Is Steven Anderson Holla Forums's Official Pastor?

A huge part of this guy's ministry is naming the Jew and denying the Holohoax ever happened:

The rest of his ministry mostly consists of BTFOing "filthy faggots, and queers, and sodomites, and perverts!": ***

This guy is based AF:

- anti-Jewish
- anti-Israel
- anti-gay
- anti-degeneracy
- anti-usury
- anti-muslim
- anti-socialist/communist

- pro-God
- pro-family

The Jews just SHOAd his paykike accounts so his church can't sell their piano music books anymore.

I'm working on editing together some clips from his "Israel Moments" playlist (videos of him naming the Jew as the literal devil/anti-Christ using the bible) with footage of nuclear tests superimposed over images of Israel (Tel-Aviv etc.):

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry for the failed spoiler on that second URL. Here's an embed of the first vid.


He's huge on race mixing and how Europeans and their descendants "deserve" to be wiped out for not worshiping a jew

I don't think he is pro race mixing. He preaches that salvation is available to all people, which is obviously scripturally true.

Pretty sure he realizes multiculturalism is a Jewish tower of babel 2.0

Where does he say Europeans deserve to be wiped out?

This board doesn't have Christian Pastors, m80.

Oh shit, am I on Muhammad-pol again?

He is pro mixing.

Yes. Stop fucking posting things about Christianity.

Reported for not even attempting to hide your shilling.

I'm trying to remind you that Abrahamism isn't looked upon fondly on a Kekite board.

Kill yourself, then.


You can blame your fellow Abrahamist for making this thread.


Well Christian or not, I recommend using the first video in OP where he tears apart the Holohoax as a way to redpill/unkike Christians. Works gr8.

These dubs speak some truth.

I'm actually working on writing a letter exposing the Jews and the activities of synagogues to all of the Christian churches of Canada (leafanon here). I'm going to use some of this guy's stuff to redpill them.

Maybe it won't work, but I am going to do my best to convince the churches in my country to stop importing "refugees". The Jewish synagogues are the ringleaders of this activity here; they encourage / contact / organize the Christian churches to "sponsor refugee families".

I will expose cultural Marxism to them and give it the best biblical slant that I can.


He was kicked out of parts of Africa and the UK because of his "hate speech".BBC even did a hit piece against him lmao

I see I see… Thanks for posting that video clip.

Well let's give him this: he is obviously extremely pro freedom / liberty, clearly redpilled on the Jews, and he has an active ministry teaching Christians that they have been deceived by the anti-Christ Jews (probably most of Christiandom in North America).

Consider that race mixing would not be as much of a problem if the Jews hadn't:

- flooded our countries with non-whites
- brainwash children to race mix out of guilt / lies

Since he doesn't have a problem with people preferring their own race, it follows that he wouldn't object to ethno states either.

At any rate, I appreciate the info on his stance with regards to race matters. I'm not a blind follower of anyone, and I personally FEEL that race mixing is unholy and destroys God's creations. I still think this pastor is doing God's work, and am personally inspired by his fearlessness.

You might be Christian, but Kek sees value in what you're trying to do. I guess the death of Jews is something Kek knows to be necessary.

Eh, sure. Why not.

Thanks I'll check that out.

It's funny, because the bible clearly indicates that hate is a natural emotion that has its place. God straight up hates evil, and indicates that hating one's enemy is natural and good.


I'm friends with Kek and a lot of other old gods (Shiva for example, pic related). I wouldn't feel safe to do this if I wasn't sitting with the Lion, though. But I'm a bit of a pussy when it comes to interacting with spiritual entities.

Our current use of the word "hate" is very different from what it meant even 100 years ago. A better translation would be righteous indignation. The kikes do this on purpose. I "love" ice cream, I "hate" racists, I "literally" can't even.

I'm glad you know the Old Gods. I'm also impressed you didn't use your post to say something insolent like "Kek works for YHWH anyway". Good luck. Hopefully you will learn that you can be freed from the grasp of YHWH and yet still love Jesus.

His only problem is towards the end of Marching to Zion when hes breaking things down on the whiteboard to people and says were effectively all jewish blooded. That can cause problems for some people, and also the whole were all equal in the eyes of the lord thing. You wont seem him speaking out against niggers, for example.

Like racemixing, he doesnt think its an issue from what I know.

Now that said, he is an ally and may even just be saving face. The guy is uncucking christians, and we need that.


God is God. Everything else is just ego.

Such is the human condition.

The problem is that some of the old gods are malevolent demons (not all). So I ask Christ to just protect/filter the evil stuff away from me. Like a holy water firewall, if you will.

Shiva is king of yogis, he was a real person. He's down with Jesus, because the Christ is simply God in human flesh. Simple.


8% of Whites marry non-Whites. This is a problem. But it's not as big a problem as as the Christians who believe Jews are "chosen."

He's helping in this regard.

Yeah, and I really fucking like it.

Whites have a sub 2.0 replacement rate in all their countries. Anything which lowers the white birth rate is equal to white genocide.. so downplaying it isnt helping anything. I like the guy, I like a lot of the things he says.. but I wouldnt call him our "official pastor". In fact, Christianity was regarded as a detriment to the survival of white people by William Luther Pierce, among others. Its an inherently semitic religion, it is un-aryan. It promotes meekness and elevates the weak, the pathetic and inept… instead of the strong, the courageous, the honorable etc. The valid criticisms of Christianity in the context of white survival and prosperity are cogent and numerous.

I couldn't really trust an Abrahamist to keep his own insolent Yaldabaoth worship to himself, but it was a nice thought while it lasted.

The Old Gods will destroy Jehovah and his Holy Israel. Just make sure you don't die in the cross-fire.

Which questions, because if they’re the right ones then the church isn’t Christian.

LARP elsewhere, faggot.

>>>/christpol/ or >>>/christ/ - your choice.

Holla Forums is a Kekite board.


You assume too much. I'm one with God: God is pure love / light. It is known.

I have my doubts about the God in the OT. Once, while reading through it and meditating on the God that showed itself as a column of fire, I sensed a terrifying presence. Hard to describe, but it was intense. I'm still not sure if it was another aspect of God (for example, unfiltered by the Son, thus more "raw", less hospitable than the gentleness of the lamb), or if it was a different entity altogether.

In the end it doesn't matter.

Trying to post the relevant section from Fame of a Dead Mans Deeds on William Gayley Simpson but copy paste isnt working and I cant hand type it from my copy, I have to run for a bit.

I dont mean to shill against Christianity, but facts are facts and the arguments Pierce makes in his book, and in the section on Christianity from the national alliance handbook are very well put together.

- Why are you telling the congregation to "confess their sins" to one another, and saying that the forgiveness "goes deeper" by doing that rather than when only confessing to God privately?

- Why did you preach that masturbation is a sin when there is nothing about it in the bible? (to be clear, it wasn't about sexual degeneracy or addiction to masturbation: all masturbation was considered evil)

- Why are you preaching about how Europeans should feel terrible and like they don't deserve their nations because of "muh colonialism". (I specifically asked for proofs that "everything was built on slavery" – he was referring to ALL of the West)

- Why is there no one interpreting the speaking in tongues? (Charismatic church, people babbling like fucking idiots non-stop)

- Why do you say that it is required by God to give 10% when that is straight up not the case? (Just jewgle it if you don't believe me)

i really dislike christcucks but this video is pretty good

Honestly, me too.

I have never found a church where I wasn't treated like an outsider. The groupthink is fucking awful.

I just seek God on my own and dedicate my every breath to fighting the devil in our lands (the eternal Jew).

I'll see y'all on the other side.

Simpson makes the case in Which Way Western Man? that Christianity does not concern itself enough with strength, vitality, distinctions based on blood and breeding, and aristocratic excellence- those things that are supportive of the qualitative advancement of the race. To the contrary, claims Simpson, Christianity has had a sickening, a weakening, an emasculating effect on Western Civilization, as it has enslaved us to ideals and ways that vitiate our vigor as a people. Christianity, offers Simpson, is characterized by "soft" values: unselfishness, charitableness, forgiveness, patience, humility, and pity. The church has focused too much, Simpson holds, on "the poor, the sick, the defeated, the lowly, and sinners and outcasts" and not enough on "the well-constituted, and healthy, and beautiful, and capable, and strong, and proud" Simpson believes that people will become what they most value and what they most attend to, and therefore, at least by Simpson's standard, Christianity points us in precisely the wrong direction.

Christianity places too great an emphasis on one's subordination to an external deity and the transference of responsibility and power to this higher authority, writes Simpson. In contrast to this focus, Simpson points out that prior to the dominance of Christianity, Europeans stretching back for three thousand years of their history believed most in the individuals who were noble and excellent. They expected people to stand on their own two feet and make something of themselves and looked for leadership from those who proved themselves to be truly superior.

Simpson was an extremely devout Christian who tried to live his life like the original Francis, going around doing work for people who were needy, in exchange for whatever they would feed him with. That was his life, he moved from place to place working for people to help them, surviving off whatever they had to spare. He is the man who wrote the above, later in his life. He became of the view that the problem wasnt the conditions people were living in, but the people themselves. That by allowing the worst of the worst to breed the most, and take over.. that society became sick. Its safe to say he was of the opposite view to Anderson, who says mix with whoever you want.

That is from a book on William Luther Pierce, by Robert S Griffin called The Fame Of A Dead Mans Deeds



Appreciate the info, would love to discuss this some more but I need to run. I haven't even heard of this guy before, I'll check out his book, thanks.

In some ways the bible is sort of a ying/yang thing. The OT is super masculine, while the NT embodies a more feminine energy. Just rambling, but the idea of going "Old Testament" on some demonic motherfuckers really pleases me.

OT is Semitic filth. I suggest you look into Gnosticism.

You better believe I've read the Gospel of Thomas.

This is the truth.

See, you're the type of Christian I'd hang out with. Best of luck to you.

kek, you'd like me.

When I was a teenager I used to burn bibles and pictures of the pope in the fire pit at the park near my house. Was pretty pissed.

Seriously wished I had more time to chat, blessings Holla Forums.

Schools provide personal tutors for retards at the same time they dismantle gifted programs. I worked at an office where many of the people were trying to get their kids diagnosed as autistic so they received extra benefits. It sickens me.

The whole book is golden, it has sections on everything you'd imagine Pierce to be interested in talking about, but it also has sections on specific people with a large background history on them, like George Lincoln Rockwell and Bob Mathews. William Gayley Simpson, the author of Which Way Western Man - has his own section. At the time, Pierce was publishing 4 books.. The Turner Diaries, Hunter, something else I cant think of right now.. and then this book, by this guy. That says a lot on its own.

Serpents Walk was the 4th book - "works off the premise that survivors of Hitler's elite SS corps continued their struggle after the war"




Besides being a Christfag, this guy is definitely pretty based.

Reminder to accept Christ in your heart to be saved and have your name written in the book of life and be saved from death. Jews do not accept Him and will be holocaust (great burnt offering) for real when Jesus returns.The bible even says this in Revelations

Revelation 3:9
>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Why should I worship the God of Abraham? Why should I take the threats of this god seriously?

The Jews have been manipulating mankind's inherent capacity for war for thousands of years, using it against us, to destroy us and corrupt us.

This time, because we have the Internet (thank God), when we go to war it will be holy and righteous, because it will be guided by the truth rather than by the lies of the synagogue of Satan.

And as it is written, this will be the final holocaust of the false Jews.

Can't w8 tbh m8s.

You know, it is the human condition to question everything and explore for the truth. I love this. I want this to continue forever as we colonize the stars.

The way I see it is this, the fucking Jews are a threat to this very inquisitive and curious spirit of humanity. They wish to corrupt and subjugate all of us so we do not even have the freedom to discuss philosophy and religion.

My primary goal is to BTFO the Jews so that humanity can continue to argue about what is true FOREVER.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, nothing I suppose. Carry on lads.