Poll: Trump Dominates with Generation Z


The article is somewhat full of shit:

Yet earlier it says:

So what do you think this means? Explicit or implicit white racial consciousness is starting to grow among younger whites, since the younger you are the more non-white your peers are?

I have a feeling Millennials may have been like this before college, and white highschoolers just haven't been pozzed yet.

Other urls found in this thread:


It means that the truth is starting to win out over Jewish lies. Instantaneous communication is disseminating information that shatters the kike narrative at an alarming pace thanks to Trump and other nationalist figures on the world stage pushing the Overton window further to the right than it has been in 50 years. People are now steeped in technology that allows them to learn facts and true history and they are starting to catch on, albeit slowly.

I wonder how the media is reacting to their crumbling credibility. Gen Z will be even less likely to watch the TV for news.

i think the younger generations are affected by the rising alt right sub culture on the internet, and therefore see threw media propaganda and left wing bullshit. We are winning the meme war with other words.


It means Generation Z appreciates a man that can just go out there and grab life by the pussy.
The less whites you have to grow up with the more race aware you become; unless you're the kind of irredeemable pleb that's just happy to have something to keep his dick warm.

Another thing is that these days the western MSM is almost always the last place to break a story that isn't specifically dedicated to slander or senseless fear mongering. Instinctively decent people would rather not hear of phantom enemies and slanderous accusations 24/7.

The only people watching the TV for news are boomers and Jews. Trust in MSM is around 9%. People are turning to alternative sources in massive numbers.

That may be part of it, but I'd like to know what the polls were like before millennials were pozzed by college. I remember nigger jokes being made on 4chan and other websites when I was in junior high and high school.

Then again I vaguely remember reading Trump did best in the primaries in states with a small white majority compared to places like New England.


Memes are the vectors of truth. The only memes that don't need to be constantly propped up and forced are the ones based on reality.

Praise Kek, Shadilay.

I'm worried already about the generation after that.
We know what's coming.

Gen Z user chiming in, A large majority of my school is full on for Trump, for many of them this is the first time they will have voted and as some have told me, they likely wouldn't have voted at all if not for this guy. Clinton may have the older millennials by the balls, but theses kids haven't gone through 4 years of Marxist conditioning, Trump has got them redpilled before they even need to be, some of these kids already see the answer to the JQ

Maybe my perspective is a bit bias at an all boy's school though

Packing fudge?

Unsurprisingly the few actual fags are in the theater club, I'm sure there's a few closeted homos in the school but the vast majority of us aren't fags, though that doesn't stop the nigger schools from calling our school gay at sports events

Boys would get nearly bashed to death for being homo. That shit never really happened.

We"ll have to see how this changes 7 years from now when Gen Z goes through college. I suspect blacks and browns will be at least as radicalized as Gen Y non-whites since the media wants to keep them pissed off so they vote.

But whites? Who knows, since we can't predict what the overton window will look like that far in the future. Left-wing academia will not moderate though.

Also because:

You know the secret language gays used to use in the UK? It came from theater. Homosexuals being prominent in fashion, art and theater is not a myth.

That is not surprising.
But usually the non homos put them in line at my school.

Believe me user, if it were'nt for the fact that beating the shit out of these kids would be more trouble than it's worth, it would have been done along time ago, I forgot to mention the club is filled by the few semites in the school "supporting" the sodomites, pretty much no one outside of these kids group of influence like them, they're a bunch of pretentious assholes that look down on anyone that is in anything less than an AP Honors College Prep course, they are unbearably annoying to be around, so they self segregate to maintain their safe space

I hope you use tor.

Junior here; nothing made me more racist than niggers chanting "Stump the trump" when they see me.

Can confirm, white raised in Africa here. In my most liberal moments I view blacks as a poor savage in need of civilization, and in my most conservative moments I view them as animals beyond salvation.

Unless there's some poll data I'm not aware of the best you can do is to find a group of males of similar age in an era without all this insanity and use that as the basis of a model. Otherwise my 2 cents on what gets people pozzed outside of a massive disruption of the endocrine system is this:
To get pozzed you need to have a certain level of self investment in the system and to keep close contact with people (friends, mentors etc.) that are in some way already pozzed.

I think it's the required (((humanities))) classes in college that are doing the most damage and it's why non-college educated whites are more right-wing on average.

So chances are we"ll see at least some white highschoolers become pozzed. The question is the extent. They could end up less pozzed, roughly the same or worse. I think a small part of this will depend on what the overton window will look like.

Higher education is for indoctrination into the country's ruling ideology, for the education of the ruling elite, everywhere.
If you neglect this, under influence of dishonest ideas of "freedom" or "marketplace of ideas", you cede the raising of your elite to someone else.


Especially considering they're less white. Which means that at least for now, the white highschoolers are significantly more right-wing than whites in their 20s-early 30s.

Hopefully we could get Trump to attack colleges.

He's already doing

Need to do college too.

Exactly this

You're right, it's a specific attack vector undertaken in an environment in which most people have an implicit trust in the teachers. You have to be able to suspend your skepticism when being taught in order to be indoctrinated by a class like that.

You got that right :^)

I'm going to try to break down what this all means because I honestly don't think this poll isn't any recent to start being complacent.

Gen Z memes
This is the same generation that passes around "Jet Full Can't Melt Steel Beams" and "Bush did 9/11 memes" on social media.

These memes are important in looking into the minds of these kids. Not only does the meme itself stem from the 9/11 truther movement (which is nuts considering the Truther movement was considered tin-foil as fuck only a decade ago), but it's a testament that because these kids didn't live through the 9/11 propaganda era (they were literally babies) they are essentially immune to that era's establishment propaganda. Millennials and older or not because they lived through it and remember the entire ordeal very well.

Being conservative is the new edge
Teenagers are edgy and go through a cute rebellion stage. I've been saying this for a while now, if the establishment is liberal, your parents are liberal, and your schools are liberal then the natural course of rebellion will be to swing the opposite direction. This means that being a Christian conservative in a blue state might be the new edge. Lol who needs Marilyn Manson? Who needs heroin using Kurt Cobain? Who needs Ru Paul? These figures and those like it are literally the establishment agenda now.

Trump as an edglord
Trump is an edgelord to these kids and they probably like him for the same reason most adults like him: He is ant-establishment and isn't afraid to BTFO anyone in his path.

The real question is when their edginess wears off and they come into adulthood, will the anti-establishment sentiment stick?

Establishment response
Wrong. The media is shifting into the online space and there is nothing we can do about it. Sure, the CNN and MSNBC's of the world are fucked. But I honestly believe that sites like Youtube and Faceberg are the new media giants. We already know they are pozzed and I can only expect them to get more pozzed in the future.

You can clearly see how dangerous this is once you break down their algorithms that divide segments of the userbase. You could be on Youtube right now and think that everyone is on your side… when in reality the algorithm is displaying some comments and hiding others. Same with Facebook algorithms which hide certain posts and promote others. These websites create safe space hugboxes and keep people divided. Ideas do not spread as far and wide on these platforms as much as people think. And this is only the beginning of such censorship to divide groups of people and keep them and their ideas contained.

Outside of chans there is very little free speach. There is less free exchange of ideas then 15 years ago. And it's only going to get worse as the old giants of the MSM die out and point their money/influence at the digital space. This is super duper spooky once you realize, unlike TV, media on the online space has the ability to collect very specific user/demo information based on your Social media profiles and web history. They now know you far better than they ever did before and will use that knowledge against you.

I also forgot to add that in North America only half of Gen Z is non-hispanic White. I shouldn't have to spell out what that means to any of you.

The part about diversity not fucking over the GOP is the bullshit part, since even the article says blacks and hispanics are still strongly democrat.

The part about Gen Z as a whole being more right-wing is not bullshit.

Is there anything on the racial breakdown by age-group? If there is we can figure out how much more right-wing white highschool-age Gen Z-ers are compared to Gen Y-ers (who are in their 20s-early 30s).

I found this. So how much more right-wing are white highschoolers than our generation?


Found this.

In my own informal polling, heard some 15 year old kids making fun of anti racism, and this is a leftist area.

What (((humanities))) classes? You mean (((gen eds)))?

Yeah they're all POZ'd as fuck. I remember I picked philosophy and had to put more work into it than some of my real classes just to avoid the other blatant indoctrination courses.

I just want to get my STEM.

We will need them to fill the RWDS numbers. The coming civil war is between millennials.

So I guess the left will do a 180 and now claim it's bad that young people get to vote equal to the "enlightened and experienced" elder generation?
Because when it came to the whole Occupy Wall Street and alike, you had marxists being frustrated being equal to a boomer in terms of "distributing wealth" and voting.

These graphs don't even come close to conveying how bad things are. My sons are outnumbered 2-1.

If we didn't have feminism, our age pyramid would look similar.

Trump has a lot of deporting to do.

At most universities you usually have to take a few things like sociology and/or [X] Studies as well, which are more pozzed than things like English or Philosophy.

I was already fairly redpilled in high-school. (((Humanities))) courses had no effect on me. I feel that most millenials became leftists as a reaction against Bush and the neocohens. Also while anti-white propaganda was bad a decade ago it has become more extremist to the point where it doesn't matter if your a white libshit or redpilled.

I've been trying to get my parents, especially my mom, away from the mainstream news for years. I have been somewhat successful. Mostly because they know how shitty CNN is.

It's not any of this. It's because SJWs have over-reached to the point of alienating anyone younger to them. Same thing happened with Generation X with their Bible Thumping parents. This is good news, but if you think these people are going to start praising Hitler, you're a retarded autist. This is part of the reason why autists here going after people like Milo is stupid, because people like Milo or Sargon or whatever are the kind of people these kids will listen to. If you think you can just start on them with Jew bashing, you're nuts.


This is cuckchan copypasta tier lad. You sound like Gavin McInnes.

And those guys are 25 years in the past. The kids you're trying to reach don't even know who they fucking are.

No, the establishment MSM is getting shit on 24/7 and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>And it's only going to get worse as the old giants of the MSM die out and point their money/influence at the digital space.

They are being laughed at as dinosaurs.

Yeah, if I watch a cat video then ten others pop up. Nobody is fooled by this.

They can fuck right off.

Fuck your strawman nigger. You are correct about SJWs passing the point of no return, I'll give you that. However, nowhere did I say that I thought people were opening going to start throwing Roman salutes and talking about Uncle Adolph, so quit your bullshit. Additionally in regards to that nigger loving faggot kike Milo and Sarcuck of Mossad, fuck those degenerate pieces of shit. What does it matter if people go after them? They are scum anyways. Faggots and cucks should be treated with disdain, they are enemies.

In short, gas yourself post haste.

The Humanities need to be reclaimed, and treated as an actual discipline again, rather than an opportunity for marxist circle-jerking.

6 year old graph, even worse now.

Come on, man. You can't transition smoothly from 'good goy supporting diversity' to 'the jews did this' in a single step. You've gotta slide down the slope of debunking each individual cultural marxist position (read; sarcuck and friends) at which point they're open-minded enough to pose the JQ.

It's seems that there is still hope for the Generation Z then.

"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." - Adolf Hitler.

No shit Dick Tracey, where did I claim otherwise? I cannot wait for this election to be done so you fucking halfchan niggers fuck off back to where you came from.

He's gone on rants about trade and technical schools. Get better informed.

A lot of Generation Z queers are sympathetic to alt right shit. You're going to blow the entire thing up with your circular firing squad. The SJWs are past the point of no return, but these kids aren't going to start wanting to crack skulls of everyone you classify as a degenerate based on label. Like it or not, you have to compromise. Trump is a compromise, you ignorant nigger. He doesn't hate gays and no one here cares. The best you can hope for is to show gay kids that it's dumb to act like whiny attention whores so they can actually contribute to society without making eveyrthing about them.

>tfw my generation isn't cucked


That chart does not make any sense. under 5 was less than 50% just in 2016.

That has them at like 25% when you add black and asian.

Generation Z confirmed for the uncucked generation. They already hate SJWs to hell.

Millennials are essentially carbon copies of their boomer parents. The are both The Worst Generation Ever.

Trump all day, Trump every day.
t. Gen. Z

This makes me really depressed that my generation and upbringing was so pozzed. If only I were a bit younger I could have turned out so much better. Sage for blogpost.

I feel similarly. I used to be jealous of older people for not being able to live in a time before the leftist takeover. Now the kids are going to be the ones to change things back and I'm going to be too old to enjoy it for myself.

also we knew this was coming a few months ago.

Nah. Maybe 90% of the pro-trump people are non-hispanic white. You still have a tiny, but enough pro-trump non-whites that it's not 100%.

I have hope for the younger generation. They're going to push us over the edge and us moving in the direction we need to. I'm in my mid twenties. My girlfriend's little sister (15) is extremely bright and receptive. I have her on board with nationalism and pride in one's people. Girlfriend and I give her all of our old political and philosophical literature and she really seems to get a lot out of it. I hope there's more like her that will be voting in the next few years. In the meantime it's our job to guide them in the right direction. Love your siblings and push for the best for them.

Pic related. Girlfriend's sister made this back during the primaries.

Of course, gen Z are the kids of the gen Xers and the gen Xers have been fucked by the jew thrice now, when they were kids during the oil crisis, during the dot com crash when they were coming out of college and entering their careers, and in 2008 when they were raising their children.


Born in 1992 can confirm will be voting for the God Emperor, Deus Vult.

You're a millennial fam

It means kids have a lot more red pilled parents than people assumed.

It will be the job of Y to make sure Z go fill NatSoc. Y will inherit the reigns long enough to make the next Hitler possible. Our window will be small, but we are far from lost.

I'm pretty sure gen Z is 1995 onward.

You're a bit too old to be in generation Z m8.

Pretty much. There aren't really exact dates, but informally you could say the children old enough to remember what life was like before 9/11 are generation Y, children that weren't old enough to remember 9/11 or born slightly after it are generation Z.

Which also makes me wonder who bothered to take this poll considering most of generation Z isn't even old enough to vote.

Don't want to be a sadfag, but it makes a man feel superfluous. Mid-late 20s and haven't even moved out yet because I was a complete runt until I started improving myself a couple years ago. Is there even a place for someone like me? I've got one foot out the door now, but why bother when the world is doing just fine without me? All I bring with me are burdens and sorrows.

Dems are probably wondering if they need to brainwash more kids to prevent Don getting his second term.

feels bad man

We still have a role to play, it's just going to be hard being members of a transitional generation.

Likely done so universities, companies, politicians and the like can figure out how to get into their heads to convert them over to their camp. In other words, Gen X and Y, those of the uncucked, must perform counter programing until they can vote.

He who controls the memes, controls reality
I'm not even fucking kidding at this point considering how at this point memes are either massive confirmation bias viral ideas or actual fucking reality manipulation

Your thoughts shape reality, user.

I fucking hate those kike generation labels, back when I was a kid, I used to be called Gen Y. Now, I'm put with retards who are considered millennials, yet have no memory of life before 9/11. I do know white underaged faggots currently will lash out even if the indoctrination is pro sub-humans. They know they are getting fucked over and they could have got 100x better 100 years ago. I wonder if they'll blame Gen. X for it. I mean every generations since the greatest goyim one got more and more fucked for different reasons.

Greatest goyim generation got manipulated to fight for ZOG. Boomers rebelled against what WW2 fighters learned once they got back and got influenced by commies and flower power degeneracy, Gen X were "experimented" on by the past generation and became ultra individualists. Gen Y hated the selfishness of their parents and were manipulated (again new version of kike experimentation) in school towards uniting with shitskins the childless boomers imported as cheap labor. Next generation (Z) has to live in multiculti hellhole perpetuated by Gen X and praised by Gen Y, currently rebels against that.

This must be read as what the mainstream of each generation, no matter what is called culture/counterculture of each was.

You're one of the retarded millennials, don't worry its the right generation.

I was born in 1990. I do remember how my country's culture was before it got stuck in multicultural shit and drowned in Judeo-American garbage that surfaced like cancer in 2001.

no you don't you fucking retard, not even my grandmother remembers that

Here's the sause, user:


I don't see why the jewconomist would lie about this. That chart red pilled me hard a few years ago, when I realized my sons were outnumbered by beans 2-1, assuming no new immigration.

I assume other sources that paint a less dire scenario are lying to keep whites in the dark about what's happening long enough to get past the tipping point. Trying not to be black pilled about it.

See y'all in rahowa.

I'm not a burger, yes I do remember. For fuck's sake. Before the 00s, the national kid's network was filled with national programming with real life actors. There were almost no cartoons, other that the rare claymation/cartoon created nationally. The kid channel used to be teen oriented between 7 and 10 PM and closed between 10PM and 6AM. Regular networks were nationalized, having almost full local programming.

No translated American bullshit was on the major channels. the only way you had access to them was by paying extra and have extended cable. Now there are about 25% of basic cable TV that aren't translated Amerikike shit TV and everything for kids are cartoons. Half of what is locally made, is actually American concepts which rights have been bought by the local network. they usually are game shows which uses local comedians and locals to crate an episode. Most of the other half is news channels.


Now if only we can figure out how to cut the cord for good this time once it swings to the right place.

In other jews

Experts agree: White identity politics is on the rise, and it’s driven by diversity and expressed through Donald Trump. That’s what a study by two psychology academics found

Here's a very interesting quote as well

This prediction gains credence from work by political scientist Ryan Enos, who finds that everyday exposure to Latinos can increase support for restrictive immigration policies.

Why do white people who actually have to live around non-whites always end up the most racist? It just doesn't make sense.



It's almost like the new generation is a band of intrepid Z-Warriors out to save the universe from total destruction.


I fucking hate mexicans so much.



8/8, Alex Jones man, I miss when he was the only one on his radio. Best voice ever

It's funny, in my city it's seriously exactly like that comic showing the only people who support diversity are in rich homogeneous neighborhoods.

I grew up poor and found racial consciousness honestly then Holla Forums just showed me that my racism had a factual root.

In the Halls of the Filter King

This is the third time I've read this line, and I giggle every time I see the attempts to sterilize what they really mean.

You know, they dont even talk about niggers.

Nobody needs to be told.

Small problem. My friend's brother (and his friends who are all about 20 by now) think they're nothing but memes. Once right after we made various 9/11 jokes they talked about how people could possibly think Sandy Hook was faked. (I did mention to him about faked news footage and the man who faked crying on camera some time ago, but he might have forgotten.) Saying "Jet Full Can't Melt Steel Beams", but believing there was more to 9/11 than the news would tell us is another thing. This can't be just them. I think you'll find something similar among other people who spread said memes.

It's hilarious that they've given up on pretending diversity is desirable completely and doubled down on the punishment and inevitable angles.

t. (((Moderate)))

Yes, it's true that you do not and can not start a closet Marxist on the path to the "redpill" with Jew-bashing, "The Holocaust never happened, but it should have" type rhetoric. All you will accomplish with that approach is set off psychological triggers that will compel them to ignore and even build up resistance to the rhetoric.

That doesn't mean that it logically follows that from the situation where you need to moderate yourself, that you need to become an ideological cuckold and create future problems down the line by sending people off to catty gay Jews and LARPing lefties that will train them perhaps to identify the symptoms, but never the disease. Sending people to MILO and Sargon of Cuckkad simply creates another mountain for them to summit, where they might begin understand the race problem (or not at all if they go to Sargon) but then have to contend with reinforced anti-Nazi, anti-Nationalist, and pro-Jewish propaganda that will somehow have to conquer themselves to reach National Socialism.

Academia is always left wing because of muh grants. They're like wellfare babies who actually do produce something.

Daily reminder purple pill e-celebs are literally babby's first stepping stone to becoming a shitlord.

no, millennials have always sucked

t. millennial

i have suspected and suggested this will happen for quite a while; the pendulum swings both ways.

so far as the pendulum swings left, so too will it swing back right.

personally, i can't wait to marry a nazi-loving gen z qt3.14 who hate degeneracy as much as i do


ex is a retarded liberal from europe, i on the other hand have lived with and dealt with niggers and spicks my entire life and i relish in the idea of shipping them all back to africa and mexico OR THE OVENS

Fucking. This.

Sauce on that music?

Despite being a millennial (and I imagine most of us are) we'll be remembered as the worst generation.

Pat Buchanan predicted this, boomers (and those even older) can remember when America was great… and remember the scourge of communism. Gen Z is living in a time when it's clear America is no longer great and things are only going to get worse in the coming years.

Millennial were politically conscious after the fall of the gommies, so a lot of them don't really think they were that bad (and the biggest boogieman of our times was George W. Bush)… this means that millennials are especially vulnerable to the cultural marxist propaganda.

I've visited Holla Forums since I was 13

>tfw 15


Trump has the Zombie vote wrapped up.

We're pretty much the generation that built up all the platform of memery and online community that is getting the right so much support online these days. I mean shit son these memes didn't come from faggy gen-x or from gen-z, they came from us, gen-y.

You don't really need to spoiler that info friendo.
Unlike 4cuck, 8ch doesn't have an explicit "18+" rule and "underage faggot, get out" losers are 4cuck niggers that should get out.

Ignore these posts I found it if anyone is interested

Mute Angels - Hammock

Bull fucking shit, I know of young teenagers that found their way to 4cuck/pol/ and now constantly make jew jokes, drool over third reich tech, and ironically say "hitler did nothing wrong". At this point, it only takes one momment of clarity, one important conversation or eye opening momment for them to become permanently redpilled. And the thing about the millenial generation is that they ALL use some form of group chat app, so once one of them converts to our side, they'll happily spread our memes to all their friends.

Nobody will EVER care about a gay jew that sucks nigger cock, or whiny anti-feminist, when actual national socialists are the ones making the funniest memes and the edgiest jokes.

I want off this wild ride

Same for me.
living the dream in central jersey

He's said shit about how colleges need to be responsible for half of a student's debt if they fail to find a job.

moar liek generation Zeon amirite