Holla Forums literature thread

A better understandings of politics requires adquiring knowledge of multiples sources. So its important to read!

Here are some books that I recommend:
ia801500.us.archive.org/7/items/ThusSpokeZarathustra/Thus Spoke Zarathustra.pdf



The Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery - Gottfried Feder
English: media.8ch.net/pdfs/src/1421139130259-0.pdf
German: media.8ch.net/pdfs/src/1419161563904-0.pdf
Spanish: media.8ch.net/pdfs/src/1425639678465-0.pdf

White Power - George Lincoln Rockwell

This Time, The World - George Lincoln Rockwell

Gold in the Furnace - Savitri Devi
English: media.8ch.net/pdfs/src/1424677172257-0.pdf
German: germanvictims.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Kritik-folgeNr.60-SavitriDevi-GoldImSchmelztiegel1982232S.Text_.pdf

National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future - Colin Jordan

Democracy: The God that failed - Hans Hermann Hoppe

Which Way Western Man - William Gayley Simpson

Western Civilization Bites Back - Johnathan Bowden

Fascism a Very Short Introduction - Kevin Passmore

Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola

Feel free to share your readlist!
If you upload pdf of your books the better!

Other urls found in this thread:

nseuropa.org/English/Alfred Rosenberg - The Myth of the 20th Century.pdf

Excuse me, but the three first links were outdated:




nice list user, but i don't think pol likes to read


Currently re-reading pics related. Would recommend.

inb4 imkikey anchors the thread

Here's a nice collection of pdf's.



A link to the entire Julius Evola library and stuff.

Dropping the Iron Pill

The Way of Men - Jack Donovan

Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age - Guillaume Faye

A Handbook of Traditional Living - Raido

Can Life Prevail? - Pentti Linkola

Fighting for the Essence - Pierre Krebs

Generation Identity - Markus Willinger

The WASP Question - Andrew Fraser

Good stuff, bump.

Don't have a .pdf, but:
The Politics of Experience - R. D. Laing
The Evolution of Cooperation - Axlerod
=The Hidden Persuaders - Vance Packard=
The Origin of Consciousness in the Bicameral Mind - J. Jaynes (main thesis isn't sufficiently supported but it is interesting and the intro, hypnosis chapter, and schizophrenia chapter are fascinating)


Fucking hell, get in the oven degenerate.

Honestly, you may be able to understand it, but it will be a lot easier if you read at the very least some basic mythology book(I recommend Mythology by Edith Hamilton, it even has some norse stuff in there), then if you want to skip over Homer, Herodotus, etc., go straight to Plato, read some of the core dialogues like Euthyphro, Phaedo, Crito, and the Apology, Then read the Symposium, then the republic, and maybe Parminedes if you want, then read some basic aristotle like nicomachean ethics and poetics, and then you will be minimally prepared for tackling Nietzsche, although it is highly recommended you read Schopenhauer beforehand as well, along with many others. Philosophy takes a while fam, but that is what makes it great

Thanks for the advice, user.

no problem my dude


Not only is it the greatest works of fantasy that will ever be written, Tolkien wanted to create a mythology, and drew from nearly every great European mythology and no surprise it champions things like honor, duty, sacrifice, and more – things held dear by our european forefathers.

Read however with ALL of Tolkien's work (not just middle earth) you gain an understanding of his love of language and why it was so sacred to him. The ultimate redpill, in a sense, that language defines us as much as if not MORE than we define it. Our languages developed much like memes do, and are part of us, both as individuals and as a civilization.

Language is the SINGLE biggest link we have to the people who came before us. To undermind, corrupt, and destroy language the way the left does with reckless abandon is heretical, and must be met with the swiftest and harshest retribution we can imagine.

Why the fuck is this thread anchored?


Mein Kampf (Stalag or Ford edition) by Adolph Hitler



The Myth of the Twentieth Century by Alfred Rosenberg

nseuropa.org/English/Alfred Rosenberg - The Myth of the 20th Century.pdf

The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century by Houston Stewart Chamberlain


Huh, why did they bumplock the thread?

Because they are illiterate niggers. They do the same with classical music threads, but leave skinhead threads with one faggot dumping go for days. . .

Can't have something decent here. If it's not endless Trump dicksucking, memes, or calling every poster a shill: it has to go!

You might be able to get Heil to unbumplock it if/when he comes online. But that won't stop imkampfy coming back later and putting it back on. He acts like a sneaky kike and he has no honour.

How the hell do you un-bumlock a thread? Why would mods bumplock this thread?!?!!?

Why the hell is imkampfy still a mod? bumplocking quality threads without reason is not a thing moderators would be doing.

The mods can remove the autosage if they want.

Imkampfy has been doing this for a while now. Hell do it again the next time the Holla Forums book pack comes out. Therealmoonman is a bit hit and miss but generally follow imkampfy 's lead.

I think I've had enough, I'm done with it.

bye faggot

This is a proper thread
Faggot mods

Holla Forums is subverted on the mod part. Literature threads are dangerous since they directly educate people and steer the board away from their clickbait hellofellownazis.jpg threads.

Daily reminder than imkampfy and therealmoonman are aspie spastics and should have their mod status removed

And how would that be done?

kikemods want the board to only focus on current events

The mods are illiterate niggers who can't read books. That's why they always anchor these threads; prove me wrong.


Why is this anchored?

Goyim shouldn't read.

Man, I'm as 1488 as it gets and still like reading books. Wanting to gas kikes is no excuse for being uneducated.



Could we make a board specifically for literature like this? Unless we can get rid of the mods, this is just going to keep happening.

Well there's /lit/ of course. Last time I was there it looked like shit, but maybe we could make it into something worthwhile.

You're welcome on my board /pdfs/. I'm the new BO there. I think I may create a general discussion thread on there.

Why a literature thread is being b& from a political board is beyond anyone's idea. We should just keep making OPs and disguise them as /polmeta/ threads, because that board is worthless, and this issue needs to be discussed. We should not submit and flee to another board like cowards when obviously there is a demand for these type of threads.

/polmeta/ threads on Holla Forums get the axe even faster than literature threads. How can we fight bad mods when we have no weapons that can wound them?

/pdfs/ is Holla Forumss book board. It's been around for a long time. You'll find a lot of material on there and it already has some users.

You won't get anywhere trying to fuck with the mods here, especially creating /polmeta/ threads. I don't really want to get into board drama but there's nothing you can do about the mods here.

/pdfs/ seems like a good choice since it would let us share pdfs in our lit threads. Seems usefule.

I only received the board today. I wasn't going to announce myself to Holla Forums bookfags until the next Holla Forums book pack gets dropped. I didn't really want to do it in this thread because of drama and whatnot.

Anyway I was thinking of making a general discussion thread on there once I've sorted the stickies, but I don't want to make any major changes until all the users know the old BO is gone. I think a good discussion thread will help build a little community for the board.


Make a new thread until anti-white mods stop bumplocking
