This dude actually had an extra middle name


I'm not aware of any movies he made.

Does a film version of Lord of the Rings not exist?


Did he direct or work on any these films?

I guess you're right the people that worked on the films came up with them


What's it like not having pure white ancestry with history?

there's literally nothing wrong with having a middle name, in fact, those who don't are literal plebs

What if I have a roman catholic second middle name of Michael after the archangel? That's ok, r-right?

Might as well be Schlomo.



But like any Roman Catholic, I don't practice anymore

No I'm American but I'm English German Irish Welsh Polish Russia Czeck etc

Well at least you're a mostly white mutt, fam.

Having a jew name while not being a kike means you are marked as a slave of the jew. If you are also circumcised, you should report to the closest synagogue for immediate application of debt slavery for life.

what's his tax policy again?


Well he did say he was a good king, so obviously

Oh yes, because because GURRM has given us an account of the various tax policies enacted by the factions of Westeros.
If he wanted to write a straight-forward history of his fictional world, I'd be content with that. At least it would provide the depth that he's looking for.

Yeah, it's mostly half naked boys on a deserted island trying to figure out civilization and shit.

thats jungle book dumbass

You're both wrong, it's obviously the epic of Gilgamesh.
Fucking idiots.


Holla Forums never stops.

Notorious filthy hippie and male feminist ally GRRM once again demonstrates that he doesn't understand anything but the more low-brow, worldly fiction. What Tolkien wrote about was a creation myth and his world would've been perfect, had it not been corrupted in the beginning. The very concept of politics belongs into a fallen world, in which the actual, crucial battle is long past. It's not enough to simply have "a good king", as the example of Numenór, which is identified with Atlantis shows, and which that faggot would know had he read Plato - the king and the people, no matter how good, carry in them the seeds of future ruin.

I used to think that GoT was down-to-Earth and mercilessly realistic, but after reading some actually good books, I've come to see the series for what it is: chick-lit. There's no coherent story, no believable politics, no science, not even tragedy. All that is a soap opera's worth of shallow characters and an endless wallowing in sappy, shallow emotionality. It's 3000 pages of self-indulgent, cheap drama that caters to sandy cunts and nu-males. GRRM is a prime example of an author who grew up on artless pulp trash and wholly internalized the worst works of literature in the 20th century.

All Americans have been circumcised since Rabbi John Harvey Kellog declared it as the remedy against the sin of masturbation. Being supported by the Tanakh and the Talmud, it of course found rapid acceptance.

!שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם

Get on my level, threefags.

If I had started reading the books when I was a teen, I would have latched on. But trying at 22, I was put off quick. Got tired of the drivel and my first sex scene narration. Didn't even finish book 1.

Why, didn't you like it when Ned spunked into Cat, prude? That's part of life and you need to read about it, just like you need to read about every beer-piss and nasty shit every character takes.

LOTR would've been much enriched if we could've read about Frodo trying to keep in his farts to avoid alerting nearby orcs to his presents.

Good post, friend.

I had at that time, read better sex scenes in poorly translated light novels. I get why the kids in highschool gravitated towards it, but it is not adult literature.

melkor wuz a gud boi he dindu nuffin
enrichin iluvatar's music every day bout to get arda on track
dem valar be racist
we need mo money fo them dark hordes

The actor who plays Royce on GoT is actually married to an actress named Emma Watson.

That's wrong. Eru Illuvatar created Melkor and worked through his evil. Eru clearly states in the beginning of time that whatever evil Melkor does will in the end contribute to the greater glory of creation. On a more down to earth level it means that without evil, we wouldn't have the valorous deeds of the Noldor which echoed throughout the histories. Without Melkor we wouldn't have the tale of Beren and Luthien, nor the quest of the ring.

It's sort of like what Bob Ross said about how you need sadness to truly know happiness.