Make New Zealand White Again

We have a general election upcoming in New Zealand. Our Kike PM ditched his government along with several other Cabinet Ministers. Labour and Green parties are a mess who can barely poll above 41%.

Only two parties have criticized Islamic immigration, affirmative action and political correctness in any way, shape or form.

One is ACT. Started as a free market party in the 90's. Became populist in 2000's then died early 2010's. Has one MP, young guy, sometimes based, but often cucks for Asian votes. Best hope is he gets 2 MP's gives National another term. Won't do much.

The other is New Zealand First. Anti-immigrant, against affirmative action for Maoris, minorities and the Treaty gravy train. Against massive third world immigration.

Led by former National MP, split to became populist party Leader. Preferred PM after current PM. Polling higher than ever before. Stole a safe seat from the governing party. You may know him by the following names:

Winston "Two Wongs Don't Make a White" Peters
Winston "Asian Invasion" Peters
Winston "Spook the Gooks" Peters
Winston "Blink and No More Chink" Peters
Winston "Disassemble the Oriental" Peters
Winston "Yellow Peril Makes Me Feral" Peters
Winston "Opium Eaters Can't Defeat Us" Peters
Winston "Rice Nigger Removal Service" Peters

So Holla Forums is Winnie P our Man?

Other urls found in this thread:

Praise Kek
== Dubs and Winston Peters is next NZ PM =

Will be voting for NZ First myself. Gonna be a lot of confusion amongst the masses with the coming election. National has no decent leader, and Labour cucked itself to death. Will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

Also, rollin' for Winnie "Ping Pong the Chink is Gone" Peters.

You know your country is cucked when Winston fucking peters is looking like the best option.

Sorry anons, but I won't be voting again until a true nationalist party forms.

You know your country is cucked when Winston fucking peters is looking like the best option.

Sorry anons, but I won't be voting again until a true nationalist party forms.

Shouldn't you folks be trying to ban foreign nationals from buying property in your country? Seems like a pretty big issue, as everyone in the world is speculating in NZ real estate for whatever reason (they might smell the brimstone that is WW3, I suppose). The funny thing is, if all of the world's elite descend on NZ, that'd make you folks the enemy of every western nation on Earth.

Winston "The Fellow to Get Rid of the Yellow" Peters

Richard "Go Back to Wogistan" Prosser

Ron "Go back to Korea" Mark

How long you prepared to wait while the entire Third World and Muslims pour into your country?

New Zealand National Front? They admitted their biggest problem is collecting membership dues every year. They only ever have two, poorly organised events a year in Chch and Welly, and even now, despite Trump election, they get barely any media coverage. Can't see how they are going to pull themselves together.

Right Wing Resistance. Literally Kyle Chapmans personality cult. By his own admission. They have now undergone yet another split. The most they achieved was pissing off a shitskin reporter.

WP is already the renegade populist libshits love to hate.

NZF is already poised to do well in election. They will put more cops on street, lower immigration from 140,000 a year (3/4 not kiwis) to 7000-10,000. Not perfect, but how is waiting for Kiwi Hitler any better an alternative?

Lets meme NZF to the right so when Winston Peters does kark, the Party can reveal its power level when its already in power.

Elites usually go nice suburb in Auckland or isolated mansion. I.e James Cameron.

If NZ does become homebase for elites, expecting direct foreign aid, support, intelligence, weapons training and arms from United States of the Fourth Reich

No fuck you, vote for the only guy we have while we work on better options.

Auckland was recently confirmed to be the fourth most overpriced city on earth, after hong kong, Sydney, and Vancouver . We have to get a hardline "build a wall deport them all" going here or else NZ will become a chink colony with a side of cuzzy bros and streetshitters.

This place is gonna be New China long before that happens, VOTE user. REALPOLITIK


JW4H should be a thing. Pretty sure its just like D/C, give up now Goyim, Jews are White, kind of psy op techniques to stop WN's doing anything.

WN's in NZ get together twice a year, march down a street, then booze up. Only acheivement is National Front website getting tons of hits, and even that needs serious world.

Every three years some WN with a fraction of social skills starts a new party, never gets 500 embers registered, or never gets more than 0.01%.

We don't even have the social side of WN movement yet. We haven't moved past setting up a new vantard party every 3 years, and low profile social meet ups.

National is too big, too controlled and pozzed like DNC to be infitrated.

NZF is just small enough for a small group of people to have a huge influence in direction, but has enough potential to be worth the time.

If it goes too shit, you split and take %5 of more radical voters with you as well as party infrastructure.

You cunts are from Dunners aren't you


Why the fuck do the Maoris allow it tho?


Most Maori live in Australia because there are more jobs for them over there. From the 90's onward. So they don't identify with what happens in NZ becoz they think they're Australian. Strayas fault for being too welcoming.

Maori vote for NZF for exact reasons you expect. Didn't enjoy last colonisation, know they won't fair any better with Chinks. In 1996 NZF won all seven Maori seats for first time. They had been held by Labour since 1930's.

Also, Winston Peters was first Maori that looked like he'd make it as PM, and he doesn't shill for Iwi's (Tribal Corporations). He ones of those educated amke it in a white man's world with white man's rules kind of Maori that normal people apsire to, but Iwi and Maori radicals depise. Winston Peters is living proof a Maori can make it places in NZ, which is why he's so hated by them, but lot's of Maori love him.

Maori Party, think moderate version of BLM, plus muh Indigenous rights.

Labour, same deal with DNC and niggers.

fuck you hobbit cunt,


Nah why?, is it especially bad down there?

Most of them have been completely niggerised by the media, and spend their days larping, they seem to be genuinely convinced they live in some Chicago ghetto.
Their "leaders" support it I imagine purely out of spite for the evil white man, who just had to come along and stop them from eating each other. Some of the Maori are actually OK though (pic related).



On point user. Maori don't have to act like Niggers but they have been sold niggerdom and ghetto culture the same way Jews normalized and sold it to whites and liberals in America.

Most smart Maoris realize the time of their race ruling over NZ is over, they were never a coherent nation, and that White man taught how not to eat each other. Worst incidences of genocide and slavery ended with British colonization of all of NZ

Only in 60's and 70's did the whole "Kill Whitey" craze start infecting Maori once they started entering Universities and being indoctrinated

Love Dunedin, beautiful Edinburgh of the South Pacific and pretty based, but we all know you Scarfie have an irrational hatred/jealousy of Jafas despite the fact that most of you have never left the South Island.

Not entirely unjustified, but you guys seem to enjoy JafaBashing the same way Australians enjoy being shit at everything

NZ Army could defs be better but I'll never get this meme that NZ has no military capability. Our Special Forces are top in the world, and are ex-soldiers are in high demand as mercenaries and defense contractors.

If it wasn't for Labour Governments running down Navy and Air force, and if we'd kept Compulsory Military Training for young men, and Compulsory Military Service, we'd easily be up for a friendly game for Guerrilla Warfare post-Total Victory of Whites and Annihilation of Jewry.

BTW How does it feel knowing your Country with over a 100 years of history with NZ and fought almost every war together, had a Government that went with Israel over New Zealand

m8 our PM is a literal kike, what do you expect?

Was mainly the Queen Dyke that destroyed combat strike capability for Air Force. Fourth Labour Government refused to buy four new frigates from Straya. Labour ended CMT & CMS in 1972 despite every referenda supporting it's retention.

yeah, and my mum's a fucking boong

Evidence? Not saying he couldn't, but do we have any from Ancestry or any links to prove. Would be brilliant if that is the case, big redpill, two Cryptokikes in a row, but need actual proof.

Jew-owned media, now that has proof. Mediaworks that runs JewsHub, ultra-degenrate Bravo, owned by Oak Tree Capital Management, which has 95% Jews on its board, and all founding members were Jews

his mum's jewish, says right here

sorry thought we were talking about John Key and Bill English. many apologies ANZACbro.

What the fuck is happening with Aus then? We have our elections, hopefully NZF takes power. How far away is Pauline Hanson from doing the same?

calm ya tits m8

I want to set up a far right news/opinion site, but I need writers. NF is a terrible example of white nationalism (covered in tats, druggies, bennies) and no doubt people are instantly turned off when they search up their website looking for legitimate discussion.

I'm just a simple Waikato lad, doing simple Waikato things mate, I don't know anything about this Auckland/Dunedin beef of yours It does trigger me deeply when jaffas flood the roads in summer though

Hungry for decent WN forums and articles. NF website gets a ton of traffic, but all they do is recycle other news articles.

Ignorant Jaffag. Pls explain your meme

One Nation is going to make further gains but they're a long long fucking way from forming government anywhere. They will probably get the balance of power in Queensland next year though and they've just polled 15% of the primary vote in NSW, they could overtake the Greens nationally as the 3rd party over the next few years, but actually getting in government is a long way off.

Also they keep preselecting retards for candidates and their party infrastructure seems to be pretty poor. It remains to be seen whether they'll hold together or just splinter and split like last time.

NZ First is way more likely to succeed than One Nation ever is, the fact they have the maori connection kinda makes them harder to fuck with even if it ties them to being civic nationalists.

NZF kinda has three tiers.

1. Projected Image/ Public Perception:

Winston Peters likes the old school Pre-1984 National Party Conservative Populist image of Robert Muldoon and Keith Holyoake. Hates Political Correctness, hates Maori radicals.

Will dogwhistle and pretend not to be racist. Media picks up on dogwhistle and launches into character assassination.

2. Members

Lot of variant and diversity that motviates these ppl. Some are actual Communists who see WP as next Lenin, but most are fairly redpilled ppl who hate third world immigration, want to make Police and Army Great Again, and hate globalism.

So many conversations I've had start with "not racist but", then end with them confessing 5% of Muslims is trouble, Rothchilds and Jews run the world and Hitler probably did nothing wrong.

3. Supporters

Much harder to gauge. Some are openly WN or redpilled but a very small minority. Lots are more like disgruntled white Nats and Labour voters who can see the cancer destroying their country, but don't understand why, but they still see Winston as the way of fixing it.

source: party insider, heavily involved

What is NF's view on maoris?

And Kek said, let there be memes

It's always been a mix.

All challenge and are against the White Guilt Industry that distorts Treay of Waitangi and NZ History.

Some sympathize with Maori as ppl who got here first, and have been just as fucked up by globalism as whites. Some Maoris connect their current situation with the Jews, but not nearly enough.

Maori radicals are essentially demanding a separate Maori ethnic state, which is better for whites than colour-blind race mixing that National and ACT are fine with. Some NF are OK with that so long as non-White immigration ends and Whites have a homeland for themselves.

Some follow Martin Doutre's theory that whites got here first i.e. Celtic/Viking/Phoenocian explorers, and that that explains tales of red haired, fair skinned peoples in Maori mythology.

It's a little "we wuz kangz and shit" but without evidence on can never really say either way. NZ is too pozzed atm to laucnh a proper historical investigation of that shit.

Ultimately, NF only ever talks about white genocide, multiculturalism and anti-whites in the news and media. They decided a while ago that talking about Holohoax and JQ wasn't doing anything. Doesn't mean they don't hold those views, they just stick to white genocide as a topic to redpill maximum number of people.

So as long as Maori give up being anti-white, stop breeding so quickly, and non-white immigration ends, NF is basically agnostic.

I've always believed there's more than a lot of wiggle room to work with Maori in that

A) If we lose they lose
B) Treaty of Waitangi explicitly says British and European immigration was agreed to. Says nothing about the rest of the world. So thats a potential wedge to drive between Treatyists and globalists.

tldr; NF is all about white genocide and critcising anti-whites, doesn't really care or mid Maori so long as they don;t chimp out.


If you want the second successful Kiwi/pol/ thread in a while to survive

Its the lad Governor Grey, Started the Waikato war, Broke the Kingitangi, Basically he brought the flame of civilisation to the Waikato

Makes sense now. I know lots of Lefties are looking to tear down his statues all around the country. Fucking kek if Winston Peters was to rename Waikato University, George Grey University

I dont understand why Maoris are butthurt like our injuns. They actually won a few wars and signed treaties that were honored.

And yet apparently they want to be like niggers and abbos. Sounds sad.

Its complicated. Most Maori butthurt comes from Waikato-Taranaki-Kings Country Area.

They saw they were being colonised so the Kingite movement started off so Maori could negotiate with Queen from a stronger position. Then radicals hijacked it and turned it into a separatist movement, and a way of settling scores with other tribes.

Some Iwi fought with Whites, fewer fought against. Becoz Britain never gave full military support, and the colonial troops were severely restrained from going full RWDS, Maori fought they never actually lost.

Lost of Maori actually have it shitter than back in the day despite idenity politics, Maori Party and affirmative action. They just have bought into anti-white marxist narrative, rather than realise they got Jewed over by another ZOG like the rest of us.

As for wanting be niggers and abbos. MTV etc. Even Maori Television is better than that ghetto worshiping crap. Maori television actually plays more European cultural films than the other state owned channels and broadcasters.

Yeah probably the wrong time of day to start it tbh, hopefully we can get user influx after knock off time Thank God I can get away with shitposting at work

People might actually start to wanting to go Waikato

Was hoping kek would deliver us the 8888888, but it was taken by some other fag in thread. hopefully Kek will find some other to tell us the way.

surely lets meme it.

You'd have to purge first though. If you fail at law, it's generally recognized the place you go is Waikato Uni for your law degree. Same with engineering.

If it's that pozzed imagine what arts looks like. Has produced plenty of anti-white academics and professors, one in particular, blamed the fact Maori can't stop themselves beating their kids to death, on white colonization which explains why Maori act like thugs to their own children.

Yeah I don't know if its still as Mediocre anymore, this was a little while ago now but, in my last year of secondary. I half filled out a Waikato enrolment form online half way through I was like, lol what am I doing, and stoped anyway about 6 months later the they started spamming me with emails, saying I had been accepted, and offering me a pretty reasonable scholarship. That's how fucking unbelievably desperate they were for students. Shithole man

Maoris are the same percentage of our population as niggers are to America, but while the cuzzies are marginally more intelligent they're still fat violent alcoholics so of curse they don't think ahead further than the next smoko break.

Based Winny is an Uncle Tom, once he's gone there wont be any good maori left in NZ, and unless we have one of /ourguys/ ready to take over NZF, the party dies too.

On the brightside, Shill English got the lowest vote in NZ history when he ran a decade ago, we have much better chances going forward now, win or lose.

Also much larger degree of racemixing amongst Maori population than niggers, while white gene pool was constantly replenished by European immigration post WWII.

Obvs you've never met Ron Mark or seen him in action. Grew up in shitty foster families. Went to army. went special forces. mercenary in Oman. Become Mayer of Carterton, one of the whitest towns in the North Island.

He's staunchly nationalist, hates globalists, identifies with his European side as much as his Maori side, pro-gun, pro Army and Police, hates pc, skeptical of university. Deeply supportive of veterans, Anzac day, discipline and order.

Hope lives

I want to say yes to this, but we can't be overconfident. There are several reasons Boring Bill lost 2002.

National was blamed for the shitstorm that was 1998-2000, and people still hated them for that. Also he had only just taken over as leader 9 months previously (history repeats praise kek).

National was shit at MMP, didn't chase party vote at all coz they were noobz at that point, and most importantly, alot of their support was taken up by NZF or ACT.

Hopefully history repeats but can't be too certain

D/C Asians and Maoris would go down easily in NZ. Maoris are already envious of Asians for their success, and all it would take is LARPING as Asians bragging about colonising, birthrates and owning the country to piss them off enough to vote for NZF over labour and Maori party

ehhh NZ Whites first duh fuck a bunch of boat floating natives.Those dumb fucks would still be wiping their asses with beach sand.Never give a stupid native that has been colonized a voice they will just muk shit up if you allow them any political sway fuck them they are better on with whites there and need to fucking respect it period.

That guy is half island cannible

Realistically Winston is the only chance NZ has to stop the population replacement of ethnic white and Maori. Otherwise NZ will become full of chinks and loo pooers.

Get from the last thread was glorious

Now i'm off to check these

The immigration is out of control. The figures may not be as huge as Europe, but relative to our population it's fucking enormous.

Meanwhile the media is like 'DURR WHY IS THERE A HOUSING CRISIS'. It's pretty obvious why when we get enough immigrants to fill up Nelson, every single fucking year. The solution is so obvious, to stop foreign nationals owning property and stop immigration dead in its tracks and the housing prices will sort itself out.

You could probably count the number of people my age (21-22) who own a house as under a few hundred in the whole country and those will mostly be rich kids who had parents front a deposit and got nice family business jobs.

The only reason me and my partner have a house is because we built it with our own blood sweat and tears and saved 150k. Even then the mortgage payments are still not cheap.

And then it's borderline impossible to find a place to rent because there are so many Indians taking the jobs for minimum wage and will stack 10 of them to a 3 bed house so landlords love them because they can jack the rent up crazy high.

This country is so fucked.


With English that shit, I'd say your either (A) some foreigner larping as a kiwi, or (B) a moron

If (A) you have to go back
if (B) let me explain this to you very simply, Our immigration rate is too high, 1 in 4 people who live in this country were not born here, it needs to be curbed right now, for demographic, and economic reasons. Winston has spent a long time championing this cause, on top of that he has policy suggestions aimed at reducing unemployment, and raising wages to stop people fleeing to Australia. I personally would rather my people, and my country survive, than observe a frankly suicidal principle to not vote for him because he's Maori. Its a first step, not the last

For that beautiful response, I gift to you my collection of Smug Winstons.Top kek user

Does NZ pizzagate?

No but our Politicians do cover up the vast nationwide pedofile ring called Child Youth & Family

Honestly, John was so fucking creepy around little girls, who knows

Thank you for the smug Winstons, I will trade them wisely.

Let me sweeten the deal with some limited successor edition Cheeky Rons as well

Okay he still has an irresistable urge to eat people

And you still have yet to come up with an alternative, or you are just a paid shill trying to derail this thread


We could start by nuking Wellington and Auckland.

Sometime you see a really mixed maori on ads (my parents still use the electric jew) or that one really mixed guy on miscegenation street (formerly known as shitland street before the poz turned to aids), and the maoris look almost exactly like those niggers photoshopped white, they have almost the correct skin tone but their facial features are monstrous, stuck right in the uncanny valley.

Never connected his name or knew his history, but I have seen him bantzing here and there, glad I have someone else to keep a tab on.

I don't want to meme irresponsibly but I'm not optimistic about this year, doesn't mean i wont try to help NZF, but I think we'll have better chances in 2020 due to the Trump Effect, and memetic convergence taking place in re-election. NZ takes all it's cues from America, and the rot hasn't set in far enough for shitlibs here to oppose Trump with full force for 4 years, let alone 8.

I'm sure we'll be able to exploit the housing crisis (dog eater invasion) to it's fullest.

Dixie here, it's good to hear about what's happening in other Anglosphere places. Don't usually hear much about these, so I enjoyed reading the thread.

There are too many stories and legends like that for me to not believe there is something to them. They usually get genocided in the end, which is something we should take note of as a cautionary tale. The fact that they're not around now is somehow itself evidence they never existed. I'd like to see real investigations and full DNA profiles of any discovered remains.

Hence the "Tiny Homes" craze in America. Nobody questions why that's suddenly necessary to still have money after the house.


your version of the maori party is old, they are now cowed and silent once they got their permanent seats in the house, they are all about mana and status, now they have it they don't want to rock the boat too hard. The Mana party however would suit your description to the t.

so where did you study instead?

Why do a lot of Maori seem to dislike non-white immigrants too?

quads checked
Immigration has been the drive of house prices for along time in NZ. In the decade you were born 1990-2000, 100,000 people permanently left NZ, this could have reduced pressure on house prices but that would not suit the agenda of the banks and the ultra wealthy. So immigration was loosened an 100,000 new migrants entered the country. The new migrants were from Asian and African countries places NZ had not had significant levels of immigration before.

Until immigration and foreign land ownership is stopped things will not get better in NZ. It's now a country for Chinese landlords and tenants who have no other choice. There no reason why NZ could not have had the prosperity Australia has had in the last 20 years, it just the country has been run for the ultra wealthy and politically connected for far too long.

take a look at this, some classic comments

Maoris know non-whites don't have white guilt and would be happy to bulldoze the Maori into to sea.

Maoris are Austronesian right?

The natives of Taiwan are/were also Austronesian, they've been fucked hard by the Han over the years. Chinese used to sell their skin in Kaohsiung because they believed it had medicinal properties back during the Qing Dynasty.

If you actually do some background reading, many Austronesian natives in Taiwan fondly remembered the Dutch, compared to the Chinese.

My only solace in all this immigration is that if we go down, those Maoris are going down too. Chinese and Indians do not give a shit and will fuck them up. No more Maori land developments, no more treaty claims, no more state housing Maori suburbs, no more Maori scholarship s. A tragic, but also satisfying day that would be.

Not really. Marama Fox is still the yappiest house nigger in Parliament and never misses an oppurtunity to rant about grievances, or racism or systemic racism. And becoz shes Maori and an MP shes gets a soapbox.

Te Flav is just as mild as Pita Sharples ever was.

Also they are currently re-organising with the Kingitanga Movement and Mana as we speak. They are using Waitangi and Ratana to full advantage and going heavy on Labour.

Lol so much discussion of Maoris on a WN/NS imageboard. kek

They see most newcomers as invaders. They have learnt to put up with "Kiwis", as in 8th generation britbongs who have acclimatized.

They don't like Saffas much either.

Not quite, Academic consensus is that they belong to the Eastern Polynesian group, closer to Niuean, Tokelau, and Cook Islands. That group left South East Asia, possibly including Taiwan, for the Indonesian archipelago thorugh a land bridge then island hopped their way to nearest Island to NZ. From their they made waka journeys until they eventually achieved permanent settlement.

No because you'll still be dead dead.

And now this to top it all off sorry too lazy to archive atm

Leaf here, willing to provide memetic backup in any way I can. Don't know the first thing about NZ, but I can relate to the fact that your country is fucking beautiful and slightly more chill and less imposing than your bigger neighbour.

I'm loving all this talk of a united Anglosphere lately. Except for the mongs who put Ireland into the equation.

An old historian said that the Anglosphere would be the natural evolution of things. The left are saying the Anglosphere is racist because it gives priority to people of shared ethnicity.

Oh, and quite a fair few journalists are picking it up:

Winston Peters was the only NZ politician to openly back Brexit and delivered a pro-Brexit speech at the House of Lords of the invitation of Farage. pic related.

From his speech:

New Zealand First openly adovcates for a Free Trade Agreement between NZ, AUS, UK, Canada and potentially South Africa.

Come on Britbongs. We backed your fight for freedom, plz help ours.


I hope you guys get your guy in. I'm half kiwi and I want to leave the nanny state for something better.

i literally know nothing about new zealand

try that

Considering the money fleeing to NZ I'm pretty sure that is their plan.

I've wondered about this for a long time now, but is there a delineation between age groups as to their tendency to commie horseshit? From what I've gathered, the commie cluster is in the mid to late Gen Y region (24-30ish) with everyone before and after being somewhat redpilled. I have an idea as to who you may be referring to, but I won't drop names because >muh opsec

*tendency toward commie horseshit
sage because I'm a retarded faggot

What pro white groups are there around for New Zealand apart from NF? All I've found is a Luke warm nz alt right faceberg page with a Asian admin.

Sorry Jaffa's, it was for the white race.

Hey! This is library!

Have to say also I'm not a fan of this Opportunities Party.

Yeah Gen-Y, definitely. On point. No real influence now, but they are still very vocal.

That's the problem with both fsperg and alt-right pages. One minute its "omg Based Donald" the next minute it's "hey, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks"

Partially related, I've noticed in and around town some cheapo anarchist stickers being plastered everywhere. There's also this fruity Eco Socialist Organisation truck that circles around the place. So I looked into some of these commie groups and they don't take kindly to NZF or the commie cluster.

I swear to God I need to stop going on Facehook. I was convinced to get one for keeping up w/ party events but my productivity is in the shitter now.

That always pisses me off. That's literally the point, ethnic solidarity. Not to be fucking "inclusive" with people who only want what we can offer them, and who don't like us anyway.

It's not our fault that none of the other colonial powers created their own spheres, let alone peoples who struggle to make their only country stable.

Good luck, New Zealand.

They should be deport to Africa and embrace the cultural enrichments.

Sounds good to me.

Bump, what's the deal with TOP? Morgan comes off as a huge cuck but I feel egregiously misinformed on the situation.

you could say hes bernie leftism as opposed to hillary leftism

he wants universal basic income among other things

looks like hes a mega cuck who wants immigration

nvm didnt even read it

You sure CYF is a pedo ring? I know they're infested with leftism, but I haven't heard of them having a pizza problem.

I'm just happy people know we exist.

No, you were right the first time. I only made it to the point he was citing Cuckdeau as a paragon of virtue.

Keeping it Māori, Kia ora!

say Māori bro

Burger here. Family owns NZ property an hour from Dunedin. I am trying to transition to residency with my family and tend to the land. Id like and fight for NZ to not be overrun by asians and indians. Do you see me as white/kiwi supporter or as an immigrant still part of the problem? What can I do to gain your support?

It pisses us off when foreigners buy up land and then charge us rent to use our own clay, but if you're white then by all means you're welcome here. Kiwis have a well-earned reputation for general friendliness, though it'll be the death of us.

Depends. Are you a Californian?

Are New Zealanders white?

Yes, for now.

Ive lived in a lot of states, in my heart im from Montana.

I just want to rehab this plot of land and plant lots of native trees. Perhaps start a nursery. Test out growing hemp for commercial selling as I think hemp seed ban cant last that long. Eventually put down a bach for family to live on in safe white community.

Yeah, can anyone elaborate on this? How far up would this go, if substantiated?

Winston "Kiwi the picker, the rice is getting thicker" Peters

Lol why did I read that all in a NZ accent?

In Dunedin it's called a "crib".

I'm sure I saw someone get trips on a less needy version than either of these. Lemme check if I saved it…

Sheeeit, it's in the bag lads, don't jinx it now.

Lauda Finem (leftists) wrote up a series of articles linking Hell Pizza to money laundering and P use (likely dealing), and implicated the Nats.

CYFs employees have definetly been involved in widespread abuse but the NZ govt have stonewalled all attempts to form a commission into it. i'm no expert but you better hope your kids are never taken.

most people in that region are conservative, just be respectful. watch out for maoris and islanders they specifically target foreigners for victimization.

What are you guys thoughts on Shane Jones?

imo he seems unreliable and could be replacing Richard Prosser which would take the party further into leftism. I think Jonesy should run in an electorate instead of being placed on the list. That being said fuck Curwen Rolinson and his #nevershane campaign.

Also what are your thoughts on coalition partners for NZ First?

Personally I don't mind if Winnie goes into coalition with either Labour or Nats, its better to have him in there regardless.

Burger here, what's a New Zealand?

Ayyy my Winnie OC got reused, ta OP.
Pretty set on NZF. Let's make NZ great again!

If I were you Kiwi's I'd just be asking what his ethnicity is, but maybe that only occurs to me as a member of the Historic American Nation. Then again, at least he's not a chink.

His state matters a lot. I've never had anything but bad experiences from Califags, and they're getting far more prevalent here. If he's midwestern, I hardly have a problem with him and his family being here, but we don't need more (((Californians))) shitting up our voting patterns.

God damn. And I thought KidiCorp was bad.

I'd never heard of Shane until I saw Curwen talking about him. I'm staying as far away from this Shane v Curwen thing as I can, but either way, I don't want Prosser dropped.


Jono and Ben should fucking kill themselves tbh lads

I'm visting NZ around May-June, never been to the country before

how fucked up will the weather be?

any essential things i should do there?

Cold as mate. Winter kicks in Early may.

You will freeze if you aren't careful. The real cold is the polar wind with rain. The rain is easy to get used to, but the polar blast will chill you nicely.

That will depend on what part of the country you are visiting. May-June will be late autumn/early winter. Magic mushroom season if your into that sort of thing. I'd recommend visiting the geothermal hot pools and skiing/snowboarding on the southern alps.

Our climate is temperate, dont be a pussy.

First thing Winston should do when he is elected is throw out these clowns

Quads of Truth.

He looks like a human version of a smug pepe.

Checked the text from Dixie

thats fucking cringe. i hate guy williams too

Quads of truth, although I doubt the media are simply unaware and are trying to put on a naive facade to look innocent.

Irrelevant media-whoring. The NeverShane campaign is just a disgruntled drug dealer clinging for relevance after Winston shafted him out of the youth wing for being a cuck.

Epitome of internal D/C shilling. Best paid Green Party agent since Sue Bradford.

It's an institutional problem. We are talking about generally problem children whose families are ultra-abusive so they are taken into state care.

Typically Maoris and Islanders, but also whites. They then get abused by new foster parents because CYFS agents don't want to know about it.

One story:
Young man leaves home, put in CYFS home. CyFS Foster Parent is a Cop. Cop and his son sexually molest the young foster daughters in their care, taking turns. Try to molest young guy. Young guy beats the shit out of son, and stabs Foster dad in the back with a screwdriver.

Runs away with two young girls. Girls go to women's shelter. Let off with minor assault charge, still serves time, half in Youth Detention, other half in prison, nothing happens to Dad or brother.

CYF doesn't want to admit they are desperate and let the shittiest human beings become accredited as CYFS Foster parents/ They don't check up on kids, and take the word of the parent over the kid, usually because the kid has a history of delinquency and trouble.

If they admit fault, they admit they let sickos take advantage of young children, ignore or covered it.

Homes abuse the children.

CYS Case manager ignores it, or hides it. If they whistle blow highier ups come down on them for blowing discretionary authority.

High up well paid bureacrats with an easy job don't like the bad press or reputational damage as they ladder climb for a higher, better government job.

Everyone with a history with CFYS needs to be investigated by GCSB, SIS or some independent institution, open access to all their phone, computer, internet and legal data to root out their sins.

Chances are they either enabled or ignored a case of ongoing child molestation.

New Zealand First is the only party in Parliament that supports a Public Registrar for Child Sex Offenders.

Stopping that kind of thing used to be what the left claimed it was all about.

What's the chance Labour campaigns with this then does absolutely nothing about it afterwards?

Nothing because they ran CYFS for nine years previously and did nothing about it. They also were the ones to reform State Care in the 1980's.

Oh, and they are likely riddled with people affiliated or connected with child and sex offenders. see link:

Is that the best image you have of him being creepy? That looks perfectly innocent as opposed to Biden.

ugh they made one last week, "America first, New Zealand second" real original, it said New Zealand was sold for blankets and diseases. Everything Jono and Ben learnt at school between them in just one sentence. They meant it to be anti-colonialism, didn't seem to notice how humiliating it would be if your ancestors had sold your land for blankets. Not at all like selling it for guns, ammo, and pigs.

uh sorry same one.

You cunts see this hate crime bullshit they are now pushing because of the maori vs mullah video?

Tv1 + tv3 + top cop talking about needing hate crime laws

I saw the news coverage but I haven't seen the Hate Crime™ laws thing. Don't we already have them though?

Bump. Is NZ politics so boring that it takes a month to get to 150 replies on what's essentially a kiwi/pol/ thread? Is this a good thing? Or does this mean that there's literally 30 kiwis on a 3000 person board?