Kike Enoch #18: Plane scene edition

After dox thread

TRS blames Holla Forums for initial Ghoul dox

BPS cucks for Israel thread

Mike dox 1

Mike dox 2

Mike dox 3

Mike dox 4

Mike dox 5

Mike dox 6

Mike dox 7

Mike dox 8

Mike dox 9

Mike dox 10

Mike dox 11

Mike dox 12

Mike dox 13

Mike dox 13

Mike dox 14

MIke dox 15

Mike dox 16

Mike dox 17

TRS defending jew mike 1

TRS defending jew mike 2

Other urls found in this thread:>8810500
dail Stevens/_/NSP - Aug 28, 2010 - Guest Mike Peinovich

If anyone has better recommendations for the dialogue, I am open for suggestions.

I don't get it. Why didn't mike dump her when he became red pilled on jews? He could have prevent this shitstorm long ago. What made him stay with her, love?
And how the fuck was she okay with this?

Did the TRS shill for the jews here just because Mike told them to? Have Mike been pro-jewish in his podcast?
I'm confused.

Because he was a kike himself

He had his wife read a poem on the show for fuck sake , both knew about trs

Also a more compact meme, for general usage when people try to make excuses for impurity


It was all a ruse. Seriously it was all just pic related for shekels.

There's some of this and there's also people trying to make people take sides with/against IronMarch. Two months ago you would have trouble finding a post about them.

Because they're both jews, it was a trap.


She should have do the right thing and tell the truth. Now he's fucked on all sides. Jews, libshits and wnats hate him.
Who's gonna get him first? Place your bets.

Because he's a cucked faggot who was LARPing the whole time. The only reason they're getting a divorce is that his doxing made him a liability to her and her shekels.

fuck he*

anyone have a link to this? I never could stand Mike the kike anyways

Because he's a pathetic herb

NYC divorce courts would have cleaned him out is the excuse I see being floated around. I personally do not see how he could fucking stomach being around a woman promoting that shit after he god redpilled though. I doubt Mike is a Jew, I think he is just fucking spineless and unprincipled.


Why is TRS tying itself into knots to excuse this? I just can't fathom it.

The best part is that she mentions faggot "allies", while she was using "ally" hashtags on her twatter.

From what I can tell it is mostly the higher ups in TRS scrambling to defend it and excuse it, a lot of the rank and file guys are pissed off about this and want Mike gone.

Stop purity-spiraling, LARPer! Jewish wives are the last stand of implicit white identity.

Oy vey, only people who race-mix with Jews can get their own podcasts denouncing it.


Buyer's remorse. All of them have spent their time- and some particularly foolish ones have spent their money- on a product that has been proven to be defective and outright harmful to their values.

They can't admit to getting jewed since they're all a bunch of namefags, and what do namefags put first?

They don't want to admit to themselves that they were fooled like gullible goyim

I wonder (((who))) could possibly be behind all of this?

lowest tier faggots aka the forum goers defend him

thanks user

Cults behave like this. You'd have to know your enemy, read about cults or a complete faggot like a TRS member, Jehovah's witness, Mormon or a Scientologist to understand that logic

Does the Charles Martel Society have Jews or mongrels in it?

He did it to setup an online community that required people to divulge all of their personal information in order to join.

I think most of them are legit libertarians and dont care about the issue of race , they were just larping, they are mad about being lied about but the pool parties and their social group is more important that being scamed by a fat fucker ann his jewess poem reader wife

Notice how the only thing missing from that list pretty much is jews?

Notice how jews would have easily rhymed with dindus at the end, but she didnt?

Where am I going to shitpost now?

I haven't been to half/pol/ for 2 years, is it getting any better? How's MPC?


Does anyone outside of basement dwelling NEETs actually believe this was a good money making operation? Anyone could come up with a better money making operation.

That easy. Muslim jihadists is redundant anyways.

People were donating whole bitcoins a few weeks ago and every single bitcoin is around a 1k

It's not race mixing if hes a kike as well lad

This is fucking insane. How the fuck can these niggers justify this. A fucking kike reading a fashy poem on TDS, wew. Was this from this recent Christmas?

Anyone have a link to her youtube or SJW pro tranny bullshit? I couldn't find it via (((google)))

Dont bother, nigger dicks and #notalljews

even though Mike has publicly stated that debunking the holocaust it not a worthwhile endeavor and those who are interested in that kind of historical revisionism are crazy conspiracy theorist that undermine white nationalism.

To be honest, the one thing I can't abide by is the idea that we don't mean what we say. That Mike is a LARPing faggot in it just for the shekels is the event horizon for me. I can't come back from that. I remember the last time I was on 4chan, the narrative that was constantly bandied about post-exodus was that all the NSDAP appreciation and Hitler love was all a ruse, an in-joke that only I wasn't told about the punchline. I knew I had to leave. I remember that that wasn't the case in the past and knew I had to go somewhere, anywhere, where the original Nazis now were. That's the sense I get from TRS. Their Hitler love is purely memes and 'bantz', as in they don't respect the effort that Hitler put in as they don't actually venerate him as the quasi-demihuman he clearly was. I'm not saying I'm 100% Thulean wizard status with thinking Hitler was the incarnation of Wotan, but my admiration for him in the face of the adversity we face today is palpable and real. This is why TRS must be destroyed, they seek to erode the foundation that makes us interesting and honest.

A lot of it is a cult of personality thing as well, most of the higher ups have met Mike and know him on a fairly personal basis and some of the rank and file will just follow them regardless.

They actively make fun of people for not being race realists the whole "alt light" thing with people like Cernovich, Gavin Mcinnes, Milo and that other British faggot. They get a lot of flak from the alt right for being racial egalitarian faggots.

tbf they did have one segment where they talked about A Third of the Holocaust

Why are you thinking about going back there? What's wrong with you?

Now they will get more shekels by playing victims. Literal jew tactic. Maybe he doxxed himself? Not only he got rid of his wife, he will get alimony since he's degenerate neckbeard and more $$ from deluded fans.

So then things get better if they racemix and make their demographic situation even worse?

The audacity of this fucking kike.

10/10 comic, even with the kosher election line.

Have you seen the caps from the forum? is clear that is it was just larping , they value more their pool parties and social community than standing to those values that they claimed were so important to them.

Yet Mike never addressed once the Jewish mossad plants, that truck with explosives residue and spies.


She shut everything down.

*Jewish involvement in 9/11

Veritas part II is out:

They didn't approve doxing of white nationalists, unlike antifachan.
I can't stay here with good conscience.

What are you talking about? No White nationalists were doxed here.



Yeah that was bullshit and super jewy in retrospect.

The only place you should be going back to is TRS, while it still exists, really.


Last time I checked there wasn't a single white nationalist doxed out of this whole fiasco


Yeah some of them have turned out to be larpers, you need to realise that this has basically caused a schism on the alt right, some are outed as not really caring about one of the leaders not even following the basic principle of no fucking Jewish associations and the others are pissed off that he cannot even follow that basic fucking rule and want him gone. The screencaps are being cherrypicked to mostly show the people cucking on this, I am not denying that there's a lot of cucking going on, but it is not as epidemic as Holla Forums is making it out to be.

Holla Forums is infinity-percent more fascist than your kosher lolberg podcast network. Kill yourself retard

The altkike doesn't exist retard

Do you even believe that yourselves? Look who are celebrating your noble work: Salon, SPLC, libshits and anti-racists.

You did their bidding, you dumb fuck. I hope you realize it someday

I've noticed everytime internet kikes or kikes in general tbf, it's just more obvious on the internet decide to shut it down, it's all gaslighting. TRS did it during the election with the "DAE THINK DRUMPF IS A KIKE" garbage, and then it started up again when the first enoch thread was posted. All jews or their useful idiots can do is gaslight and try and claim
You're 100% right, the most vivid memory I have of the exodus was the befuddlement when all of a sudden "we all only loved Hitler ironically". Fucking jews man.


Completely White Nationalist my fellow Holla Forumsack.

I feel bad for Mike Enoch.

It was in one weekend that his life came crashing down. Like one thing was just hitting him after the other. It didn't happen all in one moment but in quick succession like rapid fire. Got doxed, lost his job, lost his wife, lost his family, lost his friends and now shitloads of people hate him. The only way it could be worse is if he was dead and if America were less stable right now and more violent he probably would be dead or own the run and hunted.

I admit that this was my initial reaction as well but after seeing how far this rabbit hole goes I'm starting to see TRS and these traitors for what they really are.

Even if they did promote white nationalism on their podcast, the shit like this and this is completely indefensible. The fact that they allowed Mike to hide the truth and larp online as an e-celeb is disgusting.

Your website/shekel farm is done, I hope you realize that someday.

nah, they were all asking for it
t. user who dropped bulbasaurs dox

Most of the actual userbase isn't trying to excuse this, they like Mike and are waiting to hear from him before making any final judgement. Still, they are absolutely fucking pissed. Read the comments under the latest Shoah, the TRS people aren't letting him off easy.


The hypocrisy of the goon-squad is astounding, starting to doubt if there is a society worth saving if this is the normie side of WN. 5000 anons can't run a society on their own.

Which exact same bullshit narrative which likes of Jonesy boy and Kike Eunuch pushes to this day.

The fact they even still have loyalty to his platform means they're fucking retarded

Mike also was a vocal Atheist who actively encouraged infighting between Pagans and Christians (as apposed to mending fences and finding common ground of agreement). 200% Not subversive at all goy. by the way did anyone every use the term "counter signal" before the TRS cucks started pushing that leftist rhetoric?

The SPLC also put an article up after Holla Forums outed Hal Turner as an FBI informant. Should they have just let him keep entrapping White men instead of "punching right"?

um your leader sven said Holla Forums dindu nuffin

Your first mistake was namefaggery, your second mistake was marrying jews.

Mike here, I want to apologize for leading you all on while being married to a degenerate kikess that promotes fagshit and poz. I realize the error of my ways, and that's why I'm announcing that I am now getting a divorce from the kikess and marrying an alt-right approved based trap. Will you all forgive me and listen to my podcast now? Don't forget to donate!

Why shouldn't they? TRS Radio, never mind the fucking forums, has been endeavoring to become the first real far-right media site which actively and regularly produces content. That's a worthy goal and people want it to work. If you let a Jew lover ruin all of that than the only one who wins is the Jews.

Nice try, but I've been combing disqus and most of the replies are of this caliber, while a few posters like based ben call out the bullshit.

I don't care about Mike tbh. They didn't really have much of a forum presence. That's why Sven is okay with shutting it down.
All the longposts were written by no-name goys like me. And now they are gone, forever.
Smdh fam

Give Tennessee Antifa my regards. I think we still have some of their info laying around

one day newfags will learn not to join cliques or groups. we are all only united by our goal.

Because it was all started by a kike and cucks who knew he was a kike.

Lol and now Sneaderade is all like. We always were on your side. Send ur shekles to us.

Before they were TRS and "the daily shoah" they were known as "The God Haters".

A scam artist and a fraud was doxxed, a couple of them in fact. Scum needs to be purged.

Oh we were so close, if only antifa chan didnt dox my dear leader. we needed only 2 more daily shoah episodes to make our new white libertarian state

No one cares if you drop antifa dox here you blithering retard. The fact that you think 8/pol/ is anti fascist is a testament to your nigger tier IQ. Please remove yourself from the gene pool.

nod en argumend

For me it looks like he's either a
1. spineless cuck who can't dump her
2. he used her as a shield to protect he's identity
either way both're pathetic

i think the higher echelons don't want to lose out on money, plain and simple.
the rank and file defending him are coming across as tween 1D fans. cult of personality and sunk cost fallacy i suppose.

just give the libshits a while for them to realize they are blue falcons now

Those guys are just parroting what they heard on from Sven and Mcnabb today.

They're losing ground in the forums because nobody wants to bend a knee to Mike unless they were close friends with him.

But we're in a cult to aren't we?

Is Kekism even a cult since we don't have a cult leader telling us to give him our shekels?

Oh wow, you found a shill post! +12 Reddit karma. Disqus is just a platform for astroturfing; Youtube, the forums, and TRS radio are either pissed, stunned, or both.

They're still worth salvaging, more so now that a Jewish tie has been uncovered, exposed, and removed. It's nothing but a massive defeat for everyone involved, TRS or otherwise, to let all of their work and reach be wasted.

Here's the thing.

Why was Mike Enoch encouraging "fashy goys" to do seig heils in public but then disavows Nazis when he's public?

I never could stand Mike, he was a fucking rambling idiot that hogged all the air time on their podcast. are the TRS forums killt now?

funny that seventhson started this whole 1/4 meme and on todays podcast said 1/2

Is Mike's wife really a member of B'nai B'rith?

Yes lets save a bunch of libertarians that thought they were involved in a real political movement and changing the world by going to poolparties and giving dear leader their SSN in order to join the extremely vetted forum, clearly without individuals of such intelligenece we would never be able to continue archive anything

Kekism ain't a cult. We're a full blown religion, we're the people that married Enoch to the jewess, remember? That's our fault.

no what you are seeing is the falsehood of the alt right being lifted to show two groups that are opposed in every meaningful way

I just got banned from "The Microwave" for a post I made weeks ago when the first doxxings happened…. told them maybe they pissed off some user for shilling Daily Shoah on 8ch and 4ch for years. BANNED

What a joke.

Fuck these guys.

I don't care who doxxed them or why. They're a joke. They should have doubled down and kept going after being doxxed. Maybe not Mike but Bulby for sure. What do you have to lose now? Nothing.

They had a funny show but it's been slipping the last few weeks, almost like they knew this was coming.

If they were oldfags they would know not to put their real name anywhere on the internet and thus become doxx proof. Stupid faggots.

She was the president of a B'nai B'rith Youth chapter.

So the forum is back up?

There's nothing to salvage m8

They're always going to weasel around it.

Pics related user.

he has no future, he will be hounded as a fraud or a foe no matter what happens

We'll see come Saturday, user.

No. TRS 504um is currently undergoing maintenance. Please come back another time.

Yeah. The spergs sperged out, the cucks said Mike can do no wrong - complete shitshow. Then Sven just decided to shut it down completely.

Wrong decision. Now there are thousands of posters running wild, trying to find a new home.

Lol. I knew that including newbies was a bad fucking idea.
How can one ban make you so butthurt?

It's just a bunch of vapid feel-good social signaling. I don't mind gore/guro or anything like that anymore, but this kind of stuff repulses me.

Meh, I saw it, I don't think it's just them behind it.

He'll say this was all part of an epic ruse and that they bamboozled them to write what they wanted to hear to prove a point.

She was, the youth branch or whatever.

I never went to trs or paid much attention to them. Did you actually have to dox yourself to join the forums? That's fucking hilarious. Did they have to get fingerprinted to go to pool parties? That wreaks of a retarded honeypot. Especially when his kike wife was in on the act. How long until it comes to light that they gave all the info to law enforcement, adl, etc?

No but it was "up" enough to tell me I'm banned roflmao.

someone's projecting :^)

She was the head of her branch kek

I think you need ban.

This is what I don't get. Were these retards just that fucking stupid that they made almost no effort to hide their identity? Was this (((their))) plan all along in an attempt to BTFO white nationalism and they were larping kike shills all along? really makes you think

His wife is bnai brith so, it's probably already there.

You're the one who's butthurt. Wouldn't your time be better spent doing damage control for Kike Enoch in the disqus section?

probably purging any dissenting voices they missed before

LMAO these faggots really are the only Hitler purged


They even had a real face picture as their avatar on Twitter and followed each other with their real names on fucking Twitter. "Surely no one will ever know who I am with this hat and sunglasses!"

I thought I saw the word 'snake' in that. Close enough.

Yup, that and a skype call

Tell me more

I think it's coming soon enough.


Forget about these retards, E-celebs are cancer.

what about jews?

Dude it was a honeypot, they encouraged making facebook group using skype and pool parties as "meeting in the meatspace and networking" then they had this private facebook group were all the higher ups were, also they had an extremely vetted forum that required you to give your SSN come on.

She went from B'nai B'rith to being a self hating jew that wanted to gas herself while being Jimpacted at Gay/Tranny drag events celebrating Judaism.

This is the official TRS line.

Are you posting here so you can signal later on the forums about how you were to x-treme for antfiachan? Epic dude, include me in your screencap please

once again the ones who shilled against our mods are the ones from TRS, pure cohencidence

Have kids never read about how infiltrated and fucked WN groups were in 80 and 90s. Did they think it would be any different today? Someone already brought up hal turner in the thread.


Not as far as I know, but you did have to give personal information

we told them many times and they still refused to listen , apparently they really wanted another NA

Amazing OC.

If you can get a person's first and last name don't forget that FEDs have everyone's ssns on file

you didn't have to give your SSN


I didn't think about it like that. Good thing i'm not a retard when it comes to opsec

This is false. You got to be 'extremely vetted' by not being a complete faggot.
Some are salty that they failed to do that, it seems.

Dude the forums are no more. They are an ex-forum. Dead. Kaput, finito. The fat lady has sung the swam song.

wat? surely nobody is that dumb? I joined their to see what the stink was about but was obviously never vetted as I was there for a few hours maybe and never went back. Namefagging is cancerous.

Is this one of you guys?

You may trigger some of the TRShills tbh. They can't reconcile the fact that all of their personal information was harvested by Kike Enoch and his kike wife.

So whats the next step of your master plan

reminder: Ghoul was the guy who sold Mike out in the first place.

After a certian point you had to give your personal information, feds can get any SSN with the person's first and last name.

perhaps he's wondering why someone would gas a Jew, before putting him in an oven?

false flags like OKC bombing. Waco, ruby ridge

Ive beem following these threads off and on for the lulz but suddenly am hearing mikes wife is divorcing him? Is that actually true? Top kek

That isn't true. I was extreme vetted. I also never shilled for their bullshit here nor stuck up for the fat subversive kike Mike. I wanted to see what unfolded, and Holla Forums was right again.

I was never asked for my social nor personal information.

so now they are playing the (((based jews))) excuse? fucking hell they can't make up their minds and their constant shifting makes this looks worse by the minute

TRS is a goddamn cult. Its all in the open, has been for a faily long time. Just look at how they interact with each others, with the slightest voice of "dissent".

Absolute bullshit

Because they care more about personalities than about the truth.


No, it's just some jewing.
His wife is well aware of everything, she read some "alt-right" poetry once on the show. Both of them are jews, the wife is bnai brith and TRS was probably a huge con like hal turner.

That's Prothink, the guy who made 9/11 Missing Links.

lol, this guy is pretty funny fam

it's fucked that as everyone else got doxed Mike Enoch didn't come clean, knowing his would eventually happen

Correct. There was no SSN or any real info that was required. They recently opened up the forum to newbies - if you wanted a quick vetting, you could point them to your shitlord twitter account, or maybe a discus commenting history.

For honeypot, they managed to crash and have to restart their forums on several different occasions.

The people on the TRS forums were mainly plebs. The "higher-ups" rarely commented on the forums (at least until recently). Enoch and co. instead focused on their fucking Faceberg private group.

They were warned again and again about their shitty opsec.

Not necessarily, I was 'extremely vetted' but only because I created an account there before the cutoff date. Don't really care if it's banned now, just made it to keep an eye on happenings there.

Is that a gauntlet?
That looks like a gauntlet.

I wouldn't trust anything (((mike))) says, even if she divorces him it's only because she wants to stay in her kike social circles


TDS had a short episode tonight where they said that they will continue and Mike Eunuch will stay on board.

Crashing my shitposting career with no survivors



The typical "hello goyim" line from Mike Enoch has a whole another meaning now, doesn't it? The true meaning, that is.

You'll have to join something IRL eventually.

Lotta loyalty for a hired jew


I hope our ex cripple overlord is OK right now.

So this Jew was a Chapter President of B'nai B'rith, a Jew group that fights against whites around the world in defense of Jews, and these fucking people have no problem with this. I'm speechless.

Didn't know who he was but thanks for the head up. Just another in a long line of Frank Collins.

They started doing background checks in order to be extremely vetted

So the SPLC and co have direct access to everything they've ever communicated to each other.

hopefully they bring the forums back soon and i'm not banned they're going to be ripe for rustling

Huh. That's breddy gud. He definitely sounds like a pollack.

A B'nai B'rith Jew Mike kept secret…

Did they have enough personal information on you for LEOs to find you ?

It is not a question of your personal information. It is a question if this was a honey pot from the beginning or not.

If this was a honey pot from the beginning some of you are fucked.

Because TRS is a cult of personality, not a White Nationalist organization.

Its funny, really - they managed to make exactly what they wanted: Opie and Anthony for Nazis.
They realize Opie and Jimmy was a failure, just like Daily Shoah sans Enoch would be, soooo….. Here we are.

Jim fed him to the pigs already, user.
Rip in peace cripplekike…

Fucking lmao he's funny as fuck

This was not a shitty opsec. They did not need opsec.

Their twitter accounts were banned ?

i love how they're trying to say enoch didn't know about his wifes youtube page and shit
how the fuck could you not know your wife was going to tranny and gay pride events all the time?

He was in denial that it was going to happen and then had a clever cover story for when it did "lol I'm not that guy!"

I think they were earning about 18k untaxed a year, off the show according to my memory of some random post I saw, on Holla Forums

yeah he's ok I just messaged him a week ago

kinda wish i did to see the butthurt and troll

cuckoldry, user

strangely no.

Mike Enoch's account on Twitter has been running since 2012 while everyone else posting antisemitism gets banned…

Holy shit the Jews are going to put this guy through the ringer in divorce court. Manhattan divorce court. Jew central. A "Nazi" with a Jew wife in a Jewish divorce court.

If he doesn't flee the country every penny he makes and TRS makes will be going to his Jew wife.


Agreed, all though for the wrong reasons. I genuinely liked posting there.

Perhaps i'm wondering why someone would bait a man before banning him from the board


That's nothing more than a justification for faggots who enjoy circle jerk wankery.

They're the worst aspect of who we are.

i think his wife was the breadwinner
also he lost his job over this supposedly

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would gas a Jew, before putting him in an oven?

Is this guy asking to be doxed or what?

He's already been doxed. He's on disability.

supposedly sinead has his info and he puts his face everywhere..shoudln't be too hard to find it
amazingly his paypal donation account is still up

pick two

Thank you chans for forever warning against namefaggotry, such that the user will be given the truth without the jewish lawyers catching you

She is also a Marxist and has a job as a diversity officer. Which means she makes a living by making whites unemployed.

kek, someone ask sinead for it

I don't think she's really a diversity officer


what the fuck kind of job is


No I'm saying that being against any type of organization, which is necessary for political asspirations, is pointless.

E-celebs and forum communities are essentially useless because they don't have any impetus for IRL action. But say forming a nationalist wing in the GOP or running for state senator positions using nationalist rhetoric will require organization. The Nazis got power by entering and then abusing the system.

If everybody is afraid of honeypots to the extent that they refuse to even get onto a city council to fuck over niggers and spics with zoning laws then what the fuck is the point? Are you just going to wait for tDotR to happen on its own?

All of you who have TRS account should act from this moment on as you are actively under surveillance.

Just my 2 cents

someone needs to shop burning merchants into the background

Implying that isn't how you should always act period.


i really hate that fact that people are afraid to post certain things on there for fear of being banned
they're so hypocritical if you pay attention to threads that get deleted and accounts that get banned


I wonder if antifa has a mirror universe 8/pol/ where they're bashing her for having a 'white' husband.

Someone already did

He's not white m8, he's a kike

He ruined his life the moment he married a left-wing Jewess

you aren't implying it would have been alright if she was rightwing user?


He knew and said nothing! These alt-righters need to burn, even if it is doing antifa's work in the moment. /pol and the rest of the real right will regroup and become stronger.

Why I support Mike Enoch

by Greg Johnson


She worked as like the publicist of the JIMPACT! guy, who goes around giving speeches on how companies and organizations can diversify and such




no need to spam the thread with text.

lol a faggot defending a kike lover
this shit is rich

Bunch of losers get a smidgen of power over other similar losers, and end up limiting the scope of allowed conversation.

What do you think Holla Forums moderation is? Same thing everywhere.

Based Grindr-Greggie


She ran a B'nai Brith group

No surprise taht a faggot is lying though



There is a difference between being under surveillance (we all are) and being actively under surveillance.

He denies it in the article.

Where's the proof?


The Daily Shoah was a Libertarian podcast goy.

The saddest thing about this is he's so fucking fat.

He looks like he has downs syndrome.

He's a fucking faggot for divorcing his Jew wife. At least own your fucking degeneracy you coward.

It's on her fucking Linkdin. If he means she's not working there at the moment, I guess, but this wasn't created "out of whole cloth".





It's almost as if the people calling them fashy lolbergs were right all along.

Her linkedin.

except there is record of what happens here and bans are simple to bypass

it was in her resume

It's all there in the archives, Mike

In other words


And this is why Holla Forums is so adamant about about no e-clebs, no faggots, and no kikes.

We all know what this is: The opportunists are circling the wagons to corral the weak minded who didn't run off with the rest when they saw they were being harvested. They'll suck these people dry and move on to their next project in a year.

How many levels of delusion are you on right now fampai?

This is the only thing that really shocked me. Mike talks about how "chad" is he is all the time, and then looks like a potato with bad facial hair.

He even congratulated Dickie for berating that fat boomer at Texas A&M.
Hypocrisy is strong in that one.

When he was on TDS a year or so ago he said the Holocaust happened, and won't happen "again".

sure is chimpire in here

you end up on different list if you are here. There are multiple lists. I would say they have better data mining on TRS. It is speculation on my part. I have never been there.

I am speculating on information I have. Take it as it is.

spit out my coffee

Haha! You've got it.

It was a business his wife and Enoch were internet marketing gurus and TRS was all part of a marketing scam. The probably had big plans to monetize it in the future. Then it got fucked up because Eunuch was doxed.

And these faggots call us antifa, what a load of horseshit.

it's too funny

who else thinks the whole
argument is hilarious?

I want to read it, link it.

He's a master of the classic SJW with misleading profile pic tactic.

Mike's just going to do this full-time now.

I'm in the discord with most of the hierarchy and they're mostly pro-Mike with a few dissenters.

That is, now that the leadership is public, TRS is going to hit the gas pedal on building a media company and divorcing that from the IRL meetups, which they are decentralizing.

kek. More accurate than you know



Jew York has the highest concentration of Jews outside of Tel Aviv so there is some truth to it.


Do you have an invite code so I can cap posts there? If not post screen caps for me please.

What do you think about that? excellent user. Thank for the eyes, on the situation you need a badge.

will be interesting to see if mr. bond sticks around..he was pretty outspoken about the whole thing on the forums

The Aut-Right needs to be completely gassed. Each and every single one.

>mfw Mike has probably been literally cucked multiple times by his Jew wife

They sound pretty disconnected and stuck in their echo chamber, where people think it will work.

The Right Cucks

I'll iterate upon your meme user

Lmao, I'm not giving you faggots access.

I'm just informing you that there will be no mutiny and TRS is only going to grow while antifachan becomes a Renegade tier dumpster fire.(KIKE WAS PITCHFORKED BACK INTO THE OVEN FOR THIS POST)

From 2min 3sec onward its him. He deleted the video from his YouTube channel.

Kek trips checked, make it happen

Do you, famalam

Let's see if you still agree the next time they anchor a book thread or go on a ban spree.

He's a solid dude. Yesterday he sperged out hard, but seems to have calmed down a bit.
Completely understandable, imo.

wew lad, guess everything you wrote is a lie

Top kek

You faggots really suck at meming when you aren't stealing them from us. At least say "chantifa".

only newfags call it that not to mention theres one in the catalog right now

Can't argue with those digits, MEME IT!

Hilarious coming from you kike enabling backstabbers. But hey it fits into your "only leftists are anti-semites" (((narrative))).

This guy is right
Gid gud faggot.

You know what their policy concerning the pool parties gonna be?
Still hosted through TRS if the forums come back, or do we need to find another venue

This people were never redpilled they woudnt be able to call a spade a spade even if a fat fuck was jewing them, Cognitive dissonance at its finest

Daily reminder: You are not a hero for being a fat fuck libertarian from jewyork that married to a jewess and jewed lolbergs with pool parties

if you truly believe BLM Chimp outs with Niggesr with a fucking bat with black power writed on it are peaceful protest and a civic right to assemble you are an idiot and not redpilled

if you belive there is not a war between muslim and the west after they declared Jihad you are an idiot and not redpilled

And if you believe the Holohoax did happen after reading the info about it and hearing the interview about how it was real in their mind then you are not redpilled

Jesus, they couldn't meme right if we gave the memes to them

wtf are TRS pool parties anyways?

i didn't ask you for shit

yeah he's good people

getting drunk at a bar with internet nazis and making jew jokes

Holla Forums speculate for me here..

How should TRS handle this going forward?

Having Enoch on the Shoah from now on is basically the Amazing Atheist post banana up anus, ie. This is what he's going to be know for all the time.
Throwing Enoch under the bus might kill the Shoah and TRS. Some might say good but there are a lot of people getting fucked over who have been doing WN longer then the TRSfags, David Duke for example.

504um is done either way.

There's also a whole heap of minor and regional podcasts that jumped on the bandwagon what should they do? I was following The Dingoes/Convict Report for a time and looked into joining what they were doing, didn't because their forums piggybacked the 504um.

What should FTN do? Most of the other podcasts were just chucklefucks but their show was actually informative and they weren't pushing for IRL meetups.

Gay swinger parties

A gathering of homos.

code for gay orgies

They're saying to just install Grindr until the forum's back up.

At least 4chan can be funny and calls us 8gag.

Okie doke.

Because Jews always marry other Jews.

Mike goes under the bus, and the current leadership, which is fiddling Mike's balls right now, apparently, also has to go. They more or less need to burn it all down and rebuild.

Future of the forum is still entirely up in the air, however its going to probably be restricted to people who have actually been vetted IRL.

NEETs are getting the oven

Hence why you are called cancer.
All you do is grow.

FtN was fine, but just ditch TRS if they won't drop Enoch. /baph/ is not trying to dox Jazzy or Halberstram. If your opsec was poor and antifa gets you that's another story however.

The decent podcasts can find or create a different platform, anybody who sticks around is a traitor.

I agree with the bulk of what he said but I would likely never namefage. Don't trust him because I don't know who he is, but what he said sounds on the level. Working to build a bit of a more close nit fraternity based on my own families European heritage irl instead of being a "open to the public big tent" type of nonsense that others push. If you are going to organize IRL Matthew Heimbach and Traditionalist Workers Party have the right Ideas but I'm skeptical of anyone even remotely associated with TRS atm. That includes Natt and Florian Grey. Too many people knew about Kike Enoch and his ties to B'nai B'rith. That is like having direct ties to the ADL.

𝑏'𝑛𝑎𝑖 𝑏'𝑟𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑗𝑒𝑤𝑖𝑠𝘩 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑠𝑟𝑎𝑒𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏𝑖𝑔𝑜𝑡𝑟𝑦.

I seriously imagined these faggots were meeting at a swimming pool, kek. It just dawned on me that they were pool hall parties I imagine, followed by poz buttsex parties surely

This is pretty accurate. Networking, not enough gay swinging for my taste but hey.

Yuropoors getting shafted again, damn.

Shame Fash the Nation killed their site, otherwise they could have gone there

How can Holla Forums ever recover

They should just pack it up and leave considering everyone that's associated with them is now tainted, including Duke. But this is just coming from the perspective of an user who has fed family members who've set up honeypots like this before not excusing their FED actions just providing perspective

Am I reading this wrong, or was the jewish club shit just in high school? From '85-'89?

O man I am laffin. These fucks won't last until February. I'm looking forward to the smug anime girl thread when TRS shuts down it's main site.

it already happened a while back tbqh.

The TRS doxing made this board relevant, something it hasn't been in a long time.

You mean the people that just uploaded their shows to their site? Move away basically. And whoever wants to hold a grudge if they do go somewhere else is literally autistic.

This guy gets it.

Yes. Your point?

Sheesh. I hoped the drama would go away and I could ignore it. No luck. Can someone explain what's going on with the "TRS" thing? Who the hell are they, and why the fuck should I care?

TRS is the crossbreed of a lolcow and the horn of fucking plenty

If it wasn't important to her then she wouldn't have put it on her fucking kike resume


Thanks for sharing user, I recall his name but I haven't heard from him ever. Seems like a great man from what I've listened to so far.

Lurk moar

she was the president of it too
what's your point?

Maybe it was different in the eighties, but today high schoolers join all sorts of stupid clubs to pad their resume for college. I'm just surprised, it had been described to me as a bigger thing than I now think it is.

Except he spells doxxxxxxxing wrong heh, can't have everything


I'm still listening to it. So far it's worth listening to, although the clicking is getting fucking annoying sometimes.

You understand that TRS is currently in flames and your whole userbase is in a civil war?

It'll take a miracle for TRS to ever recover. And if you do recover this spectre will always haunt you limiting your growth.


How would you know tbqh? It took until the 18th thread for you to even figure out that his wife was a kike.

if you were high school president of your honor society, you'd put it on your resume, and not because of your fervent dedication to honor societies

Well they say none of TDS is going to leave, including Mike.
Major take away for TRS goys with a few degrees of separation.. Decentralise

I'd also add throw away the faggy alt-right logo. We don't want White Nationalism as an alternative to anything.

I would have a reaction image of someone laughing but I recently reset my phone

So? It shows she identified as a Jew in the past, and there's a youtube video saying that she still does now.

She's not just some woman who happens to have had a Jewish grandparent that she never really knew/cared about, she's a Jew who's always identified as a Jew, pushed a Jewish agenda and still does, despite this 1/4 Jew meme that the TRS fags/Greg are trying to push

Kek, and Holla Forums will make sure you and all your kike-loving associates never recover
If you guys want to see something hilarious here it is >>>/trs/2179

You can only get away with poisoning a well so many times before people learn to stop drawing water from it. Makes me wonder how many more times I'm going to see a (((grassroots movement))) in the same vein as the alt-right/neoreaction appear out of fucking nowhere during this election cycle to address white solidarity. This decade has been absolutely ridiculous and it's only going to continue.

And to the TRS cucks eying this thread, I hope you get over your Stockholm Syndrome sooner rather than later. The very last thing that's needed on this end of political discourse are people who attribute brand loyalty to a fucking forum. Cutting off nose to spite face, etc..

funny thing is in the latest podcast seventhson (who was the first one to say the 1/4 thing) said half

Faggots, trannies, and based niggers are implicitly white stormfag antifa

Fresh out of the oven goys

I'm a big fan of the show and I don't really know what to think of it. On the one hand I like the content they put out, but on the other: wtf. How do you square marrying a jewess and saying the things you do about jews, being mike?
It's just weird to me. You'd think that maybe he's faking it and does not believe the things he says about jews, but then what's the entire point? I just don't get what a motive could be for making the show they make whilst having a jewish wife.

That being said, we'll see what happens to the show.

Anyone who calls himself or others "goy" is filth.

t. chimpire

The challenge here is to find all the happy merchants


Picture related

keked and saved

Would the leader of the Gay-Straight Alliance put it on their resume, stand up for gays for their entire adult life, and have their claims of being redpilled taken seriously?

they're subversive jews shilling for shekels, don't apply your standards to them, white man

The way I see it there are two criticisms of the wife, first that she's jewish full stop, and second that she actively pushes the jewish agenda. Obviously the first was never in question, but the second is seeming less true, especially with the new info from greg johnson.

I think the line now is that he was mistaken with the 1/4, forgot or something

somehow his paypal https:// www. p is still up


I think he was just making the point that he's not a kike and has been involved, but I get what you mean.

Yeah I'll trust the faggot who was hiding this the whole time that it's totally like le not a problem ;^)

The best thing TRS can do is go join the Cernovich, Milo and Vox crowd. Say the racism was a joke and start shilling for BASED Jewish nationalists. Cernovich will even cut you in his noobtropics blue pill action. Start selling those in your podcasts and rake in shekels. Think of all the shekels you could make.

she pushed tranny and gay shit on social media that anybody could come across
stop making up excuses it's not going to get you good boy points with them

we have the proofs

Really looking forward to FTN this week kek

I mean I've capped my own post before but that takes some balls right there


How did he have a wife, Jew or not, for 10 years and not have any children?

She only fucks niggers

I'm fine with laughing at them but
That's simply bait


you know this faggot (>>8811020 ) is screencapping everything he says on here to post on trs forums/facebook to earn brownie points

Cernovich: Everything you hate about Alex Jones and none of what you like about him.


the most unreasonably optimistic answer is that the idea that children = good arrived at the exact same time that racemixing = bad

She's probably sterile. or mike has low test count from being an alcoholic.

or she reserves her poontain for Jim

too fat to find his dick

fuck, that's pathetic

I was in the microwave before it was shoah'd most people there wanted Mike gone and he's not going.
The most generous interpretation I would give this is that Mike couldn't get his fucking house in order and shouldn't be leading anything.

Consequently Holla Forums don't they have some massive party comming up?

TR WrestleMania? What shitshow is that going to be now?

He has a couple of kikelets

Look, I'm no Christcuck, but there are quite a few passages that even include Lot and Gomorroah and even Acts and the book of John that denounce homosexuality. They call it "inconvenient" and "reprobate." Greg is full of shit on this one.

nothing changed. what you want to achieve with this drama? I get the first few threads, but 18? that's autism!

Fuck you I was eating soup


I don't think they'll let them in the club. TRS shit all over Vox, but we'll see how much of an opportunist he really is. It may involve Eunuch groveling on his podcast.

pretty sure thats a neice or something

It's a testament to TRS's insanity that they are a big enough political lolcow to fill 18+ threads

because it just keeps gtting better and better

you're just flooding the catalog with shit. make a fucking sticky cycled thread and get it over with.

So is Mike getting divorced now? Need proof on that one lads.


it's in like the first two minutes of today's podcast

They only care about one thing and one thing only. Money. All the friction TRS had with them would be water under the bridge. They should seriously go join Cernovich and start selling Noobtropics^TM

Holy shit I want to kick this guy's skull in.
It's going to come as a total shock to his family that he is a neo-nazi online, he probably talks about the virtue of personal liberties and free markets to his family non-stop.

Nah, his wife has pictures of them on his kikebook

I am curious, do you cucks participating in this drama read other thread on Holla Forums?

are you new here? the dedication this place has is insane but it's mostly because of this here

These threads are so fast that no one is bothering to check digits and it's making me sad.

Maybe I was arguing with TRS fags when the term alt-right came along after all, the label seems to be exclusively for them. People who can't be content simply with being a part of something bigger than themselves but need a way to brag about it and and measure who's dicks are more alt-right.

Good one user, my stomach hurts

If you don't like Alex Jones or Cernovich you're a butthurt faggot that belongs on >>>Holla Forums.

Maybe they're just goy children they're saving for passover?

wew I'll need to see divorce papers before I believe that jew

Here, Grindr Greggy:
Have some Romans 1:26-28
1 Corinthians 7:2
1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Now, Grindr Greggie, what say you about Christians and homosexuality?

his wife knows. there's a high chance she encouraged him to do it. maybe by the time this drama gets at #100 edition, retard cucks will realize it too. it's called controlled opposition for a reason.



Someone else capped it anyway and TRS will continue to be complete shabbos goy cucks at the end of the day.

Look at the grindr greg article, you're probably right


also they said "separated" which could technically not mean divorced

I think his wife got off to Mike "Nazi Kingpin" and that is why it went on. No other explanation makes sense without theorizing that TRS is some sort of honeypot.

An user called this in a thread last night.

sorry linked wrong post meant this:

I'm not a Jizztian, just pointing out that Grindr Greg is full of shit.

separated could literally just mean "she will stay in the other room while we do our podcasts from now on"

or that that's not his wife but a dummy paid by CIA after TRS made a deal with them.

Obongo commuted the tranny
not his beard Michael, Bradley Manning
Someone make a thread.

t. Lazy fuck.

No doubt she gets off to pretending he's a nazi. Jews have done that for decades.

I'm saying I hat them, not you David.


Separation is nothing. It's not legally binding. Being separated literally means you say "we're separated."


dubs confirm user has balls of steel.

already is one


Holla Forums is always right

I don't see anything about a man and a man in there

I also saw that,, how long is he going to stay in prison now?

wut podcast

Tel Aviv has been the most gay-friendly city in the world for a couple of years running now. Just sayin'.

Is the last thread archived? Someone find that post. kek


Just imagine how mad these fuckers must be now, they can't celebrate the crowning of der trumpen furher and they can't mock nigger history month without this shit clinging to them.

yup check >>>/trs/

Yes, sorry if I was unclear, my point is that Jesus said that man/woman relationships are the natural order created by God and so (implicitly) that faggotry is unnatural and wrong (as Paul states explicitly).

I study theology and even my libshit classmates have to admit that faggotry is condemned in the Bible

I'm skeptic on that, San-Fag is pretty hard to beat in term of degeneracy.

They've been shilling against Trump, don't worry

t. user who lives in the (((bay area)))
end my suffering

Imagine if San Fran was 100% Jewish.


[spoiler]he has been jailed for nearly seven years, and her 35-year sentence was by far the longest punishment ever imposed in the United States for a leak conviction.

Now, under the terms of Mr. Obama’s commutation announced by the White House on Tuesday, Ms. Manning is set to be freed on May 17 of this year, rather than in 2045.

I hope you end it in a blaze of glory, if it comes to that.

I just listened to that. They claim Kike Eunuch didn't know about his wife's LGBT channel. Sure he didn't. Are TRS fanbois really so brainwashed as to buy this bullshit?

i like it but it could be better


just needs her schnozz from that in car picture





Don't know how it is under US law but here divorce proceedings can't start until 9 months of seperation.

If he liked having a childless marriage, fucking his Heeb wife and getting triggered by his whole family he should just fuck off and do that. Just turn they keys over to someone.


Here in the US, all you need for a divorce is to file the proceedings.
t. divorcedanon

She has gay erotica on an Amazon wishlist registered under his fucking name unless it's really his

all it took was his whole life getting ruined

You can get divorced here at the drop of a hat to "save all those poor beaten wives oy vey". Kikes disgust me

You know he's not. He's in Jew York and his half jew wife is leaving him. He has no protection from the tribe. This is why you never mix with jews.

Lol i feel so btfo, it just took his life being ruined and him becoming the laughing stock of the internet and nothing happening to us at all


White identity politics is growing and getting stronger. He has positioned himself to grow with it and being a rising star. He has nothing holding him back now.

Mike was always a blatant concern troll when it came to Trump. He would always say the dumbest cuckchan bait garbage.

Yes, they are a whole new level of retard

Since Mike is NOT stepping down, and his wife was IN ON THE WHOLE THING, there's only one proposition:

TRS is a honeypot

It's so fucking obvious. I can't believe some of you are eating up the "separation" lie.

Jews are known to tolerate bastions of free speech in order to corral their opposition, tagged like cattle by IP address or donation email addresses.

Anyway, why are they upset at Trump?

An obese untermensch libertarian that spouted religious d&c bait like "kike on a stick" is married to a cultural marxist pro-lgbt jewish faghag created a cult of personality /fit/ white nationalist demigod that was milking bitcoin from white nationalists on a forum where they refer to themselves as "goys" and "cattle" while his jewish wife subtlety calls them "hicks". now once the curtain is pulled some "white nationalists" are not only actually defending marriage to cultural marxist pro-lgbt jewish faghag but wanting to throw him more fucking bitcoin. Oh m8, while I'm sure some are disappointed they didn't let the ruse continue I'd wager most are tickled pink right now.

yup no job, no family, no wife
he's so strong

Except the whole lying to his listeners about his jew wife thing.

The Jewishness is going to be more overt? Oh gee you sure taught us a lesson. Thanks for correcting the record.

"shilling" against Trump? Nigger, Trump deserves to be criticized for his love of Israel and for putting kikes in positions of power in the US government, just like past neocohens did.

inb4 his wife used his name to buy that

He lied and didn't practice what he preached. If he had kids after he got red-pilled, I understand. But as far as I know, he doesn't. On the bright side, he now has no reason to not go full 1488. But I doubt he will. This could very easily give way to an argument for civic nationalism, which it looks like has already started. Either way he is dishonest



Yeah, bitcoin is enough to pay your upper middle class jew wife's alimony.

Fucking losers think doxing works.


you're not very good at this whole trolling thing are you?

Because they're controlled opposition kek. That's how they operate

TRS will be dead in 6 months and Mike will probably an hero before the end of 2017.


About as good as your failed attempt to destroy TRS.


TRS doesn't have the experience of trolling that Holla Forums does.
It's like asking your dog to fix the brakes on your car. They're in an element they have no idea about. It's hilarious actually.

Ask yourself if this doesn't make you suspect that the thing is a honey, THEN WHAT?

How much worse would his dox have to get until you surrender that he might not be who you think he is?

This cognitive dissonance and cult of personality shit fucking rustles my jimjons.

yet you still worship a guy with fag romance books in his amazon wishlist. That says more about your character than it does his

Okay this is great trolling but what the hell.

So is this the plan for chad nationalism? Bulk up and fuck all the Heebs?

Kek, do we really need to start sending amberlamps to your podcasters houses for you to understand we're in charge

Are you watching the same shitstorm I am?

Read a book, nigger.

Fag erotica. Either way its degenerate and disgusting

So now that Mike is still here and will be continuing on, what now? You go back to circle jerking like the virgin neckbeard fags you are?


I'm pretty rustled too fam. I keep lowering my expectations of how stupid people can be but no matter how low I go someone always manages to force me to lower them even more

would be pretty funny if they switched to the

anyone who self-identifies as a chad isn't one, trust me

The amount of delusions is amazing.

Please keep it coming, this is the stuff of cataclysmic internet shitstorms.

If you fuck the heebs, you win.

How are you not getting this? His jew family is in on it. This is what they do; it's subversion.

TRS had Dildo Dante on, of course they consider Mike "race-traitor infiltrator" Peinovich to be kosher. If you're fine with faggots, you'll end up backstabbed by the sleaziest kikes.

looks like they're going soulful and apologetic

He's a subversive kike. Fuck him and fuck you, TRSodomite.

I find this hilarious.

tomorrows show should be entertaining to say the least
maybe this was all a ploy for a last minute shekel grab

autism gonna autism.

Anybody know what he's referring to?

update from twitter

Still want to listen to those TRSodomites ?



I'm tired of TRS cucks and other faggots pretending to be le ebin troll XD trying to act like internet tough guys on Holla Forums, it's so pathetic. So far TRS faggots are at the stage 3 of grief, some are slowly reaching stage 4 and the amount of salt produced is overflowing my lawn to the point my neighbors are about to complain to the city because their plants are dying.

OriginLinear has to be Cernovich.

idk, but heres the fixed version for you

seems like something worth digging into, just need to look through his friend list



He probably didn't want to live the rest of his life alone. She was probably didn't seem as degenerate as was uncovered, and was nice to him, so it was easier to stay with her than end it over some political ideology he was only just beginning to understand. By the time he fully believed in it, he was already being listened to be thousands of people weekly, and had probably rationalized it to himself somehow.

Or he could just be a kike shill.

Is Cernovitch literally selling Bluepills?

There are trs itt who still don't realize it's a honeypot

They're all chimpire kikes, I 100 percent serious. Just look up their comnections to joshua goldberg and weev and evalion and the pieces all fall into place, especially when it comes to their irrational hatred of our mods


He's also got makeup, paper dolls, etc on that list.

Mike Enoch confirmed for crossdressing weirdo?


Yes. I've tried to comprehend the amount of irony in it, in all of this, but I just can't.

Oh shit, I never even made that connection. Holy fucking shit.


The point isn't the MAKE shekels, it's to TAKE shekels for ebil nazis.


pure cohencidence

I thought the B'nai Brith thing might be something but it was from back when she was in high school.

This whole thing is just the result of people playing troll into their 40's and getting full of themselves.


You just explained the entire goon mentality right there

Bretty good. Needs a bit more panels tho. Maybe I'll do it in a gif format someday.



Forgot image LEL

wrong one, enough internet for me

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you?


Damn, that's some of my old OC.


who are you talking to?
did you forget to take your meds?

We like actual European women, not kikes and homosexuals. Go away.

Yet you lose your time on this recluse spot on the internet. You're more pathetic than TRShills at this point, cockmongler.


She looks like a Finn, tbh fam.



Yet another forum purge in 3… 2… 1…

It's going to be in Houston at some event center of hotel from what I understand. It's going to be like a faggy more cult-like NPI

Why the hell should anybody care about your childish games of he said she said?

Sarah Anderson wears that short hairstyle as a tribute to adolf hitler Stevens/_/NSP - Aug 28, 2010 - Guest Mike Peinovich

Mike the kike has been spouting hobby-ologies for quite some time, it seems.

I'm talking to the MOD who banned this VPN.

I'm trying to get all Private Internet Access IP addresses banned.

Absolutely 1000ad

We have to go deeper

If she understood Hitler's goals she would try to look way more feminine. I wasn't sure at first if it was a boy or a short haired girl.

this talking point is hilarious considering she was doing publicity photos for drag shows four weeks ago

If that's all you can see

you do

Does anyone have pictures of the apartment he lives in? Is it an expensive apartment?

I'm gonna make an improved version of that if you dont mind. I'll make it anyway but you know

Good stuff

i don't know..why are you reading and posting in here?

glad to see you're doing something so constructive with your life

Now, that's autism.

kek, once again proving that chimpire has a h8boner for fullchan. Permab&s aren't even permanant kek, quite a pointless endeavor seeing they end after a year

This is the level of effectiveness and 'jimpact' that TRS shills have IRL. Their grand strategy is getting VPNs banned from a successful site that actually accomplishes things IRL.

Are those chimp mindset pills? Does Cernovich actually have a serious fan/listener base?


Its funny and really depressing at the same time

Three months, actually. I guess the TRShill ran out of cum lube for his dragon dildo so he's busy spamming us instead.


you sure are showing them

No, Mike never said anything pro-Jewish or pro-Israel in any podcast that I recall, and I'm pretty sure I've heard nearly every one. He wasn't weev-tier genocidal or anything, but didn't really take a sympathetic stance on them either.

If anything, that kind of makes things more suspect. If his goal wasn't to change the narrative, what was it?

Look at this jimpacting shilling! Unbelievable!

"Based spic" NEET I never dropped your dox, don't push me m9


Do it, I want all these faggots to commit suicide.

there is no way his wife is just 1/4 kike, 1/4ths are most of the time really hard to tell, if not impossible, his wife is literally a happy merchant female meme come to life,

not only does she look like a jew her faggot praising lifestyle is a perfect sterotype as well

My conclusion is there is absolutely
interesting about it at all.
If anything, the fact you can't/won't say what the hell it is smacks of jew tricks.

Go ahead, I'd be honored by an improved version.

Just OD on drugs, it's a better use of time for someone like you and might actually bring you some pity IRL.

let me guess, he didn't know about her going to gay clubs, parades and drag shows either?
she was living a secret life?

No reason to hold back at this point. Fuck em

Thernovith might be able to help with the drugs.

i miss /sp/….

yet you still are posting and reading in here wanting to be spoonfed instead of looking for yourself

Spicneet is a coolguy

Nothing is burning but your shitty 'movement'
Mike's dox didn't fail, it revealed him for the kike he is. Whatever your fag-enabling 'movement' does with that info is up to you friend

He says jews dindu nuffin on 9/11.

I'm not expecting you to be able to express yourself. Thus far the lot has been utterly incoherent.

Who is he and why should I care? On some blog or something?

So can we agree that on the day of the rope all E-celebs and namefags go against the wall?

We're watching jews burn.

The "she/he is only 1/4 jewish" is pretty much just a distraction. A jew knows what it is.
Its the non-jews who will argue who is and isn't a jew. As long as the blood is there, its a jew.
Its a part of their camouflage.

t. chimpire

but you keep replying to me
do you want to be friends?

we tolerate (barely) our mods, you worship yours and send them cash.
no difference, got it.


Looks like I triggered one of Greg's grindr friends

He's the very autistic mod here.

I wonder which former coontown mod he is.

Now she's at least 1/2 jew according to SS and the other guy. They might as well just come out and say she's 100% full blown jewish.


oh look, they stole our meme in record time

the man with nothing can accomplish anything, so tell me which will he lose first his shekels or his site?

lol you're mad af and droping spaghetti everywhere and you expect us to keep it straight

Gotcha. Are there any good ones?

i also noticed they have a brand new podcast with grindr greg on it

the lack of intelligence of homokikes still astounds me

no such thing as good mods, make that your mantra


you're not doing it so well
maybe post some cp?
i'm sure you have lots

Isn't that the faggot with thigh high socks saying that faggots are a natural elite ?

Anyone trusting any mods from anywhere is a mistake.

That doesn't make any sense what-so ever

everyone posts on 4/pol/ anyway since the mods ran this board into the ground.

look at the catalog, most of it is this autistic e-celeb crap.

lol good luck, PIA has about 1000 ips in the US alone on different subnets. have a fun year banned all of PIA off of here you retard.

I always fucking hated that goddamn Dildo meme.

Are these guys even capable of being funny without stealing our memes?


is there any random faggot you don't know?

Is anyone else in disbelief at how delusional these fucking faggots are?

How do you fucking idiots not see this? I'm talking to you, trsfaggots. How do you not see this?

better change tactics in some way
you can't even get banned

They sure do. If you leave right now, you can still make the bus to /cuckpol/.


Umm.. Here's the thing..

As for my wife..

Mike's libertarian website was

Where he called himself "Mike P (the emptiness pro)". It's down now, but archived.


We should have a liveshitpost thread like we did during the election for Trump.

i really wish i wasn't so lazy i'd chop and splice up a good podcast of enoch

The podcast literally hit every note the cap said, and Mike Enoch isn't even there yet lol

I don't think you quite understand the criteria for failure in this context

I bet you wouldn't be so lazy if you read Gorillion Mindset by Mike Thernovith and took his blue energy pills.

Don't bother, these TRShills make nigger IQ look human

Typical faggot lies. They revel in the lies about ancient Greece and Rome.

somebody seems a lil butthurt


Somebody's watching this thread.

Nah ours are pretty cool
This was all the way back in 2015

my rule of thumb is if they mention or support jewish interest they are jewish even if they are 99% goy however 1/8thers and possibly 1/4ers are probably okay, at least uncle adolf thought so.

it's like burgers who are 2% injun, if they don't bring it up or be proud of it they are fine, however they start saying muh injuns= instant non white


Who is James J Ofaggyirishman?


Yes, we've completely failed....

... well, besides in exposing TRS as a bunch of fraudulent pozz-fags and race-mixer scum.

You'll keep limping along for awhile, perhaps, but the platform is done tbh fam - TRS will now forever be associated with its founder, an overweight childless New York lolberg who larps as a Nazi online while being married to a Jewess that loves trannies.

That is who TRS is. That is who you are.
And I likewise can't wait to hear from Mike - I'm sure his prepared statement will be absolutely giggle-worthy.

Of course they're not getting a divorce, they're "seperating". Why did he just now realize they needed to seperate? Certainly not because everyone found out, otherwise you know they would still be happily together.

i laughed pretty hard

KEK here we go

This is true, though. Holla Forums doesn't have, and will never have the reach that TRS has. You guys don't produce any content.

part of the eternal mod skepticism is nurturing the same doubt that volunteer demands of the community



our own OC ended up on jewdiepies channel, eat your heart out chimpire


lol like what? 4/pol/ produces way more shit than you guys do.

Except bust up CIA operations and dox the CIA director

How many more viewers does pewdiepie have than TRS podcast downloads do you think?
Isn't his reach in the millions?

And you guys use our echoes meme


You're flattering yourself.

reads like something Mike Enoch himself would have wrote and you saw how that worked out.

Tell that to TRS while they're using our memes

AYM posts here

Or shut down safe spaces, like the Trumbullplex, which myself and other 8/pol/ members took care of personally.
Or me personally getting 2 niggers fired from the assassinate trump threads.

Sure you don't - that's why you're here tearfully shitposting about how "8chantifa" has failed and you've got a boner prepped for hearing Mike "Second Base With The Chosen Race" Peinovich's voice.
Because you don't care.

We produced the dox of your leader's jewish drag queen-obessed wife :^)

lol they don't though

$10 is a small price to pay to save the white race.


I forget about the time that Ben Garrison drew a cartoon of Enoch.
Oh wait… That was Hotwheels.

you sir, get an award

Probably in the tens of millions tbh
Skip to 3:45


implying antifa had any idea how deep the rabbit hole of degeneracy went with this woman and her cucked husband who couldn't keep her in check

interesting term for fucking lying, user. I'll have to keep that one in mind

Seems legit.

hold on, I have a picture for you

is it possible to be in love in user? I think I am.

c u l t i s t s


You sound like the Hillary Clinton supporters who were/are more pissed off about the fact that someone hacked her emails and trying to blame Russia than the contents of them emails.



Checked for caring.

you know it's true

yeah, I think they did, actually

Even if it wasn't antifa, it wasn't you guys. I saw that thread on /baphomet/ where one of you begged them for help

I can't speak for the objectives for all Holla Forums but I really only see this as a success. If TRS is so weak that they need to be led by a guy who can't keep his house in order it's better we know this sooner than later and that's the most generous interpretation I can give to this debacle. I was in the microwave before 504um. All but the biggest cucks conceded Mike has to go.

TRS needs Mike. That says volumes about TRS even before you add the honeypot/shekel scam angles.

Checked for Truth.

^ tla agency post

except it isn't

Want me to continue?

wew you really need to lurk moar son


It's funny that we do more things that actually matter in meatspace but we refuse to meet up in meatspace so they say that we do nothing. Shutting down 20+ commie networking places, saving Assange from being framed as a pedo, and getting SJW's/Discovering and Blowing up Pizzagate/Getting Niggers fired for threats against Trump have mattered infinitely more than your goddamn pool parties and bar hopping.

We do more to affect meatspace without ever leaving our computers.

Kek. Let them keep thinking we're separate. The less they know the funnier it is.

No, he doesn't need to lurk moar. He needs to go back to his AIDS bog.

Frankly, if all of the guys at TRS had condemned Enoch, I'd have saw the situation as unfortunate but salvageable. Now I understand that everyone was in on it and that it was simply a giant scam.

How long before mike begs for bitshekels so he can afford matzo and latkas to keep his chad physique since his wife was the one supporting them?

They don't deal in TRUTH. That's the key thing to understand. This leads to all kinds of bizarre situations, where they aim to achieve and effect, but their ability to KNOW if they have achieved the effect indeed is easily compromised by the very mechanism by which they are so able to achieve them.

tldr: you can fuck with their heads

very unschway of you


enjoying eyerape and not using tomorrow


It is literally a big shekel scam.
This coming out with Tricky Dicky's Phalanx pyramid scheme, if you still support TRS, you need to get your ass kicked and your shoes and wallet stolen.

Made them 16 grand in total last I saw. A fine con, probably more now 'cause "Antifa doxed a good white nationalist who just happened to be married to a jewess"


Why do you keep replying to the trs faggots ?
For as long as they have been around they have always downplayed our achievement and acted like they were the center of everything when in fact they are absolutely nothing of value. Look at that screencap, this is what they think about us.

Michael Peinovich
Address: 301 E 73rd St Apt 3D, New York, New York, 10021, US
Phone: +19177479239
Mail: [email protected]/* */

Whatever makes you feel secure in the fact that your leader is married to the epitome of everything you profess to hate.

Rationalize it all you want but Holla Forums was right again.

This vague, proofless implication shit is so fucking gay. All this "mike and sven go to temple every sunday and jerk each other off and then murder white babies, I saw it on their facebook :^)" but then no screenshots, no proof, no nothing. Some guy was doing this to Morrakiu a few threads back and kept moving the goalposts when people called him out on his shit.

Yes, le ebin trollin is fun, but you're a fucking fag if you start saying shit like this and then go "tee hee, I guess I won't say any more".

Yeah, never contributed anything

Oh I know, they aren't going to divorce. She's in on the whole thing. But, that's the line he'll feed.

Someone bake new bread, with the CIA OC as lead image

its not fair that you guys have the best mods
[spoiler]t. cuckchan


Morrikike talked shit about fullchan, you can't come back from that

We could fake some images of him burning quarans on mudslime twitter along with his address. Then, to top it off, pictures of him and his kike wife.

PewDiePie and Sam Hyde. What does TRS have again?
Oh… Grindr Greg, and Dick Spencer?

There will always be sycophants user, but they will have lost huge swathes of support, and their future is dogshit - TRS is nothing but LARPing overweight lolbergs married to Jewessi.

That's what TRS is - and if they've got a few hardline cucks still trying to defend them, that doesn't surprise me.
That anyone posting on Holla Forums would think that shit will last, however, is rather surprising… Not to mention: There's still a lot of TRS that hasn't been examined too closely, it would seem.

Pandora's Box is still wide open, and its hilarious - and will no doubt only get better with time.

Some people are saying this is Mike and Aimes new alt-right company

That's only the bitcoins, they made far more through paypal, enough to fuel at least 2 years of chronic alcoholism for 4 people.

Anybody who tries to tell you they do anything productive at pool parties or even online are fooling themselves. The most they have ever done is slap a few stickers up on some university campuses, which are promptly taken down and ignored.

Have you seen the fashy haircuts though? Perfect way to socially signal your support for implicit whiteness and ass ramming.

Plus, the stickers were shit-tier anyway.

Not sure if a shitt plant, or actually legit.


That wasn't what they were saying, it was that his last name was jewish. Or maybe it was just his first name. Or maybe it was just vaguely eastern european.

The shitting on fullchan was probably out of line. I think that's a fair critique, especially considering how many users found him through one of the chans. But no, its just make a bunch of shit up.

I guess I'm kind of fed up with that tactic in general, its such a normie one. If we're really autists like some say, we should be willing to make hard arguments backed up with facts or dox, not this gay "he-said-she-said" bullshit.

Based pewds

Renegade has such a massive combination of crippling issues it would be an ACHIEVEMENT to reach their level of nonsense.

Well I mean it is true. You shit on all of TRS because of some forum posts and now enoch, you shit on duke, you shit counter currents, you shit on mill woes, shit on daily stormer, spencer, Taylor etc pretty much everyone besides the openly anti white common spic. Shit like RWSS get's banned and people on 4chan get tired of fighting mods, so I mean the activism you fags can even really accomplish is destorying anything that is truly right leaning. Holla Forums is less than worthless, they are just toxic like aids

This is just embarassing, I'm sure two jews could come up with something better than this

Side note: Hasn't it been confirmed that Hyde has been here? Didn't he leak the first episode of MDE:WP here?

No 751 limit?


They always say on the podcasts and online that they are a huge force that is really bringing a lot of change, and even helped trump get elected. Basically nobody knows who they are, and the pool parties are them just sitting around drinking shit beer.

jew confirmed

The greatest enemy of all is the jew. Can't say it enough, but

You caught someone literally in bed with the Jews and you refuse to acknowledge that it is a problem.


You're free to leave if you dont like it faggot.

Deleted posts, but make a new bread quick

Mods are deleting and making room. Refresh and it will show you the actual number of posts. I assume they're trying not to shit up the board any more than it is.

The Keks keep on coming.

This is the worst type of cancer

Yeah gee I forgot 8gag can't do simple self reflection or take objective criticism

Did you listen to the podcast where they interviewed the guy from the Houston Goylers Club? I think that was a good example of the sort of thing they hoped to build. A real community, essentially a mens club for the alt-right.

where did this spicy meme come from.

also, if we're truly just some impotent force, why does it even matter if we're critical of those great leaders of the alt-right?

So basically a fucking gay bar?

Jews are 2% of the population of the US, not .02%. There are between 5.8 and 6.5 million right now.

Well this site is literally owned by a yid and ran by a yid sooooo

Hurr durr.

Funny thing is that PewDiePie is actually an old Holla Forumsirgin. So it's no surprise that as Holla Forums takes over Holla Forums's place as the center of imageboard culture prominent anons would drift our way.

Also doesn't PewDiePie have an audience literally 500 times larger than all of TRS?

No one cares, check your own backyar before you come here to talk shit.



good god this is pathetic


It would be okay if Trump married a Jew right?

(((Here's the thing))):
We call people out when they fuck up because we don't worship cock, just fans of ideas. I shit on Duke for defending miscegenation with a fucking Jew running a fake WN website, him blowing funding in the past and disgracing the WN movement before. However, when he says something we like, we give him credit for it. And that's the issue with everyone else you mentioned: we like it when people espouse things that we can get behind and shit on them when they don't. If they want to be incrementalists, fine, but don't sit there and LARP pretending that you're some type of 1488er when YOU MARRY A FUCKING JEWESS AND KEEP IT HIDDEN. You all are just pissed about Jewgate because the honeypot got exposed and you feel embarrassed. Hell, you should feel embarrassed. I didn't agree with some of the doxing, but it's all fucking justified now that we find a kike at the head of all of it.

If his wife were half-black, would you be upset?

Assuming you believe TRS' 100k number, yes.

: ^ )



No, it wouldn't. Also, Trump is the president, not the owner of some faggots doing podcasts where they pretend they hate Jews then go fuck their jewish wife.

Of freaking course not. What is so hard to understand about

That's my point you are only useful against right leaning voices and not even the most degenerate ones like mill
