"Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James W. Loewen

Originally published in 1995, "Lies My Teacher Told Me" was required reading for my high school's American history class, so the content set the tone for the curriculum. I speculate the time I read that book (2004-2005) coincided with cultural progressivism's gaining traction from the Bush years. Progressives had decades of significant victories, especially in the 90s of which this is book a product. Gore's loss to Bush and the outburst of post-9/11 Jingoism galvanized progressives to push even harder for a bigger paradigm shift. Although progressives continue to make strides, they still had some critical obstacles, namely the election of Donald Trump.


The crux of Loewen's polemic highlights the average American textbook's systematic understatement or omission of bloody conflict/treachery between colonists and indigenous people of the New World, the Vietnam War, and various atrocities committed by US Troops. In other places, Loewen points out that textbooks lie about even trivial details, such as the origin of the "Betsy Ross" flag. Loewen chalks the poor scholarship up to ethnocentrism and racism, which also explains why textbooks underplay or deny other more credible alternative perspectives.

Loewen's work is ridden with progressive bias, and in some cases, the alternative theories he cites turn out to be absolute bunk, but he challenges the layman by shattering preconceived notions and introducing novel concepts which merit debate.

So Holla Forums, what do you think of James W. Loewen and his book "Lies My Teacher Told Me"?

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Pure cohencidence.

Sounds like your average kike trying to undermine American nationalism and guilt trip white kids into feeling bad about their heritage. So what if there was treachery between colonists and indigenous people, it was a shitty time to be alive in America. American Troops committed atrocities in Vietnam? We wouldn't have been in Vietnam if some Semites weren't trying to sell helicopters and kill off a generation of irksome Goyim. I'm all for trying to verify the facts of textbooks but pinning these 'lies' on racism is disingenuous. Blame it on the real problem, kikes trying to package history to niggers.

Leftists love to point to American atrocities in 'Nam, bitch about how bad the pilgrims were, how awful the crusades were. It's propaganda. They omit the NVA and VC massacres, the constant bloody ambushes and warfare that the injuns practiced, and constantly apologize for the non stop violence muslims spread. Most people have a retarded understanding of history, and marxists exploit this, learn shit yourself, and have a few facts to throw in the face of someone spewing propaganda. Get the audience on your side with superior correct knowledge.

Here's one lie my teachers told me

Oy vey what is this revisionist image?! Don't you goyim know they shoved 10 bodies into the ovens at once??!?!


The irony of a book called "Lies My Teacher Told Me" literally being the source of lies that my teacher told me.

The thing you have to remember is, this is the old "muh whig history" line, but from a commie perspective. The best way to fight it is not to argue against the first part of the thesis (history is mythmaking) but the second part (therefore bend over for the third-world hordes). The truth is ALL history is messy and full of genocide and ALL nations de-emphasize the nasty parts by hiding the atrocities and making the losers look evil and themselves look valiant… you know, like they did with the Third Reich

actually that is a soap production facility. the evil nazi bastards would make an incision underneath the testicles and use an industrial vacuum to remove body fat.

is that myeconlab?

Mattresses made out of human body fat?

I have this book, its like a light version of A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, though i haven't read the latter. Some stuff in it is pretty good, it has some positive stuff not mentioned in history, like it talks about how Helen Keller went on to start many charities that funded medical research that cured a lot of diseases that caused blindness and deafness as hears ended being totally preventable.

Jewish revisionist history, marxism in action.

What the american colonists did was in no way bad. Faggot.

any history text that isn't a primary source or isn't about a specific topic is trash
the concept of "general history" is a weapon, not a tool for learning
fight me


Same company. I had so many many errors with mystatlab and mymathlab.

quoted for truth.

It's probably from Loewe which means lion, which is the symbol of the tribe of Judah not the tribe of Levi.


According to the above link his mother's name is Winifred which is a very German name, so I don't think he's Jewish.


The fuck? Why the hell did "Edgy" post?

Let me try that again.

I always thought the windows 8 tablet interface/idiocracy comparison was pretty stupid. Why is it never made with apple products? The interface was terrible but I don't think it would be better if they just went with smaller icons (considering it already had a small icon view as well but nobody used it). A calendar program with a calendar icon and calendar written under it is the same as any desktop interface, its just got a bigger button to use with a touchscreen. Also considering they were the last to enter the modern tablet market it seems weird they'd get saddled with the blame for the established market standard when all their previous tablet stuff had a normal desktop interface and nobody bought them.

sage for unnecessary autistic nit picking