Top jej, we satan now

RT - Pope warns media over 'sin' of spreading fake news, smearing politicians

The pope's argument involves a lot of focus on excrement, which is typical of jews. Projecting onto the opponent is a common Jewish tactic, it is engrained in their psychology. They are going all out with this fake news may may, but once WaPo is sued for defamation the normies will perceive the jewish plan for what it is. Then they will seek Holla Forums.

I wonder how much lord jacob paid francis to kvetch us

Other urls found in this thread:

eventually christcucks are going to wake up and realize they must cut all ties with Semitism.


That's heresy, user.

in case anyone needed more proof this faggot is nothing but a kike puppet

Their whole religion is a hermetic dupe of aryanism, this has occurred in other aryan religions throughout history.

The last pope…thankfully.

Faggot Christ cuck with a nigger toe fetish.

dont ruin this meme before it takes off..

Imagine my surprise.

Hello my dear apostate, have you read the book of enoch?


your board is shit and you're cancer.


The book of Enoch is good for one thing: it reminds us that the "fallen angels" are actually Hyperboreans, advanced precursor of Aryans whom mankind revered as gods.

The book of enoch also says the jews will be cast down as the chosen for their hubris and that angels were white men.

There's a reason they d&c'd christianity so heavily in the post-jesus era.


Why is the Pope getting so political? It's not his place. The media needs to cover bad news, rather than bitch about "fake news" why not implement higher standards for journalists and hold major publications accountable if they don't fact check? Fucking celebrity "news" is a bigger problem.

I will never forget that this is the man who promised Christian refugees a home, then rescinded on that promise in order to bring Muslims in.

That goes to show that even the Poop shitposts.


pope francis doesnt browse pol why not say its an honest mistake?

Year 0 of the new era when?

and then you have protestants who ship in africans to "convert" and then marry them to their children

when viewed by itself, it could also be interpreted that the pope's words were towards the MSM
but there also aren't going to be any more popes, so

Because he's a communist.

Not defending this cuck pope, but honnestly it looks like the (((media))) once again tricked him into saying what they wanted.

He was not talking about the "fake news" that kikes are pushing now, to forbid the goyim to talk about pizza-pedos and clinton, but only of the "gossip press"… the prestitutes just mislead him to support their narrative.

This kike-pope is a fucking retard.

All chirstkikes do what you claim, retard.

Guys, I think we can trust the head of the Catholic church's advice regarding the cessation of child abuse investigations. This isn't at all suspicious.


Argie here, this man is a Peronist piece of shit who always used "muh faith" to spread his shitty agenda. It has been way worse since he became the pope.
He's a fucking disgrace, I really hope this is the last pope.

The Malachy prophecy seems quite believable at this point.


Frankly, after the rapefugee foot-washing bullshit, I think the Malachy prophecy is necessary.

This pope is such a fucking faggot.
Can we replace his ass already?

When people return to the Hellenic pantheon and minor variations of it. Who created Western Civilization? It wasn't Jesus that's for sure.

This explains the "Roman" and "Peter" part of the prophecy at 8:40.


getting right sick of this jumped up commie

I've probably gotten more factual, pertinent, news this year than in the previous 10 years; it just wasn't from (((traditional))) sources

Cable and print media has become hopelessly outmoded.

There is no Pope, only some Marxist heretic spewing blasphemies from the throne of St. Peter.


Can you imagine Jesus kissing the hand of a Pharisee?


Interesting video. Maybe all of this is connected in some way: Kek, the cucking of the Catholic Church, Marian apparitions, the dubs, Kali Yuga. Our Lady of La Sallette said "The Church will be in eclipse, and the world will be in dismay." Ominous words, and we have an ominous eclipse which will overshadow Trump's first year in office. This may end up being like 2012 all over again, but I feel like we're going to see all of this come to a head in spectacular fashion.

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth."
"Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen."

I don't believe that the world will end or that we'll see gods come from down the sky and have some fiery battle. Whatever happens will play out through human events. The world as we know it will pass away, but it won't be a literal event. We're going to see the Cultural Judaism – the voice of that serpent who unceasingly works to turn people against the ways of tradition and honor – completely and utterly purged from this world. There may be violence or may be completely peaceful. However, all of the prophecies which intersect with the memes indicate gratuitous amounts of violence

On the day that the forces of the Gods triumph, you will see purple haired women die their hair back blond. You will see CPS arrest the parents of transgender kids. You will see the white birthrate go from 1.5 kids per family to 8.8. By Kek, it's happening!

Catholics yes! So progressive :') !

Only if Arabs burn down the Vatican. Your kike god never came back and they've been claiming he is coming every generation since the myth was created

Making me wonder just how far Pizzagate is going to reach

Implying Peter was Catholic because they murdered him in Rome.
Implying your religion isn't from Paul/Saul who fought Peter.
Implying Catholics aren't Pharisees and homosexuals from day one.

It would make sense.
Catholics are essentially a homosexual pedophilia death cult

The popes job for the last few decades has been to announce "nope, no pedos here!" as often as possible. I fear we have stumbled into the largest nest of vipers seen hence, and I have great apprehension for the future of our world.

Good posts friend *tips menorah*.




Feels bad.

You need to brush up on your Jipshun mythology, user.


catholics are different then proddies, faglord.

catholics =//= prodies

OK, i am convinced, this faggot is literally insane.

Who the fuck would use an analogy like this in public ?

Are the Catholics not giving you enough foreskins so your turning on them, Satan?

do you "jews of the bible = jews that we have right now" shills ever respond?
i thought we all knew that statement is jewish propaganda

Thought even at the time Christ was around all the actual Jews were long dead.

For the sake of correcting the record, the pope was not commenting about the "fake news" meme at all, at least not specifically. The interview the article in the OP is talking on is an interview between the pope and a Belgian interviewer talking about European affairs. Nowhere in the the interview is America or the United States mentioned. Ironically, but not surprisingly, it is the lying American press that is misrepresenting a person who is complaining about the media misrepresenting people.

Full transcript here:

He pretty much said "I am a communist tell the goyim lies and don't let them know the truth"

Did you even read the article? Nowhere in the article does it say he was talking about the American fake news topic. They didn't misrepresent any of his statements, all they do is place it in the context of the dialogue that is occurring in the US right now, as seen in the last paragraph of the article:

It would be nice, but I'm not sure they're smart enough. Obviously anyone defending that belief system has no idea how it operates in real life:
sending White people's money to niggers

Daily reminder that Vatican II denies the fact that the jews killed Jesus

Daily reminder that the Catholic "Church" has been infested with kikeroaches since its inception in the 4th century

Daily reminder that Catholics are not Christians

It isnt projection it is just blind actionism. Pope doesnt know the reason why this shit pops up, and neither do you. So he is just trying to act on it, just like you try to explain it with shekelstein psychology.

Read The interviewer and the pope were not talking about the American "fake news" meme at all.

The interviewer was Belgian, and the leading question to Francis' comments was basically just "a word [of advice] for the media [including myself]?" after talking about giving advice to Polish youth in Krakow. The pope talked about whatever he wanted to (no real leading context from the interviewer), but he never mentioned "fake news" (i.e. "all pro-Trump media is KGB propaganda"). His comments about sensationalism and slander are directed at the MSM in general.

yeah proddies are a lot worse

Doesnt fucking matter, what he describes is completely correct, politicans act on behalve of the framework they can act. And the riled up voters are devolving in actionism but the deeper truth is that this is developed by the frame work in itself. It is just another piece in the puzzle. The sickness in shitophilia is an aquired taste, hence in the 0.1 star restaurant you are sitting in you will either love it or hate it. And the serious judgement he wants to base his opinion is on "holyier than though" because the pope doesnt realize that in a 0.1 stars restaurant you will only get served shit.

The current pope is part of that framework tho.

In the American media's articles, the headlines are "pope blasts 'fake news,'" which is incredibly misleading because "fake news" has a very specific meaning in the American news right now, and "fake news" is nowhere referenced in the interview. Further, it is framed in a way that misleadingly suggests the interview question and answer is specifically about "fake news," with the author injecting asinine comments like, "these comments come after much controversy about 'fake news' in the wake of the US elections."

Maybe this cuck spawn should condemn CNN for spreading bullshit propaganda instead.

We all are, so what is your point?

He is a lying communist.

Just take into consideration that this pope is a marxist.

Ofc, the response to bullshit is a scale of even bigger bullshit. He isnt lying, lying means intention, he believes that shit or is just using his voice to change little smug idiots.
I remember some Holla Forums tard medlng with tinfoilheads and making his/her own website.
My gut estimation lets me assume that this psyduck got recruited by intel or is just a true believer of the left side spectrum.

he looks weak


It begs the question of why the interviewer would even ask this kind of question knowing the current environment regarding the media. It's similar to the questions asked to the pope about whether a person who would build a wall is a christian. It's not directly about Donald Trump but references him.

According to chirstkikes, civilization didn't exist until Jews taught Europeans the law of Yahweh.


Except, given that he is a complete commie faggot, it's obvious that he is agreeing with the media here and just contributing to the "fake news" narrative in different words.

Pope Francis is really intelligent. He isn't tricked into saying this shit by the media. He's a fucking Jesuit and has had the best training in logic and rhetoric available on earth. He isn't getting outwitted by some buzzfeed-tier click bait journalists.

Wasn't he involved in the Pizzagate thing? There were some pics of him in one of the 'pizza parties'.

How would you like some form of right wing ideology that is so convincing that it will make everything else look like childs play. Like a symphony that will use their shit only as overtones, how would you like that? Using everything that they did like a form of cultural evolution materilizing in some of fitting words.
Synergizing everything they did, rewinding it, how would you like that, steroids, and their words are like piss the first of the organic molekules, and i turn piss into crack.

Jews are obsessed with shit, ass and fart jokes. And, why not be? If someone is talking shit about someone else, then it makes the speaker appear 'more clean' in comparison. Ridicule has no consequence if you are a master at deflecting it yourself.

You described the whole Marxist leftist structure.

You almost wish there was an actual transcript of the interview…

The line of the conversation being advice for the youth -> advice for the media (e.g. me, the interviewer).

And this is from an "Interview with the Holy Father Francis for the Belgian Catholic weekly, “Tertio”" As I said, no mention of America or "fake news" whatsoever at any point in the interview. There is no reason to assume from the actual text of the interview that the comment was more than a general call for fairness and honesty in the media.

He is still a useful idiot and a commie faggot. These statements discard him from being a shill, but the fact that he actually believes what he says makes him even more harmful.

>"I think the media have to be very clear, very transparent, and not fall into - no offence intended - the sickness of coprophilia, that is, always wanting to cover scandals, covering nasty things, even if they are true," he said.



This isn't a Buzzfeed journalist. The interviewer, per the transcript, is a writer for a Belgian Catholic Weekly paper ("Tertio"). The American headlines are analagous to the headlines from the US election that "Trump eager to use nuclear weapons" or "Trump says all Muslims should be compelled to wear identifying clothing" etc. There's no good reason to accept the headlines here, when they are just enforcing the narrative that all Drumpf supporters are brainwashed by the KGB, and now they are going to hell too.

Again, there is a transcript of the interview hosted on the Vatican's website:

Reminder that Holla Forums is not a christian, agnostic or ateist board.

We are of the cult of Kek.

Honestly the level at which they are trying to force this "fake news" meme is comical. It comes across as so unnatural, or dare I say fake?

you stupid nigger, kikes hate Jesus. We made Christianity into something stronger and more beautiful than they could imagine. That's why they're so intent on destroying it.


nice OC user

polite sage for doublepost

OP is a faggot. He was saying the media shouldn't be partisan and lie to attack politicians.
This is easily an indictment of the mainstream media's attacks on Trump.

Jews have been lying about Hitler for 70 years

Friendly reminder that the pope is a Marxist Jesuit kike. The kikes greatest strength is Mimicry, they mimic real humans and pretend to even be human to further their agenda of Talmudic slavery and White Genocide.

In the year of the fire cock, I want to meme Kek either destroying Catholicism from the outside, or meme pepe as the Pope and have Kek destroy Catholicism from within. I'm not sure which would be best, but I'm sure the memes and the dubs will decide.

My instinct tells me it's better for Kek to crush Catholicism from the outside, but my sides prefer the thought of pepe memes in Pope hats doing our dirty work, so that's probably where I'll start and change it up if it doesn't feel right.

At least it is official now.




For fuck's sake, can't this pope ever not stick his nose where it doesn't belong?

Vatican state is subverted by freemasonry

Catholics aren't Christian

Steve Pieczenik spoke about his involvement in the Argentinian regime's anti-red work; he was solicited to assist physically removal of church persons thought to be Soviet sympathizers. The evidence wasn't there, and he declined. Seems to at least play into the ideas floated that he was engaged in Jesuit/Free Mason fiddling.

You speak truth, but you sound like you are implying cuckolded behavior.

Christianity > Catholicism, but Christcuck still sell out whites too often. I'll take Christians over any other major religious movement on earth, but it's not the right future for us all in the long run. It can be tolerated only as long as it's a better option for most whites right now, but at a minimum it must never be supported when promoting race mixing and other such faggotry.

Christianity does not promote racemixing. The bible says that it is not sinful, but that it is dangerous and is discouraged.


I'm talking about the institution, this isn't a debate about the Bible. I'm not interested right now. Christians are my ally if they are willing to fight for what's white, but that doesn't mean I'm fighting to keep whites Christian any longer than it's of value to our wider race as a bulwark against deeper degeneracy like Islam, Communism, Atheism, cucked forms of paganism, etc.

A jew


That's not true.

You lost if you thought trump was actually going to help you instead of appealing to your identity politics. Unless your 500,000 plus, then you're just voting in you own best interests.

Catholocism is not Christian. Nowhere near it. 5 min of research will tell you that.

Holla Forums shills believe everything is (((Christian))) including gnostic degenerates.

Doesn't this spic pedo sling stories of a sky fairy? Best watch yo self, popey.

Also don't forget reading the churchfather Origen.

The last bit of good the Vatican can do for the world is literally explode with muslims.

Eradicate the nominally religious and the post-Vatican II Vatican. (((They))) are the new adulterous and decadent Romans before the Fall.

people are still idolizing this fucker even after he said homosexuals arent sinners? really? how much of an alienated brainless individuals are out there following the new hip tendencies of broader religion standars?

christcucks are semites by definition

Well, no one can say that Kek didn't warn them of the dangers of Semantic Distortion. It's a threat and very real. Letting old crazy farts run the world was never a good idea, who came up with that nonsense? Oh, riiight…

So much for this (((Pope))) and his master

Reported for intl

Kek is going to destroy his (((Bank))) next, that should wake them both up lel


Could the pope possibly be more obvious about being a globalist puppet?

I mean, most of us here already knew it, with the exception of a few Catholics (that actually know it deep inside), but this is an action akin to shouting his globalist affinities from the fucking rooftops.

They're either astoundingly stupid, astoundingly desperate, or they just aren't even trying to hide it, anymore.