The Trump of the East

So what's Holla Forums's thoughts on President Duterte? Comparisons to Trump are rife, both from media labels and their own admission.

Sounds like a nice way to live. How do you take care of showering, etc.

Same old shit will seek to persevere, when you now that even the winning party trash on his candidate you know elites and political fucks are outraged. Fuck them all. Trump may be one of the worst presidents in the USA history but is the most needed one right now.

Now go get fucked byTakashi while you suck Tyron's dick in your consensual free lover's apartment free of hate and bigotry.

I'm heavily conflicted on him. I'm against his complete disregard for the actual legal process, but at the same time his country is so super fucked that it seems to be necessary. If he stabilizes the country and makes it not shit, but doesn't turn into a fucking dictator, I'll rate him 10/10.


Sometimes you have to act outside of the parameters of POZ'd laws. Laws are human concepts enforced with violence, if the sate doesn't have the capacity to use violence it's laws are illegitimate.

Everyone keeps comparing him to "The Punisher." f he actually acts like Frank Castle, that's fantastic. But there's nothing stopping him at this point from going full Victor Von Doom. But if he gets the country in a good place, and then just jetpacks away into the night saying, "My work here is done," he'd be the best fucking leader in the history of the world.

People like that are very rare user, but i share the same sentiment.



no one fucking cares you military retards always bring this shit up. No one gives a flying fuck seriously. NORMEIS DONT CARE I DOTN CRE NO ONE CARES fuck off just because you sat in an office sucking cocks doesnt make you some magic man

go eat adick

Fine but LKY was marginally better, RIP

Can Jews even recover from this wreckage?

Thank you me American friends, i want to rustle some jimmies, and maybe hear some rationalization of these opinions, i think my posts scares and intimidates them though.

They are a echo box, and don't like to be challenged.

Even when u let him wank you and you came it was rape and you should report it. You are the victim here

So what if he does?

the internet

I think I know who's behind those threads (pic related)

Fuck, sorry. I made this thread thinking I was on Holla Forums. That'll show me to have more than one tab of 8chin open.

lol soros is a joke

does anyone really see "philanthropist" when they look at this guys face? he looks constantly pissed off

We meme magic tito dickman baby into existence
No wonder why he so base.

Skitty, pls

Flipflag here, he's flipping the bird on Obama using our country as his proxy for his "Asian Pivot" trying to use us as his gutter shield to contain China without any returns. Here's a quick tl;dr on his first 6 months.
And he's pretty fucking popular to some japs, malays, vienamese, chinese, koreans and ect, he does not give a shit about the media narrative on his body count nor our currency getting weaker to the dollar, he's withstanding the pressure while offering that if our transition from the Unitary government system to a Federal one is finish, the whole country is secure, and his peace treaty and gradual disarmament of separatists(or their transition from rebel groups to a security force) is done, while making sure there are no more political dynasty shit that would make our country into a feudal-warlordism crap, he'll step down and make the country vote another guy to step in, he's that fucking determined, and kek, "Trump of the East" people are still talking only about his Death Squads and nothing else, because (((Mainstream Media)))

that's all. friends 5 lyfe

Jim is a faggot drug addict living in the Philippines

What does Duterte think of that?

should have told him to back to his homeland and help the purge


Do you not wonder why (((amnesty international))) doesn't care about the drug trade? It couldn't be because they're involved in it…

Of course I know that Globalists kikes use "human rights violations" as an excuse to intervene and fuck shit up, so much salty shit when I use that argument that Obama and Clinton fucked up in Syria and Libya, and while not learning the Vietnam conundrum when they let ISIS grow in Afghanistan and Iraq "they dinunuffin! muh human rights!"

Tis the great hypocrisy, in the Filipinos case they seem to care more about drug dealing cartelsmen's lives than the hundreds of thousands of people the drug trade hurts.