UK is getting more jew'd every day

UK is getting more jew'd every day.

As like in some other counties before, you're not supposed to call children boys and girls and so on anymore.

This is some small group of faggots pushing this ridiculous agenda, it really should be illegal to try to brainwash people.

(((They))) can get many 'memos' to be sent to teachers and such with that money though.

Isnt it usually degenerate ethnics who engage in cannibalism?

They become liberals when they come to France to leech off our welfare. Now kys Mohamerde.

I thought leafs were meant to be good at bait? This is Hungarian-tier shitposting.

New Scotland has more cultural than you and the Scots combined desu.

he got some big 'ol lips

Enough to make another shit sequel to Yeezus

Plausible deniability meme

the jews are seriously behind everything

How about the idea that whites should be the only people allowed to tell whites what to do? Furthermore, the same should be said for all races.

As a Brit, I can tell you that while we're still in a pretty sorry state here, it's not that bad. Measures like this are ridiculed even by a good number of lefties, including teachers. The rot is at the top, not further down. Thus, such measures are never really enforced or thy're lax about the rules.

fixed for post immigrant crisis

This is actually a genius idea.

Oh, seems like Bui is spamming again.

Just remember to include some keywords to your op and you'll get free bumps for sure :^) Gotta pull the kike from it's nose.

pic very much related
I'm glad it's not just me.
I am not a bot

Are we?

They may well feel you have no purpose to them either, it's entirely subjective isn't it.

I think it would be best if we merged "boy" and "girl" together, and just got rid of them as separate concepts. We could just call all the children goys

got me good, user

Trannies "identify" as boys and girls already , just the wrong way around. So how does this actually fucking help anyone at all?


oy vey goyim there are so many trannies out there did you know 3 out 2 children is a tranny???? so you better be respectful to those 5 out 1 children

Political correctness is a noose. It helps the hangman when people willingly jump into the noose and don't fight back.

obviously your orgins began in Rom

(your descendants moved to your current region *from Rom)

now come here .. BROTHER ;)

I've been here longer before you, you fucking idiot. Believe it or not it won't matter

how's alternative education going atm?
all this shit should be boosting interest


We had an incident similar to this in Canada where they were advocating for the use of the word "comrade" as a gender neutral alternative.

trump will end this

Fuck yourself.

Ask sam hyde if he needs a heel on his show.

This petulant, endless whining is going to collapse on itself at some point soon. Niggers whine, Muslims whine, Jews whine, fags whine, lezbos, trannies, cripples, Dotheads, Chinks - we're rapidly approaching the point where nobody can even speak words without some cunt crying about how they're offended, and unlike in America, the UK will actually put you in prison for that retarded bullshit.

Literally lying, I'll continue arguing once you bring up something factual you fucking kike.

If you really want to live amongst fellow drug addicts, there are already communities you can go to, but you won't, because you already know they're shit places full of shit people and you just want to spread misery like the slimy heeb you are.

Not believing in God is ignoring reality, faggot.

Sadly, an increasing number of 'em just 'identify' as 'I want to be higher on the Progressive Stack', so they just make shit up.


Whats next, stop creating toilets to piss in standing, so everyone has to sit down… FOR EQUALITY?
Doubling down on retarded policies is so wasteful, so unrealistic, its NEVER going END or WORK PROPERLY.

*its NEVER going to end or WORK PROPERLY.

for newfags and cuckchanners refugees.
They use Lenguage as a tool to further their agenda

cutting of your dick, is something you did to yourself. and being excluded because you have no biological function in the group is a logical result.
TLDR : If you want to be part of the cool kids group, don't mutilate your genitals

language is not a tool, a crowbar is a tool

I nostalgia'd hard with that fucking Lego ghost


This. It's essentially a progressive popularity contest. Actual trannies don't want to be identified as "trans" anything. They just want to try to live their short, misguided lives as the gender they think they are supposed to be. Wanting to "identify" as something else basically boils down to attention-whoring and looking for higher snowflake status.


Oh no, I agree.

It's just not the proper time yet.