Creating Propaganda about Aborigines - Help me pol

I'm in the United States, but can use any help to know anything pertinent that should appear in a propaganda video.

Low IQ, violence, rape, and alcoholism all characterize abo's. Any red pilling material or vids/imagecaps you have collected on aborigines can help me. Thanks anons.

Other urls found in this thread:

Abos couldnt make the connection between sex and childbirth

"Around the turn of the 20th century, anthropologists working in places such as Australia and New Guinea reported that their subjects did not recognize a connection between sex and children."

They burned down all the rainforests In shitposterland turning it into a desert, they are actually Africans and slaughtered most of the original abbos who lived there, and ate the megafauna including giant koalas to extinction.

If you're in the US, focus on your own minorities.

I learned in an anthropology class that they Abos are like early caucasoids that ventured south and the environment wasnt demaning enough to continoue their advancement. Thats why abos have straighter hair and some even blonde hair though I dont know wether or not thats a connection to UV rays or just some weird mutation that didnt go away.

They are a walking propaganda, tbh.

the native americans did that, too :^)

I am doing all minorities.

well, the deforestation part

What? but…
What are you talking about?

oh shit I must be going blind never mind

Read the out of Asia theory.
It makes a lot more sense than the nonsense forced jigsaw puzzle they teach in schools and throw on television.

I know anthropology in the modern day is 99% bullshit but I just remember seeing a map of how the aboriginals came from Eurasia to Australia and they were essentially early genetic Eurasians primarily caucausoids

1:35 for the greatest performance an Abo has ever given

All you need to know

That was beautiful.
Fuck that was hilarious. Just that pause looking over to them waiting for them to do something, its like a 3 year old whos been given a part in a play.

Seems impossible tbh user, abos are just like the rest of us.


People don't need propaganda to realize these beings are primitive biologically. How about you try to make propaganda against jews or mass immigration instead? Shitting on the Abo is like a hack comedian making fun of a down syndrome baby in the audience while a group of kikes and muslims are raping his wife.

Yeah but most people have only heard about Australian Aboriginals in name only and very rarely have seen actual pictures/videos/stats on them.

The so-called stolen generation was child protective services stepping in to save those kids from their parents. Abbos have since Europeans first arrived on the continent been abusing, raping, killing and eating their own kids in a manner more heartless and inhuman than any nigger or jew and only been stopped form doing it by force of law.

No room for a prefrontal cortex. All races have the same intelligence potential though.

I googled "Aboriginals arent Human"
Saw a Yahoo questions, scrolled down.
Saw this gold, must be extra bad for Aussies and crimethink considering that Abos are essentially what Negros are for Negros.

if abbos were extinct, would we consider them as another subspecies like neanderthals?

also >>>/aus/

the differences between boongs and caucasians are only about as radical as the differences between caucasians and the jew or the other varieties of nigger. We are from the same genus, you just sound like an idiot to say we're not. We're a different species, and to be fair to the little savages they were perfectly adapted to their environment, a harsh, unliveable wasteland that you would have to be stupid, violent, and sexually aggressive to ever survive in.

the ultimate tragedy of the boong is that one hundred fifty years after colonisation and their in fact quite successful assimilation a bunch of left wing academics got it into their head to 'liberate' them from the white man's yolk with ridiculous theories about them all being from the same species. That's simply not true. Almost every indigenous tribe shows marked genetic differences. A member of the Gadigal tribe in Sydney is as different from a member of the Noonga in Perth as a white man is from a nigger. Google 'aboriginal pygmies' to read about the actual tribe of pygmies living in far north Queensland that the left would have you believe are the same species as the urban boongs we watch playing sportsball on our teles.

do you really need to ask?

Abos don't have blonde hair, my friend. Blonde is transparent, they have yellow hair.
Though maybe some blonde aussie stuck his dick in one, so I dunno, maybe there's one halfbo.


IDK I've just seen pics of Abos (though all children) with hair that appears blonde. And what blonde hair have you seen thats 'transparent'? even the most bleach blonde is golden to whiteish in color. Blonde is a very broad word and depends on what kind of blonde it is.

That 4th picture is probably the first adult abo I've ever seen that wasn't a fat fuck. It took me a second while I stared at that picture to figure out if it was more than just her africa-black skin making me not immediately identify the abo charm.

I guess I used the wrong word, but the thing is actual blonde hair is blonde because it lacks melanin.
I remember reading somewhere that abos have faux-blonde hair, not actual euro-blonde hair. I could be wrong, though.

I get it. Why do Abos even have the blonde mutation despite having had evolved in the hot Aussie outback? did they evolve it on their own or did they retain it from ancestry that came from the north?

nah its just a recessive genetic mutation thats caused by there barbaric incestuous practices.

okay. Abos are an interesting bunch.


The Tasmanians Abos are the only race of men who never discovered how to make fire.

Did you know that the famous "Aboriginal dot paintings" were invented by a white man in the 1950s?

Or that the ancient Egyptians had boomerangs before the abbos did?

There's no reason to assume throwing sticks weren't universal before archery, slings and proper tools for effectively sharpening sticks became widespread (late stone age in lands inhabited by humans).

Thanks for delivering anons. If you have anything continue to post. You will see my work soon.

Why? We have one common enemy. No need to fight eachother.

Those abos have bleached hair, retard. Same as when you see blond haired chinks. It's not a natural colour.

Honestly, a throwing stick is superior to the bow and javelin for small game and varmints. Basically anything smaller than a large chicken. It's like using a shotgun vs a pistol (close enough) eh

You may wanna replace it with 0.093, nigger.


That's why I mentioned slings; with a bigger bullet there's a chance not to damage the hide too much. Small animals were typically trapped though, but that requires long term thinking.


You're probably right

I look forward to it

No matter how hard you try to integrate them, you can never successfully de-abo an abo.


m8, Australia used to be forested. It's a desert only because the dumb abbos kept setting the forests on fire because it made the animals run out and was an easy way to hunt.

They are beyond the niggest of all niggers, they are the absolute bottom of the barrel.

This. They really are shit.

Do you know how they got food if they weren't burning forests? Did the Tasmanian ones actually hunt for food?

The gene they have that gives them the "abboblonde" hair is NOT the same gene that gives Humans blonde hair.


Does anyone know what fires this is referencing? Fires caused by colonists? Slash and burn for actual farming? Some ancient fires caused by European hunter-gatherers that decidedly didn't leave the continent unforested?

The Tasmanian Abbos experienced dysgenesis after becoming separated from the Abbos on the continent about 10,000 years ago. Initially they fished for food but then literally forgot how around 3000 years ago. After that they lived like animals until the British arrived.

Probably the fires used to cleanse the black plague. We genocided that poor disease just because it was black! It dindunuffin.

Reminds me how the word "black" being used to describe evil is now racist. Even though things like necrosis and darkness are of that colour.

Yeah, by the end of this all we're going to be using nasally to describe tragedy.
We'll take back our language, and it will be interesting looking at how it evolves based on what occurs in this period of time.

Is it possible to reforest Australia? I mean itd take decades and generations but still

Resoiling a large desert area is nearing sci-fi terraforming shit. Australians are having hard time just keeping their currently arable land from going to shit from salinity.

Basically this. It's nigh on impossible. But of course, if anyone can do it, it's the White Man.
Of course you have to get rid of the abbos first or they'll fuck it up again as fast or faster than you can fix it.

It's like Meatloaf meets AIDS Skrillex in a Vegemite commercial.


Most of the ausfags in this thread probably live in the cities where they may see urbanized abos skulking about but where I live in rural Australia these people are literally subhuman.

These people always congregate in the centre of town and are never sober, one time my 15 year old sister at the time had to experience some abo literally strip down in a store where she worked as he was drunk and spewing everywhere.

Just last night I was waiting outside and over the many shouts of gibberish across town you could see these people walk around like zombies. These people are sub human without a doubt, embed related is what I see quite a lot.

Look into holistic grazing, the science is (((controversial))) but they seem to having reasults

Look at this shit.

Just look at it.


boonts aren't as low as niggers as they're too lazy and stupid to be a nuisance, always laying in the gutters of the northern territory and WA, especially in perth where I live


Not sure I buy the dysgenesis theory. Since Tassie abos have been extinct for a century I have never even seen one but if you were to tell me Tassie abos were a different race to mainlaind abos I would believe it, even if Tassie abos were simply pure breds and mainlainders mixed with islanders or some shit

Abo vs Firetruck

Our soil is going to shit due to over farming and poor farming techniques. Raising monocrops continually on the same ground slowly turns the land into a desert. The middle east used to be very fertile and green.

Looks cool. What is the best resource for finding out more?

Abo had some of the first birth control, the men cut a hole in the base of their cocks, much like the so-called "tribal sub-incisions" that hipster and BMod freaks have today.
When the hole heals it causes any liquid that would normally exit the penis tip, to squirt from the base instead.
Result: abo can pump his women without getting them pregnant since the sperm falls harmlessly out the base of his cock. When the tribe decides to have a child, he covers the hole with his finger, causing it to make its proper way out of the tip and into the woman.
We know that you are here because "lol, niggers" but don't confuse edgy rumors with fact.

It's not bullshit. They genuinely ARE that stupid.

The cutting holes in their dicks was entirely for "cultural reasons" (ie. they're fucking retarded).

You are blinded by the need to be "edgy."

Finally, in the early evening, before darkness fell, they performed the final initiation on a youth of fifteen or sixteen. He knew what was about to happen, and putting a stick between his teeth, so as to grind his pain into silence, he lay down on his back on top of two men, who as before were kneeling down to furnish an improvised operating table. What followed is difficult to describe outside a medical gathering. With a sharp knife they performed a deep operation which, without depriving the young man of his power of propagation, yet regulated the use of it to special occasions. A hole was pierced right through his sex organ near the root, and there was inserted into it, at either end, a splinter to keep the aperture from growing together again. The object was to ensure that henceforth the urine and the sperm would be ejected through this little hole high up on the sex organ, instead of by the normal channel. Only when the lad put a finger on the hole, and kept it there, would the fluids in future be able to pass through the proper outlet. The boy did not utter a sound while this grisly operation was performed, and only with difficulty could he stand on his feet afterwards. His body trembled, he glistened with sweat, his eyes were glazed with silent agony.

This grotesque and revolting practice has an obvious explanation. The Australian Aborigines are probably the first primitive people to devise a wholly effective birth control. In the baking wilderness they inhabit, numbers must be kept down, for they cannot maintain large families on their low level of subsistence; and long treks would be impossible with a large family of small children and babies in arms.

The initiation of girls is trivial in comparison, and consists of cutting tribal signs on the upper part of the body – as a rule some long scars across the breast – immediately after the first sign of maturity. The other preparation for womanhood is a rough-and-ready puncture to prepare her for mating with men. The puncture is performed by an old man belonging to the girl’s family group, assisted by an old woman whose role is to pacify the girl while the crude deflorescence is accomplished. The only concession made to the weaker sex is that the old man winds some kangaroo hairs round his finger so as to carry out his job as gently as possible.

Jens Bjerre, The Last Cannibals, Michael Joseph, 1956 pp. 31-38

translation: the researchers couldn't fathom that the people had created birth control before them, so they ascribed the system to "superstition" rather than calculated effort at population control.
Typical Victorian explanation.

Cool story you can kill yourself now.

I bet you're one of those faggots from Sydney or Melbourne who have never lived around boongs the way people in WA and NT do

He sounds like one of those niggers that says whitey stole all schematics for the flying pyramids they created and then all the black scientists died losing all knowledge of them.

No, you're blinded by obviously never having actually dealt with an abbo IRL.

Pic related is the last abbo I had the misfortune of dealing with irl. It's currently awaiting trial for murdering someone I knew.

(Old) News source:

Europeans seem to be surviving fine there without being any of those things.

conservationist memes

The velocity at which the human cums would not just suddenly shoot out the bottom of a straight pipe you fucking dumb cunt. Pic related.

Whatever else may be true about them, I think the common claim that they are the "most primitive" race/subspecies of man is not true. Genetic trees constructed from just mitochondrial DNA showed them as the out-group but now more sophisticated trees using nuclear DNA consistently show black Africans as the out-group.

I think the entire Australian aboriginal branch has genetically deteriorated over time, probably due to extreme promiscuity and survival or death having more to do with random factors than genetic fitness.



and in this way, they're walking warning signs against dysgenic fertility

Over-generous welfare programs and public housing will leave cities of the future full of abbo-equivalents if it goes on long enough.

A subincised penis is thought to resemble a vulva, and the bleeding is likened to menstruation.
A subincized penis can be penetrated by another penis, provided the latter is sufficiently small. In some Australian cultures, one traditional practice involved the penetration of an elder's subincized penis by the unsubincized penis of a young boy who was usually under age 7. Some authors have theorized that this was the original purpose of subincision.

Hey shitlords, all cultures are equal and also equally valuable.


Next you're going to be trying to convince us that the reason the Abos used to knock out their own teeth was actually for rudimentary dental care and not just a retarded cultural ritual.

Being exposed to a lot of abos I can tell you they experience wanderlust and depression, two things white people experience. When I see an abo I see what could be an ancient ancestor but when I see a nigger it don't look human.


It is possible.

All the more reason for the Aussies to make the attempt. If the currently arable land is under threat, then it makes perfect sense to expand the amount of arable land through the utilization of novel techniques and technologies.

Are aboriginals even human?

I love the part where they laugh because they realise how retarded it is themselves.

Is this a joke page or what?

This is not something that any human being needs to see.

You don't even know how right you are, abos much like tasmanians are literally homo erectus that never evolved significantly past that point. They are the equivalent of some snakes and reptiles that have gone unchanged for billions of years due to conditions being just good enough that they never had to improve or adapt in any way. The entire area of Australia was a fucking garden of Eden, untouched by time and natural disaster. Mega-fauna existed there far beyond the time it died out completely elsewhere and our dumb ancestors are entirely to blame for them dying out there at all because their favorite way to hunt em was by burning down entire forests.

That's a full-on cro-magnon

pic related

No way they could've been told how shit works from someone else. Also you're conflating all the disparate tribes together, some knew and some didn't. That's a terrible generalisation, tbh I'm disappointed in you fam smh

Ah yes, the greatest video of all time.

Just watch this. It's a government information film explaining to abbos why sleeping on the road is a bad idea.

Is that Christine Chandler on the piano?

Holy shit this is beyond parody. That faggot on the piano when they grunt cough and bang sticks together lel.

Good god.

>"Now. Like we discussed. Bang sticks together and mumble incoherently while repeatedly clearing your throat."

Like that one user said I honestly just don't get the same disgust for abos as I do for niggers. They seem more like people than niggers do.

Does anyone have a link to that website where they wrote about how the Aborigines women would ritualistically murder their newborn infants and then force their older sons to feast on the infants corpse, and how the males were forced to crawl through some sort of maze that's supposed to e a uterus while the other males of the tribe beats them with sticks, symbolizing birth?

No wonder these fuckers invented the Dreamtime. They need a happy place to go to when the beatings and cannibalism come around, again.

Is there a word for that feeling we all get where we think we've seen the worst that humanity has to offer and then, upon clinking a new Holla Forums thread, find we still haven't hit the bedrock on how abominable people can be? Like "pseudojaded" or something? Because every time I think I can't be surprised by anything, anymore, humanity delivers.

I've seen so many permutations of this meme now. The OG meme spread post-facto by settlers was that they had fire, but could not make it, instead relying on "carrying embers around in special vessels", and if those went out, "borrowing a neighboring tribe's embers to make more".

This has since become "they forgot how to make fire altogether", and now with you "they never even discovered fire to begin with!" The original meme was incorrect: archaeologists cannot find any evidence for the claimed "fire vessels", which by the way has a single source, some guy writing what seems to be "my natives are more exotic than yours" fanfics for readers back at the academy (and all other sources cite him), but they can find evidence for fire making.

I thought the claim was fantastic the first time I heard it, but unlike you, I went and researched it.


wanna see world leader be subjected to abbo culture?

You must have the wrong vid, user. No one was drunkenly raped in the one you posted.

ABOs not even once

violent broomstick weilding abos

MUH EYES " it burns i was eating dinner you SOB

You brought this on yourself, Ramses.

What's the matter, did you get some sand in your didgeridoo?

The truth is more than adequate, OP.

Actually… this could be a way to introduce talk about spics and niggers. You do spics and niggers now and he's going to fail AND get in trouble. Consider abos normies introduction to degenerate slave races.

Cannibalism of infants. As in feeding the second baby to the first to strengthen it. Lots of eating their own children. Lots of dumb shit like sleeping in the middle of roads too.

I hate watching videos, do you have a transcript?

day wuz kangs an sheeeeet

It's not bleached, but they aren't abbos either. Those are Melanesians, a cross between proto-abbos and Polynesians. The blonde color in their hair evolved independently from other blonde haired peoples in Europe, hence the color is similiar to some Europeans but the texture is like other Oceanians.

Interesting article on the history of Melanesians here unz com/gnxp/more-than-can-be-imagined-in-your-models/?highlight=polynesian

wasnt whistle-cock just a manhood ceremony in certain WA tribes?

abofag pls

fuck off aidf

Fucking white liberals and their kike profs being a bunch of filthy cucks who fuck abos so they can claim their disgusting yellow haired abo mongrels wuz full whites too


The most effective birth control is not having sex and the abbos barely understood the relation between sex and pregnancy. Stop playing rearguard for these mutants there's many peoples who lived in worse conditions than the abbos and didn't do evil shit like this.

No. Plus watch it tissue worthwhile you dingus

I got you op
Don't sniff the petrol!

That shameful overdubbing… thanks for the video


You're a funny guy.

So… are they genetically flawed or what?

Even animals seem to instinctually kbow that sex leads to babies and they protect their young. Are they genetically retarded or does their tribal culture cause it

how does one even forget fishing? it could be as easy as throwing some food in shallow water and grabbing fish that were attracted by it, how the hell couldn't they even do that?

My fucking sides


Not surprised at all

Always keep good communications.

Doesn't seem very plausible tbh. It's much more likely they traveled by raft and past land bridges (during the last Ice Age) down from SE Asia.

Baseball Master Race


The entirety of Fellowship of the Ring

Now read it again.

Nevermind, just realised I tried to discuss with an engineering student from the USA.

The most retarded combo possible on this website.

episode 1

I'm categorically not a film fag, and "modicum of research" relates. Om 10 was my first cam so I know it's idiot proof is all.

Despite the fact that I hate SU and think it's a hideous eyesore I do like Rebecca Sugar a lot.

Pug Davis was great.

Sometimes the best way to un-write yourself from a corner is to temporarily cut off some of the most recent stuff you have written and try taking it in a different direction.



Why was that?

Just black American.
-Not getting fucked with on prices as much. People try to take advantage of you less in general
-not getting fucked with in general. I remember walking through a shady area of Bangkok, I could see a guy size me up, (I'm not even tall, and fit-fat), and dedcide the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. Basically it's easy to intimidate people
-locals wanting to hang around with a "cool" American black guy has gotten me to places where I was the only foreigner for miles
-women wanting to have a chance to fuck a black guy. With my height and build, I know some of those that was the only reason I had a chance.
-added bonus for being American. This may happen with white people, too. But when they find out you are American other travelers and locals want to establish rapport/start conversations with you. Even though where the conversation starts can get redundant if you are moving around a lot, thus meeting a bunch of different people. Everybody starts with the same usual questions. Like I was traveling duringthe election and everyone asked about Trump.

His disciple Moses ben Jacob Cordovero (or Cordoeiro) authored Pardes Rimonim, an organised, exhaustive compilation of kabbalistic teachings on a variety of subjects up to that point. Cordovero headed the academy of Tzfat until his death, when Isaac Luria rose to prominence. Rabbi Moshe's disciple Eliyahu De Vidas authored the classic work, Reishit Chochma, combining kabbalistic and mussar (moral) teachings. Chaim Vital also studied under Cordovero, but with the arrival of Luria became his main disciple. Vital claimed to be the only one authorised to transmit the Ari's teachings, though other disciples also published books presenting Luria's teachings.

The Oriental Kabbalist tradition continues until today among Sephardi and Mizrachi Hakham sages and study circles. Among leading figures were the Yemenite Shalom Sharabi (1720–1777) of the Beit El Synagogue, the Jerusalemite Hida (1724–1806), the Baghdad leader Ben Ish Chai (1832–1909), and the Abuhatzeira dynasty.

One of the most innovative theologians in early-modern Judaism was Judah Loew ben Bezalel (1525–1609) known as the "Maharal of Prague". Many of his written works survive and are studied for their unusual combination of the mystical and philosophical approaches in Judaism. While conversant in Kabbalistic learning, he expresses Jewish mystical thought in his own individual approach without reference to Kabbalistic terms. The Maharal is most well known in popular culture for the legend of the golem of Prague, associated with him in folklore. However, his thought influenced Hasidism, for example being studied in the introspective Przysucha school. During the 20th century, Isaac Hutner (1906–1980) continued to spread the Maharal's works indirectly through his own teachings and publications within the non-Hasidic yeshiva world.

It only has one season 2 though

I'm not wiki-savvy enough to do much beyond typo fixing.

I have absolutely no idea what you mean by this.

I think it is a pretty straightforward that very heavy things can actually push down the crust a bit. Why wouldnt they? If the weight is gone, then the crust just goes back to "normal".

full frame
bokeh would be nice for my wedding shoots but its not going to be a deciding factor

Here's your guaranteed reply.

Look what Shaw and pau did without kobe and wade

Sage because old thread

From what I have seen and read on them (positive or negative, even a bit of race science) I like them more than Negroids as well. They seem to have a very different mind from them, even though nog-Americans try to cliam them.

There was a thread here that theorized that they burned down the forest primarily in order to kill all of the mega monitor lizards. I think one post said a similar theory was talked about decades earlier, but I cannot really remember. I wonder if anyone has a screencap of the thread.

Years ago, on some obscure Christian website, I read that they used to wear clothing. They talked a bit about how society can devolve when they leave there big guy, and even mentioned some of the things mention on imageboards.
The image on 3 advancing abo groups was interesting.

Pure Abos are extinct, wiped out by disease. All of the surviving Abos are mixbreeds of various sorts.

Unlike niggers, Abos are so dumb and lethargic that it is difficult conjure up any hatred towards them. Abos are basically wildlife and should be treated as such.


They used fire as a hunting technique to drive prey into ambush
go figure what that do to the land in the long run

There is this big lie promoted by media that primitive humanoids lived in harmony with nature