Bathroom stalls project

What do you guys think of writting messages to redpill the masses on bathroom stalls?

Basically, a guy goes there to take a shit and as he has nothing to do he is just going to read the message and think about it while shitting.
It can be many different messages on different places. All you need is a pen that can write on plastic(can't be removed by random retards and the staff can remove it easily without leaving marks behind, you don't have to print shit and if you get caught with a pen no one is going to think anything).
The texts shouldn't be small or big, just some phrases long. Difference places, different subjects.
For example, if you in Sweden or Germany you can write about the refugees with percentages(like how many of them are men and from other countries that are not in war), maybe even leave a link with some website that dares to post news about refugees raping people.
If you go to a Lutheran church you can write some quotes from Martin Luther on the Jews and mention his book.
If you live in Brazil you can talk about the dangers of racemixing for all races.

You guys get the idea, basically subtly redpilled messages that can easily be written, hard to get caught(unless you do it all the time in the same place multiple times a day or some shit), get people off guard and alone so they can think themselves and since there aren't that many distractions in a bathroom stall(maybe a phone?) they get to think about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

destruction and vandalism of public property is a job for anitfa and jews.



I have a better idea. Find your local jewish center and shit all over the bathroom.

Paste sticker, flush backing down toilet. Bonus points if you wheatpaste it.

The wisest person on the world could leave a message for me to read on a stall while im shitting and i wouldnt take it serious because its written on a toiletstall.
In the same way i dont take shitposts on anonymous imageboards serious


Will do it next time I am out fam
Will take a pic of it
Will post it here

Do you think alcohol and cloth is free? Do you think the poor janitor needs more work after unclogging that massive dump you just laid? Vandalism is for Niggers and spics.

You think they don't have cloth and alcohol in there to clean stuff?
If anything they are going to use 5 cents of alcohol to clean it in 20 seconds. I bet you never cleaned the paint of a pen that can write on plastic, it's stupid easy, feels like the eraser in photoshop/paint.

What if the janitor is a illegal spic ?


Don't. It puts any message in a bad light.

Get your TBI checked Spencer you fucking faggot.

Sure thing.

Honestly it all still sounds too ghetto-tier. You might as well just superglue fliers to the stalls like you would in any other setting. At the very least the normalfags who stumble upon it wouldn't simply be able to discount it as some teenage crackhead's dumb prank.

Why would someone go to a bathroom to buy bread? That's what bakeries are for, dummy.

I really like this idea for some reason. Very up market bathrooms like banks and firms and very young bathrooms like universitys and high-school.

People love "signs"

Checked, this dubs is proof that buying bread in bathrooms is gay.

Terrible idea OP.

Double confirmed gas the bagels, bread war now

There are no bakeries in libshitopia user. The supermarkets kicked out 99% of the small food retailers and most people won't drive/bus 45 minutes one-way to the nearest of the 5 remaining bakeries/butchers/etc. Trust me I'm still stuck in one. I suppose in conjunction with what I said you could put up fliers just about anywhere, so it's not restricted to the restroom.

(checked & kekked)
Shitloaf confirmed as the official bread of the homosexual.

Baguettes BTFO

Posting memes is better

Great idea! It's important to do it in a way that's tasteful, and won't come across as vandalism or graffiti.
Something like:
Tired of being called 'racist'?
You're not alone.
No blame. No shame.
White Pride Worldwide

Always the first post.

fuck off

I'm not sure if it would work in truly public restrooms, but on college campuses it would be accepted and acted upon. Used to see feminist event garbage and "[insert degeneracy here] awareness" fliers on the inside and outside of every stall.
Just use big text and some hatefacts, don't advertise for websites, etc.

Writing on walls was an ancient form of shitposting.


Way ahead of you chief.

people who write these words on walls roll their poop in little balls people who read these words of whit eat the little balls of shit
we are the bathroom wall of the internet

It doesnt have to be seriousto be subversive. All you need to do is force information into a persons mind. Writting in stalls/posters with wheatpaste are a seriously underutilized means of spreading propaganda these days.

/redstick/ has the right idea, except the more lowtech you go in information delivery, the easier it is to spread a message. Think sharpies, chalk, posters and glue, not thumbdrives, cd's or qr codes (albiet they could be utilized in other ways)

Making fortune-cookie animes used to be my sole joy while shitting in public rest-rooms

"world IQ stats"

Or put a qr code sticker to this site.

Whenever something bad happens.
Ask yourself.
Did the jews do this?

If you want to know who rules over you.
Ask yourself.
Who am I not allowed to criticize?

dry erase markers to tag the stall less clean up

No fuck you, send them to 4chan.

Did that once.

Wrote "Hitler did nothing wrong" among dick art and phone numbers

came back the next week and they have painted over it with the proper paint, but left the dick drawings and phone numbers

I used to draw swastikas on bathroom stalls in high school, does that count? :^)

I wouldn't take anything I saw written on the wall of a shitter seriously, tbh. Best thing you can do is write something redpilled-but-funny to give them a hearty laugh while they take a shit.

Sticking feathers up you're ass doesn't make you a chicken šŸ”
men dressing up like women is not natural

board on life support


its normaly slow this time of the week

Don't be a faggot; pay to engrave them as proper signs and then use strong double-stick tape or screws to put them up.

That's pretty good.

I think the takeaway here isn't what's the most effective medium of spreading the message but rather putting out the message anywhere you can. Putting high quality posters around a campus is probably most effective but realistically not many people here are going to do that. So do what you can. Where a MAGA hat, write a message in a bathroom. The point is to normalize these ideas. The more exposure they get the quicker they normalize.


The only people who take bathroom shiterature to heart aren't our target audience. Indians take shitting very seriously, and Indian priests are known to make sculptures of their gods in fecal matter. One can assume they spend enough time on the toilet and in the stalls that they'll be reading the message over and over again, and it will embed into them.

put these on the insides of the doors. Janitors will not see them, as they keep the door open as they work on the stalls.

idk, college town/city stalls you get some creatively memorable shitposting if youre lucky

99% is shit. Sounds familiarā€¦

When I first came to college I saw a message saying 'Fuck white genocide' in the bathroom stall.

Under that it said 'F White Supremacy.'


This some kind of LGBTQQTTWTFBBQ propaganda?

I make a point of visiting the same stall at my university as often as i can. I started a Trump flame war last year that is still visible because most of it was carved into the plastic, despite evidence of multiple attempts to erase it. It quickly descended into shitflinging between fascists and communists. And at the start of this semester, in Sharpie at the top of the wall, what do I see?


This seems retarded but its actually a good idea. I've been inspired by many writings inside of stalls or honey buckets. One of my favorites was "Mexican space shuttle" written inside of an outhouse.
But seriously this is a good idea, more propaganda to red pill anyone who takes a shit.

Why do they write the good quotes on the walls?

I think that writings are more effective than posters when it comes to bathroom stall memeing. The writings feel legitimate, like a good meme or a fun shitpost, whereas the posters feel like someone astroturfing on your board, you shut out the message

something leftypol would suggest then screenshot when anons take it serioiusly

now I just need to learn how to draw qt things besides gondolas

when I was in the military, there were always clear folders taped onto the door. Every week there was another page of info about weapons, people, or countries.
Worked pretty well because it wasn't a place with sub-100iq.