Police: 'Vote Trump' vandalism, fire at Mississippi church a hate crime


Holy false flag.

Other urls found in this thread:



Can't teach an old dog new tricks


This is absolutely, definitely not a false flag. ;^)

As real as a shit swastika.


Laughable, notice how the attack on the Republican office didn't say Vote Clinton, that would be ridiculous, as is this.

Oy Vey!




Trump should pay to repair it and also call it democrat dirty tricks.

there do exist exceptions to the rule. Ive known maybe 10 niggers that I would strongly advocate be spared and allowed to relocate, and given limited assistance, to an area in africa to set up a green zone for themselves

It's true. You die if you work. Feels bad, man.

I know a few as well, would hate to see a good negro killed when those are the few we need to elevate their race from the apes they are.

Fine, as long as they front the money.

Completely unrelated news:

Black Turnout Falls in Early Voting, Boding Ill for Hillary Clinton


Hey dindu, whatchadindoin?

Hey Rabbi, nice false flag.


>a group of people could do the same thing and write "killroy killary was here" and they would still find a way to blame trump

The lugenpresse is just flailing around at this point!


This is where Project Veritas has really helped

Are we really gonna do Jo Cox tactics now?



when i say assistance i mean logistics of getting there and 1 days worth of work helping them clear a small patch of jungle at the most.

When you release an injured sea turtle you dont throw it on the freeway.


>killroy killary was here

I like it

I remember that meme.

Idol Master x King nigger

All they're doing is burning down the only nigger institution of any possible value in town (besides the local jail) and accomplishing nothing.

Shit ain't gonna work. Nobody believes it for a second.

Hey rabbi.


Who gave Dilbert his balls back?

I didn't even have to look at the article - just the picture - to tell that niggers did that and that it's a false flag.

He just says whatever gets him views.
He is the avatar of clickbait, just as we are the Kekelective.

lol, you’re stupid

Just a reminder that any time niggers want a new church they just burn the old one down themselves blame it on white people who are never caught and the government is required by law to pay for a new one because mah hate crime.

Fucking frauds

The irony would be so fucking palpable you could slice it in the air.

I've never seen that before, I kind of want to now.

Notch was always my 400lb hacker

"Someone's been murdered, and they're blaming Trump" when?

have the superior version


In regard to exposing the high likelihood of this kind of thing being a false flag?

Did not expect notch to be based in any sense of the word.

(((Police))) are treating the burning of a black church in Mississippi – during which vandals spray-painted "Vote Trump" on an exterior wall – as a hate crime, saying it amounts to an act of voter intimidation.

ftfy op

Pewdiepie is actually redpilled as fuck too. Just found that out the other night.

mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum mufugen bix nood cof bin dub ho mufugga
t. Tyrone


Of all the flags, this is the falsest.

Especially when you consider that "vote Trump" is trending on Twitter. No pro-Trump slogan is ever allowed to trend on Twitter unless it's bad for him.

Yeah its a known fact that white working class Trump voters, especially in the south, HATE churches. Hate them. White working class folks from the south are famous for this. Its why we call these southern states the Bible Hater Belt.


I've noticed shit like #NeverHillary or #Killary will trend for a few hours, then will disappear ENTIRELY off of the map.
I wish there was something that isn't so fucking cucked that people actually used.



The same thing happened prior to the Brexit referendum, with that MP getting killed.

He never lost his balls. Scott Adams is based as fuck. I learned a few good things about writiing and public speaking from him. Never bought his book though, and I don't plan too, even though he keeps advertising it.

Last I saw the guy was being a total defetist saying Trump might lose this. Good to know that came from a man full of despair than his actual feelings.


How is writing "vote Trump" voter intimidation? Is every Trump lawn sign voter intimidation too?

Even if that were true, there is a board if you wanna post furry pics.

Yes it is.


Can't they even do a halfway decent false flag? This is about as retarded as it can get.

They don't even do it in a goddamn swing state like Virginia or North Carolina. I mean for fucks sake this is just pathetic.

Becoming a billionaire has let Notch see the true decadence of the world, he has been awakened.

Videogames turning to garbage because of the left pushing in their bullshit redpilled a bunch of people. Not surprised that both Notch and pewdiepie are included in that when they're both former Holla Forumsirgins.

What are the chances the normies fall for this?

They actually are smart enough to be the actors of false flags thanks to all the race mixing. They aren't smart enough to be the masterminds organizing them though, that's the Jew's role. That's why Jews are priority targets during RaHoWa.

Neocucks are saying it is terrorism. Not even joking.

Are we talking neoGAF or neocons right now?

They aren't.

not the user you're talking to but neocucks. neocucks are almost indistinguishable from sjw's at this point.


What "all the race mixing"? Race mixing is almost nonexistent. Are you watching Jewish media? Stop doing that, it doesn't show the truth.

7% of white newlyweds are marrying someone outside of their race now. That's just marrying, single mother race mixing is even more prevalent. Most of those infographs trying to minimize how common race mixing is are misleading due to using dating site stats that are several years old, or including all married couples(which obviously distorts things as that includes elderly who have been married for decades).

Hey rabbi..


It'd only make sense if it was a Hispanic one. They fucked up.

Literally scientific research into the DNA of white Americans (sample size 150 000 whites) just earlier this year determined that 98% of American whites are 100% pure European genetically.

Secondly, even if that 7% was the current rate, it would only be for America. Race mixing is not anywhere that common in European countries.

gaf, aka ctr hq

Now that's an obvious false flag attempt if i ever saw one.

Yep. Any time a furry degenerate is pretending to be a nationalist it is for their sick fetish reasons, not actual political reasons.
They all need the gas chamber.

I guess people were realizing that Trump has done nothing but try to empower nigs so they had to invent a reason for him to be considered racist.

Getting rich and having his wife immediately leaving him taking most of his stuff and newfound wealth redpilled the fuck out of old Notch.

Yes, I am specifically talking about America.
They only really started pushing this race mixing propaganda hard fairly recently. Even the slight push that it had in the late 90s we're only seeing the kids that grew up with that just now growing up.

And I was wrong about the 7% stat, its worse.
PDF is also on that page if you want it.

no, just no

I think it's just negroes trying their luck with insurance fraud

That's pretty fucking ghastly. Pew is fairly reliable too. I must say race-mixing seems a lot more common these days, partly because girls (at least the ones in my generation) seem trashier than ever before.

Yes it is an ugly truth but I think its important to not delude ourselves into thinking that its not a problem. Its a real problem and it has to be addressed, denying that its going on does us no favors.

wow this is so absolutely fucking disgusting how could you foul racist trump supporters do this to such a pure innocent place of worship I am LITERALLY SHAKING

How do the normies react to this? I seriously hope they aren't dumb enough to think this is legit

Seems legit.

This is so ridiculous I had to use a reddit meme.

The carpetmuncher wouldn't.

If its a black church its likely insurance fraud. Happens often where nog pastors burn their own churches down to collect the money. Make it look like a 'hate crime' and nobody will question it.

living in the south i can tell you that race mixing definitely isnt almost nonexistent. half the couples i see are white girls with pet nigs while half the white guys i see are numale cucks.

One of my cousins is about to marry a nigger. In fairness she is obese and shouldn't be reproducing regardless.

Varg strikes again


Disregarding everything else, it's a damn shame when those nice old buildings get destroyed. I'm a massive history nerd, so I don't care if it's a synagogue, a mosque, a church, or whatever, if it's an historic building with gorgeous architecture that represents a bit of history, then it should be preserved.

So this seems like the work of either a maniacal and possibly mentally handicapped Trump supporter, a false flag, or insurance fraud + false flag.

You know those incidents where people fake "hate crimes" to get attention/money? Yeah…

RIP historic building

QUick caveat, when I meant it's a shame when historic mosques and synagogues get destroyed, I was referring more to the ones in the ME. And to clarify, I was referring to the architecture of the buildings, not their function.

I like architecture.

Niggers can't into culture and history.

reddit donated over $131,000 to fix the church.


heh, I'll chip in $10

Give us some sauce, user.


they've raised more since the thread was made.


Just checking the Hitler get


I feel sorry for the cock.

Hahaha wow this is Jo Cox tier fakery and very predictable really. What convenient timing for these fuckers. I fear this kind of staged incident will be a daily occurrence for the next week. They are just showing us how desperate they are and that there is no level they won't sink to.

And each one of these events will be heavily covered by the lugenpresse and also solved by them within hours of them happening. They will be pushing the 'climate of hate' narrative extra hard now, it's just like Brexit.

We live in a strange world user, you have no clue how strange it is.

I feel they only do that because they feel like an outcast everywhere else, and if they agree with our ideology they can some how merge it with ours.

I don't want that to happen.

Rule number 1:

Where Liberia Went Wrong.jpg

Assuming false flag for a minute, do you think its more likely that its a member of that church who burned down his own, or an outside provocateur?

Why the hell didn't it work on any of my friends?
Instead I got into an argument about how you spawn as niggers or women, but almost never white men in EA: Battlefront's demo.

They will puss out when real hardship comes. They're in it for the 'alternative' label and the attention-whoring.

they are if someone else pays them to

extremely high I think

a normie could stare at for a day straight and not see what "benefit" the "Jew" would have from secretly spray painting a swastika on the side of his synagogue

How many of those whites are actually "white" spics? How many are libtards who won't breed?

It does aid us by making the children of race mixers into congenital idiots who are no political threat. I want all liberal whites exterminated. Currently liberal whites have a bithrate of 0.9 and conservative whites have one around 2.7.

The conservative birthrate has remained consistent for 50 years while the liberal one continues to decrease.



Notch thinks we lost "our" chance without Bernie. really miss feelin the bern