Trump’s Lead in PA ✡Shrinks✡ By 22,000 Votes As Stein Seeks Statewide Recount



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I thought we were done with this shit already. Also (((overseas ballots))) .

We riot when?


Meh, doesn't matter. But I love how this bullshit is giving false hope to leftists. The salt when Trump is inaugurated is probably going to outdo the election night salt at this rate lel

Will the National Mall become the largest single battlefield in human history? What will happen at the inauguration? Protesters vs. supporters; how big a rumble will it be?

Who are these people? Usually expat businessmen and the military, which both support Trump at about 70%. How the fuck did she gain votes from there?

Well i mean they could be ballots straight from Tel Aviv.

Yeah I'm sure all 1,000,000 Americans living abroad all voted and all voted for Hillary in Pennsylvania…

Fucking Soros kikes.

Didn't she miss the Pennsylvania deadline?

Do people finally realize that we have to be on guard for jewish tricks? It's sad that it has to be said, "be wary of jewish tricks" in a fucking election.

I hate the designation of "fake news", but this is exactly how fake news is delivered. Pay attention, but we can't treat every rumor as serious.

Since Trump won, I’ve been feeling that there’s even LESS that we can assume is true. It’s almost like the MSM doesn’t even care about keeping up appearances anymore.

Screenshot every thing and make you sure you contact any delegate. Do something.

Obviously mexicans and israelis voted

Fake News?

If I want Fake News ill read a CNN editorial.

Gibme my Pizzagate.

these would be the ballots that weren't counted because there wasn't enough to change the results of the election in that state, you're freaking out over nothing

This isn't Florida in 2000 where Bush won by 3000 votes… even if there turns ask out to magically be enough to turn one state which is impossible unless they're (((votes))), he still beat Hillary by enough states to afford to get one overturned.

We have to remain vigilant for fraud but so far it seems like they don't even have a chance.

If accurate, it's the biggest "finding of votes" ever in the history of all recounts in this county. Fucking bullshit. They couldn't even squeeze 100 out of Florida back in the Gore/Bush one.


I don't believe it.

This. Total horseshit


Shit, I did not see this coming, this is likely the strongest narrative they could possibly throw, this would actually get normalfags riled up at Trump over the autistic "muh Russians" angle among others.

RWDS regardless at this point. Maybe that's why they are going full retarded.


I think in 2000 (((they))) were prepared for either Bush or Gore to cooperate with 9/11 and starting a war on terror. They have far more at stake this time around. They can't predict the Chaos Candidate.

This, need an actual source, not a shill's blog.

Whelp if it happens, I'm still stocked and fully equipped for plan b.

I was a staff Sgt. In the army.
We are FAR from invincible.
Protip; most military equipment and all personnel are weak to napalm.


While I'm with others and waiting on more evidence, I would have to agree. Until the electoral votes are done and confirmed, and perhaps even until the inauguration, we can't completely let our guard down. We know our enemies by now, they'll stoop to any low to get what they want.

This isn't too worrying, but could be a sign of worse things to come. Always remain vigilant.

if the election is stolen, or if trump is assassinated, you're gonna see some shit

This doesn't add up under the light of reason. Trump had no infrastructure to rig votes like the Dems do. There is video evidence of Dem operatives admitting to this.

Doesn't matter. If it is rigged one way and discovered the other side wins by default.

this, normalfags cannot be this dumb after Trump spent the whole general election cycle claiming it was rigged.

Of course, but them (((they))) have followers like vid related, but as such, they are easily debunked and made fun of when the normalfags are shown vids like this


Seriously FUCK china.

CHYNA checks em

That all voted for the witch.
Pure coincidence goyim.

They will pull all this crap, Trump remains President, and then what?

Do they think he is just going to forget, with the power of the FBI and DOJ, that they pulled a bunch of dirty tricks on him? He's just going to smile and say, "oh well, the election is past, no harm done?"


Russia has supposedly said that in the event of of a civil uprising against the Gov. (likely sprouting in Texas), that they'd intervene and help the rebels overthrow the corrupt officials.

Naturally, this is a BIG bad-goy move.
Should that happen, these (((people))) have thought far enough into the future to counter the Russians.

They have been subtly drawing the lines between the people and preparing for war a while now, it seems.

Russia would need a warm water port in the states. The thoroughly leftist west coast is the only thing standing between Russian intervention in a civil war.

Fake news

They will keep trying to pull bullshit like this until the day trump takes seat in the office and from that day forward it will be impeachment bullshit. The price of victory is constant vigilance

That's nice, maybe Trump can call for an audit.

I and one parent voted in Pennsylvania from abroad for Trump. Don't always assume the worst user.

You think Americans who left don't know better than anyone how fucked the US is and why?

He got the oven.


I don't even see any mention of this on CNN and they would be all over it if it was true. Its backs up their "Trump is illegitimate" and "popular vote" narrative.

Deadlines only apply to goyim. Stein is a member of the tribe.

Top bantz. That guys ass must have been absolutely rosy.


>CTR formatting

your reading comprehension is deplorable

All the expats I've met so far are commies.

Ironically, the libs should be praying that Trump is inaugurated without a hitch

What the fuck are you talking about nigger?

I love the nigger and spic laughing their asses off at that cuck,




Pretty insignificant in Penn tbh, but Shillary can't be allowed to steal any votes from Trump. Remember, the battle is only over once America is made great.

i said this a week ago and everyone got angry with me. glad to see i'm not the only one who figured this out.

That was actually a decent fight scene.

not to be a faggot.. I called out that that would be a likely kike tactic months ago.

I was afraid this might happen. I don't think anything significant will come of it, unless they go full-on "Trump rigged the entire election with Russian help". Thankfully, the media would contract themselves by saying this because after Trump said the election would be rigged, the media started shouting that U.S. elections couldn't be rigged. This would make Trump supporters angry, and Hillary supporters angry. RWDS versus Antifa cucks. All this would do is bring about the DOTR faster. But then again, revolution and social division is what (((they))) did in eastern Europe

Typo. Meant to say "contradict".

if only he wasnt running slim margins 51/49 even in liberal states that were blue even during reagan

This would basically be the only scenario that would vindicate the media and restore public trust in them.


htt p://www.cnn.com/2016/12/03/politics/jill-stein-drops-pennsylvania-recount/index.html?adkey=bn

(Checkin those keks)


Hehehe, YES

Both sides pre-set their propaganda for either outcome so they can say "see i told you"

I think the results caught the Democrats by surprise though. They did not cheat enough, or the Deep State counter cheated for Trump.


She didn't just blue ball them, she took $7,000,000 from them.

Checked. No refunds :^)

lmao, the people behind busted up when he said

Op is a faggot and should be banned.

This election has been eye-opening. I have had socialists in some of the communities I frequent flip out. It seems deep down they do not want the working class or lower classes to weild any power it all. They are merely ignorant masses who exist as a means to an end. I see this whole Russian propaganda issue to be a similar occurrence. People are little-by-little taking a greater interest in their government and seeking to understand what is going on. This absolutely terrifies the establishment and elites. These so-called ignorant masses are becoming far better at discovering the truth and arguing their points. It isn't even difficult. Merely finding original videos of events smashes the narratives of MSM who offer heavily edited cuts.

So what's the consensus on her strategy? Is she fleecing the left for shits and giggles or is there something deeper here?

And then when Killary doesn't win, mysterious votes pop up from (((overseas))). Which should prove the unstumpable one right again. I hope.

What's the game plan if this gains traction? Is there anything a bunch of shitposters could do to counter this? After all, Holla Forums is legendary at digging and information gathering.

Nevermind, I always spaghetti before finishing the thread, just saw this

Nigga I'm in Texas, that's a given.

Explain yourselves, America. This is a fuck up.
Here in UK, everything is done by secret ballot on paper. Secret as no one can know who you voted for.
I register, get my name on a list, turn up at the polling station (pic) and use a pen to simply put a cross next to the candidate that I vote for. A simple cross. I don't need ID. I just give my name and get given a ballot paper.
Obviously there is some fraud. But pen and paper is much better than computers.

It was just absentee ballots from Niggerdelphia. Now 100% of the votes have been counted.

Most ballots were by pen & paper, it's the Soros Funded™ machines that turned out with "convenient errors" (what a surprise) and there were even several reports of people selecting Trump and machines highlighting Shillary instead.

didn't Jill Stein call off the recount?

This is some b8 m8, stein dropped pennsylvania because she wouldn't fork over the extra mill to have it done, ==THERE IS LITERALLY NO RECOUNT IN PENNSYLVANIA==

You are still looking at this in two dimensions. There not be any organized violent uprising. But there is the means to start a crowdfunded market for reprisals against media and political outlets for push propaganda in the even Trump is overthrown. We mock people doing it for free, we are going to make fat stacks to make america great again.

The recount in Pennsylvania has not even fucking stared you morons, stahp taking this b8

they cancelled it due to reasons
like jill stein keeping the money for herself

this too

From what I could find on Jewgle, the "estimate" the number to be anywhere from 2.2 million to 6.something million. That's quite the (((margin of error))) if you ask me.

It keeps happening

And yet they won't adjust the results to account the illegal migrants who voted.

She couldn't raise 1 million the whole 2016 campaign. There was a total media blackout on her because HRC was THE Woman candidate.She had to get herself arrested just to get her name in the newspaper because of the blackout. My theory is this was just a publicity stunt that spiraled out of her control. I think she was just expecting a day or 2 in the news and then gone back to being totally ignored.

It went out of control because the left is so fucking desperate for ANY hope of stopping Trump they latched on to her ill conceived plan and started dumping money on it. (Just look at her erratic statements along the way.) She fucked up big time because when this all fails she will become the focus of the left's anger. It will become her fault Trump won in their leftists minds.

……or her whole plan was just to jew bernie bots out of 7million all along.

Who knows.

http:// www.electionreturns.pa.gov/ENR_NEW
They were at 100% reporting days ago, like before Friday. And yes, he looks to be 49,000 ahead of Clinton

She builds a donor list by doing this, even though people won't vote for her in 2020 because they donate money today. They are trying to buy hillary into office, not support Steinburg

Just when you relax for a second - bam more jewish related corruption occurs.

This is getting rediculous guys. They won't stop subverting. They clearly are driven by fear to subvert.
Any jews here needs to start asking questions in their community.

Neither jew or whites benefit from increased corruption. This is getting to the point where it'll negatively impact even Israel's economy.

wouldn't want to lose them shekels :^)

Jewish mod is bumplocking/deleting any threads that are not pro-trump!!


Board logs can be found here

See related for full understanding

8ch. pl/pol/res/25508.htm


What about the judge Goldsmith allowing her to recount MI? How did that end up?

Confirmed for none of the fags clicked your URL:

"Jill Stein says she'll 'escalate' Pennsylvania recount case after earlier plans to drop it"

Washington (CNN)Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein said early Sunday she would "escalate" her statewide recount efforts in Pennsylvania through a federal lawsuit, after announcing she would drop it.
Stein on Saturday cited a major cost placed on voters due to a state court ruling that says the voters requesting the recount must pay a $1 million bond. But shortly after midnight Sunday Stein tweeted about plans to continue on the recount bid.

"On Monday, I will escalate #Recount2016 in PA and file to demand a statewide recount on constitutional grounds. The people deserve answers," she wrote.

they are trying to create chaos, like in 2000. to garner a supreme court declaration like with W. Why they killed Scalia, would have been tipping vote

now communist pedos are calling for recount in florida




So Kek, Can i please have a wonderful 2017 with a f