since Nieto won't negotiated. The 220 million can go to deporting spics.

Why do you think that is user? :)


fuck that I want Bronze Trump statues everywhere

Initial funding will come from congress
Mexico will reimburse it over time


Hezbollah is a Lebanon based group. You probably mean Fatah.

Assuming this is true, he could still save a lot more money by stopping the annual 38 BILLION we send to Israel.

Combined with his sperging out over the UN not supporting Israel's literal genocide on Gaza, Kushner's appointment as personal advisor and how Israeli ministers were claiming Trump would be the end of Palestine, it's pretty damn clear what his true intentions are.

Didn't you read the fucking proposals that remove funding from (((terrorist states)))? this is bait to get them to qualify





Good. Sending anything but bombs or nukes set to detonate on impact to that region is a waste.

More could be saved if he stopped giving aid to Israel but that would be political suicide.

Still, if the kikes decide to steamroll over Palestine I wonder what Trumps reaction would be.

Yes, it is bad because they are our enemies too you fucking dumb fuck. And did you not listen to his campaign speeches? He said he will stop giving aid to ANY AND ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES (if they don't start giving something in return).

Because he totally stopped the giving of BILLIONS to Israel each year right? Nah, faggot. He's literally only fulfilling it where it concerns the enemies of the Jew: Iran, Palestine and Lebanon.

Top kek m8 who have the Palestinians invaded in like ever? They were literally just a bunch of mud farmers until the Balfour declaration, in fact one of the few muds along with Iran who were actually minding theit own buisiness.

Guess which two countries Trump goes after immediately after becoming president? Protip: Not Qatar or Saudi Arabia.

Well, yeah.
That's about it to be honest.


C'mon faggots, you knew this was coming. He wasn't just saying crap when he repeated over and over "I love israel."

yeah, before the election this place was kosher as fuck. Hollywood is run by the Arabs!

Reported for not even trying.

Shoo shoo CREW Jew.


he should have froze the 38 billion being given to israel which was signed off by Obongo.

Sounds like a win win to me.

Giving money to Palestine helps the yids by legitimizing Palestine as a threat to the yids. The weaker the Palestinians are, the more laughable all the yid hysterics are.

but trump has not frozen the 38 billion that will be sent to ISRAEL


Hahahahah you fucked up shill. You posted the exact same thing from two separate ID's, meanwhile all of your samefagging from both ID's is anti-Trump thread derailing.

I know shillary lost but I still expect a better effort from CTR.


Let's perform a thought experiment. Let's say you know two guys, Guy A and Guy B, who absolutely hate each other. Also, they both hate you, steal from you, and actively work against your interests at every opportunity. Now, let's say that one day Guy A comes up to you and says, "Hey bro, I know you don't like Guy B because he steals from you and acts against your interests. I also don't like Guy B, he's a fucking asshole. You know what would REALLY piss him off? Give me $220 million, that would make him SOOOO mad, bro."

What do you do? You hate Guy B, and you know that giving Guy A $220 million would piss him off really bad. On the other hand, you also hate Guy A and if you give him $220 million it turns out that you are now $220 million poorer. So, it all comes down to whether or not you hate Guy B enough MORE than Guy A to justify spending $220 million for no benefit other than to spite him.



Jesus… 221 to them? How much fucking money do we give in aid?