So is this it? Looks like the Hillary camp is completely out of ammo if they're still whining about Russia just one week before election day.


Other urls found in this thread:


Even her bots have given up.


The balls of this bitch. What about the uranium deal? For fucks sake, everyone left supporting her must be truly dead inside.

Is this some spicy new ammo?

Never underestimate the human capacity for ignorance/stupidity

There's two things we should never underestimate: the human capacity for stupidity/ignorance and the human capacity for evil. These people cannot be called ignorants anymore, in face of what has been revealed. Her supporters are pure evil.

Did CTR get disolved already?

ME must break her even harder than this. She already seems like a paranoid Lunatic, but we can do better. These next 8 days will be very interesting.

One of the earliest arguments against Trump was that he would start WW3 with Russia.


Just tweet this pic in response. Normies think it's the dankest meme of all time.

lel, this bitch has no legitimate following. Just bots and paid attendees.

Didn't she get hundreds of thousands in a matter of hours to her "Delete your account" tweet? Something seems off here.

One of the earliest bullshit arguments, you mean.


Nice archive nigger.


They are trying so desperately to tap into "muh Cold War" mentality, but its just not there anymore.

And the fact that Shillary's - and Bill's - connections to the Ivans is just as deep, if not deeper, and people just completely tune out.
Its good to see these people desperate though.

I have female relatives that are voting for her solely because she's a woman and a leftist. All they care about is having a woman in power, being able to have an abortion, making taxpayers pay for said abortion, having "equal pay for women", and banning evil, baby-slaying, military-style machine AR47 glocks with pistol grips, high capacity clips, and laser pointers. It doesn't matter if the person they're looking to do all that is the incarnation of evil; they simply don't care. I spent four months attempting to sway them, not even to support Trump, but to simply recognize that Hillary was fallible in any way, and had zero success.

It's pitiful, really.

bots aren't free, user, and whoever would be hiring them seems distracted this week for some reason.

Twitter's abandoning ship. They're not throwing wave after wave of hillbots at things anymore. The actual humans have mostly abandoned her. She's alone now, in a pile of her broken dreams and impotent rage. The only question now is if she'll shoot herself in her bunker and give us 60 years of "follow your leader" ammo or be walked into a courthouse in a state provided orange pantsuit.
Praise kek. Pressing F to pay respects to all our brothers who weren't strong enough to see today.




Women's suffrage was a terrible mistake, and it has only, and will only, lead to tragedy.

And this kind of shit is ridiculous.

If the FBI had any balls, they'd arrest Loretta Lynch and cite the entire DoJ as faulty and subject to investigation.



Oops they accidentally got wiped with a cloth :^)

This is surely the end of Trump's campaign

With how quickly the media jumped on the FBI story I doubted its authenticity at first, but I can't imagine a single reason why Clinton's cabal would so brazenly and obviously send co-conspirator after co-conspirator after co-conspirator into the fire to burn at the stake with the rest of them if they had any other options available.

Everyone hates Hillary when the hear she gave America's uranium to Russia, so she tries to project this Russia crap onto Trump.

Thing is no one gives a shit about Russia. no one is going to fight a dumb war against russia for hillary. People don't care if Russia meddles in ukraine or syria. People are fine with mutually assured destruction to keep russia in check. but they're not fine with hillary handing over uranium to russia because that is seen as a backhanded attempt to undermine mutually assured destruction.

remember it was decades ago that mao zedong said he wasn't worried about the bomb because the people would eventually destroy the bomb themselves. ever since then the commies have waged this 'hey lets disarm the nukes for world peace guys'. as soon as the nukes are gone the commies run wild over the whole world.

That's pathetic.
Her campaign is Jeb! tier at this point.

And they kept saying that after they started accusing him of being a secret bolshevik. I'm sick and tired of how these bastards not only lie to us but they think we're so stupid they don't even need ot keep their stories straight.

Here's his phone number from 2008.

And here's Kadzik's son offering to help the Hillary campaign.

This is all over MSM now. Ugh, this is shit news. This is now totally compromised.

Man, that is some sad, sad shit. Reading that was like listening to some fat gal scream at her mail-order greencard groom that he'd come crawling back some day.
Putin could literally get caught robbing banks in New York, and we'd still cheer him on and boo Hillary's low-energy ass-flaps.


fuck off back to wherever you came from

I guess that simply means that it will be released to the public before a grand jury.

She's going to jail and you can't stop it, kiddo.


I wouldn't be surprised if hillary's campaign offices are abandoned by now.

Solemnly checked.

Supposedly there's a rumor that portions of the military are ready to launch a coup and arrest the fucks

CTR is certainly a lot less active here all of a sudden.

wew, I remember having shitposts that got double these numbers during my gaymergay times

This must really be their death throes.

"U.S. Intelligence" What does that even mean? Someone she pays that works in the U.S. and is involved a little in the intel community?

She can't even name the specific agency that's "confirmed it". I have a feeling it's not even an agency, it's just one of her lapdogs like James Clapper "confirming" things.

Dunno if it's ctr, but some group has been pushing based shitskins and posting sob stories about how they themselves are truly awesome spics who just want to MAGA and it's wrong to hate them for the last 48 hours.

I've seen a marked uptick in 'based h'white cubans' posting lately.


This, pretty much.


Yeah. That particular line is getting pushed hard in all the early voting FL threads.

My mom is like that, when I told her I was voting for trump she freaked the fuck out and told me to get out of her house.

Bitch makes me drive an hour because she "misses seeing me" then boots me out after 10 minutes. Then calls me up the next week saying she needs a lift to the weed store. Haven't talked to her since.

They know the damage is coming. They're trying to mitigate that damage. Expect "based negro voters for Trump" memes too, and a bunch of (((kikes))) to come out of the woodwork and say "I was always for Trump, goy! I should be in charge of our new groups!"

pics or it didn't happen faggot

Next time you see her, tell her you were adopted.


What? Do you want me to take pics of her house or get in a time machine and film it happening?

Absolutely, ofc.

Everyone hates Hillary when the hear she gave America's uranium to Russia, so she tries to project this Russia crap onto Trump.

Thing is no one gives a shit about Russia. no one is going to fight a dumb war against russia for hillary. People don't care if Russia meddles in ukraine or syria. People are fine with mutually assured destruction to keep russia in check. but they're not fine with hillary handing over uranium to russia because that is seen as a backhanded attempt to undermine mutually assured destruction.

remember it was decades ago that mao zedong said he wasn't worried about the bomb because the people would eventually destroy the bomb themselves. ever since then the commies have waged this 'hey lets disarm the nukes for world peace guys'. as soon as the nukes are gone the commies run wild over the whole world.

It's standard alinskyite bullshit, every accusation from her campaign has been something the Clintons themselves have actually done, and on a much larger scale to boot.

I knew the o'keefe videos were spot on when the shills started blasting REPUBLICAN VOTER FOUND VOTING TWICE articles.

If they're of European descent, than they're white.

Oh and when I say house I mean a berry farm with 4 betas and a spic.

One of them whined about my GV being outdated and having terrible emissions. I was about to beat the shit out of him but my mom was saying I'd get her evicted.

Fuck seattle.

That would exclude Cubans outright. I agree.

It may eventually come around user. Especially with Donald Trump at the helm of our country.

user, tons of Cubans are of European descent.

That would make them europeans living in Cuba, not cubans european.

FL fag here. Can confirm. One of my exes was Cuban. Blond hair and blue eyes and skin as white as mine.

This, pretty much. I look forward to the day when Cubans #RemoveBrussels

The point is that Cuba is 70% European white. That's why making a blanket statement of "fuck cubans" is retarded.

Hillary logic: give uranium to Russia, provoke Russia into war with United States.

Can one person be literally this stupid? The old battle axe has literally gone senile.

Trump is the only candidate this entire election cycle who has openly stated his intention is to avoid conflict with Russia. Of-fucking-course Putin is going to want Trump to be elected, any leader of any country would want someone to win an election if they're the only person in that country not threatening the peace and stability of his own.

This is first fucking grade. You don't even need to dig any deeper than that, forget business dealings, forget ideological similarities, forget compliments and comeraderie it's as fucking simple as Russia doesn't want to fight the US anymore than Americans want to fight Russia the entire suite of Democrat and Republican candiates however have consistently rattled their sabers at Russia.


I never said fuck cubans, simply that you're not white. If you're 70% white you're not really white, lad. Do I need to dig up pictures of black cubans? Can't really do that with non-racemixed Germans for example.

How in the world did they ever endure Communist rule user?

is he saying the reset button says "overcharge" or something else?

you mean baby diaper

wtf i love spics now

Get this to Gowdy ASAP. Make it damn clear that this is a treason level conflict of interest.

I disagree,
you better be prepared!

I know I am !


Thanks for Correcting The Record™, friend.

7D chess at work lads. Get Trumpites to praise Comey, then bring in the fix with Podesta's boy.

Well played, in truth.

I am just prepared…
I watch a lot of rallies,
I stayed at night to see every debate, because I am not an American, in here the debates were at 4-5:30 AM!!
I REALLY want Trump to win and MAGA,
it's not over till it's over.
that's what I say.

was getting caught part of their plan?

They're 81 dimensions too low for us.

Hi shill.

Actually white, or "spics deluding themselves" white?

Trump should reply with

List of Associates:

OK, fair enough. It ain't over till the Evil Cunt Sing-Sing-s user.

Keep you are shit wired tight at all times, yeah?

"With the election just 8 days away… Cunt should immediately disclose all of it's ties and connections to Satan and his associates."

Those who are releasing info will have to go it even more steadfastly, if they are preserve the Pax, much less save their own hides.

leld tbh
Only Jesus will coerce that during The Great White Throne Judgment user.

Actually white.

Hildawg's tweets are seriously on par with "I was only pretending to be retarded."

The number of white Cubans in Cuba are minimal, at best. I think I've met one in time going down there. Almost everyone's a shitskin, or a degenerate.

I've been going since 2013, my father's been going since 2003. All we did was fly through Mexico and nobody gave a shit

How could this actually hurt Trump in some alternate universe where it was real?

those number's don't lie lads

those are shit like/retweet numbers. sanders was pulling those kinds of numbers when cucking up to trump, and he's not nominated to potentially become president. we're really tearing shit up aren't we? twitter's where you'd think all the normies who'd support hillary would be too.

Nah user, my normie parents have proven it's facebook that's the big normie catcher, and even on there, Trump is winning by a landslide. The streams he does on facebook have been pulling sometimes even 100K viewers.

slate. com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/10/was_a_server_registered_to_the_trump_organization_communicating_with_russia.html

It's happening. Hillary's insurance plan to implicate Trump's connection to Russia and discredit Wikileaks using the this:

flashpoint-intel. com/shadow-brokers-trick-treat-leak/

has officially begun. We need to go loud, get this everywhere you can and give the campaign the tools to discredit it immediately.



thank god

I think many anons had to learn this the hard way (myself included). It's very hard at times especially when they just repeat what they heard from the MSM.

Granted, if you live in a more redpilled area it can be a bit different.

I also fully expect after his victory to see a wave of defeatist shilling along the lines of he's really a jew, look he appointed a jew/negro to position 'x', you guys got taken for a ride, he's not going to change anything, et cetera.

Get ready because it's coming.

Please God, let this end soon

It's going to be a little hard for us to deal with something that abused a day zero exploit to set this up.

krypt3ia.wordpress. com/2016/10/08/gdd53-a-russian-hosted-i2p-site-that-claims-trumps-email-system-had-ties-to-alfabank-russia/

Here are investigations done into the claim by Kryptia3. These have server names/addresses.

Stage 1 we confirm authenticity / not bought off by Hillary.

Stage 2… I don't have any idea if we can get our hands on the raw traffic data. We kind of need it.

We need a team of anons on this asap

are you retarded?
how the fuck do you think there are whites outside of Europe? It's Europeans having kids with other Europeans, the result is a white child no matter if born in Europe, the US, Cuba or the middle of Kenya

he said 70% of Cubans are white, not that white Cubans are 70% white, although I doubt that number is accurate, most are spics identifying as whites, European descent only ones are much lower

Civil war it is then.

Another nice one.

Always accuse the enemy of what you yourself are doing

Could they conceivably be waiting until tomorrow since today is a holiday?

get the fuck out CIDF

we need to out-intensify the opposition

i suggest we take it to /asmr/ and make those fags make nazified ASMR videos for us


locked and loaded

Do not insult People Republic. They have no IDF言. You are not correct so do not say CIDF because
People Republic not a joke.

But they are racist.

Its is true. Hillary supporters are brain dead. We need to put them into camps and exterminate them. This has gone on for too long. No more idiocracy.


This gives me a wonderful idea.
What if we stage an anti-hillary protest by showing up to one of her speaches or appearences with a bunch of dudes in tracksuits and russian flags?

creepiest thing Ive seen all day.

Savage dubs.


Russia is fucking based. I actually hope all this "Trump is friendly with putin" stuff is true.


She gave him a stereotypical nuke button?



Killing turkroaches confirmed.

this election is really just about one thing now:

yes or no to a nuclear war with Russia.

Don't forget the flat caps. We also have to squat all over the place.

The Seventeen Agency, user.

Da comrade.
I'll be sure to bring my vistas mixed tape

Tell your father he needs to start taking his wife out shopping.

Oh wait…

Guess things didn't exactly end on a high note

Hillary's theme song right now. It's blasting through CTR's office as we speak.

Not if she bought your shit Mexican brickweed.


I hope the 33,000 e-mails get released soon by whomever and witness what's left of her campaign completely crumble into the abyss. There's no way that whoever hacked all these e-mail accounts and servers didn't have full access to Hillary's unpatched Windows server for all these years. Losing isn't enough for her; she and her rapist spouse needs to be locked away for good.

I guarantee at least half of them have been offed.

Dubs checked, I asked because I'm acquainted with a "white" Peurto Rican who honestly wouldn't look out of place in a Calais camp. He 100% considers himself white.

Anons, these people are animals. They can rape you on live television and get away with it.

You can post something like that without providing sauce.


No comrades, it was the whitehats that dumped Trump.

It wasn't a hack that got the emails. It was just a weiner.

They are running out of people to go to their rallies also.

Someone should just edit OP pic but changing Trump for Hillary and Putin/Russia for Qatar/Arabia Saudi, then add the info about Hillary major donors and/or Wikileaks connections of Hillary to ISIS.

I can't into photoshop but it's just an idea

Yeah they've been shooping rally pics for a while now.

I think Hillary overestimates the amount of people that still believe anything she says

This "Russia is behind everything" bullshit is starting to tire me out.

Can anyone that still keeps in contact with normies tell me what they think of this whole "evil scary russia" shit? Nobody I know gives a single fuck about Russia. I just don't get it. She's REALLY trying to push the Russia shit, but I don't think even the uninformed normalfags give a fuck.

Her die-hards will eat it up. She just needs to stop her base from realizing how evil she is.

Its the closest we'll get to Renegade 2 or Red Alert 3.

Her "confirmation" by "17 intelligence agencies" was literally just lyin' James Clapper saying that they used similar methods to Russian hackers, which was just like phishing or something.

They use the fact that such and such hack was partially traced through a russian proxy to say that it was Putin who did it. You know, despite the fact that all hackers across the globe use proxies and a supermajority of proxies are hosted in russia. It's fucking retarded.

It's an ancient chanese secret user, nobody truely knows it's origins

I have the same file going back to summer of 2015

My fad is cock sucking Trump to the point of saying his own tweets are lies.
He has gone from building better bombs and jets to kill Ivan and Cho to swearing Russia and China are the best hope of the US as of last month when the cocksucking began.

Other normies aren't surprised expecting it on account of Putin being KGB and Trump being a Clinton family member.

There was a Red Alert 3, though.

literally nobody outside of a shitlib campus cares about Russia.

Sure you weren't just having a nightmare?

Oh sure and there was something after Final Sun as well you'll say.

C&C 3 would have been awesome between Dawn and Sun.

Twatter hasn't totally abandoned her. They're still rigging the Trendings. On Friday, everybody on fucking earth is talking about the Comey letter. It didn't Trend at all.
The only hashtag that trended politically was "#GoHillary." Course that didn't work out so good for her. People just added "to jail," and shit like that. We kinda took it over.

Dubs of truth, user. Dubs of truth.

The funny thing is she will be the one to start ww3 with Russia.

Even on a shitlib campus, does anyone care about Russia? Literally the only person I know who cares about Russia is a Russian Jewess who came here as a baby during the collapse of the USSR and vehemently hates Putin because… he doesn't allow fag marriage. Or something. But she's a jew, so her opinion is invalid in the context of what the greater american population thinks.


Come on now, user.

yeah they whine about muh gay rights a lot but you never hear a peep about how bad the middle east is what a shocker.

Tell her Trump fully supports LBGTQO+ rights.

Yep. And she farted in class.


best goddamn election in history

She's a SJW Jew. Did you ever read the part of Mein Kampf where Hitler talks about what happens when you try arguing with Jews?

There's no point. Trying to convince a Jew that Trump is a good candidate is like trying to convince a mudskark mother of a mulatto baby that blacks are genetically inferior and prone to aggression and low IQs. Nothing you say can make a difference to them. Jews are the enemy. You can convince other whites not to fall for the jews' lies, but you can't convince the jews themselves that they should stop, well, being jews.

Jews always argue in bad faith. It doesn't matter if Trump would actually be good for fags. It doesn't matter if Trump would actually be good for the minorities we currently have within the country. It doesn't matter if WW3 would be bad for everyone.

no waaaaaaaaaaayyy


Hillary supporters only care about Russia because they think it's a viable counter to any of Hillary's negatives. The second the election is over, they'll give zero shits about Russia.

Looking at the actual article though, its clearly a hit job against Trump. It only says that hillary had "poor email management"
Shes a fucking cunt. MAGA.

I hear "Dead Rat on a String" is a big seller in Russia, this year.

To be fair, if it isn't Westwood it isn't C&C.

it's all about the headlines
libshits don't actually read articles

Exactly. It's a bad faith argument. None of them care about his taxes or his pussy comments either. They're all just fake issues to cling to as excuses for not liking him.

But I just love pointing out the cognitive dissonance to the shitlibs. These same people who were totally against the war in iraq (because a republican was leading it) are totally in support of war in syria (despite the narrative being almost 100% identical to iraq, down to the alleged gassings of the dictator's own population) and also in support of war with russia. Or how about the fact that the shitlibs are the ones who were always shitting on walmart and demanding that we buy local or buy american, but when we have a candidate who embodies this protectionist ideal, they absolutely despise him for it?

They KNOW deep down that they're all full of shit, but I love making them squirm.

I'm still waiting on Cedar City to drop in price so I can finish my armcomp and move on with mobile omega. LEts see Flappy bird try and stop a tankrush. IT will be just like the Battletanx commercial again.

I miss my teen years..


This is truly pathetic. They're literally accusing Trump of being a Russian asset.

Most of us are actually whiter than you, burger. My descendants never had offspring with natives or other non-europeans. Can you say the same?


Who gives a shit, user. He's still going to win in a landslide. You can lead a horse to water and all that…

Going to copy what I've been doing from another thread. We determined this would happen before it actually did today. I caught the Slate Article the moment it came up and I've been aggressively tracking the roots so we can gut her where she stands.

slate. com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/10/was_a_server_registered_to_the_trump_organization_communicating_with_russia.html

flashpoint-intel. com/shadow-brokers-trick-treat-leak/

electrospaces.blogspot. com/2016/10/with-nsa-contractor-martin-arrested.html (archive below)

archive. is/9SxjS

Yeah, he may have been the source of tools similar to Quantum and Foxacid getting out, I wouldn't doubt that those darker places out there are selling legitimate tools now.
That being said, he may have genuine intent with his claims of helping others, or he could have been out to sell or distribute the info.
Not sure I am following on that though.

Isn't anything serious, relax they updated to a new system, gmpg is just metadata and hyperlink relations.

crowdstrike. com/services/compliance/
Dr. Tea Leaves is a member of Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike has some VERY unique qualifications:
An accreditation from the National Security Agency, it signifies that CrowdStrike has been evaluated and certified in critical focus areas derived from industry and government best practices for cybersecurity investigation.
CrowdStrike is one of only 12 organizations accredited by the National Security Agency for National Security Cyber Assistance Program (NSCAP) Cyber Incident Response Assistance (CIRA).
Crowdstrike has existed a total of 4 years but is based in multiple buildings, 2 in CA, 1 in Texas. They are extremely cryptic about anyone who works there on their main page but they also host blogs where one is able to learn quite a bit of information. Strangely, their compensation listed on Glassdoor is abysmal given the amount of experience and expertise required to participate in the field.
George Kurtz CEO
Dmitri Alperovitch CTO
Adam Meyers VP Intelligence
Steve Chabinsky VP Legal
Shawn Henry, once of the FBI, is now President and CSO
Jaron Bradley - obscure intrusion analyst
Jessica DeCianno Marketing
Jason Geffner He joined CrowdStrike in 2012, where he performs in-depth reverse engineering of highly complex malware and exploits developed by nation-state adversaries and organized crime groups.
Christopher Scott - former DOD & security for major banks
Chad Tilbury - Forensics
ALEX IONESCU - Chief Architect, this one handles the ultra low level type of material that we'd expect to see in a Zero Day employed by the NSA kit
Dr. Sven Krasser - Network security expert with several patents from McCaffee.
crowdstrike. com/blog/contributors/
Their security blogs might hold hints for where further information can be found to vet their claims.
The easiest connection to draw here would be which of them might actually have any former relationship with or knowledge of Harold T. Martin III.

my favorite is when they say poverty causes crime yet the world's biggest criminals are the 1% and we need to take their money.

Meanwhile the jew york times posted this TODAY.
archive wasn't even an hour old. It even mentions the "Russian bank"

>WASHINGTON — For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead — which they ultimately came to doubt — about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.


My guess is that our man is Dmitri Alperovitch CTO, who made the Politico 50 list for his work in discovering the 'Russian Involvement' with the DNC Leak.

[email protected]/* */

They've been doing that, it's just that in the past they've just implied it. Now they're in full 'cornered, injured animal' mode and are just throwing whatever the fuck they can think of out there. Her twitter today reads like the ramblings of a crazy conspiracy theorist.


We REALLY need to get in front of this. They've been planning this for MONTHS.

this bitch is an embarrassment.


I have another user running deep dive on the bank and its connections. Here are the findings:

Shocking, I know.

Article Quotes:

"While the researchers went about their work, the conventional wisdom about Russian interference in the campaign began to shift. There were reports that the Trump campaign had ordered the Republican Party to rewrite its platform position on Ukraine, maneuvering the GOP toward a policy preferred by Russia, though the Trump campaign denied having a hand in the change."

[LOL! As if Trump had or has ANY influence over the platform positions of the fucking Republican Party !!!]

"Then Trump announced in an interview with the New York Times his unwillingness to spring to the defense of NATO allies in the face of a Russian invasion."


In the face of accusations that he is somehow backed by Putin or in business with Russian investors,

[Funny, no one freaks out when politicians are backed by ISRAEL or Zionist investors… How does that work?\

Trump has issued categorical statements. “I mean I have nothing to do with Russia,” he told one reporter, a flat denial that he repeated over and over. Of course, it’s possible that these statements are sincere and even correct. The sweeping nature of Trump’s claim, however, prodded the scientists to dig deeper. They were increasingly confident that they were observing data that contradicted Trump’s claims.


It’s possible to impute political motives to the computer scientists, some of whom have criticized Trump on social media.

[Yew don't say!]


The researchers were seeing patterns in the data—and the Trump Organization’s potential interlocutor was itself suggestive. Alfa Bank emerged in the messy post-Soviet scramble to create a private Russian economy. Its founder was a Ukrainian called Mikhail Fridman.

WIKI: Mikhail Maratovich Fridman (Russian: Михаил Маратович Фридман; born 21 April 1964) is an Israeli-Russian entrepreneur, business executive, and philanthropist.[2] With Russian[5][6][7][8][9] and Israeli citizenship

Uh oh!

To build out the bank, Fridman recruited a skilled economist and shrewd operator called Pyotr Aven. In the early ’90s, Aven worked with Vladimir Putin in the St. Petersburg government—and according to several accounts, helped Putin wiggle out of accusations of corruption that might have derailed his ascent.

WIKI: Aven's mother was from a Jewish family…


Alfa’s oligarchs occupied an unusual position in Putin’s firmament. They were insiders but not in the closest ring of power. “It’s like they were his judo pals,”


one former U.S. government official who knows Fridman told me. “They were always worried about where they stood in the pecking order and always feared expropriation.” Fridman and Aven, however, are adept at staying close to power. As the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia once ruled, in the course of dismissing a libel suit the bankers filed, “Aven and Fridman have assumed an unforeseen level of prominence and influence in the economic and political affairs of their nation.”

And other "nations" as well, apparently…


To protect its interests in Washington, Alfa hired as its lobbyist former Reagan administration official Ed Rogers.


It would be funnier if she was trying so hard to appear likable that she just appeared to be drunk because she has no idea what happy people look like.

Republican Insider Ed Rogers Complains About Trump: "All He Has Going For Him Is A Lot Of Votes"

{{{ "Republicans are hierarchical, respectful of authority," We fall in line. And Trump has interrupted that cycle," Rogers, seated at a table with fellow party insiders former Rep. Vin Weber, Mark McKinnon, pollster Ed Goeas, said.}}}

[Sounds like someone working with Russian Jews to to help Trump, eh?]


[SKIPPED: Several empty paragraphs painted with hollow insinuations…]

Last week, I wrote to Alfa Bank asking if it could explain why its servers attempted to connect with the Trump Organization on such a regular basis. Its Washington representative, Jeffrey Birnbaum of the public relations firm BGR, provided me the following response:

American Program Bureau > SPIRITUALITY & RELIGION > Jewish > Jeffrey Birnbaum


What the scientists amassed wasn’t a smoking gun. It’s a suggestive body of evidence that doesn’t absolutely preclude alternative explanations. But this evidence arrives in the broader context of the campaign and everything else that has come to light

Unfortunately for Franklin Foer, his "investigation" seems far more inclined to implicate a JEWISH conspiracy than any between Russia and Trump.



She's like a 100% shit and unfunny version of Mallory Archer.

Actually Trump as nominee gets to change GOP policy, same as Sanders getting to shape for being second. TRump chose to recognize Crimea as Russian, refuse their to be any Russians in Dontesk (ludicrous as we got footage and I have service footage from friends) and some other junk.

If she can find 7 more there will literally be dozens!

So everyone on Archer.

most people period don't know what happy people look like.

Meth and opiate users, that's how I learned to gake it.

These quads shall not go unchecked. However we'll never hear from Trump again if we don't decisively crush the filth by ballot box or ammo box.

All current Podesta emails with the name Kadzik in them.
Its only about 10 emails, dig with me.

His (Kadzik's) phone number is in one of them, but its from 2008.

Nah you're just going to be paying for Trump tv and hear him there.

You are all just so fucking sure we're joking about burying you alive in mass graves if we don't get our way.

I stay gaking it fam. The world is gake as shit.

I lived there for over a year. It is definitely a joke.

I live in western Canada. General consensus about Russia with my coworkers is:
Putin is a high test alpha and they would love to see him wreck Truecuck
Hot women so Russia is a prime travel destination
And of course respect for their hockey players in the NHL.
They're totally laughing at Shillary when she spews that shit out.

If you've got a problem with the emperor just come out and say it.

Ay cuz, come get yo grandma, fam.

Here's a Kadzik email from today's leak:
Student to Podesta:
I'd greatly appreciate the smallest amount of time he [Kadzik] may have to discuss the role of private counsel in congressional investigations

Kadzik's number is from today's leak too:
I'll put this info in the Podesta thread too.

Take a close look

1) We need to grep the names we have against the Podesta e-mails and see if we can find any standing relationship.

2) We need to investigate the former FBI on Crowdstrike's FBI connection as it may relate to ongoing investigation.

crowdstrike. com/blog/staff-member/shawn-henry/

3) We have to figure out which of these fuckers is tea.leaves, I'm trying to reach krypt3ia but so far no go.

4) We understand that this was very likely orchestrated by an NSA-certified team using NSA tools acquired 'supposedly' through an unsecure remote terminal from Harold T. Martin III. I don't believe this is true based on the connections at Alfa; I think this is Section 84 of Israeli intelligence supplying the goods.

flashpoint-intel. com/shadow-brokers-trick-treat-leak/

The Shadow Brokers are a front pretending to be Russians while they clearly don't have a proper command of the Russian language. That tells me that this is something someone has been trying to make LOOK Russian.

Everything we've seen in the Podesta e-mails talking about a 'pied piper' candidate could have only been guaranteed to play out that way if there was an insurance policy.

I did an analysis of the campaign finances for HRC vs Trump and contrasted it to Obama vs Romney; HRC is receiving more money from major Zionist doners this year than Obama / Romney received combined. About 5x as much, actually.

This is not some pussy footing half-cocked scheme like Todd&Claire. These experts are leaders in the field and the fact we have a headstart now is the only advantage we have.

If we're going to do this, we must succeed within 6 days or it will be too late.

We cannot hold back on contacts, we need as much help as we can get.

I withdraw my statement about working against professionals and would hereby like to extend my services to Section 84 for a mere $890,000/year + benefits in exchange for pointing out the idiotically obvious.

Hillary is an absolute fucking madman

Cendyn markets itself as "The Hospitality Marketing Cloud" (hotel customer relations management and digital marketing), and obviously anybody could use GoDaddy to register any domain name that wasn't previously taken.
a quick search of cendyn + trump doesn't show any connections other than that Slate article, and I would assume if the Trump hotel chain used Cendyn that Cendyn would have a testimonial, although that's not a sure thing.

"Trump Orgainzation"
oh fuck me

pic related

Wait did egg mcmuffin create a spoof domain in 2014 for this shit? Is this fucking spook working for hillary?

She still thinks its the 1960's.

Clinton, please!

It has barely begun.

best guess: emily mcmullin of cendyn

I'm honestly embarrassed for whoever did this.

Hillary's making Yeb look like Ryan fucking Gosling.

I say it like his policies, too big and complex for you, but really good.

Trump knows he can only lose here and has made plans for such a future. Savvy and smart. Or do you now say the election is not rigged against him, and that it is all fair?
Where do you place your weight of evidence? I put mine in where he spends his money, just like looking at flights from the US to Albania and then continuing to Israel.
Make sure to include those flights in JDAR early warning, that's the pipeline kikes use for human traffiking.

Schoen bails on Hillary.
CNN bails on Brazile.
Obama backs Comey.
NYTimes backs Trump on Russia.

Yep, Dems are dumping Hillary.

cendynone .com/about-us/

Did you really need to post the tweet as text?

it's literally nothing but (((disinfo)))

I have absolutely no hatred for bank robbers in the first place.

did you learn nothing from wikileaks? all her tweets are pre-orchestrated. I highly doubt even shillery herself is behind that twatter handle

the links between russia and trump just got disproved on MSM even

based on a ICANN dispute I found against someone squatting trumpestates dot com, I saw that Cendyn also registered trumphotelcollection dot com (misspelling "Trump Orgainzation" and all), but it's just a redirect to trumphotels.
only thing I can be 100% sure of at this point is Trump should stop using Cendyn if he is using them.
Hope this is of some use.

>[email protected]/* */

These leftists never fail to be exceedingly more retarded than expected.


Lemme guess, your father isn't around is he user?

For comparison, the registration info for trumphotels versus another cendyn registration for trumphotelcollection (a redirect)

yes so people can CTRL F

You realize that is Trump tower right?

He's got to go back! Deport him! REEEEEEEEEE!

Sage for off topic autistic 90 day fiancee posting

Mother and father still together. Traditional catholic conservative family. Parents and siblings are all redpilled.



Also, the shitlibs are actually hyping this and believe it means the end of Trump (again).

https:// twitter.com/TheRalphRetort/status/793278004499709952


Trumphotels dot com:
trumphotelcollection, trump-email
also trump-email.com fails on nslookup, it seems to be registered but not pointing to anything



PS, for thos whining their titties off on foxacid and all


Get some actual stuff.
No I can't help more, I'm in the middle of learning. As always, obey all the laws, including the unwritten ones, and be ethical. I do not condone criminal actions, and this is purely as to unerstand how the group came to this infornmation and confirm that Trump is indeed a Russian plant, as is so well known and over.
Hail Hillary, and I'm off to have sex out of wedlock with my aetheist Jewish nigger bullcock of a boyfriend.

The meat space address.


How desperate are these faggots?

I think what happened is that they registered a bad domain a long while back, abandoned it and our sly dogs at Clownstrike decided that since there was still totally and old server hooked up in the building it would be way easier to fuck around without anyone noticing by using that.

A Trump sex tape would be godly. I'm almost sorry that this is hilariously stupid bullshit. Fuck, I'd fap to the golden Don, and I'm fucking straight. Trump would sweep 50 states if only this were actually true.


No shit it's a light, what else would it be?

Oh shut the fuck up nigger


seems like pure projection to counter the growing rumors of the Clinton foundation being a pedophile sex ring.

DNC strategy in a nutshell: NO U

I don't know if it's the thumbnail or the switch to LCD/LED monitors or what, but you're right, that picture sure hasn't aged well

Wouldn't surprise me in a sense. We had somebody show up a week ago here with some footprinting and found it was a new default 2003 server that Trump had hooked up for some place.
Didn't pay much attention so I can't remeber what it was, thread was niggering about on how dare the guy do a lookup and portscan. The emporer and blah blah.
Shit I wonder just how much it may have been related to this. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

I'm afraid I don't follow you. Yes, the physical address is correct on both registrations. But Trump's actual site doesn't list Emily Mcmullin of Cendyn as the contact email.
At absolute best they're arguing that he does his illicit Russian backchannel communications through … a company in Boca Raton that provides digital marketing to hotels?



You realize that the percentage of white americans with native admixture is a very small minority, right?

Damn, we need to try to find that. If we can find where these geniuses resurrected a 2k3 server we can probably add a whole new chapter to Hillary's indictment novel.

And you already have articles from the Jew York Times and theshill saying it's tinfoil. It's over.

Also oh dubs, a thing done by Trump on everything not SoS.
Even down to the email destruction under subpoena.

Their view is the data stream doesn't match its pupose for that, which isn't a surprise.
Banks have a certain amount of ambient traffic to clients as accounts shift.
Their view is the small stream is clear signs of it being a Kremlin hotline!!!!

I rather laugh of it being so direct, I'd much more just go with Trump changing GOP policy, he NSC data tapes, showing up on RT and then saying he had no idea what RT is… Which is funny, I like RT, they actually do their investigations, unlike CNN, but like Aljazeera and Mother Jones.

Uh no.
The guy just did what was just done here, lookups and some scans for identification.
I ignored the thread for just where you are going, off saying its somehow illegal.
Its not.
Its illegal to try and gain entry by forcing a lock.
Guessing default credentials, which I did not see him do, is also not illegal, as username and password means you are allowed to be there, unless changed.
Its why its fun to war dial, and legal to.
But, if you have to break out Brutus or avernus, its illegal.

Also for the fact that it was on the same day as the guy reusing google images and swearing he was post office ripping up Trump ballots.
WHich was faked as well.

Real voter fraud right now are people double voting because they heard Trump's whistle for him, and then several cases of the mail in vote counters for dems filling in the protest left blank spots on ballots, and several false registrations to vote, but not used yet.
So we're getting places, but its pretty boring until large numbers try to follow his Colorado speech and become felons.
You can't ask for a new ballot in Colorado after voting with one, doing so is a felony as its voter fraud.

Still say pgp and block chain need to be added to voting, especially so someday the SMS voting is real.

Yes but if we can implicate the CF to Crowdfind… MmMmm… tears, so delicious, polls, so low…

Why am I not surprised that this kikess is pushing out false information?

Woops, wrong thread.

You write like a fucking schizophrenic that can barely string together a properly conjugated sentence…

Blockchain and voting… lololol

Yes we can, faggot.

yeah all that information was publicly available, just did a couple of (non-Google) searches and checked WHOIS. Half the work was done for me by Trump's people since they had gathered a fair bit of information in fighting off a domain squatter and had filed an ICANN dispute.

I didn't say it was illegal to force the lock. I was speculating that the 2k3 server would have been retired and perhaps they Crowdfind simply purchased an old office to help setup their little scheme. I figure there's a decent chance that if it's been around since then without a hardware upgrade it'd probably be gathering dust. Therefore any recent rental or purchase might be an easy connection to someone involved.

You made a really weird assumption there.




Did Bobama come up with this?


gey af.

It doesn't even have a third axis via the color mapping either.

This one is slightly more accurate, but obviously still oversimplified due to only having 2 axises.

That's fucking awesome user.

High Energy!

Feels like this.

Shall we contact him?

Ask him if he wants sausage on his Cheese Pizza or if he'd prefer it virgin.

Fact: Slav kids learn to Slav squat in the womb, and can squat before they can walk.

Holy fuck it's brutal. Did CTR get their funding pulled? They are killing her in the comments.

The entire Archer cast is shit and unfunny so that's really saying something.

It would be funny if I didn't think they are desperate enough to false flag all kinds of shit at the last moment.

I feel sorry for anyone who drank the Kool aid. This is probably a gut wrenching experience for them seeing their democrat "good guys" get ripped apart, and get exposed to the corruption that's been going on forever.

Many of us went through it before. It's fucking rough and nobody helps you.

I imagine their contract expired or will expire in a few days. No need for shilling a week before the election, the point of it is to direct the narrative.

Underrated first post tbh

Don't forget, CTR is just a tiny part of the shill picture. Most of their money goes to putting out news stories to many outlets at once to create a consensus. I forget their budget but it's way more than 6 mil.

Is this why Kampfy is gone and we have politics from other countries on the front page as well?

Could be.

I doubt Soros is sitting around either. Not only are his voting machines there, but he has to be doing other shit.

It's just his work out equipment keeping track of his gains.

SJWs really are enormous prudes after all, aren't they?

Yep. No coincidence, is it? They're all ugly anti-moe blobs that can't get touched with a stolen dick.

you asked for it user, you should know better

Wait if i remove billionaire, it sounds just like the Monica Lewinsky thing.
And with the Soros machines, its Diebold all over if you remove Ohio…
Was this just a talking point memo trade?

They are free votes once you've broken them and reconditioned them. It's really not so hard to turn a woman into a follower, even if she is a degenerate in all other aspects of life. I had my mom from hope and change to "gas the kikes" after about a week of breaking her down.

You're not coming off the right way if you're not having any success, there should be no excuses. Think about how you present yourself, do you sound like a whiny autist? Do you sound like a intellectual giant? Neither of those work. You need to sound strong, like Trump.

Except the Lewinsky thing was mostly about Billy committing perjury (a legit serious crime).

women really are sheep that just need to be kept in place and led along

Except said prejury only came from being prudes about said sex. It could not occur in absence of them being so.

Nobody hated Berlseconi for getting action; Slick Willy could have gotten away with it if he had come clean and said, "Whatcha gonna do?" That was basically Trump's strategy and it's worked like a charm.

The email sounds more like someone groveling for a job rather than a real friend. Plus if u think after onigger and lynch dropped her overboard, she has political future worth doing favors for i've got a jeb inaugurational to invite u too.

Hillary's spent nearly 1 billion on this officially, wonder what the total is when you include Soros etc.

Meanwhile rump has spent none, relying entirely on people to do the work for him.
Its actually a very interesting strategy, but the lack of ground game is the real killer imo.
Makes it so that as we still have the sticky, shitloads of people arn't going to be voting for him that could and would.
Does dovetail nicely with the rigged bit, makes sure there is no accidental, opps turns out they didn't bother, and I uh, won fair and square.

Again by ballot or bullet carries quite a bit more when you consider his previous actions and calls for violent revolution. Its just this time he has an army behind him.

Just made pic related.

You have the economy axes reversed.


I deliberately made the economy vertical and the hierarchy/egalitarianism axis left and right, because I feel that the left/right spectrum is determined more by an embrace or rejection of egalitarianism or hierarchy.

Scratch that, thought you were trying to imitate these two >>8036395>>8036323 which have free market economy on bottom and command economy on top.

Oh come on now none of you silly niggers checked this shit already?

former snohomish county user here, i know your pain

it really won't. it's easily as pozzed as san fransisco or one of the really bad german cities
everyone redpilled needs to leave and those remaining need to be reduced to a smoldering crater.
did you know that at the university of washington (the big university there) you are literally banned from not only using "incorrect pronouns", but you are not allowed to use the normal male and female pronouns like he/she, him/her, etc.
fuck seattle

Well Goddamn. Did not expect that. Is your Pops the one who redpilled you initially?

I want to have a Lan party with Jeb

I reckon he'd get wicked excited when the pizza arrived

Narrative coordination fail




I became completely disenfranchised with the system years back watching livestream of kiev, my birth city, with tire fires/snipers during lecture in university on my laptop. It broke me seeing the globalists not just use ukraine as a chess board, but as the coup progressed and I watched with Holla Forums the events unfold, I felt personally betrayed by a government that sold my parents on the American dream and ditch after the CCCP collapsed.

Of course I'm greatful for what my parents attempted to do for our family. I'm even more greatful that they decided to ship me off back to kiev every summer as a kid until I was in my teens. I'm not sure what better way to articulate it Holla Forums. Its like as if the weight of the years worth of epiphanies and realizations i gained here were built up into the corner of my mind and kept off to the side for my own knowledge and desire to keep that unmixed with my other thoughts. That was till it hit me that all those hidden interests if you will, aren't just daydream fantasy and philosophical masterbation, but in fact it was reality I was trying to bury. My interest let it pile up until the floodgates washed away any remainder of my bluepill mental furniture. That was still just winter just after the Sochi Olympics. Before the globalists decided that a coup wasn't enough and turned south east ukraine into warzones. Thats when the hallmark "red pill overdose/depression" some experience here got me. I was hopeless till this election.

Ive been with y'all since 2008ish, so I feel like I shared quite the journey together. The Holla Forumsitics and confrontation with the fact that the narratives pushed upon us is almost entirely fabricated, the realizations and uncomfortable truths were quite welcome to me and liberating, it was like seeing anew with my eyes slowly open over the years.

Then I witnessed via streams the streets and countryside of my youth get turned apart from the inside out, like a cancerous rot. My hohol countrymen were lead astray and deceived into conflict with their russian neighbors, cousins really, and in return for letting Soros host some demonstrations in kiev, they lost a peninsula, lost thousands of lives over jack shit, a currency 3 times as worthless than before and to top it all off we even have housing for Syrian refugees as a show of good faith to the IMF that the predatory loans given to ukraine aren't spent on its citizens.

And for most my life i was always told that Russia is the bad guy. Sure, maybe they were but from my 25 years on earth, so far post-cold war, the federation is tolerable and I'm willing to bet anything that if the globalists would get the guillotine then we'd Russo-American Alliance ourselves into colonizing our solar system at the least. Oh and no one would care enough to fuck with ukraine.

Which is why I'm voting trump and MAGA

they have to charge her before 19th of january.

if she is allowed to make her inauguration speech, she gets away with it all, no matter what it is.



its pathetic that she has resorted to such low-hanging nonsense

A lot of my family members recognize that when it comes to knowledge on politics (among other things) I'm above them, so when I tell them about the JQ or how much of a fucking trainwreck shillery is, they believe me.

You need to demonstrate that you know more than both them and the talking heads on the TV. It can be as simple as giving them some of your reading material, you can bet your ass they wont bother to read it because they are retarded but they will see that you obviously take this shit seriously and pay attention.

that is debatable.
She is as porky as they come.


Vote early, vote often.

But srsly, I can't tell if you are naturalized Murrifat, or still a Kiev-ite. Regardless, blessings on the Ukraine. Kick the filthy IMF and their bribes of gold out though.

Women in general are fundamentally stupid user, and have no ability to avoid choosing the thing that will be their own (and their families') destruction.

But good on you for at least trying.


time for a red pill…

Vote's a vote, user. I've convinced all the women in my family to vote Trump.

breddy dank 10/10

That chick has no ass.

*Nigger/sodomite/spic/brazil detected*

The sound they make rattling in their cages shall serve as a warning for the old hillary. Desperate your turn.

Holy shit, whatever intern did that needs to be kicked to the curb. How much of an idiot do you have to be to keep your copies so close to the original person. The yellow ones had the right idea, even though they made the colossal fuck up of copying someone wearing bright clothes; you never do that. Blue and red are just retarded, you have such a large canvas to move your copies around in and instead you just move them a few pixels above the other. Sad!


Lol crowd doubling.

Its too late. They will hang

all while ignoring obvious influence by a host of other countries influencing the clinton foundation, many accounts of pay for play, and the uranium 1 deal. wow, what totally fair and balanced work, great job fbi and mainstream media!