Chinese "American" Espionage

This is something more anons need to be aware of. If you actually read stories from former US intelligence officials about the extent of Chinese espionage, it's jaw-dropping stuff.

Here's a good recent article:

The author is a former counter-intel official with the FBI:

A couple of salient points about all this:

What can we do to avoid this sort of thing in the US and more widely, in the Western World?

My own belief is that naturalized citizens who spy for foreign powers should be summarily executed if their breaches were sufficiently damaging.

H1B visas should be restricted and should not lead to a path to naturalization under anything but the most exceptional circumstances.

If we do need foreign engineers, Indians should be prioritized above Chinese. I realize this isn't ideal, but India is not an existential threat to the US and, owing to its fragmented nature, never really will be.

Other urls found in this thread:

And remember this sort of thing the next time you hear about poor Southeast Asian Chinese diaspora who dindu nuffin getting BTFO'd by Indonesians/Malays.

H1B visas should be restricted for people who have meaningful skills that nobody else in the entire country has other than the ability to speak a language, which probably less than twenty H1B visas being around

stop them coming into our countries on student visas and using universities as a platform for their malicious activities.

Think about it like this, even non-pozzed, nationalistic countries like Japan make use of skilled visa programs. The distinction there is that:

1. The recipient will never achieve senior manager status and will always be working for a Japanese.
2. He'll almost never receive PR/naturalization.
3. The standards are strict. Any infractions and he gets the boot.

If they're intelligent, we can use them.

Emphasis on the "use". Use them, then send them back home. No passport, no PR, no "family reunification" etc.

Reminds me of that Leddit thread where some guy found a Chinese spying device inside a powerstrip.

interesting topic. bump

Chinese "Americans" even opposed the building of a veterans cemetery near a park because the park was near their McMansions.

Remember this next time an "Asians are based!" poster pops up.

If anyone still believes that any non-white is our friend or ally, they're fucking retards.

Like most non-whites, the only thing they're good for are for using their women as temp fuckbuddies before we get married.

In before some virginal GoymerGater calls me a "virgin".


Seriously, Pajeet?

The most nefarious piece of legislation on statute in the US is the birthright citizenship proviso. It's utter fucking madness.

I was born in a 'foreign' country, where my old man was stationed. I have no right to citizenship there.

Citizenship should be a massive privilege. You should either be able to prove a link across generations, or prove your loyalty over the course of a lifetime - citizenship for foreigners should be something like the medal of freedom, granted in rare circumstances for exceptional service (not large one-off donations).

That's not how it works, faggot. If you're a sexually promiscuous hedonist who fucks around like a nigger, then you are a degenerate. Just accept it and improve yourself instead of acting like your nigger-like activities are cool.

I don't particularly like Indians, I'm saying that if it is absolutely necessary (all countries have skilled work visa programs), and it's a toss up between a Chinese and an Indian, the Indian should be prioritized.

India poses virtually no existential threat to the US and its foreign espionage programs are orders of magnitude less damaging and widespread. It will always be a fragmented, federated sort of country.

Reminds me of the "metics" in Athens, foreign merchants who could reside there for generations but were almost never given Athenian citizenship.

That's exactly how it should be. Ius soli is a massive problem, but it's not the only problem. The endless "paths to citizenship" the judiciary and permissive legislation have carved out over the past 50 years are another part of the problem.

Foreign workers are people to use. Like the bangla construction workers in Sing who are processed, employed and then turfed out rather unceremoniously.

Just become some chink wants to come and make money in LA or San Fran, doesn't mean he loves America. Far from it in fact. Chinks have zero loyalty to anything other than the mothership.

The US is missing a beat here too, because in spite of their hyper-ethnocentrism, chinks are also complete cowards who cower and bow before whomever has the biggest stick. The Indonesians beat the shit out of them and systematically bred the Chinese language out of later generations. The result is entire generations of diaspora Chinese in Indonesia who won't dare think of criticizing Indonesian ethnic interests, let alone openly advocating fifth column positions like they do in the US.

Play to one's strengths, and exploit others' weaknesses. Non-Whites exploit our empathy. Let us exploit the cowardice of the Chinese.

When did I say I fucked around like a nigger?

I have had flings, because I'm a red-blooded male who likes attractive women and doesn't believe in some retarded "if we don't fuck their women, maybe they won't fuck ours" reciprocal moral universalist nonsense.

In case anyone's interested.

So it's a really good thing Trump is bringing manufacturing back to America. Fuck knows what China is putting in iPhones.

In my own experience, doing satellite research at a Federal facility decades ago, and working in a deliberately racially-mixed group, (gotta have that 'diversity'…) I can definitively say that no immigrants from anywhere in the world have been vetted to any degree. The men I worked with had always acted a little funny, evasive, about Communists and their politics. I queried them because I wanted to know what it was like to live under Communist rule. It wasn't until after I had worked there for a coupla years, then moved on, that I realized that at least one of the very nice Chinese men I worked with was probably a spy. Pissed me off, it did. Not that they learned anything special with research we doing, it was all unclassified, but because they took advantage of our Nation's best intentions, and my own as well. Yea, that pissed me off.

Of course, Chinese spying doesn't even hold a candle to the flame of racist Jewish subversion in America, but they are learning how to do it. America has been weak, holding out good faith and friendships to peoples who absolutely did NOT deserve it. America has been unwise and deliberately dumbed down. And a number of people… have not been our friends.

What will it take for Americans to stop being so fucking gullible, to WTFU?


Not fucking around has nothing to do with "reciprocal moral universalist nonsense", you hedonistic nigger. Fucking around is degenerate because it reinforces the cheap pickup culture that is killing our society and decreases the chances of a successful relationship. I know degenerates such as yourself dislike being outed.

The CCP is racial nationalism writ large.

Men and women are not the same and should not be held to the same standards.

Holla Forums is not /classicalliberalism/ or /wearetherealegalitarians/

Gas yourself.

Chinese and Israeli spies have in the past worked together to steal and trade American secrets. The fact of the matter is that it is beyond foolish to allow any extranational into or near your governmental structures unless it is with the sole purpose of feeding them faulty information. Hell I was in the navy for a couple of years and anyone who has served a day in the navy can tell you that a very solid number of naval personel are not american citizens.. Africans make up a small percentage of that number. But the largest population of non US citizens in the navy are flips. Id wager a solid 20-30% of the US Navy is filipino. And they are referred to as the "Filipino Mafia" because they ALL stick together.. Moreso than niggers the second a flip in the navy sees another flip they form a group. At times you will see 40-50 of them standing together in a circle. No one knows what they are talking about since who the fuck speaks tagalug or what ever its called. And the second a yt comes along they start speaking english and change the topic. And they arent niggers, they are very capable at their jobs. So much so that I consider their being in the navy, and the fact that they all stick together always, as well as the fact that they know how to operate the ships… a fucking huge national security threat.

Anyone with two brain cells knows it's a fucking terrible idea to let foreign nationals into sensitive areas.

Christ, a child could figure this out. This was a big part of my redpilling in regards to Israeli dual citizens. Back when I was cucked and totally happy to let people running from shitholes into the US I still knew that necessity trumped feelings.

even that is dangerous. There should be 4 classes of citizen at least. Citizen - Privilege has been earned. "Non-Citizen Civilian" - Has not earned the privilege of a Citizen but is allowed to qualify for Citizen through merit, was born in and has ties to the nation. "Non-Civilian" - A thoroughly vetted immigrant who can, through merit, qualify to be a Non-Citizen Permanent Civilian, has rights given to Non-Citizens but never become a Citizen, Good Deeds and Merit can qualify offspring for Non-Citizen Civilian status.

Speaking of which. We really need to remind Trump of his stance on Dual-Citizens. Specifically when he stated they shouldnt be allowed to hold government office.

feminist terminology

sleeping with 8 women at the age of 27 is not a "manwhore".

Interesting paper about how overseas Chinese are increasingly loyal to the PRC the more powerful it becomes.

Yes it is, you hedonistic nigger-tier degenerate. Monogamy is not "feminist", it's the foundation of our successful civilisation. If you're so into the disgusting pump and dump culture that rots our society, then you should probably get the fuck off Holla Forums, because this is not the place for you.

I think you're right. So to simplify your post, the tiers are
Am I on the mark or did I read your post wrong?

Why are christcucks so annoying.

I'm not a christcuck, you cuckchanner degenerate. If fucking around like an animal is more your style, then maybe you should bugger off to the plains of Africa. You'll fit right in with all the subhuman niggers.

Man-Sluts are not welcome on this board. We do not want to be associated with the moral unsoundness of modern hypersexuals, who take their cues from pornography.


Demographically China has already one, they are just waiting for the US to collapse at this point

Well at least the chink is self-aware?

Why are moralfags so annoying.

Fuck off back to cuckchan Holla Forums, you filthy nigger.

Whether you realize it or not your morality is Christian in origin. Namely the idea men women should be held to the same sexual standards.

There's nothing logically inconsistent about wanting a woman from your own group to stay pure while you slay foreign puss before you marry her.


Why would you want foreign engineers? We europeans invented modern engineering. Just kick the jews already back to Israel.

Because you Europeans expect benefits and 32 hour work week

Because we can use them. Japanese and Chinese are actually ahead now in some areas, eg. Capital intensive manufacturing for Japan and genetic research for China (thanks PC).

You bastards should have stayed on cuckchan. Get the fuck out.

You get what you pay for.

It's not Christian in origin you uneducated dummy, it's cultural. Heathens (and Japanese and Chinese) did not allow their women to mess around, and a huge stigma followed being a lecherous man. Why would anyone in a community trust a person who only cares about sex?

It doesn't count if you invite them to your country to do it, fag. What you speak of is warrior's business and not yours.

Why the hell is concrete so hard for shit-tier countries to get right? The raw materials for concrete are ubiquitous, all they need to do is mix and pour it right. Is following directions really to much to ask of the chinese? I thought they were supposed to be good at rote learning.

If communism can't run a concrete plant, what the fuck can it do?

That was in one of China's infamous ghost cities. Something tells me building something that lasts more than 10 years wasn't included in the directions.

I thought those were meant to be real cities, only built in anticipation of China's rapidly growing needs. I mean, those cities aren't built to fool westerners like that North Korean "city" near the DMZ.

Don't they execute people for corruption in China? I wonder if the person in charge of that concrete got executed.

Hahaha China brought the building bridges to nowhere idiom to new levels

Remember the 2008 crisis and what Obama did to """save""" the US economy? China went a different route.

how "finished" are these ghost town? is it just the building facade, or is there actual plumbing and shit? how much wind can they take before the topple over?

I'm no expert, but I heard that construction of these ghost cities was not out of future need, but to boost national output in the short run. Continuing to build things nobody will use is a great way to inflate GDP.

They are obviously not good planners of the future since that shit building won't last long.

Why don't they just pay some kids to run around throwing rocks at windows?

his name is
thats like Dick Dickerson, must be fake

Even in big bang theory they didnt use the "das raciss".


Sung-Woo Xinping here

Don't worry about we chinese, we are you're friend gweilo

Hope you're not engineering any toilets

Not much.

All you really need to read about the Chinese.


And underestimate them at your peril. That's half the reason we're in this mess to begin with.

Another fedora destroyed.

We all know that in a real war every naval group has at leats one tzar bomb with his name on it. American navy is designed for money grabbing or controlling shitholes, nothing more, now, if they have flips in subs for nukes then the world have a real problem.

Worked with a chink contractor once, never fucking again. These vermin cut corners and pinch pennies whenever possible, saving on EVERYTHING and not giving a single shit whether this is going to fuck the project up. If caught, they will deny it and lie to you while looking you in the eyes, even if you wave a list of their errors and scams in their faces.
Chinks are fucking garbage. Can't wait till someone has enough of their shit and treats them to a nuke.

The reality of those ghost cities is that they aren't completely empty, just only 1/3 to 1/2 full so far.

The spots they take the pictures from are actually labeled as tourist destinations because of the shitload of western photographers coming in to take pictures.
I think a few spots even have signs up in English saying to take pictures here and facing a certain direction so you can get the daily traffic and pedestrians out of frame.

Asians have gotta go. All of our technological wealth has been stolen and handed over to them for the last 15 years. All of our brightest citizens are on welfare or offing themselves because their job was given to some dandruff-spewing Asian.

It's gotta happen.

t. Ivy-League lifer

Normalise and promote racial profiling.

Why the fuck should I support junglesandniggers over relatively civilized chinks for doing what's natural for all uncucked humans, aka promoting ethnic interests?

No so fast, Ahmed.

The other guy is obviously winning the argument, fellow male.

I agree that fucking around is completely degenerate though. We should obviously spay and keep the more comely females of rival races in encased harems instead for demoralization of our enemies.



Not sure what Kek tries to communicate there but I guess double dubs confirm.

No, they are good at drilling thing into their head and cheating.

H1Bs need to be abolished completely.
If we need foreign experts, they should be allowed in on a case-by-case basis.

start by time travelling back to the 70s and not helping them build their fucking economy?
oh thats not possible?

how about war then?

Those apartments are probably garbage to live but t+hey are actually really pretty.

Jus Sanguinis only.

Bump for awareness. They have to go back.

This is exactly why they skin animals alive. Easier to skin them warm and they don't want to waste money on bolt guns to end their lives painlessly.
They'll sell off their own children to murderers if it saved them pennies on the dollar. I've seen chinks run over babies repeatedly to make sure they're dead since it's cheaper to pay for a child's funeral than their medical expenses.

Those were the Japs, slayers of Chinks.

I work in a University lab with some of these fucks. What's my best bet to dig up dirt on them? I am not a hacker but I have physical access to the computer network and sometimes their laptops.

90% of my interactions with the Chinese have been negative. I had a chinese lab partner who pretended not to speak English and copied my work while he was on his phone. This happened for about 3 classes before I confronted him about this. He said he couldn't speak English well and couldn't understand the material. I told him to fuck off politely, and told the professor what was going on. He switched me with a low testosterone beta and the chinaman went back to copying. In my college, all the foreign chinese students drove Audi's and Porsche's. This is because they rack up huge debt, then flee the country when they get their degree.

At this point, the only way to get the Chinese to stop bugging and hacking our shit is to keep watching their infrastructure explode on 'accident'.

Historically there wasn't a "mandatory" immigrant program a people would only accept maybe only one or two new member from another culture once in a blue moon for a special reason usually useful to culture accepting.

Why not have that program?

Probably not much. It seems like the alphabet doesn't want to touch this because of PC. I'm no hacker either but you could back up their drives to another device and hope it's in English.

Stop calling cuckchan,even we at 4pol are against degeneracy in society except we are not a little hugbox like you guys.


Nothing. The cucks made their bed and now they'll rot in it, and we'll rot alongside them against our will because if we try to salvage this civilization they'll fight us tooth and nail.

SEA Chink here, ask me anything.

Fuck off, kike.

Do the Chinese suffer a genetic sickness that makes them liars, thieves, and generally cruel people?

Nope, but the native muds are.

i think we can pretty reasonably assume how China got the schematics for their f-35 clone. It's funny that China goes out of their way to steal even our shitty tech. No screencap, but some leaf user wrote that Chinese immigrants were know for smuggling weapons into Canada and they're being stacked in Chinese restaurants. I wouldn't be even slightly surprised if the same shit was going on in the us because most Chinese restaurants are 100% cookie cuter could just be chink lack of creativity and seem to do terrible business, but NEVER shut down. 99% of them probably launder in money from the Chinese goverment.
