Reddit fucks up again

Reddit fucks up again
In the wake of banning all #pizzagate subreddits, including those only *possibly* related, a reddit admin admits to willingly editing user's post just because he was mad at them. Point and laugh, boys.

Other urls found in this thread:
reddit much ash does a cremated body produce

where the fuck do you think you are?

Correction, this was the CEO of Reddit.

WTF, I hate reddit now!

That was the fucking CEO of reddit

Wow. Amazing.

This site has pull bullshit like this for years, I'm amazed anybody even still uses it.


First gaymur gayte but now the (((CEO))) directly banning the pizza stuff is interesting to say the least. This shit goes to the very top. Nothing would please me more than to expose Biden, Merkel, Kerry, and all the rest of these globalist kikes in their satanic rituals.

Everything on reddit is now suspect.

I just had a very strong gamer gate deja vu. The answers in the replies were exactly the same. I wonder if the individual anons are the same.

Also, I'm 100% certain this is not what (((Aaron Swartz))) wanted reddit to become. He was a yid, yes, but he didn't act like one. He was incredibly anti-censorship and anti-government. He was a big voice against SOPA back in 2012.
He ended up "killing himself" after getting arrested by the Secret Service.

lol, he must have been pissed trump won.

Are we going to have enough rope when this whole thing breaks open? I don't think the criminal court system will be able to handle it in a speedy fashion.

Dude, the CEO of reddit himself edited the posts at /r/The_Donald.
This fuckup will never, ever be forgotten.

And I thought Ellen Pao was bad.

How much does this rare CIA cost?

Calling it, in the near future Reddit will edit user posts to frame them for all sorts of shit.

For you, it's free.

It's rare an image cracks me up like this

don't forget Backdoor Barry Soetero, nigger kike extraordinaire. Anyone have that picture of him with a chink kid in his lap smelling the kids neck or hair?



If you can talk about shit off of CNN without complaints why can't you mention Reddit?

Spez admitting to stealth editing users posts is a huge deal and will help further its demise.

I just stole it.


Ever since the 8th it's been a long month for those faggots.

Excellent infographic. In return, have the music I'm currently listening to.

There have already been a couple of mass exoduses to Voat. Here's hoping this sets off another. Reddit can't die soon enough for me.

how did the plane land there?

They got a whole 4k users in under 8 hours because of them banning Pizzagate subreddits, and this just came out on top of that.

**Voat is actually going to need donations though, their servers are never equipped for an actual exodus. If they were Reddit would have died already.

In case anyone wants to shitpost at the CEO of reddit, have a link:

Pics related, actual screenshots.
This is the kind of crap that actually makes reddit enjoyable to read.


Voat is an example of trying the same thing over again and expecting a different result.


Voat admins ban moderators for shitty moderation instead of users.

Dumb ass niggers, it doesn't matter how shit leddit is or much how it triggers your autism. The point here is THE FAGGOT CEO IS OPENLY CENSORING PIZZAGATE WHICH HEAVILY FUCKING IMPLIES HE'S CONNECTED TO IT.


That's not even the root of it though. Karma/username systems always lead to cancerous results, regardless of how good or shit the moderation is.

haha nice dude, i too have been on Holla Forums for about 6 months and think i got mad street cred because of it

he probably uncovered something pizza related

A thousand times this. The Stack Overflow Q&A site and its network of related sites – there's a Stack Overflow style site for virtually every topic you can imagine – was also ruined by this.
I used to frequent some of them. Namely the tabletop RPG site. As you might expect there were always those 4 or 5 assholes with 6 gorillion karma (called rep or reputation on SO sites) that became mods because their reputation is just so good. Eventually, one of them, some faggot cuck dad blogger named "SevenSidedDie," deleted a post of mine becauae I mentioned Holla Forums. His reasoning, appropriately enough for this thread, was that it was filled with child pornography. Obviously. I stopped visiting all SO sites that day forever.

See also Hacker News, another username/karma site. I think my coworkers spend more time on there than actually working. Absolute cuckshow. A bunch of self-absorbed narcissists trying to one up each other with how autistic and pedantic they can be.


This is a dad-level of apocalyptic BTFOing

Not letting this thread slide.

Does anyone ever expect better? I remember Digg days. Holy shit what a piece of shit. I still haven't found anything better than chans. There's mountains of shitposting but at least people are honest and not doing whatever they can for good goy points.

Spez also edited other peoples posts calling other T_D users pedophiles

This faggot seems to be self projecting.

A lot of people still haven't gotten it. Probably never will. Their model of human behavior is too inaccurate to make any useful predictions. They don't understand how the username/karma system combined with human ego produces nothing but shit.

Looks like they struck a nerve.

He's a kiddy fucking diddler alright.

ctrl + f "cannibal"

I also posted this in the sticky. Have fun.


That's nothing

There is something a bit weird, though.

Imgur allows you to see images posted to certain subreddits, even if they're private.
Some freaky shit's going on there

There's only four posts with barely any info. Is there a way to tell if it's a legit sub for cannibals?

reddit is a joke

Then post what you have on Steve Huffman.



==(((COINCIDENTALLY))) the Reddit post featured in the WAPO article on pizzagate was
one of the comments stealth edited==

This is fucking collusion between Reddit and WAPO

This right here is why liberals deserve death

Both parties are retarded and should kill themselves immediately


This CEO of reddit, "spez", shadow edits user posts during the pizzagate thing to hide evidence or obstruct? The fuck now, cannibalism? What the fuck.

He's seriously walking the fine edge of of a civil lawsuit since the dumb mongs at Reddit like to link their IRL names to their accounts. If someone gets fired or loses business because of spez's editing then spez is in for a shitload of lawsuits.

Welcome to Holla Forums, here's your redpill.

I got Biden doing it.



People on Reddit are retarded, news at 11.

Anyone who stuck around there after Ellen Pao is braindead and beyond saving.

The Irredeemables.


oy vey, how racist!

lol, stay strong and they will kill themselves, while you laugh and piss on their graves

Now T_D mods have put up 2 sticky posts to try and bring attention away from the fraud going on

Literally why


You want something even more retarded? His admission post has been gilded 26 times as of now. Gilding is a donation to reddit.


w-wait, are redditors really the anti-jew?

You have been temporarily banned from participating in /r/The_Donald. This ban will last for 3 days. You can still view and subscribe to /r/The_Donald, but you won't be able to post or comment.

Note from the moderators:

If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for /r/The_Donald by replying to this message.

Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.

the jungle asians and the white girl on the right don't need to, they know better.

Calling it, hes gonna resign. 2016 keeps getting better and better.

I really dont want this current year to end.

is that what i think it is?

If they want to astroturf that they might as well rig the downboats while they are at it.
Which they do, elsewhere.


holy fuck why would you enhance that

Gentle Reminder that hotwheels has done the same thing to me in the past. and the mods on this board sometimes edit posts.

Who gives a shit? We're user here.

Hope this destroys reddit

our edits get footnotes when it was edited i would hope. this is about shaddow edits


1) We're anons
2) It says if it's been edited
3) It's almost always done for humor

Is reddit now the catholic church? Holy shit this is fucking sad




We're mocking them.
Their admin is so butthurt he started editing users posts and now is trying to damage control.

there's a reason why you were one off



Jesus Christ, they fucked up hard.


so if somebody floods reddit with illegal stuff that isn't CP they'll be responsible for it?
well actually maybe thats why they took down the CP links

because of this incident or has this been established for a while?

post yfw
just became a legitimate legal defense!

The big problem with Reddit dying is all those mouth breathers will have to go somewhere. All those refugee waves just shit up the place. Personally, I would rather they stay contained in their cry room, hug box instead of spreading themselves like the plague, shitting up everything they come across.

does firetires still manage that account?

In theory this may be true, but in practice I doubt it will be true. It's only true in practice if the courts choose to look at it that way. And that will only happen if they somehow wind up in the courts for something relevant to their safe harbor status.

one of the positives is that SRS and all the other somethingawful rejects will have to spend the time to wrap their tentacles around another site.


How do we rock this boat more? As it stands, I can't see normies giving a fuck. They won't make the connection between this and the animal videos and other shit they primarily use reddit for.

This only happened *in response* to taking down the pizzagate subreddits. Everyone began yelling at them for being pedophile defenders. The CEO got tired of it, and began editing their posts (I *think* he was making them call trump a pedophile). HE THEN ADMITTED TO IT, THE MADMAN.

This is specifically because the admin admitted to editing posts. If he had said jack shit, nothing would have come of this, it would have just been a weird thing no one could be sure of. The post has since been deleted, so remember this.

This is only possible because we taught even the normalfags to archive everything




Take my shit OC

The first thing is that they see it. Several threads are on /r/all/ but none on the frontpage somehow. Although I forgot how that garbage works.

His post is still there though reddit .com/r/The_Donald/comments/5ekdy9/the_admins_are_suffering_from_low_energy_have/dad5sf1/


Doesn't that only cover copyrighted content? Not sure how that would apply to illegal content.

Pretty sure they've already got tumblr and twitter.




Jesus, that's slimy.

That was all he did?
What a fucking cuck
He just decided to blow all his credibility on a single insult
He wasn't even hiding shit

relevant meme for this occasion

settle down turbo

>It's fucking WEDNESDAY

Is there a better feeling than laughing at reddit?

I will never get over the amount Holla Forums is able to absolutely fuck with the natural order of the world. Keeping in mind Holla Forums is literally just 3 or 4 thousand people who shitpost anonymously, often about outlandish shit.

I'm telling you boys, if you think this current year was good, just wait for 2017. WE WILL DESTROY BOTH!!! Reddit and Twitter.


Id say the 2nd half of current year has been the best current year I have been apart of.

We even had the best 9/11 on this current year.

3000 /16 subnets. check activeuser.html, we have a maximum theoretical poster base of a few million. it's most likely a hundred thousand or so, plus a couple million lurkers.

lol no

No, those UID's actually represent /16 subnet blocks. It's a lot more than 3 or 4k user


We have a powerful memetic wake.

Nice complete lack of argument.

Anyway, does anyone have more on this Steve Huffman?


stay retarded user

It's a lot more than you think, bud.

Holla Forums is a lot larger than you think. That 3 or 4 thousand on Holla Forums Holla Forums constantly is a cycle of users, it's not the same users every 24 hours. Meaning it's more likely at least a wave of 3 to 4 thousand europeans and then a wave of 3 to 4 north and south americans, with some australians and asians in there too. Not to mention that those people probably don't come back and post here full time. Meaning you have churn of users during the day and during the week. And you also have people who just show up when things are interesting.

There are also a lot of people who just lurk. It seems really weird to think because there's not really any barriers to entry to post here. You don't need an account or anything. But a lot of people have stigmas about posting and it sort of scares them so they don't do it.

Do not sell yourselves short on how many people are actually out there. The people who share part or all of our beliefs are vast in numbers, but they are forced to come to places like Holla Forums to talk about it freely.

But as everyone else is saying, it's a lot more than 3 or 4k based on the subnets and how Holla Forums calculates things. I know I personally don't post that frequently but I do lurk often, mainly because this is a pretty good place to hear an unfiltered view of world events that you cant get anywhere else. And I highly doubt I'm the only person who feels that way, with lurking and stuff.

What reason would CEO of Reddit have to ban for #pizzagate?

You guys are big, but not big enough.

jesus christ you really are this retarded arent you

Its fake news goyim


lol no

This can ONLY mean /u/spez is also a pedophile. This does not surprise me one single bit. There have been rumors for years and if you lived in SF as I once did you would know what I mean.

He's trying to pass this off as no big deal. Not one of us hasn't been deeply shocked by the volume and degeneracy of the revelations that have been shown here the last few weeks. This is beyond horrific, it is life changing, it is staggering in its implications.


No, /u/spez decides to fuck with the people exposing murderes, tortuerers and pedophiles, hahaha he was just a little tired. This is not how the mind of someone against pedophilia works folks. If you've learned anything at all about this, even if you've barely scanned the threads, you know these monsters all have a jokey, ironic hipster attitude to these massive and sick crimes. They really don't give a fuck. Much like /u/spez

This is deeply important and at the very least implicates /u/spez as an enabler of pedophiles and a sociopath. What lurks beneath? What does he do for fun in San Francisco, city of bdsm in the streets and dream destination for every extreme fetishist in the states?

Is /u/spez also a pedophile?

the fact that my mother is in her mid 70s and knows that KEK is a corruption of LOL means the memes are permeating reality in ways that have gone beyond us

as long as our ideas are discussed and regurgitated regardless of the medium means we are winning the hearts and minds of the regular folk.

What the fuck

They already tried on Voat,one of them got banned being one of the only times the site owners actually stepped in. Then the other known one gets tagged in a bunch of random posts just to spam fill their inbox

dat projection. you've contributed nothing to this thread but larping about how 8pol is millions of people. ffs 4pol isnt even that big.

I merely explained that a UID represents a /16 subnet block.

That was my first thought actually, but we'll just have to wait and see on that one.

So nothing relevant to a thread about the CEO of reddit editing users posts, as I said.

It's the Triforce, calling card of faux geeks/nerds since everyone knows LoZ nowadays and it's considered acceptable to play by normalfags. If they have one on their wallet, bag, or shirt, you are permitted to give them a left hookshot to the jaw.


why must this always happen right as I'm about to go to bed

Can someone write out exactly how?
To qualify for safe harbor, you need to fulfill 2 base requirements and at least one of S512(a)-(d), which one did they violate?

that's Rebecca Eisenberg, aka "Archangelle Dworkin", head of SRS and one of the people who used to spam links from Upworthy (a Reddit owned and SRS staffed site) to old Holla Forums

Why are they hanging out at a storage unit? Why do the biggest tits in the picture belong to men?

He even broke the most basic fucking user guidelines

Don't tell me you're browsing reddit, user.

He was pointing out the Star of David not the Triforce idiot.

SRS are not attractive people


Voat, in the wake of the exodus and for pizzagate materials as well.

I think he does user.

thats the joke good job you found it

mfw we're getting another influx of ledditors

I go on imgue and filter for the newest "current events" posts are attempt redpills/trolling

wow you do a really good impersonation of someone from reddit

Help me figure out user, I'm not great at legal-ese.

Basically the same thing.

From HBGary Hack…

Persona Management Software: A little birdie created your opinion

Rockefeller covers some e-mails from HB Gary, the security and intelligence firm with federal government contracts whose emails were stolen and published by Anonymous after that group of hacktivists learned the company was investigating it. Of particular importance is a reference to "persona management" software, which HB Gary suggests using to influence public opinion.

This software – Fox News reports the federal government is offering contracts for the development of persona management software, but the HB Gary documents make it seem that it already exists – could be used to generate fake online identities, complete with Facebook, Twitter and Linked In accounts, subscriptions to RSS feeds and automated abilities to contribute content like retweets and status updates, everything that makes a fake person essentially indistinguishable from a real person online. A single operator can manage up to 10 personas, so a team of five can deploy 50 people on the Web.

The whole purpose of this, Rockefeller points out, is to influence public opinion via the bandwagon technique. Remember the union question? That desire for a quick and pat route to what we'll come to think of as our own opinion on the subject can be gotten in places like Twitter. And under the bandwagon technique a tweet that shows support for union labor is trumped by 50 replies that suggest unions are bad for America. We like to be on the winning team, generally, so we may be swayed by the 50:1 ratio against the concept of unions, which germinates into personal opinion, which may be disseminated in to others throughout one's lifetime. All this without any real information.

Via persona management software, only five of those 50 people actually exist and each of those five are paid to express those opinions online.

Don't worry, they'll likely just move to Voat, which has been shilling itself for a little over a year.

go to endchan, Holla Forums is fucking kill

I pointed out to one of the new redditors that pizzagate was going to go through a lot of the same shit that Gamergate did overtime. His response?

A lot of good names for subverses are still available. The redpilling could be extremely ripe if anyone wants a go at it.


Woah woah woah, what is going on with Vanilla Ice Ice Ice Baby?

If anyone does want a go at it, I have a few Holla Forums bunker subverses with .pdf archives and every single holocaust infographic and a small collection of youtube videos.

I think it's right there at the top, (a)(5)

A service provider is only immune the the liability if all five are met, and this one is violated now.

(b)(2) says the same thing, but for caching instead of transient

Im no legal guy, this is my best shot at it.

>(a)Transitory Digital Network Communications.—A service provider shall not be liable for monetary relief, or, except as provided in subsection (j), for injunctive or other equitable relief, for infringement of copyright by reason of the provider’s transmitting, routing, or providing connections for, material through a system or network controlled or operated by or for the service provider, or by reason of the intermediate and transient storage of that material in the course of such transmitting, routing, or providing connections, if–

>S512(a) (5) the material is transmitted through the system or network without modification of its content.

They no longer fit this definition.
>S512 (k) (1)Service provider.—
(A) As used in subsection (a), the term “service provider” means an entity offering the transmission, routing, or providing of connections for digital online communications, between or among points specified by a user, of material of the user’s choosing, without modification to the content of the material as sent or received.

They are no longer a covered under service provider because they modified user content


You don't get people by going full holohoax off the bat, retard. Start with shit like Soros, move onto how races aren't equal, then move onto Jews in control. That's when you can get them to listen to the holohoax. You've got a prime fucking opportunity, don't go fucking it up be spilling your hardest spaghetti off the bat.


Nigger, here's how this shit works.

You have a bunker subverse that provides resources.

You go to subverses like v/politics or v/whatever or v/niggers and dispense friendly pills. Regroup in bunker, gather intel and more memes or infographics. Then dispense.

Voat is not Reddit. They can not see your user history except for your 5 highest and lowest comments. They also can not downvote anything older than 7 days.

Seems more like an in joke, but looking into it.

Its ok people Steve Huffman was just covering up that he's just your average everyday human baby eating Cannibal.


pure cohencidence
It's a fucking mexican restaurant.

We need to dox spez, and force him to resign.

Anyone willing?

Before starting into the Holocaust, teach them about Holodomor. The way the Russians genocided 6 million Ukrainians, but it was covered up by organizations like the New York Times.

This teaches them to question 1) Why they were taught about the Holocaust but not the Holodomor. 2) What else the media could lie about, what other lies the New York Times could spread. 3) The relative significance of alleged german Genocides if the Russians are guilty of killing as many but get a pass on it.

inb4 I'm called a Ukranian. I'm not.

Daily reminder that Disqus mods have the ability to change users posts also. They have been caught and called out on it. SJW mods getting triggered every time.


No, dox away but it only matters in what this has to do with the pedos. This will get him fired already unless he was ordered to do it.

you don't have to break archive links and those look more like a normal decoration and not so much occult



from 2013:

Yes you do, is vulnerable to MiM attacks.

Up your fucking research game you fucking retard, that's not the same restaurant. The ont in the photo closed down in 2014. You could have

oh well shit

How far the Essay has fallen
just started playing as that gif loaded. If dubs spez an hero tonight.

Just let us host and moderate the comments of every site on the internet, goy. What's the worst that could happen?

/r/conspiracy users remember the last time this happened was the slcdc investigation.

Wh-what the fuck is happening?


Speaking of Reddit fucking up, I wonder how poorly this could go.

What the shit, they are damn near drooling on the kids, a picture is truly worth 1,000 words. Pizzagate, child rape, murder, and sacrifice by damn near all the (((elite))) makes me wonder if this isn't hell. Then I remember its just what happens when you let kikes run the show, they have been pulling this shit since ancient Egyptian times.


Do a Youtube Search;

Look at the Cache…

Looks like some private conversation of Spez got leaked from slack chat

No one cares. Holla Forums mods edit users posts all the time. See link breaking. Holla Forums is still around.

Restaurant closed down, both owners are clean. One of them was born in Alexandria, and is just an obsessive foodie. I looked into his past jobs, and didn't see anything really amiss. His now-wife doesn't come up in any google searches, so she's probably nothing as well.

Other owner, who was also the chef when that picture was taken is the most normal fag you could imagine. He blew at running a business, and could only keep it open for 5 years. On twitter he follows nothing but sports-dudes and attractive actresses/models. His followers are random hippie/liberal girls with professions like "chakra healer" and "interpretive dancer."

The picture posted on imgur was posted on a day that had do be in the restaurant's last few days. They had likely always meant to go there, but never did until it closed.

Pic related, you fucking sperg.

He locked the sub. Copy everything user.

You dumb fuck actually read it.

look at the beak on that shekel-beggar


Holla Forums mods. Unoffical users who do this in their spare time.
Spez is the fucking CEO of reddit.

I sense a refugee crisis looming…

The mods are not affiliated with Holla Forums staff, anybody can be a mod. Spez is not a mod, he's an admin.

As has been said, Voat will absorb most of it, just like when they shut down FatPeopleHate and Coontown.
But I think we should be using it to our advantage. This is going to give us access to plenty of pissed off normies on neutral ground and the rules of Voat are quite different than Reddit's. They actually give a shit about freeze peach and you won't get banned.
If they eventually end up here, at least they'll be washed and groomed and not completely newfaggot.

They'll go to voat if shit goes down. The special snowflake is too strong in the average reddit user to migrate here.

Going to voat is a very curious experience. their news board has people upvoating "infowars" right along side "Free Thought Project"

pro tip: Deleted comments still show up in the user overview.**** will tke you there. If you edit your post first with garbage then delete it, the edit will appear in your user history. Meaning although /cannibals/ is locked you can check out those users from anons screenshots and go back one year to see what they wrote in /cannibals/. I'm sure pedo spez is deleting everything now but some comments from others may be missed. It will still show that the conversation was had with /spez/

king faggot spez and his faggites chatlog leaked from tonight, talking about shutting down TD

How can an Aryan be this cucked?

Pettibone sisters were shilling hard for refugees to go to voat so it's probably not going to be that bad. The kikes from Dickie's dumbness are still here.

The more they try and contain it
The more it spreads because the containment wall is like a fucking colander

If there is a massive influx to voat and voat actually fixes their shit, your going to have millions of people exposed to a site that openly talks about the jews.

ruh roh

It's hilarious to me how the cuck hoards only reached their most vitriolic AFTER their actions have ceased to matter entirely

I have like 5k submission points and another 4k comment points (their "karma") just from posting in v/niggers mostly. Voat is pretty redpilled.
There's a good amount of WN there already just out in the open as well as a general consensus of anti-semitism. Right now, I posted pic related in a major non-racist subverse and it's gotten 50 upvotes. It's a worthy endeavor.

If they do this, a large portion of those redditors will probably come here……….

And when they edit them here, it says the post is edited. This retard edited the actual content of the page so that it looked like it was the original post.

Id argue theyve always been like this. Reading that link I posted will make you barf a little bit. Bunch of faggot default sub mods praising spez like a god. How big of low lives do those faggots have to be to suck off spez so hard?

Well I am biased since I have only been here for 4 months but awakening the masses is much bigger than keeping this place the way it is. They would mostly flee to voat anyway which still is run with a hamster on a wheel so people will try and find the chans.

Here's my theory, bear with me on this.

The Scandinavians of antiquity were known for being fearless in battle and exploration. They even had a specific afterlife for dying in battle, and it was the preferred one. My theory is that the Scandinavians as a race actually have underdeveloped amygdala, which is found today commonly in liberals

What having an underdeveloped amygdala does is skew your perception of danger. Liberals constantly vote and support policies that they should fear, like Islam and taking refugees, etc. The same condition that made Scandinavians so legendarily fearless towards things that normal people fear is exactly what's causing problems today, especially in modern Scandinavians, and their descendants around the world.

Who still cares about what happens on Reddit ?

kill yourself.
Your other posts are full of >reddit spacing too.


If voat can get some pozfree money it could be huge indeed.

That's a big fucking if though

Maybe overflow. From what Im seeing most of them are planning on voat if they get shut down

the biggest gain out of this, we can all sue reddit now.
i'll explain it to you, they breached a contract they made with you by violating their very own terms and conditions. That is a contract believe it or not and you now have ground to sue (if you were a user of their site) for a breach of contract as well as for modifying content that could potentially put users in direct harm.
this is extremely bad for them. We can take advantage. I suggest every user here file a lawsuit if you can, see if you can make it a class action.

Such a pity. The "majority opinion rule" does shit on anonymous boards. Money wasted.

It's a game of winning hearts and minds here. The enemy made a mistake and it's time to capitalize.

Yeah, but with tens of thousands of active users, even 5% of them coming here would be a huge problem for us.

They wouldn't come here. They would most likely migrate to v0at. Anonymous image boards are too different for them.

they won't go anywhere.

Asking this is like a middle eastern country asking "Who cares about what happens in America?" These sites are not ones that we are a part of, but they're fucking monoliths to the internet. They determine policy and culture for the rest of the internet, and no matter how isolated we might be, that shit always comes to us eventually in some way.

They will spread out between the chans, voat and continuing to troll on r/politics. The worst part is that TD people only know how to shitpost because the sub is corrupt and they get in the way of any coordination or discussion. You can make a point and the only replies you will get is "WEW" and "PRAISE KEK". Some of them are redeemable, however, since r/pizzagate was formed from TD and they were putting in good work.


Spez needs to be taken behind the barn.


You can redpill a shitload of bluepilled/purplepilled normalfags on Reddit.

you guys do know that many anons crosspost on here and reddit, right?

It's not that weird. Some people just prefer listening instead of talking, and it's even easier to do that on the internet than it is in real life. That's not a fear of posting, just a preference to not say anything unless there's something that needs to be said.

t. lurker

Please don't tell me. Let me live in bliss.

the /r/ conspiracy guys are actually planning on moving to Voat

Faggot you have no fucking idea what you're taping about. Please shut up and stop spreading false info. Breaking up links only prevents the referral from being sent. It does absolutely nothing to stop an Mitm attack. Where did you even get that info? Someone could Mitm you with or without your referrer.

Voat is even better. I'm telling you, the people on Voat are much more susceptible to Holla Forums propaganda by a long shot.

This is great news. Of course they're cancer, but they will have to share a website with other forums like v/niggers. I'm telling you this is actually kind of a big deal and will bring the "right kind" of normalfag to Holla Forums.

hello CIA

My first post on Holla Forums had 3 different people telling me I was gonna die and to kill myself. There is probably a reason why many lurk here.

Yeah but were you being a faggot, though? Because you were probably being a faggot.

and you still haven't livestreamed your an hero faggot


Why haven't you killed yourself yet? I told you to kill yourself.


random digits confirm gayness

You mean, hello Holla Forumsfag who knows shit about computers.

Radeon or Nvidia?

voodoo 5


I bet you don't even manufacture your own cpu.

I have observed the nature of imageboards and witnessed many exodi over the years and I can assure you that the imageboard consumes the users and not the other way around. The essence of the place is just too powerful. It's like a temple that is so powerful and so sacred that if you trespass there the adherents just laugh at you

They're waking up.

im pretty sure its 5% osters 95% lurkers on mos forums. not sure if thats the same for Holla Forums

i only use premium Chevrolet home Desktops with quad core wireless adapters and 5 sticks of 2 mb ram. my monitor is in color as well. had to pay the circuit city guys extra for that one. i also have a lot of ethernet cable tied around my keyboard so i have moar broadband than most people.

you are a fag, and the other user is right. you can get MITM from the feds sitting outside your house in their van. breaking archive links just keeps the 8ch refer from popping up on their side.
another way to fix this is if you retards would just install umatrix and set permanent refer spoofing on.

Empires are created just to be toppled, user.

Cannibals of Reddit;

the_donald banned me for having 88 in my username. That was the actual reason I was banned, it had nothing to do with any of my comments.

So I hope the whole subreddit is removed.

Now is also a good time to redpill the newfags on Voat about jewish blood libel

There are already a few anons on Voat that have been slowly redpilling the community there, more doing that strategy wouldn't hurt. They don't ask for an Email or any verification for setting up an account, it takes about 10 seconds to make one. Voat also won't censor stuff unless it is actual CP, and they have public moderation logs. Along with a few precaution sin place to prevent goon power mods for example you can only mod at max 10 subs. Spent some time there myself, they are fairly receptive to redpills about the holohoax during non digging times. Present them with facts and they will debate you on it with no mod censorship

Lad that biden stuff gets worse, see attached video

Send as many as you can to Voat, they will make a decent filter, and they will be exposed to redpills on the jews there.

Can't be since Holla Forums is pretty hard to find considering the largest search engine in google has this site blocked in search results. If people are going to go out of their way to find this place, most of them are probably not going to sit around and lurk.

this subreddit is satire right? im starting to lose my grip on what is and isn't satire thanks to poe's law.

Yeah, I can't tell if this is what redditors consider funny, or if it is serious but masquerading as tongue in cheek…

It looks like a joke to me, but in the midst of everything else currently going on, that's not a safe assumption.

It's important to redpill, but it would be difficult if large numbers of them come here. Voat is a way better platform for it. We can't assimilate such large numbers of people at once.


precautions in*

its enough to put you in a state of permanent psychosis.

There was a huge influx after FPH and Coontown were banned. They started up a bunch of shitlord-tier subverses, most of which have been inactive for months. All you have to do is be a member for a bit and you can request ownership of them. Not to mention that many really good subverse names are available.
I know it will never happen, but Holla Forums could actually take over the entirety of Voat if just a decent effort was made.
Voat could actually be Holla Forums-lite.

Listening to Bill Hicks talk about Arizona Bay as I read this thread and refresh reddit.

By nature… does he mean kek?

that cirno looks really comfy

But mods can do that here too, so are we the same as reddit?


Mods =/= Admin


"I think this sub should return to its roots with a little cannibalism" - LiveLeak Video

60-year-old furiously biting 28-year-old teacher over a seat in Guangzhou Metro


I've seen a lot of good stuff from that KosherHiveKicker guy. To an extent, it already is Holla Forums-lite, but with this influx of redditards, a whole 'nother generation of Holla Forumsacks can be conceived over time.

damn WTF is Biden doing? Does that old cuck pederast think he is a fucking cat trying to "steal a babys breath" or some shit?

The post-election world is going to just as fucking insane as the Election isn't it?

2017 is going to be a wild fucking ride.

Save the Good parts for me pic;

Jesus H Christ, what the fuck? The leaders of the USA all kike and cuck pedophiles and much worse, DOTR can't come soon enough.

Looks like the Year of the Fire Rooster will be one for the history books, 2016 the Year of the Fire Monkey sure has been. I feel we haven't reached maximum insanity yet, I hope I am wrong.

Shit is just getting started. Next couple current years will be remembered for a very long time.

Shit, your story is almost the same as mine.

Used to be really into robot combat (still am, but to much less of a degree purely because of these cucks) and visited a site called Gametechmods. They even have a board at >>>/gtm/ so you can witness the autism first hand.

One day I called out one of the mods on acting like a real dick, and about 10 of his cronies ganged up on me and gave me bad goy points. Then it happened again a couple months later. Because of that cunt, no-one took me seriously ever again simply because of the number next to my name. Fuck that site and all the cucks that frequent it.

Pic related: this fucker always hated me from the second I beat him in some competition. Kek, I could take this spic-looking faggot on with my punching arm in a sling.

I honestly can't even theorize a better format than imageboards. I can only imagine improved imageboards that allows for uncorruptable and accountable moderation and better promotes large projects like Cartoons, Vidya, independent movies, ect…..


Just before the pizzagate exodus it mostly was. It was a mix of plebbit's site layout and cuckchan, with a half dozen anons from Holla Forums spreading good redpills. It is a decent place to absorb the refugees, and worth spreading a few redpills since there is almost no barrier to entry other than deciding on a username.


None of these newfags can descipher this ancient fag speak user.
We died a long time ago and this is hell

FUZZYNAVEL was creator of /r/Cannibals WHICH IS SPEZ CEO OF REDDIT

He changed over to spez when he was CEO


Looking at /r/The_Donald comments. It sounds like a lot of them are going to stay on Reddit if it actually does shut down. They want to 'redpill' people. Blind leading the blind… or is it? Who knows for sure what the average user's power level is on that sub? Maybe they're all secretly NatSoc. I can dream.

Anyone know how legit this is?
Leaked shit of high level mods and admins or someshit talking.

100% legit

That leaked slack album is confirmed real

Why does everyone on plebbit love that stupid kike Gaben?


It's more likely that Huffman is (or desires to be) the bottom bitch of someone higher up in the democrats beltway circles and was pressured into shutting /pizzagate down. But who fucking knows, stranger things have happened.

This is… this is beautiful.


What the fuck


For reals though, getting a bit tipsy turns my autism on so hard, makes me dig super hard. I just need to be pointed in the right direction. Thanks to another user, I've *completely* cleared the restaurant they were at.

Honestly it's a perfect arrangement redditors are basically our useful idiots/soldiers or our goyim. Cuckchan can withstand mass immigration and redpill waves and waves of people while we sit here keeping our culture pure and co-coordinating everything. If Reddit dies and VOAT thrives then we won't have faggot mods/admins getting in our way when it comes to getting our useful idiots to do things.

Logistically it's a fucking godsend. I thought that Kek would weaken after the election but now we're just fighting even more powerful foes. It's almost like we're in the second season of Gurren Lagann.



In case you don't think the mod leaks was real, well someone archived the conversation of said leaker.

I cant remember the last time ive laughed this hard.
These people are complete idiots. They don't think before they act, they just feel and do what they feel like.


Everytime some shit happens, mod chats get leaked. I trust it like the changing of the seasons.

People always complain about getting a huge influx of members, but we still haven't even tapped the true potential of this site. It was made to switch boards if you didn't like what was happening, but we've never been able to truly do that because we have so few people.


This whole event explains the flood of plebbitors to cuckchan. We have to machine gun the NatSoc generals out, 'cause of all those faggots are flooding in at once. It sucks. I spent like, 2 straight hours arguing with a potato nigger that the holocaust never happened and the actual jew death count was just a drop in the bucket. I understand why we hated the irish now.

They have the flags. I have a weakness for flags.

His account has NOTHING on it. I'm assuming that any posts on /cannibal/ are hidden, and we'll need to futz our way into the sub and read every post in there looking for his shit.

>I'm one of them, get fucked

How the deuce can you justify the holocaust even taking place when modern ovens can't even match the numbers required for 6 gorillion cremated jews?

Learn to redpill you massive faggots. There are hundreds of things to talk about before bragging about your Holocaust theories. Hint: gas chambers never existed.

I would have, but nobody brought up gassings. They just focused on the mass graves that nobody has ever found

Enjoying your social programming?
Perhaps we can visit the holocoaster? Or break out the masturbation machines? Better be prepared for a visit by Dr Mengele himself, that motherfucker managed to personally meet every single "holocaust survivor" that we know of, personally.

He either deleted everything or he is a member of a shit load of "Private" reddit subs and has been for the last 6 years with that account.

looks like the second battle of voat is about to being. Any and all voatfaggots get those accounts ready, last time we took the beachhead, now we defend the territory.


Hell, that one picture is conflating modern crematories, which only burn one body at a time and need to be hot enough to burn bones compared to a single massive furnace made simply to burn away all flesh to decrease the chances of creating an accidental plague from the extra bodies lying around.

Saging on principle even though it does nothing to a sticky due to completel off topic.

Some of the comments are clearly people containing their redpill, but the vast majority are legitimate nigger-loving cucks. Reddit permanently suffers from the voting population (which doesn't matter on imageboards, because they only lurk) vs. contributing population unbalance, where absolute cancer gets upvoted while the better comments are submitted but are sunk to the bottom.

The best weapon to unleash redpills on r/thedonald would be to remove the censorship. This is critical because EVERYTHING redpilled gets removed instantly: ironically they are much worse than the other parts of reddit they criticize so much for censorship. Remove all the mods and Holla Forums would take over r/thedonald within a week.

Kek. K. So if the bodies weren't cremated, where are they? They sure haven't found them in the dirt. Every modern investigation you look for online says "holocaust happened, this empty square of dirt proves it!" Not one body in actual sight.
Also those "massive blast furnaces" definitely aren't found in any of the camps.
Hey nigger, what is 42 million divided by 7? Now let's divide 9000 years by 7. Exactly 1285 years.
To hit six million cremated Jews, you now have to create furnaces capable of boiling 1285 years into six years.

That's not even remotely feasable brah. Not to mention all the fantastic eyewitness stories that mysteriously survived from these "super fracticidal nazis."

Now I have to read through 6 of these just to find out Spez has a bunch of little faggots that verbally jerk him off on a constant basis?

it's an interesting disconnect between the intent of spez and his cronies; they want to just suppress and ban stuff they politically disagree with, it's simplistic and direct, but spez wants to understand the_donald, which i think is more sinister really. he wants to figure out a way to ideologically neuter members of that subreddit instead of just suppressing them, which would only lead to them migrating/dispersing rather than changing/abandoning their politics. spez is the more sophisticated here, but they both fundamentally agree on the "problem".
It's an interesting view into their psychology.

Also, the laughable hypocrisy of the left as usual: we're victims, we're subject to harassment, etc but we're going to harass a subreddit with mod abilities, laugh about it and then ban and censor.
I think with leftists this is an important part of their thinking that we often overlook - because we don't understand it, or can't empathize with it.
We have pride in ourselves, and we value truth and honesty so when we are confronted with shamelessness, hypocrisy and lying in this manner I think we don't often quite know how to respond to it because we have assumptions about the value of truth and expectations towards behaviour that leads towards the telling of truth.
If anyone is curious about this sort of thing, please go and read some Curt Doolittle, he has based a whole philosophical framework around truth-telling as an antidote to modern decadence.

Whatever you guys do, please for the love of fuck do not invite their users here. Please. I'm begging you.

Tell more.

There is a threat there. Faggots have been linking the TRS shill threads into cuckchan which explicitly mention their crappy Holla Forums subversion attempts. Some anons will undoubtably come looking.

Remember you have to start small. It takes time, but it works, step by step.

Praise Kek!
The Gods exist, and they have a sense of humor.

this just gets better and better, 2016 has turned out to be alright

Yeah. Best method I think will just be a massive infograph/source dump. That's what worked for me. Don't think arguing with individual anons cuts it like the massive redpill dumps do.

I think reddit immigration could force 4chan users to migrate to our board. I think they are a step above reddit, and they're going to be looking for someplace to go. I also imagine that more of them know about us than redditors.

They eat people.

Hopefully. Cuckchan immigrants are red pilled to one degree or another. Just hope there's not some faggoty glitch and a plebbitor skips right over cuckchan and jets here. That whole board is a free for all right now.
It shouldn't happen. I didn't find this place until I was b& by some kike mod during the /qa/ occupation for "being too rayciss."

So, what exactly is their problem with TD? They're just not communist enough?

He's probably a homosexual.

I use 6502

Using the math you posted in your original image in , we can calculate that if 42 million corpses in 4 modern crematoriums does it in 9,600 year, than 11 million, the actual given number of victims, it would take 872 years. That's a fuck ton less than that statistic insinuate. But lets, be fair, that's still way fucking longer than the holocaust lasted. Heck even wikipedia states that the actual extermination camps only lasted for 4-5 years. But lets look at pick related! In that single picture, we see 13 (maybe 14) individual, single person crematoriums. So lets redo that math, giving Germany the correct number of crematoriums as pictured. (872x4)/14=268.
Well, that still not very reasonable. But wait, what's this? That's only Crematorium number 2 at Auschwitz? And there's a total of FIVE?
268/5=53 years
So I've already spent less than 2 minutes looking for proof to disprove you, and gotten your "sUpar SpEzIAL" infograph of truth down to %0.0055 of it's original claim. Want me to keep going?

Hi Guys
I figure with all the crap at Reddit I would come check out Holla Forums where all the cool kids are

too obvious

Yes, continue. 53 years is way more than 4-5 years, and 14 individual ovens definitely aren't a blast furnace.

Come on, nigga. Step it up.

I have to agree, your attempts were low energy.

Reading through this shit now. Will post highlights to spare the rest of you faggots the torture.




ROFL heres some homework for us to do


This is pretty funny. The default sub mods started off sucking spez dick and now they are crying that spez is being too level headed and not really telling them anything. Everything up to this point has actually painted the default sub mods as juvenile little faggots who want to ban TD and spez is saying "we are working on it" without giving specifics.

>imnotjesus: Does what is there to discuss about you letting (TD) become a white nationalist recruiting ground that helped influence an election in favor of a dangerous demigogue by organizating and spreading false news, harassing reporters and radicalizing lonely white people. Dont you understand that the damage has been done? This site will never be the same again.

mannoslimmin replies: no, CTR american volunteers were unpaid. They paid foreigners because they didnt believe americans deserved jobs. My CTR cheques were awesome

If the stories about masturbation executions are true, then I think I am about to commit suicide on the kike tears that fueled this post.

Great find
r/cannibals has been set to private

Give your dubs back. We don't want shit content so we kindly propose a solution to the problem of newfags not bothering to lurk and learn before they unleash their verbal diarrhea.
Inviting a ban right there, nigger

Hey I'm new, this is just a tad different than where I came from.. Cut me some slack for a couple posts

It seems like reddit would be right at home their with tranny moderators trying to train them to have good think.


Been lurking for sometime, just have to learn the controls… Plus had to give you a chance to heap on the abuse I know is coming

If you're legit you ought to just lurk for a while

BOI fen

This is really funny. I bet you didn't read through the other 6 pages of mod chat but you described that drivel perfectly here. Good job.

>Assuming the Germans weren't god sends of effeciency

I drank too much and can't actually do basic math anymore, but this argument was fun

If it's actually incriminating, it's always been private. No one has claimed it didn't used to be. It could easily just be a hangout for friends with a really stupid inside joke.

You're good buddy. I'm not interested in narrative, I only care about truth, and you did do some good mathematics before the alcohol hit, hehe.

Lurk longer, until you can form the entire thread in your mind down to the smug anime girls, shitposts and even derailfags. Form your post in your meme eye and combat the psychic responses of your fellow lurking anons. Do battle with your inner semen demons to keep control of your dick. And finally, lose all sense of your selfworth. Until then, continue to lurk.

This is a big one. We've got a billion cuckservatives floating around cuckchan right now still infused with the crappiest tier of liberalism of "I exist, therefore my opinion matters, herpedy derp."

I'm *pretty sure* one of my early calculations had the Germans able to burn every body from the holocaust in 20 years using only auswhitchz with no other method of dispoal, but I cant remember the specifics so it's not really worth bringing up to the argument.

You think so lad? Sounds far fetched to me, because I imagine modern ovens are more efficient than WW2 ovens were, and they'd have to put the mountains of ashes somewhere. Can't dump them in the water, that pollutes the water, and germans aren't poo-in-loos. much ash does a cremated body produce

That would, theoretically, be thirty million pounds of ashes. No small amount and so far as I know, they haven't found huge pits of ash either.

How are your legs, user?

Interesting thoughts you have. Aaron might have been one of those jews who know they can't do anything other than science, media and trade. They would fare worse without the first amendment. The problem for that are those jews in trade, well, banking, who think they can eat money.
or he drank their own cool aid, you never really know

It's crazy how that happens. Sometimes when I close my eyes, threads play out in my head.

By all accounts this is a big fucking deal, at least to everyone on plebbit, but I have to winder if this stunt is meant to cover for something else, or maybe achieve some other goal. Maybe some of the recent goings-on regarding wikileaks and such has me paranoid but the timing and the way this came out just seem a little… off. People might try to explain it away with frustration or the like but the fact that he supposedly did it AND THEN admitted it in a place that would be all over it like flies on shit makes me suspect this was done on purpose.

I mean, what if it IS to smokescreen for something else? What if its to cast doubt upon things like the stonetear posts? Is it a provocation of some sort? Am I just overthinking it?

These need more viability. Why don't you faggots go argue about jew gas chambers in a more appropriate thread.

I have had posting dreams. Very pleasant tbh, not nightmarish.

I wish one of these faggots would have a fucking spine. But I suppose you wouldn't end up in the slack in the first place if you didn't suck these faggots dicks non-stop

Let's make it happen.

Holy crap, there is no depth limit to the immense faggotry the reddit community can reach.

this. drain the plebbit

You do realize not all hebes died at Auschwitz, yes?

This is the original plaque at Auschwitz.
Still not even close.

So what are "redditors" doing? I assume they are just handwaving it away as a joke and continue taking it up their asses?


What do you think they've been doing all these years?

They're just like cuckchan users, people don't give a shit if the website is going to hell as long as they're not personally getting banned or visibly affected.

Most seem upset or at least concerned, I've seen talks of expecting a resignation. Even the normies don't like this.
The only people who have been speaking positively about this are people who hate Donald Trump, and there is a chance those are shills.

Continuing to use reddit, while complaining about reddit, under the delusion that they are doing something about reddit.

If they were smart they'd be raiding the rest of reddit with gore or something at least.

Does this violate any anti-discrimination law?

I dunno but they are downvoting any new topic pointing this out really hard. They are already shilling any thread trying to point out a default sub mod admits to being paid by CTR, saying he was being "obviously" sarcastic.

It was already suspect years ago. Now it's so damn obvious even braindead normalfags cannot ignore it.

and in other news water is wet

Where in the hell is sarcasm implied anywhere in that conversation? Fuck, I hate these lazy fucking shills recycling the same nonarguments over and over again every time they're caught red handed.

18 USC §2701
(a)Offense.—Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section whoever—
(1) intentionally accesses without authorization a facility through which an electronic communication service is provided; or
(2) intentionally exceeds an authorization to access that facility;
and thereby obtains, alters, or prevents authorized access to a wire or electronic communication while it is in electronic storage in such system shall be punished as provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(b)Punishment.—The punishment for an offense under subsection (a) of this section is—
(1) if the offense is committed for purposes of commercial advantage, malicious destruction or damage, or private commercial gain, or in furtherance of any criminal or tortious act in violation of the Constitution or laws of the United States or any State—
(A) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, in the case of a first offense under this subparagraph; and
(B) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both, for any subsequent offense under this subparagraph;


He'll testify in court and say he modified the posts for the lulz or something.


God what a creepy looking tranny, poor kids. Where is that pick from?



I used to browse /r/DebateFascism back in the day and have come to the conclusion that reddit even manages to fuck up fascism. The sub is filled with people who call themselves fascist yet still cling to pervasive liberal debating and reddit-tier discussion. They said Holla Forums was a board for morons, but I've had more intelligent discussion on some anonymous deep web turtle collection community forum than with intelligent pseudo-liberal snowflake right wingers.

Last I looked they even had a psot up called: "Fascism and racism", kek

Front page

Hahaha, oh wow.

I can't believe some anons ITT would rather plebbitors migrate here rather to cuckchan, we don't need this sort of faggotry.

Mods always sign and notify when they edit posts. What the reddit ceo did left no trace of the editting.

Yea, no way they could handle anything here.

And they are surprised he was doing this when shit like shadowbans are a thing already. Their idiocy keeps amazing me

$1000 says spez comes out with another official statement playing this off like hes the victim. "I received many more ebil death threats from Trump supporters".

I really hope they close TD down, the amount of people that would unleash hell on reddit would be biblical.

c'mon, no lawsuits yet?


Such is our power

Guys, here we go! Reinforcements have arrived.

Paul Joseph Watson is a bit crappy since he got some guys sending him emails, he thinks

But other guys at infowars finally took a deeper look into this, this will push Alex to cover it more now most probably.

Oh looks like it was already posted somewhere.


/r/european was banned after a COMMUNIST MOD was added to the admit team of reddit

First of all some will migrate here because 4cuck is to busy to censor them.
And also they will maybe be less retarded since their is no +1 -1 system.

meant to say he pooped it and mentioned some guys sending him files, he thinks it's all too of a theory

PJW is weird, he is the only one at IW that thinks Sandy Hook was real.

tumblr next?

Maybe the newfags aren't the ones you're arguing with.

These are probably antifa faggots giving him gold, btw

What the actual fuck.

There's always

Or whatever the community was. Fucking thing was crowdfunded by oversensitive like the cartoonist by alias Dobson

Yes even fucking Tumblr thinks that it's toxic

Oops wrong link

Correct one:

oh, they will get it. By the time the race war happens, rage of unknown dimensions will have build up to levels where people become monsters without feelings and regret and only one thing in their minds: chaos and death.


Go after the people in the slack leaks, if you dox those it will give reddit's admins a good excuse to ban /r/The_Donald. The fallout would redpill many.

And yet you didn't listen. Kill yourself.


how you think he got to be reddit ceo? he was put there to shut down things like pizzagate. he's part of the circle, podesta & co kidnaps pregnant women, fuck their babies and then guys like spez eat the baby.

So the cucks at reddit bought into the brit shill's propaganda?
Just in case someone forgot. This year is so full of it, I have troubles to keep everything in my head.

ah what are they talking about when they say CD

Is that from Mexico?

Not weird at all. I lurked years before the first post, because I feared doxing more than death.

Do you really need to enjoy gore and torture like some mexican/(insert subhuman here) to be in Holla Forums instead of simply, you know, ignoring/tolerating it? Seeing shit like that is just sad, reminds me how little actual humans there are in terms of global statistics.

extremely rare poster here

i tend to post only in thread in witch i can actually contribute to the post. trying to keep the shitpost to a minimum
i tend to post in south american threads and in the ones in witch the shilling its discussed

also depends on how much time you got, y read Holla Forums when im in the bus or working.
so keeping up to threads to discuss in real time its complicated

Do I like it, no. But it reminds me of the harsh realities of this world, and what little empathy the perpetrators have for their victims.

so 28y olds are b& in the [current year] ?

reddit word cloud

Most oldfags especially those who saw Holla Forums in 2003 is jaded to point being immunized from gore. Gore is a utility and filter, you either grow a extra layer of skin or go cry in the nearest in a fetal position how your sensibilities were hurt.

t. Gore and facebook porn spammer.

srs, twoxchromosomes, childfree and the numerous commie subs. reddit has more than its fair share of sa-tier cancer that enjoy and reward modfaggotry.

Sneaky as fuck.

But I do not think redpilling slowly still works II mean the actual term Lügenpresse was coined in best goy Germany.
But still, CFR, the Clinton Foundation, Bilderberg, Churches or other sikkrit clubs are a good start. And the daily reminder to look into local politics, because nobody is looking over local politicians.

What if you added the option to anonymously add comments, like chanstyle interposed with reddit? I think that could work too, and people could blow off steam before going back to their Facebook style accounts for username posting. Problem is bandwidth. I think it's no coincidence reddit was bought up early and then given unlimited bandwidth. And that ties into ownership and leadership.

Americans were supposed to own and government America, but it wasn't till don got in that anyone alive had even understood that experience. Reddit is supposed to be a user generated site so you *think* it's yours, but then you find conde nast is owned by this guy, Robert sauerberg.

Pretty much the same, unless I have good information I can contribute, an important point to make, or a question that can't be answered by lurking the thread, I'll refrain from posting merely because I don't like to shitpost serious topics.


I knew people that thought like that. They were all degenerates and losers trying to make excuses for their sociopathy and narcissism. People who revel in torture, gore, and abuse do not create great civilizations. They are subhumans just like pedos.


Pls show video to leftists.


Hey newfag maybe you need to watch that video again.

But if every body wasnt cremated where did the 6 million corpses go

if you wanna fuck with reddit tell data brokers that they are selling modified and inflated data. Then watch the stock price crash and them lose users when they have to subsidize lost profits by shilling even more and deleting even more wrong think.

Chans have always had way more lurkers to posters. I think the average ratio is like 8:1 or something like that. It's different for different boards but there is always some multiple of posters to lurkers. I make like 2 Holla Forums posts a week average but I often have the board up.

lurkers to posters sry pls no bully

How would you even come up with that number?

Reddit is a microcosm of US Politics and Journalism. You get some perma-loser nobody with nothing going on in his life, and he gets a tiny scrap of power, and suddenly goes full Mao Zedong and starts rewriting all the rules and waving his little power-tripping micropenis around playing god. Same thing that happens to many teachers. Bunch of losers who exploit their tiny power over CHILDREN to make themselves feel good, and they start acting like a dictator over the kids and trying to brainwash them into believing the teacher's own personal agendas and world views.

You give the wrong person a bit of power and they go full tyrant. And this (in conjunction with soros/zion/pizza) explains why everything is so shitty and awful and literally gay. A bunch of faggot communications majors who couldn't get laid start lugen'ing and shilling over their new little power, and then they go too far and start crying when they get named, because after all is said and done they're the same pathetic loser who still calls his mommy to cry that a girl turned him down and his mommy has to assure him the girl was just a poop-faced whore and he's a handsome young man. Compensating for an inferiority complex by power tripping. tl;dr gas the liberals and journowhores.

And under Trump's administration this will be tried as full charged obstruction of justice, in the highest order of the largest scandal in the history of our nation. And he and all the lugenpresse who tried to cover for their pizza-pedo, human trafficking, drug smuggling, whistleblower-murdering little politician friends are all going to get lined up and hang together. Full aired on TV, live public event, complete with baskets of rotten tomatoes.

Gonna need more rope. Get the strong kind, the kind they use to tie large ships to harbor.

what the actual fuck

There is a difference between a spammer and a sickfuck who faps to something like guro for example. I spammed just to fuck with libshits and proto tumblrinas/Furries/SocJus pussies. The point of spamming is just that distruping the system and shock factor. Personally after I saw a traffic accident and a suicide happening IRL in my adolesence and teen age years. Oh I saw my own mother's vasectomy bag tear including her stitches which held her intentines insides when I was what 5-6? It doesn't get any worse than that. Honestly I only remember the incident due to the fact people won't shut the fuck up about it.

I've seen enough literal shit, blood and guts since early age, so I stopped giving a shit about gore. It doesn't make me feel anything at all, pleasure or cringe.

This photo pisses me off real bad.

The two decent looking Asians especially in the blue to left are the only tits I wanna see, but instead I get these flapjack fatty titties? Nah, no go. I would even take the chick on the far rights.


I'm thankful that we refugees are welcome here as we flee the sorry bastards that demand samethink


Send info to IW if you want to get it out !!!!!!!!!!!

The leftists are the ones raping, murdering and eating children. Gore videos would probably just get them off. This is why I always tell you stupid faggots: No torture, no time wasting, just line them up and kill them all.


I love those old filterman videos, although he is even funnier these days.

So the Reddit CEO is a confirmed Pedo??


this is literally every English and world history teacher on Earth.

MSM picking it up. See links here

Does anyone notice how threads that seem like they are on to something tend to attract gore-posters

Its almost as if there are certain people that dont want you to look at it

Not surprised in the slightest after their ban on subjects like fatshaming and 2dcp.

Actually telling teenagers about this. It seems pedos dont look out for their own

It's a special kind of stupid when people say all jews should be killed but the holocaust never happened.(KIKE WAS FORCEFED THE BULLDOZER BLADE FOR THIS POST)

Pedos probably have "kids news" on their rss feeds, probably a back-channel communication strategy. Some BBC presenter diddled thousands of kids, they're in on it.

Where did you get the idea that newsbeat is kids news?

What kind of answer is that?



Shadowbans (and the way Reddit bans altogether) are a symptom of the dark age into which (((they've))) thrown us. People are afraid to be directly aggressive; that would risk conflict. So they engage in sly, cowardly, forms of aggression like shadowbanning.

well it goes out on radio-one that caters mainly to a youth audience, it isnt respectable beeb news, its like dumb downed pop-news.

IMPORTANT NEWS. I am on Tor but somebody should repost this in a new thread.

Since gaslight tactics and the "fake news" meme have proven ineffective, kikes are going after internet opposition by trying to SHUT IT DOWN altogether. (((Bruce Schneier))) spoke before congress today about dismantling the internet as we know it.

“I like the world where the internet can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, at all times. It’s fun. This is a fun device. But I’m not sure we can do that anymore.”

Yeah I dunno what this guy thinks rly


We have got to find a way to break their smug circle jerk. Maybe build a site that mocks particular HN users in depth? Maybe troll them with a plausible story that plays to their prejudices?

Who is the most emotionally volatile among the power group there? I know Paul Graham said he's joining the resistance if Trump wins. But I don't think he's involved much in HN day to day.

Can we somehow falseflag the HN fagmins to attack/ban some of their biggest namefags?

Do we need to mention that here?

based user.

What in the actual fuck…

Global slush funds, spirit cooking satanists, pedo rings, and motherfucking cannibals?

My head is so full of fuck right now.
This world is so dark and the god emperor has shed his light upon the forces of evil, revealing their wickedness to all.
We must not fail to drive this evil from our land or it will surely consume us.

His demeanour in the chat was pretty calm from the looks of things. Either he got it out of his system and is subdued as the fallout sinks in, or he had some kinda plan and this was part of it.

If the admin can silent edit posts, the admin can certainly give himself gold. Either tbat, or SRS tier favs are just gushing to give him gold.

The sarcasm comes in when you think of it from the point of view of people who think CTR having paid shills is a ludicrous notion.

He doesn't believe in it, makes a snide comment alluding to "the conspiracy theory". Another chat user questions it because they don't realise he was being snide, and he doubles down on the sarcasm by throwing in a nod to another "conspiracy" (that Dems don't want to give American citizens jobs but will to foreigners).

If he's just a mod he may not be privy to paid shilling. And if he's from that side of the camp, you know what they're like when anyone with the wrong politics suggests there's corruption afoot.

It's easy to see why outsiders may see his comments as being jokes or sarcastic. But they miss the fact that another chat user didn't think he was being sarcastic.


He supports the classical jew tactic of "good things for me, bad things for you, goyim"

Where have we seen that before…

That tactic doesn't work anymore, Goon.

I hope thats true

becuase it's real

CEO of reddit admitting to altering user content is a pretty big deal.

It's on par with Peter Jennings or whoever it was lying about being in a combat situations

I'm up in the air about this.

I want reddit to burn

On the other hand, I consider it a containment board for leftist, commie, limp twisted dick suckers.

Where will they migrate to?

I'm up in the air about this.

I want freechan to burn

On the other hand, I consider it a containment board for niggers , goons, limp twisted dick suckers.

Where will they migrate to?

They have an exodus during GG except they never commited and ran back to their censorship nightmare becaues they're a bunch of pusises who care about increasing their e-penis through upvoats. Everytime this shit happens, remind them that VOAT exists. places that are somewhat like reddit will always have an audience so lets make sure they stay on that type of site as opposed to ruining this place.

The youngest "survivors" remember him as a kind man who would give them chocolates. Probably the most accurate representation, tbh.

Powerful post. It's crazy how spending time here builds some neural pathways or pattern recognition so other fora look so predictable, stale and cliched. It's like imageboards are the internet on fast forward. Accusations of shill, jew and plebbitor are so routine as to be the "backbeat" of the conversation.

All namefag forums now seem pathetically egotistical. Just signalling and respectability.

Why don't we get a group of anons with handguns and have them dress up in suits pretend to be FBI and go raid the places or find the access points to the tunnels. We can even make a fake business card so people can call our "supervisor" for verification. It's going to take something extreme like that to expose this shit. If you find people handling children in the tunnels be sure to execute them. If you guys can't muster the courage to do what is right then you're a failure. You have to be willing to die for what you believe. No amount of internet posting will stop this.

I'm down for helping fight HN. Could just start making accounts and dropping redpills in relevant threads. For instance, a hack on the navy is a chance to talk about Clinton vs trump.

Can't you make citizen's arrests in DC? If I didn't live thousands of miles away, I'd help to organize this.

Doesn't mean he's guilty, it may just be that he's being pressured by the shadow government and stuff. I mean if a group of cultists came to your door and was like if you don't sensor this shit we're going to come rape and murder [insert family members & names of pets] and then do the same to you.

However, the cannibalism shit is suspect and should be looked into. Regardless he's a cunty little bitch, if he was getting threatened he should just quit, hes CEO im sure he has enough money.

Either way jumping to conclusions about someone makes us all look like childish witch hunters.

Just dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig

reddit isn't gonna burn anytime soon. They want their safe space. I'd like them to shut down the_donald though so they flood 4/pol/, but that isn't gonna happen since it's an extremely active Reddit.

Cause then the real FBI will show up and arrest your ass

theyre in panic mode

Coward, I'd gladly go down for exposing this.

It would be a stupid decision, almost as stupid as if moot closed /mlp/ back when it was one of the most active boards at cuckchan.

They wouldn't be in this mess if they just allowed pro-Trump content in related subreddits instead of bowing down to the faggot userbase by creating a containment subreddit.

Then do it faggot.

I will then I'll find a way into those tunnels.

I doubt he's suggesting anons literally impersonate the FBI, but rather form an organization in uniform that conveys authority.

This. I can't even imagine what's going through their heads, and I don't go on this site. But really, is the userbase that horrible for the_donald? Judging from my experience with those types here, I know just what kind of archetypical person the_donald users represent. They're low IQ types… that said, subscriptions were apparently well up because of that subreddit, isn't that a good thing, even though increased moderation may need to handle the_donald trickling out of its subreddit? It's not like the userbase of r/politics or funny or some other massive subreddit filled with faggots had any more contributing assets than those on the_donald.

It's just silly, and leads me to believe this cannibal-fetishizing ceo knows all about this parallel society that pizzagate was pulling from under the sheets. I don't usually care about metashit, especially for a website already so easy to mock, but this is legitimately unnerving, or at least unusual.

That's the worst idea. We need people like the_donald to bring some of our ideas to the mainstream. While I hate seeing our content and memes becoming normalfag so quickly and frequently, it also happens with redpills, which helped get Trump elected. The whole site needs to die and be replaced by one ran by people who value free speech like when leddit was started.

Reddit has always had double standards for that shit. They did kind of the same thing with r/KotakuInAction, by constantly bitching to them and putting restrictions on them when they organized operations against specific sites. All while SRS was allowed to angage in off-site harrassment (which is against the rules btw) with no one reprimanding them.

The fact that some people in the leaked chatlog actually hold Ellen Pao in high regard should tell you everything about their mindset.

there is a lot of why in this picture

We need to start a movement to free anyone who was convicted based on reddit comments as evidence.

Reddit will be done

Have they made a statement as to why they're censoring the pizzagate discussion?

They don't want to start "witch hunts", also they consider the compiled information "fake news".

The story from them is Pizzagate was doxing and harassing businesses. Spez post change was just a coincidence.

We'll have to wait for CNN for the full (((coverage))). Ignore all the fake news in the mean time.


That's how slashdot works. Or used to work, I don't know anymore I haven't been there in years

It's an improvement but still pretty shit.

Truly chilling industrial efficiency!

Thanks user, I share your thinking. I'll lookup Curt Doolittle

say what you will about the Isreal loving cucks ar /r/The_Donald, but they can be pretty funny from time to time

I did a calculation once based on the number of shoes reported to have been taken. I figured it would take a month, working 24 hours a day, at 8 hours/furnace of shoes, with ~45 shoes being equal to a man, at the numbers the ovens were supposed to be able to handle. I only figured Auschwitz into my account. A month alone to destroy 12 million shoes, at a very liberal timescale. I doubt there's any way that even 3 million jews were able to be cremated, much less the numbers they say were.

Exactly, they're extremely useful.

Not a bad idea, tbh.

4 us

They are big guys


putin pls

The rabbit hole goes deeper


Nonononononono…fuck are you serious…?

This is so fucking tinfoil but it makes so much sense now.


There are many cases of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease diagnosed in the west. There never is a cause explained because it would be too embarrassing.


You missed another one that fits.

fuckin eerie

this is a good read, copy-paste:

In case you don't understand the gravity of Spez's fuck up, allow me to summarize.


/u/spez is the CEO of the 27th largest website in the world.

He controls about 6.25% of Conde Nast/Advance Publications' media arsenal. (Same people that run Vogue, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker. That pretentious shit.)

What he did:

He edited comments critical of himself without leaving a trace. It was found out because the comments were changed in an obvious manner. He intended this to be a joke. The problem is there was no trace they were edited.

What this means:

1. The Admins have this capability. This should not be a surprise.

2. The Admins use this capability. This ought to be a bit of a surprise.

3. They do it to comments critical of themselves as a joke.

4. Does this mean they do it hide things critical of their Advance Overlords?

5. Have they ever done this to 'frame' someone for breaking site rules to ban them or a subreddit?

More pure implications:

1. The CEO of a major media company edited the comments of Trump supporters because he did not like what they had to say.

2. He did this after allowing the Washington Post to cite the thread he changed comments in for an article.

3. This calls into question the integrity of the website. Not in a "muh free spech" sense, but in a legal sense. How many court cases are riding on user history submitted as evidence? Stonetear as just one example.

4. Reddit allows illegal activities like /r/fakeid to persist, but edits the comments of Trump supporters because they were mean to the CEO personally?

I'm sorry Spez (not really, actually, though I understand), but I'm pretty sure you're done here. Conde Nast isn't going to tolerate the shitstorm you've brewed. PR and legal wise, huge fuck up. Possibly the biggest in this site's history.

One more thing….

Impersonating another person, i.e. user, violates reddit TOS. The CEO violating TOS may be seen as a breach of contract leaving reddit liable to anyone who had their comment altered.

They're already here…..

He must have been drunk with power to admit to this

thats a bagina

IMGUR account;

FuzzyNavel / Spez? images from "One Lounge;

p-pure coincidence goy!

I wonder what does that have to do with my post. Read it again you dumbfuck.

What a great fucking cat.

Also why was T_D that much of an issue for them?

Same reason we’re an issue for the kikes, minus the overt antisemitism.

Because they're pro-Trump on a far-left website.

They're a Vector for our Contagion.

Biggest I remember. The jailbait / violentacrez thing was the previous biggest.

They were accused of spamming all of Reddit, by posting in their own subreddit. It doesn't make sense to this day. They were really just angry that the_donald was high energy and Hillary's subreddit sucked ass, and came up with excuses to fuck with it.

Apparently the most popular topics appear on the frontpage of reddit, fucking plebbitors cant even handle their own hugbox.

No user, it was the adrenochrome he's probably addicted

If we were really evil one should find the most triggering post on Reddit and then sue Reddit for a RICO suit. Say the whole site can be offensive and take them to the cleaners for over $200 million dollars.

Something similar was attempted in the 1920's during the height of the Communist scare. Google it.

They edited the algorithm to exclude posts from T_D on the front page, along with other subreddits. The frontpage right now looks normal, but if you move over to /all/ it shows that almost every one of the top links on the site is about spez the spaz.

they openly state it, t's what they do, shilling on the internet. i do not believe he was not aware of that.

You should orchestrate a mass incoming of Trump supporters that would build up karma discussing why PHP 7.1 is technically superior to HHVM despite lack of JIT. Clinton supporters would get triggered, call for a safe space and eventually leave.
Sounds hard but really is not.

Sounds plausible. Mostly relevant for peninsula-Scandinavians though. Fungolians have had plenty of realism injected from Russia and Sweeden. Denmark has been razed periodically by Germans and Sweedes, pretty much every generation from the middle ages started to the industrial age began. Again, the solution seems to be an invation of Sweeden. It will come though. They seem hellbent to go down in flames with Merkelistan in a not so distant future.

t. Scandinavian

He looks kind of like a faggot I know but darker. kek


You're right, it was the jewish bolsheviks that did it. You need to ease them into that realization.

It means that they might have issues with censoring which means chans will be more approachable by normies. Man the floodgates men.

smug n comfy

There are two 'front pages' on reddit. 'all' is every sub, weighted by popuparity. 'front page' only shows subs you are subscribed to, again weighted. They literally have the ability to filter out the_donald from their little bubble, simply by not subscribing to it, and it will never show up on their front page.
The reason they are whining is because if you are not logged in, the default page front page is 'all', which is what new users see, and who will inevitably be exposed to t_d.

Anyone on that thing needs to get the fuck off it. You're just making them money. You can go in and shit all over fags and kikes and niggers and threads but that's it. Make it unusable for new users and distress the existing ones.

One of the first things I thought when I discovered cuckchan way back was how it looked like a normal forum that was touched by an elder god.
Remember how in lovecraftian mythos the mere presence of an elder god "awakened" some, gave people nightmares and made most mad?
Maybe Kek was with us since the beginning and we never knew.

Can't find the webm I wanted to post.

I would give a sacrilegious amount of money to read Lovecraft writing about Kek

This is what I wanted to post.

All of this mystic talk ending in
really heckled my kekkles

I'm just glad someone saved my webm

Post here because the other thread reach the limit and it is irrelevant anyway. It may be a really bad coincidence, but

Also, Ping Pong is the only non sexual there.

I heard their pizza is to die for.

Dude, relax, it is probably some trans faggot who thinks its a nazi.

Bretty gud.
Did you ever hear this one?
Don't know if I formatted the stuff correctly

And for a good reason, hopefully former newfag.

This year has uncovered so much corruption in every corner of society, nothing would suprise me anymore.

I mean if you would kill a random person in a high position of power, chances are extremely slim that he's a good guy.

Only reason revolt of the masses hasn't happened on a global scale is because of all the huge amounts of brainwashing going on.

What the fuck is this jewery?

"not right now, little one"

Reddit is acting retarded and pozzed!?

Stop the fucking presses!

Reddit is a shithole no one should be surprised.
there mods are just as bad as our koser ones.
excuse me as I post an unrelated video so anons can see it since this is a sticky.
watch as I probably get banned for spreading actual Holla Forums material, it's the greatest story never told part 1


go back to cuckchan, read the fucking text there



Yeah that site used to be good to use, but it's like this points and upvote and crap goes to peoples head.

Enter a post there these days and it will be edited 6 million times by jackasses that keeps adding and removing the same fucking tag, just to get their +2 points or whatever it is.

Marking of answers etc is Good, because then you usually get the best answer there. Well upvotes too.

I don't use it anymore, when I code I search it, haven't written shit there in 2-3 years. Basically lived there on work for years, well school before that I think? Don't remember if it was up yet then

Its all the same (((MODS))) as /r/pizzagate

AssuredlyAThrowAway = pizzathrowaway777

It was fun while it lasted.


What the fuck am I looking at? I'm going to need you to hold my hand and walk me through this.

That's some great work, shill, but you could really use a VPN.

Fucking anti-semite goyim I bet you don't believe that my grandparents were gassed into lampshades made of soap at the tender age of six!



wtf is this?

Dude… T_D bought all the fucking salt off of amazon to send to the NYT… well over one fucking TON of it for the lulz. I'm working on getting them to toss a few bucks into it.


should probably off yourself just to be sure

lmao, look at this intellectually superior specimen. Just check out the jew population counts before and after the war. they had censuses back then too. p.s. it's illegal in my country to even suggest that only 5, 999, 999 people died in the holocaust, really makes you think. If any user has the infograph of population counts please post

I would put money on there being actual cannibals in that subreddit too. Dunno if you were there for it, but we found a cannibal website when investigating ping pong pizza and they were not joking around

feels good, man

You underestimate the cruelty of the ancestors. Anyways, we don't exactly revel in it, it's more like a morbid curiosity. To ignore gore is to hide from the cold realities of life, to be desensitized makes you stronger when you have to deal with it in realtime.

A better idea is getting access to the abandoned subway lines under the pedo palace and bugging it.

Say it ain't so user!

It seems like a coordinated censorship/narritave shaping campaign to me. Kikebook banning a bunch of Trump supporting account, the article calling #pizzagate a (((conspiracy))) and the plebbit incident. Might be more to this but I haven't seen it yet.

Reddit is cancer confirmed.

Just popped over to Voat. The main front page is filled with the new pizzagate refugees trying to turn voat into another reddit, and the regular voat users are pissed and posting all kinds of complaint threads trying to get the refugees contained or banned. On top of that Voat is unstable as shit. Site is constantly going down.


Dafuq? I (heart) cheese cock? hmmm…




At this point, anyone who is still on cuckchan is the lowest of the low, the absolute dregs. We don't want them here. Sage because off topic. You should also lurk moar you insufferable newfag.

you clearly missed the point of the post and I've been on Holla Forums since we've first come here.
Take this screencap of an ad that used to be displayed here in 2014

Remember how that fat republican Dennis Hastert buggered those boys? He was the speaker of the house and now he's in jail

Anyone paying attention to pizza knows that there was an ICMEC/NCMEC connection between Jeff Koons/Alefantis/Laurasilsby

Now, I was watching this corbett report video about pedophiles in the government and the chubby dude at the bottom right mentions some guy named Mark Foley. Foley was a pederast and got caught texting sexually explicit messages to underage boys

So… we have 2 republicans, both are warmongering neocons and both are diddlers. Dennis Hastert was friends with Tony Podesta

Now… lets zero in on Mark Foley

Lmao so we got the pedophiles running the anti-pedophile organizations WEW

I know this will sound totally made up but this is a true story. I went to university of florida while this foley scandal was going on (same year gators one national football and basketball championships) and my roommate was a former congressional page. He had gotten a postcard from Foley which he went and reread after the scandal emerged and it seemed super nice with no context, but after this shit came out it was hella creepy. I don't remember what it said but I remember thinking it was weird given the accusations coming out

hey guys from 4chan pol

if moloch exists do you think he's a cool guy

how old was roomate?

Out. Out. Out.

It was freshman year and he was a senior in HS when he was a page, so 16/17

Shadilay !

Nice numerals. Tinfoil or not, this is real.

Can Confirm Cuckchan Currently Confused as their threads about fine italian-american cuisine are routinely shut down.

it's called /ewo/

Saging in a stickied thread…

That has been happening on cuckchan for ages, i know right after the election they were shutting down eyes wide open threads

baph I need you now…

Did you post something that looks like a CTR post or something Shlomo Shekelberg would post? That's why. Learn from your mistakes user.

were is new pizzagate thread ? This one has maximum amount of posts 750

yes. Think about it…is you are running this type of organization…what are the chances that you would get discovered ?

Also, social services. children who have problems. And with dysfunctional family’s. No one is going ask about them..and if they say something…nobody will believe them.

The report states "within the recorded crimes there are 126 indecent acts and 34 rape/penetration offences."[6] Alleged offences took place at 13 hospitals as well as on BBC premises, according to the report.[7][6] In October 2013 it was announced that inquiries had been extended to other hospitals.[8] On 26 June 2014, the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, reported on the findings of the investigations led by Kate Lampard. He said that Savile had sexually assaulted victims aged between five and 75 in NHS hospitals, and apologised to the victims.[9] Further investigations, in hospitals and elsewhere, led to additional allegations of sexual abuse by Savile.

User workwork243832148327 was a Jew who created /r/pizzagate then deleted his account but before he did he handed it off to "pizzathrowaway777" who would be another "Jew" or as they admitted before "Molochian".

pizzathrowaway777 added user WhiteHatRasta who calls himself "illuminati Prince" and his friend is an "actual illuminati 33".

pizzathrowaway777 then added AssuredlyAThrowAway with "full mod privileges".

AssuredlyAThrowAway is a mod here;




They have had problems at all those subs with moderation.

Now pizzathrowaway is now a mod at Holla Forumspizzagate on voat with all his friends.

So the same crap will go on there with threads disappearing and what not. What happens next or where people go after that sub is imploded I dont know.

They are infiltrating, Pied piper tactic.probably. lets see what will they find out.

Holy shit please be true

I got a plan to take them down, and put them in jail.
We Silkroad them.
This community (and hundreds more like it seen in the side panel) has been allowing people to safely deal drugs the same way Silkroad does. Reddit has done nothing to stop these communities. As they are now liable, there in fact can be a class action lawsuit against the government if they don't treat Reddit the same way they treated Silkroad for allowing drug trading AND being responsible for it.
Start archiving the darknet places in their sidebar. We can build evidence and take them down.

Reddit will give up anyone.

Doesn't matter, at this point they let a drug dealing sub sit on their server for years. Multiple actually.

They're not liable for EVERYTHING since SH is revoked.

Never change Reddit.

Kill yourself.

There's a rat.

Is there ANY other confirmation besides this one tweet?




DarkNet is not reddit. Linking to an outside site is not the same as hosting the content yourself.

The opposite is true, you're retarded. See ITT

Where are you loonies coming from? This is a public board. Kill yourself.

Every single time the length of that arm freaks me out, all my instincts are telling me to kill or flee.

of course it fucking is.

I swear you guys never change your arguments.

wtf was that?

read what I replied to, its not my argument

Stop tripfagging and we will listen.

Someone order her to do those?

She looks actually African. I know (not personally) a dude who went down to Africa as a doctor, and his wife has similar facial features.

Since the other thread is dead went private. I think this subreddit will ultimately fail. T_D mods think they're smart important leaders when they are just janitors.

"Alt right" will continue to be pushed by MSM cause it sounds better.

That's exactly what he's doing, he's into cannibalism himself.

Is there an archive of the post that includes every single comment?


Thanks. A comment I made there that spez edited disapeared from my user history.

Holy shit that's dank as fuck fam.

found the rat

…now liable . . . to renabled

this wontakelong

Ive got some gas for you kike

Nigger calm down.

well that was fucking retarded


So I unplugged my internets while getting the carpets shampooed and when I plugged it back in the CEO of leddit is a cannibal.
Praise Kek and his avatar the fire monkey.

It won't be done by the courts, it will be a war in the manner of Judges.

That's actually kind of interesting



This is how Kek will bring forth the dawn.

Pedogate / Pizzagate archives

Download quick and re-upload! (356.6 MB) (git repo) (224.7 MB) (/r/pizzagate dump) (59.6 MB) (/r/pizzagate dump) (14.6 MB) (/r/pizzagate dump)

I just…I dunno…

Hei guise,

did you catch this?

I was cuccbooking earlier and came across some pizza link, and it linked to twitter, with this image along with others with like a list of files, a "menu" for the participants but no pedoimgs or anything, said to be from the comet ping pong site.

said twitter is now gone

i believe it was @phan_sye

he did also tag his tweets with @cernowich

CTR can never be mocked enough.

What did you post?

How did you re arrange/customise you're GUI?
Specifically the map and stats.

Saw that on voat. Someone found it on the darkweb. Pretty weird and not beyond the realm of possibility.

Lol retard

You haven't shown proof of that. Shills have been trying to discredit him for a week now.

Kike shill confirmed


The number keeps getting higher, huh? I guess the Nazis did discover time travel and are murdering Jews retroactively.

It proves that (((THEY))) are friends at the least and it proves that (((THEY))) have an unlimited amount of alternate accounts to upvote garbage while downvoting hard evidence or something (((THEY))) dont want you to see.

If this was Reddit or Voat your comment would be upvoted 400 times while this comment would be downvoted 6,000,000 times.

This is actually Libel. Reddit users could probably sue him.

That "four million" was just at that camp. Which is important to recognize because they've since revised it to 1.5 million. 2.5 million less! pic related.

Of course the total 6 million number was never revised, despite 2.5 million being taken off the death toll of that camp. Curious!

this shit goes so deep

They are working on it already

t. bro science expert

Scandi here.

That might be somewhat correct. I don't really feel pain or fear during a fight. After, sure. Not during.


(((first post)))

Yeah, it's more than you think… When using my colleges wifi (very small college) there is almost a permanent ban of some sort on posting from 4chan especially. I think this is because a lot of IPs are reused from devices.

I think because appreciate 4chan sites because you can talk and say whatever you want without some identity being attached

australian shitposter here, i run a secret (((facebook))) group of 30-40 likeminded individuals, with only 4~ of them being active Holla Forums users as far as I know. We can't just base what '/pol'/ is on the people that use the site, but the people that Holla Forumsacks influence offline.

voat mod logs are transparent anyway though.

Shills immediately come out of the woodwork to try and derail so that investigations into Reddit do not continue.

Shuuut the fuck up already with this retarded theory. Are you really so stupid you think the average Redditor will come HERE? To a Nat Soc board? Really nigger?
Even the few that will come check the place out will run away, or alternatively stay and become Jew wise, which is what we want.

since people are talking about voat I think there is a run by someone from the site and not here it's not like it'd be hard to convince them of Holla Forums tier redpills and it barely takes ten or twenty upvoats to have something be at the front of the site for hours

we could fill the site with straight up NatSoc content without it being spam or breaking any rules

Did CTR not get paid anything at all for the entire time they worked because Clinton lost?

Bruh, it's only Wednesday!

This is why we don't have nice things

Pedophile child-murderer Leo Frank was killed in a manner similar to this. Frank was sentenced to hang, but Jews pressured the governor to change his sentence to life in prison. Then came rumors that Frank was to go free, after pinning the crime on a nigger. A team of men from the town where Frank's 12-year old victim died assembled to break into the prison and hang Leo Frank themselves. They had an electrician to cut power to the prison, people armed to make the guards back off, it was a skilled team. They grabbed that Jew and drove at maximum speed for hours to hang him at home.

Incidentally, the ADL was founded to protect "poor Jews like Leo Frank" from persecution and defamation. Point is, we need to man up and take the matter into our own hands, just as those glorious bastards did to Leo Frank.



Reddit can do that too, it has a lot of people, it still does not happen. And cameras hoped through like 6 boards fine, but that took actually forcing them out.

Doesnt matter (((They))) have unlimited amount of accounts to upvote (((THEIR))) threads and comments.

Pizzathrowaway AKA AssuradlyAThrowAway AKA workwork243832148327 is a Jew and they are trying to cover up pizza gate with all their multiple shill accounts on Reddit and Voat.

(((THEY))) wanted everyone to go to the Voat pizzagate site after Reddit Pizzagate was shutdown and now we know why.

Because the upvote/downvote system was made for shilling and (((THEY))) have the will and the accounts to shill their asses off to hide the real evidence.

We also now know why and how /r/conspiracy is being brigaded by shills and is also modded by AssuradlyAThrowAway.

How many shills do these Jews have to control the narrative?…

Thousands at least…and this is for EVERY public website on the internet and each account has their own "personal profile" to make it look legit. From Youtube to Facebook to Reddit to etc etc….

—–(((Fox News))) Reportedly Used Fake Commenter Accounts To Rebut Critical Blog Posts

On the blogs, the fight was particularly fierce. Fox PR staffers were expected to counter not just negative and even neutral blog postings but the anti-Fox comments beneath them. One former staffer recalled using twenty different aliases to post pro-Fox rants. Another had one hundred. Several employees had to acquire a cell phone thumb drive to provide a wireless broadband connection that could not be traced back to a Fox News or News Corp account. Another used an AOL dial-up connection, even in the age of widespread broadband access, on the rationale it would be harder to pinpoint its origins. Old laptops were distributed for these cyber operations. Even blogs with minor followings were reviewed to ensure no claim went unchecked. [Murdoch's World, pg. 67]

—–Persona Management Software

Persona management entails the use of software by which to facilitate the use of multiple fake online personas, or "sockpuppets," generally for the use of propaganda, disinformation, or as a surveillance method by which to discover details of a human target via social interactions. Various incarnations of this capability have been discovered in the form of patents, U.S. military contracts, and e-mail discussions among intelligence contractors.

——-Jewish Internet Defense Force

The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) is an organization that uses social media to mobilize support for campaigns against websites and Facebook groups that promote or praise what it describes as Islamic terrorism or antisemitism. The group's website describes the JIDF as a "private, independent, non-violent protest organization representing a collective of activists".[3] The JIDF's work has been termed "hacktivism" by some media outlets.[4][5]

There was even an app that looked like a bullhorn that Jews had installed on their computer and whenever a Jew need help to control the narrative on a website they would alert each other through the app so they could all come attack whoever with all their shill accounts.


Maybe the replies too are faked.
Maybe there is nobody left on Reddit, and the CEO has to write content from scratch in order to simulate readership.

It's crazy how we've been put in the spotlight lately. We memed a president into office and now they can not ignore us. That said, we are essentially internet royalty and (((they))) don't understand our culture. That's what scares them so much.

Great, now how do we irreparably gaslight/PSYOPS them?

Is it possible to PSYOPS without establishment connections. I mean the left PSYOPS regime used TV but the internet is more relevant now than TV ever was (even in the 80s). I think the youtube channels could do this for the younger ones but the internet (as a source) is getting attacked by the "muh fake news" meme.

I am a legal guy, and I can confirm that your analysis is more or less sound. I'm sure there's more precedent out there, but statues are supposed to be taken at face value. Ironically, there probably wasn't sufficient evidence for modification until Spez confessed. So yeah, the site can now be sued for libel, slander, defamation or false light.

Which was actually the stealth threat in if you read between the lines.

There are probably a few ass hurt celebrities that will pounce on this once their legal teams figure it out. Forwarding hotwheels' tweet to celebrities that don't like reddit would probably do some damage.

Name: Taylor Scott Amarel

Main Email: [email protected]/* */

Main Email Password: Ta|sa|256!!!!!

Gmail: [email protected]/* */

Gmail Password: Ta|sa|256!!!!!!!


Address: 10420 Jitney Lane, Grass Valley, California, 95945, USA

Phone: 530-273-1942

CA DL: F4588543

Occupation: Involved as a "tech coordinator" for clinton members - primarily involved in black mail schemes.

Source: Info discovered on pastebin and 4chan but quickly removed.

So build up karma, then burn it by opposing the narrative? Or literally use PHP to trigger them (they hate PHP)? Sounds feasible, but low leverage - an expensive way to do a quick graffiti hit.

I also question the payload - TRUMP is the outcome of a long process, and is easy to dismiss snobbishly. Should we start with forced gender neutralism in tech?

Attack their striving? "You will NEVER be a tech billionaire. You are LABOR and your interests are opposed to capital"

But their has to be a higher leverage way than build and burn karma. Look how our memes get amplified by journo-whores.

Well go ahead, but I don't think a frontal assault will do much. They will gray out your comment so it's barely readable, than cover you in smug. We need a judo tactic that makes them expend more energy than us. Since they are narcissistic, can we attack their self image? (a startup that refuses to hire HN readers). Since they are pedantic, bait them with bad arithmetic or statistics? Since they are huge white knights, create womyn in tech accounts?

what is this? more elaboration on sauce and so on! looks promising user

I never understood why anyone thought assuredlyathrowaway was a bad mod. He was attacked by shills who said he must be bad if he mods those other subs, who have many other mods, on fucking reddit where ADMIN Spez openly modified other user comments. How is assuredlyathrowaway the not credible one? Even if his not likely a jew.

Are they going to crash reddit with no survivors???

They are trying to kill the internet afterall. And "fake" news.

Is it really that surprising? A jews greatest weakness is the truth, they will do anything to keep their bullshit lies going. My guess is that too many people are catching on to their lies to quickly, they see the avalanche starting, and want to divert attention or Shut It Down.

WTF is the story on this picture?

This is a photo of modern day Germans. As you can see a lot of them are nicely tanned.


I think I broke this link correctly… testing.

Nah that didn't work, don't use that link use this instead

imgur.c om/a/nyZqO

r/Baltimore meetup from 2011. Imgur link to other pictures from the meetup. Mostly a pool party and fireworks.

Plebbit is dumber every time I go there. They're either just commenting on how fat people are or bemoaning the lack of diversity. Sad.

Reddit is enormously cancerous and the mods are wannabe Stasi fucks. Back during Gamergate there was something called #modtalkleaks where mods and admins admit to keeping tabs on the porn browsing habits of their political enemies.

Is this legit?

I don't recall that. Got any screenshots?

Karma creates echochambers and stifles truth, for sure.

He wasn't a bad mod, he was excellent. I knew him from /conspiracy/ and saw his actions through two usernames. He was smart as fuck but never egotistical, he was he voice of reason and saw that place through a few massive blowups and srs subversion. They came to him and asked him to mod those subs because they knew they could count on him to be consistent and fair. It was a shrieking hive of shills that in a matter of hours cause him to be dropped. look at his /u/ and his comments after that happened. The guy is dangerous to subversives so they targeted him.

Checking voat pizzagate I see the mod plan in getting rif of assuredly is complete.

Deleting stuff now. Assuredly would never allow that to happen. DO NOT POST ANY INFO ON PLEBBIT PIZZAGATE SUB, GO TO VOAT. is even better IMO

I talk to Assuredly sometimes (I'm a former founding coontown moderator). Can confirm he's not a shill.

Agreed. Not a shill. No evidence. Just a sorry attempt at misinformation. It's more apparent that Assuredlyathrowaway ousted/u/Spez for playing God.

shouldn't this mean that Holla Forums and 4chan should get rid of their moderation teams?

if having moderation over the content makes you a "publisher" because you get to exercise control over what gets out, then wouldn't chan owners also be liable for what users here post?

that isn't the current understanding of these sites.

we don't have moderators, we have volunteers.
hotwheels learned that from 2ch merger.


even if that were the case we could just rename them into "spell checkers" or grammar nazi's and say that all they do is delete posting errors.

Mods to breakoff group to Holla Forumspizzagate on Voat are SPAMMING the new board.

New group on Voat Holla Forumspizzagateunedited

Looks like a coverup to hide DOJ Andrew Kleins involvement and AIPAC's involvement;

Besta Pizza is owned by Andrew Kline of the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DOJ [Pizza Parties Exposed]

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */osecution-unit-of-the-doj-pizza-parties-exposed

Andrew Klein DOJ linkedin

Can you retards stop posting this like its the same person? Same name, completely different person

But that would require doing your own research instead of parroting what others say


for context.

You are fucking yourselves over every time you connect the wrong names.

redditors need to be gassed tbh

Now that Reddit is stuck in the shit creek let's theorize a little. Could someone with enough technical expertise frame users and put Plebbit into deep shit by spoofing IP addresses and MAC addresses on top of compromised accounts?

Accounts created by self destructing emails used by computers that do not physically exist - Virtual machines and spoofed IP addressess? Theoretically given enough information anyone could get Plebbit sued by slander, threats of violence, etc. So Plebbit could get in level deep shit if some user decided to post some… Inflammatory material.

Don't hold up in court as much as you think.
The host will have a log saying "computer with IP connected here" but nothing will show up on the same computer. And that can also be cross referenced with ISP data to disprove it.

You spoof IP's like that to cause a shitstorm and tie up people investigating it, not to actually frame someone. IF you wanna actually frame someone then you need their computer doing the deed. Rootkit and the likes is the way to go.
This is all theoretical though. Noone on Holla Forums has the know how to pull stuff like this.
Trust me.

Fucking gross

A large part of the content and userbase on that site is paid shills now. You can find some good discussion on the smaller subreddits and deep into comment chains sometimes but on the whole it is garbage and a waste of time and mental resources.
Anything that is really good gets downvoted hard or banned or deleted. The narrative is protected heavily. T_D is a decent place if you want to try and redpill normies in a mass fashion but even then it is hit and miss.

>Can you retards stop posting this like its the same person? Same name, completely different person. But that would require doing your own research instead of parroting what others say

Thank you. I think I was one of the first to remind everyone in one of the early threads that a confirmation was needed that this Andrew Kline was indeed the owner and the same lawyer. I think there's four lawyers named Andrew Kline in D.C. And I'm pretty sure that the 3rd screencap was posted on 4chan first and somehow it became a 'proof' for a lot of gullible people.

Reminder: If you just repeat what you see on 4chan or Reddit without fact checking first just because it confirms your bias then you're no better than the journalists who just repeat what they read in the NYT or the Washington Post because it confirms their bias.

Mods here edit and delete posts. For example, replacing a youtube embed with webm. Is this not the same?

I'm fully aware of the lack of capability of Holla Forums general or incentive to go out for some RL espionage or catfish and phish the presumed target if they do exist. Compromising the router, their computer or both seems to be the obvious choice.

I'm probably underestimating and assume that authorities here. In few instanced they proved to be rather lazy and inefficient in their investigation. Then again I only looked into pleb tier slander and forum trolling in countries that do not have these 'safe harbor' laws not "Hey Holla Forums I'm going to shoot up my school for great justice!"

Volunteers =/= Moderators

Where were you when the CEO of Reddit all but admitted that he enjoys hovering over the bodies of little children while stabbing them in the face with a corkscrew and franticly calling out to Satan?

I was on cuckchan fapping to all the BBC

I know Holla Forums is truly the "good guys" because of how disgusted we all are at this satanism shit.

same thing GUISE!

You are a special kind of stupid.

They edit yt links into webms (and to be honest, 95% it's the users doing it) because some idiots forget that you're feeding clicks on shit when you post it here. Let's assume you and I are smart fellas. We don't click random shit, nor do we feed dumbasses. What about the rest of the board? How many imbeciles lurk and click random shit like retards?
You can trust an individual poster or a friend. You can't trust a whole group.
Oh no, they're censoring black guy on white girl porn. This board will surely go to shit if we don't get our interracial porn. Oh how can we possibly discuss politics without seeing some whitetrash praticising zoofilia?

Get fucked.

Lurker here. I rarely post since I usually don't have anything to add to the discussion, but I appreciate all the information that you guys dig and how much hope you give me in Humanity, even when we don't share the same views.

Andrew Kline is still Jewish right? ;)


Sounds like the guy is a whistleblower you're trying to smear.

Is this pedo pizza shit "fake news" or not? Thread has been unstckied. i read this whole fucking thread and still dont understand. the cannibals thing seems like a witless joke too

even cuckchan Holla Forums doesn't have a sticky about reddit

Jim stopped by to visit.