This was actually pretty decent...

This was actually pretty decent. All the exaggerated normie-media outcry against this movie would made you think otherwise.

What are some other recent movies that went over normie heads?

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fuck you frundt supporter


Low energy baiting

Back to reddit faggot

We're not the one with terrible taste in films, and/or trolling

That's what I've been saying for months now. It's got great casting and as a B-action movie excels in all categories.

Do people usually sigh and shake their head when you tell them that?

This too.

The nigger nobleman in 6th century England really added something tbh

Daily reminder that the ancient Egyptians were white.



Black people of color have been inhabiting England since before the romans. source: umm I don't know something called the BBC, dumbass.



The movie had good visuals, but the action scenes were dreadful, too many spinning around and cuts.

Don't forget the nigger gang member.

better or worse than the new mummy?

This is Kino compared to new Mummy

I think it's okay actually. Better than capeshit.

The Circle was solid

Guess all that incest didn't do them any favours


This movie is too anti-intelectual for me, I only watch quality blockbusters like Guardians of the Galaxy.


Thery are truly Europeans then if they had a lot of incest.


I'm guessing incest was a way for the royals to keep the bloodline pure.
I doubt many commoners married their closest family, or if they had laws on who they could marry.


you have to go back

Wasn't it recently proven that ancient Egyptians looked more like Europeans?

If that's the case, the outcry for this movie was completely unwarranted.


Yes, see

always been known, but Americans don't care about reality, history or proof.

Actually it wasn't. It was known they weren't niggers, but that they were actually white we only learned now.

Take Power Rangers, God of War, and loose Egyptian mythology, shake em up, and you get this movie. It's a pretty fun popcorn flick if you can turn off your brain and just enjoy the visuals and over the top action.

This. Actually there were some neat designs, like the guy pulling the sun with some fuking spaceship. It was so over the top through and through I thought the whole flick was fascinating.

I think you are racist, so your source doesn't count.

Didn't the research show that their closest ancestors are the modern-day t*rks?

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

my fav film tbh

no, see