So this is a thing

So this is a thing.

Watched this hunk of garbage with my nephews over the weekend? Literally what did they mean by this movie, other than "hey let's sell toys to adhd kids!"?

First of all, the Eye of Sauron is one of the main antagonists. Why? The movie almost never stops for one beat to just breathe for a second. It reminds me of Deadpool's dialogue where they are just throwing reference after reference at you at lightning speed. I'm not sure it even had a story, just a successive line of references, most of which had absolutely nothing to do with Batman, and all of which served as an advertisement for other products. Anything with a brand name that can be sold to a kid was shoved in there. Bigfoot, Godzilla, you name it.

At any rate, I figure it's just some garbage, throwaway nickelodeon movie since I'd never heard of it before. I look it up, it's one of the highest grossing movies ever made!

Are we finished culturally?

Its a toy commercial for little cumskins. These shitfests have existed since the 1950s, don't take it seriously.

Any examples?

Oh and its hardly one of the highest grossing movies ever made. $80 million production budget with a $312 million gross and who knows how much was spent on marketing. to say that it one of the highest grossing movies is just factually incorrect. Even if we assume the discussion to be about percentage yield on budget, you could point to almost any successful horror movie and note that they are more successful by that metric.

not my fault niggers can't afford toys

It's #391 on the list of highest-grossing movies ever made. Anything in the top 500 is a success and will have multiple sequels, spinoffs, tie-ins, what have you.

The best part is that nothing newer than The Matrix was referenced because there's nothing new since then


Is that list adjusted for inflation?

most cumskins are poor and addicted to drugs.

I can't believe I was almost tricked into paying to watch this shit. Everyone was saying it was so funny and clever and got Batman "right." Why is every single (((acclaimed))) movie in recent years a complete hunk of shit?

I work in a toy shop. My wits ended when my boss told me "here is this set of Lego. put it together." It was this pic related

As you can see, it's around 50 parts. I asked why should I do that? He said that a guy literally came into the shop and said that he will buy it, but he refuses to put it together.

This tells you everything about how finished we are.

No it's not adjusted for inflation. But it still stands that this is a very successful movie and will definitely get sequels.

What is there to get? He's a rich guy who fights crime because his parents died. I don't get how anyone over the age of 10 can enjoy this. If you're old enough to have your own money, then you're too old to watch this. Knowing that this movie is being watched by teens and young adults is rather distressing.

fucking millennials. if your boss tells you to do something, you do it.

One of the few movies I actually sincerely regret paying to see when it came out. Absolute garbage. Fails as a Batman movie, as a LEGO movie spinoff and as a movie on its own.


lol slave

It was a figure of speech, that allowed me to tell you the explanation of why I had to put it together. My boss actually said it all in once, I didn't need to ask.

Is this your first time watching a children's movie? They're all like that.

Americans in a nutty shell

Both sides of you have good points. When it comes to ethical/moral dilemmas or things that could cause harm, you should absolutely question and not just blindly obey. But I think that for regular benign work tasks, you're there to do what is asked regardless of your opinion.

Why would someone by that shitty set?

No I watched kid's movies when I was a kid. Lion King, Aladdin, Toy Story, mostly 90s stuff. They all had coherent plots. There were few, if any, references to random pop culture. The characters all had properly-conveyed motivations. One or two antagonists that had a natural reason to be part of the plot. You know, things that used to make movies.

Actually, the last kids movie I saw was the first Lego movie. While it was trash and highly overrated, it was at least bearable. That "Everything is Awesome" song can go fuck itself though. Go watch Lion King some time and tell me if those songs aren't legitimately great.

If the justification is dumb enough, you have to question your boss, as it could take time from other more important things
I find more important depot in-n-outs or store order than prepping some retard's lego kit
