What is so bad with state socialism?

What is so bad with state socialism?

State socialism isnt bad.

State capitalism is bad.

Depends what kind of state socialism

xexizy you used to be tolerable fuck off now


If OP is xexizy, someone should edit the guy doing the fucking to have Lenin's face and replace the word "homo" with Leninist to say "LENINIST action"

I doubt xexizy posts these, there is more people who post with a lenin hat.

What's so bad about anarcho-capitalism? It's like, half way there dude, it's good enough.

Sounds spooky mate. So basically the state extracts surplus value to buy itself yachts and penthouses at the Costa Brava? I didn't know such a form of governance exists.

what do you mean by state socialism? State ownership of MoP? It's thievery, just like capitalist thievery.

isn't that what stalin did? :^)

I'm so sorry but give me some fucking credit. I know you think I'm some tankie illiterate fuck but jesus christ at the very least realise I wouldnt make threads like these.

Lenin hat != inherently me

Is this what they tell kids in schools those days?

Stalin went to his grave with a pair of boots and his coat to his name, you are historically illiterate.

Daily Reminder

Here's your reply.

The state is a self interested organization at its core.

Imo democratic centralism and central planning by virtue of their top down nature can far too easily morph into authoritarianism, especially when combined with the instability that comes with revolution. With a top down structure and the requirement for a strong state to keep everything together in a revolutionary period the emergence of somebody like Stalin is basically inevitable.

On the other hand, planned economies based on a bottom up federal structure would work much better in my opinion, as long as production is handled by syndicates who receive production orders from local governments who plan the distribution of goods in their jurisdiction.

Can anyone give a real example of state socialism?

How does this even work?


You do realize, that Stalin was the least authoritarian of the leaders of USSR (barring Lenin, of course)?

Do you even know how Soviet Planning worked? Because I see either a baseless conjecture made to fit your prejudices or a disinformation.

I'm sorry, what is the purpose of having lots of small "central" plans?

here's a (you) attention whore

Stalinists can't. All Socialism is State Socialism on our end.

What is with you (?two) ?

He gave you a very old and respectable answer to the claims that Soviet functionaries led life of opulence and luxury.


So tell me authoritarians
How the state is going to dissolve itself if the need for an efficient army will always be there to spread communism or maintain the state from western capitalism attacks ?

Cuz Marx says so.

Don't trust me? Read Marx, muhfugga.

read *zizek*

We just need an anarchist revolution to overthrow the state while keeping socialism intact.

Tankies on suicide watch