How do I cope with so much fucking info POL?Help me

After years of searching knowledge and truth online(sometimes just feeling that something is of - like WW2 evil guys just gassing others- until i finally redeem my instinct) I have come now to these boards. Before I was in 4chan pol and I found a lot of shit. I was like "ok, is this the great pol?" It was still miles ahead than other shit sites but you get the point. I did a search on your history and the exodus and shit and here I am.

MY QUESTION: pol related and general related. How do I keep up? I am reading tons of shit and I have started losing the ball. There is too much information, I can just read it fast enough to keep it for me but I can't reproduce it or explain it to someone later if he asks me. I end up saving piles of info on my hard drive that I will never properly read and analyze.
Even in the microcosm of POL, I open the catalog and open the good threads in like 8 different tabs but I cant keep up anymore. I cant sweep them all. Am I supposed to just do it slowly one at a time?(but like this I miss threads rite?) Or have I just gotten slower and my mind cloudier? How do I get better?( it seems practice only made me worse…)

I want to keep fighting, but how?

Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

You move onto the next step. Start reading books. Holla Forums, despite being great, is horrible for actually learning more about something other than the current events.

Start reading about philosophy, history of right wing politics and important right wing literature in general.

Also, dont start off with mein kampf or anything similar. Hitler was a great leader, not a writer or an ideolog

Start with the classics and work your way up. There is a reason why people who start there end up coming to the same conclusions we come to.

Read up on broad, foundation building materials, many found in
What exactly you decide to invest research in should probably depend on your own strengths, weaknesses and interests.

After you have developed a strong, robust intellectual foundation, you may read the countless stories, leaks, debates, studies, theories etc. with what we call your Worldview: An all encompassing mindset, mode of existence, ideology, philosophy, political view, spirituality, religion, life and existence in general. It gives you a bedrock to base all things on; an efficient mind with superb levels of high quality information at hand. You will be able to swiftly apply context to the numerous happenings you read, draw your own conclusions and act accordingly based on whatever conclusion your worldview concurs with.

It takes time to develop a Worldview. But it is extremely rewarding and beneficial to not only you, but to those you choose to influence with your thought.

You can find some great books and other content here.

Sounds like a case of redpill fatigue. My first redpills were finding out what the fuck a jew actually is (not a white guy who practices the religion of judaism). Once I found out what they actually are, the history of the creation of Israel, their part in the world wars, their overrepresentation in politics… it all just started to unravel itself at that point and past events made much more sense to me.

1)But in the meantime how do I keep track of news and events? Am I not supposed to ? How do I piece all the threads from the frontpage together with other sites and news to produce my "conclusion of the day"? I seem to have lost my ability to do it. Until I acquire my intellectual foundation you speak of, what do I do in the meantime? Am I just to take the processed food of others?(making a thread asking wtf is going?). I can't just disconnect right?

2) and on the big point. I started university for this exact reason. I want to be able to comprehend what all this "isms" means and what all these paradigms and political viewpoints mean. I started something that I am afraid POL would condemn as a JOKE study. I am doing Social Sciences.
What is your opinion of this? Will it be of use? Even with its(my books admit it) liberal stigma?

Give me suggestions of how to develop my worldviews. Books, schools, anything.


Absolute waste of time and effort. Consider suicide if you aren't joking about this.
Read some books, focus on self improvement and lurk a while. You don't need to read every fucking article to come to some conclusions when you're experienced and educated. It comes with time and practice, you're still a fucking child.

Reading is good, but it's not everything. The most important thing Holla Forums taught me, is to always analyse information. Who said it? Why did he said it? What could his goal be? Same for happenings: always keep in mind that it might be a false flag.

Besides that, try to become as close to the 'Ubermensch' as possible. I don't know how old you are but most Holla Forumsacks here are between 20 and 30 i guess? so let's assume you are too:

Basics of a redpilled life:
>learn new languages less important

Next level:

I am pretty sure there are plenty of other things you can do to become a Savior of the West and it's traditions. Just try to do other things than only processing information all the time. Also see (Holla Forums cannot satisfy you hunger for information anymore)

which ones are the classics?

I think a lot of you misunderstood me. It is not that POL is not enough. It is that I am having trouble keeping up with the volume of info and shifting through the trash to get to it. I am trying to cover ALL useful threads and I am findin it impossible

please appear, I need guidance


Ok OP here is my advice.
Join a "group" on Holla Forums that autistically focuses on one area. Be a wikileaksfag, a twitterfag, be a trumpfag, a doxfag, a premiere-fag, or even an irl-fag. No one Holla Forumsack can seriously handle all these pushes on every front to the best of their ability. I myself am mostly a hashtag shitlord, who likes to browse other threads very casually.

What this guys said

You will learn a lot of interesting things that you could have learned for free from a library, and have nothing of practical worth to the world. Switch to something else dude. I don't want you to end up like me, 22 years old starting over in college with a STEM degree, struggling with calculus because it's been years since I did math.

Oh, what you're seeing right now is a result of the election and cuckchan exodus. There were a lot more quality threads even 6 months ago, but since cuckchan was compromised all of the shitposters came here. Typically the mods are decent about stickying important threads, but even thats been questionable.
You could try or but keep in mind that the catalogs there move really fucking slowly.

I am 23 unfortunately. I did my fuck ups too.
What degrees would not be useless in your opinion. My next choice would be history

Is there anything that can be done to fend of this shitstorm that keeps erasing front after front of communities? I think we are losing the game.

I think you got me. What I try to do is get ALL the info possible on all of these fronts that I am interested at. I guess it is impossible right?
For example I try to check ALL threads connecting to the election and also threds about KEK on top of other sites connected to the election. Of course threads that involve bigger picture takes overs such as South Korea are priority too. In the end I try to piece all these pieces to make out the connection and patterns. Lately I can't, it is too much fucking info…..

Holla Forums books collection, posted over the course of a year by an user until a few months ago!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

not that it will help much with your "too much info" case

That's still social sciences. You don't want to just knowledge, you want skills. Learn programming, plumbing, welding, engineering, whatever you think suits you best. Remember it's not about exploring your passions and finding yourself, it's work. It's your survival. Revere it.

Pretty much what has been said before, focus on 1 area, but honestly you shouldve figured out the truth by now, and if you didnt yet then stop getting knowledge it seems you already collected a ton, now you have to sniff out the wisdom, and I'll hand you some very important wisdoms right now:
One has to realize things for himself, you cant force insight on people.

I think it would be best to quarantine any election coverage to a new board like /election/ or /trump/ or something. That shit is honestly what buries any good threads.
Next would be to stop bumping any posts that are off-topic or obvious shillbaiting. Yet people keep fucking bumping them rather than just reporting them and moving on.
Third, we need new, more vigilant mods. Half of the shit on the catalog shouldn't even be there. If we had better curation then we might actually have decent discussions again.

This place got quite kosher during the last year or so, and higher level redpills are being actively suppressed by kike mods, but it's still a best source for mainstream stuff.

90% of information you will find on the internet are half-truths or blatant disinfo, so you will have to develop some kind of filter. And a very efficient one at that. But once you build a foundation and connect the initial dots, it gets easier. How to do it? Well, you must find out for yourself.


Don't try to be the source of everything for everybody. You would never trust a single source yourself, so why would you bother learning all there is to learn. It's much better that you focus on developing Red Pills and redirecting interested people into the fold where they continue that journey at their own speed.

Man I feel like I'm in the exact position as you. Past month especially I feel like I'm in information overload.

With this knowledge, I want to do something more than just read now, but don't even know how to begin.

any idea what would?

very much appreciated. perhaps I should also put a line between getting updated on current events and on trying to hoard info?

is this the best version of POL right now iyo?

That remains to be seen. The others dont move fast enough for my taste. But this place is also turning into a nightmare

This has turned into an activism board for this election. I'm sure it'll die down afterwards, though would it be worth it? We are winning now instead of being depressed like we were from 2012-2015. I'm glad I don't feel like posting DoomPaul much anymore.

I think for many people this board is a refuge from the world that is falling apart around is while everyone is going on with their lives like nothing happens, and it does feel good that you're not alone in a world thats batshit insane if you get a look from the outside in. That being said free speech, anti-globalism, trump, anti establishment, jewish black magic, idolworship, dont you think they all belong down here?
The trick is learnig what you can and then getting the fuck out before you go too deep, because the reason we are here is to find some hidden truth, when in reality it has always been right in front of our eyes, but we only see what we want to see.

Seeing as CTR is really here, we can connect the dots and say with certainty that they are looking for ways to disrupt us, because we have power over the masses with our memes and redpills through youtube channels, twitter accounts, links, etc.

The funny thing is their reaction only makes us stronger like the ultimate troll, I mean come on illu, 33rd degree moloch worshippers, rule number 1 is don't feed the troll.