Why didn't the icemen freeze the water?

why didn't the icemen freeze the water?

cuz he had to wait for the dragon type so he could the pokemon dummy

Because the script said so.

Why didn't the Night's King throw a Javelin at them?

why didn't they just take the eagles to begin with

Why didn't they break the ice to keep the icemen from crossing the lake?

Why didn't they get Qyburn to invent them a helicopter?

I love how extras just spawned when needed so they can die horribly.

How did the writing get so shitty?

Simple because it was never good to begin with

They should have brought that fat guy and he could have lit his farts on fire.

I miss the fat guy from Becker/Lost.



because it will clash with the Hound's stones

Wildfire is a very unstable source of fuel

I could answer that, but that will trigger Drumpfsberg because it means I have to name (((them)))

because the writers are hacks

bravo D&D!

Is this for sundays episode? I am not going to make fun of this. It looks like something might actually happen other than Queen Fatass stronk womyn fan fiction from ((( D&D ))). I do have one complaint,

Are you daft or something? The episode is already out.

Some dumbass told me in the other thread it caused to much mana or whatever. Why didnt he kill Drogon when they were picking them up?

Which torrent site is it on?

Try looking in all the other GoT general threads.