Muslim-Jewish Alliance

OH SHIT Holla Forums

Mudslimes and Jews are allying against us, whatever shall we do?

Islam is the sword of Judaism.

Point out how desperate they are and laugh.

Well, we always said we wanted to get rid of both…

oh good, 2 birds with 1 stone. It will be like the crusades all over again. history really does repeat

Turn on the gas

You could at least include a link in your post.

Do you really expect me to type that long ass url faggot?


don't they petition for an everything-everyone (except white men) alliance?

O no! They might flood europe with musli… or they might stranglehold economies with banking and usur….
Umm,… maybe they will systemically corrode our tradition and cultu….
They don't have anything new do they?

The Jews side with the terrorists over the Christians, I see no way in which this carefully thought out plan can backfire.

Oh wait, you're serious.

Let me laugh even harder.

Don't worry, I have a solution that is final.

Seems like everything they ever push is an attack on European men. They will never stop until they are forced to. It's white nationalism or death.

They are all shills, that we all know
So get ready for death squads, we'll bring on the shoah!
Evil and many are the jews and the Saracen.
But we have the guns. Thank you, Ben Garrison!


Mind posting an article Kike and not just a screen shot?


I like the way you think, user.

Tbh if this is real I'm not surprised
kikes and mudshits have been working together to kill white men and enslave/rape his women and children since the beginning of islam

And by cannibalizing, I mean how long until the Muslims start indiscriminately blowing shit up including their newfound jewish allies?

when have Muslims ever blown up Jew shit?


They already were this whole time, they're just openly declaring it now.

Is this a joke?

They have clearly been directly allied to the extent of working together on joint missions for a while now.

It is obvious, the only reason no one in the press that is anti-Islam says anything is because they would be charged with Anti Semitism/ be totally destroyed.

I hope this goes so big that Trump has to walk a bit away from his pro-Zionism

This has been the playbook since Spain.



jew only wants to be your friend if he can use you

This kinda shit right here is exactly why the Spanish Inquisition happened. Spaniards did nothing wrong.

torturing your enemies is non white, breeding with other races is non white
Spaniards are the niggers of the white race


they will infight themselves to death. this will only weaken the semites

Torture is redpilled.

White kindness is the reason we're in our current situation, barbarism needs to be met with barbarism.

Leisure time should be put to proper use for relaxation of spirit and increased health of mind and body. Such benefits are available through spontaneous study and activity and through travel… These benefits are also obtained from physical exercise and sports events. - Vatican II: Church in the Modern World, 61

Stay strong in the Church against the heathens.

no, this is what fuels white's righteous fury. Barbarism needs to be met with the most swift and deadly force possible

affix bayonets.

Single bullet between the eyes. Fuck your emotions.


The Jews fear the Spaniard

Very rarely, but when Muslims do anything to Jews it's pimped in te media as another Shoah and the gentile is given the reminder that Muslims really hate the Jews goy.

and yet the jews (moors) conquered them

with how jews are lubeing urops anus for the mudslime , its more true than it seems.

Jews and arabs are literally the same race, jews just lived farther up north so aren't as brown

Don't forget how the Jews opened the gates of Constantinople and Toledo during the previous jihads. The only difference is our gates are now abstracted.

Yep. Jews and Muslims are two castes of the same civilization. Jews are now their Brahmin, Muslims the Kshatriya.


5.56 get confirms

gas them for real

Bad moves, Jews. You can't use your media propaganda machine to make Americans hate Muslims, then join up with them and not expect some of that hate to start shifting your way…

Right now white identity is extremely weak in the United States. Contrary to what many on Holla Forums thinks, most white people aren't explicitly anti-white but they simply view themselves as "Americans" instead of "white Americans".

The best way to cultivate an in-group mentality is to have other hostile groups define and target them. If jews and muslims team up to label us whites as "white" when most normalfags never thought of themselves that way, they might inadvertently inspire a re-emergence of white identity in the US. Nothing will unite us than a common enemy and it'd be an excellent opportunity to remove the jewish and muslim problem once and for all.

Open border for Israel

Do you think a single jew has thought or shared this possibility in one of their hand rubbing parties that this time, when they go to far and get shoa'd for real that they have no other country to flee to. Theyve got total victory (doubtful as they are fucking themselves in the asd hard since trump emerged) or complete and utter genocide.

This theory makes a whole lot of sense. What race do we call them, because technically "Semitic" is a linguistic label?

No, but when dealing with kikes and muds it's often necessary.

Space isnt real. It's a lie. Telescopes makes objects curved. Both the sun and the moon is local.

This isn't tumblr.

This tbh, Kikes and Mudslimes need to be removed.

vlad the impailer was a kike and was directly related to the (((queen)))

it'll come

torture is great to apply to non-whites. you're a massive faggot dood

Called it. Shoah will happen and they will cause it themselves.

Muslim-Jewish Alliance

Nothing new

Already in 2006 did seek the “Jewish congress in Germany”, the Israeli and Turkish embassy in Germany and the biggest Islamic organization in Germany DITIB ( DITIB controlled by the Turkish government) an alliance of Jews and Muslims against “majority society”:

„Türken und Juden in Deutschland sind die Seismographen der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung in Deutschland", sagte der Botschafter des Staates Israel, Shimon Stein, als Schirmherr in seinem Grußwort zu der Podiumsdiskussion über „Antisemitismus, Islamophobie und Fremdenfeindlichkeit" am 23. Mai 2006 in Berlin, die vom Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland gemeinsam mit der Türkisch-Islamischen Anstalt für Religion e.V. (DITIB) veranstaltet wurde. Mit dieser Veranstaltung stellten sich beide Interessensvertretungen erstmalig gemeinsam den erstarkenden Tendenzen von Antisemitismus, Islamophobie und Fremdenfeindlichkeit in der Mehrheitsgesellschaft. Der zweite Schirmherr, Mehmet Ali Irtemcelik, Botschafter der Republik Türkei, würdigte in seiner Eröffnungsansprache zunächst den verstorbenen Präsidenten des Zentralrats der Juden, Dr. h.c. Paul Spiegel sel. A., mit einer Schweigeminute. Anschließend versprach er, das „Netz von Gerechtigkeit, Brüderlichkeit, Frieden und Eintracht mit allen Religionen" weiter zu knüpfen und den Dialog mit allen Religionen zu intensivieren. Albert Meyer, der als Präsidiumsmitglied den Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland vertrat, forderte die Politik auf, Lippenbekenntnisse zu unterlassen und endlich aktiv im Kampf gegen Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit zu werden.

www. Zentralratdjuden. de/de/article/982.html

In the spirit of Arab occupation of Spain, Turkish invasion of Europe, Jews and Moslems still conspire to bring down the Occident, western civilisation

This, while Jews and Muslims hate each other, they always find common ground when it comes to screwing over the goyim/infidels.

I'm out of ideas.


Its like spain all over again.

Tell Jews this:
One will attack you if you poke them.
The other will attack regardless due to Jihad.

The saracens used to kill their enemies with humiliating methods, many of them used by ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Kill yourself achmed

No achmed, that were the Visigoths. Then the Christian kingdoms kill the shit out of the moors and expelled them from Spain

No this shit again. Explain the solar system flatfag