After This Election Year, a Cisbusters Sequel Is More Vital than Ever

Cisbusters 2 = payback at Donald trump supporters
After years of waiting to have a crack at a job traditionally occupied by a man, the women of Ghostbusters had one final big bad to battle: the alt-right. From the moment the new movie was announced, a squadron of online misogynists jeered at the all-female lineup in a way that put a nasty damper on what should have been a joyous moment for young women (and men) around the country. Sound familiar? Yes, director Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters is the Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump clash in pop-culture form, and Feig, for one, is not ready to let the right win.

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He wants the wrong to win instead. And will probably have to dig deep into his jew pockets to make a sequel since I do not think sony will risk another flop.

The jokes write themselves at this point

So since they won't be able to push their bullshit from the white house anymore they are willingly hemorrhaging money to shove their agenda down our throats?

Didn't the first one lose a ton of money…? Why…

"take that you filthy goyim!"

Oh noooo, they will spend hundreds of millions of dollars at no profit merely to make me feel bad.

Will wonders never cease?

It's common for Jewlywood to prioritize pushing a subversive narrative over actual profits but this movie got trashed fucking everywhere AND lost a ton of money.

Well fuck it actually made money.

According to Box office mojo they did actually make a profit. Earning 229.1 million on a budget of 144 million.

(I know that it doesn't include advertising and other stuff)

Sure. If they want to use more money. Go for it.


Advertising was way more expensive than the cost of the movie

In norwegian "Feig" is used to describe someone who is a coward, most often used when people cheat or act dishonorably.

Didn't Feig and Amy Pascal end up in the doghouse due to how poorly their remake did?

Everybody knows advertising's where all the money goes for "entertainment" nowadays.

They spent a shitload on marketing.

Pretty much

I wouldn't be surprise if Hollyjew ends up bringing down the PlayStation brand at this point

Hopefully, a Trump win will inspire a resurgence of 80's and early 90's film trends. The only roles these abnormal types (fatsos, dykes, nu-males) will be able to play will be objects of derision.

It needed $400 million to break even.

Guess they want to lose another $200 mil

They will have to improvise when Hollywood has been destroyed.

Take WHAT?
Nobody watched it.
Nobody is gonna watch this one.
Trump's already gonna win.


"feige" means "cowardly" in German, too.

It only made $128 million domestically. Domestic theatres take about 50% of that. It made $100 million internationally, foreign theatres take about 80% of that. And there's what they spent on marketing, which was aggressive because they really needed it to be a hit. Most of their merchandise sat on store shelves and was reduced for clearance before the movie even came out.

I remember an article from one of these SJW outlets admitting the film was a failure and reporting that it cost its studio about $70 million at least.

So no, it did not make money

That's just the cost to make the movie
On average, marketing is usually around the same amount for a big attempted blockbuster. It could very well be higher for this with how hard they tried damage controlling.

You'd think being Jewish he's have at least a shred of frugal thinking and realise this is a fucking retarded move to make financially with your company likely to lose 40-70 Million dollars
I especially think that the Sequel will bomb harder as sequels typically never do better except in rare cases

confirmed for having never read the comics or watched Extreme Ghostbusters

Wasn't xtreme ghostbusters a saturday morning cartoon?

Seems like the movie companies involved can make up for their losses by strategically making another. And then they can burn money for another strictly propaganda movie.

Star Wars 7, for example, got Disney out of its financial hole.
However, I hope that Hollywood is too incompetent to succeed with this

*strategically making another film that actually brings in crowds and ticket sales.

Go ahead faggot, make your shitty movie.
Hope Trump cuts all of the hollywood kick backs and tax breaks for your shitty movies so this next clusterfuck breaks the bank of the studio.

And since they cannot sell in china, they loose far too much money.

The Jew cries out in pain as he propagandizes you

The kike gloats in triumph while shooting itself in the foot.


So they're going waste a lot of money on making a sequel just to give us a lesson?
They never learn.

(((Paul Feig)))

You know shit's fucked when the elite has so much money that it's no longer an object to them. Shecklestein doesn't care if he loses a few million on a bad project if it keeps the conditioning in place for a bit longer.

Yeah, despite its diverse cast it was actually pretty fun.|
At least kikes actually tried making their propaganda well written and fun to watch back in the old days.

Because making money with this shit is secondary.

Videogames earn far more than film and music combined which still isn't all that much. The purpose they serve, is the controlling of the goyim mind. First by distraction then indoctrination.

So when they double down on some shit like this, you should be asking yourself why. If you willingly expose yourself to any of it, you should be asking yourself what the purpose of what you're watching is. Because it's not to entertain you and certainly not to educate.

How hard would it be to start up your own studio and make movies? There's a massive untapped market in lack of right-wing or even neutral media because Hymiewood is too busy with their fringe far left propaganda that nobody wants to see.

Not when you can trigger Holla Forums to provide free advertising through twitter and social media.

Praise Kek

They're still doing this? STILL?!
How the fuck did jews get so much influence when they're clearly retarded?

And if they come around with a new movie, we're gonna slime them! Post your favourite poopoopeepee for sliming SJW's with, Holla Forums.

Hollywood isn't about making money anymore, it's about propagating cultural Marxism. The jews who control the financial system write their cousins in Hollywood a blank check.

For the Juden, FedBux are free.

When China buy Hollywood. They will stop LGBT propaganda

The 'ebil misogynerds' thing was manufactured by Sony to generate press for the movie. Seriously, go watch the RedLetterMedia stuff on it.

Sony Pictures, often known for their amazing ability to fuck up every time, going back for a GB reboot sequel seems like they really want to go out of business and/or totally kill the Ghostbusters brand.

And hey, I guess the GB remake was like Hillary; mired in controversy, a corpse propped up by someone else, and ultimately failed in everything it set out to do.

The market and advertising costs were twice the production costs. Feig himself admitted it had to make half a billion just to break even.

RLM just copied the info Midnight's Edge's videos complied.

It doesn't matter what Feig says. Sony aren't just going to let him do it again, unless the DVD sales suddeny rocket up.


I'm dumbfounded at the audacity of these kikes.


It's ALL about disseminating as much propaganda before whites realize that the Jews are back again and elect someone to deal with this problem. There is NO profit motive here whatsoever. They're blatantly trying to subvert society by any means necessary and available.

Didn't the first movie lose money? There could only be one reason for a second one…

The fat autist you're posting is a massive hillary supporter, they are all unfunny faggots, stop supporting jewish cancer,

Why do the japs at sony allow this shit?

Rich is a Hillary supporter? Jack I could see, but Rich? That's disappointing.

And who on RLM is Jewish?

And advertising is how hollywood and political puppets keep a tight leash on what's shown on television. These are webs of payment and control.

They want to pretend that never happened.

Paul is the biggest cuck faggot
He hates men as much as any feminist & blames his flop on the alt right. Because his failure as a director has nothing to do with his rehashed pile of garbage opening to empty movie theaters.

And this will fop as well. If Hillary wins, it will flop even harder because the same shit where you had people who became racist thanks to Obama, you will have people who will actually become true sexists due to Hillary. And then women will really hate the world they are forced to live in.

The gas chamber is that way, Chaim ——→

Rich fucking hates Hillary and has flat out called her a criminal. He's one of those wishy-washy middle of the road types.

feig like fag

Can't watch this.

Maybe Hillary winning wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.
She's pretty much guaranteed to ruin the chances of any woman in the future from becoming president.

So they want to remake Revenge of the nerds now?

This movie was cultural appropriation from white men yet SJW's don't give a fuck because their principles aren't supposed to apply to themselves.

I pray to god that Trump has the level of Machiavellianism necessary to put the SJW/left out of business for good.

Don't give the Jews ideas

Revenge of the fat, ugly, virgin, asian and black ass fetishist basement-dwellers. -)


Im not even surprised. Hilarious.

They pissed off the demographic that would have supported the Ghost-busters franchise in the first place the “white” ( tbh I think they pissed off every male that was a fan) male . The fans that stuck by Ghost-busters for years…….
Then they purposely dumped broken down hideous, 40 year old+, cat ladies,& Tracy the gorilla into the film because “feminism” and to hell what years of research has shown which is no one wants to see movies featuring broken down 40 year old women or obesity or the gorilla exhibit(I can go to the zoo for that).
If they had at least dumped some busty good looking chicks 20-25 (tops) into the film it might have gotten some traction just because the actresses were hot. I don’t think they really care about packaging their propaganda so that it is palatable to normies anymore. It seems they are desperate to push as far as they can as fast as they can.
This is also the case with other “remakes/reboots” for example star wars however they were a little bit smarter at promoting their shit to women. Look up star-wars fashion they are fucking shoes, actual dresses, purses, pants, shirts, etc for women to pose as “nerds”. jews at Disney understand women more than the jews at Sony it seems.

Given the accelerated propaganda major happening soon?


How is a bunch of kikes losing money payback?

If this their idea of payback, make all the shitty gender movies you want, Chaim.

Jews suck at being Jews now?

Just like how Milo-conservatives and the average "alt-right" kid focuses and wastes too much time talking about muh feminists and muh tumblr sjws we should have these people traumatized and focused on the big bad alt-right while we do ACTUAL important things.

This is the real use of 'identity politics' for the right-wing. Its distraction and demoralization to the enemy while real shit gets done.

Threat: more SJW, feminist, degenerate propaganda.
Reality: that has already been happening.
I Avoid modern movies like the plauge. Idk about
normies but I don't think most of them like modern movies either given how many movies flopped over the summer.


so their payback is to waste even more money making a film that trump supporters wont even watch, wow that will show them

Their greatest power is the fact that they are not hanging from trees right now. I would like to know how they managed that.

I refuse to believe this.

go away you fucking retard

Everytime I watch this I lose it at the final guy, suddenly an adult who looks like alex jones appears yelling faggot way louder than the rest of the kids

Why should I care about a faggy ass clickbait article wrote by some studio PR nigger who needs a sequel to this shit to keep his fucking job?

The odds there will be a sequel are next to zero after all the money this movie burned through

They aren't retarded. They have cash to burn, mostly because they magic it into existence from thin air. You are retarded for using home economics to judge the financial schemes of Der Ewige.
